Technology and timing of soil liming. What kind of soil needs lime

Pushonka lime: how to apply in the garden and garden

All gardeners, gardeners have long understood the fat that in order to ensure good harvest any crops, one planting of plants will not be enough. Plantings need proper care. To protect plants from all kinds of diseases and pests, summer residents with experience use chemicals. The most famous is fluff lime.

What does she represent?

In the garden and garden, where natural farming is practiced, calcium lime is often used. It can be of two types: slaked (Ca(OH)2) and quicklime (CaO). It is an organic substance. For humans and plants, both species are completely safe if used in accordance with established rules. V Food Industry calcium lime is used as an additive and labeled E-529. The product is obtained by processing limestone, chalk and other carbonate materials and has the form of a white powder soluble in water. The main elements are calcite and dolomite.

Fluff application.

This tool is used as a top dressing and protective agent for plants from diseases and harmful insects both in the garden and in the garden, and in large-scale agriculture. In addition, lime is used both as an independent component and as additional funds to improve the soil.

"Slaking lime"

It is quite easy to get fluff at home by "quenching" quicklime. To do this, mix lime powder and water and leave for a few minutes. Thus, a reaction takes place in which the lime melts and turns into a safer form for plants. You should know that only cold water is taken to slake lime, since in a liquid with a high temperature beneficial features this tool are neutralized.

Features of the use of fluff in the garden and the city

At one time, Vishnyakov made a classification of lime and found in it such substances as: potassium, magnesium, calcium. Moreover, the form of the first element (potassium) is oxide and is quickly absorbed by green spaces.

A large percentage of the composition of the fluff is calcium. Gardeners know that many crops do not tolerate an excess of calcium. However, it is essential for plant growth. Any soil should contain calcium. Thanks to it, hydrogen ions are preserved, which provide plants with a favorable environment. In fact, it is calcium that strengthens the immunity of plants, protects them from diseases, promotes the activation of bacteria that are in the tubers and retains nitrogen in the soil, which the roots receive from the air during loosening. As a result, plant nutrition improves, and resistance to harmful factors increases. Also, thanks to calcium in the tissues, the movement of carbohydrates improves. The root system develops more actively and qualitatively. The components that make up the fluff are necessary for the life processes of cultural plantations. From the foregoing, it becomes clear that lime is essential when growing plants.

Thanks to calcium, beneficial microorganisms activate their activity, releasing nitrogen from organic matter and mineralizing it. Among other things, with the help of this catalyst, the formation of humus and the decomposition of organic matter is faster. One of the most positive properties that fluff is endowed with is its ability to reduce the acidity of the soil. When using lime fluff in a garden or garden, the top layer of soil not only normalizes, but also its chemical composition becomes better. Moreover, this tool is able to have a neutralizing effect on such toxic metals as: iron, manganese, aluminum.

All gardeners should be aware that when using fluff in a garden or vegetable garden, the chemical composition of the soil is normalized. It becomes less fluffy.

When should liming be done?

V agriculture lime is widely used. The most common use is to neutralize the acidity of the soil. For this purpose, fluff is used. For use in the garden, it is necessary to adhere to the following terms: fluff is introduced into the soil every 4 years. If the operation is more intensive, then every 3 years.

Increased soil acidity. How to determine?

To, you need to look at the following changes:

- green moss appears on the edges of the earth;

- wormwood, horsetail, wild rosemary, clover, sorrel, heather, creeping buttercup begin to grow on the beds.

If these uninvited guests appeared on the beds, then you need to start using fluff lime, and use it in the prescribed doses. Among other things, the acidity of the soil is determined by poor growth wheat and beets, as well as the ash layer, which can be seen on the surface of the soil.

In specialized stores, you can buy paper indicators with which to determine the acidity.

Why should soil acidity be avoided?

In acidic soil, all conditions are created for the development of various fungi and pathogenic bacteria, while there are not enough useful microelements in such soil. Often on acidic soil cultivated plants get along poorly because root system develops poorly. But there are a lot of weeds. Elevated hydrogen ions are indicated by elevated level pH. Fertilizers that are applied to such soil become useless, since, by reacting with hydrogen, a composition is formed that is useless for crops. To lower the level of aluminum and manganese, soil deoxidation is carried out in spring and autumn, thereby providing the earth with calcium, phosphorus, nitrogen, magnesium, and molybdenum in the required amount.

In order to increase yields, fluff lime must be calculated correctly. There are certain rules for applying lime to the soil. When using fluff in the garden, you must adhere to the following rules:

- for heavy, clay soil, 500-750 g / m2 will be needed;

- for loam, alumina, light soils - 400-600 g / m2;

- sandy, the lightest soil - 250 - 450 g / m2.

Established standards must be met. Since an overdose is harmful to plants. The soil, supersaturated with lye, does not allow plants to fully absorb the necessary trace elements, including calcium. However, poor liming may be due to the simultaneous application of lime and manure to the soil, during which insoluble compounds are formed that are useless for vegetable crops. Plants lack nutrients, which greatly affects the yield.

How to apply lime to the ground?

Quicklime must be extinguished. To do this, the powder is ground and moistened with water. After that, slaked powdered lime must be mixed with the ground.

When is liming done on the beds?

More often, digging the soil is carried out in the fall. At this time, it is considered more preferable. At the same time, when plowing, fluff lime is also introduced into the soil. Especially they need autumn digging early varieties vegetables. Digging the soil should be after the crop is harvested from the site and all the tops and roots of the plants are removed. Fertilizers are scattered in the garden. The soil is turned over so that the upper, more sprayed layer falls on the bottom, and the lower structural one appears on the surface. Experienced gardeners it is not recommended to level the surface and break clods in the fall, since moisture is better retained in the ground.

Standard processing is done at a depth of 25-30 cm. If vegetable crops are perennial, they produce a depth of up to 40 cm. Making the arable layer in areas shallow, digging the soil, it is necessary to simultaneously apply organic fertilizers and lime. In this case, the fertile layer is removed, and the subsoil (podzol) is loosened to a depth of two centimeters, adding to each square meter 150 grams of lime. The loosened layer should be mixed with the soil. Organic fertilizers are applied up to 10 kg per 1 m2. After that, the furrow is covered with the top earth layer. Annual soil fertilization and loosening leads to an increase in the fertile layer in the beds.

Experienced gardeners have long appreciated the beneficial properties of fluff. In the spring, its use is also possible. In this case, lime is applied in small doses to the soil and light digging is done. These measures are mainly used in those beds where they are going to plant crops that painfully tolerate increased soil acidity. These plants include: onion, garlic, mustard, turnip, lettuce, cabbage, radish. This procedure is done 7-8 days before sowing seeds or planting seedlings. It is important that in spring time soil moisture was maintained. Therefore, the cultivation of the land begins to be carried out during the period when the earth is damp, but can crumble into small lumps and does not stick to the shovel.

How is fluff lime used with fertilizers?

If you decide to bring fluff at the same time as organic fertilizers, you should take into account some nuances:

- no need to mix lime, cement dust, dolomite, chalk, lime tuff, marl;

- it is allowed to mix ground limestone (calcium organic matter) with natural additives.

Weed control.

Fluff lime effectively protects the garden from weeds. Therefore, it is advisable to use it if the soil is too acidic and woodlice, an indicator grass, grows on it. This plant is very tenacious, and you will have to weed it out constantly. To overcome wood lice, it is necessary to apply other methods to it, namely: to create unbearable conditions. For this purpose, lime, chalk or ash is added to the soil in the fall. Woodlice will disappear if the soil is less acidic. When using 200 grams of fluff per 1 m2, you can avoid the "attack" of wheatgrass, horsetail and other weeds.

How to deal with the wireworm?

One of the most dangerous pests on the beds is. To fight it, you need to combine different procedures and preventive measures. By getting rid of this guest, you will increase the percentage and quality of root vegetables: potatoes, carrots, beets, radishes. If you do not pay attention to the wireworm, you can completely lose the crop. For breeding beetle larvae favorable condition is acidic soil. By reducing the acidity level of the soil, you will ensure that females in such an environment will not lay eggs, which over time will completely rid the garden of a harmful insect.

The use of fluff to get rid of the wireworm provides for its introduction in a small amount. Namely: for one m2 - 0.5 kg. After that, watering is carried out and after a few days they re-dig and moisten. Also add one handful of ash to each well.

How to use fluff in gardening?

In gardens, lime is used as a deoxidizer and for shrubs.

To protect trees from harmful insects, whitewashing is inexpensive, but effective tool. By carrying out this procedure in the spring, you will protect tree trunks from insects that have awakened in the ground, as well as from the hot rays of the sun. If trees are treated with lime every spring, various pests will not exist and multiply in them.

Although many owners prefer to whitewash trees in the fall. By coating the trunks with clay and whitewashing before winter, you will protect the trees from temperature fluctuations. However, in the presence of precipitation, whitewashing will not be enough to protect plants from pests and solar overheating, which are especially detrimental to young seedlings. To protect the plants to a greater extent, whitewashing is still best done in the spring.

Before you process trees with fluff, you should prepare the trunk. Upper layer dead bark is removed, thereby ridding the tree trunk of adult harmful insects and their larvae, which took refuge here. The plucked bark will need to be burned.

How is lime bred?

300 g clay, 1 kg dry mullein, 200 g blue vitriol, 1 kg of lime and 10 liters of water are thoroughly mixed and left for 2-3 hours to swell. A guaranteed desired effect can be obtained if the recommended recipe is followed exactly.

Lime to improve compost quality

When organic matter decomposes, acids are formed that delay the further maturation of the compost. This is especially true for such “acidic” materials as needles, foliage, sawdust, shavings, pieces of wood and bark, as well as a removed layer of soil with acidic soil (for future compost).

To neutralize the acidic environment, slaked lime is added to the compost. It has a beneficial effect on a balanced metabolism, activates the decomposing activity of microorganisms, prevents decay, and eliminates the appearance of unpleasant odors.

Quite often, gardeners are faced with such a concept as "liming the soil." What it is and why it is necessary, we will consider in our article.

The use of lime fertilizers on acidic soils will improve the nutrient medium for plants with such elements as:

  • nitrogen;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus and others.

Thanks to them, the rhizomes become powerful, due to which all the nutrients contained in the soil and fertilizers are absorbed. By itself, liming does not occur, so it is necessary make some effort and meet certain conditions.

Their use will increase the fertility of the land.

Why are acidic soils unfavorable for plants?

The acidity of the soil is very harmful plant development, it inhibits and slows down its growth. Of course, there are plants for which such conditions are acceptable, but there are also those for which this is simply death.

  • Currant develops in slightly acidic or neutral, that is, acid-free soils.
  • Cranberries thrive in a highly acidic environment.
  • The bulk garden plants develops well in the middle acidic soils Oh.

It should also be taken into account that acidic soils not only directly harm plants, but also indirectly. The drying of such soil in spring takes much longer, and in summer period it dries up badly and becomes hard, like a crust. Nutrients in it are poorly absorbed by plants, and fertilizers applied are not absorbed at all. Also happening accumulation of substances which are very harmful to plants. Bacteria in acidic soils develop very poorly.

Soil acidity has a pH value. Neutral soil - has a pH value of -7. If the number is below 7, it means that the soil is acidic, if it is higher, then it is alkaline. When the indicator has a pH value of 4, this means that the soil is acidic.

Is it possible to independently determine the acidity of the soil?

Determine the acidity of the soil possible in several ways:

Should all soils be limed and when is the best time to do so?

To reduce soil acidity add lime to it. But not all soils have high acidity, there are those where it is not at all, so they should not be limed at all. Only those soils where there is excess acidity are subject to liming.

It is best to add lime to the soil during site preparation or when laying a garden. If you are going to grow strawberries, then planting the plant should be done 2 years after liming or lime should be applied after the plant takes root and gets stronger, but not earlier than 2 months after planting. You can lime the soil in a plot with fruit and berry plantations at any time. Lime is applied in autumn and spring during the digging of the site.

How to apply lime to the soil?

The lime added should mix well with soil, so it should be used in powder form. Quicklime cannot be used, since it is in a lumpy state and, using it in this form, it is possible to oversaturate the soil with lime, which is highly undesirable. It is necessary to convert it into slaked, this will require 4 buckets of water per 100 kg of lime. After the water has been absorbed, the lime will take on a powdery form and can be used to fertilize the earth.


Sprinkle the area evenly and observing the dosage of the substance. For clayey and loamy soils, from 5 to 14 kg of lime is used for a plot of 10 m 2 (the duration of the fertilizer is 12–15 years). For sandy and sandy loamy soils, 1–1.5 kg of lime is enough for a plot of the same size, this fertilizer is enough for 2 years. Do not exceed the dosage, this can lead to the fact that the soil becomes alkaline and the amount of molybdenum increases, which is harmful to plants in excess.

To reduce the acidity of the soil other substances can be used:

  1. On sandy soil, where the magnesium content is very low, ordinary limestone or dolomitic limestone can be used. These substances are well used in areas where they grow leguminous plants and potatoes.
  2. Chalk acts more effectively than limestone, since it contains calcium carbonate.
  3. On light soils, you can use "marl", which contains at least 50% calcium carbonate.
  4. Hydrated lime is very effective on heavy soils, as it has fast reactions. It is not recommended for sandy soils.
  5. Limestone tuff has the same effect as limestone.
  6. You can also use lake lime (gaskettle), which contains 60% calcium carbonate.

Sometimes liming is carried out using industrial waste: cement dust, oil shale ash, carbide lime and others. But before using such compounds, you should check them for the presence of toxins, heavy metals and carcinogens.

The increased content of acids in the soil reduces the yield of crops. Optimum acidity is achieved by liming. The most effective chemical reclamation is carried out in autumn. The application rates of lime material can be calculated independently. When and how to lime the soil can be found by watching the video.

Liming technology, substances used for liming

To a large extent, the yield and quality of crops depends on the acidity of the soil. The increased content of acid in the soil prevents the full absorption of trace elements by plants. Such essential substances as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium do not enter the plants, even if fertilizers are applied. Plants grow poorly, do not bear fruit. Acid levels can be reduced by adding acid neutralizing agents. These substances include:

  • slaked lime;
  • dolomite flour;
  • wood ash;
  • peat tuffs;
  • sugar production waste;
  • blast furnace slag.

Attention! It is impossible to lime the soil with gypsum, it crystallizes salts in soils, which leads to an increase in acidity.

It is possible to determine the increased content of acid in the soil folk methods. If horsetail, sorrel, plantain, heather, mint grow well on the site, then the soil is acidic. More accurate scientific method acidity determinations can be made in the laboratory. An easier way to determine the acid content in points is possible with the help of an indicator that is sold in flower shops. To do this, we wrap a handful of soil in a cloth, lower it into water for a couple of minutes. We lower the indicator into cloudy water. The change in the color of the indicator is compared with the color of the scale:

  • 3-4 - very acidic;
  • 4-5 - sour;

Soil acidity test

  • 5-6 - slightly acidic;
  • 7 - neutral;
  • 8-9 - alkaline.

The acidity and composition of the soil are interdependent. The greatest amount of acid is found in clay, sandy soils are considered less acidic.

Optimum acidity, types of liming

Each plant reacts differently to acid content:

  1. Cabbage, as well as beets, does not grow well on soils with high acidity.
  2. Tea and lupine grow well in acidic soils.
  3. Legumes, as well as corn, lettuce, onions, and cucumbers, prefer neutral soil.

Liming the soil can lead to improvement or deterioration of its quality. First you need to determine what crops will be grown on the site. It is possible to carry out partial liming of individual beds intended for certain crops.

Examples of optimal acidity for horticultural crops:

  • raspberry and gooseberry bushes - 5.5;
  • different types of currants - 6;
  • pear and apple tree - 6.5;
  • plum -7.

Different crops prefer different soil acidity

Liming is basic and supporting. The main gardeners spend 1 time. Maintenance liming procedure - once every 4-5 years. To deoxidize the soil, choose autumn or spring period. Conducting chemical reclamation in the fall is most effective. Spread evenly over the surface of the soil required amount lime material. At the same time, we apply fertilizers with a high content of magnesium and potassium.

Advice. The soil must be dug to a depth of 15-20 cm. The introduction of lime material on the surface without loosening reduces the effectiveness of liming.

Spring deoxidation is carried out before making chemical fertilizers. Lime material is spread over the surface, then fertilizers are applied and the soil is dug up to a depth of 4-6 cm.

Dosing of liming agents depending on the acid content of the soil

When liming the soil, it is important to comply with the norms, since different lime materials have different percentages.

When making fluff (slaked lime), the norms are distributed as follows:

  1. 500-600 g per 1 m² with high soil acidity (pH less than 4).
  2. If the acid content in the soil is increased (pH = 4), 400-500 g per 1 m² are applied.
  3. If the acidity index varies from 4 to 5, add 300-400 g per 1 m².
  4. In slightly acidic soils (pH = 5-6), 200-300 g per 1 m² are applied.

Soil liming is carried out in autumn

These indicators are only suitable for slaked lime. Chalk, cement dust and other substances are added in different proportions, since their calcium content is different:

  • slaked lime - 130%;
  • chalk -100%;
  • dolomite flour - 90-95%;
  • crushed chalk - 90%;
  • lake lime -80%;
  • cement dust 75%;
  • marl - 70%;
  • peat ash - 50%.
  • determine the rate of slaked lime for the site;
  • multiply this figure by 100;
  • then divide by the percentage of lime in the substance.

We calculate the amount of lake lime per 1 m². Suppose that the acidity of the soil is 4. 400-500 g of lime must be added per 1 m². 500 x 100: 80 = 625 g of lake lime per 1 m². For marl with soil acidity equal to 5: 200 x 100: 70 \u003d 285.7 g per 1 m².

With optimal acidity, plants develop better

Fluffy can be cooked at home. Quicklime is scattered on a hard surface, poured with water. As a result chemical reaction lime is formed, which is safe for plants.

In extreme cases, you can lime the soil without determining the acidity:

  • clay soils - 600-700 g of lime per 1 m²;
  • loam - 500 g per 1 m²;
  • sandy soils - 300-400 g per 1 m².

The introduction of lime has a beneficial effect on plants:

  • enriches the soil with microelements, including magnesium;
  • plants almost do not accumulate toxic substances;
  • the soil structure becomes looser;
  • favorably affects the reproduction of beneficial bacteria.

Soil liming can be carried out independently, the main thing is to know the acid content in the soil on the site, to calculate the required amount of different lime materials. Each plant is adapted to a certain level of acidity. Liming a plot or individual beds will help achieve a higher yield.

In order to increase the fertility of the earth and remove excess acid from it, it is necessary to properly process the soil, such processing is called liming the soil. This process not only reduces the acidity harmful to the earth, it also makes it loose, which contributes to the retention of moisture in it. In addition, liming provides the soil with magnesium and calcium, which help plants grow.

Liming principles

Everyone knows that the basis of an acid is hydrogen, so it can be assumed that liming is simply replacing hydrogen with other elements (magnesium and calcium). After that, it will disintegrate and form salt. The accelerator of the process is carbon dioxide, it is in the earth. An element such as limestone can neutrally reduce soil acidity and fertilize crop roots. It must be said that the greater the percentage of calcium in the earth, the harder it is. This is bad for plants with a weak root system, because it is difficult for the roots to germinate. It follows from this that it is not necessary to overdo it with such fertilizer. And do not rely on rain, it will not help reduce the amount of calcium.

List of fertilizers that help improve soil fertility:

  • limestone;
  • lake lime;
  • calcite;
  • quicklime and burnt lime;
  • cement dust;
  • sugar production waste.

Many believe that the introduction of gypsum, the most good way, but it's not. Gypsum helps in land reclamation where there is a lot of salt.

What should be done if the soil in the area is acidic?

Acidic soil prevents access important elements, such as - magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium to the roots of plants. It follows from this that even the highest quality fertilizers cannot give plants normal nutrition, so crops do not develop normally. Liming the soil will help increase the pH reading. Therefore, fertilizers are often applied to the soil to affect its acidity.

So, what soils can have increased acidity are peat-bog, sod-podzolic, gray forest and red soils. If earlier there was a swamp or forest on the site, then the acidity will be below 5.5.

The soil on the site may not be all acidic, but only in some places. This can be determined by growing crops such as plantain, horse sorrel, Ivan da Marya, horseradish, mint. On such soils, these plants feel good.

However, to be sure that the earth is acidic, it is necessary to carry out chemical analysis. This can be done at home or in a laboratory.

What to do with high acidity of the soil?

Experts say that filling the soil with lime should not be particularly carried away. Because a large amount of such a fertilizer interferes with other chemical elements that are also good for the roots, these are: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium. Other useful elements become poorly absorbed: manganese and boron. A large amount of lime complicates the water regime of plants, and also reduces their ability to fight diseases. Crops such as parsley, radishes and carrots will not grow in an acidic environment.

The soil must be thoroughly limed once every five years. Fertilizer should be applied under the digging of the earth in the fall. If, in addition to lime, fertilizers are used, then first apply it, then fertilizers and you can dig up.

But in order for the soil to be nutritious and give a good harvest every year, acidic soil should be limed annually and in small doses. In this case, lime mixed with humus should be placed directly in the holes or rows. Summer residents with experience say that three kilograms of this fertilizer placed in the holes are as effective as ten kilograms scattered around the garden. The lime application process should be carried out one week before planting vegetables.

Lime fertilizer for acidic soil

For fertilizer you will need powdered lime. If you only have quicklime, then you can pay it off at home. To do this, you can simply fill it with water.

So that potatoes do not lose immunity to scab, these beds should be fertilized with chalk or dolomite flour. In addition to these fertilizers, it is also suitable wood ash but only in double dose. Also, ash from sunflower and potato stalks can be an excellent fertilizer for the soil.

To deoxidize the soil, it is not necessary to use lime, it can be other elements whose composition is similar to it.

Autumn liming of the soil

Autumn soil fertilization improves or maintains soil fertility.

Fertilizing the soil in autumn improves Chemical properties land, for better absorption of fertilizers by plants. In addition, the introduction of lime in the fall helps plants get more nutrients and nutrients.

The main factor in liming is the setting right combination biological, physical and chemical qualities of the earth. Fertilizer must be applied constantly. This is especially true for soils with high acidity.

First you need to determine the deposits on land plot, that is, determine the amount of lime. But how to do that?

On land that contains a lot of lime, alfalfa and field larkspur grow very well. But only the vegetation should be abundant, if the number of plants is small, then this is not a sign of lime in the soil. In order to install it exact amount in the ground, an extract from the ground is necessary. Using the electrometric method, it is possible to determine the pH readings in it.

The earth will need lime if the pH reading is less than 4.5. If the indicator is up to five, then the need for it is not so great. The soil needs small amounts of lime if the pH is up to 5.5, and when it is higher, then the earth does not need it.

In order to properly fertilize, you need to look at the requirements of the plants that are grown in the garden. A sufficient amount of fertilizer should be placed under plants that grow on acidic soil.

Liming the soil is best done in the fall. Right now they're walking in the garden preparatory work for winter. Fertilizer should be applied during tillage work. This can be done with any kind of lime fertilizer.

In no case, do not apply lime in the spring, when the plants begin to sprout. This will compact the soil, which can lead to the death of crops. In order to carry out a successful fertilizer, there should be no rain and moisture in the ground. In addition, lime should not be mixed with organic and ammonia fertilizers.

With proper liming, the land will begin to accept fertilizers better, which will have a good effect on its fertility.

How to do it right

In order for everything to go right, it is necessary to calculate the liming rates for each site separately.

The most common fertilizer is powdered limestone. The following are approximate calculations of limestone in kilograms per square meter of land with different acidity:

normal acidity (5.2 pH) - lime is not required to be added to the soil;

sour (4.8-5.0 pH) - 250-400 g / m;

(4.5-4.7 PH) - 300-600 gr / m;

strongly acidic (equal to four pH) - 350-700 g / m.

For light loams and sandy soils, the lower value is taken from those indicated. The heavier the soil, the more lime is added.

What kind of soil should be limed?

Before increasing the fertility of your land, you need to clarify whether there is acidity in the soil, because for effective fertilizer you need to correctly calculate the amount of lime per volume of land. In addition, you should know exactly whether the soil needs it, and which soils require liming. This can be verified by agrochemical analysis. Calculate the rate of liming of the soil can be based on the acidity of the earth.

To understand whether it is necessary to carry out fertilizer, look at the soil, if it is acidic, then it has a whitish tint. During the digging of such a site, you can see the layers of white.

If it happens that it will be necessary to increase the acidity, then lime should be applied gradually, that is, in small portions and not at once. In this way, the earth will fully assimilate and recycle it. With such a long process, it is necessary to constantly check the acidity, and if necessary, the fertilizer should be continued.

Take proper precautions during the procedure. Work should be carried out in rubber gloves and safety glasses. Do not scatter lime when it is windy outside. After the dispersal procedure, use a pitchfork to plow everything into the ground.

It must be said that different soils maintain acidity at the same level in different ways. Many have a tendency towards gradual oxidation. Even when liming has brought the soil back to normal, the oxidation process may gradually begin again. In particular, this applies to sandy soils, they are not stable in relation to acidity. Chemical composition sandy soil quickly changes its performance, because it cannot keep chemical elements and nutrients. The same thing happens with acidity. Therefore, in order to properly fertilize sandy soil, it is necessary to apply lime in small doses and constantly. This will help keep the acidity levels normal.

Liming the earth can be done in several ways. Such an event is a chemical reclamation of acidic soil and is the application of lime fertilizers, which can be used as calcite, dolomite and limestone, as well as other components.

Why is liming the soil in spring and autumn

As a rule, soils with an acidic and strongly acidic reaction are especially required for deoxidation with lime, at a pH below 5.5. Deacidify such acidic soils, both in spring and in autumn period. You also need to remember that the introduction of agromeliorants is carried out with a large amount of earth salts of calcium or magnesium.

Addition of deoxidizers is very important in many types of soils., and is required to meet the physiological needs gardening garden plants in nutrients, as well as proper soil structuring. Garden and garden soil is a colloidal system, represented by particles in a coagulated state, therefore the optimal rate of calcium and magnesium is a guarantee of reducing the risk of soil peptization and minimizing its swim with a lack of air. Timely and correct processing does not allow the formation of a soil crust, reduces stickiness and viscosity, and also facilitates the care of plants.

Methods for determining soil acidity

To date, there are several ways to accurately determine the acidity of the earth. As a rule, these methods are presented:

  • special indicator strips designed to determine the level of earth acidity;
  • special measuring instruments equipped with an electrode probe lowered into the substrate to determine the pH values;
  • "universal" measuring instruments that determine several soil parameters, including pH values;
  • vinegar and soda, which cause hissing and bubbling in a solution based on garden soil;
  • an infusion based on cherry and currant leaves, which turns red under the influence of acidic soil.

There is also whole line indicator plants that grow exclusively on acidified lands. These plants include horsetail, marigold and buttercup, as well as plantain, Ivan da Marya and meadow cornflower. Calcareous soil is a favorite place for the growth of plants such as wheatgrass, field bindweed and alfalfa.

How to deoxidize the soil (video)

Ways to reduce the acidity of the soil in the garden

Before determining which methods to use on the site, and which components are best applied to the soil, all the advantages and disadvantages of the main preparations used for liming should be clarified.

Complex preparations

Garden centers and shops now offer enough complex preparations for normalizing the level of acidity of garden soil, which at the same time improve the quality characteristics and composition of the soil.

As a rule, such deoxidizing preparations contain a significant amount of useful components represented by calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, boron, cobalt, zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum and others. Pour such chemical deoxidizers in accordance with the instructions supplied by the manufacturer.

Peat and wood ash

V sandy soils lime is applied from 1-3 kg per sq.m, in sandy loam - from 1.5-3.5 kg per sq.m, in light loams - 2.5-4.0 kg per sq.m, in medium loams - about 3.0-5.5 kg per sq.m, in heavy loam - 4.0-6.5 kg per sq.m, in clay - 4.0-7.5 kg per sq.m.

crushed chalk

Chalk, which must be thoroughly crushed for better digestibility, contains about 90-100% lime. In sandy soils, it is required to make from 1.0-3.0 kg / m 2, in sandy loam - from 1.5-3.5 kg / m 2, in light loam - 2.5-4.0 kg / m 2, in medium loams - about 3.0-5.5 kg / m 2, in heavy loams - 4.0-6.5 kg / m 2, in clay - 4.0-7.5 kg / m 2.

Slaked lime

First, the product should be carefully extinguished with plain water. The dose of application varies depending on the acidity indicators. In very acidic soils, it is necessary to apply approximately 50-75 kg per hundred square meters of land. About 40-45 kg is applied to soils with average acidity, and about 25-35 kg to slightly acidic soils.

Dolomite flour

The application rate may vary depending on the level of acidity:
  • sand - 1.0-3.0 kg / m 2;
  • sandy loam - from 1.5-3.5 kg / m 2;
  • light loams - 2.5-4.0 kg / m 2;
  • medium loams - 3.0-5.5 kg / m 2;
  • heavy loams - 4.0-6.5 kg / m 2.

special attention require clay soils. On areas represented by clay, it is required to make about 4.0-7.5 kg / m 2.

Deoxidation of the soil with lime

Lime is usually applied on fertile and sufficiently nutritious soils. without magnesium deficiency. This type of deoxidizer acts much faster than dolomite flour, so it is preferred in areas allocated for growing fast-growing garden plants, including cucumbers, tomatoes and zucchini, which are able to grow green mass well and form fruits.

The application rate of lime in acidic soils at the stage of the main application is approximately 600-650 g per square meter. 500-550 g should be applied to areas represented by medium acidic soils, and approximately 400-500 g to slightly acidic soils. It should be noted that about 25 kg of lime is included in a standard 10-liter bucket.

Features of the introduction of dolomite flour into the soil (video)

Why you can not use quicklime for deoxidation

Such a composition is very quickly able to burn out and destroy all useful soil microorganisms, and as a result, the integrity of the soil is violated from the point of view of the biological system.

Among other things, the usual quicklime characterized by structural heterogeneity and appearance resembles a combination of small and large clods. As a result, after such liming, the amount of deoxidizer in different parts of the site varies greatly.

How much lime is needed per acre of land

  • slaked lime contains 135% limestone;
  • in ground dolomites - from 75 to 108%;
  • in crushed chalk - from 90 to 100%;
  • in calcareous tuff - from 75 to 96%;
  • in lake lime - from 70 to 96%;
  • in dolomite flour - from 95 to 108%;
  • in marl - from 25 to 75%;
  • in peat tuffs - from 10 to 50%;
  • in sugar beet defecations - about 75%;
  • in belit flour - from 80 to 90%;
  • in shale ash - from 65 to 80%;
  • in cement dust - about 80%;
  • in open-hearth slag - about 85%;
  • in burnt dolomite dust - about 150%;
  • in gas lime - about 120%;
  • in leather podzol - about 110%;
  • in carbide lime - about 140%;
  • in peat ash - from 10 to 50%.

In clay and loamy areas, it is advisable to use lime. In sandy areas with insufficient magnesium, it is recommended to give preference to the use of ordinary limestone or dolomite flour. In areas with a pronounced calcium deficiency, chalk, lacustrine lime, drywall or marl are traditionally introduced, in which there is a sufficient amount of calcium carbonate. Maximum efficiency on heavy ground can be obtained with slaked lime, which enters into a fast acting type of reaction.

The dose is determined in accordance with the pH values ​​and the characteristics of the mechanical composition of the soil. At a pH of less than 4.5 units, 800-900g/m² is applied to sandy and light loamy soils, and 900-1200g/m² to medium loamy and heavy loamy soils. At pH values ​​at the level of 4.6-5.0 units, the application rate is 500-800g/m², respectively, and at pH within 5.1-5.5 units - 200 and 400g/m².

How to prepare the soil for winter (video)

Primary and secondary liming

A distinction is made between primary and secondary liming. The first variant of deacidification is called reclamation and is used in areas with a pH of 5.5 or less. With this method, only full doses of funds are introduced. The repeated or supporting option is aimed at preserving what was created by the reclamation method, optimal level reactions. Mandatory deoxidation is carried out on ridges for table beets, cabbage, onions and, spinach and celery, as well as carrots.

Very important make effective annual compensation for all losses caused by washout precipitation and removal of vegetation. There are several reasons for the annual implementation of a supportive measure, and in addition to the completely natural acidification of the soil, there are factors human activity, including the removal of calcium and magnesium by crops, acid precipitation, the use of acidifying fertilizers and top dressings.

The liming process should be carried out at least once every five years, since it is after such a time that the acidity level of the earth is able to return to its original, far from optimal levels.