What colors are combined with beige brown. What can be combined with beige? The combination of colors in clothes: options for beautiful combinations

The beige color used in the interior as a basis has long been recognized as a classic. This light shade of brown with a touch of gray or yellow was very popular 300 years ago. And this is quite understandable - a neutral shade can be easily combined with almost any color, muffling too bright tones and highlighting paler ones against its background. So, what can be the combination of colors in the interior of the house, if the walls are decorated in beige?

Features beige

Psychologists believe that shades of beige, used in the interior as a dominant color, relax and pacify a person. In such a living room, especially if it has a sleeping area, it is very cozy, warm and calm.

The word "beige" comes from the natural color of natural cotton linen. In addition, the shade has several more names - caramel, cream, khaki, sand, cappuccino, wheat, ivory, which often causes confusion. All of these colors are shades of beige, differing from each other only in light undertones with a bias towards a warm or cold spectrum.

Beige is a neutral natural color suitable for rooms of all sizes. Depending on the chosen shade, it will reduce the space or, conversely, make the room more spacious. At good lighting beige looks quite solemn, and in the twilight gives the interior a mystical halo.

Important: Beige should be used carefully if there are small children and animals in the house. This color is equally successful in emphasizing decor and dirt. If the upholstery of sofas can still be updated by dry cleaning the furniture covers, then it is extremely difficult to wash the stains off the walls.

Where is it better to use beige

This color is suitable for decorating any room in an apartment, but it looks best in a living room, regardless of the quantity and purpose. functional areas... Beige looks equally good in the bedroom, kitchen or working area... Beige is combined with almost every color, which gives unique opportunities when creating an interior.

Beige shades are ideal for walls, thanks to such a soft background, you can emphasize any interior details, draw attention to them, playing on contrast. Beige smoothes out unnecessarily bright shades, therefore, with such a background, you can use a large number of color accents, and the interior will not become tasteless.

For living rooms decorated in one of the minimalist styles, light shades of beige are very suitable, while an abundance of white will only turn the room into a sterile room or refrigerator compartment Feels like.

Important: the beige background of the walls is an ideal canvas for emphasizing decorative elements such as stucco molding, stair railings, panels, paintings and others.

Color matching rules

Since beige is a natural shade, you need to look around you to understand which tones it works best with. Those colors that occur in nature together with beige and will be perfect couple for this shade. The most popular colors are gray, brown, green, blue, turquoise. If you want to add extravagance to the design of the room, use bright shades such as fuchsia, purple, aquamarine, red and orange.

Good beige and in combination with white, it looks very elegant. Creamy looks nice with dark chocolate, bright blue and black. A grayish shade of beige can be freshened up with whites and yellows. Some designers successfully fit a salad or orange color into such a living room interior.

Among other things, you can use several shades of beige in the design of the room, and so that the interior does not inject boredom, dilute the color with green. The abundance of living plants in pots or flowers in vases will noticeably enliven the decoration of the living room.

By correctly distributing colors, you can visually change the perception of space. Light shades beige and gray make the room more spacious, while more dark tones will reduce the room. A gray-beige combination will help in the case of non-standard spaces, for example, when you need to make a room that is too wide. Beige and gray will visually make the room square. Most often, this combination is used in scandinavian style interior.

Beige with brown

The use of these colors in the decoration of walls and floors will perfectly fit into the living room, combined with the kitchen. However, chocolate brown and beige in the sleeping area will also look pretty good. Such colors used in decoration and furniture, according to psychologists, allow you to relax and contribute to better sleep... People who have difficult and mentally stressful work will be able to calm down in such an interior and bring their thoughts and feelings in order, recuperating.

Beige with dark shades of brown - noble combination, which looks good both with an abundance of natural light and artificial lighting. Brown color used in small quantities, beige is dominant. Apply a chocolate shade for decoration doorways, picture frames, sofa cushions etc. Too much brown will be depressing.

Beige with blue

This is one of the most common interior combinations. In this case, the beige color should act as a background, and blue - in a small amount in the form of decorative elements. However, this combination is quite complicated - you need to correctly distribute the colors. The beige and blue interior design has its pros and cons.


  • Suitable for any area of ​​the living room;
  • Visually expands the space;
  • Fits perfectly into the design of small rooms on the shaded side of the house. To make the interior look cozy, cool blue must be balanced with warm tones of beige;
  • Brings a sensation of freshness.


  • In the sleeping area of ​​the living room, you need to use blue to a minimum, otherwise the interior will turn out to be too cold. You can increase the amount of blue if the bedroom is located on the sunny side, or you live in the southern regions of the country;
  • On a beige background, even tiny specks are too clearly visible, so it is better not to paint the walls in plain beige. Use wallpaper with a small pattern - so small defects will not be noticeable.

Beige and turquoise

Turquoise is a brighter shade of blue and even more complex. The beige and turquoise combination is very dangerous, so this interior needs to be thought out most carefully. The majority should be beige - at least 80%. The basis is made up of wall decoration, furniture upholstery, and turquoise is expressed in the form of ornaments on wallpaper or carpets, as well as in decorative elements- vases, frames, pillows, curtains, figurines, etc.
If you like experimenting, you can try complementing the interior with a chocolate brown or juicy orange.

Lilac-beige combination

Lilac in recent times very popular as a pair to beige. Amethyst shades are quite contradictory - some have both a calming effect and, at the same time, prompt action. it perfect color for everyone who prefers mental work and creativity, lilac promotes the development of a good imagination. Since this color in large quantities is too annoying in its brightness, it is diluted with beige.

One of the common combinations is the even distribution of shades. For example, beige walls in the interior of a room are complemented by lilac furniture or curtains.

Important: if you have chosen equal proportions of shades, you can dilute the interior with small splashes of greenery, turquoise or lemon yellow.

The second option is an abundance of beige tones and accents in the form of lilac details. These can be patterns on wallpaper, lampshades for floor lamps and sconces, frames for mirrors and paintings, small pieces of furniture - coffee table or poof.

Running with green

This is one of the most natural duets, it is very comfortable in such an interior. In combination with beige, you can use any shade of green. The beige and green design of the room is simple and harmonious, it is difficult to spoil it. Such an interior is able to exist without admixtures of other colors - decoration only in beige and shades of green looks complete and bright.

Beige and white interiors

Here, as with blue, it is necessary to maintain a balance so that the room does not look too boring and pale. Here are some rules:

  1. Do not use more than 3 shades of beige, if you overdo it with this color, the interior will turn out blurry and without clear outlines;
  2. Adding 1-3 accents is not only possible, but also necessary. There is a wide choice here - orange, green, blue, lilac and many others;
  3. Diversify the texture of the interior - let the decoration of the room be more metal, glass and glossy surfaces. As furniture fittings bronze, brass and gold pieces work well.

Beige and pink combination

Such a room seems to be illuminated by the light of the rising sun. Most often, living rooms and children's rooms are designed in this way. The combination of beige and various shades of pink, from pale to vibrant, is very popular in the Art Deco style.

Using combinations wisely different colors in the interior of the living room with beige walls, you can create light, beautiful and elegant interior... A soft background will not irritate your eyesight, and details will look brighter against a calm background.

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Many people choose beige when decorating their interiors, since this particular shade has always been considered an exquisite classic. This color brings warmth to any interior and, most importantly, positive energy allowing you to relax. However, so that your apartment does not look gray and gloomy, you need to learn how to combine beige with other shades so that it complements them and emphasizes your impeccable taste.

What colors does the beige color ideally match in the interior of the living room?

The beige color is considered - this and it will look perfect with: terracotta, peach, red, purple, blue, yellow and even lavender... Any shades of it are perfectly combined with natural materials, i.e. instead of regular wallpaper when decorating premises, it is better to use bamboo or cork, so any room will look creative and elegant.

There are many shades of beige, and if you plan to apply several shades of it when decorating your living room, then be sure to choose the colors so that their midtones are in the same color scheme. Even having chosen the right semitone of beige shades, you should not decorate the walls, floors and buy furniture for the living room in the same color scheme, because in this case the room will become very dark and gloomy. If you have already decorated walls and floors in beige colors, then you can “brighten” the room with milky shades.

When using neutral tones in the interior, you need to carefully consider designs with bold combinations and bold accents. It is best to add a few black accessories to the "beige" room: a black table with chairs or in a black frame.

The combination of beige with blue, the combination of beige with light green, the combination of beige in the interior with white

For the bedroom, beige is considered simply ideal, since it is he who helps to fully relax and unwind. In addition to all this, he is able to visually expand the space and make the room more comfortable. The combination of beige in the bedroom interior looks amazing with textured surfaces ( bamboo wallpaper, unpolished wood, wool and fur).

Add a touch of gold to the beige to create a royal feel in your bathroom. Also in the bathroom beige shade will look great with silver, lemon blossom peach, pink, green, blue and even scarlet.

To make the beige look stylish and "rich", you need to bring bright accents to the interior, use pictures in bright frames, carpets with extraordinary patterns, or table lamps unusual shape... This color is ideally combined with gold, bronze and copper, as well as gray and lavender.

The combination of beige with natural materials the combination of beige with terracotta the combination of beige with bright colors

The beige and blue interior has long been considered the most elegant. These two colors can together create an original and unusual design rooms. This color scheme is especially relevant for large halls, offices and, of course, offices.

Black and beige looks elegant and not ordinary. For this combination, relevant white furniture with black inserts, black TV frames, black shelves and black columns.

The combination of beige with white in the interior is also considered a classic. A room decorated in this color scheme will appear much larger.
Beige and gray interior is considered an excellent option for interior decoration. When decorating a room in such colors, pay attention to the fact that there should be no more than three shades. You can dilute such an interior by applying peach colour, capable of bringing freshness and originality into it.

Laconic and elegant looks green beige interior... Light green furniture will give the interior a special "zest" and bring freshness to it.

Beige color has always been and will be popular in many wall decoration ideas, as it is ideal for interior decoration of rooms and is ideally combined with different shades. This shade can always be favorably emphasized with bright decor items (curtains, paintings, carpets, lampshades), or vice versa - to create a cozy and quiet environment that will not distract you from rest and peace.

In the wardrobe of each of us there is a huge number of things of the most different colors and shades. The question often arises of how this or that affects us color combination what does it carry? Today we will talk about an unusual duet of beige and black colors.

Beige, like black and white, is the base color. This is the color of nature, flesh, which is as close as possible to the color. human skin... That is why beige is often used as a background for other, more interesting wardrobe elements, in brighter shades.

Beige and black create interesting and stylish ensembles. The contrast of the combination makes it possible to get expressive, spectacular, deep images that will certainly impress others. In this article, we'll look at examples of some of the ensembles.

The office style is based on such colors as black, white, gray, beige and dark blue. In color psychology, it is recommended to use the union of beige and black in negotiations, interviews or exams, since it creates a positive-neutral background for communication.

Both black and beige can play both the role of the main color and the auxiliary color in the ensemble. Solutions where one of the elements of the image is used fabric with a print will look advantageous.

A few more bows in black and beige. For example, a black skirt with a beige blouse, or black dress together with beige coat or a cardigan. The flesh color gives the softness to the black and at the same time makes the image more expressive.

In this ensemble, the flesh color is intended to refresh, and the black plays the role of shadow. The image turned out to be elegant and, at the same time, dramatic.

An elegant ensemble of a beige dress with a black belt. Accessories should be chosen from the same colors.

A combination of black and beige can visually balance body proportions. For example, in a set consisting of a black skirt and a flesh-colored blouse, the skirt will reduce the volume of the hips. In the opposite version (black top, beige bottom), on the contrary, you can make the waist and shoulders more graceful.

Beige combined with black is suitable for all ages and remains in fashion for many years.

Those who want to get a harmonious, pacified, cozy kitchen often choose a beige color palette. it universal color that can be used for any style, as well as combined with a variety of colors, both bright and calmer.

Regardless of, sunny side premises or not, a shade of beige will do in any case. However, many believe that this is a boring color. Therefore, so that he really does not become like that, it is worth knowing some secrets. successful design interior. This will be discussed further.

Combination of beige with other colors

Beige is a versatile and self-sufficient color at the same time. Even the absence of another palette will not make the interior boring and monotonous. This is the main advantage of the beige color.

Advice! When choosing a monochrome palette, textures, patterns, texture are used for variety. It can be textured or patterned wallpaper, draped or patterned curtains, the use of mosaics or textured wood.

However, it also goes well with other colors and shades, which allows you to bring original notes to the kitchen design. The whole secret is that beige, roughly speaking, is diluted brown, which in turn is considered a mixture of all colors except black. In addition, beige has many tones, both cold and warm, which, in combination, can create a unique interior.

Beige and brown kitchen

The most popular and a good combination is considered to be a beige and brown color scheme. Such an interior will be filled with comfort and harmony, tranquility. In this case, it is important to choose good shades, because they may not always be appropriate and look advantageous. In this case, it is worth turning to nature or cooking. For example, coffee with milk, wenge wood and unbleached canvas, cocoa and straw mat.

If the kitchen is small, then it is better to refuse a dark shade of brown, and choose a lighter one. Wenge color is preferable for large spacious rooms, otherwise it is small area will visually decrease even more. The darker color is used for curtains, dining area, countertops, headset parts.

Beige and white

The white-cream combination is also very often used, making the interior more aristocratic. Due to the fact that such a range is light and is essentially similar to the version of a monochrome beige solution, it will also not do without adding texture and texture, and in addition, it is worth using different tones. It is best to finish with white, but choose a headset and accessories in a beige palette.

Gray-beige color

Practical modern design kitchen will be a combination of cream and metallic gray. Retro design with the use of worn details will also fit here. In this case, you can choose absolutely any combination. Would be appropriate gray curtains and wallpaper along with a beige set, and furniture is suitable metallic colors on a cream background.

Beige green kitchen

Beige is in harmony with in green... Usually such an interior is made in ecological style however, more modern technological styles using glossy surfaces are also possible.

Green combined with beige can be both intense and calmer. It is preferable to pick up green headset on a beige background. In addition, the kitchen can be made entirely in a beige palette, and some details are diluted with green, or they can complement the design with interesting accessories in such a tone.

Black beige kitchen

The beige and black kitchen looks very stylish. The main thing with this choice is not to overdo it with black, so that the room is not very gloomy and dark. Better to do some dark accents, such as countertops, chairs, wall decoration.

Advice! To prevent black from being very aggressive, you need to use a glossy surface.

Beige blue kitchen

The best combinations are those created by nature itself. The azure sea and the sandy beach are in perfect harmony. That's in the design of the kitchen a great solution will become the use of beige and blue or of blue color... The beige headset looks beautiful on a blue background. It should be remembered that blue refers to cold tones, so beige should be chosen warm so that the interior is balanced.

Which style is right for a beige kitchen?

It has already been said that beige is a universal color, therefore, it is not only combined with many colors, but also suitable for any style.


The classic style is most often decorated with beige details in the interior, therefore beige kitchen is the most harmonious solution. In addition, such a design necessarily contains elements of wood, massive furniture, heavy curtains, and expensive tiles.

Even a completely monotonous kitchen in classic style looks sophisticated, but combinations, including contrasting colors, are not excluded. These can be wenge or a rich burgundy color. Wenge is most often used for headsets and countertops, but curtains are highlighted in burgundy color, dining area, and also a pattern on an apron in such a palette is welcome.


Country music is characterized by everything natural, because it is a rustic, folk style. This is a tree, green grass, sand, stone, therefore beige fit best way, and it is used as the main one. In such a design, it is worth using more wooden furniture and details. A stone will look noble, for example, as an apron, or for framing a table top.

High tech

This is one of the most fashion styles today, in which beige can also be perfectly present. When decorating, it is used for the background. All other details are usually performed in a contrasting palette. A combination with red, black, as well as all kinds of juicy, berry and saturated colors, including neon ones.


Provence belongs to the rustic, but at the same time exquisite styles... Despite its simplicity, the design is sophisticated.

Here, as in country, natural materials are welcomed, including wood, stone. Thin strokes and patterned lines are also used. Gloss is inappropriate in this case.

For walls you can use ordinary plaster or wallpaper with a pattern. Brick inserts look harmonious, for example, for an apron. Dinner table can be wooden or wicker. If you have a stone countertop, it is also better to choose a table finish from stone.

Arrangement of a beige kitchen

A monochrome composition in the kitchen is quite rare. Most often, the design contains additional colors that can dilute the interior with interesting combinations. Including such a neutral color as beige is often used only in certain details. Which of them is better to perform in this color? Let's consider further.


A light monochromatic background always looks good and allows you to choose furniture and accessories of a wide variety of colors and shades. In this case, you should not dwell on only one tone. To prevent the walls from looking boring and impersonal, it is better to use several tones or choose textured coatings, possibly wallpaper with a pattern.


It is believed that it is always better to perform the bottom in a dark range, that is, the floor as well. It is practical and always looks good. However, the light floor is made of natural wood or white tiles would be a great solution. It always adds sophistication and speaks of good taste the owner.

Advice! If the interior is dominated by bright hues, then it is still better to make the floor dark along with the table top and apron. This will be a great contrast and add color.

Set and upholstered furniture

When choosing a headset in a store, you will notice that it is beige tones that are most common. This is the most common color, since it belongs to natural and is part of wood, stone and even metal.

Such a headset looks very advantageous and beautiful against a contrasting background. Moreover, it is very effective to use a black background in this case. Calm combinations with light walls can be diluted glass inserts, carved doors, panels.

The same can be said for upholstered furniture... It will perfectly fit into the interior in beige color. And the choice of such furniture will always delight the store with its variety.

Textiles and decor

Various accessories and decor items are usually used to give the design an interesting, vibrant touch. In this regard, it is inappropriate to use plain beige tones for such elements.

It is better to choose them brighter and more saturated. An exception can be only when many bright shades are already used in the interior, for example, walls, then the curtains in this situation will be more appropriate in beige.


In the kitchen, the appliances usually should be less noticeable, but in no case should they merge with the headset, so as not to add dullness to the design. For example, if the headset is in a warm beige tone, then the technique will look great in a golden or bronze color.

It is better to choose a technique in black or silver. A bright accent is also quite acceptable, for example, a hood or refrigerator in red. At the same time, accessories of the appropriate color range should complement it.

When deciding to design a kitchen exclusively in beige colors it is important not to overdo it with a palette of shades. First of all, it is unacceptable to use more than 3-4 shades of beige. It looks tasteless.

The best solution would be to use textures, patterns. You can choose wallpaper with a large or small pattern, depending on the style of the kitchen, or purchase a set with original carvings and interestingly shaped handles.

If other colors are allowed in the design, then the interior can be diluted with bright accessories. They can be curtains, a tablecloth on a table, pillows on a sofa, chairs. You can also hang a picture or a brightly colored chandelier. Alternatively, when using natural materials indoor plants will fit into the general landscape.

Thus, beige is one of the most popular colors. It belongs to a neutral palette, which goes well with any other color solutions... The main thing is not to use more than two colors in addition, otherwise it will look too clumsy and out of place.

Beige kitchen real photo

Along with black, gray and white, beige belongs to the classics of fashion. The color is considered quite neutral, so it is used to create a variety of looks, from business and everyday to solemn and even wedding.

For most people, beige is associated with regularity, tranquility, stability. However, this color also has negative associations, to some it seems monotonous, banal, ordinary.

Psychologists believe that beige clothes are preferred by people who do not like to be in the center of attention, they do not want to stand out, be noticeable. By nature, they are rather introverts, that is, people who are immersed in themselves.

Sometimes people strive to dress in beige, in whose soul passions boil, but outwardly they want to look calm and balanced. Since the color looks restrained and harmonious, many companies with a strict dress code recommend it as a base for business attire.

Color in fashion history

The attitude towards beige clothing is ambiguous in different cultures. In ancient Egypt, this tone was considered divine, figurines of gods were painted in it, and only priests of the highest rank could afford clothes of this color.

This color was also respected in India, the shade was especially appreciated there. Ivory... Outfits in this color were worn only by the highest nobility. But in China, beige, along with white, was considered the color of sadness and mourning.

Beige gained immense popularity in the 18th century; women of fashion preferred the lightest shades of beige. In the future, beige clothing was temporarily "stepped aside", then became acutely fashionable. Nowadays different shades beige can be found in almost all collections of fashion houses.

Who is it for?

It is difficult to find a person who would categorically not suit the beige color, because it is presented in a huge variety of shades.

White-skinned and fair-haired girls look spectacular in beige clothes, which are significantly darker than their skin color. Pinkish-beige options are ideal for girls with a pinkish skin tone and light eyes. Dark-eyed brunettes suit any shade of beige, because they already have a bright enough appearance, so there is no need to emphasize it with clothes.

When choosing clothes, you should take into account the color type of your appearance, as follows:

  • bright "winter" girls with dark hair and fair skin look great in clothes of cold beige shades;
  • red-haired or fair-haired girls those related to the autumn color type should give preference to rich tones of beige;
  • for fair-haired "spring" girls with dark skin, caramel-colored clothes are perfect;
  • soft appearance of girls belonging to the color type "summer" will benefit if you choose ash-beige tones and shades of coffee with milk.

Many are sure that beige clothes make you look fat. But so unprofitable visual effect arises only if, when choosing clothes, you made a mistake with the style, size or shade.

Another stereotype about beige clothes is that such outfits are only suitable for older ladies. However, everything will depend on the style, as well as on the selection of accessories. In this light, it is quite possible to create youth images.

We combine

Beige goes well with a wide variety of tones, here are the most successful combinations:

  • With white... This combination looks fresh and elegant, it is often used in business outfits, as well as in summer looks. To make the outfit look more interesting, the tandem of white and beige can be diluted with bright accessories - blue, red, orange.
  • With black... The combination of light beige shades with black looks elegant, but not as solemn as a white and black set. Therefore, this combination is often used when creating business images.

  • With red... These two colors complement each other beautifully. Beige "restrains" the passion of red, while red, on the contrary, enlivens beige clothes.
  • With brown... The duet of these two colors looks feminine and gentle. It can be used to create business and romantic looks.

  • With green... The combination of these two colors is the main feature of the "military" style, as these are the tones of military camouflage.
  • With pink... This is a striking duo perfect for summer looks.

  • With purple... The combination can look both strict and romantic, everything will depend on the shades of the color used for the combination. Light shades are a good choice for feminine bows, dark ones for business.

Beige looks great with both bright and pastel colors ... Want to get attention? Combine beige with rich burgundy, blueberry, azure. When creating romantic images, it is better to combine the color of beige with pale lilac, silver-gray, light pink.

Choosing outfits

Beige ensembles are very diverse. It can be strict business suits, and a tight-fitting provocative dress, in which a girl can look almost naked, especially if the color of the fabric matches the color of the skin.

Office fashion

A beige business suit is a basic piece of a business lady's wardrobe. Such a suit symbolizes reliability and stability, that is, those qualities that are appreciated by employers and partners. To liven up the look, you can combine a jacket or skirt from a beige suit with clothes of other colors.

Another basic item of a business wardrobe is a beige blouse or fitted shirt. It can be worn with skirts or pants. The shade of the blouse should be chosen so that it sets off the color of the skin, without giving the face an excessive fading.

A strict beige dress looks great; it can be worn with a jacket or cardigan of a suitable shade.

Casual look

Beige is great for everyday wear. T-shirts, jeans, skirts, dresses, coats and raincoats look great in beige colors.

A comfortable set for every day will turn out if you wear a loose beige sweater with blue or light blue skinny jeans. Complement the ensemble with brown or black shoes.

Beige casual dresses look great. For example, a safari-style dress or a romantic fitted model with a flared skirt.

The basic wardrobe model is a beige coat... The model can have a classic cut, but you can also choose an original cut.

Evening looks

Evening dresses in golden-beige tones have always been popular. Such outfits can be seen at a variety of events from a solemn social event to a youth party. So that the dress does not look boring, it is decorated with embroidery, sequins, rhinestones. You can sew an outfit from silk, satin or lace. In a set for such a dress, it is worth picking up evening shoes with heels and an elegant clutch.

Dress styles can be very diverse. Popular models with a deep V-shaped neckline, corset dresses with open shoulders, models with cutouts on the back. To create a provocative look, you can choose an outfit made of translucent beige fabric with sequins.

Elegant beige trouser suits are also used as an evening dress. One piece of a suit (trousers or jacket) can be sewn from glitter fabric.


Shoes and accessories in beige tones are very popular, because they are almost universal, suitable for a variety of outfits. Beige shoes are an indispensable wardrobe item. These can be classic pumps, ballet flats, and models with an open toe or heel.

The beige handbag is no less versatile. For the evening, you can purchase a clutch in this color, for a casual look - comfortable model on the strap.

Makeup and Jewelry

Beige outfits have quite strict requirements for complexion. The skin should have a perfectly even tone. When creating an evening look, you can emphasize your lips with bright lipstick or highlight your eyes.

Jewelry is chosen depending on the image. For evening dresses, jewelry made of yellow metal, transparent or colored stones is used. Beads and bracelets made of wood or ceramic fit perfectly into everyday looks.

Choice of stars

The beige color is multifaceted, it is perfect for outfits designed for the most special occasions... So, for the catwalk on the red carpet at the 2016 Oscars, Catherine Zeta-Jones chose a gorgeous beige and gold dress from Zuhair Murad.