Plants predators. Giant predatory plants

Among manifolds vegetable world There are unusual carnivorous plants predators, which are over 500 species. Such a feature of plant predators (in the photo) is explained by the living conditions. They grow on scanty soils, devoid of nutritional components, because during evolution they found a method of survival by lubricating and absorbing insects and even small animals. For this purpose, the leaves and flowers turned into bait and traps, painted in a bright color and highlighting the racks, having sacrifice the smell.

Plants predators are present in all climatic zones, and most of them in the hot and wet tropical forest of Australia, South America and Africa.

For "hunting" plants use various methodswhich are somewhat. It may be leaf-shells covering their victim inside. Other velcro leaves are abundantly lubricated with a sticky substance so that insect foots are tightly. Some plants grow special jugs traps with a slamming lid.

In Russia grow plotovoid species Family of Rosyanka (English and circular Rosyanka) and bubbles.

Predatory plants are classified by habitat and a way to attack as:

  1. Insectivores, for example, Rosyanka, Sarration, non-Tenty
  2. Water, do not squeeze insects insects with small crustaceans (bubbles and alporeds)
  3. Omnivores who are tasty, fry, frogs, mice and lizards in the feed

A common carnivorous plant growing on the swamps is Sarration (Sarracenia). Its leaves and flowers have a bright color and covered with streaks of raspberry capillaries. The shape of the leaves looks like a hooded vessel filled with sweet juice. The insect victim flies on the color and smell of nectar, sticks to the sheet and slides on the bottom, the sheet is wrapped. In the case of false closure, the sheet is disclosed after a while and continues "hunting". For mining processing, the plant allocates a special secret. The sheet remains closed until the nutrient digestion and the absorption of nutrients. Then the cycle is repeated.

In the natural environment, there is a sarration on the east coast North America, in Texas, in the Great Lakes area, in the southeastern part of Canada.

The habitat of bubbles (UTRicularia) is standing, fresh water or wet land. In the wild flora, ground and aqueous bubbles, which have 220 species, are found on all continents, except for ice-coated.

She has no roots that ensure the influx of nutrients, and she has to catch insects and small crustaceans.

The trap serves bubbles with the likeness of the entrance, which opens, having revealed prey. Bubbles together with leaves are located under water. On the water surface Only flowers remain.
The opening signal gives a villi-probe, only an insect or tadpole will wipe them. The bubble is revealed and absorbs the victim along with water for a split second. The digestion begins.

Genlisay (Genlisea) prefers raw ground or semi-water medium. The flora of Africa, South and Central America is common, where 21 types of plants were revealed.

This is a small herbaceous plant covered with yellow inflorescences. Genlisia traps are similar to the crab claw, get out of which do not give the hairs growing at the entrance.

A feature of the plant is the presence of leaves of two species. Some of them are ground with the photosynthesis process, and others have an underground location. Underground leaves replace rhizomes, absorb moisture and ensure mounting. They are like hollow, spiral tubes for lubrication and the absorption of the simplest organisms, into which they are climbing the flow of water. They will not be able to get out, as they will be reversed before.

Pinguicula hunting tool (pinguicula) serve ferrous, sticky leaves. Character 80. carnivorous plants This species. They grow in Asia, on the European continent, in North and South America.

Bright green or pink leaves, covered with a mucous secret, immediately attracts insects. On the leaves there are glands of two types. Flowering iron produces mucous secret, drops covering leaves, and seating glands provide enzymes for processing and assimilation.

Carnivia more The girings are preserved throughout the year. Separate species B. winter time Form a dense outlet, deprived of the ability to lure and absorb. With the arrival of summer, the plant blooms and throws out young, carnivorous leaves.

Nepentens (Nepenthes) lives in a rainforest and successfully absorbs insects. Externally, it resembles Liana, reaching 15 m in length. In the habitat at Madagascar, Sumatra, Borneo, in India, China, Indonesia and Australia, 130 species were revealed.

Liana is covered with leaves forming the mustache from the edge. Gradually, the flower-jug grows from the mustache, serving a cappos. In the rain, the jug is filled with water, which is drunk by monkeys, for this non-penny in his homeland called "Monkey Cup".

The midges and bugs flew on the flower quickly drown in the liquid and fall into the lower part of the bowl, where they are absorbed by digestive glands.

Separate plant types, such as NEPENTHES RAJAH and NEPENTHES RAFFLESIANA, are successfully caught and smashing small rodents.

Venusina Mukholovka (Dionaea Muscipula) from plants of predators received the greatest fame. Her prey makes flies and spiders.

On a thin, small stem there are 5-7 leaves. Leaves traps consist of two half. Inner surface Painted in bright red color, and the outer side is covered with a sticky pigment, which insect comes across. The hairs on a leaf catch the production signal and halves slam in just 0.1 seconds, which does not leave the chance of salvation. A dense row of cloves along the edge of the sheet reliably holds prey. Closed slices form a similarity of the stomach where the digestion begins, which is raised about 10 days.

Each sheet has time to digest 3 insects for their life.

Biblis - Externally, this is a small plant painted by rainbow flowers. His homeland is located in Australia.

The motley plant covers a special, sticky mucus secreted by ferrous villi, completely resurrected leaves. The adhesive substance becomes a trap for bugs, caught on the leaves or tentacles of a flower.

The shape of the leaves is round, slightly elongated with the transition to the cone on the edge. Siegomorphic flowers with 5 curved stamens.

Insectivore plants in the house

Predatory plants of some species are suitable for home. They become an object for interesting observations and discoveries when they feed the mosquito or annoying fly, eliminating us from their presence.

Such plants are unpretentious in care. They are acquired in a flower shop and only adhere to simple rules:

  • For content you need a bright place without sunlight.
  • Most of the plants are moisture, so watering should be regular.
  • Sit into vermiculitis, perlite or moss. The substrate does not fertilize and fertile soil is not added.
  • Plants do not transplant. Only in the case of severe growing, the vase is exceeded in terms of volume.
  • In winter, the period of rest comes, which ends in the spring with the creation of new traps.
  • Beautiful flowers are recommended to delete not to deplete the plant.
  • For feeding use insects natural habitats. For example, fruit flies are suitable.

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Along with plants that feed mineral substances from the soil, there are carnivores in the world, or predatory, which feed on insects (mostly flies and midges). Many consider a flower that eats flies, almost a monster of horror films. But in fact, these are simple living organisms, which nature caused themselves to adapt to the conditions of life.

Carnivorous plants are forced to be predatory due to the conditions of their environment

Cause of appearance

Flowers who eat flies did not immediately appear in the form, as we meet them now. They evolved due to lack of nutrients and nitrogen in the soil. They needed to eat something, and therefore they adapted to feed in the animal protein obtained from insects. He completely replaced them with the necessary minerals and nitrogen.

For catching your victim, the plant uses unusual traps. Having a bright color and publishing a sweet fragrance resembling nectar, it attracts insects, which soon turn out to be his dinner.

Types of insectivore flowers

Biologists counted about 630 species of predatory plants from 19 families.

The most famous flowers that catch and eat flies:

  • venus flytrap;
  • girlfriend;
  • sundew;
  • staplia;
  • genlisay;
  • sarration;

Video Description of Plant Predators:

Veinelery Mukholovka, or Dionee, is the most recognizable flower that eats insects. He is a favorite on the windowsill in many flower flowers. This flower comes from North America. Its main habitat is swamps, but it can easily adapt to room conditions. Mukholovka leaves have teeth around the edges. As soon as the insect lands in the "Zherlo" of the flower, his blades immediately slam down, as if the mouth of a predator. The digestion process is hidden within 10 days. The sheet is then disclosed, gets rid of an empty shell and waits for the following production.

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The girlfriend is considered one of the most beautiful plantswhich eats flies. The name it received due to the mucus covering the leaves. The surface becomes shine, as if it is lubricated with fat. The girlfriend publishes a sweet fragrance that attracts insects. The leaves are completely covered with digestive glands that digest production.

Despite the predation, the girlfriend is one of the most beautiful plants

The most common flower who catches flies is Rosanka. Grows in the mountains, swamps and sandstones. On the leaves there are long hairs that distinguish the sweet fragrant liquid similar to the dew. When fly touches a viscous syrup, the flower sheet is folded and digested insect. Large Rosyanka can even catch dragonfly. Rosyanka English and Rosyanka are common in Russia.

Staplia - another room plantwhich eats flies. Often it is confused with a cactus, with which it has nothing to do. Flowers of Stapelius make a smell of rotten meat, which attracts flies. They put eggs in the flowers. But the flower lives only a day, which means that the larvae die with him, and did not have time to hatch.

The Glissee flower looks very cute and gently. But this is only at first glance. It has hollow tubes containing fragrant and sticky liquid that attracts insects. Picking up into the tube, the insect cannot get back And dies on the spot. Flower grows in Central and South America, as well as in Africa and Madagascar.

Genlisay looks like gentle and safe plantbut it is deceptive

Sarration is another flower that eats flies. The name is unusual. This is a funk-like plant arrived from North America and settled well in Russia as a homely pot flower, which eats flies. Sarration funnel is filled with a sweet nectar, and its walls are very slippery.

When the fly is closer to the flower to enjoy, it can no longer get back and dies under the influence of digestive enzymes.

The range of plants

Despite its exotic, insectivorous plants are found throughout the land. Most often it is swamps and areas with high humidity. The range of many species is limited to South and North Carolina (for example, Veinele Mukholovka), others grow only in Australia. In Russia, predatory plants are represented by 13 species, among which Russiaanka, girlfriend and bubbler are the most famous. They grow in the European part, in the Caucasus and Far East. Many species can be found not only in swampy terrain, but also on the shores of rivers, lakes, on trees and stumps.

Nutrition of carnivorous plants

Most feed on insects (this is Sarration, Rosyanka, non-charges). But water representatives, such as bubbles, consume even small crustaceans.

There are larger representatives of carnivorous plants, in the diet of which they enter the toads, fry fish, tritons, lizards. So, the prey of non-tapes sometimes become mice and rats.

Rosyanka refers to the types of eating insects

Domestic conditions

In room conditions, you can contain the following carnivorous flowers:

  • tropical girlfriend;
  • sundew;
  • venus flytrap;
  • sarration.

Pot S. predatory flower It is better to keep in a well-lit place. It may be a windowsill or artificial lighting (in winter, with lack sunlight). Such flowers love wet soil, so drought should be avoided and water with melt, weakly acid or neutral water in time. Salt B. water water Can destroy the plant. The carnivorous colors need a moderate temperature: + 15 ... + 30 ° С in summer and + 10 ... + 14 ° С in winter.

Reproduction of plants

Insectivore plants divide the bush or cuttings, the flowers themselves prefer pollination. In nature, insects help them, and at home you have to personally manually carry pollen from the stamens on the pestle. Flowering in many species falls at the end of the spring.

In nature, these flowers multiply pollination, but at home it is possible to shift.

Care in winter

In winter, carnivorous plants cease their height and fall into hibernation. During this time, the flower gains strength for further growth and flowering. During this period, you need to continue to care for the plant, removing the dried leaves and watering.

Protection against pests

Plants are subject to infection of the soot and earthworms that may cause them great harm. Special tools with insecticides will help. It is worthwhile to be saved by mold appearing due to the oveurgement of the soil. Ventilation and removing fallen leaves will help prevent plant infection.

Useful videos for predatory plant:

Among the representatives of the plant world there are specimens that are preferred not only carbon dioxide and water, but also insects, as well as small animals. These are predatory plants, forced to eat so much because of the poverty of the soil, where they grow. Being carnivore, they highlight a secret like digestive juice, hunt for arthropods and insects, dissolve them for a certain time and so obtain the substance necessary for the life. Such heterotrophic nutrition is the only way to survive in certain climatic conditions, which they gave them a name.

The most popular representatives of this floral world are grown as houseplants, using to combat small insects at home.

The described plants are characterized by several types of production traps, while they do not have accessories to plants family:

  • the use of leaves resembling the shape of a jug;
  • the leaves forming the shape of the capacan;
  • sticky leaves and sweet secret;
  • tightening traps;
  • traps in the form of crab claws.

Sarration is considered the most popular predator, or, as it is called correctly, is the North American insectivore. Such plants grow on the eastern and southern coasts of North America in the south-east of Canada. The leaves in shape resemble a pita and serve as a trap for insects. This is a kind of funnel, the edges of which are revealed in the form of a hood. It protects the hole of the plant, where enzymes and juices are produced responsible for digesting food from moisture. At the edges of the flower, a special secret is produced, which by its color and aroma "calls" representatives of the fauna. Sitting on the edge, insects are sculpted inside the flower, intoxicated by the drugs of the plant, where they dissolve with enzymes.

Birds sometimes use sarration as a feeder, pulling out of it not yet digested mosquitoes and flies. Grow it on home window sills. The bright raspberry color of Sarratzing will make a variety into the abundance of colors, will decorate any interior and help get rid of annoying insects.

These predatory plants also have the leaves in the form of a lummy, which is a trap. They grow in the tropics in the territory of Eurasia, Africa, Australia and the islands located in this climatic belt. The second name of this plant is "Monkey Cup". It was obtained during the observation of primates that saw rainwater from these colors.

It is known about 200, most of them are high lianas reaching about 10-15 meters long. It is not very convenient to grow them at home, but if their place of residence choose a greenhouse with a warm climate, they will fit well. The stem is the leaves with a small mustache, protruding from the tip, at the end of which the vessel is formed. It becomes wider at the ends, forming a scalared bowl. In this cup, a liquid is assembled, which is synthesized by non-charged, which can be sticky or water, which depends on the variety of flower. Insects are also drowning in it, and dissolving, form non-tentiles. In addition to small arthropods, some representatives of this flower are used in food and small mammals.

Rosyanka and Zirhanka

Another major representative of carnivorous plants with about 194 species. Lives on all continents, except for permafrost, and well feels in all climatic conditions. These predatory plants live for a very long time - about 50 years. Plants are powered by moving glandy tentacles ending with sticky and sweet secrecy. Sitting on a sweet leaf, the insect sticks, and the tentacles slowly, but confidently, make him move towards the trap. Here, special glands absorb the insect and digest it. Rosyanok use both homemade plants to combat small insects.

In the same way, the girlfriend acts, applying sticky leaves for lubrication and eating insects. Representatives of this type of carnivorous are known about 80, they grow in soils, poor minerals and salts, on American continents, in Europe and Asia. Bright green or pink flower leaves have special cells that produce sticky mucus. Distributing on the surface in the form of droplets, it turns it into a velcro, in which insect footsteps. Other cells produce splitting enzymes, processing food. The girlfriend also feels great among home plants, flourishing in the summer season.

The most popular indoor predatory plants in our country are mukholovka. In addition to flies, midges and mosquitoes, the food of this plant is enriched with spiders and ants. This is a small flower, well-feeling in home flower pots and our climatic conditions. It has a short stem that hides underground, and from four to seven leaves, the heads of the head. The head consists of two plates, outwardly reminiscent of the heart. Plates are slightly concave and long, having cilias around the edges. Of which the trap is formed. The inner surface of the heads produces a bright-scarlet pigment, which synthesizes the mucus and is bait.

When the insect is sitting onto the sheet, it hurts sensory hairs, covering the tentacles, and they slam down sharply. It happens over the tenth share of a second, so careless flies have no chance of breaking out. Cilia, hard and sharp enough, reliably hold the victim. The flower leaves begin to grow, connecting around the edges and forming the stomach in which the enzymes split prey.

A fairly developed plant capable of distinguishing live flesh from not alive. If instead of an insect to irritate the sensors of the sensor, it will reflexively slam the head, but after a few seconds it will open again.

Genlisay and Darlingtonia California

Genlisay dwells in humid subtropical climate conditions and is not suitable for home conditions. This is a low grass with bright yellow flowers and cullene trap. The way out of it is closed with small hair, growing towards edges or spirals. Leaves located above the level of land are involved in the process of photosynthesis, and underground - serve to supply the simplest microorganisms of bacteria. In addition, underground leaves absorb moisture and perform the crepe functions, because Genley's roots are absent. The leaves form hollow spiral tubes in which microbes fall. As indoor plants, it is not accepted Genlisia.

In the same swamp conditions, near the natural keys with clean waterDarlingtonia grows. This is a rather rare plant that chooses the habitat of Northern California. Its leaves have the shape of a bulb: a bloating cavity in the shape of a ball and two sharp leaf resembling hanging fangs. But although the leaves and cute, the flower itself is used in the form of a claw. Through the rays of light rays, which are deceiving insects, causing them to move inside. The movement occurs on thin vile growing to the core and impeding return.

Bubble and biblism

Bubble - very common carnivorous plant growing in conditions high humidity In all parts of the world, except Antarctica. Only this representative of the carnivore has a trap - bubble. These bubbles have different sizes0.2 mm to 1.2 cm in diameter. Small bubbles are designed for catching the simplest organisms, and large - for more significant in size. Sometimes water fleas fall into them or even thaws. Hunting occurs very quickly: when the mining turns out to be near the bubble, it opens and sharply pulls the victim and water. If you start a bubble as a home plant, it is better to land it near the artificial reservoir.

Biblis is more famous called a rainbow plant. The birthplace of this carnivorous representative of Flora is considered to be Australia, and the name gave him a mucus, covering the leaves, and transfusions on the sun's rays. Externally, the Biblis is similar to Rosyanka. The flower has the leaves with a circular cross section, they are elongated, cone-shaped to an end. They are completely covered by a mucous secret attaching prey to leaves and tentacles. These are beautiful indoor plants that feel comfortable at home.

Video predatory plants

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    ✪ Plants that eat animals !!!

    ✪ Predators Plants

    ✪ Plants predators

    ✪ Predator plants. Venus flytrap

    ✪ Predator plants. Predatory flowers


    Most plants get food from the soil on which they grow. But what to make plants living in areas with insufficient nutrients? Evolution decided this problem and presented the world for the most amazing creatures - plants, which turned their stalks and leaves into death traps. They learned to dissolve and absorb the bodies of their victims, and most importantly - developed unique ways to lure mining. Predators in our garden, who became a unique link in the food chain! These "green predators" live, as a rule, in places with a lack of nitrogen and mineral salts in the soil, and animal food serves as an excellent source and the other. Manyfish plants can be powered in the same way as their miscalculate fellow, but it makes them sluggish and reduces their life cycle. Today, more than six hundred types of predatory plants divided into three groups are known: "Insectivores", which are mainly insects; "Water" - industrial fishing of micro-crustaceans; And the group "EM, who will catch" - plants with traps, are quite large for catching small animals. After a successful hunt, the caught game is digested by some "gastric juice", which produces special glands of the plant, or the caught creature dies and rotates, and the plant absorbs the decomposition products. The only predatory plant, the process of catching insects that can be noticed by the naked eye, is a plant-cell - Venus of the Mukholovka. The leaves look like a mouth of an unknown monster. Each mouth is littered with strips-fangs that perform the role of lattices in the cage, when the leaflet slammed, the extraction can no longer get out of it. In the case when the leaf slam downs, or something inadvertible falls into it, he will reveal during the half an hour. If the insect was caught, the trap remains closed for several weeks until the food is completely absorbed. It grows this "green misery" in a wet moderate climate on the Atlantic Coast of the United States (Florida, North and South Carolina and New Jersey). Representative of insectivinal plants in Europe and the CIS countries is Rosyanka. Most often it can be found in the middle russian strip , growing in swampy terrain, in places, poor useful minerals - the so-called "acidic soils". In the summer, the blooming Rosyanka can be found in small white colors growing on a long stem-flower. Samera Rosyanka itself, a sufficiently imperceptible marsh insectivorous grass with leaves lying on the ground, dyed hairs. The liquid secreted by hairs is very similar to the dew, but in reality it is a deadly adhesive for insects, as well as an enzyme for digesting production. The victim attracted by the smell of this "pseudo-dew" sits on the leaflet and sticks to it. The hairs presses the unfortunate creation to the surface of the sheet, the enzyme begins the process of dissolving food, and the leaflet itself, meanwhile, is folded, damping the captive of the last chances of salvation. The remains that Rosyanka did not digest, fall to the ground, after which the leaves take their usual appearance, the hairs are covered by beads of adhesive "dew" and a new hunt begins. Some particularly large types of Rosyanka can catch even careless frog and small birds. Science knows about 130 varieties of this plant. In conditions similar to the habitat of Rosyanka, you can meet another "green predator" - the girlfriend. The type of girlfriend is a rosette of large, tapering on the end of leaves covered with shiny adhesive fat-like mass. During the flowering period from the center of the socket grows the stem with a purple flower. The principle of hunting and feeding the girlfriend strongly resembles Rosyanka. Insects attracted by the smell of "fat" adhere to the sheet, which worst inwards, and digestive discharges split prey. The obtained minerals and amino acids are absorbed by the plant, then the sheet unfolds and is waiting for another portion of "guests". Darlingtonia also loves a swampy terrain, and externally resembles Cobru, ready for a throw. It is for their aids, a shape resembling a hood snake, Darlingtonia and received the nickname "plant-Cobra". This is a truly insidious plant: it not only lures insects with a sweet aroma into his jug, but also has numerous false outputs on its walls, directed down and not allowing the victim to get out. But the bubble is a predator plant, the habitat of which is standing water. The bubbler is devoid of roots familiar to plants, which is why and hunting insects and small crustaceans. Candy "bubbles" are located with the leaves under water, only its flowers float on the surface. "Bubbles" has a "entrance" that opens as soon as the insect turns out. The signal to the opening of the "bubble" comes from hair-probe, located near the "entrance". When the insect hooked the hairs, the "bubble" opens and pulls the booty inside along with water. Then the food digestion begins. The habitat of another carnivorous plant called Neventends or pitcher, are tropical forests. It is growing mainly like Liana, but shrubs meet among 80 varieties of this plant. Its name "pitcher" received for a special form of leaves, resembling a jug, which helps him collect rainwater. "Jugs" are also large enough so that frogs, rodents and small birds come across. However, insects remain the main mining of non-fetuses. On the inside of the pitch's walls, glands producing nectar and wax are located. The nectar lures prey, and the smooth wax does not give to get out of the insect, falling into the water at the bottom of the jug, sinking. The following predatory plant is handsome biblism. The area of \u200b\u200bthis low shrub is North Australia and the south of New Guinea, as well as small sites In Western Australia. The branches are littered with narrow long leaves, on the surface of which are bristles and glands that emit a strong adhesive substance and the digestive enzyme. In such a trap fall both insects and small animals. Australian aborigines once believed that the Biblis was even able to catch and digest a person. But it did not prevent them from using the bibli leaves as a source of glue. And this bright representative of insectivorous plants lives in swamps and belongs to the family of Sarrezenovoy. Sarration possesses bright flowers and bright green leaves, made by the raspberry lines of capillaries. The leaves resemble the envelopes, sourcing sweet juice. Once in such a trap, the insect is doomed. And the script with digestion and absorption is still the same. And although the process of hunting sarration is not as entertaining, as, for example, the hunt of the veriery of the mukholovka, nevertheless, watching the flower is quite interesting. Today, these miracle plants can be purchased in many flower shops, including through the Internet. The buyer is provided a very wide choice. So, if you have a desire to decorate your home and at the same time clean it from annoying insects, these "green predators" can help you with this.

Historical Information and Study

Insectivorous plants became known in the XVIII century. The very first is exact botanical description Veinele Mukholovka ( Dionaea Muscipula.) It was made by English naturalist John Ellis in a letter to Karl Linneu in 1769. In a letter, Ellis first suggested that caught insects serve as food for plants.

IN early XIX. A century has been described a number of new births and species relating to this group of plants. So, Korthas in 1835 described the phenomenon of the insectivities in plants of the kind of non-charged ( NEPENTHES.) .

Soon there were works devoted to the deep study of the peculiarities of such plants. In 1861, Auger de Lassey described the sensitivity to the touch and movement of the plant leaves of the genus of the Alded Grade ( Aldrovanda.). In 1868, American scientist William Kenby For the first time, pointed to the digestive properties of the juice released by the glands on the leaves of the veneree flies.

The next stage in the study of insectivore plants was research Charles Darwin, started with observations of Rosankas in 1860. Then Darwin put a row laboratory experimentsemerging in the study. He studied the "tastes" of plants and amounted to the "menu". Darwin attracted the ability of plants to digest food, their grabbing movements, high sensitivity to touch - that is, properties similar to those in animals. Subsequently, these experiments have become a serious scientific work that made a lot of unique observations and bold, but reasonable conclusions.

This work was so captured by Darwin that he wrote in a letter to Limes:

Darwin for a long time Did not decrease to publish the results of their research. Only in 15 years, when they were complemented by other researchers, he published the book "Insectivorous Plants" (). The second edition of the "insectivinal plants" with large additions written by his son, came out after Darwin's death, in 1888.

The work of Charles Darwin became a turning point in studies of insectivore plants. As K. Göbel writes (1893),

<…> hardly any other department botany in the newest time Attracted the attention of wider circles than the so-called insectivore plants. The reason for this was especially the extensive work of Darwin, which gave the impetus to the emergence of numerous other works.

However, this work did not immediately find recognition among scientists and underwent cruel criticism, in most cases due to their principal discrepancies with the new evolutionary theory of Darwin. Director of the St. Petersburg Botanical Garden E. Regel (1879) expressed the opinion that the approval of Darwin on the existence in the nature of insectivore plants belongs to the theories,

over which every sensible botanist and the naturalist would just laugh if it did not proceed from the famous Darwin. We hope that the Cold Mind (der Kuhle Verstand) and the solid observation of our German researchers will soon throw this theory, like the theories of primary origin, parthenogenesis, alternations of generations, etc., in the scientific tractor box, which former followers of such theories are less than all Write ever to open.

However, so far, Darwin's fundamental work is the largest contribution to the study of insectivorous plants.


Template: Biofoto data on the evolution of insectivore plants is extremely scarce because of the small number of fossil remains of the latter. Fossils, most of which are represented by seeds or pollen, is not found enough. Most of the insectivative representatives, being grassy plants, are deprived of dense structures, such as the bark or wood, and the casualties themselves are probably not survived in the form of fossils.

Botanical description

Insectivores - mostly perennial herbate plantsBut there are also half-workers and small shrubs.

The largest known one insectivorous plant - Giant Biblism ( Byblis Gigantea.), a small (up half meter) a shrub from the Biblistic family, growing in Australia. It comes across not only insects, but also snails and even frogs and lizards. Nonpopens - tropical Liana With a weird stem, it grows up to 4 m in length (non-tenty winged). There are types of non-tapenes that attract the nectar of small mammals and use their excrement as fertilizers.

It is inhabited mainly on the wetlands and swamps, in the water of fresh reservoirs. Rosolist ( Drosophyllum.), a half-walker height up to 30 cm, growing on dry sands in North Africa and on the Pyrenean Peninsula. Local peasants have long been using this plant instead of a sticky paper from flies, hanging it inside houses.

Use animals as an additional source of phosphorus, potassium and other elements. Insects catch with the help of modified leaves - animals. Attract insects by coloring, odor or sweet selections. On the surface of the leaves there are glands allocating digestive enzymes: pepsin and organic acids (forming, benzoic and others), which digest the caught sacrifice, breaking animals proteins. The products formed as a result of such extracellular digestion are mainly amino acids are absorbed and digested.

  • actively catching - with actively moving bodies for fishing (Rosyanka, Mukholovka);
  • passively catching;
    • with mucous membranes and adhesive discharges on the leaves covering insects (rollerist, girlfriend);
    • with traps - pitcher, bubbles and the like (bubble, non-tentures, genons, sarration).

Types of traps

Plants use five main types of production traps:

  • candy leaves in the form of jugs;
  • leaves that are closed in the form of cappos;
  • sticky traps;
  • suction traps;
  • crab claw type trap.

The trap type does not depend on the plant affiliation to a specific family.

Loss of predatoryness

Template: Biofoto Many species of plants can be attributed to protonasest or paranassekom. Protonasekomodnaya called plants that can extract the nutrients they need from the insects adhered to their surface; However, in contrast to insectivorous plants, they are devoid of special adaptations and do not have an attractive smell and secretory glasses. Protonoskomotivity is common for plants with glandular flood (Ibizel Yellow, some types of laptops, geranium) and sticky stems (resin). Paransectoral plants partially lost the ability to catch and digesting small animals and during evolution adapted to use other sources of nutrients. One of these plants is non-tenty pitcher ( NEPENTHES AMPULLARIA), which, along with the involvement, fishing and digestion of arthropods, has the ability to obtain nutrients from the fallen leaves of other plants falling into his cattle "pitcher". Another example is NEntentain Low ( NEPENTHES LOWII.). Preliminary studies have shown that this speculation presumably adapted to the "catching" of the birds that feed on its nectar and sweet discharges. Nepenty Attenboro ( Nepenthes Attenboroughii.), growing in the Philippines, synthesizes the sweet nectar on the lid of the pitcher. This nectar loves the petty animals - Tupayi, which use these lines as a toilet. From the feces of an animal insectivorous plant receives nitrogen and phosphorus - and produces a new portion of attracting nectar, completing the cycle.

Purple bubble ( Utricularia Purpurea.) Partially lost the ability to catch extraction. At the same time, she developed a mutualistic relationship, providing its bubbles for habitat of algae and zooplankton.


Template: Biofoto Although different types of carnivorous plants are in different ways demanding to lighting, humidity and soil, they are combined by some common features.


Most carnivorous plants require rain or other specially prepared demineralized water with a weakly acidic, almost neutral medium (about 6.5).

Conventional water supply or drinking water contains mineral salts (in particular, calcium salts), which quickly accumulate in tissues and can destroy the plant. This is due to the fact that most carnivorous plants grow on acidic soils, poor nutrients and, therefore, extremely sensitive to excess calcium and excessive amounts of nutrients. Since most of these plants grow in swampy locations, almost all of them are moisture and not tolerated drought. Although there are exceptions, for example: Tubery Rosyanka, who need a dry (summer) period of rest, and Rosolist Lusitansky ( Drosophyllum Lusitanicum) growing in dry conditions.


Sprocket open air plants themselves able to provide themselves necessary quantity Insects. Insects can be served on plants manually to supplement their diet. However, carnivorous plants are usually unable to digest large quantities Food that can be drove in a trap, which, in turn, can entail the death of the plant. Small carnivorous animals, such as some types of ants and spiders, dive directly into digestive juice and eat prey caught by a plant, thereby facilitating the plant with digestion.

A carnivorous plant that does not catch insects rarely dies, although its growth can be slowed down. In general, these plants are best to leave for the mercy of fate. After watering with tap water, the most common cause of the death of the verieral mukholovka is a mechanical impact on traps in order to consider them near and "feeding" them, for example, cheese or other products.


Most carnivorous plants require bright light, and most will look better under such conditions, as it pushes them to the synthesis of red and purple pigments - Anthocyanov. For NEPENTHES. and Pinguicula. best Terms There will be absolute UV, however, for most other species, direct sunlight is an acceptable condition.


Predatory plants are mainly growing in the swamps, and therefore require high humidity. On a small scale, this can be achieved by placing a pot with a plant on a wide tray with pebbles, which is constantly moistened. Small types of non-charges grow well in large terrariums.


Many carnivorous plants occur from cold regions with a temperate climate and can be grown on the street, in a swamp, the garden all year round. Most Sarracenia. It can put up with a temperature below the freezing point, despite this most species are native in southeast of the United States. Views DROSERA. and Pinguicula. Also can carry reduced temperatures. NEPENTHES refers to types that are tropical requiring temperature increase from +20 to +30 ° C for flowering. Template: Biofoto Many bred sarration hybrids are very unpretentious, in particular, they are rather undemanding to the content of nutrients in the soil. Most appreciate 3: 1 mixture of peat SPHAGNUM. To the sand (coconut chips is an acceptable and more eco-friendly peat replacement). Orchid Nepenthes will grow in a compost or in pure sphagnum moss.


Beginner flows can be recommended species originating from conditions of moderately cool climate, in greenhouse conditions (at least 5 ° C in winter, maximum +25 ° C in summer) such plants will feel nicely feel in wide trays with rain or acidified water in summer period, and in wet air conditions in winter.

Veineree Mukholovka can live in these conditions, but in fact it is quite difficult grows: despite good care, in winter she is often infected with gray mold, even if it is well ventilated.

Some of the low-nephenes ( NEPENTHES.) Very rapidly grow in relatively constant warm and wet conditions.

Insectivore plants as an artistic image

Template: Biofoto Insectivores always caused interest that was reflected in artworks, films, commercials, computer GamesWhere they often attributed the opportunity to achieve huge sizes and other unusual properties. Among the first rumors, subsequently debunking, o

Carrying plants rightly can be considered a miracle of nature. These amazing plants - Real predators, they catch insects and arthropods, isolated digestive juice, dissolve the victim and during this process is obtained most of the nutrients. Predatory plants are quite a lot (about 600 species are known science), they have special devices of one or another species that is used to attract and hold their victims. In addition, all of them combines the comparative poverty of the soils, on which they live, as well as bright color, which attracts insects as an association with Nasmoda. Here are the most famous predatory plants that use different types traps in order to lure his sacrifice.

Rosyanka (DROSERA) is a small insectivorous plant with the leaves collected in the rosette. For Rosyanok, moving glandular tentacles are characterized, crowned with sweet sticky droplets of the liquid. When the insect lands on sticky tentacles, then the plant begins to move the remaining tentacles in the direction of the victim in order to drive it into the trap. As soon as the insect turned out to be trapped, small seating glands absorb it and nutrients are coming to grow plants.

Veinea Mukholovka (Dionaea Muscipula) is perhaps the most famous carnivorous plant. This is a small plant that feeds in the main insect and spider-shaped. Sheet shares do a sharp movement, slamming when its sensory hairs are stimulated. The plant is so developed that it can distinguish a living stimulus from non-living. The leaves slam it in 0.1 seconds. They are bored with rigid, like cubs with cilias that hold prey. As soon as the victim came across, the inner surface of the leaves is gradually stimulated, and the edges of the shares grow and merge, closing the trap and creating a closed stomach, where the extraction is digested.

Darlingtonia Californica - considered rare plant, grows in swamps and springs with cold running water in Northern California and Oregon.
Lily Cobra (Cobra Lily) or Cobra Plant (Cobra Plant) - such a popular name Darlingtonia received thanks to the growths resembling the red twisted snake languages, and indeed, the leaves resemble the cobra attacked with a loose hooded. Plants attract prey to the entrance to the catcher with the help of nectar highlighted along the "Languages" of the jug. Light passing into the window, - thinning in the wall of the jug hooded, knocks down prey, and it falls inside, where and sinks. Bacteria and other microorganisms digest production and emit nutrients in the form of fluid.

Nepentens, or a pitcher (Nepenthes) - a predatory herbby, bush liana, widespread in tropical Asia, especially on the island of Kalimantan, as well as in China, Malaysia, Indonesia, in the Philippines, Madagascar, Seychelles. Also, the plant received a nickname "Monkey Cup", as the researchers often observed how the monkeys drank rainding water from them. This carnivorous plant with a trap, which uses the curb leaves in the form of a lummy. The trap contains a liquid released by a plant, which may have a watery or sticky structure, and in which the insects are drowning, which the plant eats. The lower part of the bowl contains glands that absorb and distribute nutrients. Most of the plants are small and they only catch insects, but large speciesSuch as NEPENTHES RAFFLESIANA and NEPENTHES RAJAH can catch small mammals such as rats, lizards, birds.

Rosolist Lusitanic (Drosophyllum Lusitanicum) - or "Portuguese Mukholovka", which is close to semi-staples from the Mediterranean to Russia, highlights a sweet aroma attracting insects that are listed in the sticky surface and dying. Rosolist's digestive ability is quite large: during the day one plant middle size Successfully copes with mining consisting of several dozen large flies and other insects.

The girlfriend (pinguicula) is a carnivorous plant that uses sticky, glazed leaves in order to lure and digest insects. Fat leaves juicy and usually have bright green or pink color. There are two special types of cells located on the upper side of the leaves. Some cells produce a mucous secret that forms visible drops on the surface of the leaves and acts as velcro. Other cells produce enzymes that contribute to the digestive process.

Heliamfora (Heliamphora) - insectivorous plant attracting attention to its elegant device of leaves, rolled into rolls and resembling lines. The leaf urns are arranged in such a way as to avoid full flooding of cavity with water - in the upper part of the urn at a certain level there is a small slot for draining excess moisture. Such a mechanism is unrestrained: before the plant there is a task to drown the prey in water assigned to water. And hubs insect Heliamfor in this way: instead of the cap on the tip of the pitcher, the tip of the sheet is converted into a spoon, from which Heliamirah, as it should be proposed to taste nectar. The inner surface of the sheet is covered with small bristles directed downwards. They seem to make a track specifically, offering carefully descend into the insect in the bowl, adhering to the "handrails". And the return road is no longer and insects turn into unfortunate drifts.

Bubble (utricularia) - carnivorous plant living in fresh water or wet soil. Capture and utilize the extraction of these plants helps a unique body - a catchochy bubble. Bubble traps in most species are very small, so they can catch very small prey, such as the simplest, and in a slightly large traps, larger mining falls, such as water flea or tadparts. Each bubble is equipped with a hole covered by opening inside the valve, as a result of which small water animals can freely penetrate the bubble, but can not exit. Death, they serve food for the plant.

Sarration (Sarracenia) - insectivorous plant that meets in areas eastern coast North America, and the southeastern part of South America. This plant uses the curb leaves in the form of a lummy as a trap. The leaves of the plant turned into a funnel with an education similar to a hood, which grows above the hole, preventing rainwater from entering, which can dilute digestive juices. Insects attracts color, smell and secretion, similar to nectar on the edge of the pita. A slippery surface and a narcotic substance, bordering nectar, contribute to the fact that insects fall inside, where they die and digest with protease and other enzymes.

Biblis - or a rainbow plant is a small look of carnivorous plants from Australia. The rainbow plant got its name for the attractive type of mucus, which covers the leaves in the sun. The surface of the leaves is fully covered with ferrous hairs, which highlight a sticky mucous membrane, which serves as a trap for small insects, sitting on the leaves or tentacles of the plant.