What is interesting about the profession of a customs officer essay. Customs business. The specifics of the profession


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The word "customs" came to us from the Turkic language, where a special stamp was called tamga. Among the peoples Central Asia it was customary for them to brand objects in order to indicate whose property they were. So, among the marked property were weapons, livestock and even trees.

In Russia, from the time of the Golden Horde, tamga began to be called a fee for allowing the khan to trade in markets and fairs. Customs in the modern sense appeared when merchants began to pay duties on the import and export of goods outside the country.

Description of activity

A lot of specialists work in the customs business, each of which has certain functions. So, there are those who are exclusively engaged in documentary work, other specialists check luggage or collect customs payments. Thanks to the activities of customs officers, there is a strict procedure for the import and export of goods and vehicles. These specialists, preventing the circulation of goods by criminals, reduce the threat of terrorism and the illegal appearance of narcotic drugs and weapons in the country.


average for Russia:average in Moscow:average for St. Petersburg:

Job responsibilities

What should a customs officer do? His main job is to check and ensure the safety of the cargo. It must determine the country of the imported goods, the amount of duty on it, identify the carriers, and prevent offenses on their part. An integral function of such an employee may also be the verification and execution of documents.

Features of career growth

The place of work of customs officers may be customs authorities, various organizations involved in customs business. These professionals, as civil servants, have the opportunity to advance through career ladder. The most experienced and talented of them can grow to a position, for example, the head of a customs post.

Employee characteristic

Work customs officer requires excellent knowledge of law, economics, the intricacies of trade, knowledge of foreign languages, constant readiness for self-education. He must be hardworking and disciplined. Indispensable qualities modern specialist- analytical mind good memory attentiveness, observation, quick reaction. When communicating with people, he will need competent speech, courtesy, insight and the ability to see suspicious personalities in a large crowd of people. In order to prevent the distribution of illegal goods in the country, this employee should take a responsible approach to business and honestly perform his duties.

Evgenia (name changed)

Last year, after more than four years in customs, I left. Tired. I have a higher economic education, not RTA. In Pskov, work is generally so-so, and the opinion that it is great to work in customs exists to this day. I applied for the vacancy of a senior customs inspector and turned out to be the most “lucky”: people from the “street” were taken very hard then, a girl tried to get into customs with me, for whom this was already the sixth attempt. That time they took her.

21 days are allotted for receiving documents, I submitted them by the end of this period - I graduated from the university, and the diploma was about to be issued. In June, I submitted the documents, and in August they signed a contract with me. The main thing is that the education is higher, not necessarily received in the RTA. In general, when submitting documents, you need so many certificates! When I saw this list… Well, crazy.

After receiving the documents, the stages of the competition begin. In parallel, an internal customs security check is being carried out.

The first stage is a psychologist. You pass a huge test, it contains about 600 questions for knowledge of the Russian language, but more - for general psychological picture. A scale is drawn up according to the test, and there already something becomes clear from it: what qualities a person has are pronounced, which ones are less. Psychologically suitable candidates are selected.

For example, a person with leadership qualities Customs does not need to be a customs inspector.

Then the day of the next stage is appointed. What should bounce off the teeth - the Customs Code, 311 FZ, 273 FZ - is mandatory for combating corruption, another 79 FZ. In fact, there is a lot to learn, a lot.

Everyone is launched into Big hall, give an elementary test of about 20 questions. Write, submit, leave. And then the alternate call of a person to the commission begins. There are about 9-12 members. You come in, introduce yourself, you are asked questions about knowledge of the law. Results appear in a week or two. A letter arrives that tells you whether you passed the competition or not. If you pass, they sign a contract with you.

Three months lasts probation, after it you are a full-fledged worker - they give you the first shoulder straps, stars.

Now a lot of people are leaving, vacancies are appearing. I don’t know how it is with those who work in the office 5 through 2, but it’s very hard at the post. The load is crazy - both physically and psychologically. When we worked for days - no matter what, you gather your will into a fist, you bombed for a day and you are at home for three days. And then when we made a day / night / dump / day off schedule, we stopped seeing life altogether.

We had at least 3-4 people at our post who graduated from the RTA. The last girl who got there with the formation of the academy went through a competition - the distribution has already been canceled.

Neither salaries nor anything else for those who got to the customs for distribution, and for those who came from outside, do not differ.

RTA graduates, I will not say that they were disappointed, but they were surprised: they spent so many years on a specialized education, but they do not have any privileges compared to the rest who received a non-core education, like me.

For the first 1.5 years, I really liked my work - the uniform, and this: “Where do you work?”, And you are so proud: “In customs”. Then the rose-colored glasses fell off.

What do we indicate the average salary in customs? The minimum I saw was 35,000. So, the salary of an ordinary inspector throughout Russia is 17,000 something. It is clean, i.e. about 20 thousand minus income tax. Plus quarterly bonuses and plus at the end of the year there are savings. This is the money I need to live on, I'm not a student anymore, my parents won't help me.

And now I had practically no time, hard work, disproportionate salary. It took me a long time to gather my courage to leave. This is a system, it sucks a lot, and when you quit, your colleagues look at you like you are crazy: “How?!”.

I hoped that something would change, but things only got worse: less money, more work. The legislation is changing. We are required to work faster, but at the same time complicate the design. That is, innovations are irrational, in my opinion. There was a strong tendency of remarks: if a remark is imposed on you, then you lose the bonus. And if earlier comments were made for really serious things, then over time they began to be imposed even for an incorrectly entered letter from the passport, although this error does not affect anything: you will still compare the passport data with the base, and you will understand what was meant not Russian "B", but Latin "B".

AT recent times many in the Pskov customs did not receive a bonus because of the imposed comments. And if earlier, at least before the issuance of the award, they were removed and did not deprive people of money, now this trend has practically come to naught. So an inspector can work for a year without a bonus, on a bare salary of 17,000 rubles.

Oleg (name changed)

I graduated from RTA in 2015. Twice I tried to get a job at the Baltic customs - I reached the competition, but both were unsuccessful. They say that it is much easier to get to the Pulkovo customs than to the Baltic one.

The distribution was removed in 2014, and even those who studied at the target (when the state pays for your education on the condition that you go to the place offered to you later - ed.), did not get into the service. In my group, three studied on a paid basis, including me, three on a budget, and 7 more on a target. As a result, none of us works in customs.

Without work experience, you can apply either for the position of a state customs inspector or for the position of a senior state customs inspector. The salary is somewhere between 19-25 thousand rubles, not counting bonuses and the 13th salary.

When a competition is announced for filling a vacant position, you first submit documents, then you go through a psychologist. And then you wait almost six months until the next stage begins - an interview with a test. I don’t know why it takes so long – they check documents or something.

The further test is simple - they check the knowledge of the Constitution, the Russian language, the level of PC proficiency. By the way, for some reason they wrote on pieces of paper, although they should have been on a computer. At the interview itself, they asked questions about the Constitution and important for the service federal laws. And of course about why you want to serve in the customs authorities.

In one case, a couple of weeks before the competition, I learned from acquaintances that a successful candidate for the position I was applying for had already been identified.

This person received the contract as a result.

It happens that information about the competition is not posted on the site, and two people take part in it - formally this is enough. One of them is already working in customs - he is attracted for the number. Both write a test, but the one that is already working refuses the interview, and the competition is won by the only applicant.

The main problem is that there are very few contests themselves. Every year, RTA graduates about 500 people, and there are about 50 vacancies per year for those who have no experience. So consider how realistic it is to get a job in customs and whether it is worth getting a specialized education. I paid 400 thousand rubles for my studies, but I could have gone to the Faculty of Physics, on the budget.

The main motivation for most of those who entered me was distribution, but it was canceled six months before our graduation. Plus, of course, a guarantee of stability: after all, this is a state structure, but it will not close.

Denis (name changed)

I graduated from RTA in 2015. Under the distribution, of course, did not fall. I received a diploma and thought about how I could get a job in the customs service Russian Federation. I began to make inquiries about this and found out that in any case I needed an army - a military ID with a mark of unserviceability or service. The second thing that was a minus was wages. The salary of a specialist of the first category of civil civil service where I wanted - the legal department of the Baltic Customs - 16 thousand rubles. Baltic customs then, and even now, was not worried about better times. And everyone with whom I spoke on this topic said: "You should not go here." I did not reach the competition, because I stopped at the stage of submitting documents: the army and salary.

When I entered the RTA, there was no requirement for the army. But then the legislation regarding military service began to change, people began to be taken into the army directly from their jobs.

I found out about the law enforcement unit of the customs - I wanted to try to go on shoulder straps, but, firstly, there was not a single vacancy (however, as it is now), and secondly, in an informal conversation, an acquaintance said that “just like that” you can’t get there - either by great acquaintance, or by great merit, let's say so. After that, I gave up trying to get a job in customs.

I was offered an acquaintance to get a job in customs in another region of Russia, but I refused, because it is not the capital. Well, the salary, of course, the salary.

None of my classmates, as far as I know, work in the customs authorities.

I work in the field of customs and I can say that the education of the academy gave me a lot of useful things. At least I learned how to communicate with government agencies. Suppose, in my first year, I was afraid of, say, any patrol officer. And now, at work, I have to communicate with both majors and colonels. They are not that scary. I learned the art of negotiation - the academy teachers worked in government agencies in one way or another, and it was much more difficult to agree on an exam with them than to persuade an official to take some action.

It turns out that on free bread it is much more profitable than in the service. In addition, the civil service is very burdensome - you cannot have large property (and you would like to in the future), a serious business, it is very difficult to confirm your income, and even more so expenses. I watch my parents, who are also in the civil service, but of a different kind - for them it is constantly hysterical.

Is it difficult to get a job in the customs authorities? Is it necessary to get an education at the Russian Customs Academy or have patronage from an uncle in uniform? We spoke to three people, two of whom graduated from the PTA, about their attempt at employment with customs. Ironically, the girl who got a place in the Pskov customs did not graduate from the RTA, and two graduates of the academy were never able to get into the coveted Baltic customs.

Will hundreds more teenagers die from drugs passing through a corrupt border post? Will a consignment of counterfeit medicines be brought into the country that could harm the health of thousands of citizens? Will a terrorist planning a large-scale attack with dozens of human victims pass through false documents? Without exaggeration, it will depend on you. The profession of a customs officer is amazing combination routine paper work with colossal responsibility and unconditional respect for the specialty.


The profession has been known since ancient times. Although thousands of years ago it was not represented by today's modern specialty, but the guards of the borders of countries, empires and occupied territories have always occupied a special place in society. The profession appeared synchronously with the formation of the first centralized states. It is impossible to give an exact date, but it definitely happened at the stage of the beginning of the development of world society. The impetus for the development of prototypes of modern customs gave rise to trade between countries.

Hundreds of years ago, caravans with goods passing through the borders of countries were taxed. This was necessary to ensure the replenishment of the treasury. In Russia, the customs business originated around the 9th century, when duties were introduced in the principalities and sales tax- "washed". Myt pickers were called "mytniki". It is interesting that in the modern Ukrainian language a customs officer is a mitnik.

Customs - what kind of profession is it

A customs officer is a civil servant whose duties include control of goods transported across the border, people passing by, collection of fees and customs duties. As a rule, university graduates begin their work as ordinary inspectors. Later they become senior inspectors, department heads. A brilliant career will allow him to take the chair of a policymaker in the field of customs, and perhaps one of the heads of the state apparatus. But over 90% of specialists forever remain simple inspectors.

What are the duties of a customs officer:

  • Carry out inspection of citizens and goods at customs posts, railway stations and airports.
  • Prepare customs documentation, collect fees and duties.
  • Detect contraband, prohibited goods.
  • Keep records of confiscated goods.
  • Conduct an investigation of offenses that are within the competence of customs law.

In addition to the general profession, there are several narrow specialties - a checkpoint officer, a passport control worker, a department specialist and others.

The work as a whole cannot be called interesting and at least somewhat creative - it is complex, routine, sometimes boring or dangerous, but always extremely responsible. The security of the state, in particular economic security, largely depends on customs officers. Failure by specialists to fulfill their duties, corruption and a banal shortage of employees can lead to a real tragedy.

A minimum of romance - a maximum of hard work. Customs officers meet trains and check people heading to the country's territory, inspect cargo, and establish compliance of documentation with Russian and international standards. Often, cynologists work in the industry, who specialize in searching for goods, drugs and other substances prohibited from being imported into the country. Is the profession of a customs officer suitable for a girl? Quite if she is ready to cope with hard work and take on a huge burden of responsibility. Many women work in this area - about 35% of the total number of employees.

Rating of the TOP 10 best online schools

International School foreign languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Also available are computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR.

Individual sessions with a tutor in preparation for the Unified State Examination, OGE, Olympiads, school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with a guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online school of English language, which makes it possible to individually learn English with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

School of English on Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and the USA. Maximum speaking practice.

Online school new generation of English. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. School curriculum lessons from grades 1 to 11: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often skip school or live outside of Russia.

Online university modern professions(web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can take a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest platform for online education. Allows you to get a sought-after online profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is not limited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in an exciting game form. Effective workouts, translation of words, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

Where to study as a customs officer

You can become a customs inspector without a specialized education. But you definitely need to graduate from high school in order to have a better chance of building a brilliant career. The more prestigious and authoritative it is, the better. TOP-5 universities in Russia, which teach customs:

  1. Russian Customs Academy.
  2. academy National economy and public service.
  3. Economic University. Plekhanov.
  4. Technological University in Korolyov.
  5. University. Witte.

The average passing score in one subject exceeds the mark of 85.5, therefore, to enroll in best universities countries is not easy. But it is still worth submitting the documents - you have nothing to lose. However, at the same time, we recommend that you try to enter a few more universities or institutes that you like. Remember that studying at a reputable ranking university will give you advantages at the start of your career, but will not predetermine success.

Pros and cons of the specialty

Advantages and disadvantages will directly depend on the position held. Obviously, a high-ranking official or policy maker in the customs industry is quite comfortable. But since we are not presenting the capabilities and prospects of the industry, but analyzing the real state of affairs, we will note the pros and cons of ordinary specialties - inspectors, employees of checkpoints, airports and train stations.

Key pros :

  • Respectable, respected profession.
  • A special mission is to ensure the security of the country at the borders.
  • Benefits - often customs officers are equated with the military.
  • Possible supplements to pensions, to social payments.
  • Public service with all the privileges envisaged.

Main limitations:

  • Low level of comfort.
  • Average, and sometimes frankly low salary.
  • Bureaucracy and paperwork.
  • Rampant corruption.
  • Maximum high level responsibility.
  • Constant pressure from people who disregard the law.

Many experts admit: size wages does not meet the working conditions and the level of responsibility.

In most cases, this is an important, difficult and at the same time low-paid job. Bureaucracy, work in a confined space, all-round pressure - 99% of customs officers who are at the start face this. However, they can be compensated not only by opportunities for career growth, but also by benefits, privileges, and the respectability of the profession.

How much do customs officers get

Imagine: you have dreamed of this profession since childhood. They presented themselves as the defender of the state borders of their country. You wrote an essay at school on the topic “My future profession is a customs officer.” Then they entered the university, graduated from it and started working. But here the level of your well-being leaves much to be desired. This industry cannot be called the most "monetary".

How much customs officers receive in different regions of Russia:

  • Moscow region - 50,000 rubles.
  • Leningrad region - 43,000 rubles.
  • Samara region - 41,000 rubles.
  • Krasnodar Territory - 40,000 rubles.
  • Primorsky Territory - 35,000 rubles.

The above regions can be called one of the most favorable for customs officers. However, the average salary in the country barely exceeds 26,000 rubles. Accordingly, many specialists receive 20,000 rubles or less for equally complex work. You can count on a big salary only with a successful career.


Customs is a highly demanded specialty. Its popularity can be explained by the confidence of applicants in building a successful career in the future. However, at the start it is difficult to rely on comfortable conditions labor and high salary. The key qualities necessary for a customs officer are concentration, perseverance, good memory, observation and excellent intuition. It is very important that the specialist be able to make decisions quickly, be as resistant to stress and constant pressure as possible.

customs officer

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The article tells about what customs is, why such a government agency control and what is included in his responsibilities.


With the advent of a more or less developed and civilized society, a need arose for various bodies of supervision and control - the army (or its similarity in the days of the communal system), law enforcement forces, etc. This became especially relevant with the formation and strengthening of a single centralized state. And one of such state bodies is customs. So what is customs and what functions does it perform?


Customs is a state body that carries out the procedure for moving goods, things, transport and, in general, any other material assets, including animals and antiquities, through the so-called customs border of the state. So now we know what customs is. The meaning of its control is to levy a customs fee in the form of a monetary equivalent or the goods themselves (in ancient times), to keep track of which goods they are trying to export outside the country, and, if necessary, to stop their transportation.

The current state of affairs

Currently, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, the customs of Russia is collecting duties. It, in turn, is drawn up by filling out special forms (written, electronic, oral), if a citizen has things that are subject to mandatory declaration.

Along with taxes that come to the budget from the internal turnover of the country's economy, customs fees are one of the main types of budget revenue. For example, in August 2011 alone, the amount of customs fees that went to the state budget amounted to 529 billion rubles. And for the whole of 2011, this amount is equal to 4329.88 billion rubles.

The customs authorities themselves are part of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, which performs the functions of control, supervision and management of all other areas of the customs business. But since 2016, in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the FCS has been transferred to the Ministry of Economic Development.


In 2014, an event occurred that caused most logistics companies of the world stopped delivering goods ordered via the Internet to Russia. The reason for this was the establishment of a tax of 10% of the cost on all goods ordered in foreign stores.

Due to the fact that each country has its own laws, before traveling to another state, you should familiarize yourself with its customs regulations. So now we know what customs is and what functions it performs.

There are many professions in the world and a person has the right to choose his own life path. From childhood, the child begins to dream about who he will be when he grows up. Someone dreams of becoming an astronaut, someone a pilot, and someone a doctor. But after some time, when children become teenagers, their interests and outlook on life change. They have grown up, and these are no longer the little boys and girls who used to dream of banal professions. These are adult children who are trying to enter prestigious universities so that in the future they would have a stable future, and they could realize themselves. Everyone wants to get such an education, such a profession that would be both profitable, and developing, and interesting. Many follow in the footsteps of their parents, but some do not really like the profession that their parents have. But in order not to offend, not to violate family traditions, if they follow in the footsteps of this profession, from generation to generation, children still choose this path.

If you are not drawn to any profession, and you have no idea what criteria to choose education, go to study in specialties that generate income. And from the point of view of professionals, there are five professions in demand: taxes and taxation, finance and credit, expertise and real estate management, logistics and supply chain management, customs. All these professions are very interesting, but many do not know about it. And if you choose who to become, then you must learn about your future profession, read and be interested in it.

As for me, I have already chosen my life path, my future profession - this is a customs officer. Here are some teenagers, for example, who ask themselves the question: “Will I be able to master the profession that I have chosen?”, And I can already say “YES” with accuracy! You may be asking why I am so confident in myself? And I will answer. Because I am a purposeful, hardworking person, I always achieve what I want. And although my parents, my close relatives have nothing to do with this profession, I don’t want to follow in their footsteps, because I should like my chosen profession, should be interesting to me, and the fact that I don’t continue the family tradition is their does not offend. I know that my relatives will support me in everything. My profession should bring me joy.

I am sometimes asked questions: why did I choose this profession, can I sacrifice my interests? I can answer all questions. First, I'll answer the first one. Firstly, I chose this profession because I like to walk in uniform, and not because of the salary, as some people think. Secondly, I like what people who work in the customs business do, who know all the rights and obligations. I think that this field of activity employs the best workers who know how to take risks. Thirdly, I want to benefit our country, communicate with other people, accept independent solutions and I, like all service employees, is willing to take risks. Answering the second question, I can say that even with such a job as customs, you can start a family, and not give up other hobbies, and be the same person as everyone else.

And who is needed for this profession? This profession requires specialists from different fields. For example: control over compliance with legislation in the field of customs, taxation, customs clearance and customs control, customs statistics, currency regulation, foreign economic activity and others. If you look at all these areas, we can say that this profession is multifaceted. Also, after the end of the customs business, you can work as a customs inspector, declarant, customs manager, foreign economic activity specialist, customs clearance specialist, customs broker, customs carrier, you can even work in law enforcement agencies. As for the salary, the customs officer receives an average of about fifty thousand rubles, but in different regions in different ways.

I think that society needs my future profession. Firstly, because in our time many people are trying to circumvent the law by smuggling goods and drugs across the border illegally, and people in uniform are defending our borders. Secondly, customs officers ensure national security, prevent the threat of terrorism, replenish the state budget through payments. The profession of a customs officer is closely connected with society, because every day you communicate with different people.

Of course, my profession is life-threatening, if, of course, you work at the border service, and not with papers, because every day, while inspecting people and cargo, you can encounter criminals. Therefore, the customs officer must have a quick reaction in order to protect not only his own life, but also the lives of other people. I'm ready for anything.

I believe that a real customs officer should not only be proficient in his business, but at the same time be a psychologist, translator, economist, lawyer, criminologist and art critic. After all, no one knows with whom or with what they will have to work. Therefore, you must always improve in order not to get into an awkward situation. You need to learn other specialties, develop those only in your profession, but also in others.

You ask: “Are the conditions of my future work comfortable?” My work can be connected with paperwork, and with the inspection of goods or people, so the conditions may be different. If this is work with papers, then you are indoors and the conditions are comfortable enough, but if you are at posts where you need to check cargo or people, there is no comfort there. So it all depends on where you work.

Some people think that the profession of a customs officer is only for men, but this is not so. Now even girls go to customs. After all, customs is not only work at border lines, it is also work with documents or people. Women perceive information and tasks better, they have best memory but men are almost indistinguishable from women. Therefore, the gender aspect is equal here: this profession is for both men and women. Although the girl is a fragile, soft creature, this does not mean that she will not be able to cope with this work.

A smart, competent, educated person can be a customs officer. For example, this work is divided into working with documents, keeping customs, economic statistics, the ability to make quick decisions in difficult, not always simple situations. Therefore, the profession is not hazardous to health.

In various professions, knowledge of the English language is now required. So my future profession could not do without this knowledge. Anyone who wants to enter the Faculty of Customs should know at least the basic base of the English language. This, of course, depends on the institution where you want to go. Because in different higher educational institutions may not require an English language test upon admission. But for yourself, you still need to know languages. If you are thinking of applying for customs, then you should definitely look at the websites to see if English is needed for your specialty, because customs is very diverse. As for me in learning English, I try to work and study it not only at school, but also on my own. After all, knowledge of languages ​​will always be needed, even if it is not required upon admission. Now I am in the 10th grade and my knowledge of English is a solid four, but if you try very hard, you can even get a five. I think that even if I don’t take a foreign language, then in life it will always help in different situations. Difficulties, as I suppose, in learning English, I should not have.

Communication is one of the core skills for successful development, affecting both professional and personal relationships. It is one of the most important personal qualities in a profession where there is active communication with people. That's why communication in my work is very important. After all, day after day you communicate with people, with your work colleagues, with superiors, and therefore communication is very important for this profession. You must be able to speak, listen, reason correctly, and not knowing all this can harm you and your career. As for me, I like to communicate a lot, start conversations and it will not be difficult for me to communicate at work. By interacting with people, you learn to avoid conflict situations. Working in this profession, you must also be a good psychologist, since a large number of people pass in front of you in one working day, where you must demonstrate your readiness to answer questions and ask them, listen carefully to your interlocutors, and if ideas arise, offer them for discussion . You also need to always think and speak positively. People are not born sociable, but acquire this quality over time throughout life. Day after day, you need to work on yourself, getting rid of complexes, you also need to be able to find contact with people and choose the right paths when forming your friendships and business ties. Only those who want and know how to communicate are able to build a career and receive high wages. I think that I can overcome everything and become a good, sociable person.

The ability to work in a team is very important for a customs officer. The team makes it possible to implement projects that are beyond the power of one person. The team is a whole, which means that all employees are responsible for everything they do. For example, when you go to work, take your shift, you are surrounded by people with whom you work and collaborate on your shift. During the work period, everything equal conditions, have equal rights, but we should not forget about positions. In a job like customs, making the right decision is important. Therefore, in each team there must be an employee of the highest rank who can make a decision in an unforeseen situation. I think that I will be able to work in a team, although I did not have to do it much, since I prefer to work alone, but in order to get a job, you need to be able to build relationships not only with individuals, but also in team work.

There are stressful situations in every job. nervous tension. Today, stress is increasingly understood as stressful effects, that is, significant physical and mental stress that leads to stress. First, stress tolerance is the ability to be calm and do your job even when you are distracted. Secondly, you can't go anywhere without stress. After all, it surrounds us everywhere, and it is impossible to get rid of it, but you can work it out with the help of trainings or some kind of training. Even if you consider yourself stress-resistant, this does not mean that it is so. Everyone can inherit stress resistance from their parents, but to understand whether you can be like that, you need to be in a stress situation yourself. In my future profession, all sorts of stressful situations are also possible. For example, when checking documents for the import of products into Russia, it turns out that there are more goods than expected, and the “why?” begins to be clarified. Naturally, this can lead to stress, both on the one hand and on the other. But communication with people puts everything in its place. Stress at work can be related again to communication. If one of the employees does not get along well with other employees, this leads to discomfort and tension. A person in this position can be for a long time until someone can resolve the conflict that has arisen. As for me, I consider myself to be a common group of people who can be annoyed by not very pleasant things. However, I do not dramatize everyday troubles and am able to easily and quickly forget about them. Therefore, I can easily deal with stressful situation at work and come out of it a winner.

There is nothing better than getting up every morning and being glad that you are going to work. A person who loves his profession becomes a professional, an ace in his field, which is why it is so important to choose a profession to your liking. Favorite business, one way or another, will bring money, and in addition to them, life satisfaction, and this is the most important thing on earth, to know your purpose. Therefore, when choosing a profession, you need to understand yourself, understand that you are interested, what your soul lies in. Do not rush to choose a profession, not everyone can immediately understand whether this is your profession. Choosing a profession to your liking is not so easy, so this issue must be approached very seriously, consciously. The choice of a profession is one of the crucial moments that determine the entire future life path of a person. Right choice professions are confidence, peace of mind and material well-being in adult life. I am sure that everyone will find their calling and will love their job, go to it with pleasure, it is only important to make the right choice!