Reducer gas service life. Reducer for gas bottle. Rules for the installation and operation of a gas reducer

Faults and repairs gas reducer. Transfer to another pressure and type of gas. (10+)

Gas reducer. Device. Operating principle. Self-repair, adjustment - Malfunctions, repair, adjustment

Faults. Repair.

If you decide to carry out repairs or adjustments yourself, make sure you are qualified. Poor repair of gas equipment can cause a fire, explosion or poisoning. After completing the work and assembling, check the tightness and correct work device. Tightness is checked by applying a soapy solution to all joints. The absence of bubbling indicates that there is no leak. But you should not deceive yourself. The tightness will need to be checked several more times (after a day, three, a week of operation), and then checked regularly, since a leak may occur some time after the start of operation.

Main malfunctions: gas pressure at the outlet does not correspond to the nominal value (reason: the spring is broken or deformed), gas leakage (reasons: the membrane is damaged, the tightness of the connection between the membrane and the housing is broken, the float valve is leaking)

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Hello. I have a similar question (Should gas escape from the upper chamber through the holes in the RDSG 1-1.2.), I get it when the cylinder valve is opened (such a zilch) ... When the valve is closed, no bubbling is observed on the cylinder, but when it is open valve and burning stove - bubbling constantly comes from the hole in the top cover. Is it normal? When disassembling, I found a loose

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Owners of gas autonomous equipment installed far from centralized gas supply lines are well aware of a modest regulator device. The household gearbox, popularly referred to as the "frog", is successfully and widely used on propane gas cylinders and burners. In order for the gas cylinder to “not croak” at one fine moment, it is necessary to thoroughly study the design of the gearbox in order to adjust and possible repair.

Reducer for gas cylinder types

Among numerous industrial inventions, the leading place belongs to shutoff valves used as valve-type regulators (reducers) for gas cylinders.

The purpose of the reducer for a domestic gas cylinder is to reduce and maintain the pressure of the liquefied gas vapor coming from the cylinder within the regulated limits.

Industrial made gearbox NZGA RDSG-1-1.2 case type is a regulator for constantly set parameters of the gas mixture:

  • pressure of the supplied mixture at the inlet in a household gas cylinder 0.07-1.6 MPa
  • regulator pressure 2000-3600 Pa at the outlet
  • minimum gas consumption 1.2 m3/h.

The gearbox is installed in horizontal plane with respect to the cylinder valve. The regulator has factory settings that ensure that the mixture parameters are maintained after filling with household gas cylinders commonly used. The liquefied gas medium in the cylinder remains at a pressure of 15 bar. Using a propane reducer, the pressure is reduced to 36 mbar.

It is clear that any deviation from the specified parameters of the gas pressure reduction system can result in an accident. Useful tips help to eliminate the occurrence of trouble.

Helpful Hints

The design of the NZGA RDSG-1-1.2 gearbox is simple. Diaphragm single stage gearbox round shapeø 52 mm without external adjusting elements and control pressure gauges with dimensions of 150x105 mm is connected to a propane (LPG) cylinder of valve type VB-2 with a standard union nut with a left-hand thread.

Connecting dimensions are:

  • input— nut SP 21,8LH 14/1″
  • exit- gas sampling fitting for DN 9.

It would seem that everything is simple for connecting the regulator, daily adjustment and gas supply to the consumer.

However, during the operation of gas equipment, the occurrence of malfunctions of the gas reducer is not ruled out. Most users repair the gas reducer using the services of gas services. You can troubleshoot yourself.

Gas reducer malfunctions, repair

Malfunctions of the gas reducer can be associated with a mismatch in the nominal pressure of propane or gas mixture at the outlet, causing deformation and damage internal elements regulator: diaphragm, spring, bypass valve end and gas leak.

Naturally, certain knowledge and skills will be required to determine the cause of the malfunction. You can find out the cause of the malfunction and make independent repairs by disconnecting the fittings and disassembling the regulator housing.

We suggest that to determine the pressure level, it is recommended to use the following parameters:

  • reducer diaphragm dimensions
  • type and characteristics of the reducing spring
  • mechanical force to close the bypass reducing valve.

Let's say that the "frog" reducer is an unregulated version of pressure. More complex reduction systems are used for custom automotive systems.

membrane replacement

The diaphragm of the reducer NZGA RDSG-1-1.2 is a round-shaped insert made of oiled rubber-fabric oil-and-petrol-resistant fabric with a thickness of δ=3 mm, fixed along the marking of the circumference by the housing cover.

A possible cause of the defect is a violation of the tightness between the membrane and the housing. The malfunction is eliminated to create a better fit for the membrane by lubricating the edge of the lower housing with sealant. The supra-membrane part of the housing has an upper opening that provides communication with the medium.

reducing spring replacement

In the reducer for gas cylinders, a long reduction spring of the 1st degree is used with parameters D=15.5, d=1.4, the number of turns is 12-14, which balances the force of the membrane and the inlet valve in working condition.

There are several reasons for the failure of the reducing spring: it broke, lost its elasticity or stretched during operation.

It is considered more difficult to repair and adjust the bypass reducing valve.

pressure reducing valve adjustment

The reducing valve is located in the housing cavity and performs the function of gas supply by pressing the transmission link on the return spring. The gas supply is regulated by a special screw.

During operation of the valve, malfunctions may occur:

  • deformation or destruction of the end of the tube
  • violation of the free play of the rocker arm
  • gasket wear.

Valve adjustment is to ensure the mobility of the rocker and replace the worn rubber gasket. It is possible to ensure the mobility of the rocker by restoring (turning) or replacing the hinges.

A smooth surface of the end of the tube can be achieved by grinding, ensuring a snug fit of the replaced gasket.

In case of destruction of the end of the rocker arm or the end of the tube, it is recommended to replace them using repair kits for gas cylinder maintenance fittings.

Features of the inside of the gearbox are shown in the video.

Possible gas leakage through the reducer is produced in a standard way saponification of the outlet fitting at the locations of the seals.

Helpful Hints

It is important to remember that industrial gearboxes use cast connecting elements (swivel nut) during assembly, with a characteristic rough casting surface. Stamped connecting elements, on the other hand, have a smooth surface.

Please note: there is a marking on the back cover of the regulator, according to which the designation “propane” is used as the reduced gas.

The pressure regulator allows you to convert the device into a gearbox for a gas burner.

The gas in the cylinder is in the form of a liquid, it turns into a gaseous state and is supplied to the gas equipment through a valve.

The pressure in the tank is significantly greater than what is required for consumers. To reduce and stabilize it, a simple and useful device- propane reducer, or adapter.

Classification depending on the scope

Depending on the application, gearboxes gas cylinder are divided into several types:

  • Universal adjustable
  • Professional.

This type includes the simplest gearboxes used in household gas supply to households and in field conditions. Together with household gas cylinders, RDSG reducers are installed. They have the simplest design, which allows the use of gas only in household stoves and are cheap and reliable. The frog reducer for a gas cylinder, or RDSG-1, is used together with containers from 12 to -50 liters.

For five-liter gas cylinders, popular with summer residents, tourists and hunters, use the RDSG-2 Baltic model. The Baltika reducer is put on the gas cylinder nipple from above and fixed in rubber seal special clamp. Gearboxes are set to operating pressure 0.3 MPa and throughput 1.2 m 3 /hour

Universal adjustable

This class of gearboxes is characterized by a more complex design and more wide opportunities. They can already be used both for domestic gas supply and for work in the home workshop. These reducers have a threaded connection to the gas cylinder, which securely fixes the device.

They are also equipped with a pressure gauge and an adjusting screw that allows you to change the operating pressure from 0 to 0.3 MPa, depending on the needs of the gas consuming device connected to them. These devices also have a greater throughput than household ones - up to 5 m 3 / hour


This class is characterized by the use of more wear-resistant materials and better build quality and adjustment. The working pressure adjustment parameters are also wider - from 0.4 to 1.6 MPa.

Some models are equipped with two manometers - for inlet and working pressure, respectively.

Features of using composite gas cylinders

Composite gas cylinders in recent times are gaining more and more popularity. This is due to their advantages over steel counterparts.

  • The weight. Lighter than steel almost twice.
  • Ease of handling. There are comfortable handles.
  • Transparency. The fill level can be easily seen.
  • Ease of storage. You can put one on top of the other and stack.
  • Life time. Service life is practically unlimited.
  • Operational safety. It is caused by the absence of sparking and a safety valve and a fusible link built into the gas cylinder.

Supplied on Russian market composite cylinders are produced in the Czech Republic, Norway and India. When buying such a cylinder, it is necessary to clarify the connection standard. If the gas cylinder is equipped according to the Russian standard, you can use a conventional reducer for a gas cylinder. If the gas cylinder is supplied with a European connector, then you will either need to order an adapter or purchase an imported reducer. Please note that each additional connection increases the risk of gas leakage.

What is a propane reducer

The device of all propane reducers is very similar. All of them have:

  • Sealed housing made of aluminium, brass or plastic.
  • Entrance branch pipe for connection to a cylinder.
  • Outlet branch pipe for connection with the consumer.
  • Chambers of high and low pressure.
  • Flexible membrane.
  • Valve and stem.
  • return spring.
  • working spring.

In professional gas reducers, a pressure gauge, an adjusting screw or a flywheel, a threaded connection of the inlet pipe are added to the design. The gearbox housing has a cylindrical shape, which is due to the use of a round membrane that sags inside the working pressure chamber. The inlet and outlet pipes protrude from the housing.

How to choose a reducer for a household propane tank

To select a propane reducer for a gas cylinder, it is necessary to study and compare their characteristics. The most significant are:

  • Appointment.
  • Maximum inlet pressure, kg/cm 3 .
  • Working pressure, kg/cm 3 .
  • Maximum gas consumption, m 3 / hour.
  • Connection standard.
  • Planned service life.
  • Price.

Depending on the intended application and the planned cylinder type, one model or the other may be the best choice. So, for example, if you plan to connect a desktop gas stove in a garden house visited on weekends (or take it on a boat trip) and estimate a monthly gas consumption of five liters, a five-liter cylinder and a Baltika RDSG-2 gas reducer are best suited.

For a stationary stove with an oven, you will already need a cylinder with a capacity of 27 or 50 liters and, accordingly, a gearbox Frog RDSG-2.

If you want to connect a composite cylinder to a thermal umbrella, and both the cylinder and the umbrella have European connectors, then it makes sense to consider imported gas reducers with a KLF connector, for example, manufactured by the German company GOK.

If you plan to conduct gas welding in your home workshop, then a professional gas reducer BPO 5-3 Krass will be a good choice. It provides a maximum flow rate of up to 5 m 3 per hour and the ability to regulate the working pressure up to 0.4 MPa. To do this, it is equipped with an adjusting handwheel and a pressure gauge, which allows you to more accurately set the working pressure in accordance with the needs of the gas welding torch or cutter.

Precautionary measures

Household gas is very dangerous. The main threats posed by propane are:

  • Fire hazard.
  • Unsuitable for breathing.
  • Explosion hazard when the limiting concentration of propane in the air is reached, as well as with a sharp increase in temperature in a closed volume.
  • During a gas leak, the temperature drops sharply, frostbite is possible.

To preserve the life and health of people and their property, precautions should be taken:

  • Avoid proximity to open flames and heat sources.
  • Exclude presence in working area other flammable materials.
  • Exclude the presence of nitrates and perchlorates near gas equipment due to their chemical activity.
  • Do not use propane tank reducer if damaged or leaking.

Design features and maintenance

According to their design, gearboxes are divided into direct and reverse acting devices. The differences between them are in the design details, the performance characteristics are identical.

In addition, gas reducers are used in single-stage and two-stage. In a single stage, the pressure is reduced in one stage. In a two-stage reduction is carried out in two steps. Balloon single-stage gearboxes are most widely used due to the reliability of the design and ease of use.

Scheme of devices of direct and reverse action

Direct type devices have the following scheme of operation: propane entering the zone high pressure, depresses the valve from its seat. Propane enters the working chamber, filling it and increasing the pressure in it. It acts on the membrane, squeezing the main spring. The membrane goes down, pulls the stem and closes the valve at the moment the operating pressure is reached. In the process of using propane, the pressure in the working chamber drops, high-pressure propane reopens the valve and gas again enters the working area.

In reverse type devices, the main spring opens the valve, overcoming the force of the high pressure gas. After the working area is filled and the pressure reaches the set value, the stem goes down, closing the valve. In the process of using propane, the pressure in the working area decreases and the spring opens the valve again.

Reverse action devices are considered more reliable and safer. They have gained popularity in domestic and professional applications.

Periodic inspection and service work

Inspections and service work are divided into daily and periodical.

Daily inspections are required before starting work. Periodic checks are usually carried out in specialized workshops. For gearboxes equipped with a filter, the scope of work includes cleaning or replacing it.

Typical malfunctions and their repair

The deviation of the working pressure from the set one can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Spring breakage or displacement.
  • Housing depressurization.

A gas leak is caused by:

  • Membrane damage.
  • Housing depressurization.
  • Valve failure.

Some gearboxes are collapsible. They are, in principle, available for self repair. Non-separable gas reducers, of course, in the event of a malfunction, must be replaced as a whole.

Important! Remember that by disassembling the gearbox, you assume full responsibility for the consequences of its use.

For example, home master who owns the basic skills of metalwork, it is quite possible to replace a spring or a membrane in an unregulated gas reducer "Frog". A case with broken tightness cannot be repaired. In this case, the entire device will have to be replaced.

After replacing the damaged parts with new ones from the repair kit and assembling the gas reducer, it is necessary to check its tightness using a soapy solution.

System Connection Standards

There are widespread devices that support two standards for connecting a reducer to a gas cylinder:

  • GOST - common in the CIS countries, used on steel cylinders of local production.
  • GLK European standard, mainly used on composite cylinders.

By connecting the working pipe:

  • Threaded connection.
  • Nipples for 6.3 or 9 mm.
  • Universal nipple.

Some gas reducers, for example, RGDS, are factory equipped with a 9 mm nipple pressed into the body.

Gearboxes with working pressure regulation are supplied with a threaded half-inch outlet, in which, as an option, a universal nipple can be fixed with a union nut.

It is safer to use devices that match the standard. Each adapter is an additional connection that increases the risk of gas leakage.

Installation and start-up procedure

In order to ensure fire safety the following order of installation and start-up of the equipment must be observed:

  1. Carry out a thorough external inspection of the tank, gas reducer and pipelines and make sure that there are no visible defects and excessive heat.
  2. Attach the reducer to the gas bottle.
  3. Connect the consumer device to the gearbox
  4. Open the cylinder valve, listen.
  5. Open the reducer valve (if present).
  6. Open the valve of the consumer device and start using it.

If there is a whistle or click, immediately close the gas cylinder valve.

Required pressure and volume

The key characteristics of a gas reducer are the inlet pressure, operating pressure and consumption volume, or the maximum volume of gas passing through the device per hour.

The inlet pressure is determined by the standard pressure in the cylinders and is usually 20 MPa.

The working pressure for domestic unregulated gas reducers is set at 0.3 MPa ± 5%

For adjustable semi-professional and professional adapters, the working pressure is set by the user in the range of 0-0.4 MPa, and for some high-performance models - up to 1.6 MPa

The amount consumed must exceed the amount consumed by the device (or group of devices) per hour.

Adjustable gas reducers operate on the same physical principles as non-regulated and have a similar design. The difference lies in the fact that the compression force of the reduction spring supporting the membrane can be changed with the help of an adjusting screw coaxial with the spring in the simplest models, or with the help of a flywheel and a more complex mechanical transmission.

The principle of operation is that, by changing the force of the precompression of the reducing spring, the user changes the threshold gas pressure in the working chamber, which is necessary for the operation and closing of the inlet valve. A manometer is also added to the parts, which is installed on the working pipe and allows you to visually monitor the result of the adjustment.

General rules for choosing a balloon reducer

Summarizing the rules for choosing a gearbox for a gas cylinder, it should be noted that:

  1. it is necessary to sketch a diagram of the planned system from the gas cylinder to the end user;
  2. clearly state the following requirements for the device:
  • Appointment.
  • Operating pressure.
  • The need for adjustment.
  • Maximum volume.
  • Way of accession to a gas cylinder and to the working device.
  • Availability of service and repair.
  • Allotted budget.
  1. From the variety of products on the market, you should choose those that meet the formulated requirements.
  2. Next, you need to enter the models and their characteristics in comparison table and conduct a price analysis.

If devices that are suitable according to the formulated requirements do not fit the allotted budget, then it is necessary to either revise the budget or simplify the requirements for the device.

Scope of devices

Wherever there is no stationary gas distribution, people use propane in cylinders. And one or another reducer is attached to each cylinder. The most popular applications are:

  • Household and portable stoves and grills.
  • Geysers and heat guns for space heating.
  • Thermal umbrellas for heating recreation areas.
  • Gas cutters and welding torches.
  • Fuel for land and river transport.

In many countries, wide gas distribution networks have been created to ensure the recharging and delivery of gas cylinders to consumers.

The gas cylinder reducer ensures the safe and stable operation of gas consuming devices.

The use of bottled gas requires a thorough approach to ensure safety and ease of use. We propose to consider the simplest example connecting a propane cylinder to a gas stove: a connection diagram, shut-off and control valves, organization of storage conditions.

Where to install the balloon

The main generalized requirement for the use of gas-cylinder equipment can be called ensuring the safety of people. For this reason, gas cylinders are not recommended to be installed in habitable rooms and technical rooms connected to a residential building directly or through ventilation.

A distinctive feature of propane gas is its high density. Bottled gas is heavier than air and can accumulate in the lower floors of buildings. Therefore, it is strictly not allowed to install cylinders in the underground or technical rooms below ground level. If in the usual case small leaks do not pose a danger due to constant air exchange, then in the lowlands the gas is capable of for a long time accumulate to explosive concentrations. It is possible to install gas cylinders in accordance with SNIP 42-01-2002 only inside buildings no higher than 2 floors, in the amount of no more than one and at a distance of 0.5 m from gas stoves and 1 m from heating appliances.

To make the installation safer and exclude unauthorized persons from accessing the gas equipment, the cylinders are placed either in a room with a separate entrance or in an outdoor metal cabinet. It is especially important when outdoor installation take account of temperature regime operation. Bottled gas consists of a mixture of propane and butane, each of which different temperature boiling. When the cylinder is cooled below 0 ° C, only propane will evaporate from the mixture, while the remaining butane in the cylinder cannot be rationally used. With more low temperatures it is possible to completely stop the flow of gas to the stove.

The main way to achieve normal operation at low temperatures is the use of so-called winter gas mixtures that can evaporate at temperatures down to -40 ° C. However, the problem is that such gas may be in short supply seasonally, and besides, the possibility of refueling a mixture of mediocre quality cannot be ruled out. You can solve the issue with a guarantee in two ways: either insulate the attached metal cabinet, counting on the penetration of heat from the building, or additionally heat the cylinders using a self-regulating cable.

The height of the cabinet should be at least 20-30 cm higher than the height of the cylinders so that they are not installed on the floor, but with a gap, for example, on two metal slats or high pallet. In this case, the cabinet must be protected from the penetration of melt, rain water and heating from sunlight above 40 ° C.

Which gearbox to choose

Gas stoves have built-in jets designed for a constant gas pressure, while the pressure in the cylinder decreases with consumption. To normalize combustion, the cylinder is connected to the stove not directly, but through a gearbox. Reducers for liquefied domestic gas are called propane and, as a rule, have a red or metallic color corps.

The main characteristics of the reducer are the outlet pressure and throughput- must be selected according to the parameters of a single plate. If it is not possible to set the passport pressure value, you should purchase an adjustable type reducer and manually adjust it. Also, adjustable reducers are directly shown when using cylinders with a capacity of 20 liters or more, where the pressure drop is more pronounced.

Reducers are recommended for domestic propane applications reverse principle actions. Due to the low pressure values ​​​​of liquefied gas and the low difference between the inlet and outlet, the use of multistage gearboxes is not economically justified. The only requirement is to use the reducers specified in their technical standard in conjunction with composite cylinders.

A separate nuance in the choice of the gearbox may be the temperature regime of operation of the cylinders. The fact is that during the evaporation of liquid gas, an intensive decrease in its temperature is observed. So, if initially the propane-butane mixture is at a temperature of -5 ... -10 ° C, in the gearbox itself its temperature can drop to the level of condensation, due to which the gas becomes liquid again, and the gearbox stops working. One way out of such a specific situation is to use gearboxes with a built-in heating system.

What hoses and tubes to use for connections

According to the rules for the safe operation of gas equipment, it is not allowed to use oxygen and hydraulic hoses for laying gas pipelines. This is due to the high temperature difference between the transported gas and external environment, which leads to accelerated degradation of the hose material and the appearance of microscopic leaks. With the properties of liquefied gas to accumulate in rooms, such phenomena pose an increased danger.

There are three options for connecting a gas cylinder to a stove. The first is to use special flexible rubber hoses for flammable hydrocarbons. In this case, they are connected to the gearbox through a standard fitting with a screw clamp. The same fitting is installed on the inlet pipe gas stove, the hose is also connected to it with a compression clamp. If it is necessary to connect two pieces of hose, it is not allowed to use double-sided fittings, instead of them, threaded connectors with double crimping of the shank with clamps should be used. Distinctive feature such connections for gas pipelines are conical threads and the absence of elastic seals.

Connecting the plate to the cylinder using flexible hoses has a number of limitations. The length of the hose must not exceed 150 cm, its gasket must remain visible to constantly monitor the condition of the sheath and avoid damage. Some of the restrictions can be partially circumvented by using metal bellows hoses. They form a semi-rigid frame, which can have an almost unlimited length, while maintaining resistance to temperature effects and mechanical damage.

At the same time, safety rules prohibit the passage of flexible and semi-flexible ducts through walls where their condition cannot be visually assessed. Link if necessary cooker with a cylinder installed outdoors, into the hole in the wall should be on cement mortar case from steel pipe. Inside the case is a steel tube of smaller diameter with threads at both ends, the space between the walls is filled with a plastic sealant, for example, mounting foam or silicone. The connection of bellows or flexible hoses must only be carried out through threaded adapters of the appropriate type.

Cranes and other fittings

A gas cock must be installed at the point where the gas pipeline is connected to the stove, blocking the gas supply in the event of a stove failure. It can be either a ball valve with a yellow handwheel or a plug gas valve. The disadvantage of the latter is the need for periodic maintenance.

Other useful addition for the gas pipeline can serve as a flow meter. Its inclusion in the transportation chain will help to respond in a timely manner to the exhaustion of the mixture in the cylinder and replace it. The metering device should not have the outstanding accuracy required to control gas consumption in main networks, a device worth up to 2 thousand rubles will be enough.

When connecting several cylinders at the same time, a connecting ramp can be used. Its installation helps to reduce the rate of gas evaporation from each cylinder and make the risk of freezing of the mixture in the reducer less likely. The installation of the ramp can be done independently with any material for the manufacture of the gas pipeline.

Refinement of the stove for bottled gas

Not every stove can initially run on liquefied gas. The main obstacle is the higher working pressure, due to which there is a lack of oxygen in the burners, which is expressed in yellow combustion and the appearance of soot.

You can correct the situation by replacing the jets for methane with nozzles for LPG. They have exactly the same form factor, but the hole diameter is slightly smaller. If you plan to connect a new stove, it should most likely come with a set of jets for liquefied gas. If replacement jets are not available, they can be purchased at a reasonable price.

The diameter of the holes in the jets for liquefied gas depends on the pressure in the outgoing chamber of the reducer and the power of the burner. Thus, diameters of 0.43-0.6 mm for a pressure of 50 mbar and 0.5-0.75 for a pressure of 30 mbar are considered standard values ​​​​for liquefied gas stoves. Individual board manufacturers can install eigenvalues diameters, and the use of nozzles with different orifice diameters may void the warranty.

Replacing jets can be done in two ways, depending on the design of the plate. In the simplest version, it is enough to remove the burner body and look inside the seat sleeve. If a jet is visible at the bottom - a hex head with a hole in the center - it is unscrewed with a socket wrench by 7 or 8 mm and the nozzle is screwed in for replacement. If a cone with a hole is visible inside, you will have to remove the top panel by unscrewing a few bolts on the sides with different sides. The jet itself in this version of the design does not get out, it is pressed into the stuffing box seals. It is necessary to unclench the mustache of the compression coupling, move the nozzle down along with the inlet pipe, and then pull the jet from the landing fitting and install a new one.

Commissioning of the plant

The entire installation of the gas pipeline is carried out without connecting it to the cylinder. When the tubes or hoses are connected to the plate and interconnected, the reducer nut is screwed onto the cylinder valve and tightened. Then, if a flexible hose is used, it is put on the fitting and crimped with a clamp. If bellows tubes are selected, the nipple must be unscrewed from the gearbox housing and screwed into it with a threaded adapter of the appropriate size.

When the unit is assembled, you need to open the valve on the cylinder and, by turning the reducer regulator, set the required output pressure. When the gas has entered the pipe and hose system, each connection is thickly coated with soapy foam and checked for leaks. After the integrity of the gas pipeline is confirmed, you can open the stove tap and try to sequentially ignite the burners.

If each of them smokes or the flame burns in a color other than blue or greenish, it is necessary to reduce the pressure with a valve on the reducer. If the malfunction is typical only for some burners, then the jets for them are selected incorrectly. If the burner goes out in the minimum fire position, adjust the low flow screw on the stove tap or try to slightly increase the pressure with the reducer screw.

The reducing device for gas cylinders is designed to stabilize the gas pressure and bring it to operating parameters at the outlet of the cylinder. In other words, if there is a high or unstable gas pressure at the inlet, then at the outlet this parameter becomes low and constant. In the article, we will consider what a gas reducer for a cylinder with a regulator is, its application and principle of operation.

Instrument Features

Thanks to the reducer, the working pressure remains constant even when the gas pressure in the cylinder changes.

Devices differ in the principle of operation (direct or reverse) and are produced for reduction various gases: hydrogen, propane-butane, oxygen, acetylene. Structurally, they have two or one stage and the possibility of setting the working pressure with a pneumatic or spring device.

Depending on the type for a gas cylinder with a pressure regulator, they are painted in different colors.

The device is connected with the help of nuts corresponding to the thread of the fitting on the valve. The exception is the reduction devices for acetylene, which are attached to the cylinder using clamps with stop screws.

It is important that the reducers for cylinders with combustible gases have a left-hand thread, which excludes their connection to oxygen. Cylinders with inert gases or oxygen-containing cylinders have a right-hand thread.

The reducer is selected depending on both the parameters of the inlet and outlet pressure.

Device Application

The use of reducers is due to their property of lowering and stabilizing gas pressure and is used both in home and agriculture as well as in medicine and industry.

This is required in such cases:

  • a reducer with a regulator for a household gas cylinder - used in household autonomous gas supply systems and in cylinders supplying gas to cooking surfaces;
  • in automotive gas equipment- before supplying liquefied gas to the engine;
  • on main pipelines - for removal natural gas in settlements, where the pressure is much lower;
  • on supply to welding, plumbing and heating equipment;
  • to provide medical care;
  • during the construction works- propane gas reducers for cylinders with a regulator are used when laying bituminous and roofing materials.

Gas pressure regulators

Gas distribution can also be done with pressure regulators. They make it possible to maintain a constant pressure level at the sampling point, independent of the volume of gas consumed. These devices are used to complete modern example such a device can serve as a regulator "Gok" with a gas reducer for the cylinder.

When an initial high pressure is applied, the regulator throttle automatically sets the opening to the desired value, which leads to a change in hydraulic pressure and a decrease in the working pressure of the gas stream.

Support of the obtained value with the help of regulators is implemented in two ways - before itself or after by acting on the moving component through the membrane head.

Depending on the type of effort applied to the movable system, the regulators are divided into lever and spring.

The principle of operation of a direct gearbox

Structurally, all gas reducers for a cylinder with a regulator are similar, differing only in the size of the device and holes, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe membranes and the size of the springs.

The design of a conventional direct reducing apparatus for gas is a two-chamber (high and low pressure) cavity with a separator in the form of a rubber membrane, fittings are located at the inlet and outlet of the cavity. In modern models there is also a third input for connecting a pressure gauge.

The supplied gas moves along the hose and, passing through the inlet fitting, enters the first chamber. Fuel pressure tries to snap off the valve, which on the other hand is supported by a locking spring - it returns it to its seat. By moving in this direction, the valve prevents high pressure gas from flowing freely from the cylinder.

The diaphragm is the second acting force, which has the opposite effect, trying to lift the valve from its seat and open the high pressure gas passage. That is, a situation is created in which, on the one hand, the opening pressure spring presses on the membrane, and on the other, the gas that has entered the low-pressure chamber.

When the gas exits, the working pressure in the chamber decreases, and the spring straightens, pushing the valve and allowing a new portion of gas to flow into the device. In this case, the pressure begins to rise, pressing on the spring and returning the valve to its place, thereby blocking the gas flow. Then the process is repeated.

It should be noted that adjustable gearboxes for a direct type gas cylinder are not widely used due to complex design, as opposed to the reverse ones, which are considered even safer.

Reverse gearbox

Reducers of this type have the opposite principle of operation from that described above.

Liquefied gas is fed into the high pressure chamber and, having accumulated, does not allow the valve to open. After turning the handle, which ensures the flow of gas to the consumer, the screw starts to put pressure on the pressure spring. In turn, it contracts and presses on the membrane, which opens the valve slightly, increasing the gap. Through this gap, the gas enters the low pressure chamber.

This leads to an increase in pressure not only in the chamber, but also in the cylinder and in the hose. Under this influence, with the help of a spring, the membrane straightens, the pressure increases and the transfer disk, lowering, weakens the return spring. That, in turn, seeks to return the valve to its place and close the gap, limiting the flow of gas and reducing the pressure. From this point on, the process starts over.

In general, the principle of operation of a gas reducer for a cylinder with a regulator resembles a float chamber.

Gear selection

There are several factors to consider when choosing this type of device.

These include:

  1. An important parameter of the reducer operation is the maximum gas flow rate, determined by the size of the inlet valve opening. In other words, this is an indicator of how much the reducer will pass gas from fully open valve at a given inlet pressure.
  2. When choosing a device, you need to pay attention to the presence of a seat for a pressure gauge - with it it is much easier to adjust the compression of the spring to obtain the desired outlet pressure.
  3. When choosing a gas cylinder, it is important to remember that now the old ones have been replaced by new composite cylinders, safe and less heavy.
  4. When choosing, you need to pay attention to whether there is a nut for manual adjustment, the life of the membrane, the tightness of the structure, the method of attaching the hose to the fitting (thread or clamp).
  5. When buying, take into account the type of gas that will be filled into the cylinder, the flow rate and outlet pressure.

The best performance according to reviews and widespread use was made in Italy by a gas reducer for a cylinder with an M714 regulator.

Overview of gas reducer models

It is worth noting that this device is not universal - each model is designed to work with a certain gas, so when buying, you must definitely study all the characteristics of the product.

The main comparative overview characteristics for widely used gearboxes can be seen in the table below.

Inspection and service

For the gearbox to work properly long time you need to follow some simple rules.

They are:

  1. At least once a week, it is required to record the readings of the pressure gauge for control, since the elasticity of the springs may decrease over time, and then there will be a constant change in pressure up or down.
  2. At least once every three months, using a soapy solution, check the tightness of valves, gaskets and a pressure gauge at the junctions with the instrument case.
  3. With the same frequency as in the previous paragraph, the safety valve is purged to prevent it from sticking. To do this, the reducer is connected to the compressed air supply, the outlet is closed and the gas pressure is increased until the protection is triggered.
  4. Service or repair work pressurized device to prevent depressurization, release or ignition of gas.
  5. At least twice a year, the reducer valve must be cleaned of blockages.
  6. Before switching on, inspect the device and pressure gauge for damage.

Precautions and Possible Malfunctions

To fix problems with the device, you need to invite a specialist, but some of the problems can be solved on your own.

A damaged diaphragm or a leaky housing can cause gas leakage and pressure deviation from the set values. In this case, replace the membrane and liners with a sealant. To restore pressure, check the location and suitability of the spring - it may move or need to be replaced.

In pneumatic gearboxes, it is difficult to repair, therefore, in the event of a breakdown, they are completely replaced. The loss of tightness in the connecting places is eliminated by tightening the washers. If the rubber gaskets are worn out, they are replaced with new ones. After the repair, the gearbox is checked for leaks.

Experts advise to make repairs only in cases where it is not possible to quickly replace the device itself. In other situations, it is better to buy a new device based on the low price of this equipment.