How to open a burger shop correctly. Choosing a room for a burger. Premises and repairs

- one of the most dynamically developing and demanded areas today.

If you are thinking about opening a catering establishment in the absence of a lot of capital to open good restaurant, we advise you to pay attention to the format of the burger.

Why burgers? Let's figure it out.

High pace of life modern man in the metropolis creates a demand for food in all kinds of eateries.

But not all residents of big cities would love to go to dine at McDonald's or KFC, nevertheless, they would not refuse to have a snack with this type of food “on the go”.

Places where the main focus is on burgers - cutlets from good meat on a special bun, with the addition of various sauces and fillings, are in great demand today, and in terms of the quality of preparation and taste characteristics they surpass the well-known economy class fast food.

A burger, french fries, coffee or a soda pop are a welcome menu for today's current catering establishment. Establishments of this nature are always in good demand among the population due to their palatability, quick preparation and the ability to have a snack in a convenient place at any time.

Such fast food as burgers, which came from America, until recently evoked associations with McDonald's and other world-famous fast food restaurants, and today the establishments of this type open on almost every corner.

How to open your own bar from scratch - see the instructions.

Large restaurateurs also saw great potential in burger restaurants, for example, Arkady Novikov opens FARSH establishments in Moscow, Alexander Rappoport opened Voronezh, the famous rap singer Timati launched BlackStarBurger, and popular coffee shops and restaurants began to increasingly introduce burgers, sandwiches and other dishes into their menu. If you wish, you can take it with you.

How to open your own burger, see this video:

Reasons for starting a burger and running such a business

Consider the advantages of opening a burger and answer the question why the popularity of this line of business is growing at a high rate:

  1. Ease of preparation. Opening a burger shop is much easier than opening a full-fledged restaurant. There is no need to think over a complex menu that includes dishes different types and cooking methods.
    Enough to have in stock good recipes burgers, quality meat, freshly baked buns, fresh ingredients and relatively small kitchen... Hamburger burgers are easy to prepare and can be prepared in minutes.
    In restaurants and sushi bars, it takes 20-30 minutes to prepare hamburgers to order, while in a burger, during this time, you will have time to get a portion of fast food. large quantity of people.
  1. Availability. Today it is much easier to get good marbled beef in Russia than before.
    The growth of our own Russian production of high-quality meat makes it possible to use fresh, high-quality and relatively inexpensive ingredients for making hamburgers.
  1. The burger shop does not require a large room for cooking. It is much more profitable to open a monoproduct restaurant than a restaurant with a full menu, also due to the low number of write-off of products.

Stages of opening a burger

So you've decided to open a burger shop.

Cost of burger. Photo:

Let's consider the main stages of the opening and all the problems that may arise during the preparation for the opening:

  1. The path of creating a burger should start with the official registration of the business.... You have to choose,.
    As a rule, preference is given to the first option. The taxation system for such catering establishments is chosen as UTII.
    To register an individual entrepreneur, you must visit the Federal Tax Service with a passport, submit an application and pay the state duty (800 rubles).
    If done correctly, you will receive a certificate of status. individual entrepreneur literally in a few days.
  • medical books for employees;
  • permission from the fire department;
  • permission from SES;
  • for the sale of alcoholic beverages.

How to open a popular burger, see this video for tips and ideas:

  1. The next step is to recruit staff. The work is not difficult and does not require a high degree of professionalism, therefore it is recommended to hire guys and girls who will be happy to do their job.
    At the initial stage, 2 managers, 2 cooks and 4 employees of the hall will be enough.
  2. The next step is to take care of the equipment and raw materials for making burgers. It is necessary to purchase refrigeration equipment, tables for cooking, a grill, a vegetable cutter, a slicer and a deep fryer for French fries, a dishwasher, an oven, food processor.
    Think about who will supply you with quality meat and other ingredients.
  3. Creation of an advertising campaign. The best advertising in such a fashionable format as a burger will be advertising on the Internet and in in social networks where most young people spend their time.

There is an opportunity to attract popular bloggers to promote your business. Create promotions, arrange delivery and use all the most modern marketing tools.

How to appoint a person responsible for fire safety - read.

Opening a burger franchise

Sometimes it is easier for aspiring businessmen to open a burger franchise than to create a business from scratch. Many popular chains are interested in expanding and entering other regions by selling their franchises.

If you have enough capital, large restaurants such as BurgerKing, for example, can be considered for buying a franchise.

At the same time, the buyer of the franchise has at his disposal a ready-made business plan, ongoing support, a ready-made advertising campaign and a ready-made menu.

The advantage of a franchise is that its buyer can be sure that the idea is working, he does not need to figure out what and how best to do, where to invest.

The disadvantages include monthly royalties as a percentage of profits, as well as mandatory compliance with franchisee requirements.

Business plan with calculations

Experts say that opening a burger will cost 3.5-9 million rubles. But when purchasing used equipment, you can save a lot.

The average price of a burger in such establishments varies from 250 to 600 rubles.

At first, the monthly profit, as a rule, does not exceed 30-50 thousand rubles per month, but with constant development it increases significantly. Payback can be achieved in about 2 years.

And this is a good profitability.

Let's calculate the approximate costs that will have to be incurred when opening a burger area 100 square meters in 2017-2018:

Premises rental - from 40,000 rubles;

An approximate calculation of funds for the opening and payback of a burger. Photo:

The cost of one simple burger is about 180 rubles:

  • Roll - 15 rubles;
  • Cheese - 10 rubles;
  • Sauce - 40 rubles;
  • Minced meat - 75 rubles;
  • Tomatoes, cucumbers, salad - 40 rubles

Equipment and furniture costs (rub.):

  • Refrigerating table - 164 thousand;
  • Refrigerating chamber - 125 thousand;
  • Water heater - 21 thousand;
  • Heated showcase - 180 thousand;
  • Grill - 820 thousand;
  • Deep fryer - 700 thousand;
  • Frying cabinet - 130 thousand;
  • Libra - 14 thousand;
  • Dishwashing bathtub - 30 thousand;
  • Pass-through refrigerator - 180 thousand;
  • Food warmer - 60 thousand;
  • Dryer - 10 thousand;
  • Furniture - for the bar and kitchen - 800 thous.

Thus, the purchase of equipment will cost approximately 3,000,000 rubles.

Employee salaries:

  • Manager (2 persons) - 35,000 rubles;
  • Hall employee (4 people) - 20,000 rubles;
  • Cook (2 persons) - 100 rubles / hour;
  • Technical staff (1 person) - 12,000 rubles.

Business profitability

In such establishments, the average check is 250-400 rubles per person. The number of clients per day can reach 600-700 people.

It turns out that in a month you can earn about 700,000 rubles. In this case, the net profit will be 300,000 rubles per month, and the investment will pay off within a year.

How to create your own business for a beginner entrepreneur - advice.


The fast food business is currently experiencing a big boom due to a new fashion trend that is very popular among young people.

The creation of a burger with diligence and constant development will bring a good income, and the institution itself can fall in love with thousands of customers.

The famous restaurateur Arkady Novikov claims that the main thing in this business is quality meat and good buns. In this case, there will be no end of visitors. Good luck!

* Calculations use average data for Russia

1,530,000 ₽

Initial attachments

50,000 - 500,000 ₽

Net profit

18 months

Payback period

600 ₽

Average check

The fast food market annually adds 5-8% and is not going to slow down. In this article, we will look at how to open such a trendy type of business as a burger shop from scratch.

The culture of public catering in Russia is developing dynamically: the number of establishments and dishes on the menu is growing, and people are getting more and more accustomed to eating out. Even during the economic downturn, the population is in no hurry to give up visiting cafes and restaurants, although they are trying to save money. The situation is saved by fast food, which, due to its availability, has become the most successful segment of public catering. The fast food market is growing by 5-8% annually and is not going to slow down. In the wake of such popularity, such a segment as burgers has appeared. These "immigrants" from fast food, disguised as restaurants, quickly found their client and are now experiencing their better times... On every corner big city you can find a burger. And, what is most surprising, each one finds its client.

Professional set for creating business ideas

Trending product 2019 ..

Burgers replaced rolls and took the lead in the gastronomic market. Quite simple, fast, satisfying and tasty food in combination with a democratic price tag, they won the hearts of consumers and entrepreneurs. Recently, many people are interested in the question of how to open a burger. Even singer Timati decided to open his own burger restaurant. The project, in which more than 20 million rubles were invested, paid off in just 2 months. Not so long ago, burgers evoked associations only with American fast food and McDonald's. Today, a burger is a delicious bun with good meat and a variety of sauces. In the struggle for the consumer, burgers turned a banal "sandwich" into original dish, not inferior in taste and imagination to the classic restaurant menu. If you are thinking about opening catering establishments, but the lack of large capital interferes with your plans, then we advise you to pay attention to the burger format.

Advantages and disadvantages of a burger



    high business profitability (up to 60%);

    fast return on investment;

    no need for a large staff;

    narrowly targeted niche;

    high demand for burgers, which ensures consistently high profits;

    relatively small amount of investments for the industry;

    promising fast food format;

    simple technology production;

    It is more profitable to open a monoproduct restaurant than a restaurant with a full menu, including due to the low number of write-off of products

    high level market competition;

    expensive rent of retail space;

    the need to obtain permits for opening a catering establishment

It's really easier to open a burger place than a full-fledged restaurant. There is no need to think over a complex menu with a variety of ingredients, as well as cooking methods. Enough to have in stock original recipes burgers, quality meat, freshly baked buns and a small kitchen. Burgers are quick and easy to prepare, and you don't need to hire professional chefs.

    Study the market. The catering industry is quite saturated, and the competition among burgers is high. Therefore, before planning to open your own establishment, conduct a research of the competitive environment. Identify the main market players, study their location in order to find a suitable place for yourself, estimate the demand for burger shops in your area. Also visit the establishments of your potential competitors to scout the situation “from the inside”, see how the business of others works, study the menu to evaluate the offer on the market. Explore the overseas market for trends, new ideas and concepts. After all, most of the fashionable things come to us from abroad. In addition, you can see fresh concepts and models of doing business abroad. In general, gather as much practical information as possible in order to draw accurate conclusions.

    Decide on the concept of the establishment. It's no secret that the design and concept of the establishment is as important as the food in it. At this stage, it is planned to draw up a work plan, determine the format and corporate identity of the institution, develop technological, engineering and design projects. By this point, the entrepreneur should have an understanding of how the project will work and with what funds it will be financed. The concept, your own style and "chips" are needed in order to distinguish your establishment from the multitude of burgers. Why should a visitor come to you, and not "over there in that burger on the corner"? The answer to this question will describe the concept. Maybe it will be a burger for people who profess proper nutrition and vegetarians; or a family establishment, where each burger is a work of culinary art; it can be a burger, combined with a bar / hookah / karaoke, etc. Or maybe you decide to open a country burger, where all the ingredients will be natural, bought from domestic farmers ... As you can see, there are many options for how to stand out in the market and create a "chip" for your establishment. If your fantasy fails, look at what is happening in foreign markets. Take ideas, combine them - and you will surely find that magic formula that will make your establishment “one and only”. Remember, concept alone won't get you far. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the quality of service, the speed of preparation of burgers and their taste to make the visitor want to come back to you.

    Make a business plan. This is the most critical stage in the project implementation. To avoid unnecessary expenses and problems at the start, think over the project carefully. What's on the menu? How much money will you have to spend? What equipment should be purchased? How many employees will you need to hire? How to promote your establishment on the market? How much can you earn from a burger? The result of your work should be the derivation of a kind of formula for success, in which you will understand what kind of revenue the establishment should have, traffic, the amount of rent and the cost of production. When you have these numbers, it will be easier for you to make decisions when choosing premises, suppliers of products, hiring personnel, etc.

How to register a burger

The initial stage of opening a burger is to register a business with government agencies and obtain permits for a catering establishment. To conduct commercial activities, it is recommended to register an LLC with a simplified taxation system (“income minus expenses” at a rate of 15%). Type of activity according to OKVED-2:

    56.10 "Activities of restaurants and food delivery services"

    56.10.1 "Activities of full service restaurants and cafes, cafeterias, fast food and self-service restaurants."

How to choose a room for a burger and issue permits

How to avoid problems with government bodies when opening a burger? First, you need to draw up all the permits in accordance with the requirements. At the request of the authorities, it is necessary to collect the following package of documents:

    OGRN certificate;

    safety journal;

    TIN certificate;

    certificates for finishing with the required SES requirements;

    sanitary and epidemiological conclusion issued by Rospotrebnadzor;

    inspection documents for instrumentation and measuring utensils;

    contracts with the SES and the fire service;

    conclusion of the tax inspectorate on registration of cash registers

    an agreement with the energy saving and sewer services;

    a contract with a residential complex for garbage collection;

    agreement with the tenant and agreements with employees

    assortment list approved by the SES

    a license to sell alcohol, if it is supposed to be in the institution.

Having collected this impressive list of documents, you can be sure that legal issue resolved. It is better to foresee the costs of preparing documentation in the amount of at least 20 thousand rubles. We recommend that you pay attention to the requirements in the above documents, since this information will be useful when choosing a room. It is better to take care of the fulfillment of all requirements immediately so that you do not have to correct inconsistencies and endure additional costs.

Finding a suitable area for a burger shop can be time-consuming, so it's best to plan ahead.

Basic requirements for burger premises:

    area of ​​about 100 sq. m.

    proximity to shopping and entertainment centers and office buildings;

    availability of parking.

According to Total Food Service, most restaurants need 40% of the total area for kitchen and warehouse space, while the remaining 60% is occupied by a hall for serving customers. You will be very lucky if you manage to find a room where a catering establishment previously functioned. In this case, you can save on bringing the premises in line with fire and sanitary standards. The amount of rent for the premises depends on various factors: the city and the district, and pedestrian traffic, and favorable proximity to other public places are important. On average, renting a room for a burger shop will cost 80 thousand rubles a month. Experienced entrepreneurs recommend paying for six months at once - then by the time the second payment is made, you will already have time to unwind.

Another issue regarding the premises is renovation. It is recommended to choose premises that do not require major repairs, redevelopments, etc. Any repair means a certain duration of the preparatory stage. The longer you solve problems with the preparation of the premises of the establishment, the more losses you will suffer. But if you look at modern interior fashionable establishments, you can see a minimum of decoration on the walls and ceiling. It is no longer a wonder to see bundles of wires and ventilation pipes on the high ceiling, and on the walls - rough brickwork, organically beaten by the interior. Today, the design of establishments is played up with decor, furniture - so that you can quickly bring it in and, if necessary, take it back.

What equipment is needed for a burger

Investing in the right commercial kitchen equipment is one of the milestones in opening a burger shop. The quality of kitchen equipment and tools will determine its production capacity, workflow, and even something will affect the taste of food. Therefore, you should take a responsible approach to the choice. To do this, it is recommended to study in advance the various commercial offers and experience of other entrepreneurs. Below is a list of the basic equipment you might need in a burger kitchen:

    electric meat grinder to cook minced meat for cutlets;

    burger press to make cutlets that are perfect in shape;

    frying surface where the cutlet is fried. They give the food that special flavor that is so appreciated by burger lovers;

    vegetable cutter Help make cutting fresh burger fillings more efficient, such as cutting tomatoes and onions.

    french fries cutter;

    deep fryer for cooking French fries and other dishes;

    electric grill which gives a special flavor to burgers;

    bakery equipment for making buns if you plan on making them yourself. But you can simplify the technological process by concluding an agreement with a bakery;


    refrigerators, freezers and vacuum sealers for food storage. Suitable model refrigeration equipment is chosen depending on the layout of the kitchen and the volume of stored products. A functional device will be a special table for making burgers, which keeps all the ingredients cool until they are needed;

    Dishwasher for process automation and dish disinfection;

    equipment for preparing drinks: juicer, coffee machine (if needed);

    kitchen utensils and other small equipment(knives, food containers, stands, containers, etc.).

In addition, it is necessary to purchase furniture and other equipment, including a bar counter, tables and chairs, a cash register and a cashless payment terminal, and decor items. According to rough estimates, the cost of equipping a burger shop will be about 400 thousand rubles. This amount will increase if it is necessary to install alarm systems, air conditioning and ventilation systems.

How to compose a burger menu

To diversify the burger menu, they use a lot of good meat (beef, pork, chicken, rabbit, etc.), sauces, seasonings, vegetables. They experiment with the form of presentation, add unusual combinations of products. But you shouldn't get hung up on some burgers either. Diversify the menu with salads, fries, hot and cold appetizers.

From time to time it is recommended to add new dishes or make special offers to the menu - this will keep the accumulated customer base. It is important to ensure that for each dish a technological chart is drawn up indicating the consumption of products per portion and the volume of this portion. This information is necessary to obtain permission from the SES, as well as to calculate the need for raw materials.

How to organize the supply of the burger

Before opening a burger, you need to decide on suppliers and establish raw material supply channels. The main requirement for suppliers is the delivery of high-quality and fresh products on time according to the agreed schedule. It is important that all ingredients used meet the requirements of GOST.

It is worth noting that the products in the burger shops are used very sparingly. There are almost no write-offs, since the same products are used to prepare all items from the menu. The most difficult thing is to create such a burger, for which visitors will not mind paying 300-500 rubles. To derive the "perfect burger formula", you need to check various technologies preparations, products from different suppliers, etc.

Buns are a particular problem for burger owners. At first glance, it seems that this is an ordinary round bun, but it must have certain characteristics. For example, it should be soft, but not too soft - otherwise it will soften from meat juices and sauces. Therefore, suitable suppliers must be found for each ingredient.

The main categories of burger suppliers:

    suppliers of fresh meat;

    suppliers of ready-made burger buns;

    supplier of fresh vegetables;

    suppliers of various sauces;

    suppliers of dairy products (sour cream, cream, cheese, etc.);

    tea / coffee / beverage providers.

For individual categories of supplies that provide the main menu, it is recommended to conclude exclusive contracts with one trusted and reliable supplier. Before deciding on suppliers, conduct a thorough analysis of the proposals. When purchasing a batch of products for the first time, split the order into small batches to order several types of each type of product from different suppliers. This will allow you to compare the quality and choose the most economically and qualitatively acceptable option.

Subsequently, it is recommended to purchase products frequently, but in small batches - this increases delivery costs, but minimizes the risk of product spoilage and simplifies storage. It should be noted that when signing partnership agreements, you can count on additional bonuses for the company - for example, beverage suppliers usually provide the establishment with branded dishes and equipment.

When negotiating cooperation with suppliers, you must familiarize yourself with all the conditions specified in the contract. As a rule, the shipping costs for the supply of the ingredients are borne by you. To reduce this cost item, you need to choose suppliers that are closer to your establishment. The required amount of raw materials is determined based on the menu, the recipe for the preparation of products and the expected sales volume. It is important that the recipes of the dishes comply with GOSTs or separately adopted TU.

How to calculate the cost of a burger menu

The calculation of the cost of meals is based on technological maps. IN technological maps the recipe of each dish is reflected, the consumption of each ingredient is indicated. Using this data, you can calculate the cost of one burger and other dishes.

For example, if the cost price is 180 rubles, the selling price will be 300-500 rubles. Those. the margin will be 70-180%, which will ensure a high level of profit.

How to advertise a burger

The target audience of burgers is quite wide. The main category of consumers is young people 18-35 years old, regardless of the level of income. Due to the affordability of prices, the burger shop works for a wide range of consumers. One of important points when opening a burger, it is necessary to prepare and implement an effective marketing strategy, which includes the development of the name of the establishment, its logo and corporate identity, as well as the organization of an advertising campaign (promotions, promotion tools).

A bright and memorable name will allow you to distinguish the institution from the many proposals on the public catering market and emphasize its concept. Services for the development of the corporate identity of the institution will cost an average of 15 thousand rubles. A catchy, attention-grabbing sign, including its installation, will cost about 30,000 rubles. Various marketing tools can be used to promote the burger: creative advertising videos about burgers in the cinema; online promotion; sponsorship participation in cultural projects; installation billboards and signage; distribution of business cards, flyers or booklets with menus; event marketing; advertising in the media; radio advertising; participation in food exhibitions and fairs; loyalty programs, unusual promotions (fast food races are suitable for lovers of a healthy lifestyle), and so on.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Advertising in social networks aimed at young people will be effective in this case. Within the framework of social networks, you can carry out the action "happy repost", "feedback contest", etc. This tool aims to attract additional audiences. Therefore, the burger needs to get a personal account on social networks. There you can upload photos of dishes and interiors, inform about promotions, hold contests, and promptly answer all user questions. You can also provide for the "happy hours" promotion - the time during which the institution offers discounts, a special menu (for example, business lunches).

    plan an action for weekdays;

    increase the price of the most popular menu items to cover the difference in costs;

    come up with a short and understandable slogan for the action;

    stick to one group of drinks or food participating in the promotion;

    track the profitability of the stock.

The set of advertising tools depends on the budget that you are willing to allocate for this. In order to immediately attract the attention of consumers, it is recommended to conduct an active marketing strategy in the first months of the project. On average, the initial advertising costs will be 50 thousand rubles. You can launch ads even before the opening of the establishment by coming up with original ads and launching a promotion that will interest people. The best advertisement for a catering establishment is quality product and service. If the consumer appreciates the food and service, he will want to return to this establishment again and recommend it to his friends. Active advertising will accelerate the return on investment in opening a burger and ensure the required level of sales.

How to find burger staff

Since your establishment is likely to work 7 days a week, you will need to organize two shifts. In a new and not yet promoted institution, it will be enough to hire two cooks, two waiters-cashiers, a manager and a cleaner. With the increase in the clientele, it will be necessary to expand the staff to 4 cooks and 4 waiters.

When recruiting employees, one should be guided not so much by work experience as by personal qualities: desire to work, friendliness, responsibility, politeness, initiative. Usually young people work in burger shops - it is easier for them to maintain the fast pace of fast food. It will not be difficult to train employees in all the intricacies of the kitchen. There are no special requirements for personnel. All employees must have sanitary books with appropriate marks.

How to plan your burger income

Catering is a specific type of business in which it is not so easy to predict the level of income. Evaluation is usually subjective and based on the performance of other establishments. But these numbers can be strikingly different from how you will have. For you, they are purely informational in nature, showing how much they earn and can earn burgers. Of course, in the first months you won't be able to earn a lot on burgers - even in the most favorable scenario, the income will be about 50 thousand rubles. But if you correctly plan all stages of the project, start its active promotion, realizing high standards of service, then during the first year of work it will be possible to increase this figure several times. With an average check of 600 rubles, you can count on a monthly profit of up to 500 thousand rubles, and sometimes even higher.

To calculate the amount of net profit, you must also plan the amount of fixed costs, which include utilities, employee salaries, taxes, purchases of products, and losses from product write-offs. Practice shows: you can recoup your investment in 1.5 years. And this is a normal indicator for the catering market.

How much money does it take to open a burger

After we have examined in detail the process of opening a burger, you can summarize the information received and calculate how much it costs to open a burger.

Initial investment calculation

As you can see, opening a burger will require an initial investment of 1.53 million rubles. This is the minimum that a beginner in the catering business should be guided by.

What are the risks when opening a burger

Like any business, opening a burger is associated with many risks. By predicting them in advance and applying countermeasures in a timely manner, adverse consequences can be avoided. Among the main risks are:

    poor choice of burger location. For catering, this risk means low revenue. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully approach the analysis of the outlet and take into account various factors;

    higher prices for raw materials, unscrupulous suppliers, low-quality raw materials. In the first case, there is a risk of increased costs and, as a result, the selling price, which may negatively affect demand. In the second case, the risk is associated with interruptions in production. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of these threats with the right choice of suppliers and the inclusion of all necessary conditions that provide for the supplier's financial liability in case of their violation;

    the reaction of competitors. Since the market for public catering and, in particular, for burgers, is quite saturated and competition in it is high, the behavior of competitors can have a strong influence. To minimize it, it is necessary to form your own customer base, conduct constant monitoring of the market, have customer loyalty programs, competitive advantages and unique offers;

    refusal to lease premises or increase in the cost of rent. To mitigate this risk, it is necessary to enter into a long-term lease agreement and carefully choose a landlord.

    falling effective demand. This risk can be mitigated by developing effective loyalty programs, including discounts, happy hour services, etc .;

    staff problems - low qualifications, staff turnover, lack of employee motivation. This can lead to a decrease in sales efficiency, a reduction in revenue, and the formation of a negative image of the establishment. The easiest way to mitigate this risk is at the recruiting stage, by hiring employees who meet all the requirements. A bonus system should also be envisaged;

    equipment breakdown and production downtime. Reducing the risk will allow regular maintenance of the equipment in order to maintain its operability;

    spoilage of products due to low demand, breakdown of storage equipment, improper storage, planning errors. For the restaurant business, this risk is highly probable. Surplus products can arise for two reasons: firstly, due to low sales and unpopularity of some dishes; and secondly, due to errors in forecasting sales. It is possible to reduce this risk with the help of competent planning and forecasting, revising the assortment, excluding unprofitable dishes from the menu. Food storage errors, breakdown of refrigeration equipment can lead to food spoilage. It is possible to avoid this threat by training personnel and monitoring their work, as well as regular maintenance equipment;

    a decline in the reputation of the institution among the target audience in case of mistakes in management or a decrease in the quality of services. It is possible to mitigate the risk with constant control of product quality, obtaining feedback from clients of the institution and taking corrective measures.

You can open a profitable burger both in a metropolis and in a small town. Burgernaya will perfectly fit into the frantic rhythm of a large city and will become a successful project in a small city, whose residents are not yet satiated with catering offers, and the level of competition and visitors' demands there is lower. But success can be achieved even in a highly competitive environment. The main thing is to offer a quality product, to promote original idea and make delicious burgers. In conclusion, we share a few useful tips that will help an entrepreneur in opening his own burger:

    Be sure to register the cash register with the tax office.

    Cooperate only with those suppliers who have certificates for the products they sell.

    Develop a unique concept that will help you stand out from the competition. An attractive, original style will make the company recognizable. For example, your burgers can be made from colorful buns, buns of unusual shape, or accompanied by creative names and rhymes on the menu.

    "Open kitchens", which provide customers with the opportunity to personally observe the cooking process, significantly increase the level of trust in the institution. The costs of organizing such a kitchen are small, but the effect is significant.

    Burgernaya is a new establishment, but not innovative. But it is in your power to come up with a unique service. This can be an original serving, the ability to collect your burger from a list of ingredients, etc.

    Develop loyalty programs for regular customers.

Burger is a business that requires a lot of time, attention and money. However, with a competent distribution of each of the resources, it can become a profitable, promising business. And one successful project is to become the basis for a whole network of establishments. It is the burger shops that have recently managed to grow into serious networkers.

Burger opening checklist

Key indicators of the burger business:

    The threshold for entering the burger business is 1.53 million rubles.

    Payback - 1.5 years

    Average check - 600 rubles.

    Net profit - 50-500 thousand rubles / month

Basic steps to open a burger:

    Market research. The stage of collecting practical information about all aspects of doing this business in your city, a comprehensive analysis of competitors' activities

    Defining the concept of a burger that meets the needs of the market and the interests of the target audience. Developing and testing the intended menu

    Drawing up a business plan. You need to deduce the conditions under which the burger will be profitable. It is best to draw up three development scenarios: negative, positive and the most expected scenario

The fast food market over its more than half a century history, since its appearance in the 50s in America, has repeatedly proved its relevance among consumers of different incomes, occupations, and lifestyles. All kinds of hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dogs are also readily bought by office workers, those who are on the road, often take them for picnics, they can be a good addition to a family dinner.

It is also a good option for entrepreneurs to start their own business using proven technologies and methods. In addition, this type of business is very flexible in the choice of format - you can open a cafe - a burger shop, you can use mobile vans, or you can sell burgers via Internet platforms with delivery to the client directly at the destination. In any case, this type of business is also attractive because it does not require significant financial investments and the payback period of a burger rarely exceeds 1-2 years.

This article will offer a business plan for opening a burger shop designed for a small city, with the necessary calculations, and also an analysis of the benefits and risks associated with this type of small business.

Business concept

When choosing in what form to offer the client burgers and all the food and services accompanying this type of fast food, it is necessary to use a business concept as a basis, as they say, a "chip" that would distinguish it from competitors, making it attractive for a certain group of consumers ...

There are several such options:

All the proposed concepts, despite the different technical approach to the provision of services, have one thing in common - this is a high-quality, fresh burger. Therefore, when building the entire business scheme, the main attention should be focused on the technology of making a hamburger and the accompanying additional food products - french fries, various salads, and drinks.

Choosing a room for a burger

The main requirements for a burger outlet in its stationary version are as follows:

If we talk about what is better - to purchase a property or use a lease, then everything depends on the specific conditions and prices in the commercial real estate market. If rent is provided, then the average price of such a room is approximately $ 5,000 per month.


There are no special problems with the equipment for the burger now. Most of it can even be ordered with delivery via online stores, or directly from the manufacturer.

IN standard set burger small format includes:

In addition, you will need a set of kitchen tools. It is also necessary to equip the room with furniture, an air conditioning system, burglar alarm, cash registers.

The total budget for fully preparing and equipping a small burger will be approximately $ 30-40 thousand.


The success of the burger business largely depends on the professionalism and friendliness of the staff, and the latter is of decisive importance. After all, even selling very high-quality buns with meat, it will be difficult to attract and retain a client if gloomy, unfriendly cooks and waiters serve him.

To work in a hamburger, you will need at least two cooks and 2-3 waiters. You will also need an administrator who will deal with all internal logistics and ensure the process with all the necessary products and consumables.

For hiring personnel, you can use the services of outsourcing companies or recruitment agencies.

The average budget for financing the salaries of the staff of 6 people will cost 3 thousand dollars per month.

Hamburgers and related products

Besides the main burger product, which can have different types and types of ingredients used, ranging from the classic beef burger to vegan options

(designed for those who, in principle, do not eat any meat), also

clients are offered a set of products consisting of:

  • salads
  • French fries
  • toasted chicken wings
  • sweet carbonated drinks
  • tea and coffee
  • natural juices.

The average cost of a hamburger is in the range of 3-5 dollars per 1 piece.

The average price of a buyer's check, which should be guided by, is $ 7-8.

Legal support for starting and operating a business

The business of producing and selling burgers is traditionally a small business, which primarily involves simplified registration and a form of taxation. As a rule, either the legal form of LLC or individual entrepreneur is used. The cost of registration, registration of permits, opening of accounts will, on average, be no more than $ 500-600. However, corruption risks should also be foreseen, which can increase this amount several times.

Here you should also advise aspiring entrepreneurs to try starting a business with a franchise, i.e. the right to operate under an already well-known trademark or brand. In addition to the fact that an entrepreneur receives a marketing advantage, he can still benefit from support from the franchisor, including assistance in training personnel, organizing and setting up the work of a retail outlet, and certain financial support. The cost of a franchise can cost about 10-20 thousand dollars.


The best marketing ploy when organizing a burger is a quality product, impeccable service and customer friendliness. In addition, important marketing decisions can be:

  1. The original appearance (facade) of the outlet
  2. Creation of your site, and distribution of advertising through network resources
  3. Promotions and bonus programs
  4. discount cards
  5. Cooperation with well-known payment systems or banks in terms of providing cashback services

Also, do not forget about traditional advertising formats such as outdoor advertising, distribution of booklets, colorful cards - coupon menus and even commercials and texts in the media.

Calculation of financial and economic parameters of a burger business plan

After the concept of the business has been determined, the form of the outlet has been chosen, it is necessary to fix what profit is worth counting on and how quickly the investment will pay off. To calculate these basic business parameters, you need to calculate three indicators.

  1. Initial investment (price in USD)

This includes:

  • rent of premises for a period of 12 months - 60,000
  • equipment 30 000
  • registration of a license business registration 600

Total initial investment: 96,000

  1. Fixed costs per month (in dollars)

  • staff - 6 people - 3000
  • marketing - 600
  • expenses for utilities, security, electricity - 2000
  • logistics, transport - 1000
  • product costs - the cost of production at the rate of 60% of the average check of $ 8. With a daily capacity of 300 people, the average cost per day (from 8x300 = 2400 - the amount of daily earnings) is $ 1,440 per day or 43,200 per month.

Total operating and running costs are: 49,800

  1. Revenue.

To calculate the revenue for a hamburger area of ​​100 sq. meters, located in the city center, you can use the figure of 300 people per day. With an average check of $ 8, the daily revenue would be 2,400 per day, or 72,000 per month.

  1. Calculation of net profit and payback period.

The gross profit according to the parameters calculated above will be =

revenue - operating and current expenses = 72,000 - 49,800 = 21,200.

From this amount, you must deduct the amount of taxes (15%). Total profit including taxes will be 18,800.

This amount of net profit should be adjusted for the seasonal factor, for the absence of a daily occupancy rate of 30%.

The final amount of net profit taking into account risks will be $ 14,000 per month.

With such a rate of return, the payback period for investments in the business will be at least 96,000 \ 14,000 = 7 months.


To the traditional risks that accompany any retail business and catering market, in particular, the owners of such formats as burger cafes, first of all, face the risk of competition between substitute products - for example, hot dogs, pizza, all kinds of pies and pancakes, shawarma sellers are all direct competitors of burgers, especially when it comes to price.

Another risk that is also worth paying close attention to is the risks associated with personnel. To neutralize this risk, you will have to spend a lot of effort on preparation and training, careful selection of people who can not only accurately follow all instructions, but also work with enthusiasm and be friendly and cheerful throughout the working day.

In today's fast paced life, modern people often there is not enough time for a normal diet with homemade food. This is why people are so used to snacking on fast food. But fast food should not only satisfy hunger, but also bring pleasure. Therefore, there are many hot dog recipes.Although there is a lot of competition, the burger business can generate a decent monthly income as the food industry is in demand and is growing rapidly.

Burger history

Previously, it was impossible to imagine that an ordinary cutlet in a bun could gain such frenzied popularity among representatives of all walks of life. In 1904, the burger rose to prominence at the St. Louis fair. But it wasn't until thirty years later that it became a gastronomic symbol when Walter Anderson of Kansas founded a chain of eateries called Hamburger.

Every day this gastronomic product gained more and more popularity, most people wanted to repeat its recipe. It was then that the first thoughts of entrepreneurs began to emerge about how to open a burger. So how to make money on burgers?

How to open a burger shop?

Like any business, a burger shop must be opened with an official registration of entrepreneurial activity. How to open a burger shop in your city and what you need to do for this? To begin with, you need to resolve the issue with the form of entrepreneurial activity: individual entrepreneur or LLC. Most of those who opened a burger shop choose the form of an individual entrepreneur, because a small establishment does not have such a large financial turnover. For a burger, it is best to choose a taxation system - a unified tax on imputed income (UTII).

The process of opening an IP is very simple. First, you need to contact the department of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) with a copy of an identity document, write an application, pay a state fee of 800 rubles. It is also necessary to select the type of activity in the OKVED classifier. The following activity codes can be selected for the burger shop:

  • 56.10 "Activities of restaurants and food delivery services."
  • 56.10.1 "Activities of full service restaurants and cafes, cafeterias, fast food and self-service restaurants."

At the end of the company registration procedure, the employees of the relevant authority issue an OGRN certificate, which indicates the status of an individual entrepreneur.

Documents required to open an establishment

How to open a burger shop so that there are no problems with government agencies? To do this, you need to choose a room that will successfully pass all sanitary checks. It is necessary to collect a package of required documents for unscheduled inspections. At the request of the authorities, as a rule, it is necessary to present the following documents:

  • OGRN certificate;
  • safety journal;
  • TIN certificate;
  • certificates for finishing with the required SES requirements;
  • inspection documents for instrumentation and measuring utensils;
  • contracts with the SES and the fire service;
  • an agreement with the energy saving and sewer services;
  • a contract with a residential complex for garbage collection;
  • agreement with the tenant and agreements with employees.

Setting up a burger in a small town

As a rule, in a city with a population of up to one hundred thousand people, there is a small selection of good fast food establishments. Therefore, by opening a new, fashionable burger, you can attract a lot of attention of the unspoiled residents of a small town. A big plus of such settlements is that there are practically no worthy competitors in this business. The answer will only be in the affirmative to the question: is it worth opening a burger in a small town? But in order to start, it is necessary to calculate all the pros and cons.

How to open a burger: a business plan step by step

When developing a business plan for a fast food restaurant, you need to distinguish between the target group of your customers. Most of the visitors will be students and schoolchildren, so the food should not only be tasty, but also affordable.

How to open a burger shop? detailed instructions includes the development of such items:

  1. The concept of the institution. At the very beginning, you need to develop a concept for your restaurant and hire design specialists to make the plan come true.
  2. Finding a room for a burger. The room for the hall should not be less than 70 square meters. It is advisable to create a restaurant in the city center, in a place with high traffic.
  3. Preparing the premises and inviting special government services to control the fulfillment of all points of the requirements. When opening a burger, it is necessary to pass an inspection by the sanitary-epidemiological service and the fire inspection.
  4. Staff recruitment for the establishment. All employees must have health records. At the initial stage, you need to hire: Provar, two workers in the hall and a cleaning lady.
  5. Advertising campaign. The most important point to ensure a quick return on investment and profit. To promote an institution, you need to competently think over an advertising campaign. The institution must have its own website on which the menu is provided, and all the services of this institution are listed. When providing delivery, the establishment's website must have a form for filling out the order. It is advisable to advertise the institution on social networks.

Burger equipment

When choosing equipment for the premises, one should adhere to the concept of the institution. In order not to miss any small nuances, you need to make a list of necessary things:

  • purchase chairs and tables according to the design;
  • order a bar counter and bar furniture;
  • develop and order an outdoor sign;
  • purchase or custom-made a uniform for employees;
  • install alarms and video cameras;
  • buy kitchen equipment.

When choosing equipment, it is advisable to focus on models from reliable and trusted manufacturers.

Facility menu

The tastier and better the food in the burger, the more profit the establishment will bring to the owner. Many vegetables, seasonings, sauces and, of course, good quality meats are usually used to provide a variety of menus. Since the contingent of the establishment will be very different, the dishes should also be varied. Therefore, it will be a big plus if, in addition to burgers, salads and fries, the menu includes vegetarian dishes, dishes for children and people with diabetes.

How much does it cost to open an establishment?

How to open a burger shop? Will the business generate income? How much does it cost to open such an establishment? How to open a small burger shop? Of course, this business is profitable, but on condition that there are few competitors on the market with a similar business concept. Opening a burger shop from scratch can cost about 5-10 million rubles, which already includes all the costs for the payback period of the business. At the initial stage, you won't be able to earn much on fast food. At first, the profit will be about 30 thousand rubles. per month. But with the right approach and a well-thought-out advertising campaign, income can be increased two to three times. The payback period for this business is about two years. For a small town, these are pretty good indicators. Therefore, it is profitable to open a burger shop from scratch; the investment pays off relatively quickly.

Required investments

The financial plan in the early stages includes many costs, but this business good because you can invest in it gradually. You can start with just a few types of burgers and a few drinks. Initial investment in rubles:

  • somewhere around 420 thousand will be the cost of equipment;
  • about 40 thousand rubles - payments to staff;
  • costs for expendable materials will amount to about 20 thousand;
  • rental of premises - about 50 thousand.

The total amount of initial costs will be approximately 530 thousand rubles.

To get a steady income and not break legal regulations, a newbie in business needs to know some of the nuances of his business. Some useful tips for aspiring entrepreneurs include:

  • obligatory registration of the cash register with the tax service;
  • cooperation exclusively with reliable suppliers of food products;
  • the presence of features in the institution, features that distinguish it from competitors;
  • at first, it is necessary to win the client's trust, to interest visitors, including potential ones;
  • the room should be organized so that the interior looks interesting and not cluttered;
  • disposal of waste should be considered.

Business marketing

One of the main aspects of opening a fast food establishment is marketing. If the entrepreneur decided to open a franchise establishment, then at the initial stage he will be accompanied by the company providing the franchise. This is one of the easiest options for starting your own business. But businessmen who decide to set off on an independent voyage need to develop their own logo and brand so that customers can easily remember the institution.

The most powerful tool in marketing today is the Internet. Now many people are looking for a restaurant through the Internet, read reviews about the institution and order delivery. Therefore, when opening a burger, you will need to make a local press release, launch a special offer for customers who visit the restaurant on the opening day. A big plus will be an invitation to the opening, free tasting of dishes, attracting the attention of the media and food bloggers.

Another good decision to attract new customers is to create with coupons and cumulative discounts (this will force the client to return to the restaurant again). You must always remember about additional services (for example, home delivery of food). Perhaps for even more income, a take-out restaurant concept should be developed.


There are many risks involved in a fast food business. These risks can begin both with negative customer reviews and with checks and penalties by the SES. The burger shop owner needs to pay great attention to the quality of the food and the shelf life of the food. One incident of poor quality food can ruin an entire business. Satisfied customers bring money to the establishment.

Hungry Russian market pounces on western trends. Burger restaurants bring millions of profits to their owners every year. This is a niche in which profitability can be kept at the level of 45% by investing only 20,000 rubles. into business. Payback - from 1 month, hundreds of hungry customers, cooking speed - no more than 10 minutes, and there are only 5 items in the menu, and all of them are burgers.


McDonald's is the largest example of what a burger business can be. Millions of employees all over the world who are equally dressed and equally welcoming. $ 4.8 billion a year in net income. 1,400 new restaurants per year under the franchise system.

Its success has led many to choose a fast food niche that is both rich in earning opportunities and odds of failure.

The essence of the business model

Starting your own burger requires careful planning. Each business can be divided into 9 aspects that are difficult to keep in a mental representation, therefore, A. Osterwald's developments are used for visualization.

A business model is a capacious concept that includes all aspects of a business project from market analysis to post-sales service. If you formulate a business model according to Osterwald, then the result will be a carefully calibrated project.

Reference. Alexander Osterwald and Yves Pignet are the authors and creators of the business modeling tool - Canvas Business Model.

When working with a model, it is necessary to consistently fill in the blocks, briefly capturing thoughts. It is customary to start from the far right block - "customers" and move to the bottom left - "costs".

The result will be a completed card that will contain all the answers to possible questions related to the future business. This method will save the aspiring entrepreneur from serious mistakes in planning, as it affects all stages of the process.

So, Ivan decided to open a burger in his city. He came across a leaflet with Osterwald's business model. Here's an example of what he could write on it:

  1. Clients. Who are they?

    The main clients and target audience are young people and middle-aged residents of the city. Often busy, wanting a quick and tasty meal. Sometimes these are companies that find it convenient to meet in one place and spend 1-2 hours there. They are not worried about healthy eating or are willing to easily break a promise to themselves not to eat fast food. For them, the design in the burger, the availability of entertainment facilities (Wi-Fi, TVs, background music), a convenient location: close to work or study are important.

  2. Relationship with the client.

    Guests buy burgers, drinks and other meals. They may eat on site or ask to pack food with them. Some people prefer to pre-order by phone or via the app to save time. For those wishing to order at home, there is a delivery service (one of the multifunctional employees or an agreement with a taxi).

  3. Sales channel.

    Customers see a bright sign at the entrance to the diner. Portable pillars with a tempting menu are located at the nearest intersections on either side of the burger shop. The city has 2 bright banners calling to visit the restaurant and get a discount on burgers with cheese and cappuccino. Groups have been created in three social networks. They are promoted and filled by a hired freelancer. Subscribers get 5% discount. When customer traffic is low, free employees distribute leaflets to nearby schools, universities and companies with an appeal to try a business combo consisting of a burger, a serving of potatoes and lemonade at a special price at lunchtime.

  4. Income.

    It's simple - the proceeds from the sale of food and drinks.

  5. Value provided.

    It is a central and critical building block in a business model. What exactly distinguishes Ivan's burger from McDonald's 3 kilometers away, Subway in the neighboring mall or a tent with Ravshan shawarma at the nearest intersection. Why new client will come exactly to Ivan's diner, and whoever has already been, wants to return with friends?

    This is the most difficult question to which there is no universal answer. In the case of the burger: delicious food, kind staff, comfortable environment, reasonable price. In a word - quality service.

  6. Key activities.

    Burger delivers food. On the menu four classic look burgers, two branded. Snacks - potatoes, nuggets. Drinks - coffee, tea, juices and soda.

  7. Key resources.

    Ivan's diner is in the center small town... Premises for rent. Client hall - 40 sq. m., kitchen and utility rooms - 24 sq. m. In front of the building there is free parking for 6 cars. There is a company car for delivering orders. The hall is equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable meal. Used kitchen equipment, but copes with the functions. Employees are also a human resource.

  8. Key partners.

    Ingredient suppliers, taxi service organizing delivery. Service company for the maintenance of kitchen equipment. In general, all the related contacts that allow the assets to generate profits without interruption.

  9. Costs.

    Rent costs, employee salaries, utility bills, transportation costs, product costs, electric frying pan loan payments, advertising and marketing.

By the end of the filling, the map should look like this. Each block is filled with detailed measurable indicators. A minimum of streamlined formulations, like "a few", "a lot", "a little". The more precisely the plan is formulated at this stage, the fewer questions will arise during its implementation.

The map is not a static tool. It is convenient to carry it in in electronic format making adjustments periodically based on feedback from processes and customers.

Business formats

Starting a business in one of the formats depends on the experience of the future entrepreneur and the amount of funds. Convenience of the niche is that you can start even with 20,000 rubles, provided, of course, that all equipment and point of sale will be rented. And the seller, cashier and cook will be the businessman himself in one person.

High-speed turnover in this case - the path from grocery shopping to a freshly sold hot burger - provides a quick influx of money. So in a couple of months, a novice entrepreneur can already buy out equipment.

Option 1. Mobile diner

A carriage worth 250,000 rubles. with one employee. The main plus is mobility. If you analyze the time and place of the gathering of people, then you can literally "go for demand."

Lunch time near educational institutions and office buildings, in the evening near shopping centers and parks, in the morning at markets and train stations. If you move through these points, you can catch the peak of sales throughout the day. And it is convenient to replenish the stocks that are running out in the nearest supermarkets.

Minimum filling for a trailer:


Price in rubles

Frying pan Gastrorag CPP-40 with lid

Deep fryer CZG-40-2 Gastrorag

Meat grinder HM-12 Gastrorag

Hamburger Forming Machine

Cutting table SR-2/530/600-E

Refrigerated Polair wardrobe DM105-S

You can, of course, do without all this, for example, you can form raw cutlets using a hand-made mold for 200 rubles.

If there are no difficulties with the start-up capital, a businessman can afford an Apple in the world of cooking - BLANCO COOK.

This is a complete mobile kitchen that can be powered by a generator. The advantages are versatility and enjoyment of work. Cons - price. The average grade costs 1.2 million rubles.

Option 2. Tent or stationary stall

Customers of this type of burger can also expect a quick snack “on the go” for a reasonable price. The static point increases the comfort for the worker, because with this option, you can install a hood, organize a workspace.

This also includes islands in shopping centers. The cost of a trailer or tent is replaced by payment for a design project and an "island" according to the requirements of the shopping center (costs will be 70-100 thousand rubles.)

The set of equipment depends on the capabilities and scheduled tasks.

Option 3. Restaurant

A good point for a businessman can be called a room that has already been used as a cafe. In this case, it will already comply with fire and sanitary standards.

Important. In the case of the trailer, SES and Rospotrebnadzor will not be so vigilant. The restaurant, however, will attract the attention of supervisory services. The room must be brought in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.08.02-89.

Why is it relevant

There will always be a lot of people who want to eat, so the fast food niche is eternal. The owner expects profit already in the first month after opening, because:

  1. The choice of Russian consumers is influenced by Western culture, in which the burger is the crown of the creation of "fast food".
  2. The burger business offers the buyer a specialized assortment. At the initial stages, it is not necessary to develop a menu with ten positions. A few burger recipes are enough. In the future, the offer can be expanded with drinks, side dishes or desserts.
  3. Hamburgers are easy to prepare. The high speed of processing one order allows you to serve quickly and without queues.
  4. In Russia, meat is 33-45% cheaper than, for example, in America.
  5. Low business entry threshold. A start is possible with the purchase of a daily stock of products. Unless, of course, all the equipment is rented or prepared by hand.

How much money does it take to start

We have already mentioned the cost of some elements of the hamburger business above. Below is a cost plan for the start on the example of Ivan's burger.

By the way. Are hamburgers and burgers different from each other? So, a burger is a common name for two buns, between which meat, vegetables and other products. Hamburger is a type of burger made from grilled meat cutlet, tomato, lettuce and special sauce.

Is it possible to open a franchise business

A franchise business is a way of highly profitable investment of free funds, because after 3-4 months of hard work, the process can be fully automated by hiring a manager.

However, there are also disadvantages, by the way, they also relate to the acquisition of any ready business... The project was not created by the buyer, which means that if the business process breaks down, it will be difficult for the new owner to fix it.

Comparative analysis four successful franchises


Ketch up burgers

Franchising with

Open points

Entry threshold, thousand rubles

All possible expenses are included in the price.

All inclusive + additional costs for repairs and inventory (400 thousand rubles).

Purchase of uniforms and repairs.

All inclusive + additional costs for repairs and stock.

Lump-sum contribution, thousand rubles

5 thousand rubles / month

2.5% of the monthly turnover.

2% of income.

Opening time

Predicted payback

Average check, rub.

Net profit, thousand rubles

Minimum area, sq. m.

Islet in the mall trade pavilion, a full-fledged cafe.

Food court in the mall, cafe.

Islet in the mall, kiosk, food court, cafe.

Cafe in design style loft.

A detailed video review of the burger by the Ketch Up Burgers franchise