Mold in flower pots. How to deal with mold in flower pots with home remedies

Beginning flower growers sooner or later face the problem of a whitened substrate layer in a pot, and this often causes a feeling of concern for houseplants. In fact, this condition of the soil is not a serious problem that can greatly harm the plant, but the accompanying factors are dangerous. Today we will take a closer look at the causes of white plaque and we will analyze how to deal with this problem and what to do in the future to prevent such a state of the substrate again.

Problems with soil in a pot

Very often, indoor flowers die due to improper care, which primarily affects the substrate and thereby harms the roots of the plant.

White coating on the surface

When the substrate turns white in a flower pot, this is a sign that the plant is not properly cared for, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to identify the factors that caused the problem.

Reasons for the appearance

There are several reasons for the appearance of a whitened substrate, among them are:

  • Too frequent watering- salts appear on the surface of the soil due to the active evaporation of water.
  • Irregular poor watering– salts can accumulate on the soil surface. In this case, the bottom layer of soil in the pot is petrified, and the water only moistens upper layer substrate, which causes the appearance of a white coating.
  • Insufficient air humidity causes the liquid that has entered the flower pot to evaporate intensively - in this case, salts actively accumulate on the upper layer of the substrate. The soil becomes saline, which affects the normal development of plants.
  • Too much fertilizer. If the flowers are fertilized very often or the concentration of fertilizing is too high, the substrate may become covered with a white crust.
  • Incorrectly selected substrate for growing indoor flowers. When purchasing it in a store, pay attention to the label. There are cases of buying a universal substrate that is used for growing seedlings. Such soil is specially treated with numerous top dressings in order to stimulate the rapid growth of seeds. In this regard, a white coating begins to form on the surface, and this can adversely affect the health of indoor flowers.
  • Non-compliance with the ratio of the volume of the pot to the size of the plant. As you know, experienced flower growers recommend choosing the size of the pot so that it is only slightly larger than the plant that will be planted in it. If you ignore this rule and buy a pot big size, pour a lot of substrate there and land small plant, then its roots will not be able to absorb the moisture that will be applied to the soil. Thus, with active evaporation of the liquid, the surface will quickly become covered with a white coating.

There are several options for dealing with white plaque on the soil in flower pots. You need to choose the most suitable method according to the cause of this problem.

To make plaque on the substrate form more slowly and be almost invisible, it is recommended to sprinkle it with expanded clay on top.

It is worth considering the fact that after a certain time, white plaque can also settle on expanded clay: in this case, the upper drainage is removed, washed well and put back into the pot.

There is another option to deal with the problem - river sand is used for this. It is poured over the substrate and the soil is well loosened with a wooden stick. Such manipulation will not only avoid the appearance of white plaque on the substrate, but will also be useful to the roots.

The fastest and in a simple way is the removal of the top layer of the substrate with whitened earth, and instead of it, fresh soil is filled up.
If you have established that the reason for the appearance of a white coating on the ground is the dryness of the air in the room, it is recommended to place the pot on a pallet with expanded clay, which is regularly sprayed with water from a spray bottle. Thus you will create required humidity around the pot and prevent the problem from developing.

Mold in pots

Often the appearance of white plaque is associated with a biological cause - the development of fungal spores and the appearance of mold on the substrate. This situation is provoked by improper flower care or the influence of other negative environmental factors.

Did you know? Mold is one of the most ancient living organisms on the planet: it appeared more than 200 million years ago. During its existence, the mold has been able to adapt to the most difficult natural conditions and survive on glaciers, in radioactive zones and in outer space.

Often the first mold appears in the place where the soil and the pot come into contact. The effect of such an interaction is characterized by a white or brownish coating, which spreads with great speed. If you do not deal with the cause of the development of this problem, the air is saturated large quantity spores of the fungus, and after a while rapidly developing colonies of fungi form, and the flower dies.

Reasons for the appearance

In most cases, the occurrence of mold in a pot is the result of any negative factors affecting the substrate.

In this case, there are several reasons for the development of mold:

  1. Excessive watering and stagnation of liquid in the substrate. As a result of constant waterlogging, spores of the fungus quickly develop, and mold forms.
  2. Low temperature and high humidity in the room is a favorable environment for the development of the fungus.
  3. Regular watering of the soil cold water.
  4. Neglecting drainage or improper use of it leads to clogging of the holes in the pot and provokes stagnation of water in the soil, which causes the spread of fungus.
  5. Use of soil already infected with mold spores for planting flowers.

Important! Often the fungus develops in poorly ventilated areas in the spring and autumn period when the air humidity is high, the apartment is cold, and the evaporation of moisture from the soil is minimal.

Often the reason for the development of mold in a pot is excessive watering and humidity, so if fungal foci have been noticed in the substrate, it is necessary first of all to correct the watering schedule. To do this, the frequency of irrigation is reduced and the volume of liquid is reduced.

If the flower requires rare but abundant watering, it is necessary to loosen the substrate with a wooden stick after each soil moistening, to the maximum depth, reaching the drainage.

When loosening, you must act very carefully so as not to damage the roots.

In order to protect the flower from damage and remove mold from the pot, it is recommended to do the following manipulations:

  1. Scrape off the outer part of the substrate affected by the fungus. This manipulation must be done immediately, as soon as the first foci are detected. mold fungus. If you delay the removal, then the infection will begin to penetrate into the inner layer of the soil, which will provoke decay and death of the plant.
  2. Treat the bottom layer of the substrate with acidic water. To do this, a teaspoon of citric acid is dissolved in a glass of water. Thanks to such a liquid, the spores of the fungus will not multiply and will soon die.
  3. Fill the missing part of the substrate in the pot with new soil, to which add bactericidal agents designed specifically to resist fungi. For this, charcoal, crushed into small pieces, or sphagnum is suitable.
  4. After the done manipulations, the substrate is watered with a solution of "Fundazol" (1 liter of water and 2 g of the product). If mold has struck a flower, it is also treated with this solution from a spray bottle.

Treat the bottom layer of the substrate citric acid

If you notice that the mold has spread to the lower layers of the substrate, you can try to save the flower by transplanting it. To do this, carefully remove it from the pot, thoroughly clean the roots of the substrate. Next, plant the flower in the usual way.

Some growers use chemicals, which are designed to combat mold, you can learn more about them in a specialized store.

Important! When choosing such products, you must carefully read the label on the drug to make sure that it does not harm the plant.

Midges in the ground

Often, indoor flowers are affected by midges, which appear as a result of non-compliance with the rules of care. Sciarids are also considered the most common - flower midges, which focus on both the soil and the green part of the plant. They do not harm the flower, but their larvae can cause severe damage - affect growth, lead to wilting of leaves and flowers.
Reasons for the appearance

Among the main causes of midges are:

  1. Excessive watering of plants. Constantly waterlogged soil is an ideal place for the life and reproduction of midges.
  2. The infestation of the land that was purchased for plant transplantation.
  3. Watering the flower with liquids that are not intended for these purposes. For example, some housewives prefer to water indoor plants with tea leaves, which sometimes cause pest damage.

There are several effective methods capable of dealing with pests. These include: physical, chemical and folk.

Physical pest control methods include:

  • replanting in new soil. To do this, the flower is carefully removed from the pot, the roots are cleaned of infected soil, and transplanted in the usual way, taking into account all the features of the plant;

Important! The pot in which the flower was located must be washed well with soapy water and poured over with boiling water.

  • partial replacement of the substrate. If there are not many midges, you can remove them by replacing the topsoil. To do this, it is carefully scraped off and thrown away, and the voids are covered with fresh substrate.

Chemicals for the destruction of pests are purchased in specialized stores. Using these tools is quite simple, and they quickly cope with the task. Such drugs are presented in the form of "Flycat", "Agravertin",. They must be used in accordance with the instructions on the label.

Among folk remedies in the fight against midges, the use of:

  • potassium permanganate solution. To do this, a liter of water is diluted - at the tip of a knife, so that the liquid turns a light pink hue. Water the flower with the resulting mixture once every 5 days and spray it regularly with a spray bottle;
  • improvised means. These include tobacco, garlic or orange peel distributed over the surface of the substrate. Such products, due to the smell, repel midges and do not allow them to exist normally.


Unpleasant smell from the soil in the flower pot

Sometimes it happens that the soil in the pot begins to smell unpleasant - this is a sign of acidification of the substrate and the beginning of the process of decay of the root system of the flower. This problem is directly related to improper care, and in order to save the plant, you must act immediately, as soon as you notice the first signs of souring.

Reasons for the appearance

Among the most common causes of acidification of the soil are the following:

  1. Untimely transplantation of a plant from the substrate in which it was purchased at a flower shop. Such soil is too moisture-intensive and often causes the plant to rot.
  2. Growing in severe clay soil, which is not suitable for this plant and provokes its decay.
  3. Excessive regular watering, especially during the winter, or moving the flower to a dark, cold place.
  4. No drainage or drainage holes.
  5. The size of the pot does not match the size of the plant.

Due to acidification of the soil, the risk of complete death of the plant is very high, therefore, in order to save it, it is necessary to remove the flower from the pot and inspect the root system. If the roots are not damaged, then the earth ball is wrapped in a newspaper or a special absorbent material in several layers. The plant is placed in a warm place, away from direct sunlight.

Periodically change the absorbent material until the liquid stops seeping out of the ground.
After the lump is dried, it is dipped in perlite and planted in an old pot. Some time after planting, it is recommended to loosen the soil to provide air access to the root system of the plant.

If, after you took out the earthen ball, rotting of the roots was found, you should resort to transplanting the plant into a new substrate. To do this, the roots of the plant are cleaned as much as possible from the old substrate, rotten roots are cut off and the cut point is treated with crushed wood or activated charcoal. Next, the plant is planted in fresh soil.

Did you know? Experienced flower growers often used as drainage - it is able to absorb salts that will save the soil from acidification. Accumulating excess liquid in itself, coal prevents waterlogging, and in the absence of watering gives moisture to the plant.

Preventive measures

In order not to subject plants to tests in the form of molds, midges or acidification of the substrate, it is necessary to follow some rules in caring for the soil in flower pots and regularly resort to prevention.

TO preventive measures include:

  1. Regular, but not excessive watering.
  2. Choosing a pot according to the size of the plant.
  3. Good drainage, which is selected according to the size of the hole in the pot so that they do not clog.
  4. Regular loosening of the soil for normal access of oxygen and seepage of liquid to the lower layers of the substrate.
  5. Soil treatment with a weak solution of potassium permanganate 1 time per month.
  6. Systematic ventilation of the room in which the plants are located, maintaining optimum temperature and air humidity.
  7. Use of high-quality soil, which is sold in specialized stores and packed in factory-made bags.
  8. Disinfection purchased soil before planting a flower with potassium permanganate.

Thus, the appearance of mold, white plaque, bad smell or midges in the soil flower pots are directly related to improper plant care. To avoid unpleasant consequences it is important to take into account the peculiarities of flower care and follow preventive measures, and in case of any problem, act immediately to keep the plant healthy.

Mold in a flower pot is a visible coating that forms colonies of microscopic molds. It not only looks extremely unaesthetic, but also has negative impact on plants.

Why does the earth grow moldy in pots of indoor plants

Fungus spores are constantly around us, these microscopic particles are easily carried by air and are waiting for favorable conditions for reproduction.

Mold is a colony of fungus

The appearance of mold on the ground in a flower pot is most often caused by care errors and unfavorable conditions of detention:

  • Incorrect moistening mode, in which the earth in the planting tank does not dry out, but remains constantly wet.

    Mold most often appears from improper watering.

  • Bad drainage. Clogged, rooted, or simply very shallow holes prevent excess moisture from draining into the pan, causing water to stagnate.

    Roots that have come out of the pot can block the drainage hole.

  • Cold and damp indoors.
  • Watering with unsettled cold tap water.

    The tap water for indoor plants is too cold

  • Poor quality or unsuitable soil for this plant.

    The soil in the pot may be of poor quality.

  • The planting capacity is much larger than the size of the root system of the flower, which is why the roots are not able to absorb all the liquid.

    The root system of a flower can be much smaller than the planting capacity

In pots, indoor flowers can develop not only the usual white mold, but also black, the spores of which are ways to provoke the appearance of allergic reactions and even respiratory failure.

Mold most often appears with improper care.

The risk of mold growth increases in summer, when there is no heating in apartments and houses, and the air is quite humid. It is at this time that you need to water the flowers especially carefully. Watering is done only after the top layer of the earth has dried. It is rare that a plant easily tolerates constant humidity.

Video: where does the mold come from in a flower pot and how to remove it

Fighting mold in flower pots: basic methods

At the first sign of the appearance of a fungal colony in a flower pot, you must immediately begin to take action:

  1. Remove the infected top layer of the substrate.
  2. Spill the remaining soil with a weak (slightly sour taste) solution of citric acid. Fungi do not grow well in an acidic environment.
  3. Pour fresh clean soil to replace the old one. To increase the protective qualities, small pieces of sphagnum moss or charcoal are added to the new substrate.
  4. Water the flower with a solution of a fungicidal preparation (Fundazol, Topsin-M, Vitaros, etc.).

Fundazol is effective against various fungi

If the fungus is on the plant itself, then it is also sprayed with antifungal drugs.

In case of ineffectiveness of the measures taken, they act more radically:

  1. The plant is removed from the pot, the infected soil is removed from the roots as carefully as possible.

    The plant is removed from the pot and the earth is removed from the roots.

  2. The planting container is washed and treated with disinfectants, doused with boiling water or calcined in the oven (only ceramics).

    The pot must be thoroughly washed and disinfected

  3. A drainage layer is laid out at the bottom of the vessel.

    A layer of drainage must be poured at the bottom of the pot

  4. Pour fresh soil suitable for this crop, and plant a flower. Before planting, you can treat the root system with a fungicidal preparation.

    The flower is placed back in the pot and covered with fresh soil.

If it is not possible to purchase the right soil, you can disinfect the old soil by calcining it in the oven or steaming it in a water bath.

You can disinfect the old soil in the microwave

Video: how to deal with mold in a flower pot


To prevent the appearance of fungal colonies, proceed as follows:

  • regularly loosen the substrate in a pot;

Indoor plants have already become an integral attribute of the interior of any room. But, it is important to understand that these are living organisms, and, unlike paintings or sculptures, they sometimes become infected with diseases. Very often, indoor plants are affected by a fungus. The source of infection is the same mold that accumulates on the walls of the pot. At first glance, it may seem harmless, but in fact, the fungus carries a great danger to plantings.

Where does mold on flowers come from?

Anyone who has anything to do with indoor plants has had to deal with a white or yellowish coating on the walls of the pot. It is this raid that is initial stage mold development.

The most vulnerable to fungal diseases are not very demanding plants for watering, which cannot immediately absorb a large amount of liquid. Among such plants, we highlight cacti, succulents, violets and others.

There are not so many varieties of fungi that are dangerous for plants.

Mold types:

  1. White mold is just the same white coating that collects on the walls of the pot. Over time, it becomes more and more voluminous, and in the later stages of development it resembles a fluffy blanket. Often, white mold is confused with mineral deposits, but the fungus is softer and thinner to the touch.
  2. Blue mold - bluish fungal microorganisms prefer wood, so they pose the greatest danger to indoor trees, wooden flower pots and planters.
  3. black mold- most dangerous view, which poses a threat not only to plants, but also to people. The black fungus is difficult to notice on the soil, but the mold that has accumulated on the walls of the pot immediately catches the eye. Black mold is very similar to earth, and this often leads to confusion. But, unlike earth, mold is very difficult to wash off - even after treatment with a strong detergent on the surface, ingrained traces of the fungus will certainly remain.

It is worth noting that all varieties of mold belong to the same family, so the reasons for its appearance in each case are approximately the same:

  • Infected soil is the most common cause, but at the same time, the most common. Often the purchased substrate is already infected with fungal microorganisms. A similar situation may be with the soil that you dug up near the house. Therefore, it is best to purchase a mold-resistant substrate and only from certified manufacturers;
  • High intensity of watering - some types of plantings are not able to immediately absorb a large amount of liquid, and frequent watering creates discomfort for them. Plants do not have time to absorb all the moisture, and their lower leaves, as well as the stem begin to rot, which leads to the appearance of mold;
  • Increased air humidity - if you have streamlined the watering regime, but the plants still rot, pay attention to the air humidity indicator. Conditions high humidity well suited for tropical plantings, but for most of "our" species, they are far from optimal. Excessively humid air leads to wilting of plants, and the appearance of fungal microorganisms.
  • Poor drainage - often the appearance of a fungus is associated with an unsuccessful layout of the pot. Any container in which a flower grows must have a drainage hole and a drip tray for excess water to drain. Experienced gardeners it is advised to create a drainage layer of expanded clay or pebbles at the bottom of the pot. It is very important that the soil has a suitable structure for the plant. Therefore, it is better to buy a ready-made substrate designed for a specific type of planting. Experts recommend minimizing the use of clay soil, as it retains moisture a lot, which often leads to mold.

Mold danger

It's no secret that human fungal diseases very difficult to treat. The situation is similar with diseases of domestic plants. Mold growth leads to:

  1. Deterioration of the soil - the quality of the substrate infected with the fungus is noticeably reduced. Fungal microorganisms disrupt water and mineral metabolism, and also change chemical composition soil that becomes unsuitable for growing crops.
  2. The death of plants - mold, in the later stages of development, is covered with a crust that retains water and does not allow air to pass through. The roots of the plant do not receive the necessary substances, moreover, they are constantly in the water. And that's why they start to rot. Immediately after the process of decay begins to spread to the stem and leaves, the plant dies.
  3. Infection of the premises - this is especially true for black mold. Fungal microorganisms can spread to the window sill, walls and ceiling. Black mold is very dangerous, especially if children, the elderly or allergic people live in the room.

How to deal with fungus?

So, we found out that fungal microorganisms can harm not only plants, but also people. Now the next question is - how to deal with them? The first thing to do is transplant the plant into new pot and replace the soil. It is better to throw away the old substrate, and rinse the pot thoroughly with boiling water.

If you do not have enough new soil, you can only replace the top layer of the substrate. In particularly severe cases, one of the following methods can be used.


The best way to kill mold in a pot is to treat it with fungicides. All these drugs are divided into two groups: organic and inorganic. In principle, only the second group of drugs can be called "chemical", since inorganic agents, unlike organic ones, kill fungal microorganisms with the help of chemical compounds.

One of the most effective drugs considered "Fundazol". It must be dissolved in water - 2 g per 1 liter, and then ready mix spray the leaves of affected plants. "Fundazol" is very toxic, therefore, when working with it, it is imperative to use gloves and a respirator.

Almost all mold remedies contain benomyl, a substance that as soon as possible can destroy the fungus. As an alternative to Fundazol, you can use Ferazim - this drug is easier to purchase and it is no less effective.

If we talk about less toxic drugs, then first of all it is necessary to note such drugs as Oxyhom, Skor and Topsin. They can be used both for the destruction of fungal microorganisms in a pot, and for the treatment of infected plants. Each of these drugs must be diluted in water (the ratio is indicated in the instructions), and only after that ready solution till the soil and leaves. Yes, chemicals very effective, but if used incorrectly, you can harm not only the flower, but also yourself. Therefore, it is important to strictly follow all safety rules and follow the instructions on the box.

Now let's talk a little about organic preparations. They contain bacteria in their composition, the vital activity of which is aimed at combating mold. Most of these drugs not only treat the affected plants, but also improve the chemical composition of the soil.

Fitosporin is in the greatest demand. The composition of this drug includes soil bacteria that destroy the fungus and its spores. "Fitosporin" is presented on the market in the form of powder, paste and solution. Powder and paste must be dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:2. As for the solution, it is already sold ready for use - you just need to water the soil and infected plants. For greater effect, you can add a small amount of liquid soap.

Among other organic remedies, we single out Trichodermin, Baktofit and Fitolavin. Most of the drugs are presented in the form of powder and concentrate, but there are also tablets (for example, Gliocladin). The main advantage of organic products is that they are non-toxic and do not pose any threat to human health.

Folk remedies

Gardeners who do not trust chemistry and believe that it is harmful to plants use folk methods mold control. Below are some of them:

  1. Citric acid - stir a few drops of citric acid in water, and spray the affected plants with the resulting solution. In the future, this procedure is important to repeat once a month. Important: experts do not recommend treating soil with high acidity with citric acid.
  2. Garlic is an effective "grandmother's" method that involves dropping chopped garlic cloves around the perimeter of the pot. The garlic may start to rot. It is important to keep an eye on this and replace it with new cloves, otherwise another serious source of mold can form.
  3. Coal is an advantage this tool in that it is always at hand, and it is not difficult to get it. Buy Activated carbon available at any nearest pharmacy. Grind the tablets and mix them with the substrate. Many gardeners use charcoal. You can buy it at a hardware store or just take it out of the oven. It can also be mixed with the substrate, but it is better to just cover the soil with it in a small layer. For greater effect, experts advise combining coal with river sand.


Experienced gardeners say that it is easier to prevent mold than to get rid of it later. Below are some of the most effective recommendations fungus control:

  1. Soil - it is important to constantly monitor the quality of the soil. To prevent the appearance of a fungus, experts advise using a purchased substrate: firstly, it is checked for the presence of fungal microorganisms; secondly, in the store you can buy soil for a particular type of plant. For additional protection soil, it can be covered with gravel or expanded clay.
  2. Pot - it is better to give preference to ceramic products. Their main advantage is the porous structure, which creates the necessary conditions for normal ventilation. Experienced gardeners recommend minimizing the use of plastic and metal pots.
  3. Drainage - Only high-quality drainage can prevent the formation of stagnant water. Drainage material can be purchased at specialized hardware stores. Alternatively, pieces of brick or gravel can be used. It is important to regularly loosen the soil to prevent the formation of a hard crust, and to improve the circulation of moisture in the soil.
  4. Watering - you need to know which watering regimen is suitable for a particular plant, and strictly follow it. Some varieties of flowers do not tolerate an excess of moisture, and may begin to rot.
  5. Disinfection - before using the substrate, it must be disinfected by processing at high temperatures. There are several processing options: you can ignite the soil on a baking sheet in the oven or steam it over boiling water. Some gardeners additionally water the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and immediately before using the substrate, they add activated carbon to it.
  6. Conditions - it is important to create optimal conditions for the plant. First of all, you need to take care of a sufficient number sunlight, because, as you know, the sun's rays also kill the fungus. Not less than important conditions are normal humidity and absence of drafts.

Summing up

The appearance of mold on the walls of the pot is an alarming signal that indicates that urgent action needs to be taken. After all, ignoring mold can lead to the death of plants. It is important to always remember one rule: it is easier to prevent mold than to fight it later.

White mold forms in flower pots. In addition to worries about how to get rid of it, the question arises: what is the reason for its occurrence?

Factors contributing to the formation of mold

The main reason for the appearance of white plaque on the soil is a fungal infection. There are several conditions necessary for its development. Mold in a flower pot is formed due to both low temperature and high humidity indoors, and improper watering (excessive or frequent). Also contribute to the development of the fungus clogged drainage holes at the bottom of the vessel for plants, the substrate that does not match the variety of plantings.

Mold in a flower pot often appears when autumn cloudy days come. During this period, less water is absorbed by plants, and what remains in the ground due to a decrease in air temperature evaporates slowly. As moisture accumulates, it creates favorable conditions for the development of infection.

Prevention measures and ways to get rid of mold

To stop the formation of fungal plaque in the pot, it is recommended to reduce the amount of water for watering the plant and the frequency of the procedure. For the speedy evaporation of excess moisture, you can carefully, so as not to damage the roots of the flower, loosen the substrate around it. It should be remembered that improper care can lead to the development of infection in both anthurium, which requires a lot of moisture, and cactus, which is unpretentious. Having found out why there is mold in a flower pot, one can come to the conclusion that its appearance does not depend on the state of the plant, but on external factors.

To overcome the fungus, you should clean the bottom holes of the vessel for the plant, provide good drainage and reduce the frequency of watering. Perhaps the flower does not have time to absorb the entire volume of moisture, as a result of which it evaporates and forms a salt coating on the surface of the earth. It is better to water the plant less often and more abundantly than poorly, but often. This contributes to the complete washing of the soil layer.

Change of scenery as a way to save the plant

If changing the watering regime does not bring an effective result, the mold in the flower pot can be defeated in another way. First of all, the plant should be transplanted into a smaller vessel. If root system does not allow this to be done, it can only be replaced. Before transplanting, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the pot and scald it with boiling water. Perfect option- boil it completely in a saucepan or bucket for a while. Then you need to dry the vessel, pour drainage material on its bottom. In order to get rid of microorganisms that form mold in a flower pot, new land before planting, the plants need to be calcined on the stove or steamed over boiling water. This rule also applies to soil purchased from a specialized store, since it can also be contaminated, which means that it needs to be processed. For steaming, the earth can be placed in a colander over boiling water.

Mold is a waste product of a microscopic fungus that lives everywhere: from dark, damp basements to comfortable apartments. It is impossible to control the spread of the fungus: its invisible spores are carried through the air and, getting into conditions that are comfortable for them (warmth and dampness), begin to grow intensively. The soil in potted houseplants is a suitable breeding ground for pathogens. What to do if you find mold in a flower pot? How to get rid of this scourge?

Mold "blooming" in pots with favorite houseplants, can differ not only in color, but also in the degree harmful effects on the ground, plants and the health of people living in a house or apartment.

  • black mold- the most dangerous species for humans. May cause allergic reactions and cause respiratory problems. Black mold spots are found on various surfaces v living quarters as well as food products. Very moisture-loving, difficult to remove. It has a different shade: from light gray to deep black.
  • White mold (mushroom mukor)- in flower pots you can most often find this species. White mold "prefers" to settle on organic residues, hay, food and topsoil. It poses a danger to people and animals. May cause allergic reactions and serious infection- mucormycosis.
  • blue fungus- moldy plaque of light blue color. Is serious danger for wood. Penetrating inside the tree, microorganisms are able to destroy it completely in a short time.
  • Actinomycetes (radiant mushrooms)- in abundance inhabit soils of any type. In pharmaceuticals, they are used for the preparation of antibiotics. Can cause some diseases in humans and animals.
  • vysoly- the result of crystallization of various salts on the soil surface. Often efflorescence is mistaken for mold, although it is not. Penetrating deep into the soil, they can severely damage the roots of domestic plants.

How to get rid of and how to remove mold

Having found that the earth in a pot is covered with white mold, you need to take Urgent measures to remove it.

Most radical way get rid of a harmful fungus - transplant the plant into another pot with new soil.
  • Pot must have drainage holes, it is recommended to pour a layer of expanded clay or granite chips on the bottom. Thus, water will not stagnate in the soil, and the roots of the plant will be able to freely receive oxygen.
  • If the farm does not have a new flower pot, you can transplant the plant into the old one, having previously processed it well. The pot must be thoroughly washed with soda or laundry soap, pour boiling water over and dry well in the air.
  • After transplanting, water the plant with a solution of "Fundazol". How to get rid of mold in flower pots with this tool, you can read in the accompanying instructions. Usually, a solution of the drug is used in a ratio of 2g. for 1 liter of water.
When working with Fundazol, wear personal protective equipment: latex gloves, goggles, respirator. Wash your hands and rinse your mouth after handling. Do not eat, drink or smoke during disinfection.

If plant transplantation is not included in your plans, then you need to at least cultivate the existing soil.

  • To do this, the top layer of the earth is removed (as far as the roots of the plant allow).
  • fall asleep new ground mixed with charcoal or peat moss (you can add crushed activated charcoal tablets).
  • The soil is watered with a solution of "Fundazol", and a few cloves of garlic are added dropwise on top.
"Fudnazol" can be replaced with drugs "Vitaros" or "Maxim". Observe the same protective measures when handling them.

Video: How to deal with mold in flower pots.

What is dangerous mold for indoor plants

Gray, black, white mold on the ground in flower pots is not just an external soil defect. Fungus that lives in the soil causes irreparable damage to the plant itself.

  • The earth is covered with a dense crust, acquires the smell of mold. Normal air exchange is disturbed in the soil.
  • Soil quality is declining: the acidity of the soil and its mineral composition change.
  • The roots of the plant are weakening and rot due to excessive moisture.
  • Stems, leaves don't get enough nutrients and begin to gradually fade.
  • The plant dries, turns yellow, begins to smell of rot, and eventually dies.

Why mold appears in flower pots on the ground

Causes of mold in the soil indoor plants several. Most of them arise due to poor-quality care for green pets. Experienced flower growers know that the soil in flower pots must be constantly monitored. Beginners, on the other hand, tend to make mistakes, as a result of which mold appears in the ground, the soil begins to smell of dampness and rot, and the plants wither.

Fungus and mold growth intensifies on cloudy autumn days when the daylight hours are shortening and it's getting cold and damp outside. In apartments and houses usually does not work yet central heating resulting in higher humidity levels in the surrounding air.

Plants begin to absorb less moisture, and the remaining water in the ground hardly evaporates due to lower temperatures. The spores of microorganisms hovering in the air fall into a favorable environment for them and begin to multiply intensively, forming a dangerous coating on the ground.

The main reasons leading to the appearance of colonies of fungi:

  • Irregular watering.
  • Watering with cold water from the tap.
  • High humidity in the room.
  • Stagnation of water in a flower pot due to poor drainage.
  • Poor quality soil.

Mold Prevention

Every housewife wants her home garden to be not only beautiful, but also safe. If suddenly an uninvited guest appeared in your house - mold in a flower pot: how to get rid of it and prevent its reappearance?