Sanitary zone of the power line. Influence of electromagnetic fields on a person. High-voltage power line near the house Lap in the area of ​​harm to health

High-voltage power lines cause concern for people living near them. Many people notice that after a long stay under power lines, their health deteriorates.

There is an opinion that harmful electromagnetic waves change brain cells, disrupt the entire body and even cause cancer. But is it really harmful to live near power lines and what is the opinion of experts on this matter?

Danger of power lines: myth or reality?

From high voltage lines, as well as from electrical appliances and wiring, 2 types of radiation come out - variable waves and static fields. For example, you can take a socket with a voltage of 220 to 240 volts, located 1 meter from a person, and a power line with a voltage of 200 kilovolts, installed 30 meters from a residential building.

The strength of the static field decreases with distance. Therefore, the outlet and the power line will have approximately the same effect on people.

As for the variable waves, they decay more weakly, because their strength is directly proportional to the distance from the energy source. If we take similar distances, then a power line with a voltage of 6.5 kilovolts will become the equivalent of an outlet.

Moreover, in an apartment, in a country house or in office space there are many sockets installed, there are also electrical wiring and various devices powered by current. Together, for a person, their radiation is much more harmful than the waves emanating from power lines.

There is no information that absolutely confirms that it is dangerous to live near a high-voltage line. This topic has not been fully explored. But there is an opinion that in people living near power lines, the latter causes a violation in the functioning of internal organs. But the frequency of industrial current is 50 Hz, and the human body is affected by frequencies that are much lower.

But people working with high voltage noted that after a long presence near power lines, they still had harmful effects. Most people have experienced the following symptoms:

  1. constant malaise;
  2. weakening of the immune system;
  3. nervousness.

This is probably due to the complexity of the profession, which requires a high concentration of attention and constant composure. Scientists note that each person has a different degree of perception of power electric and magnetic fields and static radiation from power lines.

The painful condition caused by the negative effects of power lines is called "electrical allergy". In some countries, a person with such a disease has the right to move to an area far from power lines. Moreover, financial expenses and the search for housing are carried out by government bodies.

So, people of a lonely age living in a house located near power lines can be exposed to their negative impact to varying degrees. One person will constantly feel the results of the harmful effects of power lines, while the health of another will remain unchanged.

What are the consequences of living near a high voltage line?

Presumably, a power line located where a dacha, apartment, office or other premises where people are often located can be detrimental to their health. The danger of harmful radiation lies in the appearance of chronic fatigue syndrome in a person, weakened immunity and increased irritability.

Indirect evidence of this is the results of studies conducted at the Karolinska Institute in the United States. Scientists have found that prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields increases the risk of developing cancer, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, worsens reproductive function and contributes to depression.

The researchers were able to study the theory of harm to power lines, thanks to the participation in the experiment of several thousand people whose life passes near high-voltage lines. Although the exact causes of the negative effects of electromagnetic fields could not be clarified.

But scientists suggest that power lines ionize dust particles hovering next to them, and then penetrating into human lungs. In the respiratory organs, ions charge the cells, which disrupts their work.

Of course, when you stay in a place where there is a high-voltage line for a long time, about its harmful effects every person will know. This "unfavorable neighborhood" increases the likelihood of oncological diseases and disrupts the functioning of many body systems:

  • nervous;
  • sexual;
  • immune;
  • endocrine;
  • hematological;
  • cardiovascular.

Harmful power lines are especially dangerous for pregnant women, children, allergy sufferers and people with central nervous system diseases and immunodeficiency. This is confirmed by the opinions of people who more than a year worked in the area of ​​electromagnetic radiation.

They noted that they had severe headaches, hypertension, and visual impairment. And young men who previously did not have heart problems often have a heart attack.

How to understand if power lines pose a health hazard?

How can a person living near high-voltage lines independently determine the degree of influence of electromagnetic fields on the body? It was said above that the transmission distance of harmful magnetic field determined by the power of the transmission line.

Knowing necessary information even by wires, one can roughly determine the voltage class of a power line. This will tell you the number of wires in the "bundle" (phase). So, where 4 wires power is 750 kilowatts, 3 - 500 kV, 2 - 330 kV, 1 - less than 330 kV.

To set the class, you need to know the number of insulators in the string. 220 VK - 10-15 pieces, 35 kV - 3-5 pieces, 110 kV - 6-8 pieces, 10 kV - 1 insulator.

To protect people from the effects of magnetic fields, referring to the power of power lines, sanitary protection zones are established from the projection of a distant wire. Below is a list that indicates the voltage of the power line and the size of the zone in meters:

  1. 750 kV - 40 m;
  2. 300-500 kV - 30 m;
  3. 150-220 kV - 25 m;
  4. 110 kV - 20 m;
  5. 35 kV - 15 m;
  6. up to 20 kV - 10 m.

However, in this table, the norms for Moscow are established. But in some cases, it is precisely such regulations that are used when allocating plots for development.

Although the above-described sanitary standards were determined without taking into account the effects of a magnetic field. But today, all over the world they are talking about even more harm than from electrical radiation. And in Russia and the countries of the former CIS there is no such thing as the level of magnetic fields, and it is not standardized at all.

Therefore, before buying a summer house, a house or an apartment near power lines, it is worth inviting an ecologist to conduct a study. Experts will check and give an official opinion, legally confirmed. also in major cities, such as Moscow, you can use the services of specialists from the Association of Independent Laboratories who will conduct a professional environmental assessment.

For those who want to completely protect themselves from the negative effects of magnetic fields, the researchers recommend increasing the norm of the sanitary protection zone by a factor of ten. So, 100 meters is quite enough so that the human body is not affected by a weak power line. And if the property that is disintegrating near high-voltage lines has already been bought, and there is no way to sell it, then it is definitely necessary to call in specialists who can determine the degree of potential danger.

Although to date there is no official data on the safety of power lines, their negative impact should not be denied. After all, the majority of people living or working near power lines noted that every year their health worsens. Therefore, those who are often exposed to electromagnetic radiation need to periodically rest in ecologically clean areas - outside the city, in the forest, in the mountains or at sea.

They talk a lot about the dangers of high-voltage power lines and most often in vain. Whatever theories have been put forward about how power lines affect a person, here the statistics of the incidence of cancer of people living in an area with a nearby high-voltage line, and the effect of power lines on brain cells, and even widespread hair loss are associated with closely spaced high-voltage lines. Let's try to understand this issue and justify what they say, but never prove.

So, only two types of radiation can come from power lines, in the form of a static field and variable waves. In addition to high-voltage lines, electrical wiring and any of the electrical appliances in our houses and apartments give the same radiation. For comparison, take one outlet alternating current with a voltage of 220-240 volts, located a meter from a person, and a power line with a voltage of about 200 kilovolts, located at a distance of 30 meters. The strength of the static field becomes less proportional to the square of the distance, so both sources of radiation, and the socket, and power lines have approximately the same effect.

In the case of alternating waves, the attenuation is much weaker, since their strength is inversely proportional to the distance from the radiation source, and if we take the same distances as in the previous case, then a power line with a voltage of 6 will become the equivalent of an outlet located a meter from us, 5 kilovolts. Please also pay attention to the fact that not one socket is installed in our housing, but also meters of electrical wiring, a refrigerator, a TV, a computer, a bunch of other electrical appliances, and their radiation will be much stronger.

It is impossible to say that high-voltage power lines have any detrimental effect on the human body. The fact is that this question has never been studied to the end. In theory, the only thing that a nearby power line can cause in the body is the resonance of internal organs. However, the industrial current frequency is 50 Hz, and this frequency is human body no, we are affected by lower frequencies. However, people who work with high voltage, including high-voltage power lines, have been noted that they have chronic fatigue syndrome, irritability, weakened immunity. It is possible that these symptoms are related to the fact that work with high stress requires constant composure and attentiveness, unlike other jobs, when increased attention is required only periodically.

The question of the dangers of power lines will remain unexplored for a very long time, and the point is not even that there are people for whom it is important that this information remain sealed, although this may well be the case, the point is that each person has a very different perception of both electromagnetic fields and static radiation from high-voltage lines. In some countries, there is even the concept of "electrical allergy".

People who are especially sensitive to the radiation of electrical appliances and high-voltage lines have the right to move to a longer distance from passing power lines. By the way, all costs and the search for housing incurs the government. In our country, the maximum that money was spent on was the development of norms according to which high-voltage lines are installed. Residential buildings should be located no closer than 10 meters for a line of 35 kilovolts, 50 meters for 110-220 kilovolts and 100 meters for 330 kilovolts and above. The distance is considered from the extreme wire to the wall of a residential building.

Another interesting fact Living next door in the same house, two people of the same age may experience different effects from a nearby power line. For one, it will act depressingly, while the other will, on the contrary, feel a surge of vigor and strength.

It turns out that really high-voltage power lines affect people differently. Perhaps this is what hinders the study of this area? Although it is quite possible that in reality some powerful impact and not at all, but in the first and second cases, just self-persuasion.

At the moment, there is no evidence of the harm of power lines to humans, however, nothing has been written about their harmlessness. Indeed, what is known for certain is that they have a certain effect on the human body, but how much it adversely affects us remains a mystery.

Nevertheless, supporters of the opinion that high-voltage lines destroy the human body annually publish dry numbers of mortality statistics in areas where powerful power lines pass. Sanitary services, in turn, argue that high-voltage power lines are harmless and lead to physical calculations. If you look at this problem sensibly, without giving preference to either side, then certain conclusions can be drawn. For example, a drop of water cannot kill a person, but if it methodically drops on his head, then very soon the person goes crazy.

If you spend your whole life under a power transmission line of 330 kilovolts, then naturally there will be a very significant effect of its radiation on your body, but if you are constantly at a distance from power lines and only periodically come into contact with the radiation emitted by them, then you will not experience any changes in your body notice.

That is why, if possible, try to get out of the city, at least occasionally, because our cities have long become a kind of energy cesspools, where electromagnetic, static and many other types of energy fields are intertwined. Somewhere influencing each other, they weaken, somewhere overlapping, intensifying many times and no longer correspond at all. sanitary standards. It is virtually impossible to protect yourself from them, but almost everyone can give their body a break from their effects.

Long-term stay for months and years of people in the zone of power lines, which emit electromagnetic waves and create an electromagnetic field, leads to negative changes in the body. This condition causes disturbances in the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, sexual, hematological, immune systems and increases the risk of developing cancer.

That is why, in order to protect people from harmful influences electromagnetic field along the passage of the high-voltage line, the installation of sanitary protection zones is prescribed, the size of which is set taking into account the voltage of the power transmission line.

In accordance with SanPiN No. 2971-84, sanitary protection zones for AC power transmission are determined. In particular, at a voltage of 330 kV, the size of the SPZ is twenty meters. At 500 kV, this value reaches thirty meters. Accordingly, forty-meter protection is provided for lines of 750 kV, and 55 meters for a voltage of 1150 kV.

In these zones, summer cottages and garden plots are prohibited, not to mention residential and public buildings and structures.

To determine whether high-voltage power lines really have such a detrimental effect on the human body, one can compare the distances and transmitted voltages in these structures with a conventional 220 V outlet located in our house a meter from a person.

Why are high voltage lines harmful?

Power lines emit a static field and alternating waves. However, the same radiation comes from electrical wiring, and from any electrical appliances that are in our houses and apartments. When comparing a 220 V AC outlet located a meter away from a person and a power line carrying approximately 200 kV current located thirty meters away, and given that the strength of the static field decreases with the square of the distance, both of these radiation sources affect approximately the same.

The calculation shows that the equivalent of a socket located a meter away from us will be a power line transmitting current with a voltage of 6.5 kV. In addition, it should be borne in mind that in our house there are several sockets, up to plus tens of meters of electrical wiring, a TV, a refrigerator, a computer, and other electrical appliances, whose radiation can be much stronger.

It follows from this that it is not worth arguing that high-voltage power lines have such a detrimental effect on the human body. On the other hand, this issue has not yet been fully studied. Theoretically, a power line, which is located near the home, can cause resonance in the body of internal organs. The industrial frequency of the current is 50 Hz, but there are no organs that respond to such frequencies in the human body and the vibrations of a lower frequency negatively affect the body. Although people dealing with high-voltage power lines often experience:

  • irritability,
  • decrease in immunity.

At the same time, these manifestations may be associated with the need for constant composure, accuracy and attentiveness, which distinguishes this profession from other jobs, in the performance of which the need for increased attention arises only periodically.

The reaction of the body to radiation from power lines

In some countries, people who are very sensitive to the radiation of high-voltage lines have the right to move away from passing power lines, while the costs and search for housing are paid by the government. We spend money on the development of standards for the installation of high-voltage lines.

It has been noticed that two people of the same age can feel different effects from a nearby high-voltage power line. It can have a depressing effect on one, and the other at this time will experience a surge of energy.

The only thing that is known for certain at the moment is that there is no evidence of the harmful effects of power lines on the human body, as well as evidence of their harmlessness. That is, their certain influence on a person is known, but what it consists of is still a mystery.

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06 March 2017, 09:18, question #1561929 Alexander, Nizhny Novgorod

Can there be power poles on the property for individual housing construction?

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20 February 2017, 10:08, question #1546130 Igor, St. Petersburg

Is it possible to build a house near power lines if there are no restrictions on construction in the documents?


I pay taxes, but I can’t use the site because of the power line

Good afternoon! I own land plot Private household plots, settlement lands. A 110kW power line passes over the site. I pay taxes, but I can't use the site. What do you advise? Is there any benefit to be gained from this site? Thanks in advance....

17-10-2007, 14:11

The house is located near the high voltage. According to the norms, all distances are observed, even a little further ..
But it bothers me..

Tell me, is it dangerous? Does it affect health?

17-10-2007, 14:23

Here, there was a discussion. It might help.

17-10-2007, 14:35

Well, they didn't explain it "scientifically" ..

17-10-2007, 14:44

I went to look for physics forums :)

17-10-2007, 15:52

and I’m wondering, we have a dacha next to a high-voltage power supply, it’s not working, but who knows, suddenly it will work tomorrow ...

17-10-2007, 18:17

The high-voltage line is dangerous with an increased (compared to the norm) level electromagnetic radiation. From the point of view of everyday life, you may not receive any television programs, your computer and cell phone may fail, and electronic (quartz) watches show a completely conventional time.
If you live outside the territory of the sanitary zone of power lines, then nothing should threaten your health. As with any physical factor, there are standards for EMP. in the right way, the size of the sanitary zone of the power transmission line according to these standards is established.
If your dacha is located under a power line, you can only call measurers (for absolutely crazy money) and check the compliance of the radiation with the standards. But what to do if it does NOT correspond is a big legal question ...

17-10-2007, 18:31

17-10-2007, 18:44

17-10-2007, 20:29

I think it's definitely bad.

17-10-2007, 21:43

And for health?! For health - how is it?
I share my experience: for 1.5 years I worked, like our entire department, in the zone of magnetic radiation, without knowing it.
I won’t scientifically explain how it affects health, I’ll just say what happened:
1) for me: like 16.00, everything starts to float in my eyes, the right part of the monitor screen, as it were, is superimposed on the left and overlaps it. Terrible headaches all day, I didn’t go to work without nurafen, and this at the age of 24 !!. When they finally thought to call specialists from the SES, they said that they would seal everything up and that I, as the only woman, would be forbidden to appear there at all until the radiation was eliminated - there could be infertility.
2) our leader had terrible headaches, pressure surges and heart problems began. Before that, there were no such problems until they moved into this room.
3) a heart attack in one of the employees at the age of 35
4) a pre-infarction condition in another employee at the age of 32
Before that, none of them had heart problems, but here they all had it at the same time, and even the head was constantly cracking at work ... :(
Since the solution of the problem was delayed, I quickly resigned from there.

17-10-2007, 22:03 Here you can ask your question to the ecologist!

And here's another

Is it possible somehow, without calling specialists, to determine whether the power line poses any danger or not?

The range of propagation of a dangerous magnetic field from a power line directly depends on its power. Even with a cursory glance at the hanging wires, you can roughly set its voltage class. This is determined by the number of wires (but not on the support, but in the phase, i.e. in the "bundle"):

750 kV - 4 wires.

500 kV - 3 wires,

330 kV - 2 wires,

Below 330 kV - 1 wire per phase. The class can be accurately determined only approximately by the number of insulators in the garland: 220 kV 10-15 pcs., 110 kV 6-8 pcs., 35 kV 3-5 pcs., 10 kV and below - 1 pc.

Based on the power transmission line, to protect the population from the action of the electromagnetic field, sanitary protection zones for power lines have been established. SN No. 2971-84 "Protection of the population from the impact electric field created air lines power transmission of alternating current of industrial frequency. The sanitary protection zone is installed from the projection of the outermost wire.

Power transmission line voltage - Size of the sanitary protection zone

<20 кВ - 10 м

35 kV - 15 m

110 kV - 20 m

150-220 kV - 25 m

330-500 kV - 30 m

750 kV - 40 m

(note - the table shows the "hard norms" established for Moscow)

Focusing on these sanitary protection zones and allocate land for construction.

However, it should be borne in mind that the above sanitary standards were created taking into account the electrical component of the electromagnetic field, without taking into account the influence of the magnetic field. Despite the fact that the magnetic field around the world is now considered the most dangerous to health, the maximum permissible value of the magnetic field for the population in Russia is not standardized. Therefore, most of the power lines were built without taking into account this danger.

Based on experience and research, in order to completely avoid the influence of the magnetic field, it is enough to increase the size of the sanitary protection zone by 10 times. That is, 100 meters is enough not to worry about the harmful effects of the weakest power line on you and your loved ones. If the power line is close to home, then it is worth inviting experts to determine more precisely whether such a neighborhood is dangerous or not.

Savina Svetlana [email protected] LLC "Ecology of living space"

17-10-2007, 22:05

Here's another!
Is it harmful to live near high voltage power lines?
It has recently been found out that being in a strong electromagnetic field - near high-voltage wires - is unsafe for human health. Studies conducted by doctors from the Karolinska Institute (USA) have shown that prolonged exposure to strong electromagnetic fields increases a person's tendency to depression, causes problems with reproduction, and increases the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

These conclusions were made on the basis of a study of the health of members of several thousand families living near power lines. The exact mechanisms of the detrimental effect of power lines for scientists are not yet clear. According to one of the theories, power lines ionize passing dust particles, which, getting into the lungs of a person, transfer their charges to cells, thereby disrupting their normal functioning.
Now, perhaps, a lot of summer residents, people who buy a cottage or live in their own house, are faced with this problem of being close to their country house (and often an apartment) of power lines. The problem is complicated by the fact that, unlike smaller sources of an electromagnetic field, it is almost impossible to move power lines or achieve their removal, and one has to put up with their presence.
Children, pregnant women, people with diseases of the central nervous, hormonal, cardiovascular systems, with weakened immune systems, allergy sufferers primarily suffer from exposure to electromagnetic fields, a powerful source of which is power lines. The studies of many scientists speak of a direct relationship between exposure to electromagnetic fields and the development of oncological diseases.

18-10-2007, 01:15

The range of propagation of a dangerous magnetic field from a power line directly depends on its power. Even with a cursory glance at the hanging wires, you can roughly set its voltage class.

Well, very approximately, up to "absolutely nothing says." I personally came across a situation where power engineers pumped much more passport power through the power line.

18-10-2007, 15:12

Well, very approximately, up to "absolutely nothing says." I personally came across a situation where power engineers pumped much more passport power through the power line.

That is, there can be even more radiation? Mom dear!:010:

18-10-2007, 16:49

Well, I was completely intimidated :)) I have lived all my life side by side with a high-voltage line. Nothing hurts me or my neighbors after 4 p.m. Technique does not think to fail. None of the neighbors die from cancer.
And the physicist dad says that no one has proven such a harmful effect of high-voltage lines. It is clear that there is no benefit and it would be better to live away from power lines, but it’s also not worth saying that you can stretch your legs right away.

I lived for 34 years in a house, from the wall of which to the high-voltage ATTENTION 5 !!! meters. When the house was being built in 1961, it was assumed that the power lines would be taken out of the city. Then it turned out that they could not stand it, and even the project of the house had to be cut. That's how he stands. Some tenants, of course, died during this time, and some tenants are already over 90 :)
And the house I now live in is a little further away, but still on the same line.
How can one, interestingly, prove the influence of a high-voltage line?