On changing the frequency of maintenance of indoor and indoor gas equipment. Maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building

Very often, citizens in their receipts for payment of utility bills pay attention to the reduction of VDHO. Since certain amounts are being contributed under this item, they are reasonably interested in: what is it?

In this article, we will try to give an exhaustive answer to this question.

What does VDGO mean

First of all, it should be noted that we are talking about indoor gas equipment.

In general, the system that provides gas to the housing stock of Russia is a web of pipelines connecting, in fact, every apartment in the country with the places where natural fuel is extracted. In addition to the transport routes themselves, it also includes compressor and distribution stations, underground storage facilities and many other special installations.

Gas pipe after entering the limits apartment building and turns into VDGO. Moreover, indoor equipment is divided into two categories:

  • common use;
  • private.

The first includes risers gas pipes, locking devices, including those that are inside the apartments (the first in a row). The latter, if necessary, can turn off the gas if a leak occurs or a change is required to carry out repairs.

The wiring located in a private dwelling, together with other installations connected to it (water heater, stove, boiler), belongs to the second category.

The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly defines that gas consumers should be responsible for the safety and performance of VDGO.

Is it obligatory to sign a maintenance contract

There is no need to doubt the need to conclude this agreement, if we take into account the increased number of accidents in apartment buildings, because a malfunction often leads to human casualties.

V Soviet time VDGO was on the balance sheet of gas supplying enterprises. Those who have found those times perfectly remember the regular visits of locksmiths from the city gas office. Then the cost of preventive maintenance was included in the “blue fuel” tariff.

However, later the authorities Russian Federation decided that there was no such need. Already in 2003, the content of VDGO and its maintenance were taken from Rostekhnadzor. Various companies began to perform this function, often having neither qualified workers nor necessary equipment... Licensing of this activity was not provided.

At the same time, just a year later, the Gosstroy of Russia approved the rules according to which the maintenance and operation of the country's housing stock is currently being carried out. This document contains a rule requiring a special contract for this service.

The unqualified and often fictitious service of the VDGO has led to the fact that the widespread dilapidation of intra-house communications was left practically unattended, therefore, more and more emergencies began to occur.

In order to put things in order in this market and make the life of Russians safer, government decree No. 549 in 2008 introduced norms according to which households are now provided with natural gas... A year later, the Ministry of Regional Development issued an order regulating the content of VDGO.

All of the above regulatory documents determined that consumers should be responsible for the state of gas communications. Thus, they are now obliged to conclude the appropriate contracts for the maintenance of the VDGO.

For prevention and repair gas equipment only highly specialized companies are allowed, in which there are qualified workers, the necessary equipment and an emergency dispatch structure is functioning.

Service of VDGO is carried out on the basis of the current agreement and in accordance with the requirements of the Russian regulatory framework.

The procedure for drawing up a contract

The obligation to conclude it lies with the owner of the specific equipment. He also has the right to delegate this matter to a third party.

Thus, most often the maintenance contract on behalf of all residents is signed by:

  • Management Company;
  • authorized, general meeting residents of an apartment building, person.

In buildings where citizens live under a lease agreement (for example, hostels), it is the owner or the asset holder that is responsible for concluding the agreement.

Service of individual equipment

Private property, which, in fact, are communications located directly in the apartment, should be serviced by homeowners. Since they themselves, for obvious reasons, cannot do this, they are allowed to conclude an agreement on the basis of which authorized organizations take care of monitoring the condition of the equipment in the apartment. This group includes, in addition to pipes and taps:

  • boilers;
  • water heaters;
  • gas stoves.

All these Appliances are explosive and fire hazardous. Therefore, the only thing that can guarantee the safety of operation is a scheduled inspection of their technical condition.

Since the provision of services takes place on a declarative basis, the owner of the apartment must personally contact the company servicing the gas equipment.

According to the legislation, the gas distribution organization has the full right, in the absence of a valid contract for the maintenance of gas equipment, to shut off the gas.

Periodicity of VDGO check

The maintenance of all gas communications, both external and internal, must be checked at least once every 3 years.

Household appliances are inspected according to the manufacturer's conditions, but the law prohibits doing this less than once every three years. After the service life established for the above equipment has expired, maintenance should be carried out according to the results of the inventory. At the same time, old devices are checked annually.

The list of works performed in accordance with the concluded contract for the maintenance of VDGO implies:

  • regular visits and inspections;
  • Maintenance of locking fittings;
  • visual inspection of the condition of painted surfaces;
  • examination for serviceability and the presence of cases located in those places where the pipes enter the interior of the house;
  • inspection of the reliability of pipe fasteners;
  • tightness testing of joints (using a soap emulsion);
  • checking the gas pipelines in the house for compliance with the standards;

In addition, it is also checked:

  • integrity and completeness of gas powered devices;
  • operability of cranes, their lubrication (if necessary, oil seals are replaced);
  • draft in ventilation ducts and chimneys;
  • the presence of a free flow of air and the quality of combustion.

At the end of the inspection, a repeated safety briefing is carried out with the consumer.

If a gas leak is detected within 12 months from the date of signing the contract, the elimination of the malfunction occurs free of charge.

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All other types of work are carried out on an application basis and are considered as repair works. If any equipment malfunction occurs, for the elimination of which it is necessary to replace individual components, all costs are paid by the owner.

In 2017, maintenance of VDHO among the population was performed by 86.6%.

On June 1, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 14, 2013 N 410 came into force, which approved the "Rules for the use of gas in terms of ensuring safety when using and maintaining indoor and indoor gas equipment." According to the Rules, maintenance of gas equipment (TO VDGO) has the right to be carried out by a specialized organization that carries out maintenance and repair of indoor and (or) indoor gas equipment that meets the requirements, established by the Rules gas use in terms of ensuring safety in the use and maintenance of in-house and in-house gas equipment when providing utility services for gas supply, approved by Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 14, 2013 N 410 "On measures to ensure safety in the use and maintenance of in-house and in-house gas equipment "which sent to the authorized body state control(supervision) notification of the commencement of activities for the maintenance and repair of in-house and (or) in-house gas equipment in accordance with paragraph 40 of Part 2 of Article 8 of the Federal Law "On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Exercise of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal control ". Such organizations in the Stavropol Territory are 32 gas distribution organizations (GDOs) included in the structure of JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Stavropol.

The Rules stipulate the procedure for concluding and executing a maintenance and repair agreement, the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the customer and the contractor, as well as the procedure for settlements under the agreement. The rules provide for penalties in the event that the subscriber does not comply with the safety rules during the operation of in-house gas equipment, and also does not pay for the work performed for the VDGO maintenance.

Violation of the rules threatens with a gas cutoff and a fine

If a leak is detected in the gas water heater, and there is no draft in the chimneys, the VDGO maintenance specialist is authorized to turn off the gas without prior notification. Similar consequences await the subscriber in the event that a lack of air flow is detected in the amount required for complete gas combustion, a malfunction or interference with the operation of devices that automatically turn off its supply, or if a specialist detects an unauthorized connection. Without prior notice to the Customer, the contractor may suspend the gas supply if unauthorized gasification is detected, in case of failure to comply with the instructions of the housing control authorities in due time, on the elimination of violations of the maintenance of in-house or in-house gas equipment, as well as in case of the reconstruction of the in-house and ( or) indoor gas equipment. The gas, after prior notice, can also be turned off if the subscriber has not let the specialists for the maintenance of the VDGO into the apartment, did not enter into an agreement for the maintenance of the VDGO, or if the subscriber is operating a gas appliance with an expired shelf life, the performance of which has not been tested and confirmed.

In addition, in accordance with the amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (introduced Federal law No. 412-ФЗ dated December 5, 2016) set the size of fines for individuals and legal entities for violation of the rules for ensuring the safe use and maintenance of indoor and indoor gas equipment (VDGO / VKGO). In particular:
- evasion from the conclusion of an agreement on the maintenance and repair of VDGO / VKGO;
- refusal to admit a representative of a specialized organization to perform maintenance and repair work for VDGO / VKGO;
- evasion of mandatory replacement or mandatory diagnostics of equipment as part of VDGO / VKGO entails the imposition of a fine on citizens in the amount of 1-2 thousand rubles, officials - 5-20 thousand rubles, legal entities - 40-100 thousand rubles.

If the listed actions led to an accident or a threat to the life and health of people, the fine will be: for citizens - 10-30 thousand rubles, officials - 50-100 thousand rubles, for legal entities - 100-400 thousand rubles. A repeated offense entails the imposition of a fine on citizens in the amount of 2-5 thousand rubles, officials - 10-40 thousand rubles or disqualification for 1-3 years, legal entities - 80-200 thousand rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days ...

How to conclude a contract for maintenance VDGO?

To conclude a contract for the maintenance of in-house or in-house gas equipment (VDGO and VKGO), as well as emergency dispatch support, you must contact the gas distribution organization (GRO) district at the place of residence. If your household has an individual heater and installed gas meter, you will additionally need to fill out an application for an inventory of the heated area and installed gas appliances... You can contact the Stavropol hotline: 8 800 234 90 04 with suggestions to improve the work of gas distribution organizations for maintenance.

What you need to know about TO VDGO?

Carry out maintenance of indoor and (or) indoor gas equipment at least once a year, taking into account the minimum list of work performed (services provided) for maintenance and repair of indoor and (or) indoor gas equipment provided for in the appendix to these Rules;

The complex of services for the maintenance and repair of VDGO is carried out by a specialized organization on the basis of a concluded contract.

To draw up a contract, you can, among other things, contact the "mountains / raygas" at the place of residence.

You must have documents with you:

subscriber book with a mark on the passage of the briefing (the briefing must be completed once every two years);

home owner's passport;

certificate of state registration property rights to home ownership (house book).

Conclude a contract for VDGO maintenance, call the gas service technician and perform maintenance on the gas appliances. After completing the work, listen to the safety briefing. When buying or exchanging housing, check the legality of the installed gas equipment, since by purchasing such real estate, you assume responsibility for illegally installed gas appliances.

This information is not public offer, determined by the provisions of Articles 435, 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Gas supply is one of the types of public services, and nowadays it is difficult to imagine life without gas. But you need to remember that gas is a source of increased danger, gas supply to a residential building is often associated with accidents, including human casualties.

Per last years in Russia, including in the Ivanovo region, the number of accidents associated with the use of natural gas in everyday life has significantly increased. Such tragedies, as a rule, arise due to improper operation of gas equipment, untimely preventive maintenance and repair, and sometimes simply due to non-compliance with the most basic safety requirements.

The Government of the Russian Federation of May 14, 2013 No. 410 adopted the Rules for the Use of Gas in terms of ensuring safety in the use and maintenance of in-house and in-house gas equipment when providing utility services for gas supply.

In accordance with the provisions of the Rules, the Customer is obliged to conclude an agreement with a specialized organization for the maintenance and repair of indoor and (or) indoor gas equipment (the composition of indoor and indoor gas equipment is contained in the preamble of the Rules).

According to clause 17 of the Rules, the Customer under the contract for the maintenance and repair of indoor and (or) indoor gas equipment are:

In relation to in-house gas equipment of an apartment building - the managing organization, partnership or cooperative, individual entrepreneur, who are the contractors of the gas supply utility service, and with the direct management of the apartment building, the owners of the premises in apartment building- owners of such premises;

With regard to domestic gas equipment in a household - the owner of the household;

With regard to indoor gas equipment - the owner (user) of the premises located in an apartment building in which such equipment is located.

This obligation of the Customer is aimed at ensuring the safe use of indoor and indoor gas equipment, as well as preventing the risks of causing damage to the life, health and property of citizens.

We draw the attention of the owners that in accordance with clause 80 of the Rules, the Contractor (specialized organization) has the right to suspend the gas supply with prior written notification to the customer in the absence of an agreement on maintenance and repair of indoor and (or) indoor gas equipment.

JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Ivanovo, being a specialized organization, proposes to conclude an agreement on the maintenance and repair of indoor and (or) indoor gas equipment. Subscribers should contact the appropriate subdivision of JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Ivanovo regarding the conclusion of contracts.

To conclude a contract for maintenance and repair of in-house and (or) in-house gas equipment, the applicant intending to act as a customer under this agreement shall send an application (offer) to a specialized organization in writing, which must contain the following information:

Applicant Information:

  • for a citizen- full name, place of residence and details of the main identity document,
  • for legal entity - name (company name), its location (place of state registration);

Household (apartment) or apartment building address,

in which the in-house (in-house) gas equipment is located;

Equipment list,

included in the intra-house and (or) intra-apartment gas equipment.

Typical forms of documents for the maintenance and repair of in-house (in-house) gas equipment:

All the information you are interested in on concluding agreements on the maintenance and repair of in-house and (or) in-house gas equipment can be obtained from the appropriate department of JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Ivanovo.

Gas is one of the most demanded resources, because thanks to it there is hot water, heating, they cook food on it. But it should also be remembered that for the safe operation of gas equipment, in order to avoid leaks or explosions, it should be regularly inspected and any problems found to be eliminated.

This should be done by specialists with whom residents conclude a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment. And the owners of apartments themselves and everyone who lives with them and, accordingly, uses gas for domestic purposes, are obliged to familiarize themselves with the rules for its use. Let's figure out what is included in the concept of maintenance, who carries out it and what is the payment for maintenance for the population.

What is included in the maintenance

For prevention and prevention emergency situations in a house connected with gas, VDGO checks are required. They are carried out gas services, whose employees inspect the in-house civil defense in the MKD and private housing. Incoming equipment list:

  • a gas pipeline that is connected to the distribution fuel network;
  • system riser;
  • shut-off valves that are located on the wiring to individual equipment;
  • general counters;
  • devices that operate on gas;
  • systems for controlling gas pollution of the living area;
  • technical devices.

All equipment located from the gas distribution network to living quarters, is included in the list of regular scheduled inspection in-house gas equipment (VDGO). In its course, specialists determine the state of the installed gas equipment and the possibility of its further operation. Inspection of gas equipment is regulated by an agreement concluded between the management company and the executive body.

Inspection of intra-apartment equipment (VGKO) is carried out by specialized companies on the basis of an agreement concluded directly by the owner of the home with the organization performing the work. The VKGO list includes only those devices that are inside the apartment:

  • household stoves;
  • heating boilers;
  • water heaters;
  • part of the wiring;
  • other constipation devices;
  • individual metering devices installed in the living area.

The homeowner is obliged to monitor the condition of the gas appliances in the apartment on his own. If, nevertheless, he, being a tenant of a residential area near the municipality, is responsible for its safety, including for the equipment installed inside the apartment.

What is the contract for?

The conclusion of a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment is a bilateral act, depending on the type of equipment being serviced, it is signed between the contractor on the one hand, the management company or the owner of the property, on the other. The owner is responsible for the gas appliances installed inside the apartment, while the common house equipment is in charge of the apartment building.

A home owner who has entered into a maintenance contract with a service gas company that checks the equipment independently pays for its services. By refusing to sign a maintenance agreement and by not allowing specialists to enter an apartment for inspection, residents are putting themselves and their neighbors at risk. The condition of the equipment in the apartment is not known, and it is impossible to say for sure whether there is a leak and what is the probability of a domestic gas explosion.

The contract for the maintenance of civil defense in the apartment includes the following list of services:

  • personal information about the owner of the home;
  • address;
  • the name of the equipment that is installed in the living area;
  • list of works and services performed on the basis of the concluded contract;
  • how often checks should be carried out;
  • the term of the agreement;
  • the cost of services for the maintenance of gas equipment;
  • payment order.

Service is carried out for a fee in accordance with the price list of the company with which the document was signed. It should be noted that the total cost of work performed under the agreement will depend on how many units of gas equipment are in the apartment.

Works performed under a service agreement

A maintenance agreement is signed with specialized organizations that have:

  • the activity is the supply and distribution of gas in the area where the residential area is registered;
  • there is an agreement with;
  • staff certified by the profile works;
  • the activity of the dispatching service was organized;
  • emergency teams have been created.

A written agreement with each apartment owner is a guarantee that all gas equipment located in it is in a condition suitable for further use.

The personnel of the organization with which the agreement is concluded must pass the appropriate certification in a timely manner, which is regulated by legislative acts. After the document has been signed and payment has been made, employees service company must conduct an inspection and minor repairs WCHE, in particular gas stove, counter and other intra-apartment devices.

What is included in the list of works under the contract for the maintenance of gas equipment:

  • bypass and external inspection of external gas networks;
  • checking of cases, paint and fasteners of the external gas pipeline for its integrity;
  • pipe tightness control using special devices, emulsions.

According to the agreement, employees of the service gas organization during a scheduled inspection, in addition to the external gas pipeline, must also inspect the internal:

  • the integrity of equipment and gas networks in the entrances;
  • testing the tightness of equipment, fasteners and connections of gas pipelines;
  • disassembly and lubrication of cranes;
  • revision of smoke and ventilation outlets for functionality;
  • instructing residents on the rules for using VDGO and safety precautions.

All types of gas equipment must be installed in accordance with safety requirements and regulations. If faulty devices or parts of equipment are found out of order, their repair or replacement is paid by the homeowner.

IMPORTANT! During the term of the contract, in case of gas leakage or leakage of connections, the maintenance fee and renovation work not charged.

Filling in the act

After the inspection has been completed, a normative document, in which the received data is entered:

  • date and address;
  • subscriber data;
  • Name and positions of those who drew up the contract;
  • assessment of the technical condition of the HE;
  • information about the detected malfunctions;
  • advice on the subsequent operation of gas appliances.

The inspection report must be drawn up in three copies: for the home owner, management company and the organization supplying gas. If during the inspection malfunctions of the gas equipment were found, the act serves as the basis for prohibiting the use of equipment with defects and limiting its use for residents.

How often to carry out maintenance

VDGO must be checked at least once in a three-year period. The frequency of the checks depends on the standards for each specific device, which are set by the manufacturer. After the expiration of the service life specified in the documentation, the device can be operated further if its technical condition allows it.

This can be confirmed or refuted by the appropriate checks, which in this case are carried out with the frequency of one check per year. If the manufacturer does not specify the warranty period for the use of gas equipment, its maximum probable period operation - 15 years. Gas consumption meters must be changed every 10-12 years.

The cost of work under a maintenance contract varies depending on the region. Remember that consumers who avoid signing an agreement to inspect gas equipment run the risk of being cut off from gas supplies. Therefore, for gas and other utilities, and also do not neglect regular inspections of gas appliances. Not only the ability to use natural gas for domestic needs depends on this, but also your safety.

"- Who won't take it? - Turn off the gas!"
The task of servicing gas equipment is to maintain it in good condition, and the availability of a guarantee is generally no sideways.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/14/2013 N 410 (as amended on 12/10/2013) "On measures to ensure safety when using and maintaining indoor and outdoor gas equipment" (together with the "Rules for using gas in terms of ensuring safety when using and maintaining indoor and intra-apartment gas equipment when providing utility services for gas supply ")

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4. Safe use and maintenance of in-house and in-house gas equipment is ensured through the implementation of the following set of works (services):
a) maintenance and repair of indoor and (or) indoor gas equipment;
b) emergency dispatching support;
c) technical diagnostics of in-house and (or) in-house gas equipment;
d) replacement of equipment.
43. The Contractor is obliged:
a) carry out maintenance of external gas pipelines that are part of indoor gas equipment, and perform the following operations:
bypassing the routes of overground and (or) underground gas pipelines - at least once a year;
instrumental inspection of the technical condition of gas pipelines - at least once every 3 years;
b) carry out maintenance of the internal gas pipelines that are part of the in-house and in-house gas equipment - at least once every 3 years;
c) carry out maintenance of household gas-using equipment that is part of the household gas equipment of the household or the indoor gas equipment. Maintenance household gas-using equipment is carried out at least once every 3 years, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer of this equipment. After the expiration of the service life of household gas-using equipment established by the manufacturer, this equipment can be used if there is a positive conclusion based on the results of technical diagnostics of in-house and (or) in-house gas equipment during the period specified in this conclusion, and during its maintenance at least once a year or replaced at the request of the customer with new equipment. Maintenance of household gas-using equipment includes:
regulation of the gas combustion process in all operating modes of household gas-using equipment;
performance check, commissioning and adjustment of devices provided by the manufacturer in the design of household gas-using equipment, allowing to automatically turn off the gas supply when the controlled parameters deviate beyond the permissible limits;
checking the tightness of the equipment;
cleaning burners heating equipment from pollution when the equipment is switched on seasonally in order to prepare it for use during the heating season;
d) during the next maintenance of the in-house gas equipment, instruct the customer on safe use gas when meeting household needs, which is carried out orally with the transfer (immediately after the briefing) to the customer instructions on the safe use of gas when meeting household needs. The fact of transferring instructions and conducting briefings is recorded in an act signed by the customer and the contractor;
e) during the next maintenance of in-house or in-house gas equipment, carry out maintenance of the tank, group or individual cylinder installation of liquefied hydrocarbon gases, as well as check the presence of traction in the smoke and ventilation ducts, the state of the connecting pipes with the smoke channel;
f) carry out maintenance of the tank (for one household) and group cylinder installation of liquefied hydrocarbon gases, which is part of the indoor gas equipment, at least once every 3 months;
g) carry out work on the repair of in-house or in-house gas equipment based on the customer's requests;
h) provide the customer with the opportunity to familiarize himself with the normative and technical documentation governing the performance of technological operations that are part of the work (services) for the maintenance and repair of in-house and in-house gas equipment.

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