What to use in the garage to reduce humidity. Waterproofing the garage. Don't delay - it's time to act

Anyone with a garage must have experienced the problem of condensation. How to remove dampness in the garage with minimal cost time, money and effort is always a topical issue for motorists. There is no doubt that this problem needs to be solved, because high humidity brings a lot of inconvenience and expenses. Therefore, we will tell you how to quickly remove moisture in the garage in this article.

Where does dampness come from in the garage?

Knowing what is the reason, it is much easier to eliminate the high humidity in the garage. Therefore, before acting, deal with the question of why dampness may occur. Most often it is:

  1. Lack of ventilation. Shortcomings in the construction of the garage or clogging of the hoods.
  2. Bad waterproofing. Non-concrete, earthen floor. The presence of a cellar or viewing hole.

What is the danger of dampness in the garage?

At first glance, this state of affairs causes nothing but discomfort, but there are many reasons why you should reconsider your attitude to dampness in the garage. Possible consequences of excessive moisture in this building:

  1. Harmful atmosphere. Excess moisture provokes the appearance of toxic fumes from the remains of fuel, oils and other lubricants.
  2. Corrosion. If the garage is metal, then over time it will inevitably begin to deteriorate. The same fate befell the car.
  3. Destruction. Constant dampness in the room over time can lead to the destruction of even a brick structure.
  4. Due to the formation of mold and toxic fumes, a person in such a garage is not safe.

According to SNiP standards, ventilation should provide an inflow fresh air in the amount of more than 180 cubic meters per hour. Only such indicators guarantee the safety of your equipment, garage and health. To competently build a ventilation system in your garage with your own hands, you must clearly determine the causes of dampness.

Important! Often, car owners, trying to quickly eliminate the inconvenience, act incorrectly, which leads to an aggravation of the situation: they insulate the walls and concrete the floor, closing the existing ventilation holes. This does not take into account poor waterproofing. Such methods of influence lead to the appearance of double condensate and to stable dampness in the room.

How to fix ventilation?

Poor or no ventilation is the first and most common cause. There are three ways to ensure good ventilation with your own hands.

Method number 1

Natural ventilation. The simplest and cheap way. Excess moisture is quickly removed, and the principle of its operation is the temperature difference inside and outside the garage and the pressure difference between the inflow and outflow of air. You can do everything yourself and for this you will not need special materials and tools, just follow these instructions:

  1. Purchase at hardware store ventilation pipes. Polymer structures are better than steel ones.
  2. Make two holes in the wall of your garage: at the bottom it will be for air inflow, and at the top for its outflow. How and how you will make such holes depends on what material the walls of the garage are built from.
  3. The dimensions of the outlets must correspond to the diameter of the pipes.
  4. Install the pipes in such a way that the exhaust pipe rises above the surface of the garage at a height of 1.5 meters, and the supply pipe goes towards the ground.

Method number 2

mechanical ventilation. This type of ventilation involves the use of fans: exhaust and supply. It is logical that to install such a design, you need to connect to electrical network. It looks like this:

  1. Do required holes for hoods as in the first case.
  2. Install fans at the inlets and outlets.
  3. Connect the system to the mains.
  4. Turn on the fans regularly and there will be no condensation.

Method number 3

Combined type of ventilation. It is a combination of the two previous methods. You can simply make four instead of two holes, 2 of which will be provided with fans, while the others will work naturally.

Important! The only drawback is in winter time the garage can be excessively cooled, which is also not very good.

There are a couple of nuances that need to be considered when installing a ventilation system:

  1. The supply pipe should be installed at an angle and at a height of at least 20 cm from the floor.
  2. Place the exhaust pipe at the top of the garage, approximately 10-20 cm from the roof.

Important! With this arrangement, the air will circulate correctly, the building will remain dry and you will no longer have to decide how to remove the high humidity in the garage.

How to make high-quality waterproofing?

Proper waterproofing of the room will help remove dampness in the garage. Especially if the reason for the excess moisture lay precisely in the shortcomings with it. Do-it-yourself waterproofing can be done in two ways.

Method #1

Additional layer of waterproofing. One of the causes of dampness in the garage is improper laying of the foundation. You can fix the error like this:

  1. Purchase bituminous mastic in special stores.
  2. Read the manufacturer's instructions.
  3. Having done all the necessary preparatory work, cover the entire foundation with this material.

Important! This mastic perfectly prevents the penetration of moisture through the floor and the garage dries quickly.

Method #2

Concreting of the floor and inspection pit. If you still have a dirt floor, then it's time to upgrade it with concrete. The same procedure applies to the viewing hole. It happens like this:

  1. Clear the room of all items.
  2. Prepare the pit and floor - level the surface, remove all debris.
  3. After preparing the solution, fill it with the floor, level it and let it dry.

Important! Unfortunately, these measures are often not enough. In addition to concreting the floor, it is necessary to insulate the room and make an adequate ventilation system.

Additional measures to control dampness in the garage

  • Installing an air conditioner is rational only if you have eliminated the main causes of moisture. The device additionally reduces the level of humidity and allows you to maintain optimal temperature in the building.
  • Dry car. Make sure that there are no traces of snow or rain on the surface of the machine. Thus, moisture can penetrate even into a well-equipped garage. Here are some simple tips to help you avoid this:
    • Let the car cool down before entering the garage. Stop the engine and open the doors.
    • Install a split system in the garage with a dehumidification program and turn it on when necessary.
    • In winter, heaters can be installed. They must work under your strict control.
  • If your garage is on unfavorable soil, where groundwater activity is observed, no matter how you do waterproofing, the moisture will still not decrease. In this case, it is better to change the room for the car to another, while doing all the necessary checks so as not to make the wrong choice again.

Almost every motorist who has his own garage has probably encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as condensate. The presence of condensation leads to the formation of dampness and high humidity indoors, which negatively affects both the car and the building itself.

In this article, we will tell you how to deal with dampness in the garage and briefly describe the options for how to avoid its occurrence in the future.

The main causes of dampness

In order to prevent the appearance of dampness in the garage, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

In the vast majority of cases, the cause of condensation is:

  • Lack of garage waterproofing (see);
  • Poor or no ventilation.

These two factors are interrelated, because even with good ventilation, but with the lack of waterproofing of the room in the garage, dampness will appear. On the other hand, when complete waterproofing moisture penetrates into the room with a wet car, and the lack of ventilation does not allow water vapor to escape from the room.

Important. In the requirements for the construction and equipment of the garage, there is a prescribed instruction, which without fail requires a ventilation system.

Many initially believe that there is nothing to worry about in the appearance of condensate (see) until they encounter the inevitable and backfire, among which:

  • Air poisoning, since moisture, when interacting with chemicals and fuels and lubricants, provokes the appearance toxic substances in the air.
  • Corrosion of exposed metal objects, including parts, car and garage structure.
  • Destruction of the structure of cement or brick, which leads to a decrease in the service life of the structure.
  • A favorable environment for the formation of mold and other fungi (see).

Important. The dampness present in the garage also leads to the oxidation of contacts in electrical system. This will lead to a short circuit or failure of electrical appliances.

Installation of the ventilation system

Before you get rid of dampness in the garage, determine the cause of dampness. If the cause of condensation is a lack of ventilation, then it must be corrected as soon as possible.

According to the requirements of SNiP for a standard garage room, the ventilation system must provide air flow through the room in a volume of at least 180 cubic meters per hour. There are three main types of ventilation that you can do yourself without the involvement of specialists.

natural circulation

Natural ventilation is created due to the temperature difference in the environment and indoors. The difference also works atmospheric pressure in the air inlet and outlet manifolds.

To create such a system, you need:

  • Buy some plastic ventilation pipes
  • Make holes in the garage body for these pipes for air inlet and outlet. The entrance is located as close to the floor as possible, and the exit is as close as possible to the ceiling or in the roof of the garage, as shown in the photo above. Place holes on opposite walls so that the air passes over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garage from the bottom up.

Important. The outlet pipe should go horizontally upwards and be located 1-1.5 meters above the roof plane. At the end of the pipe, you can install a fungus or a rotary ejector, which, in the presence of wind, will create a vacuum and draw air out of the room.

Forced ventilation

Before you dry the garage by force, you need to take care of the supply of electricity, as this system uses flow or exhaust fans. The principle of arranging the system is the same as that, only fans are installed on the outlet and inlet, which must be turned on for several hours a day.

For your information. If your garage is far away from home or you don't have the opportunity to turn on the ventilation every day, then buy an electric timer and install it on the fan's power cable. You can immediately purchase a fan with a built-in timer. The price of such fans is slightly higher than usual, but it will automatically turn on at certain intervals.

Combined ventilation

In this type of system, only one fan is used, which is installed on the inlet or outlet. Before drying the garage combined system, locate the fan.

Waterproofing the garage

Often the cause of dampness is the lack of a concrete floor. If you still have damp earth on the floor, then you need to install a concrete screed with reinforcement on a gravel-sand cushion.

However, even a concrete floor sometimes does not save from dampness. The reason for this is the high location of the groundwater level, and concrete actively draws moisture into itself and releases it into the room.

Important. Before the garage is made dry with a concrete screed, it is necessary to obtain geodetic survey data from the city services for the level of groundwater. If groundwater is close, then before laying the screed, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing.

If concrete screed already installed without waterproofing, it is necessary to isolate the surface using a polymer self-leveling floor, this composition is applied in a thin layer and completely blocks the access of moisture to the room.

In uninsulated concrete garages, moisture from rain or snow can seep through the underside of the walls. In this case, you can purchase bituminous mastic and coat the lower level of the room from the inside to a height of 30-40 cm from the floor, while carefully isolating the joints between the wall and the floor.

From the material described above, we understood what problems dampness in the garage can create, how to deal with it and what methods to use, we also found out. To consolidate theoretical knowledge, we recommend watching a thematic video clip.

Today we will touch on a sore subject for motorists, since dampness is present in most garages. It is formed in the presence of condensate. This leads to an increase in humidity in the garage itself. Everyone knows that for a car, as well as for the entire building, moisture is very harmful. It can easily ruin the finish and other structures. It is not recommended to leave the car in such a room, moisture can ruin it. The interesting thing is that only some parts of the walls or ceiling can become damp, this will help you determine the source, and behind the source and the cause.

In our article you can find for yourself a lot useful tips that will help you get rid of dampness in the garage.

Causes of dampness in the garage

If you notice that your garage has high humidity, you probably want to know the reason why it appeared. After all, if you know the reason, it is easy to deal with moisture.

Consider two reasons:

  1. There is no ventilation in the room. It happens that during the construction of the garage this factor was forgotten to be taken into account. In addition, the hoods may be faulty.
  2. Incorrect or poorly installed waterproofing. If your floor is not concrete, open ground stimulates the appearance of moisture. When your garage has a cellar or a viewing hole, then in the absence of ventilation, dampness is inevitable.

Why does dampness appear in the basement of the garage in winter? There can be many reasons, but mostly this happens due to high humidity. When the sun comes up, everything starts to melt, and then dampness appears. Yes, and condensation forms due to the fact that it is cold outside the garage, and warm inside.

Garage waterproofing installation

In many cases, dampness in the garage appears in the absence of a concrete floor. If you are building a garage yourself, do not be lazy to fill the floor, damp earth will have a bad effect on the room, in the end all the work will be done in vain. After all, the garage will not justify itself, but will bring more more problems.

Therefore, it is necessary to fill the screed with reinforcement. But do not forget, all this should be done on a pillow of gravel and sand.

It must be remembered that the screed does not prevent dampness in all cases. Groundwater, which may be close to the base of your garage, interacts well with concrete, and it, in turn, releases the resulting moisture into the room.

Important! Before starting work, find out the groundwater level in the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour garage. If water is close, be sure to lay waterproofing.

It happens that a concrete screed is installed simply without waterproofing. There is a solution to this problem: isolate the surface with a self-leveling floor. A thin layer will be enough to prevent moisture from entering the garage.

V concrete garages, which are without insulation, moisture can enter through the walls, namely through their base. In this case, you will need a special wall lubricant, it is applied to inner part walls. Thanks to her, the wall will not dampen. But, do not apply the mixture very close to the floor, the distance from the base of the wall should be 30-40 centimeters, while you need to isolate the joints that are between inner wall and floor.

Do-it-yourself installation of ventilation in the garage

As we discussed earlier, one of the reasons for the appearance of dampness in the garage is the lack of ventilation. If you look at the requirements for standard garages, it says that the ventilation in the garage should drive air at about 180 m 3 / hour.

You should be aware that you have three options for installing ventilation. You can do it yourself without extra expenses for professional builders.

Air circulation naturally

This type of ventilation operates due to the difference in temperature inside the room, to the temperature environment. The difference in atmospheric pressure also takes part in the process.

How to create this type of ventilation in the garage?

For this you will need:

  1. Buy the right amount of pipes for ventilation (often they are made of plastic).
  2. Then you need to make holes in the garage itself for installing pipes.

The beginning of the pipe should be as close to the floor as possible, while the end should be as high as possible, in many cases on the roof. To take full advantage of the possibilities of vent pipes, you must install a special fungus, many use a turn ejector. This is necessary so that the wind, with the help of an ejector, can pull excess air out of the room. Thus preventing dampness.

forced air circulation

Before you start drying the garage, you should take care of the installation of electricity, because this method involves the use of fans, and they are powered by electricity. This method is very similar to the previous one, because you install the pipes in the same way, but there must be fans at the beginning and at the end. The units will drive the air in the garage for several hours a day, regardless of the weather outside.

Important! But what about those who have a garage far from home and do not have the opportunity to visit it every day to turn on the fans? There are solutions to this problem. After all, you can buy a fan with a built-in on timer, you do not need to go to it every day. But, such pleasure differs significantly in price from conventional fans. This also has solutions. You can buy a separate electric timer, which is installed on the power cable of the fan itself.

Combined air circulation

Such a system includes the installation of only one fan, it is installed either at the beginning or at the end of the pipes (the end of the pipes is at the top). You must determine the location of the fan installation yourself. After installation, you can begin to dry the room.

How to prevent dampness

Many people think about this issue after building or buying such a room. For no one wants to deal with dampness, which can lead to fungus on the walls of the garage. Now we will look at some precautions to avoid humidity and its consequences.

Air conditioner - a good option only if the underlying reason for the noticeable moisture is known. It will help ventilation to reduce humidity, and also maintain a stable temperature in the room.

Dry car. You must monitor the condition of your car. Whether it's a wet or snowy car, it will have a bad effect on the garage. In the process of drying, moisture easily penetrates into the base of the room. To get rid of the bad influence of your car on the room, you need to follow certain recommendations:

  1. Before driving into the garage, you need to turn off the car and wait until it cools down. In this case, all doors must be open.
  2. You can install a special split system that will dry the garage.
  3. Also, some install heaters in the garage, but do not leave them unattended, because there may be a short circuit, then a fire may occur.

It happens that the garage is located in a place where groundwater is very close to the base. And even if waterproofing is done, moisture and dampness can still penetrate. Even good ventilation of the room does not always help. In such a case, you must change the garage. But, when buying another, carefully check all the documentation, and most importantly, find out all the information about groundwater. Also inspect the garage for mold and damp spots. Ask the owner about the latest cosmetic repairs. If it was done recently, there is a possibility that all the effects of moisture are hidden. In this case, you need to be extremely vigilant. So, the probability of buying a bad room will decrease.

Cheap methods to eliminate dampness in the basement

As discussed earlier, dampness in the cellar can be the cause of dampness in the garage. Indeed, in many garages there is a cellar that can become damp. Not all of these methods can help you, but each is individual in some way.

Let's consider some of them:

  1. The easiest way is to use white moss. It must be in powder form. It is placed in containers, and they, in turn, are placed on shelves. White moss absorbs moisture, drying the room.
  2. Many people also use hydrochloric acid. But don't use this method if there are at least some products in the basement. Make room, only then you can dilute the acid to obtain a weak homogeneous mass. After that, proceed to lubricate the walls and ceiling. But before that, you need to protect everything open areas body, as if the acid comes into contact with the skin, a burn will result.
  3. The use of sulfuric acid is no less effective. To do this, you need to install a ceramic or glass container (metal is not recommended), then take table salt and fill the container. The next step is to fill the sulfuric acid into the table salt. Such a mixture will release steam, which will contribute to the destruction of mold, as well as fungus. In the process, you need to ventilate the premises, and after completing the procedure, you can wash the walls.
  4. Many use calcium hydroxide. Such material perfectly copes with the drainage of the room. It is placed in the corner of the room.
  5. It may sound strange, but the dampness on the walls perfectly brings out a simple clay brick. To get the desired result, you must heat a few bricks and arrange them in the corners. During the cooling process, they will absorb excess moisture. After a while, the bricks will cool down, but don't despair, they can be reused.
  6. More simple option is to install a fireplace in a damp area. Heat easily removes dampness.


Today we looked at many reasons why dampness may appear. And you can’t ignore such a problem, after a while mold and fungus will appear in the garage. Getting rid of them will be more difficult. It is also impossible to store a car in a damp room, moisture has a bad effect on the metal. It turns out that a damp room brings more problems than good. So you can't waste time.

Those who have a garage are well aware of such a situation as the appearance of condensation in the room. High humidity has a negative effect not only on the condition building structures, but also contributes to the fact that the car body begins to rust. In addition, harmful fumes are emitted, which negative impact on health.

When installing a ventilation system, the following nuances must be taken into account: the supply pipe is recommended for installation at a slight slope, it must be located at a height of 20 cm from the floor surface, the exhaust pipe must be made in the upper part of the building, about 10-20 cm below the roof. In this case, the garage quickly becomes dry, it is very simple and fast enough to remove dampness with the help of a ventilation system.

Waterproofing. You can also make a damp garage dry by waterproofing the floor, but only if the vents are working, and not clogged and inoperative. Do-it-yourself garage is drained in this way:

  • Laying an additional layer of waterproofing (a damp garage is a consequence of improper foundation construction). It is very simple to do this: the concrete surface is simply covered with a layer of bituminous mastic which prevents moisture from penetrating through the floor. The garage drains pretty quickly this way.
  • Concreting of the earthen floor of the garage itself and the inspection pit. If a damp garage has a simple earthen rammed floor, then it will have to be concreted, that is, to exclude the penetration of moisture inside. Often, such a procedure must also be done for a viewing hole, since excess moisture from there easily penetrates upward. Removing moisture is problematic. In addition to concreting, a system is often required forced ventilation, insulation.

What to do if dampness has appeared in your garage and you cannot determine where it comes from? Here is a list of useful tips that will not only help remove dampness from the room, but also ensure that the garage remains dry in the future:

  1. One of the main reasons why dampness appears in the garage, as already noted, is the lack of ventilation. This leads to the fact that in winter, even if the garage is unused, at all metal surfaces condensation begins to accumulate. This applies not only to the walls of the room, but also to a workbench, a car. The air in the garage becomes damp and cold, which adversely affects the condition of the vehicle.
  2. But there is another major reason why condensation appears in the garage. This is the suction of moisture from the floor of the building, especially if it is earthen, there is either a cellar. Another reason: the foundation was built with violations of technology, that is, simply for the sake of economy, waterproofing was not made. Before draining the garage, it is necessary to clearly determine the cause of the appearance of condensate - this will help to avoid wasting time and money.
  3. The simplest and very effective method to avoid condensation in the garage is a ventilation device. If at the construction stage they simply forgot about it or decided not to do it, now is the time to correct this defect. Ventilation for garages can be forced using special equipment and supply and exhaust, that is, natural with the help of a draft. In any case, it is necessary to make special holes at the top of the walls (exhaust) and at the bottom (supply). Exhaust pipes are required and should protrude about 1.5 m or more above the garage roof.
  4. An excellent result in the garage is also given by the installation of an air conditioner, which should work in dehumidification mode. At the same time, it is recommended that the walls and floor of the inspection pit, if any. This method allows you to significantly reduce the level of humidity, and with a competent approach to business, moisture can be eliminated.
  5. Humidity can penetrate into the garage and along with the car. On its surface, snow and moisture get inside during rain. But this can be easily avoided if you follow the simplest recommendations that do not require particularly complex actions. Before entering the garage, it is necessary to turn off the car, let it cool down by opening the doors. This will lead to the fact that the temperature difference will become insignificant, that is, condensation will not form. If your garage is equipped with a heating system, then you need to install a split system with a dehumidification program.

Don't delay - it's time to act

If you notice that condensation has appeared in the garage, do not postpone the work for later, as this can lead to damage to the car. This must be done on the basis of what is the reason for the appearance advanced level humidity.

Dampness in the garage can appear for various reasons, but this situation cannot be left without solving problems. A damp garage is the first step to rust, leading to breakdowns and damage to property. You can solve this problem different ways, but the most effective are the installation of a garage ventilation system and the waterproofing of the floor and inspection pit.

The garage is not living quarters, therefore, some deviations from the standards and assumptions are allowed there. However, the humidity in the garage must always be maintained. If its level is so high that condensation forms on the walls or gates, this is a sign that an urgent need to solve the problem. But even if there is no “dew” inside the garage, it is recommended to check internal systems to make sure you are well protected from moisture.


Dampness in the garage bad sign, which indicates design flaws. Unfortunately, many motorists are faced with this problem, but are in no hurry to solve it. Therefore, it is worth knowing that high humidity in the garage is not only a slight discomfort when you are indoors.

Dampness slowly but surely worsens the condition of the room. Despite the fact that high-quality materials are used during construction, they are subject to corrosion. High humidity in the garage accelerates the process of damage concrete walls, not to mention wooden beams or partitions, if used. Mold and fungus appear on the walls, which literally destroy all materials from the inside.

The corrosion of what is in it also depends on what humidity should be in the garage and is in fact. This also applies to the vehicle. Even with proper care, the risk of rust or some kind of malfunction increases significantly. automatic system. For a man, the dampness with which for a long time no one fought, harmful even with a not too long stay indoors. Evaporation from engine oil and other substances that are needed to keep the car running, as well as the release of mold and fungus, make the air in the garage poisonous, so a person can become ill even after a short stay in the room.

The humidity rate is determined by the temperature in the room, as well as air exchange. For example, in winter, the recommended temperature is +5 degrees and below. The air movement depends on the volume of the garage and the number of cars, but for most it can be indicated as 180 m3 / h.

High humidity in the garage is associated with several aspects:

  • Lack or poor ventilation;
  • Earthen floor or basement as a conductor of moisture;
  • Incorrect thermal insulation or increased heating.

These reasons are the main reasons why the problem occurs, however, dampness can provoke a metal door or a large amount of water inside the garage itself. Depending on the cause, the solutions to the problem will also differ.


Dampness in the garage can appear for various reasons, but usually they are associated with the shortcomings of the room itself. In most cases, removing the causes of moisture is fairly easy, and with right decision this problem will no longer disturb the owner of the car. However, there are construction disadvantages associated with the choice of location. In this case, the microclimate will not be able to correct any modifications.


Most motorists normal humidity supported with natural ventilation. It does not require energy consumption and major modifications. To do this, you need to make 2 holes: one at the bottom near the floor, and the second at the ceiling. The lower pipe will be a supply pipe, as it is responsible for the intake of air from the street. Outside the garage, the pipe must be located towards the ground at a height of at least 20 cm. The upper hole with the pipe for the outflow of air must go to the roof. The longer the pipe, the better the draft will be, and the air output will be better. A good option would be to protect the outlet with a "roof". This slightly increases traction in winter, as it prevents snow from entering.

An alternative would be to install fans powered by the mains. They are also installed one near the floor, the second under the ceiling. The inconvenience of this method is that it is necessary to control the operation of such hoods and independently determine the time for their operation.

Some motorists combine both of these methods, however, in winter, the use of electric hoods leads to hypothermia of the room. However, the method has no other disadvantages, therefore, if there is natural ventilation, installing an additional one will not be a problem.


Water enters the garage from below due to problems with laying the foundation, the presence of an earthen floor, a viewing hole or a basement. Most often, motorists take a radical approach to this problem, and use concrete to combat moisture. They fill the basement and the floor completely. This method is not suitable for everyone, so you can simply find places where the foundation is not airtight and cover it with bituminous mastic.

It would be wrong to simply fill the earthen floor with concrete, as it will quickly become covered with cracks and will not solve the problem of high humidity. It is required to "fill" the floor with river sand, which absorbs some of the moisture. It is advisable to alternate layers of sand with expanded clay, and close everything tightly from above wooden planks.

thermal insulation

Garage door insulation

Often, condensation in the garage appears due to the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors. This indicates that the room is poorly insulated. In this case, you can remove the problem by carefully processing the room with special heaters. You need to use them around the perimeter: on the ceiling, walls. Don't forget that metal doors also need insulation. To do this, they can be painted on the outside with a special compound and anticorrosive, and inside they can be insulated with wooden boards tightly fitted to each other.

Thermal insulation without flaws will help reduce humidity and make the microclimate in the garage dry, the room will heat up faster and cool more slowly. Periodic heating of the garage in winter is not a mandatory measure, but it will also help keep the garage dry with good natural ventilation. The heater should only operate under the supervision of the owner of the garage. Do not leave it on, as malfunctions can lead to a fire. Humidity can be lowered with additional heating only in winter.

other methods

Optimum humidity in a garage that is well insulated and ventilated is achieved by avoiding the presence of water there along with the car:

  • Thoroughly wipe the car from snow and water in bad weather;
  • Let the vehicle cool down open doors garage;
  • Do not wash your car indoors.

Some stores sell special devices to deal with high humidity - moisture absorbing tablets. They are devices with plastic container where water accumulates and top part with lattice. The plastic container is removable, since it is periodically necessary to pour water out of it. As a radical way to get rid of moisture in the garage, they will not work, but it will be nice to use them in dampness, which occurs infrequently. For example, after rain or if the car was not sufficiently cleared of snow.