Garden white chamomile. Chamomile in our garden

Landing and care for chamomile (brief)

  • Landing: Sowing seeds in the ground - at the end of May, sowing seeds to seedlings - in March, landing of seedlings in the garden - in May.
  • Bloom: From early July to September.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: Larous or neutral, on a plot with deep groundwater.
  • Watering: During the progress period, seedlings are often watered, but then watering is required only during a period of long drought.
  • Feeding: Every year, humus, peat and compost contribute to the ground, and in the middle of spring they scatter on the site ammonia Selitra At the rate of 20 g of fertilizer on m². You do not need to water after that.
  • Reproduction: Seeds and division bush.
  • Pests: TLL, triples, starfalls and wires.
  • Diseases: amazed muced dew, gray rot, rust and fusariasis.

Details about the cultivation of chamomile Read below

Chamomile Flowers - Description

Chamomile garden or nyondyan or pAP (Lat. Leucanthemum vulgare), represents herbate plant from 15 to 60 cm with a short root, stretch, slightly faceted stem, shovels, gorgeous roasting leaves on long stiffs and oblong, uneven toothed in the edges of stable leaves, two of which located in the upper part of the stem are strongly reduced in size compared to with the rest. Chamomile flowers are hemispherical inflorescences - baskets with a diameter of 2.5 to 6 cm, combined into shields. Baskets consist of median yellow tubular ripples and long edge-in-headed fruitless flowers are usually white, but sometimes yellow color. Fruit chamomile garden - seed.

There are about two dozen species in the norny.

Growing chamomile from seeds

Sowing chamomile.

The cultivation of the chamomile is possible and without ensure. You can sow the seeds of the chamomile garden just in the ground, but it is more reliable to use a seed basis. Chamomile seeds sow on seedlings in March. Trays with cells are filled with wet, lightweight, air-permeable substrate consisting of peat and sand in equal parts, decompose into each cell of 2-3 seeds, pour them from above the thin layer of the substrate, cover the capacity with a transparent film and placed near the window, but not on The windowsill, since the light passing through the glass has too high intensity and can damage the process of germination of seeds. Watch out for the state of the soil, and as soon as it serves, moisturize it from the sprayer.

Chamomile seedlings.

When shoots will begin to appear, and with normal room temperature This will happen in a half or two weeks, remove the film and place the container as close as possible to the solar window, protecting seedlings from drafts. If this for any reason is impossible, put a luminescent lamp over the container, which should work at least 14 hours a day. As soon as the chamomile seedlings reach a height of 5 cm, leave only one, the most developed seedlings in each cell. Do not pull out unnecessary shoots, but gently jerk them over the surface of the soil, because you risk damage root system The remaining seedlings. In order for chamomile to close, pinch it over 3-4 sheets.

Landing chamomile in outdoor ground

When disembarking chamomile in the ground.

In the soil, seedlings are planted at the age of 4-6 weeks, when all possible freezing will be held. Chamomile garden loves sunny sections with limestone or neutral soil and deep groundwater.

How to plant chamomile.

The landing of daisies in the ground is carried out after the preparation of the site - in the soil under the people, you need to make a comprehensive fertilizer for colors. Drop the pits with a depth of 20-30 cm at a distance of 20 to 40 cm from each other - the distance between the bushes and the depth of the holes depend on the variety of chamomile. Remove the seedlings from the cells along with an earthen room, drop them out into the wells, and accumulate the soil around the stems and break the seedlings. Flower chamomile from seeds next year.

Care for daisies in the garden

How to care for the chamomile.

While the daisy seedlings are not coated in the ground and will not be in growth, they must be watered often, but after rooting, the flowers require watering only in dry weather. So that moisture remains longer in the soil, inspirate the surface around the plant peat. Otherwise, the care of daisies is to loosen the soil, the weeding of the plot, feeding and the preparation of perennial plants by winter. Humidity, peat and compost are made annually as fertilizers in the soil. In the middle of spring, the ammonium nitrate is scattered in the intercessions at the rate of 20 g per m² without subsequent irrigation. During the bootonization period under plants with faded stems and leaves, it is advisable to make a solution of urea. In the soil with an acidic reaction along the autumn, harated lime or dolomite flour are made.

Reproduction of chamomile.

We breed garden chamomiles dividing bush I. seed fashion. Despite the fact that perennial daisies can grow in one place for five years, after 2-3 years the bushes become too thick, in the middle of the bush, shoots off, the size of the inflorescence decreases, and the plant loses its attractiveness. It is possible to avoid this, while the young severe shoots from the bush in a timely manner. At the end of September or early October, in a cloudy cool day, separate a part of the bush and subside into the prepared hole, spilled in water, and the emptiness formed fill in fertile soil. Next time, dig and transplant part of the bush from the opposite side. Thus, varietal and terry chamomiles are breed. If you want to achieve the most large flowers on powerful stems, sharing the daisy bushes is needed annually.

Garden daisies are breeding also seeds. The cultivation of daisies, we described you, but you can sow seeds under the winter directly into the ground. In the cold soil, they will pass natural stratification and will warm together in the spring, and you will only have to cut forward seedlings.

Pests and daisy diseases.

In case of insufficient or irregular care, the chamomile have chances of sick with mildew, gray rot, rust and fusariasis.

Puffy dew It is manifested in the form of a whitic plaque on the ground parts of the plant, which gradually becomes brown.

Rust It looks like dark red spots on the top of the leaves, and on the bottom forms the pillows with the arms of the fungus.

Fusariosis also fungal diseaseIn which the young plants start rotting the roots and the root neck, the fabrics acquire the brown color, the stem is thinned, the leaves are yellow.

Gray Gnil manifests itself rapidly increasing in the sizes of brown non-shine spots on shoots and leaves. For high humidity Air stains are covered with a gray Missel.

To prevent the flower infection with fungal infection, do not allow excess moisture in the soil, timely remove weeds and looser the soil. A copy, sick with gray rot, it is better to immediately remove that the disease does not apply to neighboring plants. Destroy the fungal microflora fungicides - foundazole, topaz, dubcatch, oxychom and other drugs of this action. Treatment is carried out two or three times with an interval of 7-10 days.

From the pests, the garden chamomile is striking the fault, tryps, starfall and wires.

Starry Mushka It is called so because of a small star stain on the wing. Her larvae damage the garden chamomile, accumulating at the base of the median flowers. Musture landing of daisies from the appearance of this pest can be regularly destroyed on the weed grass area.

Tripses and aphid - sucking insects that feed on the cellular juice of ground parts of the plant. On the leaves there are discolored or yellow spots, strokes and stripes, damaged fabrics die, the leaves are withering, falling, the flowers are deformed and losing decorativeness. Insectoacaricides are used in the fight against tool and trips - carbofos, an agravertin or accomplishing.

Wirefronts - larvae beetles-clutch. They live in the soil for up to four years and feed on underground plants. To get rid of them, it is satisfied with the traps in the soil: pumps digging, where the pieces of potatoes, carrots or beets are laying. From above, traps are covered with a board or piece of metal. After 2-3 days, traps open and destroy the wires accumulated in them. Do it need it regularly. Most often, the wires appear if a plot with potatoes are located nearby.

Perennial daisies after flowering

How and when collecting seeds of daisies.

If you want to collect seeds, wait for some large flowers to dry, and only after that cut them down, dry in a dry room with good ventilation and deepen seeds from median tubular flowers on paper. They will need to spend, pushing into a paper bag and store in dry, dark place. The germination of norilian seeds retain 2-3 years. However, remember that with seed reproduction, varietal and terry chamomiles do not inherit the signs of their parents.

Preparation of daisies for winter.

Landing and care perennial daisies They do not differ from the cultivation of daisies annuals, except for one moment - they need to be stolen for the winter. Before the onset of the cold, the stalks of perennial garden daisies are cut at the surface level, after which the area is falling asleep with dry foliage, sawdust or covered with nonwoven material.

Types and varieties of daisies

In addition to the niogian of an ordinary, or chamomile meadow, there are other types of nieurists grown in culture.

or daisy, Growing B. Western Europe, Ukraine, the European part of Russia, in the south of Siberia. This is a perennial height of up to 90 cm with single inflorescences - baskets with a diameter of 6-7 cm with white tongue flowers and yellow tubular. In Culture, the appearance since 1500. Best garden form Views are considered:

  • San Sousse - Nyurist height up to 1 m with inflorescences up to 12 cm in diameter. White tongue flowers are located in 6-8 rows, few median flowers are painted in yellow;
  • May Quen - Very popular in amateur gardens chamomile traditional view up to 50 cm high with bright, shiny leaves of dark green color, forming ground cover;
  • Maxim Koenig - Plant with a height of up to 1 m with inflorescences with a diameter of up to 12 cm with dark yellow median flowers and two rows of white tongue flowers.

Nyurist Kurilense (Leucanthemum Kurilense)

- Lastly driving rock chamomile with dissected leaves growing on the smoking and on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. The rhizome of this type is a fleshy, thickened. In height, the plant reaches only 20 cm, while its few single baskets have in diameter from 5 to 8 cm. Edge flowers are white. The Kuril Nyurist has a variety of arcticum, characterized by the form of leaves.

he same chrysanthemum Bolotnaya (Chrysanthemum Paludosum) Right from the south of Portugal and Spain. This is a low, but very busy plant with a height of up to 25 cm with seats of shovels of the next leaves of bright green and gorgeous on the edge. Inflorescences - numerous baskets up to 3 cm in diameter with short tongue flowers white color and a large yellow middle of tubular flowers.

in nature, it grows in the pyrenees and is a perennial height from 50 to 100 cm with a short ground rhizome, shovels of sedentary leaves with a solid edge and inflorescences - baskets with a diameter of 10-12 cm. Simple inflorescence Edge flowers white paint are located in two rows, median, Tubular yellow. Terry inflorescences consist of numerous rows of white tongue flowers, and the tubular median is also a white whine. The terry inflorescences of this type of nornyazh are very similar to Chrysant. Nyondyarn maximum as two-year-old plant. In culture, the appearance since 1816. Best varieties:

  • Alaska - grade with baskets up to 10 cm in diameter with one number of white paint tongue flowers;
  • Beethoven - magnificent blooming chamomile with simple inflorescences up to half a meter high;
  • Stern Von Antwerp - grade up to 1 m high with inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter. Language flowers White, tubular - yellow;
  • Swabengrub - grade up to 80 cm high with snow-white terry inflorescences;
  • Little princesses - Elegant chamomile height is just up to 20 cm with large bright white inflorescences.

In addition to the niordic, other colors of the Astrovy family - matricaria, pyrethrums, pupavivs, Erigeron and chamomile are grown as a garden chamomile.

A large garden chamomile is an unpretentious representative of perennials, its cultivation brings pleasure, and beautiful flowers Decorate any corner of the Earth.

Solden Romassa varieties

To enjoy all the beauty, you need to choose a suitable variety. Often these are perennial garden chamomile, characterized by the sizes of the bush, the diameter of flowers and the number of petals in inflorescences, which, by the way, can be terry. They are not only white with a yellow middle, but still red, lilac, pink and yellow.

White Suns in the Garden

  1. Big chamomile is called Nyurist (giant). This excellent flower in size and beauty is ideal for cutting. Nivnyaka has a flower size of 15 or more centimeters in diameter, and the length of the stem above 70 cm.
    The plant can be multiplied by the division of the bush every four years. It is permissible to grow a garden large chamomile from seeds, which are sown in March, and in the soil transplanted in May. Or in the end of spring you can sow seeds right in open sad.

Nyondist prefers solar places.
If you put it in the shade, then the stems will be weak, and bloom is scarce.

  1. Princess - many years of flower with large white inflorescences with a diameter of about 10 cm and large quantity Skes tall up to 35 cm. The shoots are formed the whole season, this variety blooms from July to the most frosts. Growing the garden chamomile Princess from seeds is possible if you sow them in the fall in open ground.
    In the spring seed seed on seedlings. Princess prefers to grow in sunny places, loves fertile and wet soil.

  1. Alaska - a plant with large floral heads about 12 cm and high stem (up to 90 cm), drought-resistant and unpretentious. Big plus: Flowers all summer. It is possible to plant Alaska seedlings in spring or seeds just in the soil in the fall.

  1. Northern Star - one of popular varieties Sadovaya Romaist. Plants are high, blooming all summer, love the sun, drought resistant. Landing and gardening garden chamomile Northern Star is no different from similar varieties.
    It is planted in spring or autumn into the open ground, but this culture starts blooming for the second year. If you grow the northern star on the cut, then every year in the spring it is necessary to share old plants and disassemble them.

Colored sunshine

  1. Pyrethrum - perennial, up to one and a half meters high. Plant seeds in autumn under winter, and he blooms on next year. The care is simple: watering, soil looser and feeding if necessary.
    There are two types:
    • pyrethrum pink, bush reaches 60 cm, pink flowers;

    • pyrethrum red tolerates semolot, flowers pink or red.

  1. Doronikum is a chamomile variety with bright yellow flowers and openwork leaves. Unpretentious doronicum to the soil, the sun and watering. In one place there may be five years old, after which the bushes are divided and transplanted into another place.

Growing flowers

Growing and care for a garden chamomile is not very different from other unpretentious perennials.

Flower can be grown:

  1. Without seedlings. Growing a garden chamomile from seeds falls at the end of the spring, the last sow in the open ground, slightly sprinkled with the earth. When it goes, it can be seeded at a distance of 35-40 cm for 2-3 seedlings. Over the summer, luxurious bushes will grow, which will bloom closer to autumn.

Some varieties can be sown in late autumn, closer to winter, then chamomile will bloom in summer.

  1. Across seedlings. Seeds sow spring in pots are not too thick, the earth will initially be wet. From above you need to sprinkle with water, cover with a film and put in a warm dark place.
    When the first shoots appeared, it is necessary to remove the film and put the seedlings on the window (during this period plants need solar light). At the end of May, plants should transplant 3-4 pcs in the ground. At a distance of 40-45 cm. The price of seedlings grown by independently, several times cheaper purchased.

Caring for chamomile

For the winter chamomile in the garden is covered with dry leaves, pre-cutting shoots. When frosts end and snow comes down, the shelter from the plants is removed, the leaves gently argue. Important for flowers after wintering feeding. It is enough to scatter on a plot with daisies urea.

During the growth period, two or three feeding can be carried out before flowering, then the leaves will be dark green, and the flowers are large. Do not make a mistake with the dosage will help instructions for fertilizer.

So that the main flower is large, you need to break down the steps in a timely manner. They are formed on the trunk of the plant in the sinuses of the leaves during the formation of bud. Do not forget to water the flower garden in the hot season.

For many centuries, people wondered on daisy petals, admired this flower, composed songs about him. This confirms the video in this article.

Garden chamomile is a long-term flower that is unpretentious and very beautiful. A white chamomile field is especially unforgettable. Due to durability and color, this plant is used in landscape design and at the design of the garden. But in this case, anchored variety is used. How to grow and care for the chamomile on own plotYou will learn from this article.

Initially, chamomile is wild field Plant.which is due to its appearance And the endurance people decided to specifically grow in their sites. A big plus of this amazing flower It is that chamomile can be grown from seeds. And along with other seedloves or bully perennial flowers, it is much more profitable and easier.

Important! For the first time, the name of the flower "Chamomile" is mentioned in history in the 18th century. In the territory ancient Russia It was believed that chamomile grows where the star fell. And translated from the Polish adverb chamomile is a "Roman flower". By the way, B. Ancient Rome The flower with exactly such characteristics, but by another name, was considered healing and revered not only for external data. At the same time in Ancient Egypt This plant was associated with the God of the Sun. The ancient Egyptians believed that where chamomile had grown, this was held there sunny God. And not in vain, because in our time, and then, the plant prefers a lot of sun and heat.

Modern vulnerable daisies are the result of the work of breeders. The main features of this culture:

  1. Chamomile also give preference to the heat and the sun, while in the shadow they will develop no worse.
  2. By autumn, the ground part of the plant will inevitably die. Spring growth and flowering are resumed.
  3. The period of flowering species on average ranges from 40-60 days.
  4. Flowers are distinguished by color, sampling basket form and size.
  5. The middle of the chamomile remain unchanged. She is yellow or red-brown.

Varieties of garden chamomile

On the territory of our country there are a huge number of species of this amazing flower. They differ in size and color, and blossom time. The most common and demanded by our gardeners such varieties of daisies:

Chamomile nyondyan

In the people, this type of plant is known as a chamomile garden large (giant) or a PAP. There are more than twenty varieties of this species. The most sought after:

  • ordinary Nyurist;
  • kurilsky;
  • the greatest nyondist.

This plant differs from its relatives big sizes Petals that are terry, semi-grade or simple. The core is yellow.

Important! Features of planting and growing such a chamomile on their own plot require to adhere to the following recommendations:

Chamomile Pyrethrum

In another other, it is also called the Persian chamomile. The petals of such a variety of chamomile are terry or simple. They have red, pink and yellow. Distinctive trait This type of chamomile is the height of the stem. It can reach from 50 cm to 1.5 meters. Pyrethrums are grown not only to decorate the site. Another type of chamomile is used to protect things from moth. The flower is dried and placed in a closet, where his smell scares pests.

Important! Features of care and landing such a chamomile are as follows:

Chamomile Doronikum

This species is considered one of the most early-minded. The flowering period begins at the beginning of May and ends already in June. At the height of the plant reached 70 cm. Petals have a saturated yellow color.

Important! Such chamomiles are absolutely undemanding to the soil and develop even in darkened areas.

Pharmacy chamomile

This species is the most popular among our gardeners. It has a pleasant, obviously pronounced, apple fragrance. Differs amazing medicinal properties, at the expense of what the flowers and stems of the pharmaceutical chamomile use for therapy and prophylaxis various diseases, as well as as a component in cosmetic permeals, creams, masks.

Although such a plant belongs to the category of 1-year-old, it is possible to grow it in one site for 2-3 years in a row.

Important! When growing such varieties, consider what they need:

Chamomile Melolepetnik

Blossoms such daisies are late - from mid-June to September. Height - up to 1m. Gamma Shades Diverse - Flowers are:

  • purple;
  • white;
  • pink;
  • blue.

Important! Prefer loose soil and illuminated, sunny plots.

Popular Romashki varieties

Not only with the type of chamomile it is necessary to decide, but also with suitable variety. This completely depends on how time the site will be to care, and how attractive will be the landscape. Take a note on the most popular, persistent and beautiful, varieties - it is better to give preference to already proven gardeners in colors.

Varieties with large flowers:

  • Ophelia;
  • Beethoven;
  • Alaska;
  • Silver Princess;
  • Maxima Kenig;
  • San Sousi;
  • Julischnee.

FROM terry flowers Most often such daisies are planted:

  • Swan Lake;
  • Crazy Daisi;
  • Snow Maiden;
  • Aga
  • Snow Lady;
  • Edelweiss;
  • Wirral Supreme;
  • Christine Hagemann;
  • Garldrausch;
  • Sunny Sade.

With inflorescences different shades Chamomile happens:

  • red - Cellway, Atrosangvina, Granat Star;
  • pink - Vanessa.

Landing Sadovaya Romaist

You can grow a chamomile by deteen from the bush and seeds. When landing the first method you will quickly get lush bush. But if there is no adult daisy, seed seeds.

Landing a giant chamomile - a seed basis

To the bush fit well, in the process of preparation and directly landing, follow these rules:

Growing chamomile from seeds

From the seeds grow seedlings at home or contribute directly to the ground. The rules of this landing are as follows:

  1. The optimal landing date is the end of May - the beginning of June.
  2. Prepare stationery beds.
  3. Form the rows of 1-1.5 cm deep.
  4. Moisten the soil.
  5. Make seeds in rows, but not very thick to get rid of yourself in the future from the need to dive.
  6. Plush with wet sand from above.
  7. Cover the film and remove it when there is no danger of frosts, and the first sprouts appeared.
  8. Wait until 4-5 sheets appear on the chamomile, and dispel the colors of 2-3 pieces at a distance of 40 cm.

    Important! The first shoots will appear after 10-14 days, provided the soil temperature of 15 degrees. Shrub bloom will occur by autumn or next spring.

  9. Finger the chamomile according to the following scheme:
    • in May - 2 tbsp. nitroposses on 10 liters of water, distributing 5 l / 1 m2;
    • after flowering - 1 tbsp. potassium and superphosphate for 10 liters of water, consuming at 6l / 1 m2;
    • after flowering - Sweeping wood ash Around the shrub in the proportion of 3-4 tbsp. / 1 \u200b\u200bm2.


So that you do not have any additional questions regarding landing and growing chamomile, look at the proposed video below. From it you will learn extra details.

Caring for chamomile

Rules Care for a garden chamomile very simple:

  1. Make sure that the flower is enough moisture, but do not pour it too abundantly, otherwise the roots will begin to rot.
  2. Regularly weagle weeds and loose soil.
  3. Every 2-3 years divide the bushes.
  4. For the winter, shelter bushes or make mulching by an organica, which is in stock - fallen leaves, sweetheart, wood sawdust.
  5. Make sure that the chamomile is healthy and carry out the prevention of fungicides. Most often this culture is sick:
    • gray rot;
    • fusariasis;
    • tormenty dew;
    • rust.
  6. Be vigilate to the appearance of pests and make prevention insecticides from:
    • wireman;
    • triples;
    • starberry fly.


Garden chamomile only at first glance is a simple flower. If it is properly planted and carefully refer to the cultivation, you will easily place very attractive design His plot and can use flowers for recovery.

Garden chamomiles are among the most universal plants.

They can be planted on flower lawns in parks, in flower beds in front of the house, on cottage plot And in the garden among the trees.

Everywhere they look very beautiful and gently.

Garden chamomiles grow Usually two colors: blue and white.

They grow a large bush and constantly interchange. That is, new buds and inflorescences appear during the summer and autumn.

The duration of the bush is in one place for 3-4 years. Then it is better to dissolve them and transplant to another place so that the plants do not degenerate.

The camomile winters perfectly under the snow and do not require a separate cover. They are very unpretentious to the soil and not too suffer from weeds.

Watering should be moderate and not very frequent - 2 times a week in hot weather. If summer is rainy enough, then in the additional watering, they practically do not need.

Chamomile can grow well as on sunny sideand in the shade. This does not affect the quality of flowering.

Seaming nyondyan can be seeds, rhizomes or cuttings. Seeds can be planted directly to the ground in autumn or in spring. Shoots appear on the 20th day and grow quickly.

But with such a crop, plants bloom only for the second year. You can plant camomiles and seedlings.

Then they need to be seeded in March-April, in good soil And raise the landing time, which you define in your region.

In this case, the plant can be blooming in the first year of landing. You can plant seedlings immediately after the spring April frosts, when their repetition is reduced to zero.

After disembarking, seedlings can be slightly imparted. It is also necessary to disassemble nyondist in spring or autumn, before or after the start of flowering.

Rhizomes are divided into small parts, trying to do so that every section of the main root, intended for transplant, had sufficient number Urica small roots.

It is necessary to plant such Delinka, but try to fall asleep rhizome. Such landings grow very well.

There is another way of reproduction of these colors - shifting. For landing, the socket of small shoots is separated, which is planted in the middle of summer with a piece rhizomes.

The planted "socket" sprinkle loose ground and leave for germination. Chamomile is very beautiful in lawns, on the flower beds, in the gardens.

But there is a special variety of dwarf daisies, designed for borders. These flowers are good not only for stationary cultivation, but also under the cut for bouquets.

Personally, I really love daisies and on the flower beds and in bouquets and constantly grow them in the country area.

But it is because of the fact that they are very unpretentious, I boldly plant them between trees in the garden. It turns out a good design!

All we are well acquainted with a chamomile plant. This is a genus of grassy herbs, belonging to the family of comprehensible. One of the varieties of the plant is a pharmacy chamomile with many medical properties. If you are the owner of the cottage or land plotYou can independently grow and harvest the raw materials from this plant. And how to do it, "popular about health" will tell now. So, our conversation about landing the daisy pharmacy, care for it and about growing seeds.

Cultivation of chamomile pharmacy from seeds

Consider two ways to grow pharmaceutical chamomile from seeds. The first is a mess, the second - right in the ground. Both methods can be used depending on your preferences and climatic conditions. In the first case, blooming will come before, in the second - later.

Planting seeds

So, for the cultivation of seedlings of daisy pharmacy will need seeds, light soil (sand and peat mixture) and a shallow, but wide drawer. Sowing can be implemented in early March. Chamomile seeds are very small, so for convenience they are better to immediately mix with clean sand. Moisten the surface of the soil in the drawer, and then try evenly scatter the tiny seeds.

Seed care

It makes no sense to deepen the seeds, and to keep the soil surface with moisturized, pull the food film on the box. Play the same container in a well-lit place, but not outdoor sun. Shoots should be bought in 14 days, sometimes it happens before. It is important to keep the guy daily and follow the degree of moisturizing the soil. As soon as delicate green sprouts appear, remove the film.

Wait for the seedlings to be reached in a height of 5 cm, ride them, leaving only the strongest and developed copies. Now for young daisies, regular watering is important and good lighting. At the age of 4-6 weeks, the seedlings can be safely transferred to the garden if the frosts just passed.

Landing seedlings daisy pharmacy in the ground

After the rescue and fertilizer making should pass about three weeks. In the ground, do the shallow wells (15-20 cm) at a distance of about 30 cm. Between the rockers, leave about 45 cm. Carefully find the seedling and deepen it in the hole. So do with each. Soil Failure around the bushes and pour.

Pharmacy Chamomile - Growing Seeds in Open Ground

Seed seed and in open ground. This can be done in autumn or early spring. High requirements for the composition of the Earth does not present a plant, grows on moderately moistened and loose and nutritious soils. It is worth it to make a plot, if the soil is sour. Before sowing requires repack and loosening. At the same time, the organicists always contribute mineral fertilizers. Temperature on the street (if you sow spring) should be established at least in the area + 7- + 10 degrees. Mix the seeds with sand and scat them evenly on the surface of the prepared and moistened area. Attention! It should be located in the sun, not in the shade. The surface can be slightly sprinkled with a thin layer of sand. Spring shoots need to be slightly context, leaving stronger, at a distance of 30 cm. Blossom usually occurs 40-50 days after the first germs appeared, and it continues until the autumn continues. Now it remains to take care of them to collect a valuable harvest.

Care for daisies in the garden

Frequent irrigation requires only young plants. Adult rooted copies are able to transfer drought without any problems. To facilitate the work of the gardener, you can immediately climb the places of planting a peat layer. He will hold moisture from the roots, not letting it quickly evaporate. For chamomile care is easy. It is required to ensure that young plants do not interfere with the development of weed herbs, loosen the soil under the bushes in order to avoid the formation of a dense crust. Although, if you follow the Council to lay a layer of mulch, then you will not have to do.

Chamomile Pharmacy needs feeding. Each spring the soil is enriched with humus, peat and compost. At the same time, it is recommended to scatter between rows of colors ammonium nitrate (dosage - 20 g / m2). Immediately before the start of flowering, when buds are formed, the flowers are fed by a solution of urea.

Harvesting, preparation daisy pharmacy

So, with the onset of bloom, you can start assembling the crop. Since flower baskets ripen gradually, then you can collect harvest several times in the form of a daisy flowers pharmaceutical. Collect for the workpiece only ripe baskets that have reached in diameter about one and a half centimeters. They are cut with a part of a color-length about 2-3 cm. Raw materials are unfolded on paper under a canopy and dried, with such a layer of inflorescences should not exceed 5 cm. Flowers can not be shifted or turned over so that they do not appear. Dry raw materials by weight becomes 5 times easier. Store the chamomile pharmacy in paper bags or fabric bags in a dry ventilated place.

As you can see, for the pharmacy chamomile landing seeds and growing - the processes are very simple. If you are using the inflorescences of this plant for treatment or do you sometimes drink chamomile tea, then why not prepare this healing raw material, growing chamomile in your site?