Analysis and selection of an advertising strategy for the IKEA store. IKEA marketing moves

The cooperation between the Swedish furniture retailer IKEA and the Russian agency Instinct has been going on for about twelve years. During this time, the creative union presented more than one advertising project, thanks to which the retailer became one of Russia in 2015.

Advertisers devote each new advertising campaign to one of the corners of the house (kitchen, bedroom) - this is a global brand promotion concept, which is reflected in the long-running "Wonderful Everyday" campaign. The global concept is being rethought for domestic market, and is also complemented by original digital and BTL projects that allow creating a completely new experience for domestic consumers.

This time, the creative team of the Instinct agency and the retailer announced the launch of a new summer campaign under the slogan "If there is IKEA, there will be rest!". New advertisement reminds viewers that summer is just around the corner and it's time to start preparing for it. As part of the campaign, the agency team released a commercial that aired on federal TV channels on April 25, as well as an original digital project - a country calorie counter.

According to Anna Benon, Head of Marketing for the IKEA retail chain in Russia, the agency was faced with the task of telling a story in which the viewer would certainly recognize himself. O marketing strategy IKEA in Russia

Anna Benon, Head of IKEA Retail Marketing in Russia

Evgenia Babior, senior copywriter at Instinct, said: “It was important for us to show not only the variety of solutions offered by IKEA for summer holidays, but also to demonstrate their ease of use. Considering different variants"home" summer vacation, we came up with the idea of ​​the video "There is IKEA - there will be a vacation!", and with the help of our characteristic characters, we solved it in a humorous and ironic way."

Filming took place in March in Israel, because. it was there at this time of the year that the agency team managed to find places that best correspond to summer nature middle lane Russia. The filming process was directed by a director from Sweden, and the cameraman was also invited from there. Actors for advertising found in Israel. And for the voice acting of the video they invited People's Artist Russia Yulia Rutberg.

As part of this campaign, the agency also launched a digital project called Country Calorie Counter. The authors of the project offer vacationers not to deny themselves gastronomic pleasures (and the accompanying communication), but to get rid of extra calories with the help of such easy activities as swinging in a hammock or unfolding a garden chair.

“We have turned IKEA products for summer holidays into Sports Equipment. The mechanics is simple: users go to the site, where they make lists of their purchases, learning at the same time how IKEA products can help them not only relax, but also burn extra calories, ”explained Elena Dernova, digital art director of Instinct.

“We are always looking for new ways and tools to promote our products. We do not just show them, but also play them in unusual, sometimes funny, and most importantly, memorable situations. We want people to discover the full "creativity" inherent in the IKEA assortment. Therefore, the project "Counter of country calories" not only continues the theme of our commercial, but also inspires the audience to implement their own ideas of a bright summer holiday,” said Anna Benon.

The composition of the creative team

IKEA Russia (client)

Anna Benon, Marketing Manager
Inna Romagnoli , Deputy Marketing Manager
Anna Fokina, External Communications Manager
Olga Trukets, Senior Marketing Specialist
Ivan Nyrkov, Interior Designer

instinct (creative)

Yaroslav Orlov and Roman Firainer, Creative Directors
Evgenia Babior, Copywriter
Anna Kau-ten-chih, Art Director
Marina Vershinina, Client Service Director
Natalia Ametova , Account Director
Andrey Morozov, Strategic Planning Director
Vera Ulitenko, Senior Account Manager
Tatyana Maksimova, Producer

REFLEX (production)

Strom Jakob Gustav
Rignell Andres Alexander - DOP
Petr Ilyin - Executive Producer
Marusya Karmen - Producer
Alexandra Bravova - Junior Producer

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Today in the Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg I saw a road billboard advertising an IKEA store. And the thought immediately came to mind - why not write about this creative brand in your blog? After all, billboards IKEA outdoor advertising always stand out among hundreds of others. Scandinavian minimalism, creative look, obligatory humor - this is the approach to advertising this brand. And if in our city we just admire printed posters, yes billboards, then in other countries the famous IKEA arranges unusual advertising performances, allowing creativity to roam to the fullest.

But first, a little history. Where did this Swedish miracle come from? IKEA was founded in 1943 by a seventeen-year-old boy (youth, take an example!) Ingvar Kamprad. There was a second World War, but Sweden was a little on the sidelines of the fighting, and Ingvar managed to spin his nascent business. True, at first it was just a stationery trade. The idea to produce furniture came to Ingvar only in 1948. At first, furniture for IKEA is made by several small manufacturers. But three years later, Ingvar acquires a small factory, where he begins independent production of furniture. In the same year, the first IKEA catalog was published.

In those post-war years, furniture was not the cheapest purchase for the Swedes. IKEA manages to reduce the price of its products as much as possible due to the idea of ​​​​collapsible furniture - transportation costs have decreased, as well as the risk of damage to the goods during delivery.
By the end of the 50s, IKEA stores appeared in Sweden, where you can not only buy furniture and other household goods, but also have a bite to eat in an inexpensive cafe. Visiting buyers from neighboring towns receive a discount on the return ticket. Soon IKEA enters the world market - first to Scandinavia, and then to other countries of the world.

I myself remember very well how more than ten years ago the first IKEA store appeared in St. Petersburg. A lot of people came to the opening. For those who at that time had not yet had time to visit IKEA in Moscow or abroad, this place, of course, was a “revelation”. Stylish scandinavian design, low prices for the basic line of furniture, original decor for home... And also - free pencils, a children's playroom, delicious meatballs + soup of the day, all this made IKEA a place of pilgrimage.

1. Action in Paris.
Paris, metro, platform. Apartment, people, IKEA. Thus, this famous action can be described. A few years ago, at one of the metro stations of the French capital, right in the middle of the platform, an apartment was built, in which they settled real people. 6 days, five people lived literally in front of everyone. And at the end of the allotted time, they threw a mega party, calling several fans of the project from Facebook to their party.

2. Sofas in the subway.
By the way, the layout of the apartment in the Paris metro is not the first advertising show that IKEA has staged underground. A few years earlier, in the same subway, the company equipped cozy seating areas to make it more comfortable for residents and guests of the capital to wait for the train.

3. Balconies - storage boxes.
Scandinavia is famous for its minimalism. But still, no one has canceled personal belongings. Therefore, storage systems occupy an important place in the IKEA product range. Well, including boxes.

4. Outdoor stand.
An ingenious idea with a transparent advertising stand filled with various things that accumulate in our closets. Again - an advertisement for a storage system.

5. Climbing wall.
Yes, IKEA clearly loves the French. Opening their 30th store in this country, the creatives of the brand came up with the idea of ​​making a real climbing wall from the goods of the store. The wall for a height of 9 meters was open to everyone to try their hand. Safety standards have been observed.

6. Bottles on the beach.
It's already in America. A new store has opened, and IKEA has arranged such a beach promotion in order to attract attention potential buyers to the range of goods and low prices. Real furniture was exhibited in bottles, the goods were shown by their faces. In addition, cunning promoters handed out ordinary glass bottles inside which was a certificate for a free dinner at IKEA.

7. Beach library.
In Australia, on the beach of Sydney in 2010, the longest shelving for a beach library was installed. Thus, IKEA celebrated the 30th anniversary of the famous Billy shelving unit.

8. Live billboard.
Paris again. At the train station, the company installed a voluminous billboard demonstrating the superiority of IKEA bathroom furnishings over furniture from other manufacturers. Living people on the billboard washed their faces and brushed their teeth right in front of the astonished audience.

Of course, this is not all brilliant ideas outdoor advertising IKEA scattered around the world. I hope that in the future the Swedish company will please us, residents of St. Petersburg, with something so original!

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P.S. By the way! And you already knew the whole truth about IKEA? Not? Then this book is for you!

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Analysis and selection of an advertising strategy for the Ikea store

Specifications target audience for ikea:

Gender - female, male;

Age - from 15 to 55 years;

Income - stable average income, high income;

Education - secondary, higher.

Characteristic psychological features of the potential audience of the Ikea store: originality, mobility, friendliness, competence, self-confidence, communication, attractiveness, emotional stability, responsibility, purposefulness, etc.

A souvenir is a great occasion to remember something pleasant. Each of the souvenirs will bring something unique, will give each buyer the opportunity to choose things that are suitable for his style, mood, interior.

In the midst of spring, the Ikea store, which is located in the Mega shopping center, offers everyone unique discounts on various goods (51%, 11%, 31%, 21%, 41%). Don't miss out unique opportunity! Visit the Ikea store and purchase the products you need at competitive prices. Taking advantage of this offer, the client is more guided by the rational component of the decision, because. there is a desire to purchase a service at a discount.

This service will be characterized by high-involvement choice, as the consumer here chooses the most acceptable offer for himself.

2. Definition of the target audience.

Gender and age, by by and large, does not really matter, although, basically, these are women from 15 to 55 years old. The income should allow a person to spend a certain amount of money on various interior items and souvenirs. Occupation: It has been noticed that often not only those people who lead an active lifestyle, but also a passive one, become clients.

First of all, the client should be very attentive to the interior of his home, and, therefore, there will be a desire to present a gift to his loved ones.

Since the IKEA store is located in the city center, this promotion is mainly aimed at a different circle of people for whom main characteristic the service offered will be a discount on its purchase.

Development of a creative idea. Substantiation of motives and style of advertising appeal. “Want a beautiful and unusual gift for your home? Come to the Ikea store and your life will seem like a fairy tale.

Kazan, Pobeda ave. 141 Shopping center Mega.

  • - Ikea magazine;
  • - advertising agency "999";
  • - TV channel "TNT";
  • - radio "Russian Radio".

These media channels will be used in the advertising campaign because they are the most appropriate when concluding contracts and making payments.

Development of an advertising newspaper article in a magazine. The Ikea store is distinguished by the extraordinary beauty of the design, the originality of the assortment and the amazing atmosphere that customers appreciate so much. The range offered by Ikea is represented by leading European and Asian manufacturers. Fancy elements decor, use of materials different textures and wide choose format will not leave indifferent even the most demanding customers.

Specialists involved in the selection of assortment for Ikea stores always focus on a modern, stylish and demanding customer. The assortment is updated throughout the year. The choice of seasonal collections is approached especially carefully. For any holiday in the calendar, Ikea stores create special showcases designed directly on the theme of the holiday.

The idea of ​​presenting goods in a store is turnkey solution for home. The house, like a mirror, reflects the personality of its owner. Each person tries to follow fashion and, at the same time, maintain their individuality. Ikea is changing following the tastes and preferences of customers. Along with changes in the design of houses, the style of decoration of Ikea's shops for unusual gifts and business souvenirs is also changing.

Ikea shops for unusual gifts and stylish things are becoming more and more convenient in terms of location, format and display of goods, which allows creating a special mood for customers. Ikea makes affordable things individual. Ikea does not claim to be exclusive, but we help people express their individuality.

ANNOUNCER: If at that time there was an Ikea gift and interior store, then it would not be a fairy tale, but a true story.

ANNOUNCER: “Do you want a beautiful and unusual gift for your home? Come to Ikea and your life will seem like a fairy tale.” Details of the promotion can be found on our website:

Black screen... The sound of pressing the "Start" button. The countdown begins (5,4,3,2,1 start "pip"). In the middle is a red cube, it is open like a box, yellow light comes out of it. Interior items, souvenirs, butterflies fly from all sides and fly into the cube (box). Then the cube closes and stands on one of the corners. The lighting is switched on from four sides.

ANNOUNCER: All the most unusual and glamorous you can find only here.

SPECIAL EFFECTS: The soundtrack is playing.

Next comes the text… Ikea and contact details. “Want a beautiful and unusual gift for your home? Come to Ikea and your life will seem like a fairy tale.”

Given trade offer pursues the following motives and goals:

  • - arouse the interest of potential and regular customers to the service in the Ikea store (because it was opened relatively recently, and it is necessary to increase the number of regular customers), by influencing them with an advertising message;
  • - through people who have already made their choice, try to encourage them to convey information to others, using a unique selling proposition.

Development of an advertising message. In the midst of spring from March 25 to May 13, 2014, the Ikea store offers everyone a unique "Collect 5 stars" promotion (51%, 11%, 31%, 21%, 41%), collecting "5 stars", you you can win one of 5 trips to a 5-star hotel from Coral TRAVEL. Don't miss this unique opportunity! Visit an Ikea store. Details of the promotion can be found on our website: