Signs of water and earth. Element Air: elemental zodiac signs

At the moment of birth of a person, the Sun is in one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac. Each sign is a combination of two energy characteristics: an element and the type of its manifestation. There are four elements of the horoscope, representing the main types of energy: fire, earth, air and water.

4 elements of the horoscope

The element of the horoscope shows certain type consciousness and the method of direct perception to which a person is tuned. Each of the four elements manifests itself in three forms, reflecting the type of manifestation, quality and direction of the elements: cardinal, fixed and mutable.

Since the signs that manifest one form or another are located crosswise in relation to each other, such divisions are called crosses. In astropsychology, crosses symbolize an individual's behavior strategy. Every person contains all types of energy. Only one is more pronounced, the other less. It depends on the total number of planets in each element. We will consider the element and cross of the Sun sign.

"The sun sign element of a horoscope is usually the dominant element when considering a person's overall psychological make-up. The sun sign element reveals many things: it reveals where you are coming from. In other words, it shows where your consciousness is rooted, what area of ​​experience you are attuned to and from which sphere of existence and activity do you draw strength?

The sun sign element also shows what is "real" for a given person, since it is the subconscious assumption of what is real and what is not that determines how a person will focus his energy. It also determines the most important need for energy replenishment, since this is the main energy that we constantly deplete." (S. Arroyo)

4 elements of the horoscope. Element Fire

What is the element of Fire? This is our vital energy, physical activity, will. Fire people are people of action, strength and significant self-belief. They are very active, mobile, and often aggressive. They are characterized by impulsiveness, enthusiasm, and sincerity.

Signs of the element Fire: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

In three signs, the element of Fire goes through three stages of development. These stages determine the presence of three behavioral strategies. The first is the stage of origin and rapid growth. Cardinal position. This is action in a certain direction, movement towards a goal, initiative. The exponent of the Fire element in the cardinal strategy is Aries.

The second stage is stabilization and strengthening. A fixed position symbolizing constancy, stability and perseverance. The strategy of fixed signs will be a wait-and-see position. And its exponent is the sign of Leo. The third stage will be rebirth and transformation.

Strategy for at this stage there will be adaptation to environment, flexibility, adaptability to circumstances. This position is called mutable, from English word"capable of change." And the channel fire element in mutable manifestation the sign of Sagittarius serves.

Carrying out a synthesis of elements and strategy, we can give a figurative description of the fire element in each sign. I like the description that P. Maksimov gives in " Short course scientific astrology": "The fire of Aries is the hottest, scorching. This is physical fire. The most impulsive. "Here and now".

Leo's fire is no longer so hot, it illuminates and warms everything around, it is bright so that it can be seen as much as possible large quantity of people. Light on stage. Sagittarius fire is not fire at all, but light or hot air over cooling coals.

It no longer burns, it does not shine everywhere, it illuminates the path. Sagittarius is somewhat close to air in its intellectual orientation. Ray of light from above (or upward)."

Now, from a practical point of view, what does knowing that you, or someone close to you, belong to the fire element give you?

From a personal application perspective, you first gain knowledge of your most important energy replenishment need and most powerful channel for replenishing resources. Fire signs draw energy from the Sun, fire and physical activity.

If you feel tired or are in bad mood, light a candle, if the weather is good, go out into the sun, if possible, go to the gym, fitness club, or just do some physical activity.

In addition, interaction with other fire-type people also contributes to replenishing vital energy and successfully coping with stress. In joint activities, you will be able to replenish each other’s resources without making any effort to do so. special effort and getting mutual pleasure from it.

From an external point of view, knowing that your partner belongs to the fire element will allow you, in NLP terms, to “speak the other person’s language.” This will help you match your expectations with the needs, capabilities and aspirations of your interlocutor. Remember that his consciousness is configured to view everything through the prism of the fire element - active influence on the environment and situation.

At the same time, do not try to restrain Aries’ initiative, this will only cause irritation. Try to find a productive way to channel his energy in a positive direction. Don't rush Leo. Remember that he is the king of beasts and respect his measured actions, which will surprise you with constancy, loyalty, generosity and creativity.

Don't be dismissive of Sagittarius' advice and statements. You may be annoyed by his desire to generalize and philosophize everything. But remember that its fire illuminates the path to the goal, it is able to expand your vision of the situation, the necessary actions and give you faith in yourself.

"The element of the solar sign determines the most important need for energy replenishment, since this is the main energy that we constantly deplete. We have all heard the expression that a person is “out of his element,” i.e., dealing with a sphere of activity that is alien to him true nature.

For example, a person air type A person trying to give up his intellectual needs and make a living as a laborer is likely to feel out of his element. If this person does not compensate for this by participating in social or intellectual activities in his free time, he will gradually exhaust himself because his air element of the horoscope will not be recharged.

In other words, the element of the sun sign is the fuel that a person needs to feel vigorous and healthy! This is the source of our main energy, allowing us to replenish our vitality to cope with the stresses and demands of everyday life.

While a person can theoretically compensate for spending most of their time doing work that makes them feel "out of their element," any person must find a type of work that truly suits their horoscope element if they want this to happen. the profession satisfied him for a long time." (S. Arroyo)

4 elements of the horoscope. Element Earth

The earthly element of the horoscope is our material world, our ability to be “here and now,” practicality and realism. People of the earth element of the horoscope are reliable and hardworking, they do everything very thoroughly and are always aimed at obtaining a specific result. Their firmness and constancy lead to admiration, but their slowness and some coldness can make those who have little earthly element nervous.

Earth element signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

The earth signs are Taurus (fixed cross), Virgo (mutable cross) and Capricorn (cardinal cross). I will repeat the main point about the position of each cross: the cardinal cross is an action in a certain direction, movement towards a goal, initiative; fixed - constancy, stability and perseverance, wait-and-see attitude; mutable - adaptation to the environment, flexibility, adaptability to circumstances. Those. each of the three signs acts, waits or adapts within the framework of the earthly element - our material world, on the earthly, physical level.

If you belong to the earth element sign, then you need to know about the significant power that the earth can give you. Touching the earth will help you tune in to the power of growth of trees and plants, feel like a part of nature and fill you with colossal strength. Any activity related to objects of the material world or material values, use and mastery natural processes, will help you feel in your element.

If you feel energy exhaustion, first of all take care of your body: massage, salt or mud baths, any salt cleansing, masks, scrubs, peeling, etc. Working with the body is your resource. Any body-oriented therapy will help restore strength. Physical relaxation is the first thing you should strive for in stressful situations. And then the body itself will begin to restore your energy, which will lead to the correction of any situation.

If someone from your circle was born under the sign of the earth element, remember about their instinctive attunement to the material world and its practical use. When interacting with people of the earth element, always keep in mind that they view everything through the prism of practicality, expediency and the possibility of real application. At the same time, Taurus is the most stubborn, but also the most patient.

Don't try to change it. He may remain silent about his dissatisfaction for a long time, avoiding conflict, but in the end he will surprise you with the strength with which he will fight back when his patience comes to an end. Virgos will be able to adapt to any circumstances and benefit from them. On the one hand, they are flexible and efficient, but, on the other hand, high demands on themselves and others force them to sometimes be too critical and grumpy.

If you take their comments or attacks calmly, you will be able to derive considerable benefit for yourself in communicating with them, thanks to their analytical mind and the ability to soberly assess the situation. When communicating with Capricorns, remember that behind external dryness there may be hidden sensitivity.

They don't want to let anyone in inner world. Let them know that you are ready to share any feelings with them, but do not violate the boundaries they have set. Learn from them dedication, independence, the ability to plan your actions and cut off everything unnecessary.

4 elements of the horoscope. Element Air

The element of air is intelligence, communication, information exchange, abstract thinking. The air elements include Gemini (mutable cross), Libra (cardinal) and Aquarius (fixed). People of the air element are easy-going, very active, and have a lively mind. They quickly grasp everything, but rarely remember anything for a long time.

Air element signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

They are sociable, easily adapt to new ideas and people, but are not always disciplined. If you belong to air sign, You should know that the main source of energy replenishment for you is Fresh air. During your vacation, it is better for you to relax in the mountains or in the forest. This will help recharge your energy for the months ahead. It would be ideal, of course, to live in such an area, but this is not always possible.

If you live in the city, then walking in parks, going out into nature outside the city on weekends will help you recover after working week. An excellent way to relieve stress and cleanse energy are breathing exercises. Give them at least a few minutes a day - and you will establish contact with the resource element for you.

Communication with air-type people will also help you feel a surge of strength. In general, any communication, as well as the collection and exchange of information, is for you best resource in crisis situations.

If one of your loved ones belongs to an air sign, then, on the one hand, you should be patient, because... their peculiar lightness, excessive rationalism and lack of emotional depth often cause irritation. On the other hand, you get an excellent opportunity, using the intellectual resources of your partner, to expand your own knowledge in a particular area.

At the same time, do not expect constancy from Gemini and do not blame him for unreliability. Useless. Better listen to what he says - and Geminis say a lot - and you will learn a lot of interesting and useful things about yourself and the world. Do not force a Libra representative to engage in heavy physical labor or any activity that requires thoughtless application of strength. Their sophistication does not accept this. Libras are wonderful partners.

Their determination and flexibility will help you see new goals in life. The unpredictability and love of freedom of Aquarius in close relationships can create the feeling that you are sitting on a powder keg. To some extent this is indeed true. However, there is a plus in the Aquarius desire for novelty. Their ability to generate new ideas and perseverance in achieving them will definitely benefit you, because... Aquarians always take care of friends and loved ones.

4 elements of the horoscope. Element Water

The water element of the horoscope is our emotionality, intuitiveness, and sensitivity. “Water signs are in touch with their feelings, they are attuned to subtleties and nuances that other people do not even notice. The water element of the horoscope represents the sphere of deep emotions and emotional reactions, ranging from forced outbursts of feelings and overwhelming fears to an all-encompassing love of the universe” (C .Arroyo).

Signs of the element Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Water signs tend to be vulnerable to hurt feelings and have a strong need for security. “However, the sensitivity of water signs should not be considered a weakness, since water has enormous power and penetrating ability, especially if it is purposefully directed in the right direction” (S. Arroyo). The elements of Water include Cancer (cardinal cross), Scorpio (fixed) and Pisces (mutable).

The main source of energy replenishment for these signs is water, especially running water. The best pastime would be a hike or trip to a river, lake, sea or ocean. This will have a positive impact on your physical, emotional and mental state.

For those who belong to water signs, it is best to relieve stress with a cool shower. If this is not possible, then at least just wash your face or stand by the flowing water. She'll carry away negative emotions. And always remember that intuition is your most powerful resource.

If any of your loved ones belongs to a water sign, try to be tolerant of their touchiness. After all, their sensitivity and ability to empathize can provide you with significant support in difficult moments, and their intuitiveness will suggest a way out of the crisis better than any lengthy thinking. Provide a sense of security to Cancers, and they will create a hearth for you where you will be drawn all your life.

Scorpio's power and desire for possession often have an overwhelming effect on others. However, their emotional intensity, sexuality and magnetism make them so attractive that it often does not even occur to many to resist their influence.

Pisces, with their dreaminess and impracticality, can, of course, create problems for you, but you cannot surpass them in intuitiveness, spirituality and the ability to love. Open up to their love - and their shortcomings will fade into the background for you.

Elena Korionenko,

The fire element of the zodiac signs, perhaps, manifests itself more clearly than all the others. You can easily recognize such a person: his eyes sparkle, he is quick-tempered, full of ideas, has a quick reaction, is impatient and active. In this article we will look at and general characteristics fire signs and turn to the characteristics of the representatives of the elements, which include Aries, Leo and.

Characteristics of fire zodiac signs

If we talk about Fire signs in general, then these are hot-tempered people who have a lightning-fast reaction to any event. They have a lively mind, a developed imagination, they are smart and intolerant. Their character allows them to catch everything on the fly, so long explanations and slow actions irritate them terribly.

As a rule, such people draw conclusions before they receive evidence, and sometimes act before they think. Rash decisions and the ability to “beat the heat” are their strong point.

Fire people are confident that they are the ones who are right in any dispute. They rarely admit their mistakes; it is difficult for them to ask each other for forgiveness. An explosive temperament often helps to find the strength to be active, but sometimes it can negatively affect personal relationships with others. Usually Fire people are lucky, but if they have already reached a bad point, they will go through it in full.

Fire zodiac signs - compatibility

Fire signs of the zodiac are compatible with other fire signs and get along well with air signs, which include Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. But with water signs (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio) it is quite difficult for them, since water signs are too sensitive to tolerate the constant mood swings and hot temper of fire signs. It’s also difficult for Fire people with Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): sluggishness and lack of inclination for adventure seems boring.

What are the fire signs of the zodiac?

We have reviewed common features, which are characteristic of all Fire signs of the zodiac. However, each of them has its own differences.

These are noble, ambitious, energetic and independent people who are distinguished by pride and fortitude. They, as a rule, are terrible egoists and demanding of others - but also of themselves. Success, prestige, and prosperity are incredibly important to them. Such people are ready to set difficult goals for themselves, and always achieve them, no matter what the cost. These people are born leaders; it is easy for them to inspire themselves and others to achieve accomplishments. They extremely enjoy being the center of attention, giving advice, and being smarter than others. For such people, solemnity and the opportunity to lead a social life are especially important.


This is perhaps the most aggressive, assertive and stubborn of all Fire signs. He is passionate, active, purposeful and outspoken. At the same time, such people suffer from increased sensitivity, although they themselves often, wittingly or unwittingly, offend others with their statements. These people are quick-tempered, but easy-going, they stay angry for a long time they don't know how. They are big fans of telling people what to do and how to do it, but they can’t stand being bossed around. These people are capable of real dedication and are able to go towards their goal along any road.


Sagittarians love to travel, learn new things and get impressions. As a rule, they have excellent health and a cheerful character, but at the same time they can nag their loved ones for years, constantly expressing their dissatisfaction with them over every little thing. These people refuse to understand that their harsh remarks can offend others, so sometimes they appear tactless without realizing it. These people are born fighters for justice, self-confident, principled and pious.

As everyone knows, the division of all twelve zodiac signs into four elements came to us from ancient Greek philosophy. Each of them belongs to three zodiac symbols, which develop under the influence of their element. And in this article we will talk about the element of Fire and the “fiery” signs of the zodiac that represent it. Their description and characteristics, also proposed in our article, will help you learn more about people belonging to this element and their compatibility with representatives of other symbols.

The fire signs of the zodiac include those whose horoscope is Leo, Aries or Sagittarius. Like representatives of other zodiac symbols, these people have their own individual characteristics, developing under the influence of Fire.

The fire signs of the zodiac stand out very strongly in society. They are more energetic and emotional than other horoscope symbols. People like Leo, Aries and Sagittarius always have “burning” eyes, their passion for life literally “boils” in them.

In society, such zodiac symbols can be identified by how vividly they gesture. Accustomed to ardently and vividly expressing their emotions and experiences, representatives of the element of fire will loudly and expressively prove their point of view during discussions and arguments. Among other things, fire zodiac symbols are characterized by other qualities:

  • temperament;
  • resourcefulness;
  • hot temper;
  • assertiveness.

Even though Leos, Aries and Sagittarius will zealously prove that they are right, they are not happy with long disputes. These fire signs are quite impatient, and this complicates their compatibility with other representatives of the horoscope. It is also difficult for such people to build relationships with others because they do not like discussing their shortcomings. Leo, Aries and Sagittarius will easily and quickly end communication with those who begin to point out their shortcomings.

Most representatives of the fire element are self-confident people. Also, the main quality that their characteristics include is sexuality. Describing the fire signs of the horoscope, we can safely say that they are passionate and “hot”. Thanks to their ardor and increased sensitivity, such people always have an active personal life.

People belonging to the element of Fire also have obvious shortcomings. Basically, this is quick decision-making without thinking about your actions, as well as straightforwardness. These qualities not only increase their compatibility with other people, but also often play cruel jokes on them.

In addition to all of the above, it can be noted that fire signs according to the horoscope are people who always feel right in everything. They do not like to ask for forgiveness and rarely compromise. Reconciliation is difficult for them due to their pride and self-confidence.

In general, all zodiac signs belonging to the element of Fire are very happy and successful people. Each of these three zodiac symbols has other unique traits. Knowing them, you can easily calculate the compatibility of people, which will be discussed below.

Unique qualities for each zodiac symbol

For those whose horoscope is Leo, Aries or Sagittarius, the element of Fire is considered the patroness. As has already become clear from the above, this passionate segment leaves a significant mark on the development of a person’s behavior and character. And each of these fire signs will be an individual personality with qualities characteristic only of it.


Aries, as the first sign of the horoscope and a representative of the fire element, is characterized by a zeal for leadership, perseverance, self-confidence, and stubbornness. At the same time, they are very touchy, extremely sensitive.

Active Aries, representatives of Fire, are able to conquer more and more heights. This is due to the characteristic abilities of this zodiac symbol to substantiate one’s point of view, to convince people of one’s opinion and to devote oneself to the task completely.

All Aries are prone to power. These representatives of the fire element prefer to command others, but will not allow similar manifestations in relation to yourself. At the same time, in order to achieve their goal, every Aries will be ready for almost anything. To some extent, this will allow him to quickly move towards the intended horizon, but it prevents him from building compatibility with representatives of the other symbols of the horoscope.


These representatives of the fire element are emotional and noble people. Born towards the end of summer, they are in most cases selfish. However, it is precisely thanks to this disadvantage that Leos are able to achieve very difficult goals.

The main goal of many Leos is considered successful life, prosperity. They cannot always achieve everything themselves, but very often they benefit from the work of their partners. If Leo does not become a leader, he will cope quite well with the role of a muse, inspiring the deeds of those around him.

As previously stated, these representatives of the element of Fire are very demanding. They are able to point out their shortcomings to others and often demand the impossible. This greatly affects their compatibility, as well as their personal life in general.


Like previous representatives of the fire element, Sagittarians are passionate individuals who have a thirst for travel. Cheerful and active, they are very successful in life. At the same time, their disadvantage, which partly affects compatibility, is considered to be excessive straightforwardness.

The motto of all Sagittarius can be considered “Struggle for justice.” However, in the pursuit of truth and equality, they often find themselves “overboard.” Also, integrity, a trait characteristic of all Sagittarius, does not always benefit its owners.

Who are these zodiac symbols compatible with?

If we talk about who the fire signs of the zodiac will be with best compatibility, it is possible to provide this information in the form of a classification of all four natural segments. So, for example, representatives of the same element can be either perfectly compatible with each other, or completely unsuitable.

People who are representatives of the element of Fire are best compatible. Women and men born under the constellation Leo, Aries or Sagittarius will become great couple each other. Despite the hot temper and significant shortcomings of all representatives of this element, such signs will be the most suitable both emotionally and spiritually.

A pair of partners - Fire and Air - can be characterized as average compatibility. In a union of such people, great responsibility rests with the representatives of the air element. This can be explained by the properties of the segment itself, because only air can revive the fire and make it uncontrollable. In general, the relationship between representatives of these elements will be as long as both partners are interested in it.

Also, average compatibility can be between Fire and Earth. The characteristics of the course of relations between these people depend to a greater extent on the representatives of the earthly elements. Unlike air, earth can put out fire. Therefore, in such couples, responsibility for the strength of the union will rest on the shoulders of the representative of the Earth.

There is a low percentage of probability of compatibility among people who in a couple represent the Fire-Water ratio. As many years of research have shown, there will always be tension between such people. This can be explained not only by the difference in the characters of people, but also by the constant expectation of a catastrophe that can occur due to the ability of Water to extinguish Fire.

As can be seen from the above, all representatives of the element of Fire are very extraordinary individuals. They all have the opportunity to achieve their own goals, as well as create strong families themselves, despite what horoscope compatibility promises.

Symbol of the element of Water

This element personifies the emotional sphere, the strength of feelings. Its representatives tend to perceive the world through the prism of their own feelings and emotions.

Element Water - Zodiac signs Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer

Signs water element- Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The element gives representatives of the Cancer sign a resemblance to heated water or saturated water vapor: they are hot, unrestrained, able to work, and endowed with excess energy. Scorpios are frozen water, ice in which their desires and feelings, intentions and plans are stored frozen, hidden from others, which easily thaw under favorable circumstances. Pisces can be compared to mysterious underground waters, flowing around obstacles in invisible ways and seeping in unexpected places. These people are cowardly, but cunning, they do not throw themselves into the embrasure, but are able to achieve victory gradually, like groundwater, which can flood everything that does not have the opportunity to rise above them.

Positive qualities of representatives of the element of Water

The element of Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces - Water - gives them heightened sensitivity and increased emotionality. They are usually attractive, outwardly friendly, and often idealistic. Looking at people, they seem to already know something about them - based mainly on their own excellent developed intuition. People around them often see them as vulnerable, defenseless persons, but in reality such people are far from being as weak as they seem.

are of great importance in their lives human relations. They are sociable, caring, sentimental, and have a keen sense of how others treat them. They are psychologically resilient, which allows them to patiently perform the most unpleasant, morally difficult work. They know how to adapt to new situations and changes, but they always strive to return to their “territory,” like spring waters that flood the surrounding area and then gradually retreat into their usual channel. As a rule, people with water signs of the zodiac are good friends. They are capable of heroic deeds, and their heroism is devoid of pathos.

The elements of the signs Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio endow these people with brilliant intuition. Representatives of these signs are often very talented and artistic.

Negative qualities of representatives of the water element

Representatives of the element of Water are prone to pessimism, irritable, and often in a bad mood. These are pronounced introverts, living in a world of their own dreams and inner experiences, which are enhanced by a rich imagination. All this often leads to the replacement of reality with far-fetched images. The element of Water gives these zodiac signs a changeable mood, laziness, lack of control, impracticality and spinelessness. They may become fixated on one event or experience (sometimes far-fetched) to the detriment of everything else. People of zodiac signs ruled by the element of Water tend to live in the past, or at least treat it with great trepidation. The experiences of past years often determine much in their real life. They can do illogical, unpredictable and sometimes ridiculous things.

Compatibility with other elements

The easiest way for Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios is to deal with their fellow elements. Of the other elements, the signs of Water are most suitable for the Earth, for which moisture is the source of life. Water, in turn, takes on forms determined by the landscape, the earth serves as a vessel for it - they mutually fill each other. The element of Water interacts poorly with air, their mutual penetration is not so strong, and surface interaction can cause strong disturbances, like a storm at sea. And Water and Fire are categorically incompatible with each other, which always strive for mutual destruction.

Suitable conditions for people of the water element

It’s good if Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios have the opportunity to live near a body of water or have a swimming pool. As a last resort, you can limit yourself to an aquarium or a home fountain. It is desirable that a beautiful, picturesque view opens from the windows of the house where representatives of the element of Water live, especially if there is water in it one way or another or hills are visible indeterminate form. Buildings and furniture of rounded shapes without sharp corners and sharp outlines are preferable. In the interior and decor, much attention should be paid to glass. The place to work should be calm and the atmosphere peaceful. For mental comfort, it is advisable to reduce communication with nervous people and those who make too much noise. However, the presence of people who have a more realistic approach to life is very desirable for these signs. It’s good if these are representatives of the earthly elements.

Twelve zodiac signs divide the year. Each of them is subject to one of the four elements. These are water, fire, air, earth. Each of the elements has specific months.

Fire sign zodiacs- These are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Fire signs of the zodiac creative, active, energetic. Fire controls the spirit, thought, mind, it makes you hope, believe, achieve. Fire is ambitious. He is impatient, careless, self-confident, quick-tempered, impetuous, unceremonious, courageous, courageous, warlike.

Fire signs of the zodiac usually choleric. Fire people stand out in society and achieve success in areas of activity that interest them. Their will is unshakable, their energy is inexhaustible. Fire bestows people with penetrating power, organizational talents, and a thirst for activity.

Fire people know how to inspire. They are absolutely devoted to their principles and loved ones. Fire sacrifices itself for the sake of its loved ones. He is brave, courageous and courageous. People of the fire element achieve results and desire recognition.

Leaders, leaders, leaders are born under the sign of fire. The most valuable thing for them is personal freedom, autonomy and independence. Fire does not obey others. But he can adapt to circumstances to achieve his goal.

Fire signs of the zodiac They are distinguished by tenacity, perseverance, willfulness, and intransigence. These are people of the first role, they are conductors, they lead, they command, they lead. But they do it wisely and fairly. The power of fire does not manifest itself in despotism and tyranny. The element hates suppression in all its forms.

Fire rises quickly. He will instantly get excited about the idea, immediately begin to act, involve people in order to reach new heights. But if this takes too much time and effort, or a new one appears good idea, the fire quickly loses interest and switches to another target. Fire people must act. They cannot wait, for them it is worse than death.

Impetuousness is considered a bad character trait in Fire people. Both Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are hot-tempered, warlike and aggressive. It is better to restrain and curb your bad side. It is better to try to avoid conflict, not to go against everyone, otherwise it will greatly interfere with achieving your goals and communicating with people around you.

Children born under fire zodiac signs are very difficult to raise. Here you need to look for your own moves and loopholes, convince, persuade, once again show love and affection. No violence or coercion should be used in education. This will only worsen the situation and will be met with stubbornness, resistance, obstinacy in response to your actions. Fire needs to be tamed, not blown out and watered. You need to show him warmth and gentleness, encourage him, explain him. It is especially important to raise children of the fire element in justice, without the slightest deception, without humiliating their dignity. It may be difficult, but having managed to tame a child, you can raise a great person, fair, intelligent, devoted to the idea and family.