Creator of commercials profession. Professions related to advertising


RUB 40,000–60,000 (

Place of work


  • preparation of printed materials (posters, business cards, booklets);
  • budgeting and media planning (planning the placement of advertising messages in the media);
  • conclusion of contracts with the media for advertising within a certain period;
  • organization of promotions and events;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of promotional activities;
  • monitoring the activities of competitors;
  • document flow control.

Important qualities

The position of an advertising manager requires the candidate to have the following qualities: communication skills, optimism, self-confidence, analytical and at the same time creative thinking, accuracy, diligence, readiness for stressful situations.

Reviews about the profession

“The work of marketers, PR or advertisers can hardly be called boring. On duty, they have to constantly meet new people, process huge amounts of information, attend various events and come up with non-standard solutions tasks set by management. And this is impossible to do without a positive attitude to life and love for your work.

stereotypes, humor

Many students, choosing the profession of an advertising manager, believe that they are opening the door to the world of show business. However, a sharp career take-off is preceded by a long hard work. Traditionally, young boys and girls are accepted for the position.


To become an advertising manager, you need to get a higher specialized education in the specialty "Advertising", "Public Relations", "Marketing" (St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, St. Petersburg State University). Since advertising technologies do not stand still, advanced training is required in courses.

Moscow Economic Universities: Academy of MNEPU, Institute of International Economic Relations, Moscow Finance and Law University MFLA.

The advertising business is actively developing today, so professions related to the advertising industry and marketing are among the most sought after and popular. We will offer you a description of one of the most interesting professions in the advertising field.

advertising managers

This is one of the highest paid specialties in the job market. Specialists in this industry can work both in mass media(printed publications, on television, radio, Internet resources), and in advertising agencies.

The main task of the manager is to attract new customers who should be interested in the offer to purchase an advertising platform or free airtime. The advertising manager must convince the client that advertising in your media is the most profitable and profitable investment.


It is on these specialists that the success and profits of the company depend. They face the following tasks: monitoring the market, analyzing customer needs, questionnaires and focus group surveys, developing concepts that will help present an old product in a completely new way, researching the offer of competing companies.

In general, they are engaged in developing a strategy for bringing new products to the market and promoting them. Their main goal is to offer more favorable conditions than competitors, to lure the target audience.


This profession is mainly in demand in advertising agencies. They are engaged in the fact that they come up with new slogans, mottos, advertising texts. This is quite a difficult job. Not every person can come up with a new text, taking into account all the wishes of the customer and marketer.

This is a creative profession that requires an irregular working day. Copywriters must be distracted from all the problems and financial crises, this is necessary for the process of inventing a new interesting slogan. Copywriters must master the word, know perfectly foreign languages. .

Brand managers

These specialists are engaged in the promotion of brands. They must ensure that their company is recognizable and has a positive image.

Brand managers come up with a branding strategy for both the whole brand and the individual product.

They must be able to predict what exactly will be in demand on the market tomorrow, in a few weeks, months and even years.




entry barrier


On the Internet, in stores, on T-shirts and in the bus, there are almost monotonous calls to pay attention to a product, store or service. Advertising does not leave a person indifferent. People can hate it or love it - but it is impossible not to notice advertising today. Few people talk about its benefits, although what else can help a person navigate among the mass of goods and services that exist today? And, if the advertisement itself should not be ignored, then why not ask what it is? And even more interesting, of course, to create it. To do this, many universities have opened a specialty called "Advertising".

How the work is built

Advertising creation is not only writing bright slogans and inventing interesting concepts. This is just the outer side of the work that we all see. Behind the result - high-quality advertising - there is a whole chain of cases, starting with getting to know the client and his problem and ending with a study of the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. And each of the links in this chain has its own interesting questions and problems. To solve them, you need to have imagination and creativity and have many other skills. In a small agency, one person can deal with several areas at once, and in a large business, many narrow specialists are needed. Copywriter, sociologist, designer, project manager, media buyer - everyone is doing their own thing. All "advertising" professions can be divided into three areas:

Creative (copywriters, designers, creative directors) is engaged in the creation of advertising products - posters, slogans, texts of advertising articles, souvenirs, logos, corporate identity elements.

These people receive an order from another department of the advertising agency. We will call those who work in it communicators. It is they who meet with the customer (sometimes looking for him), make up the so-called brief - a summary of what needs to be done. Sometimes you just need promotional products, and sometimes - a whole anti-crisis program. Other managers work with the media, buy advertising space (places on the pages of newspapers, time on television, posters in the city) - they are called media buyers.

To determine what exactly needs to be done, how to interact with the audience, it is necessary to carry out analytical work. This is done by research agencies, and sometimes by relevant departments in large advertising agencies: they conduct sociological surveys, collect focus groups on which they test advertising products, identify what arguments or emotional impulses can convince a person to take advantage of an advertising offer. Both during the advertising campaign and at the end of it, data is collected, information is checked, effective or failed methods are identified.

Project manager

Each of these roles has its own ratio of creativity and routine.

It seems that the work of a copywriter or designer is one continuous work, but in fact it is not.

A very precise task is given, and the result should meet the requirements that the customer puts forward as much as possible. Beautiful and unusual moves are encouraged, but they clearly fit into the framework of solving the problem posed in the assignment. The work of thought is highly valued here, because to do beautiful picture anyone can, but creating a project that is useful for the overall concept is a much more difficult task.

From the outside, one might think that in the work of a researcher, on the contrary, there is almost no creativity. After all, he works with clearly defined questions and prepares statistical reports. But it is precisely in the formulation of the question, in the approach to each person and, especially, in the formulation of a ready-made analysis, that a field for fantasy can open up. In advertising in any activity there are these two components - and there is no need to be afraid that they will come into conflict with each other.

However, almost every person associated with advertising is experiencing a crisis associated with the fact that his thoughts and ideas are limited by the order. It's okay: many of the great artists of the past and present also created by order. Advertising posters were created by Andy Warhol and Mayakovsky, and commercials are shot by both David Lynch and Guy Ritchie. Everyone determines for himself what ratio of creativity and skill is the most effective for him and for the common cause.

There are established images of professionals. For example, an employee of the creative department is imagined as a freak, an account manager is the owner of a telephone book with a thousand numbers, and a project manager is a kind of commander-strategist, philosophically looking into the distance. However, there are also completely opposite types.

Where to get an education

The study consists of obtaining a theoretical base and developing practical skills. The advertiser must be diversified - sociology, philosophy, and art history will be useful to him. Today it is impossible to create a product of culture (and advertising is still cultural object), not knowing the works of the past, having no idea about the experience of thought. Cultural and psychological disciplines will help to understand what the consumer needs, how to address him correctly. And already with the help of the means traditionally used by art (text, picture, music), those symbols are created with the help of which advertising attracts the attention of the audience.

The other side of the advertising business is economic: after all, you need to figure out what benefits the campaign can bring, for what pricing policy it is better to focus on the advertising message. Therefore, it is important to understand the general mechanisms of the market, the laws of marketing and the principles of operation of an individual company: how profit is generated, what forms the income and expenses of an enterprise, how marketing policy is organized.

First, students study the history of advertising, gain an understanding of the principles of the advertising agency and common technology advertising creation process. Then they get acquainted with private questions: how a brief is compiled and an advertising message is created, according to what principles the composition is built and what should be included in the text of an advertising article. In the classroom, the types and methods of advertising distribution are discussed in detail. We are all familiar with commercials on television and radio, advertising booklets and promotions in stores, but a professional must understand in which case this or that type of advertising is more suitable, where the consumer would prefer to take information.

Students practice in advertising agencies, and in the media, and in companies where there is a promotion department or an advertising department. First, a young man explores the very principles of advertising in a company, learns in practice how an advertising product is made - step by step. Then he performs small tasks, analyzes how productive the company is, and offers options for solving existing problems in it. Accordingly, the diploma work of an advertising specialist is closely related to practice.

It is understood that knowledge of the theory itself is presented in the introductory part of advertising education, and its main content is practical - and is the answer to the question of how to apply advertising methods more effectively in order to improve commercial activity in a particular company.

Various educational institutions offer different approaches to the training of advertising specialists. Large state universities have introduced such a specialty quite recently; somewhere it belongs to the faculties of journalism, sociology or psychology, in other universities the department of advertising is opened at the faculty of economics. In small educational institutions advertisers have been trained for a long time, but there is more emphasis on practical training and many applied disciplines are given.

Some universities train graduates in specific areas: copywriters, managers or designers, while others train advertising in general. It is assumed that general education makes it possible to prove himself in every direction, but such a specialist has all the skills for the most demanded and complex work in this area - the work of an advertising project manager. It is difficult to learn creativity, however, having a fairly broad outlook and a systematic vision of advertising, one can gain experience in the field of management. Of course, before leading an independent project or even starting a business, which many graduates are set on, it is worth understanding what work in various areas of advertising is like.

Understand what it means to live advertising

Many people confuse advertising with PR, marketing and other related industries. Of course, they are very closely related, but even in the first year, the student must learn to distinguish one from the other and clearly understand what exactly he is doing. Any means of communication with the audience in order to increase the success of an enterprise or person can be classified as marketing, because all this happens according to the laws of the market. However, advertising has its own specifics. It may seem that advertising is the narrowest field of activity, but in fact it is not. Only by studying advertising can you touch not only methods to increase sales or strengthen the image, but also the bulk of brand culture. Analyzing any advertisement is similar to the work of a film critic or a professional theater reviewer. It is both extremely practical (after all, the advertiser understands how the means correspond to the goal) and very interesting (after all, we work with works that can partly be called art).

However, advertising is not an art in the usual sense, nor is it a science. However, individual products can be considered as works of art, and scientific activity a student of this specialty can be very interesting and in demand. You can study advertising as a phenomenon in society, you can devote yourself to analyzing the most promising methods, or you can be engaged in predicting the future of advertising. In this case, a researcher or teacher has a reason to combine his activities with business consulting: after all, when a company reaches a qualitatively high level, you need to understand where you can move on, and this cannot be done without professional in-depth analysis.

Today in Russia, work with advertising is just beginning. Yuri Grymov and Timur Bekmambetov, the people who created the first commercials and posters in modern Russia are your contemporaries. Departments and faculties specializing in advertising are still very young. On the one hand, it is very difficult to study and work at such a moment: you will not be sure what is right and what is not, teaching methods are only being formed, and teachers sometimes imagine the subject differently, even if they work on the same department. But on the other hand, it is at this moment that there is an opportunity to be at the origins of a new direction. Discoveries in the field of advertising can still be compared with the discovery of America: it seems to be similar to the India that Columbus expected to see, but in fact it is a completely different country.

Bye young specialist in advertising there is an opportunity to try yourself in different areas. Will he want to create advertising products in the Russian branch of a large agency - or will he create his own company, will he conduct research and issue recommendations for firms that are just starting their activities - or will he lead projects for new companies? The choice is his own. If you abandon the everyday idea “I like advertising and I want to do it”, you can succeed and find yourself in this interesting specialty.

If you still have even the slightest doubt that the profession of "Advertising" is your calling - do not rush. After all, then all your life you can regret the lost years for training and work in a specialty that simply does not suit you. To find a profession in which you can maximize your talents, go through online career guidance test or order consultation "Career vector" .

Advertising is a mechanism for promoting a product, idea or service on the market. The main goal of advertising is the creation of an informational community. It will perform the functions of increasing interest potential buyer to the “product”, will highlight all the benefits of the service or product, and will also help facilitate the purchase process.

  • Incentive advertising;
  • Advertising stability;
  • Image advertising.

Advertising should be done by a qualified specialist, and such is the advertising manager. An advertising manager is a person who has the appropriate education and takes actions aimed at promoting an idea, service or product on the market.

Advertising is also a "weapon" of an enterprise or brand in the struggle for a "place in the sun" among numerous competitors. In addition to advertising, attention should also be paid to the presentation of the product to investors and those entrepreneurs who can influence the promotion of products. It is for this reason that the sales manager, as a profession, does not lose its relevance to this day. Among other things, it is also gaining great popularity and significance.

An advertising manager is a profession that requires mobility from a person. He must constantly communicate with various people. Moreover, we are talking about both people of creative professions, and those who are involved in politics and belong to state bodies.

Naturally, in every environment, he must correctly interact with people, be able to find the right words and adhere to a certain manner of communication. Such a specialist simply must be able to "read a person." He must also be charming.

Pros and cons

The manager must remember that many people involved in creative professions sometimes very unorganized. Therefore, when working with them, a specialist should be able to correctly set the task and plan the whole day. Otherwise, the workflow will take a lot of time and effort, and the result will be low.

In the event that a specialist is employed in an agency, there may be problems with understanding the tasks and requirements of the customer. But positive moment jobs in an advertising agency are considered an opportunity to broaden their horizons and get acquainted with the activities in various fields. In addition, the manager will acquire quite extensive practical experience.

If we talk about the shortcomings of this profession, then it is worth noting the high level of responsibility. Even one insignificant word can completely alienate a potential consumer. As a result, all the work done will be done in vain. And the main plus is getting a job that allows you to think multifaceted and develop creatively. You can also note the communication with a great many interesting people.

Is there any development and career growth for such specialists?

Advertising Manager Qualifications

It should be noted that in order to work as an advertising manager, you may not have the appropriate education. But due to the high level of competition, many manufacturing companies seek to hire only qualified personnel.


: That is, preference is given to specialists who have received higher education. For those who know firsthand what marketing is and is familiar with its basis.

Moreover, in order to take the position of an advertising manager, it is best for a specialist to have several higher educations. For example, such areas as journalism, psychology, marketing and sociology. In the event that a person already has a higher education, then it is worth supplementing your knowledge base with the help of special courses in the field of PR.

It should be noted that regardless of the education and the number of shorts about the courses taken, the advertising manager must be able and aware of the following things:

Be able to


  • Must know the basics of psychology, design, marketing, branding and politics;
  • Required to know several languages;
  • Must have media connections and government bodies as well as in the business environment;
  • Must have a thorough knowledge of the specifics of the company in which he works;
  • Required to know the specifics of the activities of competing companies;

Moreover, the advertising manager needs to know exactly how this mechanism works, due to which trademark"keeps afloat" and how to motivate a potential consumer to use the service offered by a particular company or firm.

Job Responsibilities

  • Increase in sales;
  • Reporting;
  • Work with direct clients;
  • Advice on the services provided.

What should I do?

Depending on the area in which the advertising manager works, he is required to do different things:

  • in an advertising and PR agency

    – communicate with customers, know the specifics of the customer company and be able to promptly suggest methods and ways to promote the product. Stream work;

  • internet advertising agency

  • on TV and radio

    – be able to set tasks correctly, be charming, be able to focus on a particular consumer, analyze the needs of customers;

  • in the newspaper

    - if we are talking about a printed publication, the main thing here is to choose the right words, without " right word» Impossible to increase sales volume.


Each work must be paid. The average salary of an advertising manager in Moscow is around 35-40,000 rubles. But the northern capital offers a salary of 20-30,000 rubles for the same amount of work. It is worth remembering that the salary depends on the quality of the services provided and on the experience of the specialist.

In addition to the traditional meaning of a particular profession, there is always an individual definition for each company. This applies to any position and specialty, and especially those related to intellectual work.

If we talk about the position of "advertising specialist", then it can be interpreted in different ways. The responsibilities that it will include will largely depend on the breadth of understanding of advertising by company management.

In the countries of the post-Soviet space, advertising is very often not perceived as a serious direction. Of course, it is not included in the marketing part, and for this reason, the advertising specialist is only a link between the advertising service contractors and the company's management. Often, his duties include the execution of timely orders for the manufacture of branded souvenirs or gift products, maintaining related documentation, advertising in

Formation of the marketing department

When a company faces high level competition, then she begins to understand that there is a need to develop advertising strategies, conducting special studies and more focused activities. In this case, it is formed which includes no more than 15 employees. A marketing specialist performs desk and field research work, establishes But many professional aspects of marketing are solved through intermediaries in order to minimize the staff of the department. The choice of companies that will be engaged in promotion on the network or the creation of television advertising, mainly depends on the financial capabilities of the company. The priority is not on the quality of performance, but on the optimal ratio of price and professionalism.

Marketing Department

Companies that reach a certain level of maturity and understand the importance of marketing in their activities create a specialized department. Such a department can include a huge number of employees from a wide variety of professions. Advertising focuses on corporate identity, professionalism and conformity to preferences. target audience. In this case, an advertising specialist can be involved both in the full range and in his specific area. Intermediaries are used only to place an advertising message or for parallel work in order to increase the speed of its execution.

"Advertising Specialist" is a very sought-after profession in our time. Today, in the century high technology and opportunities, it is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to compete solely on the basis of product quality. good materials and equipment available to all. Therefore, the main struggle is for the consumer, and the principles are applied. All this obliges people working in marketing to constantly develop and improve their skills and abilities.