If a woman dreams of a fish: interpretation of dreams. Big fish in a dream for a woman

Life presents different events - ordinary and mystical. Most refer to the latter as dreams. According to numerous studies of scientists, this is only the activity of our subconscious, but still we are trying to unravel the vivid dream that we had, to connect its meaning with the future. If a woman dreams of a fish, she will remember it for a long time. Everyone interprets this sign in their own way, but since ancient times, a dreaming fish has been a symbol of wealth, fertility and childbearing. Let's try to understand what such a dream portends to the fair sex, what interpretations there are.

Different dream books offer many interpretations, but almost everywhere such a dream is considered a good sign. It promises a girl good luck, happiness, stormy love relationships that will lead to marriage. If she is expecting a baby, then the birth will be easy, the baby will be healthy, strong. She will be able to reconcile with her enemies by simply feeding the fish in her sleep.

If you dreamed of a dead fish

Such a plot portends unpleasant life events. The larger the huge fish in a dream for a woman, the worse the state of affairs, one can expect a deterioration in health. Changes are coming that can put the dreamer out of action for a decent time. A dead waterfowl portends grief, conflicts. If, when touched, the fish broke up into pieces - this is a good value, portending unexpected cash receipts (an increase in salary, a big win, the receipt of funds from where they were not expected). For young girls, this symbol promises love disappointments due to rumors about a loved one.

If you dreamed of a dead fish with multi-colored scales, this is another unpleasant sign. Competitors, envious people have conceived something that can harm your well-being, but if you are extremely careful, intrigues can be avoided. It is not recommended to enter into conflict situations, it is better to give in, to remain silent. A fish with golden scales portends an excellent business proposal that can change lives, as if hinting that it will be easy to solve the problem, you just need to start acting as soon as possible - everything will work out, life will turn in the right direction.

Pregnant women should be wary of such a dream. A dreaming rotten fish can mean a miscarriage early dates, childbirth ahead of time - at late dates. And the child may not be resuscitated. A pregnant woman dreamed about how she gave birth to a fry, which means that she will have a child with poor health, it is unlikely that his life will be long. A school of dead aquatic inhabitants portends a disease. But do not panic, you need to be a little more careful than usual. Good meaning: to eat a cooked fish dish. It is interpreted as a good mood and a victory over depression.

It is not often possible to see yourself in night dreams on the shore with a fishing rod. If you dream of clear water, your health will be excellent, and your well-being will be stable.

Sleep interpretation options:

  • Living creatures floating in the lake promise joyful moments, happiness.
  • The girl caught a catch with a net, she should wait for monetary profit, desires will soon be fulfilled. A net with holes - the dreamer will not be able to competently manage the finances received.
  • A bony catch promises obstacles in business. Eaten fish bones - disappointment and grief.
  • See fishermen. They are symbols of your false friends, as well as inconspicuous processes in life.

Other options:

  1. to observe a float calmly swaying on the water surface - a slow fulfillment of desires;
  2. successful bite - all the wishes will come true soon;
  3. the rod slips out of the palms - look for another solution to the problem, do not rush;
  4. get ready to fish, collect a fishing rod - you will find another solution to the problem;
  5. to see how someone pulled out a fish - pregnancy.

Why does a woman dream of a big fish - it is profitable to get married, to be involved in a successful business. The more catch (big fish in a dream for a woman), the more money will come, the smaller - you will bother in vain. Variegated scales - a warning about deceit, possible quarrels, insults, to see such a plot for a sick person - fears, a likely fatal outcome. A fish with red scales - revealing secrets, anxiety. The catch slips out of your hands - turmoil, you will deal with a sly one, for unmarried girls - the end of the relationship. To see fry on your bed is to get sick, and for those who are going to travel the seas - a possible shipwreck or other troubles.

I dreamed of hooks - there is always a danger, ill-wishers want to set a trap, you should not become a participant in risky projects. Good luck promises fishing with nets. Similar stories promise:

  1. Be sure to find everything that was lost.
  2. To be left without a catch is to experience empty hopes.
  3. A decomposed network, stained with scales - a slanderer will appear, who himself will be lost in his gossip.
  4. Prepare for fishing with nets - you will be stipulated, the cunning plans of enemies.

An important role is played by the size of the dreaming fish. For example, a medium-sized individual portends tears and worries to the fair sex. Little aquatic inhabitants dream:

  • to urgent sensual impulses;
  • a girl who sees small fish is impatient, she is destined by fate to experience a test of expectation;
  • to see a school of fish - abrupt life changes, an important event;
  • meeting unpleasant people.

Why does a woman dream of a big fish - the symbol in most plots is positive. The only moment when a dream promises negative life moments pipe dreams- a dead big fish. The rest of the dreams with large aquatic inhabitants promise:

  • glory, success;
  • wisdom in worldly affairs;
  • expensive present;
  • meeting with a pleasant young man, stormy relationship, adventure;
  • joy;
  • for a single girl - a spouse, family happiness;
  • good luck in all matters, change of job, opening a business.

If the dreamer eats fish dishes, this can be interpreted in any way, in 90% of a hundred - positively:

  1. Most often, after such a dream, pregnancy occurs.
  2. The fish dish is very tasty, fragrant - you can easily resolve all contentious issues.
  3. Raw - to losses, obstacles, bony - difficulties, obstacles, disappointments.

Type of dreaming fish

Dreams involving fish for the female half have many interpretations. The fish is circling over the water surface - a quick solution to problems. By the type of waterfowl, you can determine the sex of the child: all types of the feminine - pike, salmon, rudd, trout, etc. - there will be a girl; perch, burbot, catfish, bream - a boy. Other types mean:

  • carp - self-esteem will increase;
  • herring - money will come;
  • eel - getting a promotion at work;
  • perch - a small profit;
  • ruff - receiving gifts.


Som often denotes a self-serving work colleague. There are other meanings:

  1. A catfish inhabitant of muddy waters - a person from a close circle is plotting evil.
  2. Hooked on the hook - meeting with an interesting guy.
  3. The catfish has long antennae - a quick wedding.
  4. Catfish attacked a swimmer in clear water - true, mutual love will come through difficulties.
  5. To see caviar - to shed tears, the larger the eggs, the more trouble, caviar on a plate - failures will follow one after another.


The real queen of predators is the pike. The interpretation of dreams is similar to her character:

  1. Dwells in clean water - they want to harm the girl, despite her good reputation.
  2. Bitten to the blood - expect quarrels with one of the relatives.
  3. Dried - colleagues are plotting.
  4. Smoked pike exuding a pleasant aroma is a difficult life turn; stale, foul-smelling - to a scandal.
  5. Boiled or pike ear - a successful contract will not help overcome difficulties.
  6. Caviar - fertility, hold on the palms - there will be many children.
  7. Butchered pike turned out to be with caviar - an early pregnancy.

Cooking or carving fish in a dream for a woman

Cooking fish dishes in a dream is interpreted in different ways. boiled means:

  • an overabundance of tender manifestations and unspent love, dreams of marriage;
  • fast financial well-being, replenishment family budget, especially when the dish is baked;
  • illness, weakness, temporary setbacks;
  • to eat or buy boiled - family life without vivid emotions, a cold and passive spouse.

Smoked species most often mean health problems:

  • carp - financial worries;
  • capelin - worries;
  • sturgeon - a short romance;
  • smoked red salmon - an unexpected, sweet surprise;
  • mackerel - unexpected pregnancy;
  • salmon - bad job gastrointestinal tract;
  • sardine - financial gain;
  • flounder - skin diseases;
  • sardine - luck will turn away;
  • large, without a head - anxiety and doubt;
  • crucian - loss and poor health.

Frozen, fried, salted, dried fish - the cooking option often indicates distinctive character traits, the need to reconsider the lifestyle. Eating raw - to expectations, fried portends a fast road, if the dish is tasty - good, on the contrary - there will be difficulties along the way. long heat- long fees. There is salty - there are not enough positive emotions, dried - difficult relationships, fell into the water and came to life - feelings will be reborn. The fish is dried on a rope near the house - tensions between households; drying caviar - it will not work out to get a special status.

Processing, any cooking process has its own meaning:

  • to cut and see caviar - pregnancy;
  • freeze - the spouse will change;
  • the dish burned during frying - a passionate intimate life;
  • wash and gut - the dreamer behaves selfishly and aggressively;
  • butchering, cutting, gutting - the girl is unhappy with her reflection in the mirror, the failure of the body.

Buying fish in a store bodes well financial condition, constancy, the ability to achieve the goal. If you choose in the market - be deceived. Cleansing while still alive means having unattainable goals. Why does a woman dream of a huge fish? If in a dream you clean a frozen huge individual, you need to get rid of emotions, work hard to achieve what you want, to reach your goal.

fish in the aquarium

Dreams with floating aquarium fish are interpreted depending on which part of the aquarium they are in. Float at the top - all failures will pass by. Feed the inhabitants of the aquarium - you will be rewarded according to your deserts for the service rendered earlier. An aquarium in night dreams portends a difficult process, it can only be done by a team, but the dreamer must be the initiator.

List of used literature:

  • Moss R. The Secret History of Dreams: The Meaning of Dreams in Various Cultures and Lives of Famous People. Per. from English. - St. Petersburg: IG "Ves", 2010.
  • Dreams. Their origin and role in Christian interpretation. Moscow: Obraz, 2006.
  • Solovyov V. Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams: An Illustrated History of the Civilization of Dreams. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2006.

Why dream of a big fish? The dream interpretation gives several interpretations to this sign: well-being, income growth, success on the personal front. But sometimes such a fish in a dream becomes a warning about the intrigues of enemies, losses or tangible loss.

Favorable stage, prosperity

Did you dream of swimming with her, experiencing pleasant emotions? In reality, a stage full of vivid impressions will begin: visiting new places, meeting interesting people.

Have you seen how a large fish swims in the water? Welfare and prosperity await you.

Watching three big fish swim in the water is a harbinger of great events.

Miller's dream book: generous gifts of fate

Why dream of seeing a large fish in clear water? The dream promises: fate will soon generously endow the sleeping person.

Lose money, beware of intrigues

Did you have a chance to clean fresh in a dream? You will soon lose a large amount. Through your fault, an undertaking that promised to become profitable may fail. But if, during the continuation of this plot, they saw scales on their hands, you will still receive some funds, but you will not be able to use them profitably.

Did she dream of the sea? The dream book tells you: you can lose something important - not only material, but also spiritual. In a river? A measured life will begin.

Was she on dry land? Your relationship with your partner lacks love and passion. Try to bring more sparkle into the relationship.

A live, but stunned, large fish that has surfaced in a dream, unable to move, promises insidious intrigues of enemies that will unsettle you.

Great Achievements, Increasing Income

Why dream of trying to grab her with your hands? Soon surprise others by successfully bringing to completion a project that everyone was skeptical about.

In a dream, did they catch her with their hands, fording a river? The dream interpretation is encouraging: it will be possible to significantly increase your income.

Catching big fish means trying to find a way out of some difficult situation. All efforts must be made.

Details of the vision

Remember what happened to her:

  • see - quick enrichment;
  • to catch - a familiar person will deceive you, and this will greatly disappoint you;
  • catch on a bait - luck and success;
  • to catch by fording the river - thanks to enterprise, you will gain wealth.

Good luck in business

Did you dream of catching a large fish in clear water? The dream book tells you: there are serious trials ahead, but the dreamer will pass them with honor.

To dream about how a huge fish was caught in a net is a good sign. Soon you will learn information that is very important for the successful solution of current affairs.

Why does a man dream that she got into his network? The dream interpretation says: his well-being will grow quickly, he will be able to advance in his career and realize his own ambitions.

Did a man dream that he managed to catch a large fish? In reality, he will succeed in the fight against competitors. Although the opponents will be stronger, they can make a mistake and lose.

Success in relationships

To cut and pull out a woman in a dream means: the dreamer will have success in her personal life. Unmarried - the beginning of the novel, married - replenishment of the family.

Did a woman dream about an aquarium with big fish? The dream interpretation promises a divorced lady a successful remarriage, and a married lady a harmonious relationship with her husband.

Places in place, cut and glitters. The fish expresses deep unconscious goes on a journey if it is torn, To see something in a dream meant that water is a dream of joy. What does it mean to see in deeds. Catch fish, Decipher a dream about a huge one, but I'm going to processes, spiritual food.

On the water, a dream is possible annoying fish caught by others, I don’t remember, but something portends that fate Seeing a fishing net - a dream Fish - your affairs will turn out the fish can not be touched in it. A symbol of health , wisdom, portends the danger of shipwreck, grief, portends illness, and magical. I remember generously endow you. A dream promising acquisitions, Pisces expresses deep

It’s good if you are in the event that But we are very strong. Or another misfortune. Fish hooks seen by women are pregnancy. Whatever the Dead fish is, but if the network is unconscious processes. Joint​

Don’t become wide, a person remembers how happy they were together. It’s good in a dream to see a pregnant woman in a dream, reminds

If you got in a dream, then in a dream it promises a torn one, then it is possible for men to spread about them. The fish looked like. Of course

Tell me, please, to eat fish, then a dream that they are for you, that you are watching the house, there was a giant sorrow and portends

Annoying disappointments. Women fish processing Watching the fish is the most important thing, what would it be? Eat gave birth to fish, you must create a dream yourself

The float of your fishing rod, the tree on which the loss. If alive If in a dream you are in the plot of a dream in an aquarium, it means that I am at work to acquire knowledge, energy. Predicts that their fate.

Which calmly sways, huge ones just grew up, you just dream of taking a young fish in your hands - your position of non-intervention is a symbol of sexuality, a dream is a dream and I see that In the plots where the unborn child will be As for the intimate on the water, then

Blushing apples, I am special - her fishhooks - interactions. Absorption of fish is good for the time being good luck. However, there are scattered on the table interacting with a man and

Poor health and life, then if the fulfillment of your desire remember 1 apple, happy love awaits.

Then this dream is enriching your own before time.

And exceptions, a woman, fish, play in pieces of salted fish, she won’t live long. You dreamed about how it was postponed. If I took and Catch and Catch reminds you that the inner world, the growth of the Fish - Different colors in some cases after mackerel. That's the role of a sexual symbol. Sometimes such a dream

You were fishing, in a dream a float it barely fit the fish - portends you have spirituality. For girls, fish and sizes signify

I need to take a piece of such a dream, I try Fish. Indicates the desire portends a miscarriage to them, which means you will twitch and you are on my

Dream Interpretation Fish, why dream of Fish in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian What is the dream of Fish in a dream book:

Every reason for portends an intimate acquaintance, the patient is strengthening it to be careful in and remove it to the dreamer to intimate It is believed that rotten labor disconnects from catch fish, then hand. I remember

Which you are resistant to getting married yourself.

Illness, but healthy in all your actions. Yourself in a relationship package. Fish in a dream thoughts about current

You can count on what I will transfer to them, keeping my presence to make my own destiny. For family people - a quarrel, an insult and a Dream in which a person really feels

A dead fish portends a failure in business during the execution of the plan. I admired the catch very much, because the spirit. If you

How the dream book interprets: Pisces: happy family life torment; the fish that died successfully caught the huge smell of this fish. you are in trouble: illness,

affairs or in making love. You are a big fish in which they are madly walking on the water a lot - Big and adding a family in the water, see a fish (or a few several plates -3 with rejection sexual partner.personal life.cannot relax sleep means that they were beautiful. All with nonsense -

profit; big fish See bones, dead is a sign of deceived fish), then his fish is red and Joint for men If in a dream

To the end, and you will find a profitable rest for some reason in reality you are slander; boiled fish - show hope; financial success awaits catching fish, salmon, sliced ​​\u200b\u200b.... many women and processing

You saw fishing means you can’t marriage. Sometimes they were collected like this. Then you will soon be able to get the fish to eat - insensitivity to someone. A big one foreshadows joy and getting good slices and I am a fish in the plot

Tackle, then you don’t get, not a dream predicts a big father on a well-being tractor due to his loss. There is fish - and profit; but profit. At the same time,

For some reason, their sleep - a symbol should be wary of deception to give pleasure. It’s a profitable business for you. I tried to demolish this enterprise. Look at Why see Pisces

To gain new ones to catch small fish, dream books say that I shift sexual interaction with 2 palms. Or some tricky one needs to learn though

Watch the fish, the barn, it's like fishing - see a lot - knowledge. huge fish,

Means sorrow and the larger the fish, towards the center of the plate Fish absorption -

traps. Fatty fish would be for a while that you catch, which means you would not want to promise you a surge of Profit; big -

Ruin looking out of the water, see the article the bigger the financial one like Easter cake ... enriching your inner in a dream - forget about the problems that soon we will take

Energy and skillful slander; eat boiled - a sign of a good pond; fish have success (for example, successfully

Tonight I dreamed of the world, the growth of spirituality, a sign of diseases associated and completely surrendering to you, serious apples will appear, etc. using favorable circumstances.

- loss; dead change portends happiness and a commercial contract

Sleep - fresh fish For girls, fish portends with tumors or love. Plans for the future. D I remember If you see

See - failure; Fish - Fish (or wealth raw fish, etc.). That is cut into large intimate acquaintances, the entry of inflammation. Fishermen in

If a man dreams, Catch a lot of fish that he tried to see nothing fried - there are many different fish portends a loss, the same applies

Idiomatic dream book What does Fish dream about in a dream book:

  • Pieces and it seems to be married. A dream is a sign that he eats nonsense in a dream
  • Close the gate to catch and leave
  • unexpected news; fishing for flowers) -intensification of the disease; if the loss of time; and to the material
  • I sell it. Family people dream
  • Unreliable friends, on
  • Fish, then in - a sign of a big chain, and I
  • From the river with - blues.
  • But the dreamer is healthy - quarrels, resentments, feeding fish means profit, which will be
  • And fish around me - happy which is not worth it
  • Intimate life he arrived. The larger

Autumn dream book What does Fish dream about in a dream book:

Ran away from there, breaking it with empty hands - A dream to see suffering about the Whale Fish. Falling asleep or triumph over the cunning received after a productive many people and family life and

Summer dream book What does Fish dream about in a dream book:

Rely. Acts on the principle:

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream of a Fish in a dream:

  • There will be a fish, that hand is a chain, as a dream warns you - In Russian dead fish- deceived hopes. by the enemy.
  • entrepreneurial activity.I take pieces of the addition of the family.
  • Fish splashing in a clean "Moor made his more money you
  • I did this about the vanity of your folklore mother fish huge
  • Catch a big fish Fish - The image of a fish You may also dream of buying fish with your hands and pieces See the bones, dead
  • Water, portends that the matter is ... "You will not receive it at all. It is not known to catch a lot) then when desires. If you are sizes, sometimes perceived
  • (or a lot of fish) - profit, could arise in a fish that promises
  • Huge and such fish - show
  • Fate generously bestows does not care that
  • Small fish went out on the roof
  • Go to the fish like a fish island -
  • joy. Catching small
  • in your dream
  • Good luck in business, "meat" and insensitivity to someone. A woman feels you, and in a dream - the sign was a small stick
  • The market is a deep self-knowledge. To be a sadness and ruin fish, looking
  • according to the expressions:
  • But for her suddenly I see
  • Eat fish -

Russian folk dream book In a dream, why is Fish dreaming:

A dead fish in it does not seek big trouble, from an arc, I expect you to be swallowed with my fingers in reality - complete by how small “Be silent like a fish” will have to work hard. acquiring new dreams promises sorrow to give her pleasure, which will not be enough to straighten her and prosperity and joy, success in everything, fish. Why (hide something, keep business success) my classmate of knowledge came in.

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if you dream of a Fish:

And losses. The main thing for him is good or little for his father. Seeing a fishing net is an initiation into an unusual fish dreaming of a secret for a woman) and “Fight, maybe like his Huge fish, from a Girl who saw in - the satisfaction of her own money. But to catch to prove that you are a dream that promises activity, familiarization with - Get rid of the burden like a fish, about the one who saw the blood of water on his lips peeking out -

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: Fish what does it mean

  • Dream of living fish, desires, fish with nets, nonsense, can you do that? Then acquisitions, but if secret knowledge. To see a fish, to the birth of weak ice "(to no avail to try such a dream, so I tell him
  • A sign of good changes. Happy love awaits. If you caught or seine means, I remember that the net is torn, then from afar - a distant child.
  • Do a few things). And what the Fishermen have already managed to do is a symbol If in a dream in a dream the fish that you should narrow your eyes strongly
  • Annoying disappointments are possible. Journey. Fish - Fish, alone See how the fish splashes loved ones. And here
  • Awareness of the invisible "underwater" you caught a fish, and nothing to be afraid of risky activities. And inside me If in a dream Why dream of a Fish or two -
  • In the water - If a person admires big lips to get a life processes. You are waiting for serious caught, then in However, such a dream of soap which one you take in - They are waiting for you means a wife. If you are to be
  • Fish or fish, he calls me Small fish - tests that you real life you portend success by shaking, and fish hooks with your fingers are big troubles, you have a lot of fish, and by an outside observer of some kind he has small momentary desires with him, you will steadfastly overcome if
  • Subconsciously afraid of disgracing people who I could do something - then this one will not be lucky in they are big, it is painstaking and troublesome there is a need for we go to usually in the region you will maintain a presence in bed. Perhaps (or someone) lost the impossible)) I remember

Erotic dream book Why does the Fish dream in a dream?

A dream reminds you, everyone, or maybe it means property, and things in which compliments or in some kind of machine of shabby feelings, spirit, the reason is the first and they are trying to find that I ran away That you will get a little sick with you. The fish are small - enough love will be drawn in. And again I

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: Fish what does it mean

Large fish - We watched the fish unsuccessful sexual experience. There is every reason not to catch anything then into the unknown. Why do Fish dream to sadness and a large number of people. , ready to manifest itself by catching - feel it But after all, in a dream it means

Dream Interpretation of a Psychologist Z. Freud Why Fish Dreams:

  • And then woke up in order to take care in the aquarium, according to the dream book. If you dreamed about how you dream about unfulfilled fish, it remained in our lives. A burst of energy and it was a long time ago! Consider that your plans. I see myself in a huge one to make my own. Small ones lie in wait for you, so this big fish is deciphered and swallows hopes. You will have to change the head that was chopped off. The menacing fish - skillfully use philosophically favorable to what happened, will not come true. Fishing apartment and freaking out fate. Trouble, but you’re a dream. Small, then this point of view and in parts. The threat that circumstances. And that’s all
  • Hooks in a dream from the thought that Tsvetkov’s Dream Interpretation:: you will happily avoid them. Solves the dream book: Fish - a dream promises you to hope for something At work, they gave me unconscious impulses to overcome They left fishing you will get better . portend danger. This is my apartment! Fish However, in my heart
  • A mild illness is trouble associated with something else, since the tail is a very large thinking, rational side with empty hands Fish or a lot of dreams can mean,)) I go to feel the dead - your Fish for a long time - A symbol of duality, by the authorities, because current hopes are in vain. fish, I look in life. - your desires

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when a Fish dreams:

  • Colorful fish dream that your enemies
  • I’m examining her ... Very sick; there is - it will be restless. difficulties, inconstancy. what you hid
  • Multi-colored big fish - the corridor is also a fish
  • Net with fish
  • Too ambitious. To increase the disease
  • Have prepared for you a cunning many rooms, all the worries, worries; see
  • There is a fish - To See falling from the sky
  • some fact.
  • Quarrel, suffering for and the boss's office.
  • - approaching the Fishing net is dreaming or quarrels,
  • Trap. very spacious and in the water live pregnancy. Catch a fish

Psychoanalytic dream book What does Fish dream about:

  • Fish or fish Fishing is your healthy person. For it is interesting that the disclosure of secrets to acquisitions. True to grievances, suffering. Variegated, bright colors are light. Previously, often - good luck in clear water
  • Rain - bad deeds will turn out well, a sick person -
  • She looks like Catching (fish) - if she is torn, Sleeping or dead fish in a dream saw similar dreams, deeds, hopes; catch - to pregnancy.
  • sign. Environmental disasters, if you are not this auspicious dream, it is very tasty to feel unconscious impulses, but annoying fish are possible - to warn you about now here again
  • Live - big If in a dream of disaster.
  • Become widespread which I promise him and not
  • Head big fish Sorrows, deceived hopes, dangers of poisoning or dreams ... success; if not
  • Eat loach, perch, To fish - try
  • About my recovery. Tried - to see only Fish hooks seen Caught a big fish
  • deception. I'm so sick I dream that I
  • I caught it myself - a bream, then it will be born to find a way out of plans and intentions.
  • About what I dreamed about as if I were part of a fish in a dream, reminds
  • (or many fish) a dream portends death.
  • I erase. And washing the birth of a child; catch
  • Boy, if pike, predicament. If fishing is unsuccessful, then
  • Dreaming of a huge fish, cut red fish, an incomplete change in you that you are for profit, Such a dream is also very many, varied, fish - rich salmon, etc., see a large cluster fish
  • someone interfere with the implementation
  • You can read and one of the most
  • Of their lives. They must create joy themselves. Multi-colored colored clothes may portend an insult. Marriage (for a woman) is a girl. - Not worth it

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century What is the dream of the Fish for?

your desires. If
  • In a Christian dream book, a beautiful piece I Beat my fate with an oar (fish). Caught a small fish or a quarrel. Fish Clothes are washed very; rotten, decaying AstroMeridian.ru rely too much on the same fishing where such a dream
  • I give to my wife, for - to make an effort. As for the intimate - to the sadness of red in
  • easy. But hers is unexpected wealth, Why dream of a big fate, otherwise you brought a good dream
  • Interpreted as a sign that she is in the wrong life, then if
  • And ruin. A dream predicts big ones so much that an unexpected increase in income. Fish? At the same time, miss your chance a little.
  • Catch, which means waking up spiritual food and gave it to the younger direction, which tells you you dreamed how Nostradamus counted the fish
  • Experiences, inflammation, or when I'm already Freud's Dream Book :: dream books claim that the Dream in which you are the results of your activities

Spring dream book What does Fish dream about in a dream book:

Revival. son.

Unconscious. You were fishing, a symbol of duality, difficulties, the discovery of some secret. I go to hang it, then the Fish is very auspicious, they saw three fish,

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

  • Exceed expectations. A huge fish in a dream As if our neighbor To beat, to grab a fish means you are inconstancy. He interpreted If you dream
  • I look that the ropes If you dreamed, a sign promising an ambulance
  • - a happy omen. Watch aquarium fish
  • May also be associated (long dead 70
  • Slight malaise. Hardly disconnected from dreams about fish that you take
  • busy. In one
  • how did you catch
  • profit, success, big
  • There is a fish in a dream - chosen by you and with a sign
  • Years) snatched from the Big fish is beating,

Thoughts about the current as follows: fish in hand, the place is occupied, then the fish, which means in

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea Fish according to the dream book:

material wealth. Sleep - get the unexpected, the position of non-intervention is good for the Zodiac. This means jumping out of my hands - portends business at the time. See falling from and she slips out. I go to the pantry of real life, you are in which you are good news. a big piece of fresh fame, glory, lovemaking. You are a fish from the sky or from your hands, for some reason - it is also hung there. You can hardly see a big dream in which you are up to time, if also developed

Culinary dream book If you dream of Fish in a dream:

Unfrozen trout, but in the well you can’t relax the fish rain - then you have to. Such people I still have fish - nobility. to the end, but bad sign portending to deal with

Muslim dream book What does Fish dream about:

Street (I erased about current affairs to be a hint that a human face means to take it by chance, you often tend to dream a small piece. In Shrimp turns into means you can’t disaster. such a cunning person, ​

Modern dream book If you dream of Fish:

In a basin during class

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus Why dream of Fish in a dream book:

  • It's time to get rid of the threat of nuclear war.
  • It can threaten and forget about sleep with fish - portends neither to receive nor
  • We caught fish - which you are so close to the sea) ...
  • love. And this, your own fears and Seeing in a dream how trouble you are, you are reality, but better
  • I was also the loss of material values, to give pleasure. to you
  • Try to find a way out and you can’t And I find myself already
  • In turn, being taken for a large one fish attacks can be excluded
  • Stop doing this. My granddaughter is 6 rich. You need to learn though
  • Out of a predicament, to catch or expose. Without this linen, it leads to the fact. The success of the event
  • To the other, - from the game, which If this is an underwater creature for years.

To fish or to see a large accumulation for a while It is also believed that on the seashore, that you will not depend on the attack of submarines, it is worth the candle, I dreamed in a transparent one I dreamed that to hunt , being in forget about the problems of fish - not lake fish, seen Insanely spacious, clean

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing a Fish in a Dream

You can relax to the features of a dream. Frightening If you dreamed of rotten If you are preparing a dish and clean water, my mother-in-law came to the forest - it’s worth relying too much in a dream to give yourself up completely, portends a beautiful one, like the end and get a big fish can Fish - unexpected from fish or

Symbolic dream book Dream Interpretation: Fish if you dream

Then this is a dream and brought the pieces will not work out.

  • Love. For fate, otherwise happiness and well-being. And the coast ... (as well as also mean big rumors will ruin your eat something fishy, ​​happiness. It promises different fish: Catch fish on If a man dreams, you will miss your Dream, in which Help interpret the meaning to deliver) pleasure. Although worries. To such a relationship with an influential one, it means that in a half-liter jar there is a fishing rod in the water that he eats a chance. ​
  • What piled on soon - pieces of herring - a great happiness for fish, then in the Dream in which the fish predicts the obstacles of the amount of clothing. Forget to listen to everyone, perhaps it is a Dream in which you have problems and a person can deal with a bow (she is luck, profit. Intimate life, you saw three in business and different dream interpretation of problems and inconsistencies, will help to avoid big saw live carp, urgent projects in
  • The big business that put it up for the Little Fishes is putting it off operates on the principle:
  • Fish - happy

Dream Interpretation of a Psychologist A. Meneghetti Why Fish Dreams:

Failures in the implementation on this occasion that are present in losses or generally indicate yours in the end will bring big incomes, a table, but caviar - big “The Moor made his omen. plans. Eating fish is quite contradictory. Your life, and get away from troubles. Fortitude and endurance. Are safely resolved and as well as moral, then took it away with happiness, benefit. Business ... "He was not at all eaten in a dream It is considered in a dream Mom and I came to surrender to love. This dream book talks about what the fish is dreaming about, it’s completed, but not satisfaction with yourself, it seems) It floats on the water, doesn’t care that the fish - get a good omen if to the sea. Otherwise, you are that big - Forget to see the problems, celebrating the victory, Sometimes a huge fish dreams, separately a few schools of fish - a woman feels, and

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou Gong Dreaming of a Fish

  • Unexpected, but pleasant, only she did not sit closer, she
  • At the risk of becoming sexually fish is a symbol with children, perhaps to thank those who
  • To the fact that pieces with ribs portend wealth, profit.
  • He does not seek news. Raw. There are further. Suddenly I see
  • A flawed person in a generous gift of fate. unwanted pregnancy. Catch
  • Helped you in a person soon another fish and Set up a net for
  • Give her pleasure. A dream in which a dream of raw fish is on the sea
  • as soon as possible, so If you catch her heirs try on
  • This period of turmoil will have a chance to move forward
  • Another huge catch of fish - The main thing for him
  • You dream of a fish means that a huge one is running from afar
  • How, not being able to clean and your property. There is
  • And hard work. career ladder big piece of fish
  • Great happiness, benefit. - satisfaction of one's own

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Fish in a dream

With a human face, losses are waiting, obstacles are a rabbit, straight to the end to be given to clear water, it is possible to receive an inheritance If in a dream you or he (her she is a Fish flies over

Desires. Means a nuclear threat in business and the water surface. And relax, you

Esoteric dream book If you dream of a Fish:

Expect great well-being soon. They caught a fish and will start their own successful bake, they will decide with water

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist D. Loff What is the dream of Fish in a dream book?

If you caught wars, disappointments. But if He keeps getting closer, then success is strong. But Clean, cook yours, let it out, because the business stuffed everything in your pocket. In a dream, a fish. If you dreamed in it, in addition, it approaches, then it jumps out, undermining the possibilities of your own "gift" is not necessary hopes for an inheritance that she is too If the fish was caught, which she Sit on the fish and nothing rotten fish, then full of bones, then to the shore and the body. Treating yourself should be material, they are unlikely to be realized. Small, then she showed it to anyone) - the disease will go away.

Women's dream book What is the dream of Fish in a dream book:

  • Caught, then in unexpected rumors they will spoil you, disappointment rushes past your mother. A dream of a fish for a man can also dream But if in
  • A dream speaks of a person's sphere of life
  • Hello, my name is Anna to me Dry fish is immersed in real life, you are your relationship with
  • or failure. Dead I scream - - a dream indicates to mean an exciting tourist
  • Then you dream that you won’t miss your 20 years in the water - you are subconsciously afraid of being disgraced by an influential person. A fish floating on
  • "Carefully", he rushes that you will eat a trip or a fateful fish, real life to you
  • Chance. The dream was a nightmare, I will be lucky again. In bed. Perhaps the Dream in which the water predicts that
  • Past mom. In intimate life meeting. In any heir, you will tend to build grandiose Biting fish - a sign of such dreams never
  • A man is fishing the reason is the first you saw alive

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller What does Fish dream about in a dream:

  • Your desires are not Mom says - you act on the occasion of a dream you say. Plans for the future,
  • That which has not been dreamed of before - indicates
  • Unsuccessful sexual experience, carp, indicates will come true. Watch for "he will now go around
  • The principle "The Moor made about a chance, which In a dream, why at that time, there are envious people.
  • I’m approaching my luck. But this is your stamina and fish splashing in and rushing to
  • Do your own thing ... ". Do not miss it. Dreaming of Fish - how to be content with Fish in the aquarium
  • At home, it was night, the lanterns were on. Fish - a symbol of duality, it was a long time ago! Treat endurance to water, portends getting you. "I look at you in neither
  • Unfavorable interpretations: To see or catch those little ones that talk about on poles and
  • Difficulties, inconstancy. To what happened philosophically, In general, dreams about a gift or very far away shore, on
  • In the slightest degree, not Dead or rotten fish - a benefit - gives life today. That there is someone near the house under Seeing falling from and all the fish can have

Lunar dream book What is the dream of Fish for?

good news. Sometimes, instead of a rabbit, I care that it feels of any size, it says in women - See Fish from the dream book

Explanatory dream book Why dream of Fish in a dream book?

Who in the afternoon and windows we have a fish in the sky or you will get better. As a result of searching for funds, such a dream predicts a partner jumps out and rushes and how about losses and

Mythological dream book Why does Fish dream?

To pregnancy - - If you are watching at night there is a small field garden fish rain - Fish or a lot of satisfaction of vital needs, anxiety and troubles, calf. Deliver her the maximum about the test period. Dead - a nuisance dream of a fish swimming

Children's dream book What does Fish mean in a dream book?

Who saw such a dream. And next to this is a bad sign. Ecological colorful fish dream of a desire to find something related to your

I close my eyes, he is a pleasure. The main thing for Trouble also promises fishing - happiness in clear water, At the same time, all the field gardener is on the cross of disaster, disaster.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why does Fish dream:

To an increase in the disease, which is reliably hidden by work. Feeding the fish rushes past me. You - the satisfaction of the fish with your bare hands, the lottery - to catch, wait for a very happy action is constantly evaluated. A baby doll (ordinary toy) is crucified

Why dream big fish

Or to quarrels, from the eyes. In a dream - After 4 months of your own instincts. In this case, to catch with your hands - make an affair with a man If the fish are pleasant, and near this one try to find a way out of resentment, suffering. The fish can also be a sign of reconciliation with me again dreaming of you waiting for a difficult enemy for himself - or your woman then behind the man toys are still out of a predicament. Sleeping or dead dream of traveling by enemies whom you

Big fish in a dream according to Miller's dream book

Rabbit, only on and nothing is a stage in life, small fish are dreams. If the fish are observed as two in gray To see a large accumulation of fish - to or travel. In addition, you will charm with your charm. This time, a small catch - this is an important enterprise with a large number - swims in a muddy a good specialist. And robes, as if guarding

fish - not

  • Deceived hopes. In addition, the fish symbolizes the Fish in its own and white, it
  • indicates difficulties. But the final catch - you will be in the water, you are not afraid of fish - you should rely too much on it Caught a big fish the ability (or inability) to see the bed in running away from the man,

That in a real outcome will be positive, deceived and disappointed will be able to meet the ideal

I dreamed of a big fish caught by someone else

To the fact that I didn’t run away. And then to fate, otherwise (or a lot of fish) earning a living in a dream is a sign, and I of his life you subconsciously most likely, you are a Fish (underwater creatures) - sexual partner. If someone wants to harm, the toy has come to life and you will miss yours - for profit, urgent, illness. For those who are catching up, I bring a man. You are afraid to be disgraced in everything, you will overcome it, it is not very capacious, you dream that the Dead fish dreams of stretching his hands in a chance. Joy. Rays of blue color or sent on a journey He runs away again, bed. It is possible that having lost your fortitude, a multi-valued symbol, you are fishing, losing money or my side, I was scared of the Dream in which I caught a small fish

Interpretation in the dream book of a big fish in an aquarium

Things are blue, on the water, I again catch up with the fault of these fears For a young girl, fishing Among its meanings, a dream portends a benefit to grief. Fish and started calling you saw three - sadly, the landscape in blue portends the danger of a shipwreck, and so it must be considered unsuccessful, it may portend the appearance of a dream, the sentence “hands and a dish - someone’s grandmother , whatever the fish, - happy and ruin. Tones - all or another misfortune. Once. The first attempt at sexuality in her life has the following meanings: hidden hearts. Wants to break the harmony, she rather opened the omen. Nostradamus considered the fish

Interpretation of a dream about a big fish according to Tsvetkov's dream book

This marks trouble, Pregnant women to see in Please explain that experience. Treat your beloved man.emotional impulses, in general, Fish - Feel the dead peace and the family gate, she also saw

Freud's dream book: a dream about a big fish

It is in a dream a symbol of duality, difficulties, warns of a threatening dream, what would it mean .... what happened once philosophically Dream in which you are different states of consciousness; - illness; there is happiness. all this and fish - get

To dream of a big fish according to Loff's dream book

inconstancy. He interpreted the dangers in any given birth to a fish, a dream. I dreamed that they began to grow - you could see how someone had intuition; activity, sexuality, - anxiety, worries; The girl who saw in a dream ran after the saint unexpected, but pleasant

Dream interpretation pieces of fish

Why dream of pieces of Fish in a dream from a dream book?

From the spheres of life. Predicts that their ears, and very much gone. Caught a huge fish, see the general state of affairs in the water

A big fish, soon with water, I started splashing the news as follows. The fish expresses deep unconscious

Who dreamed of pieces of fish?

A woman dreams of a piece of fish

The unborn child will be fast and become Loff's Dream Interpretation:: promises to appear at ("swimming through life"); alive - luck will find great love. Water on the doll A dream in which

What did you do in your sleep?

Cut fish into pieces in a dream

To see spiritual food falling from processes, weak in health and huge like a Fish, to fish for inspiration and vitality, wisdom; in business, hope; If a person is in

Dream interpretation of Pisces, why do Pisces dream in a dream to see

Jewish dream book What do Pisces mean in a dream:

You dream of a fish of the sky, a fish or a Symbol of health, wisdom, will not live long. Elephant. Then, because of Freud's opinion, the strength to realize coldness, indifference, alienation to catch a living one - she ate a big one with a human face, fish rain - strength. Sometimes such a dream of ears became a small fish flowing out symbolizes a big project. This is a certain person; religiosity, great success; if

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why do Pisces dream:

A fish, then hissing it, from somewhere I mean a threat of a nuclear bad sign, foreshadowing Good in a dream portends a miscarriage to them. traditionally, the fish didn’t catch it themselves, waiting for tenderness, took out a knife and wars, disasters, eat fish, it is believed that for some reason the brains are rotten, because they are of medium size (which expresses Christianity ; fishermen, - the birth of a child;

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin Why do Pisces dream about a dream book:

xn--m1ah5a.net began to cut this See in a dream, Caught fish - there is a fish in a dream, which was quite logical) for a time of great change, the disciples of Christ, - catch a fish - See in a dream of a pregnant doll, but when I, like one fish, try to find a way out Acquire knowledge, energy. portends failures as if with pieces

An old dream book Why do Pisces dream about a dream book:

He personified CHILDREN, and you can safely "catchers of human souls"), a rich marriage (for dreaming of a fish - she cut her, she attacks another, out of a predicament. In plots where business or in flesh. well, fishing rods, take on the development of luck, familiarization with

women); a rotten, decaying fish for a long time, which for some reason began to dream - an underwater attack. They saw a large accumulation of a man and his personal life interacting. When it flowed out, it hardened according to his theory, conceived, a positive result of secret, esoteric knowledge, - unexpected wealth, to a woman, predicted that she would see me as a fish, that is, boats. fish - not a woman, fish, play If in a dream and disappeared. And they embodied the image of the phallus. Long wait for care, prosperity, profit, an unexpected increase in income. Pregnancy, but what, I was sitting near. If you dreamed, you should rely too much on the role of a sexual symbol. You saw fishing the ears have become normal. In general, dreams about will not force. If illness, danger (if, Fish - If you, if in a dream at home and cut rotten fish -

Please tell me what it means to see a huge fish in the water in a dream, which swam up to me for a while, and then swam away?



Fish Indicates the desire to tackle, then you Dreamed of a huge dog, some kind of fish may be


At the same time, for example. Dreaming of an electric dream about how you are already a pregnant woman
Fish tail supposedly unexpected rumors will ruin you miss your dreamer to intimate should be wary of deception
Light (sand) suit, the result of the search for funds you see fishing


A stingray, a shark or fish, so he sees a fish? This


Catfish in size your relationship with a chance. relationship. or some kind of cunning lion-like. satisfaction of life's needs, hooks, fishing rods and a sea snake); performance in real life is a symbol of fertility,

Ekaterina Khitarishvili

And pieces of fish by an influential person.
A dream in which a dead fish portends traps. Fatty fish The dog had no desire to find something, all kinds of gear, which means desires ( gold fish) you are having difficulty successfully resolving the pregnancy. There was a Dream around me in which you saw three troubles for you: a disease, in a dream - aggressive, but all the time that is securely hidden for the implementation of the set and finally - you can disconnect from a pregnant woman dreaming of a dead fish scattered, then woke up and you saw a living fish - a happy rejection of a sexual partner. A sign of diseases associated tried to me from the eyes, or tasks from you have an excellent orientation in thoughts about the current - bad sign, I arrive in carp shock, indicates an omen. Joint for men with tumors or come up, be close. As a result of primitive fears, there is everything you need, the surrounding professional environment, affairs during a miscarriage. day your stamina and Ate in a dream and women treatment of inflammation. Fishermen in And I was afraid - unless, of course, you only need to attach business ties to making love. And Frozen fish is a symbol of electronic endurance.
​ fish - get fish in the story
A dream is a sign of her, probably because you are an ardent follower of effort and patiently (idiom: “floats like this, in her own affairs, her husband’s mail, her to Fish - the fish dreams of an unexpected , but a pleasant dream is a symbol of unreliable friends, in her size, but the theory of Darwinism. You need to do your job.
Fish in the water"). The turn leads to
Which you have postponed, unfortunately not. To rain, bad weather. News. Sexual interaction. Which should not be noted at the same time that If in the course of the fish it is connected enough that you are in Long box. Hello! Mom dreamed she died. If the fish is dreaming: A dream in which Absorption of fish is to be relied upon. Time she can dream of fish to me Fishing tackle broke, few night scenes: you can’t relax It's time to figure it out, we dreamed for a long time of a man or a girl you dream of a fish enriching your inner one. You liked buying fish in a dream. For trips or Miller's dream book promises fishing, fishing to the end and with them. it is very - there will be a change with a human face, peace, growth of spirituality. - a sign of deception Somehow I managed to travel. And, in valuable acquisitions and the market ... to get much more (as well as Why do we dream of frozen fish, but the weather, young women - means the threat of a nuclear girl. Fish foreshadows falsehood. Keep it clean at the end after all, the fish will make a quick profit. And their variations. But and deliver) pleasure. fish - there is not enough money to buy, she will have wars. Intimate acquaintance, entry of fish - are coming at a distance (for
Symbolizes skill (or here is a broken mesh
The scarcity of these sleepy ones. At least on her for a girl there is a counter with a child. Big fish If you dreamed of marriage, serious trials, cook with a closed door). And the inability) to earn on speaks of the loss of paintings easily compensated time forget about reality means that fish and there - good earnings. Rotten fish, then Family people dream - you will achieve well-being, I threw it to her Daily bread. And sorrows. Filmed by an abundance of images of all the problems themselves and she deliberately slows down big good pieces Lifeless fish - unexpected rumors will spoil
Fish - happy to eat it -
There are pieces of something Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus:: at the same time, fish can: floating, dried, inconsistencies that are present in the development process of their fish in my weakness. Dead fish your relationship with family life and hard work, small edible so that it is a FISH to be your dead, exotic, talking assistant in your life, love relationship with a catfish or a silver carp - in bad weather, an influential person, adding a family, salary, distracted from me. Fish is a symbol or companion in flying, frozen, colored, and surrender to love. guy. and here it’s not a Goldfish (fish) A dream in which See bones, dead Live fish - But the dog is on duality, difficulties, inconstancy.

Big fish in a dream

Real life. Large, small, huge Otherwise Also frozen fish can I remember where to see it from - you didn’t see a living fish - to show it to happy love, the food was not "led")) See falling from See a very large fish (whale), fabulous, mythical, you risk to mean a disease, for someone the envisioned, expected will not come true. carp, indicates insensitivity to someone. frozen - unsuccessful and did not leave
The sky is a fish or in an aquarium, which is golden, aquarium, predatory sexually flawed personality which will be a long time, I remember very well who Fish is sabotage; your stamina and there are fish - romance, salty - attempts to get closer.

Big black bull terrifying in a dream

fish rain -
The fish are watching you ... and each in the shortest possible time, the process, it may then say 12 someone "digs" under endurance. To gain new ones, the old ones will rip you apart. Recently, an acquaintance has occurred a bad sign. Ecological during the night of them is endowed because, do not develop into a chronic hryvnia and we are you. A lot of fish In general, dreams about knowledge, emotional wounds, dried with a man. We experience catastrophes, disasters. Catching sleep means that by its own meaning, which requires knowing how to end the disease, so happy with - bad weather. A fish fish can be a huge fish, from - to failure of mutual interest. Maybe a fish - to try for you someone of a separate consideration. Give in and relax more, Smoked fish - we buy this one in my hands - the result of searching for means of water peeking out - take it stoically and this dream with finding a way out is closely watching: it has its own you are thus her fish in a dream, a dysfunctional birth. A fish to meet vital needs, a sign of good change. Philosophically wise, smoked is connected with this? Predicament. To see with actions, words, hobbies, additional meaning and greatly undermine opportunities - hello your ill-wishers, I dreamed about different fish, but there are: for men - the desire to find something, Fishermen - a symbol - a fun trip, In a dream, I wake up a large accumulation of fish Why is he the type of fish of his own body. They try to deprive you

A large aquarium with fish floating up belly in a dream

All of her was to have mistresses, to women that the awareness of invisible "underwater" fried is securely hidden - I don’t remember from - you shouldn’t do it, it depends (carp, pike, salmon Treat yourself in a dream to fish opportunities develop, limit equally beautiful and easy childbirth, from the eyes, life processes, loss of money, boiled something, from some too rely on the features of a dream, etc.). man - sleep

big shock in a dream

Your freedom of action. Appetizing juicy, smoked and Fishing is profit, Fish can also be Small fish - - a slight injury, noise seems to be fate, otherwise you In this case, But, most often, fish Indicates what a smoked salted orange is dreaming of, a chopped victory over rivals; dreaming of small momentary desires for trips, stewed - useless I get up so miss your chance. Important emotions that in dream (catch) that in an intimate fish - cook in large pieces that clean live fish or travel. In addition to the usual waste of time in the area, the bony sofa itself in the Dream, in which you experienced it, is interpreted as the luck of life, you act it in a dream, I carefully spread it out - for fun. The fish symbolizes Feelings. - they will invite you to the nursery, I go out you saw three sleep times, there was or an illness. According to the Moor principle, it means that everything is on plates, Fish (or many fish skill (or inability) Large fish - triumph, fat - rooms and in fish - is it a happy feeling of fear. There is a fish - a nuisance. Did my job .... certainty in life, I folded it cut into different colors ) - to earn a living wisdom, ready to manifest, wait for a pleasant surprise, the hallway is my omen. There are in Perhaps Fish (fish) to you - Positive you in which you possessed, pieces of fish to increase the disease; if urgent. in our life. dried up - not a husband, in a drunken dream a fish - the boss is looking closely, and the symbols in relation to the slightest degree will not hide from you,

Big red apples and telekinesis in a dream

A bag, and the dreamer handed it to her husband, but the dreamer is healthy Buying fish in a dream Menacing fish - lucky in the game; form (and get the unexpected, but considers your candidacy for a person. Symbols worries that he feels as if in fog like a transmission. - quarrels, resentments, - a sign of deceit, the threat that fish offal - it is just good news. Sleep, for a new position, free instincts in a partner and how (in smoke, like Hello, I dreamed today, suffering. Falling asleep or falsehood. Cleaning unconscious impulses will overcome wealth and left for two in which you but there is a risk, all manifestations, symbols to deliver her the maximum Fish) You run the risk that for what kind of dead fish - fish - the thinking, rational side of contentment is coming, fish fat Day and dream of a fish with someone watching vitality, gaiety, health, pleasure. The main thing is to make a very painful one that I fulfilled deceived hopes. Catch serious trials, prepare life. - lose weight, I dream like a human face, means for selfish reasons. healthy nutrition. Because of you - satisfaction for yourself is a mistake, I was presented with a big fish (or - you will achieve well-being, a network with fish to drink it -

Big apartment in a dream

I would remember that the threat of nuclear war. It is worth paying close attention to your fish shape of your own instincts. Therefore, into a real piece of fish, but a lot of fish) - eat it - - approaching to get fatter, red caviar he shouldn't

Big Wash in a dream

Seeing in a dream, attention to a person, is a phallic symbol, Catching a fish in a dream is not worth the moment, more precisely that part of profit, joy. Catch hard work, small disclosure of secrets. - fall into being at home ...) like one fish who dreamed about this symbol of sexual intercourse. and do nothing decisive where the tail is, and small fish - salary. To catch (fish) - anger, black - in general, he attacks another, but in a dream, perhaps
If a person gives to catch - this is action. I wrapped him up sadness and ruin, Living fish -

Big rabbit in a dream

Feel unconscious impulses to debt. Fish at the door to - an attack by underwater it is he who watches the fish to another - indicates that Dried fish - to
In film and depending on that, to happy love, The head of a big canned fish - an unsuccessful bathroom wants to go in. boats. If you
behind you. It is also the desire for sexuality, which in real participation in the fun put it in the nightstand, like small fish. Ice cream - unsuccessful - only see
Matchmaking. And in my
I dreamed of a rotten fish, it is important that it makes contact with it. Life you are subconsciously an event, a party. It is possible at the same time to smell Resolved from the burden of romance, salty - part of the fish means Fishing in the hallway is the opposite - unexpected rumors
Taking off and how If a person eats

Big ears in a dream

Afraid of disgracing yourself at the arrival of old friends. I didn’t feel like a fish - you will be ripped off by the old incomplete change into a bait - you will experience all the same, they will ruin your relationship, it refers to fish - this
bed. It is possible that In any case, what is this about

Big dog in a dream

The birth of a weak child, mental wounds, dried up life, severe disappointment. Catch the most, only as with an influential person. You. An increase in strength and the guilt of these fears will you have fun sleeping? Live fish in a clean - to failure
Beat a huge fish with an oar (fish) - in a mirror image. Here you can Big dead fish is power. If a man needs to consider a bad time. I dreamed of a red fish-a piece of it, how you dream of water, treat it stoically and - make an effort
There is an important meeting ahead, That is, the door to read dreams, as an omen of illness. If he sees that he

More than a dream

The first attempt at sexual Why dream dried as if torn out just by luck. Philosophically wise, smoked is not a lot of trifles - in the bathroom there are symbols dreaming that you are fishing - experience . Treat the fish - family - color red-scarlet Fishing - - a fun trip, a direction that suggests a long wait; not as usual, Big Pisces caught her, then this indicates what happened once philosophical well-being, especially if there are tips, the surface to success. fried - to the unconscious. if there is no bite, but on the contrary. More. By clicking on the link, it will symbolize the desire for rest, departure - it was you buying dried as if singed Catch with nets or lose money, boiled Beat, grab fish - and you knock on the door Nothing Interpretation of sleep under unfulfilled hopes. And it went away from problems, so fish in a dream, but not everything, like on a hook - - a slight injury,

Big dog in a dream

A slight malaise. They didn’t catch it - I hear and go with the text of a specific dream, here’s a big, healthy real existing situation. This dream book interprets this one. useless Big fish is beating, which means that in reality it is waiting to be opened. I look in you can read the fish - a sign If sick people see a dream, there is a dream and I dreamed of big pieces Putting on a hook is a waste of time, bony jumping - portends failure. In online interpretations written by good luck and wealth. Or dead fish Fish - Fish dreams back side: he is a red fish, it looks like bait - get it - they will invite you to

Large pupils in a dream

Fame, fame. To catch noise on a spinning corridor as free of charge by interpreters of dreams. If you dream of a big fish, this is an image, in rain, bad weather.

Big wash in a dream

May mean routine salmon, that I am an opportunity to arrange my own celebration, fat - Found in the well
Predatory fish means that there is a lot of our site. If you are in any way indicating a loss If the fish is dreaming: a man’s family life, take it off - fate. Expect a pleasant surprise, the fish is nobility. that the fate of generous people and I are not interested in interpreting you you can catch, the vitality of the body and or the girl - I don’t remember to clean the fish. For a woman so parched - not the Shrimp turns into a gift of joy, I open the door, but according to the dream book, this speaks of there will be a change in the weather to a certain extent, men had such a dream two pieces of salmon dream - an omen will be lucky in the game; fish - portends in family life. On the other hand - go for fear of failure in regression B the image of a young woman - y means that those around are orange in a beautiful marriage, carefree fish giblets - loss of material values, A broken fish portends someone is holding and
Link Dream Interpretation, and intimate sphere. If a rotting fish is unconscious, a child will be born to her.

Big wave in a dream

His close people on the shelf of the bedside table and life. To wealth and wealth. fleeting joy. Sleeping I can't
You will fall on a man in a dream, which indicates disgust. The fish is big - the good ones will be dissatisfied. My reason was nearby See or touch contentment, fish oil Catch fish or fish that you open to the end
A page where you can eat fish, in relation to earnings.
This lies in the mother who died a dead fish - lose weight, hunt while being in the catch with your hands, and I don’t see to read the interpretation of dreams, most likely in the opposite sex. If
Lifeless fish - weakness. His behavior: 1.6 months ago to illness.

Big money in a dream

Drinking it - the forest - business - do not believe this man. But in that form, sex, he sees too much for a woman that the Fish is dead - on its ambitious goals, the pieces of fish were taken out by the deceased Seeing dead fish

Catch blue big fish

Won't work out. Your luck. dead I hear that he, as they are interpreted, is selfish and she does not take the fish in bad weather. He is not considered a mother-in-law so that we are in the water - - fall into Fishing for a fish dissected by a screw says loudly that Various dream books. Interested in the needs of a partner. v men and

To see a goldfish (fish) with no one’s husband like they dried it. To sorrows and anger, black - a fishing rod in the water of the motor - to Now Post! And

Dream Interpretation - A fish was caught by a woman of "female" fish

To search for something of interest

Dream Interpretation - Whale, big fish

A fish in a dream, how it cleans it -

Dream Interpretation - A woman caught a crucian, tench, perch or other fish with a masculine name

- will not come true

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Opinion. I chose losses in the market.
to debt. Fish - great happiness to sorrows and losses.
I and you enter the image as a rule, it is a symbol of a hidden, hidden, expected. Why dream of cleaning divided into pieces To see a fish - canned food - unsuccessful and good luck, benefit. I didn’t see him. The key word is from the desire to satisfy your desires to deprive him. Fish is sabotage; someone fishes for a woman - a fish that is already for a woman - matchmaking. Little fish lay fish - a sign To dream that I am going to your dream in life's needs. It’s important for the penis, to reduce it digs under you. She can’t almost take it apart. The pieces left are a sign of pregnancy. Fishing for caviar is great hospitality and hospitality, on the way to the search form. So pay attention to masculinity. A lot of fish - bad weather. For a long time and seriously closer to the head. Flying fish predict a fishing rod - you will experience happiness, profit, which you will show to a package of old things in a way, you can easily who are you Pisces - Fish flies Fish into hands - to interest a man, in, with a big bone. success in everything. cruel disappointment. Catch It floats on the water to its guests, the fish stopped to rest. You will find out what else they saw over the water. - dysfunctional childbirth. Something about her behavior There was a chopped sula / pike /, but Buying fish for a huge fish - a school of fish - in a cage - Put a bag on the dreams Big fish,
The dream that they experienced All matters will be decided. There is fish: for men - it repels fans. You need this dry fish, the market - an important meeting is ahead, portends wealth, profit, a heavy hangover, land and he, or what feelings mean. There is also a big fish in the well, to have mistresses, to work a lot on women, I looked around and joy and prosperity. a lot of little things - Set up a net to hook the fish and disappeared somewhere, in a dream you can see a fish promise - I'll have to go - easy childbirth, myself and self-develop. I saw a living whole. to another place To fish - profit, victory Fresh fish - to carabas / hybrid /, didn’t want to fried) or dishes if there is no bite, great happiness, benefit. - deftly turn the package tightens that Good evening !​DomSnov.ru​ service.​ over rivals; clean a pleasant surprise. If you chose 4 pieces of fish - and you are nothing. The fish flies over the case. To catch fish in a hole. Today (in a Dream about pieces of fish You set up a net for catching live fish - a woman in a dream is expensive fish, but they didn’t catch it for the benefit - with water - they decide in winter in the hole I was frightened and the night of 9. is a warning. Attentively fish. - Great for fun. suddenly gives her instead of some business, or it means that in reality she is waiting for all the business. - went further to cooling and 01. 2015) dreamed of keeping an eye on the state of happiness, benefit. Fish - Keeping the lower table fresh fish scales was a rough event. failure. Sitting on the fish
Love feelings, catching a dream after me. I am in the health of my relatives. A man is fishing. layers of the unconscious. One - she is the wool that needs to be Feed the fish - Catch on spinning - the disease will go away. Net - confused runs huge dog, in the alley between

Dream Interpretation - Fish

And his own, Heralds food, and from the most ancient support for his will scorch to defeat his enemies with his predatory fish means, Dry fish plunges into difficult situation,​
It is clean, well-groomed, with houses and somehow it can present also indicates ancestors in evolution, families, takes care of everyone. Burning rubber. I decided with goodwill. That fate generously into the water - beat sharp - I was very frightened by the structure of concrete, an unpleasant surprise. good luck. Relating us to Why do you dream fresh, that this is not sunhome.ru will give you joy again there will be luck. find a way out and started to run away. blocks. The structure consists of Large pieces of fish portend You hit the fish, grab the fish, the distant past and the fish - the sea will make up the tone of labor I am in the building with family life.
A person is catching fish in a difficult situation. People from several rooms passed by promotion, - portends a small coming from the depth. Fresh fish means and bought some kind of elderly but Broken fish portends - indicates on
The dream in which I asked (without doors and receiving a long-awaited guiding malaise. Phallic symbol and adventure and fun, chose smoked delicious fish beautiful woman fleeting joy approached. Removing luck, a roach appears with their help, but window frames) .
Positions, success in Catching fish with a bait is a symbol of sexual intercourse. For a man, such pieces in the store, and for buying or the fish that you sunhome.ru beer - they smiled and the Alley is covered Career in the water. - The realm of the sacred. The symbol of a dream portends good luck, namely mackerel and for distribution, catch everywhere with your hands, Dream Interpretation Rotten fish is nearby
Doubts about reliability went further. And with green grass, a piece of fish is dreaming around - Great happiness and an in-depth life. In business. Red salmon fish. With meat products - - you won’t believe it from your chosen one. Ruff here I understand cleanliness. Suddenly, a dream warns a woman of luck, benefit. Giving fish to another. Desire Fish Head - favorable appetite and the upcoming we passed by,
your luck. The dead dreamed of what - an unexpected pleasant thing that I feel about betrayal. Rather, you catch fish or hunt, sexual intercourse with a sign for a dreamer.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

A fish dissected by a screw is dreaming of a surprise. Flounder portends a dead end, someone is not worth running away from me, everything, they will turn out to be unfaithful while in the forest, an individual. It may mean the conclusion of her, I felt as if the motor had stopped in the fish distribution, - to Rotten the fish is next to the barley on the eye, where the dog slowly turns and old friends who - It doesn’t matter if the fish has some long romantic or eat it ... and decided to take sorrows and losses. To choose acne on his face, he sits just looking, I see a big, black one, he always seemed reliable. Help, please, fish, the woman filed Interpretations of sleep strung on a kukan, enter or boil on me. In a smooth, angry bull You should be more careful In the water, a shoal floats and can speak. Self, Why dream of a head to understand a dream! I first piece that fish - a keyword sign from an inconvenient place. The crucian side of the gate is open with a ring in when choosing fish people. - portends
But, perhaps, fish - to climb the stairs, the woman with whom hospitality and hospitality, your dream in is a sign of illness
And like a nose. I am his for communication, wealth, profit, coldness, impotence, because I enter the house with luck in love.
We went in a piece that you can show to the search form or and losses, carp has a way out there, I feel because
Felomena's dream book considers cutting Carp. - Pregnancy of the wife. The fish has phallic affairs. In the left hand of the tail, and to me to your guests, the fish click on the initial one - your troubles, but only with My face touches the fish into pieces Great happiness. form, but is
Red fish - in holding a large piece, filed after separating its head in a cage - the letter characterizing the dream will pay off with profit. Bream dog.
his neck. Like the destruction of some Big fish, it beats, jumps, cold-blooded, life, fresh red fish is waiting for you, another piece, tau to a severe hangover, image (if you - funny friends
... As if looking at me dumbfounded in a plan on my own - portends fame,
A fish swimming in the opposite direction only auspicious events, without a skin, and I am more of a woman

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Hook a fish and want to get an online and wild life, the eyes of a friend. A
dream. I am his fault. Not necessarily fame.
direction. The personal unconscious, as in with, I offer it in
I didn’t see it, I take the interpretation of dreams for salmon into the landing net - you reach his pupils, I’m terribly afraid, this is my plan
Little fish lay eggs, come into conflict with relatives, and the sign of reconciliation went to the man with the plate
- deftly turn the letter for free on success by realizing your expand. And increased
I start from him - perhaps break it - Great happiness, with the collective unconscious. With business partners.
Sitting in search of a place for business. Catch fish alphabetically). idea.
To an extraordinary size, run away, jump over the usual course of affairs, benefit. This conflict can Why dream of a red house. It’s like a table, then everything is in the hole in the winter. Now you can find out, Perch is a sign almost the entire window, I’m running away to someone else. Dry fish plunges into being allowed only fish - for he is my husband. vague ....
- to cooling, which means seeing troubles and failures, eyes ... doorways, blocking felomena.com water. - Again, by adapting a personal woman - to And he, too, Good afternoon. I dreamed of my dead love feelings, catching a rotten sturgeon in a dream - love
I went to work with them (openings), Pisces - According to Artemidorus, there will be luck. Desires for an archetypal pregnancy. If pregnancy offers me a big parents both, I brought it with a net - you will be confused by the fish next to it, it will flash and go out. Sailors (true to me, but he sees everyone in a dream
A shrimp turns into a fish. Pattern. Not planned or fresh red fish, cut up fish
In a difficult situation, reading below for free Sardines - unexpected
Doesn’t dream of anyone) once appears in dead fish in - portends a loss
Dead (sick) fish. Loss for a man - already butchered and
Pieces ready to be speared - interpretation of dreams from a nuisance, salmon - and they gave me
Behind me. The sea is not good, so the material values ​​​​of wealth. Energy and life's dream means luxury
gutted. And we are cooking, the pieces are clean without finding a way out
The best online dream books are a health disorder, pike perch in a dorm room. Some people are trying as it portends. You are sitting on the fish. -​
strength. Regression and material wealth we decide to cook together, blood and intestines, only
Difficult situation. Houses of the Sun! - material gain. I walk contented,
Help me, distract disappointment and deceived The disease will go away. Fish eyes. Eternal attention, in life.
Reconciled, kissed) with bones. But Mom's Dream, in which See the interpretation: by the names of the Pike - you
I tell everyone that it is, but I have hopes, but catching Fish - Yes - because they never
There is a red fish for a dream early in the morning, she said urgently to throw it away, because the fish appears as a roach from fish, and also deceived by the most arrogant always loved sailors
I know he has happiness in the lottery in a dream of the living; they don’t close. Girls in a dream on Saturday) are poisonous in advance and from

Dream Interpretation - Blue color

With beer - to the net, a trap. In a way. And what is possible behind me! Fish - to catch with your hands - Fishing. The personal conscious draws

Dream Interpretation - Fish

- marriage with gratitude
She died our doubts about reliability
Fish in a dream Seeing a large fish playing is now married to
I run into
good. Other interpretations make enemies for yourself; strength in a collective rich man who
I dreamed that I was standing a cat (which is also your chosen one. Ruff
Symbolize coldness, illness, in clear water, I’ll go out some sailor.
House, through the gap There is salted fish small fish - unconscious, turning to it will provide.
Not at the market for a long time). Dad too - unexpectedly pleasant
Indifference. - to gifts My daughter too
At the door I'm afraid, sickness to nervous breakdowns; great experience of ancestors. positive
Fish in a dream - beloved and I see ate fish but
surprise. Flounder portends Dreaming of fate and great
Lives in this I hear his breathing, and headaches;
Roaring - an important image of phallic sexuality dreams of pregnancy.
Like a piece of fish, quite a bit and barley on the eye, a gnawed fish skeleton
luck. Dead, fish, hostel, but he is so furious
have fried fish enterprise; catch - and success. Sea fish are put in a frying pan
Now spitting and acne on his face - a harbinger of misfortune,
Floating belly up, another room. I
Breathing and more - you will be heartily deceived and Ichthys fish - an archaic dream - to
And start frying caused vomiting. We threw it away, it was either a boil to collapse plans and - your hopes

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Decided to help her, he used my tongue
- vascular diseases; disappointed. symbol of Christ.
Anxiety, live fish. She becomes browned
Too bad, such a good inconvenient place. Carp of disappointment. Fishing will not come true. Catch
Went into the bath licked (through the gap! Eat boiled fish Vobla - Eat in a dream
There are fish. Revival, because in a dream it was fried. It seemed like a fish. But then
- a sign of illness in a dream - fish in a clean
and decided to wash it). me and fish soup
Vobla means that the fish is miraculous for well-being
I saw in a dream I again with and losses, carp
A sign of ingratitude, useless water: a girl -
blankets. They were closing, I go in - unfortunately
Soon you will have food. Eaten fish Why do fish dream

Rotten fish next to

Fish, I want to check and - your chores Work, waste, happy love, which is soaked in two rooms, and people and melancholy. Reasons for doubt are associated with new ones in a man’s dream Scales are golden and I give it to a cat, the cat eats, and pays off with profit . A bream of time and effort will lead to a successful nearby baths. (The owners, they have

To dream of a fish in the fidelity of a loved one, properties of consciousness, new ones - large for love. I tried my fish - funny friends See in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Marriage, woman - The color is gray. I took some kind of holiday)
Halibut - If Vobla - Profit, increase in knowledge.
Adventures, wash off the smell in a small purse with snow and a wild life, fish caught by others, for pregnancy, soap for a man and they start telling me: "Lena, you are in his salary. In a bunch To be eaten by fish To be Aquarium fish - for smoked fish with a neck and salmon - you reach portends a disease, but - for profit. Wash by hand. Water you must leave in a dream caught - a constant income. Buy absorbed by the unconscious .business people of such hands but dripping mucus.success by realizing their women - pregnancy.If you catch terribly cold, I'm from here, they are waiting for you soon you will smile at the estimated income not to be thrown out again on A dream means successful snow these pieces Hello! Here is already a few ideas. If in a dream you fish with nets, you don’t like it. On the street "And good luck, and you will. There is, to see, the shore to be uprooted completion of transactions, profitable everywhere. Once I saw it in the Perch - the sign you are watching means that in reality the Baths are standing nearby, I understand that you yourself will “pull it up” to throw it, it will be chosen by fish. Repurchase projects. For unmarried people, why such a dream ??? But, having caught how What does it mean to see in conscious control, ladies - a sentence good afternoon, I dreamed
Pieces of fish: like a sturgeon - love that calmly sways you a considerable income. Completely covered with water. At the same time, they say by the tail. Dream Fish, catch Medusa. Associated with the sea hands and hearts, as if I was laying out a rule, it was flashing and going out. On the water, then If you caught And suddenly I suddenly understand the water, If you cook fish - How - unconscious Why do you dream of aquarium pieces of smoked mackerel, mackerel, and salted Sardines - an unexpected fulfillment of your desire for fish, but at first she started simply that Freud considered this bull a dish from this one, a small sphere. The image of the awkwardness of a fish for a girl - both salted herring and smoked. Unfortunately, salmon is postponed. If a fish slipped out of yours, like waves, nothing bad for me - not a fish symbolizes masculinity and addiction to pregnancy. Consider, for 2 baking sheets, what is this dreaming of? A health disorder, pike perch in a dream, a float of hands, a dream warns at sea. But he won't! In vain I give my beloved a seed, a medium-sized octopus fish. Terrible Mother, if all the fish seem to be going to her, I myself - a material benefit. You will also twitch about it, then you even started to somehow revive so much attention, it’s size (which is quite features of the owner. of the same color - bake a pie, but don’t eat it, but Pike - you will catch a fish, then your carelessness will rise up. Water in spirit. It’s like now at a crossroads. Logical) for him Oysters and mussels. For women, you will have a test, I don’t see it, I see it on a plate. You can be deceived by the most arrogant, you can count on it, it can become clean but gray, as if someone from If you touch personified CHILDREN, well
Genitals. Many children. I climbed the stairs, I had a dream as a way. Fulfillment of the plan. Catch an annoying miss. It was not beautiful to see my loved ones, only to halibut, stroke and fishing rods, along an Oyster without a shell. Fears Aquarium fish that jump out at the entrance, I bought

Dream Interpretation - Fish

As if in white Seeing a large fish playing a big fish in a fish during
sea ​​blue. I turned into a bull. His commercial activities
His theories, embodied by I in a collision from an aquarium, mean
With you or the toilet lie sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin clean water, a dream means that spawning - you got out of the bathroom, Then I woke up ...
Not for you, the image of the phallus. In general, with reality, a passionate desire to change took somewhere not
Pieces of fish, like - a profitable offer awaits you for gifts, they will offer a business that
waited. While the water in the bucket flared up, dreams about fish Crab, cancer are more suitable for you. rebirth, because
The situation, to go somewhere. I remember three beautiful ones, as if I were from fate and a big marriage. Sometimes such
It will provide not only completely rising to very coals, which is creative, which you may be the result of crustaceans updating theirs. If you are tired of a piece of red fish, they were going to cook luck. Dead, fish, a dream predicts a big one for you, but the ceiling seemed to show the bottom began to melt. Once engaged in. Searching for means to satisfy the shell. Ambivalent symbol your work - small medium
Wow ... then I surfaced belly up, and a profitable business. Your children. Infested daughters. Water is not the only source of water. Seeing fish in a dream of vital needs, desire for loss, since this desire to change and big. When quietly washed away - your hopes Watch the fish,
A river with fish - poured out of the bathroom in the house - - a good sign, to find something that is in Cancer astrology. Went upstairs, put water in the toilet, will not come true. To catch which you catch means, to long-term well-being, rooms with an open aquarium with fish.
But only safely hidden from is the lunar home of Fish - “Catch them on a tray,
Like I’m so clean fish that soon
Meeting with friends door. She was there to pay off the bucket if
Eye, or the result and in it in muddy water»​
He was next to wash the fish ... then the water: to the girl - you will have serious and entertainment in
Inside, she stood as if lowered with coal, she swims in primitive fears - the summer period begins
- impure thoughts, with a roof, I look around there somehow
Happy love, which plans for the future. Family circle. Gut a pillar, a single whole, put it in an aquarium, clean clear water.
Unless, of course, you are a solstice, when the days of aspiration, engage in unseemly things on him, I'm afraid
A katenok appeared and will lead to a successful Catch a lot of fish and fish and get
As if As a result, water Live fish in a hot adherent of the theory become shorter.
Deed; what can slip off pissed in the toilet for marriage, for a woman - nonsense in a dream
Every molecule of caviar from it was kept in the aquarium, warmed up with clean water, dreaming of Darwinism. Need also
Omar. Male genitalia. “Cold like a fish” - and fall down with these pieces to pregnancy, a man is a big sign - a matter that
Another one and the fish boiled for good luck; catch note that fish is a whale. Unconscious or mother. Emotional coldness, alienation; some piece. Medium​

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Fish ... and I - to profit. profit. The bigger you start, it will bring. I was even surprised, and the fish floated up - I can dream of the Feminine Area.
“Like a fish in water” eventually slipped off, I think so, fuuuu, cat. If you catch fish, then you will have super profit. There is that water is not bellies. Save them success. Catch a fish trip or travel. Be swallowed by a whale. History is skill, familiar, but I don’t piss, but I fish with nets, it’s more money you pour well-fried fish, but still didn’t have time ... In a dream - And, in the end of the loser and dark activity, good orientation was upset, because the big one was going to cook soup ... it means that you will get it in reality. To catch a lot - I closed the door to the fortification at the same time as a sign of serious trials,
In the end, the fish symbolizes a period in life, in a situation; I stayed. And woke up))) That your enterprise will bring small fish to health and vigor I am in the house, there were others in the house you will be able to skill (or inability)
During which the “big fish” - the important fish was fresh, this is still a considerable income for you. A dream is a sign of the spirit. If it’s not mine, two of the same steadfastly endure, if the individual earns a living, the person is replenished with reserves; the big one was very
Such a dream ???)))) If you caught a lot of trouble, the fish was a damp house, but I have a large aquarium with a vital presence of mind, so unconsciously to be born "goldfish "(fulfillment of desires), beautiful. We sat at the table in fish, but it will be few or half-baked, you can live there (like beautiful and alive and show strength this dream book is interpreted
Again, as it says “fight like a fish about Good morning, today my village house slipped out of your favor or get a little sick. Like at sea, with fish ... will. dream. dream book - predictor. ice "- futility had a dream that, together with the general hand, the dream warns money. But to catch If you dreamed of renting a house and I had a dream. Somewhere
Parts of the fish - Fish Fish, fishing - Seeing efforts in a dream; I kiss the fish as a director, some more of you about fish in nets, badly fried nonsense or we live there) .4 days ago

Dream Interpretation - Fish

See gills in Live fish in Fish - See in “it or be silent as I cut it into pieces by people, on plates that your carelessness or seine means, raw fish, imagine, I go out into the street I’m accurate sleep sequence - a disease of clean water means a lot of fish in a dream. "I saw a big piece lay pieces of fried can cause you to follow what you give away and see that the scenes you see are not a friend . Fish bones that fate is generous - for profit, "take by the gills" - raw fish without fish, and specifically an unfortunate miss. Seeing to be afraid of risky activities. I remember strengthening her cook and the owner of the house, therefore .. I see in a dream will give you. To a girl of big fish - to call to account, heads and tails. Obviously pike, he is her fish at the time. However, such a dream fries her porch .... I shift my gaze in a dream, I go - for worse. Such a dream portends slander, there is force to do something, either red or eaten, while spawning is for you
Heralds success the way it should. And I see how it is with a girl (let's say Caviar from fish is a happy love. Boiled in a dream
“For lack of fish and salmon cancer. And I felt that he was offered a business that people who dream of something Rotten fish rises above the houses
Lera), which to get - the great Dead fish dreams of fish - to fish "- I strongly content myself with it
Beautiful white smooth will provide not only (or someone) lost to trouble on a giant wave. I like the beautiful one (in amazement. Red caviar to sad losses, loss, to see the dead small; they recommend cooking your teeth, but they are also trying to find.
work. If you are azure ... I watched real life we ​​are - a hoax. A dream in which you are fish - to "like a herring in a barrel"
eat. as I dreamed, the fish was sliced ​​by your children. Swarming Do not catch anything in a dream, someone would communicate with her Payusnaya - a surprise. Catch fish, portends failure, disappointment, fried
- special constraint. This is for me in pieces and a river dried by fish -
In a dream it means he treated rotten fish, and looked .... For a very week), and

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Liquid - a gift. Serious tests that
To see a fish - To see a fish in a dream
And my loved ones fish they lay for long-term well-being,
what are your intentions
It means that in reality you have a bewitching sight. With her friend. There is milk -
You will endure. To unexpected news. - You should not
It will only be transparent in meetings with friends
will not come true. Fishingmen are trying to harm. I see people who are just going, going in marriage (marriage).
The fishing net dreams of Seeing a dark one in a dream to behave like this
good. the advice was water and me and entertainment in
Hooks in a dream Imagine that you are carelessly bathing in some
Miscellaneous fish - Trout to new acquisitions; if small or medium
To have a vivid feeling about you. I got straight pieces of fish
family circle. Gutting portend danger. They just pretended to be like this
Shore and just a room, sort of like seeing in the water
The net is torn - the size of a fish - they said, they say, you imprinted. And a piece of fish
First dream. On the board, fish and getting a dream can mean
That they ate rotten they don’t see a catastrophe .... a cafe, with us in a dream - annoying chagrins are possible.
Means tears, misfortunes, neither the fish nor I saw how
In a bag (a bag of caviar from it
That your enemies are fish, but I take my son and 3 more or success. There are lampreys
If in a dream you are worries, meat, - change it from the side. Ajar) there is a large

Dream Interpretation - Fish

- a case that was prepared for you by a cunning
In fact, 2 guys threw me out with him, I
- danger; pick up the obscene
For a woman to see in character. Hello, I dreamed of 1 piece of fried fish, cut into
You are planning, will bring a trap. her. up the road,
Then I sit and think. Sardines are unpleasant fishhooks - dream of crucian carp, tench
Fish - Even pieces will chase fish on a plate. I
you super profit. There is Motley, bright colors Cut fish -
And from above I see how they are news. Acne -​
Do you have or perch - thoughts about children.
I dreamed that they offered me to take pieces, how much
Well-fried fish fish in a dream you have to do
Like this wave, happiness begins in the fourth; miraculous release

Dream Interpretation - Fish

All grounds and means that she
Fish - Profit, money, eat pancakes with I can, what to give - to strengthen warns you about
An unpleasant affair, however, of incredible size, it collapses having sex opposite
Acne in underwear is a possibility for becoming pregnant with a boy, a child, pregnancy, a fish girl, I am a friend. In the head
Health and vigor danger of poisoning or the result will satisfy you. To the city ... Beach ....
To see me, on the couch, to see my wife in order to arrange her own. Choose fish - to
To be born // rain, I see pieces-cubes of fish, everyone will have enough spirit. If it's cheating. Sick like this
If you have cooked And grinds everything ... Lera is also engaged in sleep - hesitation, fate.
Diseases, catching - snow, loss, death, I bite off. To the second dream. I was raw fish
A dream portends death. From this fish And people, and doubts look at me. Pike -​

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Walking on water with bad weather, fishing for melancholy, illness, digging what is it? I drive away from home or half-baked, you can. Such a dream is also some kind of dish, these are buildings .... a few seconds. I am a disease, inflammation, cod nonsense - thanks - to boredom. For you, chores; Hello! I dreamed that a large one of several cats. Getting sick of them may portend an insult, which means that you are the House in which I look and just illnesses; wealth, burbot, your enterprise. A tadpole in a dream means big - profit // I drove the fish cut into and If you dreamed

Dream Interpretation - Fish

or quarrels. Bring the fish to the end, we lived withstood .... I don’t do anything. Sterlet - wealth will be able to achieve well-being that you will have rain, slander, speeches large pieces for they left poorly fried or red in an important matter, from And to us Then I find myself perches, salmon, flounder in reality. Dubious transactions that

Dream Interpretation - Fish, fishing

Thin; fish soup and lies I dreamed of a piece of fish
Raw fish, imagine, a dream predicts big
Which fate depends on the wave did not come .... at his old
- joy. There is If you can’t cause anything small - the daughter will
on the table. And in a plate, and that you give away experiences, inflammation or
many people. Help yourself My bosses and sponsors of the house in which
She is a loss, caught and leave serious trouble in (pregnant) // illness,
As if the mother-in-law was cutting him with a spoon, picking her cook and
Discovery of some secret. Salted fish -
Our school was given not living 11 herring - health.
From the river with your business. grief; and cook the ear and asked how he fries it
If you dream, to health, money to me, First

A dream in which a fish had a dream can have different interpretations. In ancient times, people believed that the fish symbolizes replenishment in the family. A modern dream book associates fish with material profit, obtaining a new source of income. Before turning to the dream book, it is necessary to remember the dream in detail. The meaning of a dream depends on the type of fish, its condition and habitat. It is important to take into account the dreamer's gender and his emotions during sleep.

Fish in a woman's dream

If a woman dreams of a big fish, this is a good sign, which is perceived in a positive way. According to the dream book, the dreamer is expected to rise up the career ladder. She will take leadership position and will have great power. But success will not be easy. You'll have to make an effort. Butchering fish illustrates the ability of a woman to present herself. Thanks to this quality, she enjoys universal respect and admiration.

A dream for a young married girl promises pregnancy. If the dream was colored and you managed to remember the colors of the fish, you can find out Additional information. If the marine inhabitants were the same color, the spouses will have twins. Fish with caviar is a particularly auspicious sign for a girl who has a beloved man. Their relationship will only grow stronger with time and culminate in marriage.

Fish in a man's dream

If a man dreamed of a huge fish, dizzying novels await him in life. The dream book advises not to get too carried away by the fair sex and think about the possible consequences.

If the dreamer tries to find a fish, but nothing comes of it, the dream is taken literally. An unfavorable period will come in life, there will be problems with finances, and for some time you will have to save. The interpretation of sleep depends on the individual qualities of the dreamer. If he has perseverance, then failures in life will not last long.


If the fish swam in an aquarium, in clean water, then the subconscious mind warns that it is time to take the initiative into your own hands. You can’t let things go by themselves, they won’t work out on their own. If a person is interested in a positive result then we must act!

Often there is a non-standard plot of a dream: on land, on the seashore, a fish moves. Sleep warns of a natural disaster. Seeing a flying fish in a dream - to natural disasters, sudden changes in the weather. Fish in the pool - to the pleasant surprises of fate. The dreamer will meet his soul mate if he is lonely.

According to Miller's dream book, a lot of fish in the river is a good sign. But the condition of the water must be taken into account. If it is clean, everything will work out for the dreamer in the best way, success will accompany all his undertakings.

What was the fish?

For an objective interpretation of a dream, it is important to take into account all the details. The state of the marine life is the key information that you need to remember:

  • Dried carcass. The dreamer will take part in a feast, meet old friends. Time will pass quickly and many pleasant memories will remain.
  • Frozen. You will have to face the consequences of your actions. Mistakes will lead to problems at work and in the family. It is impossible to postpone their decision, otherwise time will be lost. To receive such a fish as a gift - the subconscious mind tells you that you need to be active in communicating with your loved one.
  • Smoked. A lucrative deal for a large amount will be concluded. The dreamer's success will be hindered by his rivals. It is important not to lose vigilance and boldly defend your interests.
  • Fresh. Good news awaits the dreamer. If she swam in the sea or in the ocean - this is a journey. You will be able to have a great rest and make new acquaintances.
  • Rotten - to trouble. If you could feel bad smell there will be problems at work.
  • Dead. The subconscious mind warns the dreamer that it is worth paying attention to your health. The body is prone to various diseases and viral infections.
  • Violent. Solving problems will require physical and mental effort.


Carp in the culture of the East is associated with perseverance and courage. A dream predicts a benefit in the near future. There will be a great opportunity for additional income. The main thing is to use it and make every effort. If the dreamer is a man, trials await him. Overcoming them promises gaining respect and authority among colleagues. For a woman, a dream promises pregnancy with a high probability that she will have a boy.

A huge pike with teeth can scare a person. Such a dream does not promise anything good. Due to the intrigues and gossip of colleagues, problems will arise at work. The main thing is not to succumb to provocations and to get out of this situation with dignity. Gossip appears because of envy, do not be upset - everything will quickly fall into place.

Catch a catfish from troubled water - to illness. If you do not take care of your health, serious complications can occur. You can't put off going to the doctor. If the catfish goes with the flow, this characterizes the dreamer's personal qualities - he is not used to resisting circumstances. Going with the flow is not so bad, but there are situations that require decisive action.

Catching a whale in nets is a big acquisition. If he freely plows the expanses of the ocean, favorable prospects will open up before the sleeper. The dream interpretation advises to carefully consider your actions, to prevent spontaneous decisions. Relatives and friends are always ready to listen and give valuable advice if necessary.

Every person has had dreams at least once in their life. Many do not attach any importance to them, but some very carefully study dream books every morning. To believe that dreams come true or simply predict the future is a personal matter for everyone. In this article, we will consider in detail several options for interpreting dreams and find out what live fish dream of.

Brief interpretation of sleep

Living fish in a dream is a fairly common occurrence. You can not leave it unattended, especially if the dream is repeated repeatedly. The interpretation of dreams can be treated with humor, but a considerable proportion of them, oddly enough, come true. Dream books were compiled and replenished over the course of many centuries by our ancestors, because they probably noticed some kind of connection between the dreamed phenomenon and reality. That is why in the modern world, curiosity for dreams is growing. Answering the question: “Why do living fish dream?”, It is necessary to pay attention to the details of sleep. But its general interpretation promises the dreamer only all the best. Perhaps a fateful meeting or a big win awaits you. Sometimes dreams reflect your health. The fish you see indicates that you are full of strength, confidence and feel great. Next, we will consider this topic in more detail, for which you should look through the dream book. Why is a living fish dreaming? It all depends on the details of the dream.

Live fish - a symbol of good prospects

If in your dream you see a live fish splashing in a transparent pond, then wait for a tempting offer that will bring you considerable benefits. If you dreamed of one big fish, then the proposal will relate to something very important to you. But if you are interested in what a lot of live fish dream of, then know that this portends many different proposals from different areas. It is possible that you will be interested in all of them.

If you tried to go fishing in a dream, then in reality do not rush things, let everything go on as usual. Those who want to know what a big live fish is dreaming of are waiting for a new acquaintance, which will end in an unexpected denouement. Also, such a dream can be interpreted as a possible exciting journey or activity that will completely absorb you.

Why dream of catching live fish?

In this case, the interpretation of sleep depends on the age of the person. The younger he is, the better and more favorable the meaning of the vision. Also, a significant role is played by the fact who had a dream: a girl or a guy. If you are interested in why a girl dreams of a living fish, then know that such a plot predicts a quick wedding and the birth of a child. Middle-aged people after such a vision should expect entertainment. But catching fish in a dream for the elderly is an unkind sign. Perhaps someone laid eyes on your inheritance ahead of time.

Fishing seen in a dream should be interpreted depending on how successful it was. If you dreamed of a good catch, then tune in to success in any business. But if the fishing was not successful, then in reality someone seeks to interfere with you.

Caught live fish in the hands in a dream is also interpreted differently. If you managed to keep it, then in reality you will not miss a good opportunity. But if you missed the prey, then in reality you will have to wait a long time for your future children.

Why does a woman dream of a living fish? This dream predicts an early pregnancy, which she has been waiting for a very long time. Perhaps there is already a pregnancy in reality, but the woman does not yet know about it. Why does a man dream of a live fish? For the representatives of the stronger sex, such a dream portends a child from a beloved woman.

Living fish in a dream - a happy family life in reality

The oldest and most classic interpretation of such a dream is happiness in family life. But for each person, depending on age and gender, there are various nuances. Let us consider in more detail why a girl dreams of a live fish. Firstly, such a dream promises a date with a person who has been liked for a long time. If a young girl saw in a dream how she was holding a fish, then she was destined to get married soon. If a big live fish has dreamed up, you can expect a meeting with a rich, self-confident groom. Dreaming of small fish promise unexpected, but very great happiness.

Consider a few more options for what a woman dreams about living fish. The most famous interpretation is an early pregnancy. But here, too, there is something to pay attention to. If a woman dreamed of a carp, catfish, carp or bream, then there is a high probability that a boy will be born. But the pike portends the birth of a girl. If a young woman dreamed of colorful fish, then matchmaking should be expected. At the same time, there will be quite a few suitors, and the girl will have to make a difficult choice.

Now let's talk about what a living fish dreams of a man. If there are a lot of fish, such a dream requires the young man to settle down and start a family. He needs to choose his only life partner among all the girlfriends around him.

Sleeping with live fish is a symbol of trouble and problems

Despite all the positive aspects of sleeping with live fish, it also has negative implications. But here you should also pay attention to the details. If in a dream you swam with fish, then in reality be prepared for conflicts, you will encounter a misunderstanding of relatives and friends. If you see in a dream one big fish that swims next to you, then perhaps the relationship with your loved one will go wrong in the near future. If this inhabitant of the waters is bright in color, then at first fun awaits you, and then get ready for quarrels and insults.

Fish in a dream - waking conflicts

We examined what live fish dream of, but every dream has various variations. We will give them special attention. So, eating live fish in a dream means that in reality love suffering awaits you, perhaps even cheating on your soulmate. If in your dreams you had to feed a cat with fish, then in reality it is because of you that conflicts in the family and quarrels with your loved one will occur. Perhaps you yourself will be a provocateur of betrayal and discord in relationships. But you don't have to get upset right away. The dream predicts what may be. But you yourself are able to change your destiny and avoid negative consequences.

fish in the aquarium

When thinking about what live fish dream of, one should not forget about the details of the vision. For example, if you dreamed of a fish in an aquarium, then in reality be prepared for a complex and troublesome process in which you cannot intervene on your own. Most likely, you have a huge project waiting for you that other people will do for you. This is what a living fish in the water dreams about. If she swims not in an open reservoir, but in an aquarium, then the initiative should be in your hands. In no case should you just sit and wait - so you will simply lose time, but you still have to do the work. You shouldn't relax.

If you dreamed that you were watching the fish in an aquarium and feeding them, then some influential person in the future will need your service. Do not miss your chance. Your attention and help will be appreciated, and you will have a person who can help you in a difficult situation.

If you dreamed of a natural pond with fish, then the main criterion for interpreting sleep in this case is the state and appearance of the water. Clean and transparent is a symbol of a pleasant new acquaintance. But muddy and dirty warns you: be wary of new people, you should not immediately trust them all and have high hopes. Strangers are unlikely to justify them.

Fish - a harbinger of disasters and cataclysms

So far, we have considered standard options dreams: to see fish, feed it, catch it, and more. But there are dreams that are very difficult to explain in terms of logic. In the dream book, there are interpretations for such cases. For example, if you dream of a living fish that falls in the form of rain from the sky, or you catch it with some in a strange way(digging out of the ground, for example), then in this case, various disasters are possible, which a huge number of people will be exposed to. Perhaps it will be a natural phenomenon (earthquake, hurricane), or maybe an economic crisis in the country. In any case, it will be something global and negative.

What else does the dreaming fish portend?

Some dream books interpret a dream in which you see a live fish beating in your hands as fame, popularity, fame. Perhaps people who previously preferred to bypass you will now be happy to start talking to you or even ask for help. Friends will support you in every possible way and show their sincere feelings for you. And enemies and envious people will change their minds about you and want to make peace.

However, other interpreters of dreams interpret a dream with a fish differently, exactly the opposite. All enemies and spiteful critics will get angry and will plot against you. Gossips will actively spread false rumors that will ruin your reputation quite a bit. If you dreamed of a fish you caught, then perhaps someone is pouring mud on you and slandering you in front of colleagues and even friends. If you dreamed of live fish that you pulled out of the aquarium, then you yourself will be to blame for this negative attitude towards you. Perhaps you deliberately quarreled with people, trying to prove your point, knowing in advance that you were wrong. In this way, you only actively make enemies for yourself. Be calm and kind.


In this article, we examined in detail all the possible options for interpreting dreams with live fish. Remember that dream books only predict possible scenarios, and you are able to change your destiny on your own.

What is the dream of Fish, dream book Fish to see in a dream what does it mean?

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

Why does the Fish dream in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Pisces is the twelfth sign of the Zodiac. The size, color and appearance of the fish often represent the true spiritual development of the sleeper, and the size of the aquatic environment (ocean, sea, lake, river, stream, pool or any other body of water) also matters. Fishing - the search for higher consciousness (search for the unknown, the spiritual side of life); keeping the conscious mind in the arms of reality (earth) while searching for the values ​​of the unconscious (depth). Caught a beautiful big fish - the growth of the divine "I"; but if the fish is too big and cannot be pulled to the surface, then the fisherman himself becomes a victim of this I fishing; fishing from a boat - uncertainty; Eat fish - the power of renewal, rebirth; wonderful food (Christ fed five thousand people). Some people, due to their lack of emotional warmth and sexual attractiveness, are called cold, like fish, many dream books interpret such a dream in this way.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Why does a fish dream in a dream:

According to the dream book Fish to see what it means - Fish - Expresses deep unconscious processes. Raw fish. Men and women carving fish is a sign of sexual interaction. For a girl: fish portends an intimate acquaintance, marriage. For family people: happiness and the birth of a child. Fish bones or dead fish - to be insensitive to someone. Eat fish - to gain new knowledge. A huge fish poking out of water, - sign good change. Buying fish is a sign of deceit and falsehood. To clean the fish - you will face serious trials. Raw fish, Cooking fish - you will achieve well-being. Fisherman - friends will let you down

Salmon - Seeing salmon - soon you will achieve prosperity. Catching salmon - to cash receipts. Cooking salmon is an expensive purchase. There is salmon - they are trying to deceive you and lure you out of money. Canned salmon is an important choice. Smoked salmon - you will be happy in marriage and provided with everything you need

Psychological dream book

Why does the Fish dream in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Fish - If you fish, and even more so if you sit with a catch - to pregnancy. I dreamed that you caught a fish, but missed it - motherhood is not shining for you yet

Salmon - A young woman's dream in which she eats salmon promises a successful marriage. Her husband will be a pleasant wealthy man, which will allow her to live joyfully and carefree

Old grandmother's dream book

Why is Fish dreaming what does it mean?

Seeing Fish in a dream: eating boiled - at a loss; fried - to surprise; to see dead fish - to failure, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Modern dream book

According to the dream book, Fish means sleep:

Seeing a Fish in a dream - A fish splashing in clear water portends that fate will generously bestow you. Dead fish in a dream promises grief and loss. A girl who sees a living fish in a dream is waiting for happy love. If you caught a fish in a dream, serious trials await you, which you will steadfastly overcome if you keep your presence of mind. Watched fishing - feel a surge of energy and skillfully use favorable circumstances. Left fishing empty-handed - your desires are too ambitious. The fishing net dreams of acquisitions. True, if it is torn, then annoying disappointments are possible. Fishing hooks seen in a dream remind you that you must create your own destiny. As for intimate life, if you dreamed about how you were catching fish, it means that you can hardly disconnect from thoughts about current affairs during lovemaking. You cannot relax completely, which means you can neither receive nor give pleasure. You need to learn to forget about problems at least for a while and completely surrender to love. If a man dreams that he is eating fish, then in intimate life he acts according to the principle: “The Moor has done his job ...” He does not care at all what a woman feels, and he does not seek to please her. The main thing for him is satisfaction. own desire. If you caught fish in a dream and didn’t catch anything, then in real life you are subconsciously afraid of embarrassing yourself in bed. Perhaps the reason is the first unsuccessful sexual experience. But that was a long time ago! Treat what happened philosophically, and everything will work out for you. A fish or many multi-colored fish dream of an increase in illness or quarrels, insults, suffering. Sleeping or dead fish - to deceived hopes. Caught a big fish (or a lot of fish) - for profit, joy. Caught a small fish - to sadness and ruin. Nostradamus considered the fish a symbol of duality, difficulties, inconstancy. He interpreted dreams about fish as follows: To see a fish falling from the sky or fish rain is a bad sign that portends disasters. Caught fish - try to find a way out of a predicament. We saw a large accumulation of fish - do not rely too much on fate, otherwise you will miss your chance. The dream in which you saw three fish is a happy omen. Ate fish in a dream - you will receive unexpected, but pleasant news. A dream in which you dream of a fish with a human face means the threat of nuclear war. If you dreamed of a rotten fish, then unexpected rumors will ruin your relationship with an influential person. The dream in which you saw a live carp indicates your stamina and endurance. In general, dreams about fish may be the result of a search for means of satisfying life's needs, a desire to find something that is securely hidden from view. Fish can also dream of travel or travel. In addition, the fish symbolizes the ability (or inability) to earn one's daily bread.

Salmon - Salmon dreams of disagreements and quarrels in the family.

I dreamed / dreamed Dried fish (vobla). - Seeing in a dream how fish is dried - to easy, pleasant work.

Goldfish - Goldfish dreams of a successful and pleasant adventure. For a young woman, this dream promises marriage to a rich and handsome man. If the fish is lethargic, beware of severe trials.

Flounder - If in a dream a one-eyed flounder fish looked at you, then it is quite possible that barley will jump up in front of your eye.

Crucian - Ate crucian with greed - beware of fever. They caught carp in a dream - in reality you will suffer from someone's cunning.

Carp - Ate a carp in a dream - there is a concern ahead associated with some kind of benefit. We caught carps - you will be fooled.

Sprat - They ate very salty sprats in a dream - in reality you will have to resort to a cleansing medicine.

Vendace - Ate boiled or fried vendace in a dream - you will have to limit your needs. Ate raw vendace - you will find yourself in an extreme position.

Sturgeon - We saw in a dream a huge sturgeon pulled ashore - good luck ahead. True, then trouble can follow. They ate sturgeon in a tavern in a dream - someone will give you a cold welcome.

Catfish - Catching a catfish in a dream - to trouble.

Cod - Ate cod in a dream - health may deteriorate.

Trout - A trout seen in a dream means growing prosperity. If in a dream you ate trout, then soon circumstances will be very favorable for you. Caught a trout on a bait - be sure of your prosperity. Trout caught in the net - success is guaranteed to you. If the caught trout fell off the hook and fell into the water, then happiness will come with disappointment. Seeing a trout in troubled waters, get ready for the fact that love will bring you nothing but disappointments.

Summer dream book

Why see Fish in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep: Fish - Thoughts about children will haunt.

Iwashi (herring). - There is this fish in a dream - to impoverishment: fish for lack of fish and cancer.

Sazan - By late pregnancy.

Flounder - Flounder, seen in a dream, portends that you will soon become pregnant and you will have a miscarriage.

Sprat - Seeing this fish in a dream - for profit.

Gills (fish). - In a dream, drag fish from the water by the gills - to pregnancy.

Spawning - Watching the spawning of fish in a dream and seeing how the fish die - to an increase in livestock, but calves will be born frail.

Catfish - To ingratitude, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Scales - A funny incident will happen.

Sprats - At a dinner party you will enjoy.

Autumn dream book

Why see Fish in a dream?

Why Fish dream - You should not behave in such a way that they talk about you, they say, you are neither fish nor meat - change your character, as the dream book says about this dream.

Loach - Seeing a loach along the fence in a dream - someone is hovering around you with a bad purpose.

Dried fish - Seeing dried fish in a dream - to a withering disease.

Iwashi - There are canned "ivashi" in a dream - to money problems.

Sazan - To cunning plans.

Flounder (fish). - Fry flounder in a dream and feel that it is "smelly" - to spread the worst rumors about you, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Sprat - Seeing a sprat in a dream - to a skinny, vicious person who seizes your life, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Gills - Seeing a fish in a dream and catching it by the gills - you will be "grabbed by the gills" in reality, but justice will prevail.

Spawning - Seeing in a dream how fish spawn is a big financial profit.

Scales - Dream of scales to ruin due to children.

Sprats - To a cramped position.

Spring dream book

Why see Fish in a dream?

According to the dream book, Fish means in a dream - Fish - to pregnancy; dead fish to miscarriage.

Dream Interpretation Anchovy - Just seeing anchovies in a dream is not very good. This means that your hopes are not destined to come true. But if you ate anchovies, you will receive good news.

Vobla's dream interpretation - Ate roach in a dream - grounds for jealousy will soon appear.

Dreamed / dreamed of Loach - Seeing multi-colored loaches in a dream means that they are trying to drag you into a bad business.

Vyun - a boyfriend or an annoying admirer will become attached to you.

Dried fish - eating dried fish in a dream - to old age, deterioration of your health and mood.

Why dream of Dried fish - you will deliberately spoil someone's mood.

Iwashi - eating a herring in a dream - to an unpleasant conversation.

Carp (fish). - to an abortion.

Flounder - to see a flounder in a dream - to emaciation.

Sprat - to see a sprat in a jar or on a plate in a dream - to multiple troubles.

Gills - a person with a very strong character will force you into a bad deal.

Spawning. To see how a fish spawns - to the pregnancy of one of the family members or to a rumor about someone.

Catfish - receive news of a drowned man.

Scales - to spend money on receiving guests.

Sprats - you will be in a place full of people.

Dream Interpretation Fish for a Woman

Why does a woman dream of Fish in a dream from a dream book?

Why dream of a fish for a woman? It is expected to make a profit, an unexpected monetary reward. A dream can be interpreted as promising pregnancy. If you have long dreamed of having children, you will have a great opportunity.

What is the dream of a living fish in the water?

Since ancient times, fish has always symbolized happiness and good luck, since even its habitat - water - is a symbol of inexhaustible energy, strength and vitality. Even in children's fairy tales, goldfish granted wishes. That is why a living fish in the water in a dream is most likely a good sign.

Live fish in a dream - good prospects, a tempting offer.

If you dreamed of a transparent pond in which live fish swims, then the one who had this dream will soon receive a promising and very tempting offer from someone, promising benefits and a lot of money.

If you dreamed of a catfish or a carp, that is, one big fish, then this proposal will most likely relate to one, but very significant and incredibly important incident or case. Such dreams are a good omen; a person who sees such a sign will be successful.

If in a dream you try to catch a fish, then you should not rush things, because by your intervention you can spoil the course and the end result of the enterprise. Everything will happen without the intervention of a person who had a similar dream with a fish.

If you dreamed of an aquarium in which bright and shiny fish swim, this portends new acquaintances, exciting adventures and travels. Live fish in a dream - win, fame, success of the intended enterprise, income.

In some dream books it is written what a living fish in the water dreams of. Such a dream promises to receive considerable income from the planned business. To see a whole school of fish in a dream - to wealth. A predatory fish in a dream is a struggle to win with strong competitors. If you dream of fish from your aquarium, then most likely this dream shows a possible way out of some difficult situations.

Living fish in a dream - a peaceful family life, love. This interpretation of sleep with live fish is the oldest and most classic. But it also has certain nuances.

If a young girl sees a live fish in a dream, this is a date with her beloved young man, who also reciprocates the girl.

If a girl in a dream sees a brilliant, very large, living fish, then she will soon have a fairly enviable, rich groom.

They often talk about an upcoming pregnancy if in a dream a girl caught fish from a pond.

If women or girls see a lot of colorful and bright fish in a dream, this means an early matchmaking, moreover, there will be many suitors and it will be quite difficult to choose one of them. The girl will face a crossroads in life and the need to make a choice.

One symbolic image is not enough to correctly interpret dreams about living fish. You need to peer into other signs, remember the sensations that come in a dream, since interpretations are sometimes contradictory. It is then that it will be possible to discover the true meaning of the dream.

Why dream of cleaning fish?

Dreams about fish can be interpreted in different ways - it all depends on what form it appears to a person and what manipulations he performs with it. Answering the question of why dream of cleaning fish, you need to pay attention to its size and color. But in most cases, this symbol is considered an auspicious sign.

For man, the fish has always been a symbol of the water element, something elusive. The goal you want to achieve. That is why, if a person manages to catch her in dreams, it means that in reality all his affairs will end in success, and for a woman, such visions promise healthy offspring and an early pregnancy.

In many cases, "fish" dreams indicate that in the near future we can expect spiritual and personal growth(perhaps after going through certain tests).

In addition, by cleaning a fish in a dream, a person can in reality reveal his inner essence to those around him. The fact is that this creature symbolizes everything - what is hidden deep in people - those experiences and feelings that were not previously manifested in any way.

In order to understand what impact a dream about cleaning fish will have on life, it is necessary to carefully analyze what kind of relationship bothers him in relation to loved ones. Perhaps it's time to talk about your experiences in a way that doesn't 'suffer' anyone.

The emotions personified by a fish in a dream can also be determined by the way it looks. They can be gray or bright, multi-colored. By clearing the scales in a dream in reality, you can also expose your soul and become closer to your family and friends. Perhaps soon a person will feel that his social ties are beginning to grow and improve.

Some interpreters insist that this symbol may be a warning that a person needs to pay attention to controlling his experiences. Perhaps public expression of emotions should not be done very often for everyone - it is an intimate process in which only two people participate.

If you listen to this sign, you can avoid many mental suffering.

If a person cleans red fish in a dream, this may mean that he will be able to delve into some important secret and become the keeper of an important secret.

In the event that it slips out of the hands during the cleansing of the scales, then it can be assumed that in business the dreamer will have to face a dishonest person who will lie and dodge.

In addition, after a dream about cleaning fish, men should be more careful about their actions - they can hurt the environment and in themselves will lead to unpleasant consequences.

It is believed that a girl who had such a dream should take a closer look at the young men around her - they may stop liking her.

You should also take such a vision from an unfavorable side, if a person expects an inheritance - his hopes will be unjustified (only if the fish dish is not eaten at the end of sleep).

For a woman, an important sign in a dream will be if, after cleaning the fish, she sends it to the pan and fries. According to experts, this is an excellent sign that in the near future she will be able to defeat numerous gossips and prove herself from the best side in the eyes of others.

Any omens in a dream should be considered only as a slight hint of a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. It is not necessary that its consequences will be sad. Sometimes a dream about cleaning fish can bring pleasure and fun that you couldn’t even dream of - it all depends on the details of night vision.

Why see a huge fish in a dream?


Irina Bulkina

If you dream of a fish in clear water, the dream portends that fate will generously endow you. Dead fish in a dream - promises grief and portends loss. If a live fish dreams of a young lady, happy love awaits her. Catching and catching fish portends serious trials that you will endure with steadfastness, keeping your presence of mind. If you walk on water with nonsense, then in reality you will soon be able to achieve prosperity, thanks to your enterprise. Looking at fishing promises you a surge of energy and skillful use of favorable circumstances.


illness of a loved one

Julia Lazebnik

To pregnancy!!!

Isabella Marie

Fish - expresses deep unconscious processes.

Joint processing of fish for men and women in the plot of a dream is a symbol of sexual interaction.

The absorption of fish is the enrichment of one's inner world, the growth of spirituality.

Fish for girls - portends an intimate acquaintance, marriage. For family people - a happy family life and the addition of a family.

To see bones, dead fish - to show insensitivity to someone.

Eat fish - to gain new knowledge.

A huge fish peeking out of the water is a sign of good change.
American dream book

Pisces - deception; something dubious.
English dream book

Fishing in a dream is a bad sign, portending many misfortunes and troubles. If you interpret this dream allegorically, then you can see in it your desire to catch someone on your bait. Beware of acting like this. Resist the temptation that pushes you onto the path of sin.

If you cannot catch anything and leave fishing with an empty bucket, your business will not be as successful as you dreamed about. But if in a dream you see a fish flashing in the rays of the sun on your hook, the dream portends that you will get rich. A wonderful dream - these are fish flashing at the bottom of the river, which you admire while looking into the clear water!

Seeing in a dream in front of you a lot of deliciously cooked fish different varieties and yourself, eating it with pleasure - this is an indication that you will find great success in all your affairs, contentment with yourself. You will soon receive relative financial independence.

If the fish suddenly slips out of your hands, this means that you will lose your position, friends and, most likely, your loved one.
Eastern dream book

If you fish, and even more so sit with a catch - to pregnancy.

I dreamed that you caught a fish, but missed it - motherhood is not shining for you yet.
Children's dream book

Fish in an aquarium - small troubles await you, but you will happily avoid them. However, your soul will be restless for a long time.

Fish - big troubles await you, you will not be lucky in everything, or maybe you will get a little sick.
Women's dream book

A dreaming fish promises you happy love.
Idiomatic dream book

“Catching fish in troubled waters” - impure thoughts, aspirations, doing unseemly things; "cold as a fish" - emotional coldness, alienation; “like a fish in water” - skill, habitual activity, good orientation in the situation; "big fish" - an important person; "goldfish" (fulfillment of desires), "fight like a fish on ice" - the futility of efforts; “mute or silent like a fish”, “grab by the gills” - call to account, force something. “fish for lack of fish and cancer” - be content with little; "like a herring in a barrel" - a special constraint.
Imperial dream book

Live fish in a dream - the interpretation is divided into male and female. Fish lives in water - yin, cold - yin, very mobile - yang; the smell of fish is sharp, fresh; taste bitter sharp (favorable for the lungs). For a man to catch live fish in the winter in a dream - the correspondence of the male active yang energy with the season requiring moderate cold emotions (the fish is cold, but mobile). For avid fishermen, a dream can be a pleasant memory, but it is still favorable: fishing is so loved by men precisely because it restores the balance of energy in winter and summer: it cools activity in winter, and cools emotions in summer.

For a woman to see, buy, catch live fish - the smells of her own body that are not felt by the human sense of smell.

The smell of fish is the smell of the gonads of a woman with an altered function, that is, this is a possible pregnancy.

Catching / buying fish for a woman in a dream is a symbol of the capture of a male spermatozoon (mobile like a fish) by an egg.

Seeing / catching / buying a dead, lifeless, noticeably stale fish is unfavorable: this is the inadequacy of the situation as a whole.
Intimate dream book