Stones of the air signs of the Zodiac: talismans of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Stones by element

Amulet stones are minerals that protect their owner from various troubles. They have protective properties against bad luck, damage, the evil eye and negative influences.

Stones of amulets can be precious, semi-precious and non-precious. The most effective stones are considered to be amulets bought independently or given as a gift by a loved one. If the stone was received as a gift, then you should pay attention to the giver: it should be a kind person with sincere intentions. As for the purchased mineral, it must be without damage, rocks and in excellent condition.

In a situation where you accidentally find a stone, you need to be very careful. Such a mineral can become both a powerful amulet and an object that promises failure and trouble. If the stone is unpleasant to you or causes negative emotions, its use is not recommended.

Having decided to choose and buy a stone-amulet, it will not be enough to select the mineral according to appearance. So that the gem becomes a strong talisman, you need to pick suitable stone. There are various classifications of minerals, among which the most common is the classification according to the signs of the Zodiac. According to it, each individual constellation has its own stone, and often more than one. Some constellations are suitable for more than twenty minerals, each of which will be an excellent amulet.

In addition, you can give preference to gems based on the four elements. There, the same stones suit three signs of the Zodiac. For example, Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus can use the same minerals, just as the stones of Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer are also identical. The fire constellations (Aries, Sagittarius and Leo) have similar stones, and Libra, Gemini, Aquarius have similar stones.

Impact of stones

Stones of amulets have influenced the human life, protecting its owner and even warning of danger. It is believed that the most effective stones will be those that correspond to the signs of the Zodiac or the elements.

Properly selected minerals can give a person special strength. They can develop strengths character, bring success and luck, confidence and wealth, happiness and love. The protective stone is designed to protect its owner from various negative influences - the evil eye, damage, envy, disease. It helps develop a person’s ability to detect the first signs of impending trouble.

Constantly wearing the mineral has a healing effect on the owner of the gem. The stone helps strengthen the immune system, restore strength, and fight various diseases. By choosing a mineral according to the signs of the Zodiac or another system, you can protect yourself from failures and negative energy.

How to choose a talisman stone

There are a huge number of minerals on store shelves.

Such big choice, sometimes drives you into a dead end and choosing your amulet stone seems very difficult. Naturally, you can set aside a certain amount of time to get to know each mineral and choose the one that feels closest to you.

However, this activity is quite complicated and can take a lot of time. To narrow down the search, classifications of minerals are most often used, thanks to which it will be possible to select a stone from several proposed options.

  • stones by element
    Each of the four elements includes three zodiac signs, which are suitable for the same stones.
  • stones according to zodiac signs
    Each individual sign corresponds to certain minerals, wearing which will help protect against negative impact and various troubles.
  • stones by date or month of birth
    For people born on the same day, but in different months, the same gems will suit them. The amulets stones are selected depending on the month in which the person was born.
  • stones by name
    Depending on the person’s name, you can choose a talisman stone.

Warding stones can be used constantly. Or you can wear a product with a mineral temporarily when you need help.

All twelve signs of the Zodiac in astrology are divided into four elements - Fire, Water, Air and Earth. The elements reflect the stable qualities and temperament of representatives of the zodiac signs.

People born in the constellation Aries, Leo and Sagittarius belong to the element of Fire;
Earth element signs - Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo;
those born in the constellation Libra, Gemini, Aquarius – the element of Air;
Those born in the constellation of Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer – the element of Water.

The characteristics of people born under the sign of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are energy, strength and vitality. For Aries, as for the other two signs, fire is the main ruler of spirit, instinct and thought.

The characteristics of the earth element (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo) are concreteness, stability and sustainability, which create the foundation. Capricorn and other elemental signs (Taurus and Virgo) are distinguished by confidence, reliability, rigor and patience.

The characteristics of people born under the sign of Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer are receptivity and variability. Water for Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer - inner world, emotions, memory and retention.

Characteristics of the air element (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius) are flexibility, adaptability and activity. Libra and other zodiac signs of this element are distinguished by liveliness, mobility, receptivity and independence.

Fire element stones

Stones of amulets for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are transparent, colorless, sparkling or rich gems of red, yellow, orange, purple and blue shades. Zircon, topaz, diamond, amethyst, ruby, crystal, sapphire are the stones of Aries and other signs of the element of Fire.

Minerals belonging to this element increase the strength of their owner, his qualities, willpower and help him achieve success. As a rule, the stones of Sagittarius, Aries and Leo protect against troubles, enemies and excessive emotionality. It is recommended to wear amulets in gold frames.

Earth element stones

Stones are amulets for those whose zodiac sign is Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo - opaque minerals. They are the same color with small splashes of some other color or shade. Stones of black, yellow, gray, brown, green and other dark shades are perfect for Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. Jet, jasper, malachite, lapis lazuli are minerals suitable for Capricorn and other signs of the earth element.

Stones for this element, as a rule, are a talisman of health and financial well-being and can help reveal the talents of their owner. Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo should wear amulets framed in silver.

Air element stones

Stones that protect the elements of Air, Libra, Gemini, Aquarius are translucent, light or white, in calm shades of blue, yellow and green. Jade, agate, carnelian, chrysoprase are suitable gems for Libra and other Air signs.

Unlike the minerals Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus, stones of the Air element help to establish contacts in all areas. They also help with communication. Zodiac signs of this element should wear a stone in a gold frame.

Water element stones

Minerals of Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer are gems of dim shades of blue, green, and grayish that change color depending on the lighting. Opal, alexandrite, selenite and aquamarine are an excellent solution for Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer. In addition, corals, pearls, mother-of-pearl and other minerals that owe their origin to the water element are suitable for these signs.

For Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio, these minerals will help in everything that relates to feelings and will contribute to the development of intuition. Stones of Capricorn and other Earth signs are usually framed in silver. And the stones of Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer can be framed in any metal.

Each person has his own stone, which can be used as a talisman. It is very important to choose the right mineral and then all Magic force gem will be activated.

You can choose talisman stones according to your zodiac signs. In this case, some stones may be the same for constellations of the same element, for example, pearls for Scorpio and Pisces. Or they can be different, for example, Capricorn can use jasper, and Taurus can use turquoise.

  • Aries – serpentine, lapis lazuli, jasper, quartz, malachite, tiger’s eye, crystal, agate;
  • Taurus – amethyst, carnelian, hematite, agate, quartz, aventurine, jasper, amazonite;
  • Twins — mother of pearl, amber, turquoise, topaz and rhodonite;
  • Cancer – moonstone, hematite, amethyst, ruby, aquamarine, mother-of-pearl;
  • Lions — jade, crystal, carnelian, topaz, sapphire, ruby;
  • Virgo – crystal, aventurine, cat’s eye, agate, citrine and chrysoprase;
  • Scales – malachite, onyx, amethyst, obsidian, serpentine, jasper;
  • Scorpion – moonstone, citrine, carnelian, mother-of-pearl, agate and aventurine;
  • Sagittarius – lapis lazuli, amethyst, coral, lapis lazuli, turquoise, ruby, hematite;
  • Capricorn – crystal, obsidian, garnet, jasper, jade, quartz, malachite;
  • Aquarius – serpentine, amethyst, crystal, onyx, aventurine, agate;
  • Fish - agate, rhodonite, carnelian, amber, lapis lazuli, coral, garnet.

As you can see, you can choose your own mineral for each individual sign. For Pisces it is garnet or rhodonite, for Capricorn it is crystal and jade. And if you were not born under the sign of Pisces or Capricorn, then the above list will help you decide on a magical amulet.

For example, Capricorn can wear agate, amethyst and aventurine. For Pisces, pearls, amber, and jade are suitable, while Virgos should give preference to mother-of-pearl, malachite and tiger's eye. In addition, there are amulets stones that suit the elements of the zodiac signs. Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus can wear the same minerals, just as the stones of Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer are also identical. Fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius and Leo) have similar stones, and Libra, Gemini, Aquarius have the same amulets.

Stones amulets by name for women

Earth Stones

Earth- one of the main and most beautiful elements of the Universe. In ancient Indian legends and treatises, she is called the precious pearl of the Universe, the Mother of the World, embodied in herself supreme law The Cosmos is the law of Love for everything that exists.

Ayurveda says that from Earth All living things were created, including the plant and animal kingdoms, as well as man himself. The Earth element, according to Ayurveda, is found in inorganic substances, which include the mineral kingdom. It is also present in the microcosm, that is, in the human body - these are bones, cartilage, legs, muscles, skin and hair.

Earth- a living organism created for man, for his life and evolution in the Universe. She provided man with everything he needed, setting only one condition: to use this priceless gift wisely and to observe the basic principle of his earthly existence - the principle of Love. As Japanese wisdom says: “Nature already has everything - beauty, intelligence, and spirituality. You just need to see it all, open and understand, not change or redo, but only identify what is inherent in it and preserve.”

Earth Element endows his pets with many good qualities: practicality (“down to earth”), prudence and determination.

People of the Earth They are distinguished by an indomitable love of life, a thirst for knowledge, love and pleasure. They have natural taste, love to dress beautifully, eat and drink deliciously, and spare no expense for their pleasures. "Earthlings", as a rule, are sociable, attentive and sensitive to all sorts of troubles. Their signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn with a strong Yin origin.

In medical astrology people of the earth there is a predisposition to diseases associated with poor nutrition, sexual problems are likely, they are susceptible to arthritis, salt deposits, dermatoses, and sore throats.

Earth Stones- opaque, but bright and energetic, absorbing all the strength and life-giving juices of Mother Nature.

Earth stones: Malachite, Turquoise, Obsidan, Jasper, Aventurite, Jet, Jadeite, Stone Eye.


Each Zodiac Sign has its own talismans and protective stones. Air signs are no exception. For these people, talismans are something of a mandatory attribute, and not a thing of excess.

Universal stones and talismans

Air Signs love to travel and discover new emotions. Their irresistible desire for adventure requires quality protection.

To do this, the air needs support the right stone, which can be called, for example, sapphire. This stone is a universal assistant in all endeavors, as well as an effective mood stabilizer. Other suitable talismans- This silver pendants round shape or in the form of a bird. The main rule of air talismans is lightness.

Stones and talismans for Libra

The best option for Libra is coral or lapis lazuli. This stone will help you maintain good relationships with people around you. He will help you in the most difficult situations.

Talismans for this Sign - dolphin, heart or scales. Dolphin will turn an enemy into an ally, the heart will help you find love and keep it at all costs, and Libra will improve your mood, helping the positive to prevail over the negative.

Stones and talismans for Gemini

The best stones for Gemini it is agate, beryl And topaz. Each of them is capable of making the wearer purposeful and hardworking. Topaz in addition to this bestows patience and the ability to effective self-development and quick learning.

As for talismans, this The sign will suit any twin. She will enhance everything personal qualities which Gemini needs. If you want decent help in all matters, then a paired talisman is a must.

Stones and talismans for Aquarius

Aquarius stones are obsidian, topaz And sapphire. Each of them is capable of giving Aquarius a sense of purpose. For those who want to know not only the world, but also themselves, it is better to give preference to sapphire. Topaz is suitable for creative Aquarius.

Aquarius talismans: angel And key. An angel is the guardian of the soul, the guardian of goodness, who will help Aquarius in difficult situation. The key will help open any heart and make the right impression on any person.

Air is impermanence. Each representative of this element changes and changes the world around him. Such Zodiac Signs simply need talismans, because often only luck can help them find themselves. Be successful, happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.02.2016 01:10

Do you know your talisman by Zodiac Sign? There are a great many things that can attract...

Each Zodiac Sign is unique in nature, and each Sign has its own place, better...

Earth is a rather strong element, which endows the Zodiac Signs of the earth element with unique qualities and their own, very special talismans.

Universal talismans and stones

People who were born under the auspices of one of the earthly Signs love order. They are wise beyond their years, logical and intelligent. They are patient and persistent, but sometimes they are let down by a lack of energy.

If you want to choose a universal talisman for yourself, you can choose dark, opaque stone. Anyone can act in its capacity symmetrical object like a cube, pyramid or sphere. Many experts agree that the image of our planet is perfect for earthly Signs as an everyday talisman.

Virgo stones and talismans

The Virgo talisman is grasshopper, which helps keep you calm where you need it. It gives Virgos the playfulness and good spirits that they often lack.

Virgo Stone - jasper, cornelian And nephritis. They create a strong positive field around the representative of this Zodiac Sign. It develops Virgo's negotiating abilities and helps to please them when Virgo needs it.

Stones and talismans of Capricorn

Capricorn stones are onyx And malachite, capable of helping this Sign gain strength for difficult work. The properties of these stones are amazing, since they endow the wearer with unique luck and luck.

The Capricorn talisman is a well-known black cat or turtle. A black cat will help you look for ways to solve serious problems and troubles in life, and a turtle is a symbol of wisdom. The owner of such a talisman will easily increase the level of intuition.

Taurus stones and talismans

The Taurus talisman is bull or elephant. The elephant helps to attract money, and the bull gives self-confidence. Best materialgold, which also symbolizes the desire for wealth.

Taurus Stones - emerald And agate. Emerald will relieve you of depression and save your mood in the most difficult situations. It will also teach you to be more diplomatic and responsive. Agate will attract money and good luck.

Remember that every talisman or stone is very important for successful life each Zodiac Sign. The earth element needs support - this is especially true for Virgos, who find it very difficult to reveal their talents. We wish you good luck and great success in all your endeavors. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.02.2016 01:00

Even in ancient times it was noticed that gems can have a profound effect on a person. To each...

Do you know your talisman by Zodiac Sign? There are a great many things that can attract...


In ancient times, it was believed that fire was the origin of everything that exists, the creator of the Universe, which awakened all other elements to life. It was fire that gave a huge impetus to the formation and formation of man. The red color of fire is the color of the universe, the color of the blood flowing in our veins and giving us life. Astrologers have long attributed to this element such “fiery” zodiac signs as Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, who formed their own psychophysiological type of people. They are distinguished by vital activity, turning into stormy and overflowing energy like a waterfall.

Fire people are smart and proud, creators and born leaders who strive to subjugate others to their will, overcome all difficulties and obstacles in their path, often regardless of their own strengths and capabilities. According to medical astrology, Fire people, due to their increased impulsiveness and overstrain, are susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, circulatory diseases, frequent headaches, nervous breakdowns and stress.

Stones are a match for such people fire element- diamond and all red stones, which in esoteric terms are considered as clots of energy that provide energy recharge to a person.

Fire stones have a beneficial effect on blood circulation, eliminate congestion in the body, charge it with vigor and increase efficiency. However, it is necessary to monitor the impact of these energetic stones on the body, avoiding an “overdose” of Yang energy. And in case of any discomfort from wearing Yang jewelry - increased blood pressure, headaches and nervous breakdowns - you need to wear jewelry that carries Yin energy.

Fire Stones: Diamond, Ruby, Red Garnet, Lal, Red Tourmaline, Zircon


Earth is one of the main and most beautiful elements of the Universe. In ancient Indian legends and treatises, she is called the precious pearl of the Universe, the Mother of the World, who embodied the highest law of the Cosmos - the law of Love for everything that exists.

Ayurveda says that all living things were created from the Earth, including the plant and animal kingdoms, as well as man himself. The Earth element, according to Ayurveda, is found in inorganic substances, which include the mineral kingdom. It is also present in the microcosm, that is, in the human body - these are bones, cartilage, legs, muscles, skin and hair.

The Earth is a living organism created for man, for his life and evolution in the Universe. She provided man with everything he needed, setting only one condition: to use this priceless gift wisely and to observe the basic principle of his earthly existence - the principle of Love. As Japanese wisdom says: “Nature already has everything - beauty, intelligence, and spirituality. You just need to see it all, open and understand, not change or redo, but only identify what is inherent in it and preserve.”

The element of Earth endows its pets with many good qualities: practicality (“down to earth”), prudence and determination.

The people of Earth are distinguished by an indomitable love of life, a thirst for knowledge, love and pleasure. They have natural taste, love to dress beautifully, eat and drink deliciously, and spare no expense for their pleasures. "Earthlings", as a rule, are sociable, attentive and sensitive to all sorts of troubles. Their signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn with a strong Yin origin.

In medical astrology, people on Earth have a predisposition to diseases associated with poor nutrition, sexual problems are likely, they are susceptible to arthritis, salt deposits, dermatoses, and sore throats.

The Earth's stones are opaque, but bright and energetic, having absorbed all the power and life-giving juices of Mother Nature.

Earth stones: Malachite, Turquoise, Obsidian, Jasper, Aventurite, Jet, Jadeite, Stone Eye.


The element “Air” is characterized by lightness, transparency and mobility. This element gives its pets mobility and sociability, great resilience and kindness. Air people are romantic by nature, they cannot stand monotony and monotony, they do not tolerate loneliness well - they need constant communication, they freely “swim” in streams of various information and assimilate it more easily than others. They do not have the sparkle and impulsiveness inherent in the people of Fire and are not as balanced as the “people of Earth”

“People of Air” are deeply emotional, but outwardly restrained and feel free and at ease only in a familiar, friendly environment. Their zodiac signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius with a strong Yang beginning, but with little manifestation feminine Yin.

According to medical astrology, Air people are prone to mental stress, mental and speech disorders, insomnia, pneumonia, metabolic disorders, blood disorders, and unexpected diseases.

They must be protected energetically from all these troubles strong stones"air element", transparent and translucent, white, golden, pink, blue, which, according to Ayurveda, contain the ether of "Air"

Air stones: Sapphire, Rock Crystal, Amethyst, Citrine, Smoky Quartz, Rose Quartz, Carnelian, Tourmaline, Topaz, Peridot, Moon rock, Agate, Blue Chalcedony, Lapis Lazuli.


Water is the fourth basic element of the Cosmos. It is called the element of life, because without water it is impossible to exist on Earth. Water - essential element of the human body, entering tissues, organs, secretions of gastric juice and salivary glands, mucous membranes, etc. Water is vital for the functioning of all organs of the physical body, and dehydration of the body inevitably leads to its death. It is not for nothing that the water that enters our body is called the water of life in Ayurveda.

People born in the element of Water are usually plump vitality, persistent, ambitious, secretive by nature, with an insatiable thirst for sensual pleasures.

They are emotional, unstable and subject to frequent mood swings and a tendency towards melancholy. Medical astrology notes that “more often than others, Vadyan people” are susceptible to psychosomatic diseases, nervous disorders, genital skin diseases. Their zodiac signs are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. The last sign of Pisces ends the zodiac circle, and therefore, as it were, absorbs the predisposition to diseases of all other zodiac signs.

Water stones are transparent and translucent, changing their color, and possessing strong “Yin” energy.

Water stones: Emerald, Chrysoberyl, Opal, Aquamarine, Selenite, Pearl, Coral, Amber.