How to clean a cast iron gas stove grate. Simple ways to clean the grate of a gas stove - Irzeis How to quickly clean a gas grate

It is a very troublesome task that requires a lot of time and effort. Therefore, housewives put off treating the rods until the last minute, until a large layer of dirt and old fat. To clean the grate on a gas stove at home, you need to determine the material from which the structure was made and select the best methods for removing carbon deposits. Useful means at hand will help you get rid of dirt - ammonia, soda, vinegar, soap.

Heating is the most effective way to remove old grease from cast iron surfaces. This manipulation can be performed over an open fire or using blowtorch. It is necessary to ignite the grate until the remaining fat burns. Then the cast iron surface is cleaned with a damp sponge and wiped dry.

You can clean this material to its original appearance using an electric drill and a special attachment for grinding metal surfaces.

You can wash off a thick layer of dirt using a steam generator. If there is no such device, an oven and ordinary boiled water will help.

Oven and boiling water

You need to perform the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Set maximum temperature regime in the oven and wait until it warms up.
  2. Take a large baking tray and pour boiling water into it.
  3. Place a gas grill on top of it. The structure should not come into contact with water.
  4. Place the baking sheet in the oven and wait about half an hour.
  5. Old grease will easily come off the cast-iron grate under the influence of hot steam; all you have to do is wait for the structure to cool completely and wipe it with a hard sponge.

Using a car engine cleaner can effectively remove carbon deposits and maintain the integrity of the cast iron product.

Cleaning enamel structures

It will be faster and easier to clean enamel parts if you first soak the structure overnight in a vinegar or soda solution.

Most quick way To remove dirt from the enamel grill, place it in the dishwasher. The unit will easily cope with the removal of carbon deposits, after which the structure will be like new.


You need to apply ammonia to the entire surface of the grate, put the structure in a bag, tie it tightly and leave for several hours. Then rinse the enamel part under running water and dry.

In case of heavy contamination, the rods should be left overnight under the influence of ammonia.


Cleaning with baking soda paste is the most popular and very effective method. It is necessary to dilute sodium carbonate with water until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, so that the consistency resembles thick sour cream, and apply the product to the rods. You should leave it for several hours and then rinse the enamel product. big amount water and wipe with a dry cloth.

You can replace soda with mustard and do similar manipulations.

Soap solution

Soap shavings or dish detergent will do. Need to dial hot water into a large basin, add shavings there and soak the grate from the gas surface overnight in a soap solution.

In the morning, you should wipe off the soaked dirt with a sponge and dry the rods.

Steel products

When cleaning steel products, you can use abrasive products.

Sand, soda, mustard and acidic substances will help remove stubborn dirt.

Glue and washing powder

You can achieve the perfect shine of a steel product using a glue solution, washing powder and soda. To do this you need:

  • Mix 2 tbsp. l. hand washing powder, 50 g PVA glue and 3 tbsp. l. baking soda.
  • Apply the resulting composition to the steel rods and leave until completely dry.
  • Remove dirt by wiping the grille with a hard sponge.

In order not to waste energy and time on, you need to process gas surface and the grate with a damp cloth after each cooking.

Be sure to wipe the products dry, as excess moisture contributes to the formation of a greasy layer.

Clean the grates depending on the material. Steel and enamel structures can be washed in the dishwasher with special and household solutions. It is better not to clean enamel with abrasives (soda, sand), steel wool or brushes. Cleaning with a melamine sponge is allowed. Cast iron rods do not tolerate well high humidity and physical impact, but are resistant to calcination.

Among finished products choose liquids and sprays for the stove: Selena, Sanitol, “Lime Antifat”, Gold Unicum, Sanita “Antifat” gel, Reinex, Cif, Super Sanitar, Synergetic, “Shumanit”. Suitable household substances include soda, salt, dry mustard, vinegar solution, soap, and ammonia. Use steam and boiling water to remove the greasy layer. Make sure that dirt does not accumulate, then you won’t have to clean the structures for a long time.

If you don't wash the grates regularly, a layer of grease and soot accumulates on them. It is problematic to wash the surface of old dirt. Pre-soaking in combination with chemical and physical action is often required. Let's take a closer look at how to clean the grill gas stove.

What is the difficulty of cleaning the grates from a gas stove?

Removable structures do not fit into the sink, cast iron ones are too heavy, and stationary ones are difficult to rinse from below.

However, these problems are completely solvable. It is more difficult to clean the surface from burnt fat or carbon deposits.

Constantly being heated over a fire, stuck pieces of food lose moisture and literally eat into the surface. “Unsticking” a strong film of dirt becomes problematic. In addition, dust sticks to the sticky layer, making the situation worse. That is why you need to wipe not only the stove, but also the grate after each cooking, as well.

Preparing for cleaning

First, find out what the rods are made of. Then select a suitable substance and prepare latex gloves, sponges, rags, brushes.

The choice of cleaning method depends on the design. If the bars are removed, things will go easier and faster. Inspect the grille and remove rubber and plastic parts to avoid damaging them during cleaning. Soak the structure with the cleaning agent in a suitable container.

It is more difficult to wash the bonded hob design. You won't be able to soak it. You will have to clean the grate directly on the stove. For convenience, use different brushes to reach all corners. Place foil or oilcloth under the structure so as not to stain the surface of the stove during cleaning. Be sure to turn off the gas before cleaning.

Features of cleaning grates made of different materials

Select substances according to the material. They make cast iron, steel and enameled structures. Each material has its own characteristics.

Cast iron grate

Cast iron is a heavy alloy that can withstand high temperatures, but is susceptible to excess moisture. Cast iron grates can be calcined over an open fire, but it is not advisable to scrape them with hard brushes and metal objects. Try not to hit the material. More dirt sticks to chips and scratches, which means the grille will get dirty faster.

Enameled steel grille

The top grate, covered with enamel, is cleaned carefully, being careful not to scratch or hit the surface. The enamel chips easily, leaving unprotected gaps on the surface. Clean the enamel grill with a mixture of mustard and vinegar solution and soap.

Stainless steel grill

Stainless steel rods withstand the effects of abrasives, acids and water. The steel grate can be washed in the dishwasher. Carbon deposits are removed with sand, soda, and steel wool. Fat can be removed with any liquid containing acid.

Ready-made degreasing products

Buy household chemicals specifically designed for the oven. Read the label carefully to determine which material the substance is suitable for. The table shows sprays for cleaning gas stoves from grease.

Table 1. Ready-made liquids for gratings

Name Manufacturer Volume, ml price, rub.
Selena Russia 500 110
Sanitol Russia 250 60
"Lyme Anti-Fat" Russia 500 120
Gold Unicum Russia 500 165
Sanita gel Anti-grease Russia 500 75
Reinex Germany 750 270
Cif Hungary 750 150
Super Sanitar Russia 500 65
Synergetic Russia 500 250
"Shumanit" Israel 500 450

Important . Use substances strictly according to instructions. Be sure to wear gloves and ventilate the area while working.

Thermal ways to clean the grate

Using high temperatures, carbon deposits and grease are removed. The choice of method depends on the grating material.

Steam method to clean the grate of a gas stove

Hot steam is applicable to any material.

Use a steam cleaner effectively. The tool will be able to remove grease and carbon deposits from the grate and the surface of the stove. Use a round brush head. Set to 140°C.

If there is no steam generator, use the oven:

  1. Place a deep baking tray on the bottom of the oven.
  2. Pour water into it.
  3. Place a wire rack on top or place it in water.
  4. Turn on the oven at 200°C and leave for 10–15 minutes.
  5. Turn off and leave to cool.
  6. Remove the grate and wipe with a sponge.

Heating the grate to clean carbon deposits

To clean the cast iron grate of the stove from carbon deposits, use an open flame. It's better to make a fire in the country house. Put on a work mitt and grasp the grill by the edge. Hold it over the flames on one side and the other to burn upper layer soot. Wipe off any remaining residue with a sponge and dishwashing gel. Rinse cold water and wipe dry.

If you take precautions, heat the metal rods over a gas burner. Do not create a draft in the kitchen. If possible, turn on the hood.

Boiling water to remove dirt, grease, carbon deposits

Try cleaning the steel grate by soaking it in boiling water.

Soaking is long, but current method cleaning

Fill your basin or bathtub hot water and immerse the structures so that the liquid completely covers the surface. Add any detergent - liquid soap, dish gel, soda, vinegar solution, citric acid. Leave until completely cool. Rub with a brush or foam sponge and rinse.

Dishwasher on high temperature

Steel and enamel grills can be washed in the dishwasher. At high temperatures and humidity, cast iron rods will become more brittle. Remove additional non-metallic elements from the bars and place the grid in the storage compartment. dirty dishes. Run the cycle at high temperature, and then check how clean the surfaces are. If carbon deposits remain, repeat washing. After the procedure, be sure to wipe the grill dry.

Mechanical removal of carbon deposits from the grate

Big problem represents soot that is formed due to stuck pieces of food. If you do not wash the stove immediately after cooking, the adhering dirt hardens and burns tightly during the next cooking.

Sandpaper, knife: pros, cons

Scrape off heavily burnt fat from the grate with a knife, steel wool or sandpaper. Use the edge of a knife to pick up any large pieces of dirt that have stuck on. Add a drop of dish gel and rub with sandpaper or a washcloth until the deposits are completely gone. Rinse and wipe dry.

The method is applicable only to steel rods. Handle the cast iron surface with care: the material is too fragile and is quickly damaged by mechanical stress. Sandpaper will leave marks on the enamel deep scratches, which will spoil the appearance and make the grille more vulnerable to dirt.

Melamine sponge

Foamed plastic removes dirt and grease without the use of soap or cleaning gel. Moisten with water and rub dirty areas until foam forms. Rinse with water and wipe dry.

Hard brushes

Stiff toothbrushes work well for cleaning heavily soiled areas. Wet the brush in water and dip it in soda, mustard powder, salt or dish gel. Rub the dirty areas and leave for a while, then rinse and wipe dry.

Effective ways to clean grates using home remedies

To clean grease from rods, use homemade recipes. Solutions and mixtures can destroy greasy deposits without damaging the surface. Most substances are suitable for cleaning any material.

Cleaning with baking soda

An effective way to clean steel and cast iron rods. It is not advisable to clean enamel, since soda is a fine abrasive that leaves scratches. Prepare the mixture:

  1. Add some water to baking soda to form a paste.
  2. Distribute over surfaces.
  3. Leave for half an hour.
  4. Rub with a brush and rinse under warm water.

For best result Mix hydrogen peroxide with powder to form a paste. Apply the mixture to dirty areas and rub lightly. Rinse under running water.

To distribute the baking soda evenly, place it in a durable bag. Pour some water, insert the structure inside and tie it. Shake to distribute the mixture and leave for three hours. During this time, shake the bag periodically. Remove and rinse.

Cleaning with soapy water

The simplest and cheap way wash the grate from the stove.

Prepare the gel:

  1. Grate half the bar laundry soap on a grater.
  2. Mix the shavings with hot water to make a paste.
  3. Apply the mixture and leave overnight.
  4. In the morning, scrub with a brush and rinse.

Using Vinegar

Vinegar will help you quickly clean a grate made of any material:

  1. Fill the bathtub with hot water.
  2. Add half a glass of vinegar solution.
  3. Immerse the structure and leave it overnight.
  4. Drain the water the next day
  5. Scrub and rinse the rods.

Mustard will enhance the effect:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of vinegar solution into 100 g of mustard powder.
  2. Add some dishwashing liquid.
  3. Stir and apply the mixture to the rods.
  4. Leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Rub with the rough side of the sponge and rinse.

Combine with soda:

  1. Dissolve 100 g of soda in a bowl of water.
  2. Pour in half a glass of vinegar solution.
  3. Place a wire rack and leave for two hours.
  4. Remove and rinse.

Advice . You can soak not only with a vinegar solution. Add mustard, soda or dish gel.

Cleaning with ammonia

To clean any material, prepare a mixture of powder and ammonia:

  1. Mix half a glass of washing powder with a teaspoon of ammonia.
  2. Pour in hot water to form a solution.
  3. Dip a sponge in the liquid and wipe the dirty areas.
  4. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse.
  5. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.

Don't forget to wear rubber gloves. Instead of washing powder, put laundry soap, grated on a fine grater.

Cleaning with salt

Prepare a salt solution and clean any surface:

  1. Dissolve two tablespoons of salt in 500 ml of water.
  2. Dampen the sponge and wipe the rods thoroughly.
  3. Without rinsing, leave it overnight.
  4. In the morning, wipe with a damp cloth and wipe dry.

Remove any remaining dirt with the following mixture:

  1. Combine 25 g of soap shavings with 20 g of soda ash.
  2. Add 50 ml of vinegar solution.
  3. Stir and wait for the reaction to complete.
  4. Lubricate dirty areas and leave for a couple of hours.
  5. Rub and rinse.

Caring for the grate on a gas stove

To avoid scrubbing a layer of dirt off the grates at home, follow the care recommendations:

  1. Cover the hot frying pan with oil with a mesh or lid.
  2. Monitor food preparation: do not allow milk or soup to “run off”.
  3. Without waiting for it to cool down, wipe the structures after cooking.
  4. Wipe the washed structure dry.

Monitor the condition of the grate and try not to run the surface of the rods. Keep detergent and a sponge on hand to quickly remove any dirt that appears.

For more information, watch the video:

Larisa, February 4, 2019.

Over time, burnt and ingrained plaque accumulates on the grill. It is not easy to return the rods to cleanliness, but there are many methods of dealing with contamination. To clean the grate of a gas stove without damaging the surface, determine what material it is made of. And for effective and quick cleaning, choose suitable remedy depending on the degree of contamination.

Types of gas stove grates

The material is important when choosing a grate, since it is subject to double load, exposure to high temperatures from below, and the weight of the dishes from above.

The choice of cleaning method directly depends on the material of this part of the plate.

Made of cast iron

Cast iron products are considered the most reliable and durable, since it is a metal that better than others can withstand prolonged heating, heavy loads, and does not deform or burn through.

Cast iron rods can be identified by their impressive weight.

Enameled metal

Enameled metal is suitable when the stove is used rarely and not systematically. Despite its attractive appearance, enamel has two significant drawbacks: it burns out quickly and is susceptible to chipping and damage.

Parts made of enameled steel are characterized by a glossy sheen of the coating.

Stainless steel

Stainless steel rods are cheaper, lighter and more varied in shape than cast iron, but are inferior to them in strength and service life. Main disadvantage stainless steel – gradual deformation under the influence of high temperatures. After some time, such products lose their appearance.

Stainless steel differs from cast iron and enamel in its light color.

Causes of pollution

Before you can understand how to remove stains, you need to know how they form. During the cooking process, food and fat residues fall on the surface of the rods, burn to them and, over time, eat into the coating. The next time you use it, a new portion of fat gets onto the resulting plaque. Layer by layer, soot builds up and thickens, the fire evaporates all the moisture from the inside, forming solid scale. Such ingrained greasy deposits are difficult to remove.

Preparing to clean the grill

Before you begin cleaning, prepare the grate and ensure workplace necessary accessories.

Step 1: Make sure you have:

  • spacious container (basin, bathtub, sink, etc.);
  • hard (metal) brush;
  • foam sponge;
  • dry cloth.

Step 2: If the grate is removable, remove it from the stove. If there are plastic or rubber elements, they should be removed.

Step 3. Cover the work surface with newspapers or foil so as not to be damaged by crumbling soot particles.

Step 4: Use durable rubber gloves.

Soaking before cleaning

Initial soaking greatly facilitates the removal of old plaque. Dissolve in a bowl of hot water sufficient quantity dishwashing liquid and leave the product for several hours. Instead of detergent, baking soda is suitable; alkali will break down plaque well.

Soaking is not suitable for cast iron, since prolonged contact with water of this metal leads to rust. But enameled or stainless steel rods can be left in water overnight.

After the fat has soaked, the main stage follows - cleaning the dirt with a brush using folk or specialized products.

Universal folk remedies

Traditional methods have several advantages. They are always available in a store or pharmacy, are much cheaper than specialized ones, and, moreover, are not toxic to the body.

Below are effective, proven folk methods.


Wipe the coating with a damp sponge. Mix baking soda and water in a bowl until a paste forms. Cover the surface of the product thickly with the mixture and leave for 2-3 hours. After the soda dissolves the carbon deposits, use a stiff brush to remove any remaining dirt and rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to add crushed laundry soap or hydrogen peroxide to the mixture.


By treating the coating with a steam cleaner, you can clean the rods without using aggressive substances. Hot steam softens the layer of soot and fat, which is subsequently easily removed with a brush. The method is especially convenient for non-removable products.

If there is no steam generator, place it on the bottom of a heated oven pan, pour water into it and boil. Place the plate parts on top and leave for an hour. The steam from the boiling liquid will act like a steamer.

Boiling water

To get rid of fat deposits using boiling water, place the stove parts in a deep baking tray, add water to completely cover them, and place in a preheated oven. The water must boil for some time so that the layer of soot comes away from the metal.


It is not recommended to use ready-made dressing to break down carbon deposits. Dilute dry mustard powder with hot water to a paste consistency. Coat the coating with the resulting mixture, leave for 2-3 hours, then remove any remaining plaque with a stiff-bristled brush. Without damaging the metal, mustard will dissolve fatty deposits, which can be easily removed in the future.


Dilute vinegar essence with water 1:3. Place a wire rack on a baking sheet, pour in the resulting solution and leave for 3 hours. If the layer of greasy deposits is too thick, it is recommended to soak the product overnight, and be sure to take it out onto the balcony or outside.

Please note that when using vinegar, you must constantly ventilate the room, otherwise the caustic fumes may affect the respiratory tract.

Soap solution

The most common, simple and affordable way, but not entirely effective against old plaque - using a soap solution. It is recommended to combine it with other traditional methods to successfully clean the coating.

Stir a bar of crushed laundry soap or a strong detergent into hot water. The solution should be strong. Place the grate in the resulting liquid and leave to soak overnight, clean with a stiff brush the next morning.

Melamine sponge

The melamine sponge differs in price compared to other folk remedies, but is not inferior in efficiency and ease of use. Excellent for permanent grilles.

Wet the sponge, gently wring it out, and, pressing it to the surface, rub area by area. If the sponge becomes clogged with grease, rinse and continue cleaning. Finally, wipe the cleaned parts with a damp cloth.

Melamine is used without the use of additional detergents, as it will react with them.


One of the most effective folk methods is cleansing with ammonia. Place all parts tightly plastic bags, pour ammonia and tie securely. Leave for several hours, then from the outside, sliding along the surface of the cellophane, wipe the rods. The carbon deposits will come off easily.

Laundry soap and office glue

The following method is not quite ordinary, but is as effective as others traditional methods. Stationery glue contains a lot of soda, hence its useful qualities in the fight against soot and grease.

In an iron basin, combine crushed laundry soap and office glue (150 ml), mix thoroughly and put on fire. After boiling, dip the rods into the solution and boil for an hour. After the time has passed, quickly transfer the product to clean warm water and wash off any remaining plaque.

Silicate glue and washing powder

In a glass of warm water, dissolve 50 ml of silicate glue, 3 tbsp. soda and 1 tsp. washing powder, mix to a smooth paste and apply to the coating. Wrap in a plastic garbage bag and leave for an hour. Silicate glue reacts with soda, corroding carbon deposits, and with the help of powder it is easier to remove remaining dirt.


This method is ideal for enameled steel. Load the grate into the machine, add double the amount of detergent and turn on the PMM in normal mode. It is advisable to use soda tablets. After finishing the program, dry the cooker parts.

Specialized means

Specialized products are characterized by an aggressive chemical composition that quickly breaks down contaminants, but at the same time is toxic to the human body. Therefore, do not work without gloves and keep the kitchen always ventilated.

Special products for combating burnt fat deposits are divided into 3 groups.

  1. Gel (cream). Such grease removers quickly combat carbon deposits while being gentle on the coating. Suitable for all types of surfaces.
  2. Spray. The most convenient form of cleaner to use. May contain substances hazardous to cast iron or enamel, so you should read the instructions before purchasing.
  3. Powder. Similar to home methods, specialized powders are diluted with water to a paste and applied in a thick layer to the coating.

Mechanical cleaning

Stubborn plaque can be removed by mechanical cleaning. This method is only suitable for stainless steel; if you try to scrape cast iron or enamel with a metal brush, the coating may break off along with carbon deposits.

Wet the rods, scrape off the carbon deposits with a stiff brush, periodically rinsing the brush to remove accumulated grease.

There is one proven folk trick. Buy a medium-hard metal brush attachment for a drill from the store, insert it into the tool and walk along the rods. Cleaning them this way will be much faster and more efficient.


This simple and economical method is ideal for cast iron, as it does not damage the top layer of coating. The disadvantage of this method is the difficulty of carrying it out in an apartment.

Heat the grate over an open fire, turning it over periodically, until all the plaque falls off and burns out. Then rinse and leave to cool naturally.

Subtleties of cleaning depending on the grate material

All methods are effective in the fight against stubborn grease and soot, but not all are universal for different surfaces.

Cast iron

It is not advisable to subject a cast iron product to rough processing and cannot be washed in the dishwasher. Harsh mechanical impact will damage the coating, and when washed in PMM, under the influence of hot steam, the top layer of metal is destroyed, which will soon lead to corrosion.

The soaking method is also not suitable for cast iron. The best way cleansing - calcination.

Enameled steel

Enamel does not tolerate rough scraping with metal brushes, a knife or other hard objects. Such methods damage the surface, causing chips and scratches. All other methods can be used safely, but the most suitable is washing in the dishwasher.

Stainless steel

Stainless steel products are the most unpretentious; they can be safely cleaned with caustic detergents, scrubbed with a wire brush, and soaked. Even if scratches remain after cleaning, they will not affect the further operation and service life of the product.

How to prevent pollution

To prevent the appearance of ingrained greasy deposits, it is enough to wipe the rods with a sponge and detergent after each use of the stove. Periodically wash the product under the tap with soapy water.

Besides, there is one secret. Apply special protective composition. Mix baking soda and office glue into a thick paste, add a handful of laundry detergent and apply to the surface. After drying, the mixture will become transparent, and the next time you wash it, sliding over the surface, it will be easily washed off with water, easily removing dirt.

  • a sharp temperature change is destructive to metal, so you should not soak a part that has not cooled down in cold water;
  • when using traditional methods, mix the substances with liquid until a thick paste is formed;
  • specialized store products choose the one with the inscription “Anti-fat”;
  • car engine cleaner reduces the service life of the rods by destroying the coating;
  • If there is a pungent odor coming from the cleaning substance, be sure to ventilate the room;
  • Dry the cleaned grate and only then use it.

In order to properly clean the grate, it is necessary to analyze what material it is made of. The correctness of daily care also depends on this.

Cast iron

Despite the fact that cast iron cookware continues to be very popular among many women, this material is considered difficult to care for and clean. Therefore, before cleaning the cast iron grate of a gas stove, it is necessary to take into account the care features of this material. For example, trying to remove carbon deposits with a knife or any other sharp object is highly discouraged, as you can damage the material itself. Effective way Cleaning cast iron rods is done by heating. This procedure can be done over burners, over a fire, or using a blowtorch. The remaining fat is heated over a fire until it burns and its dry remains can be easily cleaned off. Contaminants are removed very well by mechanical action. Using metal brushes and an electric drill, clean cast iron grates until they shine.

Cast iron grate


To maintain the neat appearance of enameled gas stoves, you need to find out how to clean the grate of an enamel gas stove? Here is a fairly large list of means and methods by which you can restore the attractiveness of your stove.

Unlike cast iron, enamel tolerates cleaning well in the dishwasher. All anti-slip and rubber elements are first removed, after which everything is ready for washing. It is placed in the dirty dishes department, with a little more than regular detergent.

Enameled grille

For enameled surfaces, the incandescent method is also acceptable, and scraping off fat with a sharp object is not recommended, since there is a high probability of damaging the coating and leaving scratches. It will help you deal with dirt perfectly. To do this, rub the wet grate vigorously with dry mustard powder and leave in this state for several hours. After this, it is rinsed with clean water and dried well. For similar purposes, you can use soda or vinegar, which are also very effective in fighting fat.


Steel rods on a gas stove look very stylish and modern. And what a shame it is when such beauty is hidden under a layer of fat and soot. Fortunately, steel elements are very resistant to various strong detergents. To prevent damage to other surfaces during cleaning, it is usually carried out in a plastic container suitable size. Apply the cleaner evenly to the grate and leave it for 12 hours or overnight. In the morning, it is thoroughly washed under running water so that no traces of dirt or cleaning agent remain.

Steel grating

Conventionally, all methods by which contaminants are removed are divided into the following types: cleaning using household appliances, manually with soaking and manually without soaking. Each has its own advantages and is also applicable to a specific material.

How to clean the grate on a gas stove at home using household appliances

A steam generator and a dishwasher are especially effective helpers in the fight against greasy deposits.

If the grease is not old, the dishwasher will do its job perfectly. If carbon deposits have formed for a long time, one wash cycle may not be enough and you will have to use a stiff brush to achieve perfect result. When using a steam generator, you should use an attachment in the form of a hard round brush.

If the fat is not old, the dishwasher will do its job perfectly.

Cleaning with soaking

Although steam generators dishwashers have become common household appliances; they are not available in every home. In this case, cleaning is, of course, done manually. To make this process more gentle and easier, rods and other removable elements to be cleaned are pre-soaked in a detergent solution. For this purpose, a gel, liquid or concentrate for caring for kitchen surfaces is suitable.

It is recommended to soak in a basin of a suitable size, and not in the bathroom. This is done in order, firstly, not to spoil the coating of the bathtub (in the case of using aggressive detergents), and secondly, after washing the grates, do not start washing the bathtub into which the greasy deposit has been removed. After a couple of hours, use a stiff brush to clean off the adhering layer of fat.

How to clean the grate on a gas stove without soaking

Not wanting to test the resistance of the bathtub coating to various cleaning solutions, many housewives act in the following sequence:

  1. Wet the required element generously with water.
  2. Apply cleaning agent over the wet grate, spread evenly and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. After 15 minutes, the surface is treated with a stiff brush.

Cleaning agent

The soaking procedure is also undesirable for some materials, such as cast iron. Therefore, for cast iron products it is preferable to choose cleaning without soaking.

If a one-time wash is not effective enough, the procedure should be repeated, regardless of the chosen cleaning method.

How to clean a cast iron grate on a gas stove at home

To keep the work surface clean, there are many recommendations from housewives, tested in practice and personal experience. The most popular tips on how to clean a cast iron grate on a gas stove are the following:

  1. Having filled a small plastic container hot water, add a detergent suitable for caring for cast iron household items. After completely immersing the grate in the solution, leave it for several hours and then wash it thoroughly. This method Suitable for preventative cleansing, for example once a week. It is unlikely to be effective for cleaning old stains. Instead of detergent, some housewives prefer to use soda and vinegar.
  2. Use a car engine cleaner. It is very effective and harmless. Perfectly removes all fat and carbon deposits from the surface and is easily washed off with water. For a better result, you can rub all the elements a little with a metal scraper.
  3. Every housewife should know how to clean a cast iron grate using dry mustard. This method is not only absolutely safe for health, but also very effective in the fight against grease on the stove.
  4. Use of warm sand. Despite its simplicity, they began to use this method long before the invention of all kinds of detergents that now make the life of housewives easier. It will take a long time to rub warm sand over the surface of the rods, so it is better to set aside a separate day for this and be patient.

During all procedures, you should wear protective gloves to protect the delicate skin of your hands from exposure to detergents. Gloves are also needed when handling vinegar or mustard powder. Because of small cuts or other damage that is invisible to the eye, painful and unpleasant sensations may appear.

When using some particularly potent agents, wear a respirator and goggles. This usually concerns sprays with aggressive compounds that are sprayed onto the surface of dishes or other items that require cleaning.

A thorough cleaning of the grates will not give them a short time lose its attractiveness and aesthetics. However, it should be borne in mind that carbon deposits, grease and other contaminants settle daily, so in order to delay the time of general cleaning, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. It is recommended to wash the stove and all its contaminated elements immediately after cooking. This guarantees better and more gentle cleaning, since fat and carbon deposits have not yet eaten into the material.
  2. The thoroughly washed grate is wiped dry so that there are no droplets of water, since grease very easily sticks to places where moisture remains.
  3. Cover the burners with special protective foil, which will prevent excessive contamination.
  4. Before cleaning the gas stove grate, all removable elements are soaked in a detergent solution. This greatly simplifies the process of removing contaminants from enameled and steel elements.

Wash immediately after cooking
Wipe dry
Cover the burners with special protective foil
All removable elements are soaked in a detergent solution

Of course, washing the stove and all its elements immediately after cooking makes subsequent care of it much easier. However, after standing for several hours cooking, sometimes you don’t have the strength to wash up a mountain of dishes. Therefore, regular cleaning will allow you to do without radical measures, and it is especially important in maintaining the cleanliness and aesthetics of the appearance of the stove.

For best care must be used behind the stove and its elements household chemicals High Quality. It will effectively clean the surface of existing contaminants, and will also protect against the adhesion of grease for a while.

Household chemicals will effectively clean the surface of dirt

However, what if there is no detergent at hand, and you can no longer put off washing? In this case, it is necessary to use what every housewife has at home.

Fighting greasy plaque with ammonia

In order to get rid of fat on the rods, they must be placed in a tightly closed plastic bag and ammonia should be evenly sprinkled onto the surface. It will be convenient to do this if you pour the alcohol into a container with a special spray dispenser. After that, the bag is tightly closed for 15 minutes, after which any existing dirt can be very easily removed from the rods.

Soaking in soapy water

This method is one of the most economical. It does not require the purchase of expensive household chemicals, but to obtain a visible result you will need to spend the most time.

Soap solution

In a container of suitable size, prepare a strong solution of grated laundry soap, into which hot water is added. Any strong dish soap will also work. The grate is placed in the resulting solution for at least 12 hours, after which the burnt fat is easily wiped off from its surface with a hard sponge.

Dissolving fat with acetic acid

It is best to work with vinegar at outdoors, since in enclosed spaces its smell can cause negative reactions from the body.

Acetic acid

A wire rack is placed in a deep baking tray. Then it is filled with vinegar and left in it for several hours. After the fat has dissolved, the remaining dirt is removed with a washcloth. In general, the application gives good results.

Removing carbon deposits using a melamine sponge

This miracle device appeared in our everyday life relatively recently. However, numerous positive reviews those who have used these sponges testify to their high efficiency. They cope well with various, even very complex, contaminants. Melamine sponges are used as follows:

  1. Wet the sponge with water.
  2. Wipe dirty rods vigorously.
  3. Remove any foam that has formed with a cloth.

Melamine sponge

If a non-removable grill is installed on the stove, then this cleaning method is the most convenient. It allows you to reach even the most difficult to reach places.

Periodically, the kitchen “nurse” becomes a source negative emotions. This happens every time you need to clean the grate of a gas stove.

Preparing to Clean Cast Iron Grates

First, go over the cast iron with a stiff sponge, brush or rag to remove the top layer of old deposits. The sponge will become covered with small particles of dirt. Rinse it periodically under running water until the top layer of plaque is removed.

Pay attention to dirt gas burners: The cleaner the flame, the less soot will settle on the cast iron.

To clean plaque, it is convenient to use a table covered with polyethylene. This will save the stove from additional contamination and provide easy manipulation when cleaning the corners, sides, and bottom parts of the grate.


Modern household chemicals offer effective solutions to combat pollution. These are gels, pastes, and powders of different composition and cost. Among them there are absolutely safe hypoallergenic products.

Traditional methods more diverse. Along with soda, mustard, and soap, which effectively remove layers of fat, soot and plaque from the surface of the stove, ancient cleaning methods are also used.

Professional products

The most effective include liquids and creams, which are widely used for washing kitchen equipment in restaurants, bakeries... They are also used in cleaning. For some, the employees of these services know a lot about choosing high-quality detergents. Among those in demand:

These are some examples of modern household products. Their use allows you to easily clean cast iron grates from grease and hard deposits.

After treatment, you need to finally rid the surface of liquid, gel, and falling off pieces of soot. To do this, wipe with a damp cloth or sponge. Then rinse the cast iron part with running water, removing any remaining chemicals.

Gels, pastes, and creams for cleaning kitchen cast iron are created on the basis of a safe, strong alkali, which is an effective grease remover that breaks down old carbon deposits and soot without leaving any residue. Household chemicals based on various acids are no less effective. But in the case of cast iron, it is inappropriate - under the influence of individual components it becomes brittle. In addition, acid is powerless against fat.

Folk remedies and methods of combating pollution

Housewives with time often give preference to effective “grandmother’s” methods of removing soot and plaque. They are attracted by the set of components available for cleaning: plain water, soda, laundry soap...


Prepare the solution by placing it in a large basin or other container:

  • 7-8 liters of water;
  • 2 packs of baking soda;
  • a bar of laundry soap;
  • 2 bottles of silicate glue.

Immerse the cast iron part in the solution and place it on high heat. After bringing the water to a boil, reduce the flame and cover with a lid. Keep on the stove for at least half an hour, without stopping boiling.

After half an hour, remove the part from the solution and visually evaluate the effect of the procedure. If soot spots have not been cleared, continue for another 15-30 minutes. When finished, rinse.


An economical and effortless way. Light a fire and place a grate on the bricks pre-installed in it. Maintain a strong flame for 30-60 minutes, making sure that every part of the cast iron is calcined over the fire.

After the time is up, leave to cool. When the temperature allows, remove the heated object and lightly hit it with a hammer several times. If calcination is successful, the carbon deposits will fall off the grate in large pieces. The pieces that have not flown off can be separated with a knife or chisel. If the carbon deposits do not come off, it means that the layer is too large. Calcination should be repeated.


Effective for procedures performed once a week. Dilute the solution in a container using:

  • 5 liters of water at a temperature of 50-60 degrees;
  • 2 tablespoons of dishwashing gel;
  • 3 tablespoons of baking soda;
  • 1-2 tablespoons mustard powder.

Mix the solution well and immerse the cast iron object in it. Duration of soaking is 5-10 hours. During this time, the fat will break down and the soot will become softer. Wipe the part removed from the solution with a sponge or rag.


It is acceptable for fresh deposits formed after a long one-time cooking (on the occasion of a holiday, anniversary...). Wipe the item with a damp sponge. Prepare a soap-soda solution by mixing 3 tablespoons of dish gel with 5-7 tablespoons of baking soda. Coat the cast iron product with the mixture, wrap it in plastic, and leave overnight. In the morning, use a rough brush or sponge to remove loose soot and rinse under warm running water.

To enhance the effect, you can add 3 tablespoons of dry mustard to the liquid. This product is excellent at breaking down fat.

Cast iron household parts kitchen appliances It is difficult to clean off grease and soot with infrequent washing. It is better to eliminate traces of leaks every time the broth or milk “escaps.” It won't take more than a minute, but everything will shine clean.

When using a household stove, you can protect its parts from grease with food foil. While frying, wrap it around the rods or spread it on the surface around the burner you are using. Grease splatters will settle on the foil.

Caring for cast iron products eliminates the use of rough mechanical force. Scraping off plaque and carbon deposits with hard or sharp objects will leave marks on the metal. Using coarse powdered abrasives will do the same thing.

How often should you clean the stove?

The ideal situation is to clean the surface of the stove once a week. Better on Mondays and Tuesdays. On weekends you have to cook a lot, trying to pamper your family. This affects the cleanliness of the stove. Without delay, it is possible to wash the grate within 10-15 minutes with the most by simple means.

It is not advisable to leave stains for more than a month. Then you will have to deal with the carbon deposits for 2-3 hours or resort to the most drastic method.

The fastest and easiest way to clean a cast iron grate

When removing contamination, consider chemical composition the gel or liquid used, not trusting untested methods.

There are doubts about the safety of using liquid to clean a car engine, although someone convinces: as soon as you wet a rag with it and wipe the cast iron, the coating will begin to peel off. The surface of kitchen cast iron does not tolerate aggressive chemical solutions, which includes car fluid.

The same applies to methods using solutions with vinegar, ammonia; liquids, thick gels and creams containing acids.

But if you need results and quick release cast iron grate from dirt, then contact us to clean your apartment. We will help you!