Spraying with urea. Spraying with urea is a method of developing fruit trees. Required tools and materials


Who among us would like to eat fruits in our diet if he finds out that the trees on which they grew were processed large quantity chemistry? That's right, nobody. What to do to get a healthy harvest and what preparations are still needed for processing the garden - read in our article!

Required tools and materials


Garden preparations - help yourself

For most citizens, the issue of using the drugs used to treat the garden is quite important, because no one wants the chemistry to remain in the fruit and then enter the body. And everyone understands that to poison yourself harmful substances dangerously. Meanwhile, experts in the field of agrochemistry assure that it is these drugs that are most effective in the fight against diseases and all kinds of midges. The calendar for treating the garden from pests proposed by them has a rather tight schedule. So, spraying is carried out in four stages: the first - before flowering, the second after, the third only 10 days after the second spraying and the fourth - 10-12 days after the previous one.
But, having our own garden, we can safely control the dose of the drug used on our site. After all, each of us can stop in time and not use this or that substance unnecessarily, using reasonable doses in the fight against or, for example, apple trees.

So, there are several drugs that are most often used in gardening - these are urea (carbamide) and copper sulfate. Everyone has heard of at least one of them, even without having anything to do with the garden. The main advice of experts is as follows - if you have a healthy garden, then it should not be processed with so many drugs. It is not necessary to spray even if the concentration of pests on the trees is too low. This is permissible. Problem areas can be processed selectively. It is also important to carry out, if already assembled, the processing of trees on time and the main thing is to properly dissolve the preparations before using them. If you do decide to spray, then ask what drugs affect what processes. The same policy should be adhered to at the bazaar, where when buying fruit from your hands, you can ask the owner of the garden about the class of chemistry he uses when growing. Another thing is that no one guarantees you the veracity of the answer.

In our case, the number of treatments matters. After all, for sure, many have noticed that apples in supermarkets can be on the shelves for several weeks without spoiling at all. Most likely, in this case, these products have been processed more than once in order to achieve such a result. So, if a seemingly tasty and juicy fruit was bought by you not at all during the ripening season, this is not a reason to rejoice in the vitamins your body has received. Although, of course, quality control exists in the system of food purchases and sales, it is better to insure yourself and not take risks with such purchases.

Garden processing with copper sulfate - what, why and why

Every summer resident wants to get a good harvest, but sometimes without the use of the same copper sulfate, the desired one simply cannot wait. Rapidly multiplying pests, along with plant diseases and not always favorable weather, generally lead to the fact that both bushes and trees begin to die on the site. Experts advise, if a similar situation develops in you every year, to use chemical preparations - fungicides against pests and diseases. They help prevent the most common bacterial and fungal diseases, and besides this, and cure already diseased plants.

So, a solution of copper sulfate, the strength of which is 2%, is best used in early and late spring when spraying. Helps against fruit rot and several other diseases. When preparing the solution, it must be borne in mind that it is mixed only in wooden or even in enameled dishes. First, vitriol crystals are poured hot water so that they dissolve better, and then add a little more and cold water. If you use pure copper sulfate, then you will simply burn your plants, therefore, such a solution can only be used in a mixture in a ratio of 1: 2 with slaked lime or soda.

Familiar to many "Bordeaux liquid" is a mixture of copper sulfate and milk of lime. This solution has been successfully used against many fungal diseases, but it does not help to cure powdery mildew... The liquid can be prepared by yourself - for this in wooden dishes pour a little hot water and dissolve in it 1 kg of copper sulfate. Then add 50 liters cold water... In another bowl, 1 kg of lime is slaked. Then add 50 liters of water and filter. Before spraying, it is necessary to slowly pour the vitriol solution into the milk of lime. And then you can use it on plants.

Experts advise to carefully carry out such processes and mix the compositions only in the specified sequence.

In addition, in no case should Bordeaux liquid be diluted with water after it has been prepared. And yet, you need to apply the solution only in warm and dry weather, since in extreme heat burns may remain on the leaves and fruits, and the rain will simply nullify all your efforts.

Urea garden treatment - increases yields and fights pests

Urea also copes with the invasion of pests on trees. Urea can be used both as a fertilizer and as a means of fighting various pests. So urea (urea) is used for processing after the arrival of heat, if the average daily temperature is plus 5 degrees and above, until the buds begin to grow. In this case, pest control is carried out at the wintering stage. Trees are sprayed with a concentrated urea solution, 500-700 grams per 10 liters of water. Such treatment should be carried out if there was a pest infestation last season.

This solution also helps with diseases such as purple spot or scab. Spraying the garden with urea can be carried out in the fall. The tree leaves are sprayed to help reduce the potential for subsequent infestation of the apple tree. Urea (carbamide) can be replaced by ammonium nitrate or potassium chloride. They only cultivate the soil with it, but not the bark and buds.
In addition, urea has long been widespread not only on large farms, but also on summer cottages as an effective nitrogen fertilizer. It accelerates the growth of the plant. In addition, they love to use it for its ease of use, fast solubility and extraordinary ease of assimilation by plants. It is the most concentrated nitrogen fertilizer that can be used for both household plots and in large farms. Dissolving well in water, it is suitable for all types of soil as fertilizer and top dressing. Does not harm leaves and does not burn plants. Recall that the selection of the dosage should always take into account the characteristics of the fertile layer, the type of soil

Tips for treating the garden with drugs:

To make your garden look well-groomed, beautiful shrubs, fruit trees were healthy and gave a good harvest in summer, it must be properly prepared for the season. One of these important activities, in addition to whitewashing and pruning trees, is spraying them, and most effective remedy for this, carbamide (urea) is considered. Treating trees with urea solves several problems at once.

Urea belongs to the highest concentration of nitrogen fertilizers - almost 46%. Some novice gardeners confuse it with saltpeter, which can be harmful to the foliage of trees. Urea is produced in the form of granular crystals of white and yellowish shades, which have absolutely no bad smell, dissolves in water without problems (in hot water up to + 80 ° C, the process is faster) and is perfectly distributed in the treated areas. Due to its hygroscopicity, it must be stored in airtight containers. Gardeners value urea for more than great content it contains nitrogen, but also for the high rate of assimilation by plants. It is especially effective in the fight against harmful insects when every minute counts.

Consider the following when handling urea:

  1. Urea belongs to organic compounds, but it is considered a mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizer.
  2. The action of urea begins immediately and has a long period.
  3. Urea for the garden as a fertilizer is applied directly to the soil, since it has the properties of weathering.
  4. It is used in any soil, including in protected conditions (in greenhouses and hotbeds).
  5. Shows good efficiency on waterlogged soils.
  6. In soils with high biological activity, urea loses less nitrogen, which cannot be said about alkaline and neutral soils.
  7. Once in the ground, urea is converted to ammonium carbonate (ammonium carbonate).
  8. Is the most effective and safe nitrogenous fertilizer for garden plants in summer period- does not burn foliage even with the wrong dosage.
  9. Another very useful properties urea is that it slows down the growing season - the flowering of trees begins later, and this helps to avoid the death of ovaries from spring frosts... This is especially effective for early maturing varieties peach, plum, apricot.
  10. During the period when buds are forming on the trees, treatment with urea solves the problem with many pests and various diseases.
  11. Spring treatment of the garden with urea helps to protect trees from frost.
  12. Urea is useless when fighting old stumps, it is not able to destroy them completely, but only contributes to decay.
  13. Never mix urea with other fertilizers and minerals - chalk, simple superphosphates, lime.

Preparing the garden for processing

Before you start spraying the garden with urea in the spring, you need to consider some recommendations:

Treatment of the garden in the spring from diseases and pests with urea is carried out as follows:

Fruit tree processing

  1. You can start treating the garden with urea if you have properly prepared the trees for this - you dug up the ground under them, removed frozen and damaged branches, whitewashed the tree trunks.
  2. For works will do sunny and, what is especially important, calm day. If the weather is hot, it is advisable to spray in the early morning or evening after sunset.
  3. It is necessary to prepare the solution and carry out the spraying itself in protective clothing, a mask, glasses and gloves.
  4. Urea will be especially effective in combating insects in combination with copper sulfate- 700 g of carbamide, 50 g of copper sulfate and 10 liters of water. Such a composition solves two problems at once - it destroys pests and fertilizes the soil.
  5. For spraying, it is best to use a special sprayer. Even very tall trees can be processed with it.
  6. When processing trees, do not regret the solution, it is impossible to harm them.
  7. The second processing of the garden can be carried out already during the flowering period of the trees, and the third immediately after the ovary of flowers.
  8. If precipitation falls after spraying, it will be necessary to repeat the procedure, otherwise everything will be in vain.
  9. Root feeding of fruit trees during the fruiting period is carried out in the ratio: cherry and plum trees will need from 120 to 150 g per 10 liters of water; apple trees will require 230-250 g per 10 liters of water.
  10. It is possible not to prepare the solution, but add dry urea, but in this case it is necessary to thoroughly water the trees with water.
  11. In the case of feeding trees with organic matter, the application rates of urea must be reduced by 1/3 or half, it depends on the amount of organic feeding.

Processing of other plants and shrubs

Surely many gardeners in the garden grow not only fruit trees, but also other plants, shrubs, both fruit and decorative. They are also treated and fed with urea, which is used both as a fertilizer and as a means of fighting diseases and pests.

  1. Active feeding of plants is carried out in the case of nitrogen starvation, which manifests itself as follows:
    • the plant begins to lag behind in growth;
    • leaves turn yellow and curl into a tube;
    • flowering is weak, without ovaries;
    • fruits and berries appear in small quantities and quickly crumble.
  2. For work, preferably morning or evening time days. During the period of precipitation, work is not carried out.
  3. To prepare the solution, you need 30-40 g of urea per 10 liters of water.

Root feeding rates:

  • for cabbage and onions of any kind, beets, tomatoes, sweet peppers and potatoes, take 20-25 g per sq. m .;
  • for legumes and cucumbers - 5-8 g per square meter;
  • for feeding strawberries, blackberries, strawberries and vegetables such as cabbage, cucumber or tomato - 20-30 g per 10 liters of water. For each bush or plant, 1 liter of solution is needed;
  • gooseberries are fed in a ratio of 10 g per 10 l of water;
  • for currants take 20 g per 10 liters of water;
  • squash, eggplant and zucchini require 10-12 g per sq. m.

Today, urea is the most popular means for feeding trees, shrubs and other plants - approximately 35% of all nitrogen-containing fertilizers. It can be safely called one of the most effective and safe, which confirms the high and constantly growing demand. The cost of urea is slightly higher than that of other nitrogen-containing fertilizers due to the fact that it is not natural, but is obtained as a result of synthesis from ammonia and carbon dioxide. But in this case, we can safely say - the price justifies the quality.

Treatment of the garden with urea. Video

The timely and correct treatment of plants and shrubs with special substances will help to successfully overwinter the garden. One of them is urea. Spraying the garden at the beginning of cold weather will help provide it with protection for the whole winter, protect it from pests and diseases, and increase the yield several times.

What is urea, its features, how to use it correctly, preventive measures in relation to humans. All aspects of interest to gardeners are described in detail in the following material. Garden processing time plays an important role, adhere to useful recommendations professionals, enjoy a big harvest.

Features of urea

Urea or urea belongs to granular fertilizers, it contains about 46% nitrogen. The tool is considered the most concentrated nitrogen fertilizer for the garden, it is also used to treat the garden. Some gardeners often confuse urea with saltpeter, which is harmful to plant leaves.

Urea is produced in the form of crystals of white, yellowish shades, which do not have any odor, dissolves in water without problems. At temperatures over 80 degrees, the dissolution process is faster, the product is perfectly distributed over all plants. The fertilizer itself does not absorb moisture well, therefore it is stored for a long time; for long-term storage, pack urea in containers.

Getting into the soil, urea steps into a reaction with bacteria, microorganisms that are in the soil. The first three days lasts chemical reaction, which promotes the conversion of urea into ammonium carbonate. On contact with air, the substance is transformed into gaseous ammonia.

It is thanks to this feature that urea must be embedded in the soil, the absence of this process will lead to the loss of most of the beneficial properties. Therefore, the granules that are scattered around the trees must be sealed with soil (eight centimeters) to achieve this goal.

When working with urea, consider the following aspects:

  • the substance acts immediately, its positive effect lasts for a long period of time;
  • urea is referred to as organic compounds, but experts refer it to nitrogen-containing fertilizers;
  • urea must be applied directly to the soil, the substance tends to quickly erode;
  • the substance can be used in any soil, even in greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • urea shows excellent results on well-moistened soil;
  • in soil that has a high biological activity, urea loses less nitrogen than in soil that is neutral, alkaline;
  • urea is considered the safest nitrogen-containing fertilizer, which in the summer period (even if the dosage is exceeded, it does not burn the leaves);
  • urea treatment of the garden is useful not only in the fall (in order to protect against frost, pests), but also in the spring (when buds are formed, the substance destroys all pests and diseases);
  • also in spring the substance can slow down the growing season, the buds ripen later, which protects plants from spring frosts;
  • it is impossible to get rid of stumps with the help of urea; their treatment will only accelerate the decay process;
  • it is strictly forbidden to mix urea with other fertilizers (chalk, lime and others).

Advantages and disadvantages

Urea has mass positive qualities in relation to the plants in the garden. The substance is very popular among gardeners, it helps to destroy pests, improve the quality of the crop.

The advantages of the substance include:

  • the urea solution is quickly absorbed by various crops, especially those sensitive to high pH values ​​in the soil;
  • urea helps to overcome many pests in the garden, copes with a variety of diseases;
  • foliar feeding of the plant does not cause burns;
  • regular feeding of plants with urea in the garden helps to increase the yield.

Any product has its drawbacks, urea is no exception:

  • treat the fertilizer with care, improper storage makes the substance unusable;
  • urea cannot be mixed with other fertilizers;
  • when the concentration of urea in the soil is exceeded, seed germination decreases.

To obtain the desired result, adhere to the rules for processing the garden in the fall, prepare the solution correctly, observe safety precautions.

Preparing the garden for processing with urea

Before winter, insects seek cozy places for shelter from frost. Such places are considered to be fallen leaves, tree bark. That is why spraying of the garden is carried out in late autumn. Such manipulations will save trees from the invasion of scab, putrefactive diseases, and other misfortunes. As a result of garden processing, the vegetative process is accelerated, the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms stops or slows down significantly.

To obtain the desired result, you need to properly prepare the plants. The process is carried out in several stages, the age of the plantings is taken into account:

Many gardeners prefer to cultivate the garden in late autumn (from early October to the end of the month). Before the very cold weather, the procedure is most favorable for plants. If the procedure is carried out in early autumn (in September), it is detrimental to plants. They will be left without vitamins and minerals, they may get burns, and shed their foliage early. The depressing state of the garden will contribute to the attack of pests in the spring, it is good if the plant survives.

For diseased plants, carry out unscheduled manipulations. Also, after treatment with urea, many gardeners whitewash trees. The combination of useful manipulations shows excellent results.

Important! It is highly undesirable to process the garden before the rain. The downpour will simply destroy the fertilizer, nullify your labors, and the plants will remain unprotected. Perform manipulations on a sunny, windless day.

Security measures

Processing trees and bushes in the garden is a useful and necessary business. The procedure is carried out using a special spray bottle that sprays the desired substance. Do not forget about safety techniques that will save you from negative impact chemicals on the body. Carelessness with pesticides leads to serious health problems.

The supplies of any gardener should include:

  • respirator;
  • protective special suit;
  • gloves.

Put on the entire protective kit before starting work, not only in the fall, but also in the spring.

What to do if appeared and how to stop the reproduction of harmful insects? We have an answer!

How to properly handle the garden

Trunks, branches, ground around trees should be processed. Such manipulations are excellent protection against pests and diseases. It is not recommended to exceed the dosage of the product, if the leaves have not fallen off, then the likelihood of early fall of foliage, a decrease in the frost resistance of trees in the garden, increases.

It's not just trees that need to be processed. The garden is also filled with bushes, they are sprayed in a slightly different way:

  • active treatment is indicated in the case of nitrogen starvation (the plant lags significantly behind in growth, the flowering is very weak, there are no ovaries, the leaves curl into a tube, turn yellow, all the fruits quickly crumble, are formed in small quantities);
  • for work, they choose earlier in the morning or late in the evening;
  • for spraying shrubs, a solution is used: ten liters of water, 40 grams of urea.

Urea can be used not only in the form of a solution, the substance is scattered over the soil, covered with soil to avoid weathering of the product. Each plant requires special proportions for top-dressing:

  • for cucumbers, 8 grams per square meter is used;
  • cabbage, onions, tomatoes of any kind, potatoes, sweet peppers are treated with the following solution: twenty-five grams per square meter;
  • groundbait of strawberries, blackberries, cucumbers or tomatoes is carried out using a solution in the proportion of ten liters of water: 25 grams of urea;
  • eggplants and squash require 10 grams of carbamide per square meter.

Today, urea is considered the most popular nitrogen-containing agent. Fertilizer is considered one of the safest and most effective, it is used not only in autumn period but also in the spring. The cost is slightly higher than other similar products, because urea is obtained artificially(synthesizing ammonia and carbon dioxide). The cost of the substance justifies the rather large cost, thanks to high efficiency, plant safety.

Further video on the benefits, properties and use of urea in a garden plot:

Attention! Only today!

For the gardener, autumn is not only the end of summer and harvesting, but also the beginning of preparations for the new season. So that next summer the plants will delight you with healthy foliage and lush flowering, and in the fall with a rich harvest, you need to prepare the plants for a long and harsh winter, spend all the necessary autumn works in the garden.

In the fall, all nature prepares for hibernation. In plants, sap flow slows down, growth stops, insects, including pests, are looking for places to spend the winter: for this they try to hide under fallen leaves, in cracks in the bark; rodents move closer to the gardens. Spores of diseases accumulated over the summer remain on unharvested fruits and fallen leaves. The gardener's task is to reduce the number of these enemies of the garden, to prevent them from overwintering.

To do this, starting in August and in September, before the leaves fall, we collect the carrion from the ground and dried (mummified) fruits from fruit trees and we destroy - we burn.

All fallen leaves are scooped up and removed from the garden. Alternatively, it can be treated with a 7% urea solution to kill disease spores. In this case, the leaves are not harvested, but in the spring they are buried in the ground.

On planting strawberries, dry leaves and flower stalks are removed and burned.

Fertilization and subwinter watering

V trunk circles phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied for digging.

Nitrogen can no longer be used!

If there was little rain in the fall, water-charging (sub-winter) watering is carried out.

Winter garden watering

It will help the trees winter well. Enough moisture will accumulate in the tissues and the trees will not suffer from winter desiccation. The amount of watering should be large. If possible, just put the hose on the ground, for example, at night.

Spraying against pests and diseases

  1. With the beginning of the leaf fall period, the crown is sprayed with a 4-5% urea solution to prevent scab and other diseases. The solution is prepared as follows: 400-500 g of urea is dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  2. After leaf fall, at the end of October, fruit trees and shrubs are treated by spraying with a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate (300 g per 10 l of water) to prevent the development of mosses and lichens.
  3. Stone fruit crops (cherry, plum) for the prevention of fungal diseases are sprayed with 2-3% Bordeaux liquid or 0.4% copper chloride (1-2 times with an interval of two weeks).
  4. On black currants, gooseberries, raspberries, we cut out and destroy the fruit bearing and damaged shoots, and also cut out the branches affected by powdery mildew.
  5. For the prevention of fungal diseases (powdery mildew, leaf spot), the bushes are treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture 2-3 times with an interval of 10-14 days; it is also good to spray currants with 1-5 colloidal sulfur solution.
  6. To reduce the number of overwintered pests, the bushes are treated with Karbofos (75 g per 10 liters of water).

Bordeaux mixture, which must be specially prepared before use, can be replaced with drugs such as Hom, Cuprosat, Abiga-Peak

Digging the earth and adding a deoxidizer

They dig up the ground under the bushes and trees - this will help destroy the larvae of pests that have gone underground to winter. For this purpose, you can dig up all the soil in the garden to a depth of 20-25 cm.

Together with the autumn digging in acidic soils a deoxidizer is introduced. This could be:

  • dolomite flour (about 500 g / m2);
  • fluff lime (500-600 g per sq. m);
  • wood ash (600 g per 1 sq. m).

Liming the soil increases the winter hardiness of plants. Stone fruits are especially in need of lime.

Whitewashing trees and cleaning bark

In late October - early November, when the trees have entered a phase of relative dormancy, the stems and skeletal branches of fruit trees are cleaned of dead bark with a special brush.

A handy tool for cleaning tree trunks is a garden saw. Its teeth easily "scrape" the most stubborn areas of the bark

Together with the old bark, the trunks are cleared of disease spores and pest larvae. Clean out trunks and skeletal branches to a living green layer without fear of damaging it - scratches on the "live" contribute to the thickening of the trunk.

After such cleaning, it will be good to whitewash the trunks with special paint, which will protect the bark from sunburn and frostbite, and the addition of a small amount of copper sulfate to the whitewash will serve as a good prevention of fungal diseases in the next season. Whitewash can be bought in stores. There it is of several types:

1. Whitewashing on the basis of lime and clay without special additives. Advantages: it is environmentally friendly, has a porous structure - the bark "breathes". disadvantages: short-lived, easily washed off by rain.

2. Special paints... They can be acrylic or water-based. Sometimes available in aerosols. Advantages: special protective substances are included in their composition; hold on for a long time without washing away. Disadvantages: dense and does not allow the plant to breathe well. best used on young plants.

3. Self-made whitewash. It is prepared as follows: lime fluff is diluted with water in a ratio of 200 g per 1 l (2 kg per 10 l), a few tablespoons of paste and 30 g of copper sulfate are added to the resulting solution.

The trees benefit from whitewashing, in which the paste is replaced with clay and mullein

At the same time, you can do sanitary pruning and wound healing. Re-lubricate the largest cuts with garden pitch, this will protect the wood from winter drying.

Carry out podzimny moisture-charging irrigation, if not done before.

Barrel protection

An important event among the autumn work on preparing the garden for winter is the protection of the trunks of young fruit trees from the invasion of hungry rodents: mice, hares, and sometimes large animals, for example, roe deer. For such protection, it is best to wrap the trunks and skeletal branches with a mesh: plastic or metal.

Currently, special tapes for winding barrels have appeared on the market. From improvised means, spruce branches or nylon (old stockings) are often used. The last remedy has worked especially well.

It is possible to use a film or roofing material for winding the trunks only if, when warm weather sets in, you have time to quickly remove them, otherwise the use of these means will lead to podoprevanie and damage to the bark

In anticipation of snowfall, branches growing at an unfortunate angle are held together to avoid breaking.

Preventive spraying, removal of damaged fruits and leaves, cleaning and whitewashing of the bark, sub-winter moisture-charging watering - these are the activities that will help your garden survive the harsh winter safely.

Correctly carried out autumn work in the garden is a guarantee good harvest and lush bloom next year.

Each owner of a summer cottage or private house needs to prepare for winter period... Your future arrangement of affairs in the spring depends on this preparation. By treating the garden in the fall from various diseases and pests, you direct your energies at most to cleaning from pests and fighting harmful insects, various microorganisms, exciting all kinds of diseases, rodents and influence weather conditions... Autumn processing of trees is carried out in order to combat fungal and bacterial diseases, as well as some pests. This event is considered preventive. Various infections that have survived from the fall will reactivate with the onset of warm days, so caring gardeners are carefully studying how to treat the garden in autumn with urea and iron vitriol from diseases and pests.

Timing of spraying fruit trees

Autumn spraying should be done just before the onset of winter, when all the leaves have already fallen off. More early processing can lead to negative consequences, such as burns of leaves and their untimely fall.

Not only will it not bring positive result, but it will also lead to a weakening of the garden, which has not had time to receive all the nutrients and properly prepare for the winter.

You need to start spraying in November, when there is no longer any danger of damaging the leaves. chemicals... Before starting treatment on old trees, you need to remove lichens and old bark with a metal brush.

How to spray bushes and trees in autumn

Among gardeners, the most popular treatment of plants after harvest is 1% Bordeaux liquid. This remedy helps to destroy dangerous fungi- pathogens of scab, powdery mildew, rot and other diseases. All fruit trees, berry bushes (including strawberries), as well as perennial ornamental crops are thoroughly sprayed with a special pressure cylinder or spray bottle.

After leaf fall, but no later than the end of October, the crown of bushes and trees and the soil under them are sprayed with a solution of urea (carbamide). This is an excellent prevention of scab and spotting.

Autumn processing of the garden with iron sulfate

Iron vitriol is an antiseptic, fungicidal agent that allows you to fight rot, mold, fungal diseases of plants. This preparation is the only fertilizer containing iron in the form available to plants. With an insufficient intake of such a trace element, premature yellowing and dying off of young shoots occurs. Fruit trees suffer most from iron deficiency: pears, apple trees, plums, cherries and others. Peaches, roses, raspberry bushes, and also vegetable crops- cabbage, tomato, potatoes.

If the plantings are old and they are worried about such problems as the presence of moss and lichen, then the autumn treatment of the garden with iron sulfate with a concentration of 5-7% will help get rid of them. The main difference between the autumn treatment with iron vitriol and the Bordeaux liquid treatment is that the addition of lime is prohibited.

The effect of the treatment with iron vitriol is much less than that of the previous methods, but there are also advantages - the saturation of trees with iron, and a distinctive effect on oxidation processes.

For the prevention and treatment of certain plant diseases, it is used together with others chemical means for the complex therapy of plantings. Insecticides can be added to the solution to repel unwanted harmful insects.

Autumn processing of the garden with copper sulfate

Autumn spraying with copper sulfate pursues preventive goals. By the time the buds begin to bloom, the trees will already be protected from disease. A solution of copper sulfate will help prevent the occurrence of fruit rot, powdery mildew and scab.

The drug is considered a fungicide for combating diseases of berry, fruit (pome and stone fruit), ornamental crops. It's good prophylactic agent from different types fungal diseases on plants. The concentration of copper sulfate is selected depending on the type of plant. So, for spraying apple and pear trees, as well as quince, it is necessary to make a concentration at the rate of 100 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. And for stone fruit crops, such as plums, cherries, cherries, as well as peaches and apricots, a different concentration is used - 50-75 g per 10 liters of water. The same concentration is used for spraying berry bushes... Spraying with copper sulfate is best done in the fall, since in the spring a highly concentrated solution will harm young foliage. But this can be done not earlier than November, since a chemical burn is possible when processing the leaves.

Treatment of the garden in autumn with urea

It is a highly efficient granulation fertilizer containing the nutrient nitrogen necessary for plant growth and development in an assimilable form. Its mass fraction in fertilizer is 46%. Urea is the most popular spraying agent. It can be used both in autumn and spring. In the autumn, the concentration is taken at the rate of 500-700 grams per 10 liters of water.

At the same time, it burns out many fungal diseases, even some of the pests that try to hibernate on fruit trees. Treatment of the garden in autumn with urea is chemical treatment rather than fertilizing trees. It is carried out over the entire crown of a tree or berry bush and the adjacent ground around the tree is necessarily sprayed. Almost all pome and stone fruit crops, as well as berry bushes, are sprayed with urea.

What you need to know when treating your garden with urea in the fall

When working with urea in the fall, remember:

  • urea is organic fertilizers, but their composition is determined by mineral nitrogen-containing components;
  • it is a fast-acting concentrate, the properties of which are maintained for a long period;
  • fertilizer quickly erodes, therefore it requires irrigation of the soil itself, including greenhouse and greenhouse;
  • the connection is effective in waterlogged areas;
  • biologically active soil retains nitrogen more than alkaline or neutral soil media;
  • nitrogen-containing dressings are more effective and safe for the garden in the autumn, when the foliage does not burn if the concentration is disturbed;
  • urea slows down the growing season, delaying flowering from spring frosts that are fatal for the ovary. This will have a fruitful effect on the preservation of early ripe varieties of plum, peach and apricot, and the fruit trees themselves preserve the buds that are being formed;
  • die after spraying in the fall garden pests and also eliminated various diseases garden crops;
  • after connecting to the ground, carbamide turns into ammonium carbonate;
  • nitrogen-containing compounds do not accept compounds with chalk, lime and simple superphosphates;
  • urea helps to get rid of old stumps, provokes their rapid decay;
  • autumn garden treatment with nitrogen concentrate protects garden plants from early frosts.