A story about a small town translated into English. My City theme

Essay about native city in English. There is a translation of the text into Russian. Take this text as a guide when writing your own story about your city.


I was born in Donetsk and it is my native town. It was founded in 1869 and it was called Uzovka. First it was a small mining settlement but in the upper part of the River Kalmius it had rich stores of coal, and very quickly it grew into a huge mining and industrial center.

I should say that Donetsk is rich in coal and iron ore. People soon discovered it and in 1866 there appeared first iron workshops. In 1869 John Uze, the London manager, arrived and settled on the banks of the River Kalmius. He was invited by the government, his aim was to develop the rich deposits. John Uze was a good specialist, he built a blacksmith’s workshop, which grew into the future Donetsk Metallurgical Plant. In 1899 there was built a plant producing mining equipment. Today we know it as Donetsk Machine Building Plant.

In 1924 this settlement became a city and was named Stalino. In 1932 it became the capital of Donbass. During World War II the most part of the city was destroyed.

In 1961 the city was called Donetsk. As it was the city with rich deposits its population grew up.

Today we know Donetsk as an administrative, industrial, scientific and cultural center. There are many industrial enterprises, construction associations and different organizations. Its scientific achievements are known all over Ukraine and even abroad. The educational establishments are famous for the excellent quality of education. Everybody knows Donetsk Medical University, or Donetsk National Technical University. Today there are many other colleges, institutes, universities, where study students not only from Ukraine but also from foreign states. There are line theaters in the city. There is also the Philarmony, a circus, a planetarium, a great number of Palaces of Culture, many museums, libraries, clubs and cinemas.

The main street of Donetsk is Artyoma Street. The streets are long and beautiful. They are always in motion, sometimes even happen traffic jams.

I would like to tell you that I like my town. I know every corner of it. Wherever I go I am always glad to come back to my native town. For me there is no other place in the world where I can feel like home.

QUESTIONS - Questions to the text

  1. When was Donetsk founded?
  2. What was its first name?
  3. What was Donetsk rich in?
  4. Who developed the city's rich deposits?
  5. When was the city named Stalino?
  6. What is there in Donetsk today?
  7. Is it a cultural city? Why do you think so?

VOCABULARY - Vocabulary to text

  • settlement - settlement
  • workshop - workshop
  • blacksmith's workshop - forge
  • to destroy - to destroy
  • enterprise - enterprise
  • achievement - achievement
  • a traffic jam - traffic jam (on the road)

Text translation - My hometown

I was born in Donetsk and this is my hometown. It was founded in 1869 and was called Yuzovka. At first it was a small mining settlement, but in the upper part of the Kalmius River there were rich deposits of coal, and this is her, the settlement quickly grew into a large coal and industrial center.

It must be said that Donetsk is rich in coal and iron ore. People soon discovered this, and in 1866 the first metallurgical workshops appeared. In 1869, London manager John Hughes came and settled on the banks of the Kalmius River. He was invited by the government, his task was to develop the deposits. Yuz was a good specialist, he built a forge, which grew into the future Donetsk Metallurgical Plant. In 1899, a mine equipment plant was built. Today we know it as the Donetsk Machine-Building Plant.

In 1924 this settlement became a city and was named Stalino. In 1932 the city became the capital of Donbass. During World War II, most of the city was destroyed.

In 1961 the city was named Donetsk. Since it was a city with rich resources, its population grew rapidly.

Today we know Donetsk as an administrative, industrial, scientific and cultural center. There are many industrial enterprises, design associations and different organizations... His scientific achievements are known throughout Ukraine and even abroad. Schools are renowned for their excellent teaching quality. Everyone knows Donetsk Medical University and Donetsk National Technical University. Today, there are many other colleges, institutes, universities in the city, where not only students from Ukraine, but also from foreign countries study. There are three theaters in Donetsk, there is also a philharmonic society, a planetarium, a huge number of Palaces of culture, many museums, libraries, clubs and cinemas.

The main street of Donetsk is the street named after Artyom. The streets are long and beautiful. They are always in motion, sometimes there are even traffic jams.

I would like to say that I like my city. I know every corner of it. Wherever I go, I always happily return to my hometown. There is no other place on earth for me where I would feel at home.

Level B. My world.

My town

I live in the most beautiful town in Russia. It is Cheboksary the capital of Chuvashia. It stands on the Volga river located on the right bank.
I have many favorite places in my town: the Volga Bay, parks and cinemas.

You can see many people and children on the Volga Bay. There are many exciting colored fountains here. In summer you can boat and in winter you can skate.

We have a lot of parks. Each park is very nice and cozy, where children and their parents gather for the merry and bright holidays, musical fairy tales, theatrical performances. Cheboksary is situated on both banks of the Volga, and is one of the most beautiful green cities in Russia. The main advantage of the Chuvash Republic is good location on the Volga River, which flows through the picturesque and green places. Volga and Sursko beaches, attractive natural landscape are attractive moments for tourism development.

The town also has a cinema. I love to go and watch movies with friends and parents.

We have a lot of monuments. Cheboksary is the cultural center of the republic and has more than 100 monuments, including prominent figures of culture and art.

I like Cheboksary very much and I love my city.

I live in the most beautiful city in Russia. This is Cheboksary the capital of Chuvashia. It stands on the bank of the Volga, located on the right bank.

I have many favorite places in my city: the Bay, parks and cinemas.

You can see a lot of people and children in the Bay. There are many interesting colored fountains here. In the summer you can go boating and in the winter you can ice skate.

We have many parks. Each park is very beautiful and cozy, where children and their parents gather for funny and bright holidays, musical fairy tales, theatrical performances. Cheboksary is located on both banks of the Volga and is one of the most beautiful green cities in Russia. The main advantage of the Chuvash Republic is good location on the Volga, which flows through picturesque and green places: the Volga and Surskie beaches, an attractive natural landscape are attractive points for the development of tourism.

The city also has a cinema. I love walking and watching movies with friends and parents.

We have many monuments. Cheboksary is the cultural center of the republic and has more than 100 monuments, including outstanding figures of culture and art.

I like Cheboksary very much, and I love my city

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There are many cities in the world. The cities are big, small and beautiful. However, some of them are ugly. I live in a small but beautiful city. There are a lot of trees, flowers there. My city is beautiful in winter, spring, summer and autumn. It is changing in spring a lot. There are many green leaves on trees and many flowers begin to grow.

When I have a bad mood, I love to walk around the city. Sometimes it is raining or snowing but I love the place where I live. Maybe I will have to leave my city in the future when I finish school and enter the University. There is only one University and a few colleges in my city, so many young people leave for a better place.

My city is not far from Moscow, I visit Moscow almost every summer. Moscow is the largest city in Russia; there are almost 10 million people there. There are many museums, theaters, sport clubs, universities in Moscow. It is good! But Moscow is noisy. Also there are a lot of cars there, the air is not clean. However, I know a lot of people who love Moscow and don "t want to leave it.

Every city in Russia has its own beauty.

My city

There are many cities in the world. There are cities big, small, beautiful. But some of them are ugly. I live in a small but beautiful city. There are many trees, shrubs, flowers here. My city is beautiful in winter, spring, summer and autumn. It changes a lot in the spring. Many green leaves appear on the trees, flowers begin to grow.

When I have Bad mood, I like to walk around the city. Sometimes it rains or snows, but I love the place where I live. Maybe I will have to leave in the future when I finish school and go to university. There is only one university and a few colleges in our city, so many young people go to better places.

My city is not far from Moscow, I come to Moscow almost every summer. Moscow is the largest city in Russia, home to almost 10 million people. There are many museums, theaters, sports clubs, universities in Moscow, but Moscow is noisy. There are also many cars in Moscow, the air is not very clean. However, I know many people who love Moscow and do not want to leave here.

Each city in Russia is good in its own way.

will help you! Good luck!

I was born in a big city and I really love it.

The city amazingly combines historical buildings and all the modern tendencies. I love the center of the city. It is called the Old Town. It has these beautiful narrow streets with paving stones, beautiful colored houses and old churches. At night the city is lightened up and looks breathtaking.

We have lots of places for the young people to visit. There are a lot of cafes and interest clubs. For example, there are several English-clubs opening every year. They provide free movie-evenings and speaking clubs. There are also lots of yoga classes and sport places to attract people to healthy life.

We also have various museums and art galleries. There are some old traditional museums like The national Art Museum and the new ones like The House of Pictures. What is more, to popularize the places there are days when you can go there for free.

I like shopping and my city provides lots of shopping centers to visit. Me and my friends can go shopping, relax in the cafe and go to the movie. And all that is in one place.

There are also two aqua parks to spend the weekend at. There are a lot of visitors especially in summer. More and more people go to the dolphinarium, where you can not only watch the performance, but also swim with these amazing animals.

So my native town has a lot to show. And there is no way I'm getting away from it.


I was born in a big city and I love it very much.

The city surprisingly combines historical buildings and modern tendencies... I love the city center. It's called the Old Town. There are beautiful narrow streets with paving stones, beautiful colorful houses and old churches. At night, the city lights up and looks spectacular.

We have many places for young people to visit. There are many cafes and clubs of interest. For example, several English language clubs are opened every year. They host free movie nights and talk clubs. There are also many yoga classes and sports venues to get people involved in a healthy lifestyle.

We also have many museums and art galleries. There are several old traditional museums like the National Museum of Art and newer ones like the House of Paintings. Moreover, to popularize these places, they arrange days when you can go there for free.

I like to go shopping and there are many malls in my city. Me and my friends can go shopping, relax in a cafe and go to the cinema. And all this in one place.

There are also two water parks where you can spend the weekend. There are many visitors there, especially in summer. More and more people go to the dolphinarium, where they can not only watch the performance, but also swim with these amazing animals.

So my hometown has a lot to show. And in no way will I leave this place.


Good day, dear listeners and readers! Returning from a trip, we always share our impressions, talk about the country, about cities, describe their remarkable districts and streets. And if you are abroad, then, of course, they will ask you about the features and attractions of your city, or you will have the opportunity to tell a newly arrived tourist which areas of a foreign city you must definitely visit. Baltimore: Describing the Districts and Landmarks of a City in English Therefore, in today's lesson, you will learn to orally talk about different cities and areas to those who do not know anything about them. You will learn to describe the brightest and interesting places and also show or describe the way to get there. In addition, you will recall useful vocabulary from previous lessons, as well as learn new material that is interesting and useful for live communication in English.

And we will start with a small conversation between Martin Lerner and the taxi driver, the content and background of which is as follows: Martin is going to the airport. When the taxi driver learned that the reporter was flying to another city, he became very interested in a place where he had never been. Therefore, the journalist constantly answers the taxi driver's questions about the city, its districts and describes different places:

Driver: What does Baltimore look like? - What is Baltimore like?
Martin: That’s a hard question. It's an old city. It has an interesting harbor. - It's a difficult question. This is the old town. It has an interesting harbor.
Driver: Is it on the ocean? - Is it by the ocean?
Martin: No. It's on Chesapeake Bay. It's a very busy port. Huge ships come to Baltimore. No. It is located at the Chesapeake Bay *. This is a very busy (busy port). Huge ships arrive in Baltimore.

Note: The Chesapeake Bay is the largest flooded estuary of the Susquehanna River in North America. One of the most famous natural landscapes in the United States. In fact, it juts into the mainland, part of the Atlantic Ocean, which is located between the states of Maryland and Virginia.

Read the fragment of the conversation between Martin and the driver several times, and then listen to how these words and phrases sound in correct English: /wp-content/uploads/2014/10/russian_english_044.mp3 Remember that by listening and repeating English speech, you practice your pronunciation and listening comprehension of American speakers.

A story about the city in English

A convenient table with text in Russian and translation into English will help you not only find out the meaning, but also the correct spelling of each english word... And also with the help of the table it is easier to learn a lot of new material.

Description of the city
This is the old town It's an old city
This is a very busy port. It's a very busy port
aquarium aquarium
port port
idea, thought idea
Work job
theatre theater
bakery, bakery bakery
tourist tourist
van, minibus van
concert hall convention center
ship ship
navy, ships shipping
harbor harbor
Ocean ocean
repair to repair
sound to sound
Adverbs (Adverbs)
also, too either
downtown downtown
near next to
bright, colorful colorful
extra extra
difficult difficult
funny fun
diluted divorced
hard, difficult hard
light easy
popular popular
educational educational
railway railroad
exciting exciting

Put your knowledge into practice by practicing telling someone about your city in English.