Pool pavilion – we create a reliable and elegant canopy for a pond. How to build a trade pavilion, choice of technology

In order to save space and time in the apiary, simplify preparation for winter, increase productivity and generally simplify the maintenance of honey plants, every beekeeper will need a bee pavilion. In such a structure, a dozen bee families can live simultaneously, separated from one another by wooden sheets. Many beekeepers wonder how to make such a pavilion with their own hands? More on this later in the article.

A mobile bee pavilion is a mobile room for bees, which can vary in size and design. For example, for pollination in difficult conditions movement or not large areas the best option There will be arrangement of small single-axle mobile hives for 12–17 bee colonies. For pollination over large areas, on the contrary, it is more advisable to have a building that can accommodate 30 families of bees or more. A mobile pavilion can be built, taking into account transportation on skids or wheels (see photo).

With this mode, the apiary becomes mobile - it can be transported a large number of times throughout the season. This is done in order to make fuller use of honey-bearing vegetation and completely free yourself from the work of unloading and loading hives. The movable pavilion has a more comfortable mode for little workers, and also makes it easier to protect the apiary. In such structures, hives can be maintained year-round, so there is no need to build winter huts.

Caring for bees in such a mobile structure is not very different from the usual keeping in single hives. However, you need to get used to working with limited space and keep the number of jobs to a minimum. During the season it is necessary to produce:

  • sanitary and hygienic treatment, spring inspection, checking the supply of food;
  • installation of magazine extensions or installation of a second body;
  • form layering and select brood;
  • select honey and select varieties for wintering.

The video “Beekeeping in Pavilions” shows in detail how bees are kept in a mobile hive.

To begin building a mobile pavilion with your own hands, you need to prepare a well-designed drawing (for example, as in the photo below), which will meet the basic conditions:

  • required dimensions for trailer or van;
  • equipment with household and work compartments;
  • the presence and necessity of folding platforms and ladders;
  • availability of ventilation;
  • possibility of heating a mobile pavilion;
  • lighting of the working passage between the change house and the hives;
  • the presence of a luggage compartment where you can store the necessary equipment.

The number of sections must be adjusted to the size of the mobile structure. However, experienced beekeepers do not recommend making more than 20 sections, due to the fact that the bees will interfere with each other.

It is not easy to make a pavilion for bees with your own hands, since this requires knowing how to use metal cutting equipment, fastening and tightening tools. What you will need:

  • welding tools;
  • jack;
  • levels;
  • project drawing;
  • cargo trailer, preferably not heavy (preferably ZIL, IF);
  • wooden bars;
  • metal for the frame of the bee pavilion;
  • fiberboard sheets;
  • boards (can also be replaced with disassembled pallets);
  • roofing felt;
  • nails, screws, paints, door and window hinges.

  1. We make a sketch of the drawing of the future trailer. The pavilion should be built in such a way that the roof does not touch the beekeeper's head, not higher. The width must be at least 80 cm. This is done so that a standard 4-frame honey extractor fits freely between the hives. The length of the bee pavilion depends on the location of the hives and their number.
  2. We level the trailer using a level and a jack, since after construction is completed it may turn out that the pavilion is crooked.
  3. We remove the floor, if it is wooden, and the sides.
  4. We lower the floor in the passage between the hives, if the design of the trailer allows, in order to reduce the height of the pavilion (see photo).

  • Then you need to weld the metal frame. To do this, first cut out the corners, the length of which should be the same, and weld the doorway (see photo of the frame).

  • We screw the bars to the frame and fill them with boards. The cheapest and easiest way would be to nail unsanded boards: just secure them tightly next to each other on the bars.

  • We cover the pavilion with solid fiberboard sheets over the boards.
  • We put roofing felt on the roof.
  • We make doors and hatches.
  • There remains a gap around the entire perimeter of the floor for the landing verandas. We place the hive tightly to the frame.
  • We nail bars of the same width as the frame elements that protrude into the structure, on top of the gap left. Then we move the hive close to these bars.
  • We make hatches in the ceiling to match the size of the nomadic mesh from a sixteen-frame hive.
  • We weld the steps to the trailer drawbar for convenience.
  • Video “Hive for a mobile apiary”

    After watching this video, you will see how easy it is to make a hive for your mobile apiary.

    Beekeeping in pavilions: all the details of the process

    Natural and comfortable house for bees - hive deck

    We make bee trailers for apiaries

    Need some advice?

    The problem is not how to make a pavilion for bees. The problem is the paperwork for the pavilion, I mean the mobile one. There are so many obstacles when it comes to registration that you won’t even want honey. Well, the last obstacle is the local traffic police. What’s interesting is that everyone acts strictly according to the law.

    I would advise making a pavilion based on modern technologies, i.e. using three-layer sandwich panels. On the outside, such a panel consists of a metal profile made of 0.5 mm steel sheet, then filled with polystyrene foam or polyurethane. The inner layer is made of a flat steel sheet or the same metal profile with a ridge height of 8 mm. If someone is confused by the metal inside the pavilion, you can use either cellular polycarbonate or plastic panel or OSB panel (this is a little heavier). With this design, no spacers, heavy steel or wooden beams for the frame.

    Having a loading platform, such a structure from ready-made panels can be assembled in 1 day. If you assemble and glue from semi-finished products, it will take a little more time. But the design will be rigid, durable and light.

    • Expenses and income for laying hens
    • Meat chicken diet
    • Diet of productive geese
    • Diet of breeding turkeys
    • Guinea fowl diet
    • Quail diet
    • Diet of pheasants for meat
    • Income from the sale of eggs
    • Baby rabbit
    • Farrowing sow
    • Sheep lambing
    • Calving cow
    • Foaling mare
    • Lambing of a goat

  • The pool pavilion is installed in order to make the swimming season longer and protect the artificial reservoir from clogging.

    Even the smallest artificial reservoir built on suburban area, provides an opportunity to have a great rest after a busy day, restore physical strength, and simply cheer up on hot summer days by plunging into cool water. As a rule, owners of dachas and private houses outside the city build outdoor swimming pools. The construction of such structures requires a minimum of money and effort. But open reservoirs are not very convenient to use.

    Firstly, you can swim in them only in the warm months of the year and only in ideal weather (no rain, the sun is not too hot, no wind). Secondly, outdoor pools require constant (and, note, quite labor-intensive) care. Their bowls get clogged every day. As a result, instead of pleasure, a person receives a lot of inconvenience. It's easy to avoid such problems. It is necessary to build a special structure - a pavilion for the pool, which has many advantages.

    Pool pavilion

    Shelters for artificial private reservoirs will allow you to:

    • spend less funds for heating water;
    • devote a minimum of time to caring for the bowl;
    • extend the swimming season;
    • reduce the amount of water that evaporates from the bowl;
    • reduce heat losses related to cooling the pool at night.

    Since less debris will end up in the bowl with a cover, the water quality in your pool will always be excellent. Children can safely swim in such a spotlessly clean pond. And you will have to buy much less chemicals. We think you understand that building a pool cover is a worthwhile endeavor. Moreover, it is quite possible to do such work on your own, without resorting to the help of specialists.

    All the structures that we describe are divided into two large groups. They can be telescopic (usually called sliding) or stationary. The former refers to structures consisting of several sections. Their individual parts easily move and open the entire pool or a certain part of it to the sun's rays. That is, sliding structures allow you to turn the bowl into a completely or partially closed structure.

    The shape, height and number of sections are selected depending on the geometric dimensions of the pool. The number of individual parts of the structure, of course, determines the overall functionality of the shelter. Sliding canopies are most often moved along the sides of the pool using small wheels (a fully mobile option) or along specially laid rails.

    Telescopic structures resemble swimming pools closed type. Such canopies perfectly protect the reservoir from debris and precipitation. In fact, they make a separate room out of an ordinary pool - a full-fledged recreation area. You can relax in it with friends or family in any weather. A stationary pavilion for a swimming pool is easy to equip heating system. In this case, the artificial reservoir can be used all year round.

    Telescopic structure

    Based on the height, pool covers are divided into low and high. The first ones are recommended for installation in cases where you plan to use the reservoir from time to time - irregularly. The height of such structures is about 100 cm. They cope with their tasks adequately and protect the bowl well from debris, rain, and sunlight. A low canopy is sometimes made higher (up to 200 cm). In this case, it is built according to the principle of a greenhouse. A door is placed at the end of such a structure. People get into the pool through it. But there is one nuance here. This constructive solution limits the possibility of swimming along the sides of the bowl.

    High-type protective structures (up to 300 cm) are built when a private pool is turned into a year-round recreation area. If you want to build just such a structure, immediately decide on the type and heating system of this building. The shapes of the shelters that interest us are very diverse. Fantasize. You can make a pool pavilion with your own hands with original arched elements, with a strict rectilinear contour, trapezoidal or rectangular.

    The most popular are pavilions in the form of a half-cylinder divided into several sections, installed in a horizontal position. For round bowls, experts advise building spherical shelters with sliding panels. And rectangular canopies are considered the most durable and durable, top part which has an arc bend. Snow never accumulates on the roof of such structures, which increases the service life of the structure.

    For those who want to make a pool pavilion with their own hands, it is important to immediately decide on the material for constructing the canopy. Traditionally, double-glazed windows are used for these purposes. It is recommended to use it if you plan to use the pool as a relaxation area, greenhouse or luxurious winter garden.

    Double-glazed windows provide excellent protection for the structure. They have a presentable appearance and mass operational advantages. But the cost of such material is high, and the work of constructing double-glazed windows is not for everyone home handyman on the shoulder. Therefore, now pavilions are more often built from polycarbonate.

    Double-glazed window covering

    This modern material allows you to build luxurious structures of any configuration and level of complexity with a minimum of money and time. If construction measures are carried out correctly, polycarbonate canopies last up to 9–10 years. They also have other advantages:

    • ease of care;
    • fire resistance;
    • excellent light transmission;
    • lightness and strength of the structure.

    Note! Polycarbonate canopies are installed on swimming pools that are used exclusively in summer. They are not intended for winter use. And the second point. Professionals recommend building shelters from polycarbonate with a thickness of at least 8 mm. In this case, the canopy will be truly durable and functional.

    As was said, you can build a polycarbonate canopy with your own hands without serious difficulties. Please note the following before starting work:

    • The concrete foundation for the shelter should have a thickness of 0.5–0.7 m. The total mass of the finished structure is quite impressive (sometimes up to several tons), so care should be taken reliable basis for him.
    • The width of the pavilion foundation is determined by the parameters of the guide rails used. The length of the base is always taken to be 60–70 mm more sizes canopy under construction.
    • It is advisable to protect the foundation from moisture. This is achieved by laying tiles or porcelain stoneware on it.
    • The joints between polycarbonate sheets must be sealed using a special tape or colorless silicone compound.

    It is possible not to build a separate foundation if there is already an equipped recreation area around your pool (tiles have been laid, other work has been carried out). In other cases, you need to pour a strip foundation and perform concrete reinforcement (usually square cells with dimensions of 0.2 by 0.2 m are laid out).

    Next, you begin to install the frame of the structure. Skeletal arches are usually made from profile steel pipes. Polycarbonate sheets are subsequently attached to them. The length of the arc is calculated using the formula - the width of the pool plus one of its heights. It is quite difficult to bend a profile pipe product at the required angle. Therefore, it is better to entrust this matter to specialists.

    The bent arched elements must be stretched in the form of arches over the bowl of the reservoir. The distance between the individual arcs is taken to be about 100 cm. Be sure to install special stiffeners between them. The latter are recommended to be installed according to this scheme:

    • two ribs between the 1st and 2nd arc;
    • three ribs between the 2nd and 3rd;
    • two between 3rd and 4th and so on.

    Arc-shaped elements of the pavilion over the basin of the reservoir

    The specified number of stiffeners is quite enough to ensure the stability of a polycarbonate structure. Then the base of the manufactured skeleton of the structure should be bolted to the foundation (if a collapsible canopy is being built). In cases where you are building a stationary pavilion for a pool, fastening can be done not with hardware, but with the help of a welding machine.

    After assembling the skeleton into one whole, apply an anti-corrosion compound to all its elements. Processing must be done carefully. Do not forget that the structure will constantly be in conditions high humidity. When the anti-corrosion agent has dried, paint the frame in the desired color.

    The final work is covering the completed skeleton with polycarbonate sheets. Everything is simple here:

    • drill holes in sheet products;
    • insert universal screws into them;
    • fix the sheets on the pipes.

    At the end installation work Apply sealant to the connection points of the canopy elements.

    Speed ​​and ease are a kind of motto of modern technology. In construction, it is as relevant as in the Internet sphere, only by lightness we mean a low mass of elements, and by speed we mean the speed of their connection, and, therefore, short terms erection of buildings.

    wonderful modern means To achieve speed and ease, SIP panels are used.

    Prefabricated buildings

    This concept means such structures that, due to their design, can significantly reduce construction time. Several methods or combinations of them are used for this.

    • LSTK technology is a method in which the base of the building is metal or even wooden frame. During construction, thin-walled, lightweight galvanized steel profiles are used - perforated or solid, allowing one to assemble a fairly rigid structure in a minimum time. Frame structures can be combined with reinforced concrete.

    • Sandwich panels are a material used for cladding the frame of a prefabricated building, as well as for insulating or reconstructing a traditional one. More often, ready-made slabs are used, but products are also produced that are assembled on site during the installation process. As a rule, this is associated with large volumes or complex architectural elements.

    Both technologies are widely used together, allowing the construction of industrial and residential buildings with extraordinary speed. Prefabricated pavilions made of sandwich panels are the most popular option for building a retail outlet, but the material allows you to build a large hypermarket just as quickly and economically. The photo shows the store building.

    Trade pavilions made of sandwich panels

    For trade, the speed of turnover and the ability to organize or move a store as quickly as possible largely determine the success of the entire enterprise. The need for kiosk mobility, especially when it comes to seasonal trade, is so great that an enterprising owner will prefer a primitive counter under a canopy or even a tray to a stationary and, of course, much more convenient building, only because the latter is being built too slowly.

    The construction of pavilions from sandwich panels solves this problem. Their installation is so simple that it can be done with your own hands. In most cases, buildings do not even require a foundation.

    Sandwich panel structure

    IN general view the material is a three-layer element consisting of a heat-insulating layer covered with metal, PVC, OSB boards etc. Not all types of products are used for the construction of pavilions.

    • Thermal insulator - the filler of the slab can be mineral wool - basalt or glass, as well as polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. It is recommended to build a pavilion from sandwich panels containing polymers. This is due to two factors. Mineral wool is quite heavy and not very resistant to moisture, and for kiosks that are constantly exposed to rain and snow, moisture resistance means a lot. Polyurethane foam or expanded polystyrene have no less thermal insulation properties, but at the same time much more resistant to moisture, and products made from them have less weight.

    When constructing a trade pavilion, you should pay attention to the fact that the filler belongs to the category of self-extinguishing or non-flammable polymers, as indicated by the corresponding marking. Unfortunately, kiosks often become victims of hooliganism, and therefore their fire safety must be maintained at a high level.

    • Cover – steel recommended – galvanized, with polymer coating, or aluminum. Metal provides products, and therefore the trade pavilion, with greater strength and durability. And the coating plays the role of protecting the metal from corrosion and gives the building a pleasant appearance.

    Metal sandwich panels are available with a smooth, profiled, corrugated surface and are painted in a wide variety of colors. The photo shows a prefabricated pavilion made of SIP panels.

    Construction of a trade kiosk

    Due to the lightness of the material - from 30 to 80 kg, and ease of installation, work on the project can be carried out with your own hands. Small pavilions do not even require a foundation - a fairly level concrete platform, and do not require the use of heavy construction equipment.

    1. A pavilion project made from sandwich panels can be ordered, found on the relevant websites, and even calculated independently if you have the appropriate experience. As a rule, calculations are carried out based on the parameters of the selected panels, since this product, due to its structure, is difficult to adjust, and therefore it is desirable that the project allows the use of standard slabs.
    2. At the second stage, the foundation is built. Since pavilions made of sandwich panels have a very small mass, a lightweight foundation is constructed - shallow strip, strip-column, etc., or a ready-made concrete platform is used.
    3. A metal frame is being constructed. First, the structure of the walls and roof is assembled separately - the width of the profile should be clarified in the reference book based on the load on the building. It should be remembered, however, that frame structure Quite a large windage, which increases the load. The walls and roof are then tied together.
    4. Do-it-yourself wall installation begins with corner elements. When joining the panels, heat-insulating gaskets are placed between them, and the resulting seams are foamed. The plates are secured with self-tapping screws. The photo shows the working moment.
    5. Roof sheathing is done in the same way, but for cladding it is used roofing sandwich panels.

    The video explains in more detail how to build a trade pavilion with your own hands.

    In this article we will exclusively touch on the construction part of the process, leaving the permitting and documentary part behind the scenes. Trade pavilion - in our case it is a small architectural form (SAF) up to 30 square meters. We'll consider step by step instructions construction.
    It is better to make a strip foundation - reinforced concrete. Since it will not be designed for a large load, a trench is dug under the foundation with a depth of 2 shovels, the depth is the width of the shovel. To save money and time, the foundation must be poured immediately at the required height. Therefore, above the dug trench you need to make formwork of the required height. Inside the foundation you need to make a bandage of reinforcement. For such a foundation, it is enough to make 2 racks of 8 mm reinforcement every one and a half meters. And put the same reinforcement through them - two from below, two from above. On the racks, make crossbars at the bottom and top like the letter “T” and tie them to them! knitting wire longitudinal reinforcement. Pour concrete using a mixer. In this case, it may seem expensive to hire a mixer and buy ready-made concrete. But you need to take into account that the whole process takes about 2 hours, and the mixer is ordered for an hour. And making concrete using a concrete mixer will require hiring workers for several days, purchasing and delivering sand, cement, and water. In the end, everything will take more time, money and nerves. Immediately after pouring, you need to insert several reinforcement bars around the perimeter into the foundation in order to later attach the pavilion frame to them.
    After the foundation has hardened, you need to level the area inside it, then cover it with 5-10 centimeters of sand and compact it tightly. Then cover the area with expanded clay. To reduce the cost, expanded clay can be replaced with floor foam, although there are known cases of laying the floor as insulation with ordinary wall foam, which is cheap and, as practice has shown, reliable. After leveling the floor, 5 cm of polystyrene foam. lies on it welded mesh the diameter of the point is 10 cm. The mesh sheets are tied together with knitting wire. 10 cm of concrete is poured on top, level with the foundation. After installing the pavilion frame, all that remains is to lay the tiles - and the floor is ready.
    Walls for small architectural forms are mainly made of metal frame, sheathed with profiled iron. For the frame, a square pipe measuring 40x40 or 60x30 mm is often used. The walls need to be insulated mineral wool. It is not recommended to insulate walls with polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene), since it is very flammable and (when burned) very toxic. The total thickness of the insulation must be at least 12 centimeters. Inner side the walls can be made of plasterboard, which has more beautiful view, or for example from plastic lining. Profiles for plasterboard are screwed to the iron profile, hangers come from them, and through the distance required for the insulation, again profiles to which the plasterboard is attached directly. If you want to build a very high-quality trade pavilion, it is better to contact the appropriate construction company. There is construction of shopping pavilions here.
    Roof. The bars are sewn longitudinally to the truss. The silk is sewn on them perpendicularly, close to the distance of unevenness. Roofing material is nailed to it with roofing felt nails. You need to screw profiled iron onto the top using blood screws. This is easy to do and the roof is cheap and practical.
    The windows used for this type of construction are metal-plastic with three panes, which improves their frost resistance. Entrance door, depending on the location of the pavilion, it can be either iron or metal-plastic, covered with roller blinds. And of course it’s good to do it