Household plot: layout of the garden and vegetable garden. Garden layout (36 photos) in combination with the general layout of the site

Garden design - photo with planting vegetables

I am pleased to offer you, dear readers, best ideas for giving. Well, today we will talk about planning a garden for planting vegetables - this is a very important stage that every summer resident has to overcome. We will look at tips and examples on how to set up beds for vegetables, what are the standards and practices of gardeners.

Growing a good crop in your garden is the cherished dream of every vegetable grower. Indeed, in order to correctly calculate the number of crops planted in the country, to plan and place everything correctly, certain knowledge is required.

The layout of the garden and beds for planting vegetables

In addition, the beds, which are made with high quality, during the creation of which the summer resident used not only a rationalization approach, but also an aesthetic one, will not be inferior in beauty to the most elegant flower beds. If you want to have just such a garden, then this article is for you.

Garden layout - vegetable beds in the country

Garden layout - what should be vegetable beds

When you plan your vegetable beds, you must remember the first rule - they must be dry and even, and it is also important that they are not shaded by trees and buildings.

An example of the layout of the garden at their summer cottage

Vegetables that can be grown in Central Russia can be divided into several groups. This knowledge will be useful to you when you plan your garden.

An example of a garden plan for planting

Planting garden plan example

The layout scheme is given as an example, pay attention to the organization of the beds. This structure will optimize the space of the site.

Vegetables of the Middle Band

  • fruit- eggplant, pepper, cucumber, tomatoes, corn, peas, beans, pumpkin.
  • Tuberous- potato.
  • Cabbage - cauliflower, brussels, white head, savoy, kohlrabi.
  • root crops- radish, radish, parsley, carrots, beets, celery.
  • Onion- onion, garlic, leek.
  • perennials- horseradish, rhubarb, asparagus.
  • Spicy flavor- watercress, sage, marjoram, cumin, dill, thyme.

Small garden layout example

Small garden layout example

Here interesting scheme, representing perfect combination vegetable crops. You can take note and expand this garden to the entire site.

original garden plan

original garden plan

Here is another example of an original solution. You can reach all plantings and process all plants.

Beautiful layout of the garden in the country

Vegetable yield per square meter

In order to get the most out of the garden, you need to know the yield of vegetables. Based on this, you can calculate the number of plantings of a particular vegetable. Yield is calculated based on planting on one square meter earth.

So, if you follow the agrotechnical requirements, you can grow: 5 kg of tomatoes, 30 kg of cucumbers, 4 kg of root vegetables (carrots, beets, etc.), 2 kg of radishes, radishes and onions, 6 kg of potatoes, 2.5 kg of peppers , eggplant, pumpkin, zucchini, 2-3 kg of peas and beans, 1.5 kg of lettuce and dill.

Break the garden apart

Depending on the number and type of vegetable crops, the garden is divided into 4-5 parts. In these parts, landings are moved to different years. You can re-plant the same crop in one place after 3-4 years. Consider this and combine your landings.

Table of distances between plants

It is necessary to observe certain distances between plants - for each culture it is different. See the table below for planting distances for each species.

Plant compatibility table

In order to make the use of land more efficient, practice mixed landings. In order to take advantage of this principle and save land, you need to follow the rules for the compatibility of vegetable crops. You can check the compatibility of vegetables in the garden according to the table below.

vegetable compatibility

Video on planning a garden and a new plot

In conclusion, we suggest that you look at the advice of a landscape design engineer regarding the planning of a new summer cottage.

A plan for a garden is like a pattern for sewing a dress. To begin with, we will measure the site or take as a basis the plan issued to you at the BTI. Next, we transfer the site plan on a graph paper sheet at a scale of 1:100, that is, 1 cm on paper will correspond to 1 m of land. The plan should indicate the boundaries of the site, the gate and the gate, the house and other garden buildings (bathhouse, barn, gazebo, etc.), those trees and large shrubs that you decide to leave, hedges, if any, doors and windows of the house. Be sure to put on paper the location of the well, electrical cables, manhole and other necessary things. We will transfer the paths and paved areas to the plan, but only those that we intend to leave. Let's mark on the plan functional areas. Routes for moving around the garden should connect them with the house and among themselves, as well as provide access to those places from where we will admire the garden.

Preliminary sketch after site survey


  • mask a bad view of neighboring buildings from the windows of the house;
  • check the views from the windows of the garden, make them especially picturesque;
  • find a place for a reservoir and a gazebo near it;
  • arrange a small garden herbs near the patio;
  • plant two apple trees (early and medium ripening).

The house is the dominant element of any site. It sets the style and scale of the garden, for example: if the house is large, the paths cannot be narrow, and the flower beds are small. The garden and the house should look organically together. Trees and shrubs that cover the house when viewed from the gate, as well as decorating its facade with vines, will not only not damage your house, but also make the overall impression of the garden more interesting, and if the house is very modest, this is the only way to ennoble it. Ideally, one should strive to ensure that the house does not stick out like a finger, but is, as it were, dissolved in the landscape, forming a worthy duo of architecture and wildlife. It does not at all follow from this that the house should be small, and it does not have to be one-story, even if the plot is tiny.

But it is important to decorate the corners of the building, this can be done with the help of a tree-shrub group, it is also necessary to cover the basement of the house, plants should not close the windows of the house, taller plants can also be placed in the piers.

Founder of Muskau Park, the largest landscape park in English style in Central Europe, Hermann von Pückler-Muskau believed that in order for buildings to make a harmonious impression, they must be visually covered by plants by at least a third.

There is another extreme, when the house is completely hidden from view by vegetation. Such a house gives the impression of abandonment, and you don’t want to look there.

The unified color scheme of the house and the space around it contributes to the creation of a particularly integral impression of this part of the garden. white baluster terraces, flowering bush jasmine, a white border of the leaves of the derain "Elegentissima", while greenish, but soon whitening caps of hydrangea tree inflorescences - what a harmonious and elegant garden picture, and the plants are the most simple and ordinary.

A large solid house looks very dignified, but does not suppress the space around due to the fact that adult conifers hug it, visually covering a large part. The house and its respectable surroundings do not compete with each other, but make exactly the impression that is required.

You can also fit a house into a garden with the help of plants shaped like palmettes, as well as with the help of vines.

On the plan you need to put everything that you want to add to it. After the plan is outlined at least approximately, we will try to wander through it. A harmonious garden is a series of successive species. It is very important to control which garden pictures open from the gate, from front door and windows of the house, from the recreation area, etc.

In the garden, it is not necessary to plant every square centimeter of the area, it is important to ensure the alternation and the correct ratio of open and closed spaces. Open space is what is below human eye level, such as a lawn, paving, pond. Enclosed space is what is above eye level, these are trees, high hedges, etc. There is a rule: in the northern countries, including in central Russia, the ratio of closed and open spaces should be 1:2 (the area of ​​the house is excluded from consideration), that is, the area of ​​​​open spaces should be approximately twice as large as the area of ​​\u200b\u200bclosed spaces.

In a well-planned garden, you want to take a walk, sit in those places where the most beautiful views, see interesting garden plants.

When you start planning a garden with your own hands, you need to correctly measure the size of the area adjacent to the house with the ideas you have. How smaller size plot, the more difficult the layout of the garden, since you will have to take care to perform competent zoning without overloading the territory with excesses. Landscape tricks will come to the rescue here, they are simply irreplaceable when planning a garden. And one of them is planning with a grid.

How to properly plan a garden on a plot (with photo)

Before you properly plan a garden that pleases with proportional proportions and strict cleanliness of lines, you need to carry out functional zoning and thereby make the space suitable and comfortable for your family.

When planning a garden, the design of which is dominated by clear lines is convenient, logical and comfortable, geometric solutions are especially suitable for small areas, in addition, it is a good way to connect the house with the garden. How less area garden, the more concise his plan should be.

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Look at the photo: the layout of the garden using simple geometric shapes such as a circle or a square is typical not only for the classic regular version, it is also suitable for a completely modern garden.

Before you plan the garden on the site, stock up on a scale grid. Its step can be chosen based on the architectural features of the house, if any, often this is the distance between the windows of the house. The size of the grid can vary, but it is always based on the size of the house: if the house is large, then the grid is large, and vice versa. You can take the distance between the fence posts as a step.

A garden plot designed with an unnecessarily fine grid will be overloaded with details. For small gardens up to 6 acres, its size is 2-3 m.

The grid is just a tool, but an extremely important tool, with it you can try to create a harmonious and logical garden project, she will tell you where to start designing.

Views of the garden layout using the scale grid

There are three types of grid layouts. The most common is the rectangular version, it is the most obvious, often very simple, sometimes almost primitive, but extremely functional.

The grid in the rectangular variant always starts from the facade of the house, in this variant all the lines of the garden (paths, borders of flower beds, paving, lawns) are parallel or perpendicular to the facade of the house.

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Pay attention to the photo how to plan a garden using diagonal lines: this type of layout not only allows you to come up with original design solutions, but also helps to visually enlarge the garden space, how to push its boundaries, because the diagonal is always more side rectangle. In this case, the garden lines are also straight, but at a 45° angle to the front of the house. Plans made using diagonals bring lightness and dynamics to the design of the garden, they are always interesting.

The third option for garden planning is circular, designing a garden with circles is not easy, but the result is impressive, so it's worth trying.

When designing your own garden, I advise you not to be too lazy to make all three possible options and even their combinations, and then choose the most impressive one.

If you are thinking about how to plan a garden, but absolutely do not accept straight lines, then by designing a garden using a grid, you can easily make them smooth by rounding the corners.

The form is the most important part of any object, information about color, texture, size is secondary in relation to the form. Any design work should begin with the choice of form. Of all the existing forms, the circle and the ball are closest to man, because such forms are created by nature itself - remember, for example, an apple, the sun, the full moon, the wheel and the millstone have long been known and familiar. The circle symbolizes enlightenment, perfection, the yin-yang symbols are also enclosed in a circle.

The round shape is suitable for decorating any garden element - a lawn, a paved area, flower arrangement, reservoir. If a recreation area or lawn is shaped like a circle, and the paths are designed in the form smooth lines, which are parts of circles of various diameters, such a garden looks spacious and cozy.

A round-shaped playground looks great against the background of a round-shaped lawn, it is paved with a rectangular clinker brick in a circle, which once again emphasizes its shape. The circle as an element of garden design creates intimacy and privacy so necessary in this place. By the way, there is also a round umbrella, which not only protects the owners of the garden and their guests from the sun, but also repeats the shape of a paved area. Paving is not the only option for covering a recreation area; wooden round flooring, slightly raised above the ground, is also very good.

In a modern garden, pergolas are widely used, most often their pillars are located in a straight line, but this is not the only possible option, pergolas look interesting, the bases of the pillars of which are located in a circle.

A circle - perfect shape for the lawn. It is this geometric figure organizes the effect of space even in a small area. A dense environment of shrubs and herbaceous perennials creates ideal conditions for privacy in such a garden.

Garden layout: landscape design tricks

If you are designing a garden using geometric lines and shapes, they should be clearly read not only on the plan, but also when taking it out to nature, everything must be verified to the centimeter, even a slight negligence in this case is absolutely inappropriate.

For a proper garden layout, a combination of the two options is often used. For example, in the case of a rectangular pond with quarter-circle cutouts at the corners, this is a combination of rectangular and circular options. Spectacular cutouts are emphasized by sheared "hemispheres" of shrubs. In our climatic zone, they can be made from Thunberg barberry, Japanese spirea, brilliant cotoneaster, Schmidt alpine currant, snowberry, thuja western is good for this purpose spherical shape, for example the variety "Globosa". One of the corners of the reservoir is almost adjoined by a recreation area in the form of a circle with a round table with chairs in the middle.

Another illustration for the theme successful combination rectangular and circular layout. The paved platform is in the form of a rectangle combined with a semicircle adjoining it. It is adjoined by a pond, consisting of two symmetrical parts, each also using straight lines and a quarter of a circle. The "roundness" of the composition is emphasized by boxwood balls in ceramic pots, in our climate the same effect can be achieved by cutting the dwarf Japanese spirea of ​​the Little Princes variety, whose leaves are as small as boxwood leaves.

Whether we realize it or not, our eye picks out geometric shapes in the garden, they are good for harmonizing space, the repetition of such elements allows us to make any design more stylish and calm.

Own site is not only a place for growing vegetables and fruits, but also a personal space for creativity. It is necessary to use every centimeter of land so that the site becomes well-groomed, tidy and as useful as possible. A garden plan will help solve this problem: careful preliminary planning will allow you to imagine in advance what the site will look like, what is best to plant on it, and how to arrange the plants among themselves.

The basis of the classic suburban area is precisely the garden, that is, a place for growing vegetables. It is necessary to select a suitable place for them, taking into account a number of factors: this is the type of soil on the site, illumination, humidity. In addition, you need to consider which plants can and which are undesirable to plant next to each other.

When choosing a place for vegetables, you should focus on the following rules:

  • Dill, and optionally planted in rows on separate beds. These crops can be planted with other vegetables, for example, they can be planted as seals for. This solution allows you to aesthetically decorate the garden and save free space.
  • , and other root crops can be planted on the sides of other beds. They become a beautiful frame for other cultures and do not interfere with their growth. When designing a garden, crop rotation rules are taken into account: you need to make sure that the same vegetable is not grown in the same place for many years in a row.
  • Climbing plants such as peas or can be used as borders for other large beds. They need to be planted on the north side of the main vegetable in order to whip climbing plant didn't block the sun.
  • For and better highlight separate place, as they quickly grow and capture free space. However, green pumpkin lashes with bright yellow flowers and large fruits are in themselves a good decoration for the garden, so you should not place them in the very depths of the site.

These are just some of the rules for planting vegetables. Each cultivated plant has its own requirements for light and soil type, and these must be taken into account when planning plantings.

The first stage of garden planning is drawing up a layout of the beds relative to each other. It is necessary to calculate the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe space allotted for the garden, calculate how many crops are supposed to be planted, and then determine the size and location of each bed.

The main requirement for the size of the beds: it should be such that any corner can be easily reached for weeding and watering.

The simplest is the linear scheme: the beds are strict geometric shape, located parallel to each other, paths are left between them. However, for many, it will seem too boring: the garden can be turned into part of the landscape decor, for this you just need to apply a little imagination.

You can list the following options for the location of the beds:

  • Geometric. The beds of a square, rectangular or elongated shape are arranged parallel and perpendicular to each other, leaving space for paths between them. So that the borders of the beds do not blur with water, and the earth does not fall on the paths, you need to take care of strong and beautiful sides: they can be made from boards, or you can purchase a special tape for garden borders.
  • Radial - an interesting option for the location of the beds, suitable for a spacious area. Vegetables are planted in rays in a circle, the total space of the garden has a round shape. This option looks original, while the plants do not block each other's light. The sides of the beds can be beautifully laid out with a stone; it will always be a pleasure to work in such a garden.
  • The corner option is another way of non-standard arrangement. big bed angular shape is located in the corner of the space allotted for the garden, and the rest of the beds diverge from it.
  • Spiral bed-rockery - original solution, which in itself serves great decoration garden. This option, for example, is suitable for strawberries: a curb of stones is laid out in a spiral, strawberry bushes are planted between the lines. Over time, they grow and turn into an elegant green ribbon.

Any beds can be placed parallel to the ground or slightly raised with the help of the sides: in the second case, they look especially aesthetically pleasing, in addition, this solution somewhat simplifies maintenance, and the garden will always look neat.

Crop rotation is based on the fact that in the process of growth and development, cultivated plants take certain substances from the soil. If you constantly plant crops in the same places, this will lead to rapid depletion of the soil, and the harvests will be worse and worse every year.

Crop rotation is the rotation of certain crops to restore the soil and maintain yields.

You can list the key rules of crop rotation at their summer cottage:

  1. Each type of cultivated plant can be grown in one place for no longer than two years and return to the old place only after 3-4 years. For beginner gardeners, this presents certain difficulties: you need to constantly maintain tables and diagrams so as not to confuse plantings. In addition, the size of the plot does not always allow growing vegetables every year in a new place due to the illumination or soil characteristics.
  2. it is best to plant where they used to grow, zucchini,. It is undesirable to plant tomatoes after other crops, as the soil contains insufficient nutrients.
  3. For optimal predecessors will be legumes, as well as zucchini. Late varieties cabbage can be planted on the spot and, early - onions and garlic.
  4. can be planted where zucchini, legumes, green manure plants used to grow.

These are just some of the rules of crop rotation, to get complete instructions you can find a special table in which all plants are already grouped. Before planting, a plan is drawn up on paper, which indicates where which plants will be grown.

On the next year taking into account this plan, a new arrangement of vegetables is being developed, and then it will be possible to maintain a high yield. Thus, for several years, each crop moves around the garden, as a result, the soil remains nutritious for all plants.

Manual watering is too laborious and long process, which every day will take a lot of effort. However, it can be greatly simplified: for this you need to think over an irrigation system with automatic or semi-automatic irrigation. The simplest solution is drip irrigation using pipes with holes that are laid through all the beds. When you open a tap or automatically start the system on a timer, water flows immediately under the roots of plants and does not fall on the leaves.

Both with manual and automated watering, it is important to follow a few very important rules:

  • Under no circumstances should water cultivated plants shouldn't be cold. If it is pumped directly from the ground and does not have time to warm up, it can cause a real shock in plants, besides, it is very poorly absorbed. The optimal solution is water from barrels, tanks and other containers, heated by the sun's rays.
  • Plants in the garden should preferably be grouped according to their moisture requirements. In this case, some will not suffer from drought, while others will not suffer from waterlogged soil.
  • Soil irrigation should be plentiful: water should soak the soil by at least 20 cm. Only in this case will it be enough for a good harvest. For fruit trees, watering is carried out less often, but it should be even more plentiful.
  • Watering is carried out in the evening or in the morning, but in no case during the heat of the day. At this time, the water evaporates quickly and is not absorbed by the roots, in addition, if it gets on the leaves, drops will lead to sunburn.
  • If the plants are watered in the hole method, the holes can be protected from fast drying with a layer of straw mulch. It retains moisture in the soil for a long time, and watering will be much more efficient.
  • A useful tip to simplify care: if water is poured from large containers, add to them in a small concentration. This will provide the plants with a constant supply of nutrients necessary for growth and fruiting.
  • Another important rule watering the garden: you need to ensure that water falls as little as possible on the leaves of plants and direct it only to the roots.

Subject to simple rules leaving the garden will delight the owner with an excellent harvest every year, and for this you will not have to put too much effort. Modern inventory and greatly simplified the work of the gardener, you can spend much less time on daily care. A well-designed garden plan will further simplify care: each bed will be easy to approach, so watering and weeding will be very convenient.

More information can be found in the video:

With the acquisition land plot the owner has to deal with the zoning of the territory. Now there are many specialists in this field who, with the help of professional techniques, can create beauty. The layout of the garden can be done independently, if you familiarize yourself with the features of this work. After all, on the site you can plant not only trees, but also shrubs, vegetables. More information about the design of the territory is described in the article.


The garden should be located in the open sun on a site with a high presence of groundwater. It should not be laid in a lowland, where cold air and water will flow during the spring flood.

After an external inspection of the territory, the following work should be planned:

  1. Cleaning the territory from old stumps, wild shrubs, stones, other debris.
  2. The area needs to be dug deep.
  3. Needs to be watered for weeds to emerge. After germination, you need to perform deep cultivation and level the site.
  4. In parallel, you need to give the soil to the laboratory to determine the physical condition and type of soil, chemical composition. This is required for further care: use of fertilizers, irrigation, other agrotechnical procedures.
  5. Based on the results of the analysis, it is necessary to enter under autumn processing necessary doses of fertilizers and other ameliorative components. Without these data, fertilizer is undesirable.

What is important to consider before planning?

Before planning a garden, you need to take into account some of the nuances:

  1. What area can be allocated for an orchard. Trees with spreading crowns need a distance of 4 square meters. m.
  2. Terrain relief. A flat area or a gentle slope is suitable for an orchard, there is cold air in the pits, a lot of moisture, these areas are unfavorable for fruit trees.
  3. Analysis of the soils of the territory. Fruit crops have a powerful root system, needed fertile soils to provide good food. Stony, clay, sandy soil is not suitable for the garden area. The proximity of groundwater has a negative effect on the growth of trees.
  4. The presence of light and heat. fruit trees need required amount light and heat, as in the shade their growth slows down. High winds will not be very suitable, as it interferes with proper pollination, dries out the ground, damages crops and breaks branches. partial protection from it is a high fence or green spaces.

Layout features

Garden planning begins with paper schemes. If there is a house on the territory, planning should be carried out from it. A diagram of the site, the contours of the object and other buildings, as well as places where there are trees are applied to the paper. This area is protected by trees planted around.

If the land is not built up, a site for building a house is applied to the scheme. The layout of the garden suggests the presence of a front garden. Housing should face the street, in front of it is located part of the land for the front garden. Its size is determined by the area of ​​the territory.

On a small front garden, you need to plant flowers, berry bushes, on a large one - decorative and fruit trees, flowers. Large fruit plants- apple trees, pears - it is desirable to plant in the north-eastern part. Between them should be cherries and plums.


In order to have the correct layout of the garden and vegetable garden, you need to create sketches of the site. In the plan, you need to indicate the buildings, the approximate location of the remaining objects. It is necessary to mark the holes for planting bushes and trees. They should be planted at a distance so that they do not shade as they grow.

Closely spaced bushes and trees do not grow well, moreover, this leads to diseases of horticultural crops. Fruit trees have a powerful root system, it should develop freely. If there are wild shrubs, stumps that should be uprooted on the territory, all work must be done and the wood residues must be burned. The ash must be left in a dry place, it will be required to obtain fertile beds.

The layout of the garden on the site should be such that the trees do not obscure neighboring plots. Today, beds are fashionable original form, for example, pizza garden. In this case, the rest are located in the center from the round beds in the center. Raspberries, blackberries, berry bushes that bear fruit and shade are planted near the boundaries of the site.

What crops to choose?

When planning an orchard, you need to decide on the types of plants. It is necessary to choose trees and shrubs that grow well and bear fruit in the area. For the middle lane, pears, apple trees, plums, cherry plums, and cherries are selected. Cherries and apricots grow better in warm regions.

From berry bushes you can choose currants, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries. Planning a garden on 10 acres is much easier than with large area. At small plot shrubs are preferably located around the perimeter. On vegetable beds, it is necessary to plant crops that grow close to each other: cabbage, cucumbers, peas.

Popular types of planning

The garden planning project will create original plot. There are currently 4 designs available:

  1. Rectilinear. This option is not only beautiful, but also simple. This arrangement allows you to restore order on the site. This type of design allows you to get the effect of reducing space.
  2. Circular arrangement. To get it, you need skills in landscape design. This design will allow you to create an orchard and flower beds, and it is more difficult to use it for a vegetable garden.
  3. Diagonal. In this way, you can arrange a garden plot of 15 acres and above. With the help of a diagonal orientation, a visual volume is obtained. It allows you to arrange the location of different areas.
  4. Creative option. There are no specific rules here. Usually it contains elements of other types. It is used for areas with a special configuration.

Each layout option is original in its own way. Before implementing the project, it is necessary to draw it on paper. If land is purchased with some buildings and plantings that you do not want to remove, then they must be marked first.


The layout of a personal plot, garden, orchard is not complete without communications equipment. Systems facilitate the operation and maintenance of the territory, improve functionality. They will create additional conditions.

For organization garden plot drainage systems, sewerage, organization of the passage of the gas pipeline and water supply are required. A well, septic tank or well is also required. These engineering objects must be located at a sufficient distance from each other. There must be a street lighting system. Electrical wiring must be carried out at a depth of 70 cm. Laying should be done before planting plants and arranging garden paths.

Recreation area

If the territory has been divided into an orchard, it is necessary to determine a place to rest. Even on small area you can place a modest, but harmoniously inscribed gazebo. It should be beautiful and comfortable. In large areas, it will be possible to create a summer kitchen, a swimming pool, an observation deck and so on.

The list of ideas is limited only by the possibilities of the area and the desire of the owner. But in any case, the recreation area should be in a comfortable place, not interfere with other areas. It is preferable to remove it from economic blocks and communications.

Planting hole preparation

layout small garden and large area involves proper planting. And this must be done according to certain rules. The garden should be planted in the fall. It is necessary to dig a planting hole according to the scheme, prepare fertilizers for the soil.

The pit will be of approximate size, since the final version is set on the size of the root system, which depends on the age of the seedling. The approximate size of the pit is 60x60 if the seedlings are 2-year-old, and for 3-year-olds it can be increased to 70x80 cm.

Soil preparation

Near each hole should be mixed upper layer soil with humus and peat. AT spring period before planting, 1 glass is added to the mixture wood ash and slaked lime and 200 g of nitrophoska. Everything should be thoroughly mixed. Seedlings must be purchased from trusted manufacturers.

Acquisition and preparation of seedlings

Landing must be done in the spring. During the growing season, seedlings grow stronger. Young trees get used to a new location during the warm period. You should not buy seedlings from unfamiliar sellers. It is advisable to do this in farms that are engaged in their cultivation. Then it is more likely that a zoned variety will be purchased. It is necessary to inspect the acquired seedling. You should not take it if it has dry roots, a crooked trunk, cracks in the bark.


There are rules for planting seedlings. 1-2 days before that, they must be soaked in horse wine or another growth stimulant. Then you need to prepare a container of clay talker with root, planriz or phytosporin. Other biofungicides used for tank mixes are also suitable.

2-3 weeks before planting, you need to fill up part of the soil mixture with a cone in a hole. During this time, the cone will settle and the seedling will be correctly placed in the hole. It must be dipped into a mash, inserted into a hole, straightened the root so that there are no creases. 2/3 of the hole is filled with soil mixture.

It is necessary to fill a bucket of water. After soaking, you need to fill in the rest of the soil mixture or soil. You should drive a stake and fix the seedling with a figure eight to the support. A loose seedling will break off small roots.

The subtleties of landing

During planting, you need to check the correct depth of the root neck. With deepening, the tree dries out after 5-10 years. With light sandy soils, it is advisable to deepen the root collar a little into the soil - by 10 cm. For seedlings that form roots or shoots, deepening will not interfere with the proper development of the plant. Such cultures quickly rebuild the root system.

AT self-rooted seedlings the root neck should be in the area landing pit or 2-3 cm higher. And in the vaccinated, the grafting site is 4-8 cm above the root collar. Beginning gardeners often confuse these places. It is necessary to pay attention to planting, because with errors the tree quickly dies.

If the root neck is correctly determined and the seedling is planted so that it is 4-5 cm above the soil, then the tree is planted correctly. It is necessary to compact the kidney near the landing. At a distance from the trunk with a radius of 30-50 cm, you need to make a roller 5-7 cm high and pour 2-3 buckets of water.

The root neck should be 2-3 cm higher than the soil. If necessary, you can add soil after watering and mulch with a layer of fine mulch. If live seedlings are purchased and the planting is carried out correctly, then after 2-3 weeks the first leaves will appear.

Definition of the root collar

  1. In a young seedling with a damp cloth, you need to wipe the lower region of the trunk and root. The root neck can be established by the transition from greenish to light brown.
  2. In adult seedlings (3-4 years old), you need to wipe the lower area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe trunk with a wet cloth and, after drying, scrape off the bark with a knife. If in the expansion area the shade of the subcortical layer is green, then this is the stem, and if it is yellowish, then the root part. The place of color transition is considered to be the root collar.
  3. In some seedlings, the place of departure from the trunk of the upper lateral roots is clearly visible. This will be the root collar.

What is forbidden to do when landing?

  1. Apply semi-rotted manure, only humus with soil.
  2. Water frequently with a small amount of water. This dries out the soil.
  3. Use cold water for irrigation.
  4. Fertilize the plants the first year.
  5. After planting, mulch the near-stem area.

What do you need to do when landing?

  1. Seedlings should be whitewashed with a solution of chalk with clay, biological products from diseases and pests.
  2. Insulate the target with burlap, paper, lutrasil.
  3. The netting will protect the trunk from rodents.
  4. After a snowfall, trample down the snow near the trunk.

Thus, the layout of the garden involves competent zoning of the territory. It should have trees, shrubs, an area for recreation. Also needed proper fit plants in compliance with all regulations. Then it will turn out beautiful garden created according to the rules of landscape design.

Being engaged in the arrangement of the land plot, it is necessary to approach its planning with all responsibility. This means not only determining the location of the future home, but also planning the future garden and vegetable garden.

The best option would be drawing up on paper. When drawing up a garden plan, it should be remembered that hearth trees, berry plants, vegetables, ornamental shrub, flowers.

On the plan, it is better to immediately designate separate zones: decorative, fruit and berry and vegetable. decorative plot should be located in close proximity to residential building, and behind it you can arrange an orchard and a vegetable garden.

Choosing a site for an orchard

In order to choose the right place for laying the future orchard, to make the correct selection of species and varieties of trees, it is necessary to take into account natural conditions Location on:

  1. The depth of groundwater should not exceed 1.5 m. Otherwise, to lower the groundwater level, you will have to dig special channels or lay drainage pipes. Trees planted in a site with high groundwater grow poorly, give a small yield, are often subject to fungal diseases and do not withstand winter frosts well.
  2. The acidity of the soil will help determine the plants growing on the site. Those places where cereals and legumes grow, rose hips, mountain ash, maple, wild pear and apple trees, oak are well suited for laying a garden. If your site has a lot of buttercup, horsetail, sedge, sorrel, this means that the soil is acidic. High acidity can adversely affect the normal growth and development of fruit trees. It can be reduced by adding lime to the soil.
  3. The garden must be protected from cold northern winds.
  4. Study the terrain carefully. The south-western slopes are considered the best for the garden, and the northern ones are the most undesirable. In addition, you should not place the garden at the lowest point of the site, because it is there that cold air will accumulate, which can damage many plants.
  5. Decide on the orientation of the garden relative to the cardinal points. Plantings should receive the maximum amount of solar heat and light and should not be in the shade of buildings or other plantings on the site.

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Planning of fruit and berry plantations

A well-planned orchard and berry garden plan is the key to providing good conditions for plant growth and abundant harvests. When making a plan, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Choosing the types of trees and shrubs should take into account climate zone, so it is best to buy seedlings in nurseries located in the same area. In such farms, tree varieties are grown that are zoned for this region.
  2. In order to determine the number of seedlings of each variety, you need to study their yield.
  3. To ensure cross-pollination, it is better to plan planting varieties with approximately the same ripening dates next to each other - this will ensure a good harvest.
  4. For compiling exemplary scheme planting plants, you need to know what the approximate life expectancy and how long the period of productivity of the selected plants lasts.
  5. When arranging tree varieties, one should take into account the exactingness of one or another fruit tree to illumination. If you arrange the most common breeds in descending order of need for sunlight, we get the following row: apricots, cherries, pears, apple trees, cherries and plums.
  6. When drawing up a plan for an orchard, you need to determine the distances between the trees necessary for their normal growth. For example, for trees on a seed rootstock (apple, cherry, pear), these distances are 5-8 m between rows and 4-5 m between trees in a row. For dwarf varieties, these distances are 3 m between rows and 2 m between apple trees in a row.
  7. By choosing tall trees, the space between them can be temporarily filled with vegetable beds, berries or shrubs, the duration of which is about 10 years of productivity.

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Ornamental Garden Planning

Turning the space near your home into an ideal place to relax is the dream of many. In order to get such a desired result, doing landscaping on your own, you must definitely draw up a plan for the future garden. In doing so, you need to know:

  1. First of all, determine the style in which the decorative garden will be designed.
  2. Next, you should choose plants based on the size of the allotted area, lighting conditions, soil, etc. of course, personal preference.
  3. Based on the specific conditions of this site, you need to choose one of 4 types of layout in order to achieve the desired result.
  4. For lovers of simple, clear lines, rectangular motifs are perfect for planning a garden. They will create the impression of a classic, help to divide the territory into clear zones with different landscape details and plantings. Rectangular motifs are most appropriate to use on elongated long sections.
  5. The second type of planning involves the use of round motifs: flowerbeds, lawns and lawns, playgrounds. The difficulty in implementing this layout lies in combining round elements into one composition. Such a plan is very well suited for square or rectangular plots.
  6. A small area can be visually enlarged by using a diagonal layout for this. When drawing up a plan, it is necessary to apply a grid of diagonal lines to it, located at an angle of 45 degrees to the fence or wall of the house. In the future, ornamental shrubs and flower beds should be arranged parallel to these lines.
  7. Wanting to keep natural relief and existing plantings can be used free. In this case, the main task is to arrange the plants that create a picturesque composition that has a finished look.
  8. For greater decorativeness, you can use gazebos, arches, pergolas, garden sculptures, benches, fountains, artificial ponds and other elements.
  9. Significantly increase the colorfulness of the landscaped area of ​​​​the flower bed and with properly selected perennials.
  10. When drawing up a plan for planting plants, it is necessary to pay attention to ensuring that they have the maximum good conditions illumination and optimal planting density.