SPA - treatments at home. Beer baths for beauty and health (body care). Beer baths for health and beauty. Excursion to the Khodovar brewery

The Czech Republic has long been famous for its excellent beer. However, while traveling through this country, you can not only enjoy the taste of an intoxicating drink, but also improve your health with it, taking beer baths.

History of bubble baths

The beneficial properties of beer have been used by folk healers for thousands of years. But the founder of modern beer baths is Roman Vokati, a specialist in balneology and physiotherapy, who works in one of the hospitals of the Marianske Lazne resort. It was he who developed a set of medical procedures using a foamy drink, which was first implemented in 2006 in the Chodovar brewery in the town of the same name.

True, there is another story that tells about the origin of the "drunk spa". According to legend, one of the Khodovar fishermen accidentally fell into a barrel of beer and stayed there for some time. After that, he felt that his back practically stopped hurting, and after a few days he repeated the “bathing”, after adding to the container with a cold drink hot water. As a result, the fisherman forgot about problems with the spine and joints.

One way or another, today beer baths are an incredibly popular procedure carried out in many Czech cities, including Prague.

The essence of the procedure

A beer bath is an oak barrel filled with a special solution. The composition of the bathing liquid varies in different salons. The classic version is mineral water and beer components in a 50/50 ratio.

The active substances used are beer wort with a high concentration of hops and malt, as well as yeast added directly to the water. There is no alcohol in the solution, but it is enriched with herbal extracts and natural oils.

The temperature of the font is from 34 to 37 degrees. You can dive into it in a swimsuit, but it is better - without clothes at all, thanks to this, the effectiveness of beer therapy increases.
The duration of the session is 20-30 minutes. After that, it is recommended to rest, and also not to take a shower for 12 hours, so that all the beneficial substances penetrate deep into the skin.
After each client, the ablution container is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. In addition, oak itself is a good antiseptic.

The benefits of bathing in beer

The effect of beer baths is determined by the unique composition of the bathing solution, because under the influence of high temperature, the skin pores open and are saturated with the active substances present in the water.

Brewer's yeast is a source of B vitamins, which are essential for skin health. Thanks to them, the integument is updated faster, moisturized and healed. In addition, yeast contains many valuable amino acids, trace elements (iron, copper, zinc, manganese), enzymes and other compounds. They have a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems.

Hops release into water essential oils, which have a powerful disinfecting and regenerating effect. And carbon dioxide helps to speed up metabolic processes, activate blood circulation and relieve inflammation. In addition, in the mineral water, on the basis of which the beer solution is prepared, there is silicon - an element responsible for maintaining the youthfulness of the skin.

Thus, beer baths act on the body in the following ways:

  • heals the skin, making it more elastic, fresh, moisturized;
  • treat acne, psoriasis, eczema, heal small wounds;
  • regulate sweating;
  • give hair shine and strength;
  • reduce the severity of cellulite;
  • relieve fatigue and relax due to hydromassage and warm steam;
  • warm the joints, relieving pain in them;
  • help the body cleanse itself of toxins;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • increase immunity;
  • improve digestion and so on.

However, bathing in an intoxicating drink also has its contraindications, these include:

  • pregnancy;
  • age up to 15 years;
  • any disease in the acute stage;
  • severe pathologies of the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems;
  • neoplasms;
  • individual intolerance to beer.
  • In addition, if you have varicose veins, hypertension, and are allergic to yeast and hops, you should consult your doctor before the session.

Features of the procedure in different institutions

In the Czech capital, you can find many establishments that provide their customers with a service called "beer bath" (pivni lazne). The meaning of the procedure is the same everywhere, but in each spa it has its own characteristics.

GRAND RELAX Spa & Wellness

A full range of services in this area is provided by the proven Grand Relax. The spa is located in (Prague 1), very close to the metro station Florec. Tram stop Bílá labuť (tram: 3,8,14;52) is located next to the entrance to the wellness center.

The interior is conducive to rest and relaxation, everything is fresh and modern. There will be no language barrier, the staff speaks Russian and English well.

Customers are offered a wide range of beer baths, let's look at the main ones.

Special Christmas Offer

  • Traditional beer bath with unlimited consumption of BERNARD beer + Czech sausages with beer
  • Cool drinks
  • Photo for memory

Unique price - 3500 CZK for two people.

Beer baths for 1 hour

  • Traditional beer bath with unlimited consumption of BERNARD beer (30 minutes)
  • Relaxation on a heated bed (30 minutes)
  • Original souvenir after the procedure
  • Photo for memory

All this pleasure for two people will cost 6000 crowns. Agree it could be great gift to his other half.

Beer baths for 2 hours

  • Traditional beer bath with unlimited consumption of BERNARD beer
  • Massage with beer oil of your choice
  • Relaxation on a heated bed
  • Original souvenir after the procedure
  • Photo for memory

This procedure will cost not much more than the first - 7400 kroons for two people. Up to 6 people can take a bath at the same time.

This is far from complete list services that can be combined with beer baths. WITH complete list services and prices you can see (English).

Beer baths Grand Relax unique spa therapy, used only natural ingredients- hops, yeast and other natural substances that are used in the production of beer and have a beneficial effect on your body.

Bath beer contains no barley malt, so you don't have to worry about adverse allergic reactions.

Grand Relax is not limited to beer baths, it is a full-fledged spa. Main areas of activity: massage, cosmetology, body treatments, spa treatments, fitness room and of course beer baths.

  • Address: Na Porici 1052/42
  • Phone: +420 606 162 142
  • Opening hours: 09:00 – 23:00

Lazne Pramen

Review and photos sent by Tatyana.
On our last trip to the already beloved Prague, my husband and I, in search of places unexplored by tourists, quite by chance, passing by, stumbled upon such an institution.

We went in, met us at the reception and told everything in detail in Russian, a nice girl. We were allowed to take pictures. They offered a choice of beer or wine baths - we chose beer baths, but there is still the opportunity to take one - wine, the second - beer, for example.

Since the place is absolutely new and there are still a few reservations, it was free and we decided to try the famous Czech beer baths. We did not plan and reserve in advance, respectively, the time of the visit, we had to wait about 15 minutes while we collected water.

I really liked the interior design. Very comfortable, it is clear that the design was approached with soul! Calm music is playing, quiet, no one bothers, but if you need help, there is a call for staff.

Everything smells of novelty, purity, we were already impressed by this.

Then we had about 5 minutes before the start of the baths, in which we added crushed hops and malt and mixed it with beer, poured it into the bath.

The whole procedure lasts 1 hour and a timer was left for us, so that we could find out when to go out, the staff did not bother us anymore.

Then we sat in the bathrooms for about 20 minutes, sitting by ourselves poured beer (the number is unlimited), there are 2 varieties to choose from: dark and light. We were satisfied.

The baths turned off, we decided to sit in them a little more and drink beer. Then, wrapped in sheets and covered with blankets, they lay in the hayloft.

Of course, everything comes to an end, our pleasant time in beer baths also ended, we went up to the reception, where a pleasant surprise awaited us in the form of Velvet beer, although the cost is not included in the procedure, but it is not very easy to find this beer in Prague easy and low cost. After that, we also bought beer cosmetics (shampoo and conditioner).

We left - rested and satisfied, next to us was advised the restaurant "At the Squirrel", where excellent Czech cuisine became a great end to the day.

Already at the hotel we looked at the site of beer and wine baths, where everything is in Russian, which pleased, there is the possibility of a reservation. The staff (as we were told) all speak Russian, Czech and English, so you can call and not be afraid that they will not understand.

I hope that our accidental find will help someone organize their leisure time and your trips to wonderful Prague will also leave only pleasant memories....

  • Address: Dejvicka 255/18
  • Website:
  • Phone: +420 728 059 770
  • Opening hours: 11:00-22:00

1. Spa Beerland Beer Baths
Thousand-liter oak tubs with hydromassage are used as a bathing tank. Beer components are added to the water, which are used to make Krusovice beer. The procedure time is 20 minutes. At the same time, you are allowed to pour yourself Krušovice beer in unlimited quantities.

After bathing, clients can relax for 20 minutes on a couch covered with straw, wrapped in a warm towel, and watch the burning fire in the fireplace.

The hall is designed for 4 people. Towels, sheets, bathrobes and slippers are provided by the salon. The cost of the procedure for one person is 70 euros.

  • Address: Zitná 9, Prague 1
  • Website:
  • Phone: +420 252 544 849
  • Opening hours: 10:00-22:00

2. Prague Beer Spa Bernard Beer Baths

V wooden bathtubs, each of which can freely accommodate two people, a solution of water and unpasteurized Bernard beer is poured. The treatment lasts about an hour and includes direct bathing and relaxation in a heated bed, which is preferably combined with a massage.

During the session, you can drink as much Bernard beer as you like. After the end of swimming, a bottle of intoxicating drink and a document on the spa procedure are issued as a souvenir.

The price of a beer bath for one person is 78 euros. The maximum capacity of the hall is 4 people.

  • Address: Tyn 644/10, Praha 1
  • Website:
  • Phone: +420 221 771 048
  • Opening hours: 11:30 - 22:00

3. Beer baths

The beer bath is based on the patented BBB technology (Bier.Bottich.Bad). Bathing is done in wooden vats filled with mineral water and beer, heated to 35 degrees. Maintaining the temperature is achieved by a heat exchanger, and the massage effect is provided by the whirlpool design of the bath.

The whole procedure lasts about an hour: 30 minutes - bathing, 30 minutes - rest on a bed with oat straw. Beer can be drunk in the desired quantity. The cost for one visitor is 79 euros.

  • Address: Masna 1059/5, Praha 1
  • Website:
  • Phone: +420 222 76 26 20

Beer baths in Prague are a spa treatment that not only has a beneficial effect on the body, but also allows you to plunge into the traditional Czech culture in the literal sense of the word.

Today, there are many wellness procedures that help improve health and boost immunity. Among all the variety, one can single out a beer bath. In cosmetology, this kind of procedure is used to rejuvenate the skin. Doctors note the content of microelements important for humans in hops - selenium, zinc, iron, copper, as well as B vitamins. In Japan, America, this procedure is the most effective method, affecting the acceleration of the regeneration of the entire body.

Preparing such a bath is quite simple: 20 liters of beer are added to a bath filled with warm (about 35 - 37 degrees) water. Beer is best to take dark varieties, with pleasant aroma. For such a procedure the best option is a "live beer", it does not contain preservatives and it is made according to a traditional recipe. Take a bath with beer should be about 15 - 20 minutes. The course consists of 5 or 10 sessions, which are held every day or every other day. To make the beer bath more effective, it is best to take it at least an hour and a half after the main bath.

Benefits of a beer bath:

  • rejuvenation of cells and skin
  • helps to cope with increased sweating, useful for oily skin, with acne
  • beer vapor closes pores, which helps to reduce fat formation (acne, acne, greasiness, irritation disappear)
  • regeneration processes are accelerated, the upper layers of the skin are renewed. Often a beer bath is prescribed for eczema and psoriasis.
  • minerals and microelements contained in beer relax the body, relieve fatigue, normalize the functioning of the nervous system
  • a warm bath warms up the joints well, helps to strengthen them, improves the body's resistance
  • lower blood pressure, weight loss

The beer and yeast cultures contained in this drink tone the skin well after a bath. naturally the upper dead skin particles are removed, while there is no need to apply a scrub or peeling, which is especially important for sensitive skin. The essential oils present in beer have a beneficial effect on the skin - it becomes tender, soft, well hydrated. Inhaled beer vapors help to saturate the body with oxygen, the simultaneous relaxing and warming effect relieves the body of traces of stress.

But despite such a huge positive influence on the human body, beer baths have several contraindications. First of all, they are prohibited for diseases that occur in acute form(genitourinary, cardiovascular, renal failure, etc.). It is also forbidden to take any baths, not only beer ones, with various neoplasms in the body, both benign and malignant, as well as with an acute stage of the tuberculosis process. This procedure is not recommended for women who are in position. With caution, a beer bath is prescribed for infectious diseases, progressive glaucoma, intolerance to some components that make up beer.

Starting today's topic, we are afraid to imagine how men will react to it. After all, we are talking about beer baths. The surprise of absolutely any person is now understandable. After all, beer is a traditional low-alcohol drink. And in our country, when no one sees any other reason for using beer, it even sounds absurd. But we are in a hurry to inform you that this is not a hoax, but a real healing procedure that came to us from the very heart of Europe. No need to think that you need to fill the entire bath with beer. Just a few liters will suffice. In addition to the beer itself, which, by the way, is made specifically for the procedure, some other ingredients are used. Yes! Special beer is used, so true connoisseurs can exhale! Of course, it will not be possible to use the beer that is sold in stores, because the procedures require a product of natural fermentation, and not chemical synthesis, which beer has become in industrial projection. So what is beer, really?

Beer is a low-alcohol drink obtained by alcoholic fermentation of malt wort with the help of brewer's yeast. The history of beer begins in the early Neolithic, and this is about 9500 BC. It was at this time, according to scientists, that the cultivation of grain crops began. And the grain itself was first grown specifically for brewing beer, and not for bread. In the Middle Ages, when beer production moved to the monasteries, the monks improved the technology and used hops for the first time. Well, in our country, the mention of this drink dates back to 1360-1380. Beer was considered a drink for the poor, for those who could not afford wine. But, despite this, beer gradually occupied its niche. The French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur revolutionized brewing when he discovered that brewer's yeast is a living organism. And a little later, the Danish botanist Emil Christian Hansen began work on breeding a pure strain of yeast for brewing. It is this period that can be considered fundamental to the "beer boom".

As for the naturalness of beer, it must be said that the average alcohol content in beer is about 5% vol. Ordinary brewer's yeast stops working when it reaches a strength of more than 5.4% alcohol. For the production of strong beer, yeast that is particularly resistant to alcohol is used. Fortress record at traditional way brewing became beer with an alcohol content of 14%. But drinking beer is hardly suitable for health purposes.

What are the benefits of beer baths?

Say what you like, but the beneficial properties of beer for the body are undeniable, fermentation products affect the body only in a positive perspective. So, if we consider the direct impact, we note that beer baths have a beneficial effect on the skin, nails and hair. In general, everything with which it comes into contact during the procedure. Beer is an active antioxidant, blocking free radicals, which allows us to talk about the effect of rejuvenation. In this capacity, it not only slows down aging, but also prevents cardiovascular disease and helps restore muscle tissue. Beer also stabilizes blood pressure.

Hops, used in the production of beer, is also a component in the production of the well-known medicinal product"Valocordin". All because of the special qualities of hops on the human body: it relaxes, has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. And this circle useful properties is not limited.

How to prepare a beer bath?

Before answering this question, we will note some features of beer baths. First of all, as we have already noted, specially prepared dark beer is used. Therefore, it becomes logical that such procedures are far from cheap. In our country, unfortunately, there are no spa salons located together with a private brewery, so the highest quality service will be provided to you only in Europe. Czechs have become innovators in this matter. In a place called Chodova Plana, the first beer spa center is located specifically for such procedures. Currently, such spa-salons are common in the Czech Republic and Germany. But you shouldn't be upset. In Russia, in the city of Anapa, the construction of a shopping complex called "Red Square" has already begun, where it is planned to place the first in Russia beer spa-salon "Bogerhaus".

And now let's move on to the preparation of the procedure itself. First, you will need to find a quality dark draft beer. And secondly, follow our advice. It is recommended to take such a bath for no more than 20 minutes, and after the procedures you need to rest for at least half an hour. The time limit is due to the alcohol content in the water, with a longer exposure, it will become destructive. The temperature of the bath should be no more than 38 degrees. You can also add some dried herbs to give a fragrance and relax the body.

For one bath, you will need no more than three liters of dark, unpasteurized beer. Please note that the secret of traditional beer baths is kept in the strictest confidence by keepers from Europe, so there are very few people who know the true recipe for a special dark beer for beer baths. But, despite this, a similar effect can be achieved at home.

After the end of the procedures, it is necessary to immediately rinse the bath so that the color of non-beer is not absorbed into it. And do not forget to leave the bathroom door open so that alcohol vapors quickly disappear from it.

Beer has always been a popular drink, but the procedure of beer baths has become modern society something elite. That is why the keepers cherish the secret of a special beer that can rejuvenate you and breathe more energy into you. But some information still leaks out, so beer procedures have become available to everyone.

Almost every man would like to bathe in beer. And where, if not in the Czech Republic, beer flows like water! Now I will tell you where there are such beer spas, how much it costs to swim in beer, get a massage and, of course, drink foam.

Beer in the Czech Republic is the basis of national culture, leisure, all life. Beer in the Czech Republic is not only drunk ... They even bathe in it! Here you can cheer up not only with a traditional glass of foam, but also with beer spa treatments. Finally managed to combine business with pleasure: the internal and external reception of this drink!

What does the beer bath procedure include?

Beer baths (Pivní lázně) are considered entertainment, a means of prolonging youth and restoring beauty, and a powerful healing factor. The complex of procedures includes beer baths, cosmetic wraps, relaxing massages and, of course, drinking a drink as a pleasant addition to therapy.

In an oak barrel filled with a warm hop mixture (this is a natural beer extract consisting of beer yeast, hops, malt), the patient spends twenty minutes. During this time, muscles relax and joints warm up, biorhythms of internal organs are restored, skin is cleansed, hair and nails are strengthened. Full course this relaxation significantly improves immunity.

Roman Vokaty, a specialist in physiotherapy and balneology from the resort town of Marianske Lazne, is considered the founder of beer therapy. The SPA project was implemented in 2006 at the Khodovar brewery. The new kind recovery liked the Czechs and foreign tourists and spread throughout the country.

Where can you take a beer bath in the Czech Republic


Pivni Lázně BBB Praha

In the Old Town, Masná 1059/5, Staré Město, 110 00 Praha-Praha 1, there is a SPA center Pivní lázně BBB. The procedures are carried out there using the patented Bier.Bottich.Bad technology. and are accompanied by hydromassage in a whirlpool bath.

  • The cost of the procedure for 1 person is 1368 EEK.
  • All details on the official website:

Pivni Lazne Bernard Praha

At the address: Týn 644/10, Staré Město, 110 00 Praha-Praha 1, Prague's Beer Spa Bernard beer baths are located. In addition to swimming, the relaxation complex includes rest in a heated bed. A bottle of Bernard beer is given to customers as a souvenir; During the session, beer can be drunk without restrictions.

  • Price for 1 person 2780 CZK.
  • Opening hours: 11:30 - 22:00.
  • .

Pivni Lazne Spa Beerland

Beer baths Spa Beerland is located at: Žitná 658/9, 110 00 Praha 1. Here they bathe in oak tubs for a thousand liters, drink Krusovice beer, relax near the fireplace.

  • Cost per person: 1600 kroons (70 EUR).
  • Opening hours: 10:00 - 22:00.
  • More details on the website:

Lazne Pramen

beer baths
In 1000 liters hot tub from royal oak or larch with a water temperature of 35-38 degrees, dark beer and brewer's yeast mixed in a certain proportion and natural crushed components of selected varieties of hops and malt are added.

Cost per person for one hour: 1600 kroons (70 euros).

wine baths
A hot tub made of larch is filled with water and enriched with red wine, grape seed and leaf extracts, wine yeast, honey, extracts medicinal herbs, French lavender flowers, aromatic oils.

Cost per person for one hour: 1900 crowns (82 euros).

  • Address: Dejvicka 255/18, Praha 160 00.
  • Opening hours: 11:00 - 22:00.
  • Read about procedures, prices, how to get there on the spa website:
    The employees speak Russian.

Beer spa in Prague

Pivni lazne BBB

Pivni Lazne Bernard

Pivni Lazne Spa Beerland

Lazne Pramen

Karlovy Vary

Pivni Lazne Karlovy Vary

Karlovy Vary has recently also offered beer baths to vacationers. The medical complex is located in the center of the resort, near the beer house "U Schweik". Patients are provided with individual oak containers made by hand. Near the baths there are taps with cold beer. You can rest from the procedure on sunbeds covered with straw.

  • Spa address: Stará Louka 8, Karlovy Vary 360 01.
  • Cost for 1 person: 1600 kroons (70 EUR).

Marianske Lazne

Pivni lazně Purkmistr

For two years there have been beer baths in the city of Pilsen at the Purkmistr brewery. Vacationers are provided with single baths and large fonts for up to 25 people, a wellness center, and saunas.

  • Address: Selská náves 21/2, 326 00 Plzeň-Černice
  • The cost for 1 person is 690 CZK.
  • Official website:


Kleopatriny lázně v Poděbradech

The Pivní lázně complex operates in Poděbrady. Relaxing treatments are combined here with dozens of types of massages, wraps, peeling. Each guest is served a complimentary glass of Bernard beer.

  • Address: Pražská 15, 290 01 Poděbrady.
  • The cost of the procedure for 1 person is 1650 CZK.
  • Opening hours: Mon - Fri 09:00 - 18:00; Sat 09:00 – 15:00.
  • Read more on the beer bath website:

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To date, beer baths are an incredibly popular procedure not only in the resorts of the Czech Republic and European countries, there are beer resorts in America and even appeared in Russia! Apparently, for a reason traditional healers For more than one millennium, beer has been used for beauty and human health.

There is a rather funny story about the origin of beer baths.

According to legend, a fisherman accidentally fell into a beer barrel and stayed there for a while. Shortly after bathing, he felt that the diseases that complicated his life weakened, and some disappeared altogether.

Realizing this, the fisherman decided to repeat the bathing, but only this time, he added hot water to the barrel of beer. As a result, his joints stopped hurting and problems with his spine disappeared.

Beer baths for health and beauty

And now, about how baths are taken and why beer procedures have such an unusual healing effect.

Beer bath has long been taken in oak barrels.

Nowadays, in some resorts, barrels have been replaced with oak baths.

Composition and proportions healing solution for a bath on beer is still kept a big secret and that is why it is different at all resorts. The classic version, approximately, is this: beer components and mineral water are taken in a ratio of 1: 1, natural oils and extracts of medicinal herbs are added to them.

A healing effect on the body is provided by beer wort, with a high concentration of hops and malt, herbal extracts and natural oils. Alcohol in the composition, as a rule, is absent.

Beer concentrate is valuable for health because it contains a large number of substances useful for the body - these are B vitamins, amino acids, organic acids, proteins, carbohydrates and trace elements (iron, potassium, copper, manganese, zinc and others).

The temperature in the bath is maintained within 34-37 degrees. Under the influence of warm bubbling beer solution from exposure to carbon dioxide, the pores of the skin open and the body is saturated with all the beneficial substances present in the bath.

To enhance the effect of beer therapy, it is recommended to take a bath without clothes. The duration of the session is 20-25 minutes. After the bath, it is useful to rest for at least thirty minutes, and do not take a shower for 12 hours to allow beneficial substances to penetrate deep into the skin.

All about the benefits of beer baths

● Under the influence of an intoxicating drink, the skin acquires elasticity, becomes young and fresh, and its regeneration improves.

● Acne, psoriasis, eczema are cured, wounds heal.

● Beer also has a beneficial effect on hair, they become healthy and strong, sebum secretion is normalized, which is important for oily hair.

● Sweating is regulated.

● The skin is cleansed and toxins are removed from the body through the opened pores.

● Immunity increases.

● Reduces signs of cellulite.

● Normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

● Baths have a positive effect on potency.

● Improves the functioning of the digestive system.

● Warm up joints and remove pain.

● Due to the hydromassage, fatigue, physical and psychological and tension disappear.

How to make a beer bath at home

First of all, you need to stock up on beer.

One bath will require 3-5 liters of unfiltered, unpasteurized "live" beer.

The bath should be filled with warm water and the prepared drink should be added to it. For amplification therapeutic effect the solution can be supplemented with a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, mint, sage, lavender). The temperature of the bath should be between 36-37 degrees.

The procedure lasts, as a rule, 20 minutes, but for the first time it is better to reduce it to 15 minutes.

To achieve the desired effect, baths should be taken daily or every other day for at least 10 sessions per course.

The use of beer baths is contraindicated:

1. pregnant women and children under 15;

2. with severe pathologies of the genitourinary and cardiovascular systems;

3. with neoplasms;

4. in case of any diseases in the acute stage;

5. with severe hypertension and with varicose veins veins.

6. in inflammatory processes;

7. in the postoperative period;

8. with glaucoma;

9. if you are allergic to yeast, hops or malt.

In other cases, beer for beauty and health is a useful and pleasant therapy.

Be healthy!

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