Adjusting the gas reducer using various methods

If you spend a lot of time in the country, you cannot do without cooking. You can of course use electric stove, but at dachas the lights are often turned off, so this is unreliable. The best way out is a gas stove for giving under a cylinder. It almost does not require registration, there are very inexpensive models. As long as there is gas, you can always cook.

Types of stoves for gas cylinders

It should be said right away that there are gas stoves that can work both with main natural gas and with bottled liquefied gas. Reconfiguration requires replacement of injectors and adjustment. So, in principle, for summer cottages will do any of them.

Tabletop gas stoves are mobile ... why not ...

Another thing is that in "field" conditions it is used much less and less often than in everyday life. For this reason, the simplest and smallest models are chosen. After all, now water for tea is heated, most often with an electric kettle, ready food is heated in microwave oven... They only cook on a gas oven in the country, and the most simple dishes... Some more housewives do spins. That's all. Therefore, they usually buy one or two comfort plates. However, there is quite a wide choose for any requirements and needs.

Table and floor

According to the method of installation, gas stoves for summer cottages are divided into table and floor ones. Technical characteristics do not differ only in size. Desktop is usually made the simplest, without any additional options. This is a summer cottage / camping option with a minimum weight and dimensions.

For rare visits "and so it will go", but you can't put a balloon next to it

What kind of gas stove for giving under a cylinder is better? Tabletop or outdoor? It's all about the availability of free space. If there is a place to install a floor-standing option, take it. Even though they are more expensive, they themselves can serve as a cabinet. And they (cabinets), as a rule, are not enough at the dacha. Just remember that you still need to find a place to store the cylinder. It can be located nearby (the minimum distance between the stove and the cylinder is 0.5 meters and at a distance of at least 1 meter from heating appliances), or can stand outside in a special cabinet, which is locked with a key.

If, on the contrary, there is space on the table, but not on the floor, the desktop version of the gas stove will do. The best part is that they cost one and a half to two thousand rubles.

Number and type of burners

A gas stove for giving under a cylinder can have from one to four burners. A single-burner room is suitable if there are one or two people at the dacha and you do not twist. For breakfast / dinner for a family of three to four people and a small amount of preservation, two burners are sufficient. Well, if you need it and lunch for a full-fledged family, take it with three or four burners.

V recent times in addition to the standard, medium-sized burners, they began to make even larger and smaller ones. This is convenient as the dishes come in different diameters. Such "excesses" are available only on four-burner versions.

In addition, there are models in which, in addition to gas burners, there are also electric ones. If there is light on the site, and you need a stove to give a balloon for three or four burners, this is also convenient. The gas in the cylinder tends to run out at the most inopportune moment. If there is no spare, even light a fire. And if you have an electric burner, you can finish the process and hold out until the cylinder is filled.

Availability of additional options

Arsenal additional functions only for gas burners is small. This is electric or piezo ignition and gas control. Both functions are useful, but how much you need is up to you to judge. It should be said right away that in desktop versions are very rare.

Design features

There are only a few types of tabletop cookers. The simplest is one, more often two burners, and that's it. But there are also models with a built-in electric oven. Not a bad option if you use an oven. This was the end of the species “diversity”.

Floor gas stoves for summer cottages have a little more design options:

The cabinet under the gas stove can be used to install a small gas cylinder in it. This contradicts the requirements of gas workers (the distance between the stove and the cylinder must be at least 0.5 meters), but it is still used.

Where is the balloon not allowed? In the basement or basement floor, in the living area.


The design of a gas stove for a cylinder is nominal - you do not need to visit any authorities, the requirements are easy to fulfill. The first was announced - the distance to the balloon is not less than 0.5 meters. Second: to the highways - water supply, sewerage, metal pipes heating - must be at least 2 meters. That's all.

There are two options for official design:

For many, a gas stove for a summer residence under a cylinder has been worth for years even without such a "design". But in this case, you will fill the cylinder yourself, without using the services of municipal gas stations or exchange cars. Also, if it is necessary to repair or maintain the stove, to reconfigure it, it will be necessary to somehow resolve the issue of registration (usually there are no problems) or use the services privately.

What is needed for installation and connection

You will need:

How to choose a gas stove is already clear, we will now figure out the rest of the components. Nothing complicated, but there are features.

Balloon material and size

First, let's talk about the material from which the liquefied gas cylinder is made. Until recently, there were no such conversations. The gas cylinder was exclusively metal, and of a decent thickness. Now there are also composite gas cylinders (also called a euro cylinder) and they are approved for use by gas services. If possible, it is better to buy just such. Why are they better? Here is a list of their advantages:

There are few disadvantages of a polymer balloon. The first - it costs two to three times more than metal, but it is much easier to carry / transport it. The second - with the same volume in size, it is larger than its metal counterpart.

Now about the size gas cylinders... The larger the volume of the gas cylinder, the longer the period between refueling. But, on the other hand, larger cylinders have larger dimensions and weight, and it is more difficult to carry / transport them. To the same under small balloon easier to find a place to install.

In general, the choice is yours. Moreover, with the advent of composite, they appeared of different sizes - high and narrow, low and wide.


Why do you need a gas cylinder reducer? It performs several functions at once:

So the reducer on the gas cylinder helps to improve safety and stabilize the cooker. Without him better stove do not connect. In this case, the more you open the tap on the stove, the more powerful the gas flow will come out. In addition to being uneconomical, it can create a situation where the balloon starts to jump. In general, it is better not to operate without a gearbox.

Please note that for metal and composite cylinders, reducers are used different types... Therefore, when buying, specify the type of cylinder and its volume. And most importantly, a propane reducer is needed to work with a liquefied gas cylinder.

Beware of Chinese-made gearboxes….

If we talk about manufacturers, it is better to take Russian or European products. The Chinese are best avoided. Even those that have passed the certification are made of very thin metal and quickly fail (start to poison). In addition, many do not withstand the size of the fittings. When connecting, this becomes a problem, since the hose does not fit tightly, you have to somehow seal the connection.

Gas stove hose

You can buy it in Gorgaz stores or in hardware stores / markets. But be sure to clarify that you need it to connect the gas stove. It is correctly called "gas hose-hose". The inner diameter must be 16 mm, the outer depends on the type of hose, there must be an inscription on the surface ( yellow) that the hose is gas.

There are such gas hoses:

To connect the cylinder to gas stove you need a hose about a meter long - to fulfill the condition about the distance between the cylinder and the stove of 0.5 meters and leave a margin for freedom of movement.

On one side, a union nut with a gasket must be fitted to the hose. We connect this end to the outlet from the gas stove. If you buy just a piece of hose, you can put the appropriate gas adapter by yourself, tightening the fastener with a metal clamp (do not forget about the thick silicone gasket for sealing). On the other hand, the hose is connected to the gearbox - it is pulled over the fitting, then tightened with a clamp (do not forget to put the clamp on the hose, and then connect it to the fitting).

The process of connecting a gas stove to a cylinder

It is easy to connect a gas stove for giving under a cylinder. Just remember that propane, mixing with air, becomes extremely explosive. Therefore, you need to work in a well-ventilated area and very carefully. It is better to use cotton gloves when working. Another limitation is that when working indoors, do not use / turn on power tools. None. Until you are sure there are no leaks.

When connecting a gas stove in the country to a cylinder, it is best to provide a shut-off valve on the route. It is needed to increase the level of security. It will be required when replacing cylinders, if there are leaks. You can put it at the exit from the stove, but then the stove will need to be moved away from the wall at a decent distance. Therefore, most often, gas pipe cut, put a crane in the middle.

The work is carried out in this order:

If all is well, the gas stove for giving under the cylinder is connected, you can operate it.

The installation of a gas cylinder must comply with the requirements of "Labor Protection" and "Regulations against fire safety».

Installing a gas cylinder in the house

Gasification is prohibited basement floors and basements. When installing a gas tank in a house, you must follow the rules:

  • the container with gas should be installed strictly vertically
  • it must be available for inspection and replacement,
  • it must be flush with the stove at a distance of at least 0.5 m from it and 1 m from the stove or heating radiator,
  • when located opposite the furnace door - at a distance of at least 2 m.

V living quarters it is allowed to store no more than 10 liters of flammable flammable liquid in a closed container. No more than 3 liters of such liquid can be stored in containers made of non-combustible and shatterproof materials. It is highly discouraged to store containers with flammable gases in kitchens, in residential buildings, apartments and rooms, escape routes, attics, basements, balconies and loggias.

Rules for installing gas cylinders

The basic rule is that self-installation gas containers are prohibited. Repair, replacement, rearrangement must be carried out by a qualified technician. According to the rules, the installation of vessels with gas must be carried out in a pre-ventilated room. On the street, the tightness of the valve seals is checked, for which the outlet of the stem from the valve is treated with soap, then the transport plug is removed and the opening of the fitting is soaped with the valve closed. Do not operate gas containers if bubbles escape through the soapy solution. If no leaks are observed along the stem and fitting, you can bring the vessel with gas into the room and connect it to the gas appliance through a reducer. Then check the tightness of the stem seal and the threaded connection with the valve open and the valves closed after connection. For this, a soap solution is also applied. If the bubbles do not come out, the gas appliance can be used. If a gas leak is observed, close the valve, take the container with gas outside and call the emergency dispatch service of the gas economy.

Installing a gas cylinder in the country

This procedure must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of the rules of operation and safety. Tanks with gas should be located outside buildings in annexes made of non-combustible material near a blank wall of the wall (under casings that cover upper part with gearboxes, or in cabinets), no closer than 5 meters from the entrances to the building, basement and basement floors. Cabinets and outbuildings should be locked, ventilated and labeled “Flammable. Gas". At the entrance there should be an inscription “Flammable. Gas cylinders ". Installation must be carried out by qualified personnel from gas services, in accordance with the standards of the gas industry.

Installation of household gas cylinders

Installation of containers with gas should be carried out by gas service specialists. It is necessary to locate and operate such installations, which include gas tanks in an amount of more than two pieces, in accordance with all the requirements and standards specified in the currently valid regulatory documents regarding safety in the existing gas facilities.

Gas cylinder installation standards

The gas supply system must comply with fire safety and explosion safety standards during operation. Outside the house, vessels with gas should be located in a metal cabinet near outer wall at home. NS The cafe should stand on a base made of non-combustible material, the top should be at least 0.1 m above the planned ground level. The distance between the cabinet and the windows and doors of the first floor must be at least 0.5 m, from the doors, windows of the basement and basement rooms, a well, a cellar, cesspool- not less than 0.3 m. The gas pipeline inlet from the gas tanks to the house must be introduced directly into the room where the gas equipment is installed. Gas containers located inside the house should be installed in rooms where gas-consuming appliances are located. Installation is not permitted in basement and basements, rooms without ventilation and natural light.

Installing the reducer on a gas cylinder

The most reliable are gas tanks equipped with valves. The valve connection looks like union nuts. Reducers for gas tanks are designed to reduce the pressure entering the vessel with gas and automatically maintain it at a constant level. They are also used in gas-plasma processing. The fitting of the reducer is connected to the main hose of the gas pipeline, the hose is fastened using a clamp tightened with a screw. The connection of the valve to the reducer is carried out by tightening the threaded connection of the valve union and the union nut of the reducer. Tighten the nuts with an open-end wrench. A disposable gasket is installed between the nut and the union. This device is connected to gas tanks equipped with valves by putting it on the neck of the gas vessel. A special sealing ring is installed between them. When the gearbox is put on the neck of the valve, the ring of the locking mechanism is tightened on it. The ring is released after the gearbox is seated in place. Union nuts are made of bronze, since no sparking occurs when this material hits the metal.

Installing a gas cylinder on the street

With this installation, the gas tank must be located in special annexes made of special non-combustible materials and located near blind walls. It is possible to use special cabinets and covers that cover the gearbox and the upper part of the gas container. These extensions should be located at a distance of at least 5 meters from the basement and basement floors and from the entrance to the building. Special cabinets and annexes should have blinds for ventilation and a lock for locking. The inscription “Flammable. Gas". The installation must be carried out by a qualified gas worker. At the entrance to the courtyard there should be an inscription “Flammable. Gas cylinders ".

Why do you need a reducer for a gas cylinder? The easiest way to answer this question is by comparing household reducer for a gas cylinder with a mains voltage regulator. For the zealous owner, the use of an electric stabilizer has long become the norm. A gas pressure reducer for a cylinder is used for exactly the same purpose - to stabilize the pressure coming from a gas cylinder to our Appliances.

Decrease in gas pressure to operating parameters that ensure stable equipment performance- this is the main task that the balloon reduction device.Inlet pressure characteristics are essential for household appliances where the source of energy is blue fuel.

It would seem that after we have figured out what a balloon reducer for propane and butane is for, the article can be finished, say goodbye to the readers, and submit the work for publication. However, not everything is so simple, and it turns out that the gas reducer performs its work in absolutely two different principles actions and is divided into two types of devices.

How the cylinder reducer works:

1 Direct reducer

A common simple gas reducing device consists of two chambers with high and low pressure areas separated by a rubber membrane. In addition, the “reducer” is equipped with an inlet and outlet connection. Modern appliances designed to screw directly into the gearbox. Increasingly, you can find a gas reducer with a third fitting designed for mounting a monomer.

After gas is supplied through the hose and then through the fitting, it enters the chamber. The created gas pressure tends to open the valve. WITH back side the closing spring presses on the valve, returning it back to a special seat, called the “saddle” in the common people. Returning to its place, the valve prevents the uncontrolled flow of high pressure gas from the cylinder.


The second acting force inside the reducer is a rubber membrane that separates the device into high and low pressure areas. The diaphragm acts as a "helper" for high pressure and in turn tends to lift the valve out of the seat, opening the passage. Thus, the membrane is between two opposing forces. One surface is pressed by a pressure spring (not to be confused with the return spring of the valve), which wants to open the valve, on the other hand, the gas that has already passed into the low pressure zone presses on it.

The compression spring has a manual adjustment of the force of pressing the valve. We advise you to buy a gas reducer with a seat for a pressure gauge, so it will be easier for you to adjust the spring pressure to the desired outlet pressure values.

As the gas leaves the reducer to the source of consumption, the pressure in the chamber of the working space decreases, making it possible to straighten the pressure spring. She then starts to push valve out of the seat, allowing the device to be filled with gas again. Accordingly, the pressure creeps up, pressing on the diaphragm, reducing the size of the pressure spring. The valve moves back into the seat narrowing the gap, reducinggas filling reducer. Then the process is repeated until the pressure is equalized to the set value.

It should be admitted that reducers for gas cylinders of direct type due to complex design, are not in high demand, gearboxes of the reverse type are much more widespread, by the way, they are considered devices with a high degree of safety.

2 Reverse gear

The operation of the device is the opposite of the one described above. Liquefied blue fuel is fed into the chamber where it is created high pressure... Balloon gas builds up and prevents the valve from opening. To ensure the flow of gas into the household appliance, it is required to turn the regulator in the direction of the right-hand thread.

On the back of the regulator handle there is a long screw, which, while screwing, presses on the pressure spring. Compressing, it begins to bend the elastic membrane to the upper position. Thus, the transmission disc, through the rod, exerts pressure on the return spring. The valve starts to move, starts to open slightly, increasing the clearance ... Blue fuel rushes into the gap and fillsworking chamber with low pressure.

In the working chamber, in the gas hose and in the cylinder, the pressure begins to rise. Under the action of pressure, the membrane is straightened, a constantly compressing spring assists it in this. As a result of mechanical interactions, the transfer disc is lowered by weakening the return spring, which tends to return the valve to its seat. Closing the gap, the flow of gas from the cylinder into the working chamber is naturally limited. Further, with a decrease in pressure in the bellows line, the reverse process starts.

In short, as a result of checks and balances, the swing can be balanced and the gas reducer automatically maintains a balanced pressure, without sudden jumps and drops.

Types of gas reducers

From the school course, the concept of non-combustible - inert gas pops up in the mind. This broad group includes nitrogen, argon, helium, neon, etc. they do not support combustion and do not burn. Found widespread as a shielding gas for welding works... On the other hand, there are flammable gases (butane, hydrogen, methane, propane, propylene, etc.), which either liquefy or compress with the subsequent movement of their cylinders. So, in order to avoid confusion, engineers, even at the production stage, suggested cutting all-round threads.

Thus, the gas reducer intended for use in a group of combustible gases is manufactured with a left-hand thread. The opposite thread turning to the right is provided with a gas reducer for inert gases. Among other things, manufacturers use colored dyes that make them stand out more vividly.

Before you buy a gas regulator for a cylinder, we advise you to pay attention to the capacity of the device. The optimal solution will buy a 2nd generation gas reducer. Before making a purchase, you need to make sure that the selected model meets the gas flow parameters sufficient for the consuming device.


The gas reducer is widely used in household and private households. They are operated on all types of gas and are used in a wide variety of industries. The gas reducer can be found in agriculture, in a building complex, in medical institutions, and just in a country cottage.

For example, an oxygen reducer is used both in welding and in medical care. As for acetylene gas reducers, you can find them in any locksmith shop.

Propane reducers are indispensable during construction works, you can not do without them in activities related to the flooring of roofing and bituminous materials... A gas reducer for a propane cylinder has become not a luxury, but a necessity, with its help millions of housewives regulate the pressure coming from cylinders to gas stoves. Propane reducer often has a funny name, and if you ask in a store whether it is possible to buy a frog reducer for a gas cylinder from you, then do not hesitate, the seller will perfectly understand your request.

Reducer for gas cylinder

Since we are choosing a reducer for a gas cylinder, we consider it necessary to touch on the topic of the container itself. The technological process and the widespread introduction of new innovative materials are bearing fruit. More and more often, new composite cylinders can be found on the market, replacing the old generation. Modern models, unlike outdated predecessors, are lighter and offer a greater level of safety. Newest technologies the manufacture undergoes a multilevel test, the composite cylinder is exploded at landfills, but even after such tests you will not find small fragments.

Composite cylinders are not subject to internal corrosion, lightweight, comfortable. However, they do not know how to carry out a uniform gas supply on their own. A filled cylinder, of course, gives out more powerful pressure than a half empty one. Gas regulator will come to the rescue, its task is to adjust the pressure at the outlet of the composite cylinder and maintain it at the required level throughout the entire period of use.

Good joint work with composite cylinders, show gas reducers, ppassed European certification. Let's single out one of these devices: household gas reducer A300i-A310i IGT. On the positive side include the following product characteristics:

  • the presence of a nut that can be tightened by hand;
  • service life of the control diaphragm extended to 10 years;
  • the design provides maximum sealing of the connecting elements;
  • the gas hose is secured with a hose clamp on the unthreaded nipple.

Despite the fact that the value of the device can hardly be overestimated in creating conditions for the safe operation of a stove or other device, household pressure reducers for gas cylinders are usually sold at an acceptable cost. Despite the fact that the price rarely exceeds 300-400 rubles, these devices are able to protect not only your homes, but also your life from dangerous situations.

The choice of a gas reduction device, the process is not complicated, but you should know and take into account such details as:

  • The name of the gas passing through the device;
  • Balloon characteristics;
  • Dimensions, type;
  • Required flow rate and outlet pressure;
  • Connection method.

Gas reducers for a gas cylinder, price and types

Let's try to choose a reducer for gas cylinders, from those popular types that are in greatest demand among consumers. Let's take a look at the market gas appliances and we will clarify what the price of a gas reducer for a cylinder was at the end of 2017.

Household gas reducer RDSG for propane stabilization

The leading position in the market, and among the consumer at the dacha, is occupied by the device RDSG-1-1.2 "Frog" with a threaded fastener. The RDSG-2 "Baltika" gearbox equipped with a threadless connection is not inferior in popularity. Both leaders represent the simplest design... As a result, they can offer a minimum low cost.
Passport characteristics:
- inlet pressure from 0.7 to 15.7 Bar;
- outlet pressure is in the range of adjustment from 30 to 32 mBar;
- device weight 310 g;
- permissible operation in the range from -30 to +45 ± 3 ° C;
- characteristic bandwidth gas - 1.2 m3 / hour.
You can buy a reducer rdsg 2-1.2 Baltika or rdsg 1-1.2 Frog up to 350 rubles.

Inlet pressure Outlet pressure gas throughput m3 / hour Weight gr. Price, rub.
Reducer М714 0 - 20 Bar 30 mBar 0,5 250 up to 500
Reducer N240 20 - 60 Bar 18 mBar 0,5 400 up to 2000
Reducer BPO-5 2.5 MPa 0.3 MPa 5 700 up to 1000
Reducer BKO-25 20 MPa 0.8 MPa 25 1200 up to 1200
Reducer BKO-50 20 MPa 1.25 MPa 50 1450 up to 1500
Reducer BVO-80 20 MPa 1.25 MPa 80 2100 up to 1700
Reducer RKZ-250 20 MPa 1.6 MPa 250 6700 up to 17,000
Reducer RKZ-500 20 MPa 1.6 MPa 500 8300 up to 23,000

It remains to add that the gas reducer is not a universal device. Each model can only run on one specific gas fuel. Please check your documents and passport details carefully before buying. Each reducer has its own purpose and some of them are designed for propane, others for methane, others for argon, and so on. They are not interchangeable, so be careful.

Compliance with simple safety rules will save your property, health and ensure a steady supply of gas from a cylinder to your device. Due to the low price for household appliances, we advise you to give preference to trusted manufacturers with a reputation as a reliable supplier.

Do not connect your device “directly” the results of such a connection are likely to be an unexpected problem for you. Pay special attention to cylinders inside which compressed gas (pumped under a pressure of 250 bar). The price for the "Frog" is not at all expensive, so that you can save on it. It is much more prudent to acquire one than to spend money on eliminating the consequences of the disaster later.

We offer a video review of the device:

Hardly one modern man will be able to imagine his life without a stove. But there are situations when gasification of a house is impractical or impossible. The reasons are different, but the result is the same: people have to use liquefied propane in cylinders. When self-equipping a point, many questions can arise, starting with choosing a place for the device and ending with connecting to an energy source. Mistakes and mistakes made during the installation and connection of the gas stove to the cylinder can lead to irreversible tragic consequences.

Important! Gas equipment that will be used for cooking must be in good working order.

Materials and tools required for work

When connecting a gas cylinder to the stove, you will need:

  • 2 clamps;
  • a nipple with a spout to connect a hose and internal thread(must be included with the gas appliance);
  • the stove is new or old, but in good condition;
  • reducer with an inlet pressure of 30 mbar;
  • a gas cylinder made of metal-composite, polymer-composite or other special materials with a capacity of 5–50 liters;
  • rubber or rubber-resin connecting hose that can support room temperature and does not heat up above 30 degrees;
  • sealing tape;
  • special gas wrench.

Important! To connect the gas model of the stove, you need to use only keys with a brass or copper coating, which will not knock out a spark upon impact.

Cylinder gas jets

One must take into account important point: slabs originally intended for operation on the main natural gas, have jets (nozzles) that are not suitable for operation on bottled propane.

The jet is like a bolt with a hole at the top through which fuel flows to the burner. Cylinder gas nozzles have a smaller bore diameter because LPG has a higher pressure than fossil fuel. Therefore, to connect such a stove to a liquefied gas cylinder, you will need to purchase and replace the entire set of nozzles.

  • ... Purchased at specialized points of sale, it must be designed specifically for gas. Its length must exceed the distance between the connected equipment by 150 cm, since it is forbidden to use it in a taut state.

Important! Do not use old hoses, as their integrity inner surface can be broken.

Choosing a place to install the cylinder

Before connecting the gas stove to the cylinder, you need to choose the place where the devices will be installed, since the distance between them must be at least 100 cm. gas equipment have a window.

When using a shielded cylinder, the distance between it and the plate can be reduced to 50 cm.

  • If the container with gas will be in the same room with the kitchen appliance, it is advisable to place it in metal cabinet or make a wooden mount.
  • The cylinder can be located in a pantry located behind the kitchen wall. In this case, you will need to make a hole for the hose.
  • The best option in terms of safety is to install the cylinder in a special metal box located outside and locked with a lock.

Important! You can place a balloon in an apartment only if the building has no more than 2 floors.


After finishing installation works you need to make sure the tightness of the connections and the safe functioning of the elements. The simplest method is to apply a highly foamed soap solution to the joints before supplying propane from the cylinder to the plate. Problems with gas leakage in places of poor-quality fastening will manifest themselves with the appearance of soap bubbles. In this case, it is necessary to disassemble the connection in which the leak occurs, and dock the parts again.

Note! Many modern slabs must be connected to the mains. Therefore, it is necessary that the circuit conforms to the parameters specified in the instructions, and the outlet is grounded.

The video will help you to clearly understand how to properly connect the stove to the cylinder. If some points remain unclear, for the sake of your own safety, you should not carry out the installation yourself, it is better to invite a gasman.

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E If you are the happy owner of a cozy summer cottage far from a polluted city and want to recreate the best setting for cooking there various dishes, the only solution a gas stove can act for giving under a cylinder. The variety of such appliances is impressive in its scale, so anyone can choose something suitable for themselves - from a compact stove with a single burner to a large multifunctional item with four burners.

Single burner gas stove

Variations of gas stoves for summer cottages

These household appliances for use in the country can be equipped with a variety of jets or nozzles. Such parts have special holes of a clearly defined diameter, through which combustible gas enters the burner.

Modern gas stoves

When selecting a slab for a summer residence, all the features should be taken into account modern models, including the presence of the possibility of electric ignition, the presence of a timer and important system safety called "gas control".

Slabs for a country house are divided into two groups due to differences in their design. There are tabletop gas stoves for giving under a cylinder and floor types.

Tabletop gas stoves

The tabletop type is convenient due to its small size and the fact that they can be easily transported from place to place. This is especially true if you spend time at the dacha only in the summer. For the winter, such a stove can be taken to the garage or put on the balcony.

Tabletop gas stove for a cylinder with two burners from "Bartscher"

Floor types

Floor slabs are convenient because they are equipped with all the necessary functions in the form oven, grill or barbecue. Based on the size of your kitchen, it is always possible to purchase a stove with one, two, four or six burners.

Mounting the plate to the cylinder

How is the process of installing a gas stove to a cylinder going on? To do this, you will definitely need a gas reducer with a special outlet pressure of 30 mbar, as well as a gas hose made of rubber or a mixture of rubber and polymer and a threaded fitting inside.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • The fitting must be screwed onto the plate inlet (sometimes the fitting is included in the plate kit). This procedure is absolutely safe, and you can do it yourself without the involvement of specialists.

  • In this case, one should not forget about the use of a gasket, fum tape or some kind of specialized sealant, the type of which depends on the fitting used.

  • The reducer must be connected to the gas cylinder and the gasket must be immediately replaced.

  • The reducer outlet must be combined with a gas hose.

It is most rational to connect several cylinders to the stove at once. This will provide itself with gas reserves for the entire summer cottage season.

Video: how to properly connect a gas stove to a propane cylinder

A brief overview of gas stove models and their features

The tabletop gas stove for giving under the cylinder of the manufacturer RICCI RGH has compact dimensions and two burners, which allows you to quickly cook required amount food. There is also a low flame limiter, cast iron burners, piezo ignition of burners.

The two-burner gas stove for giving under the cylinder of the GRETA company is covered with enamel, which allows you to quickly clean it of any contamination. Powerful and high-quality work of the stove is guaranteed to manufacturers with many years of experience.

The Hephaestus four-burner stove is specially designed for use in the country. Its adjustable legs, straight-mounted grill and fixed low flame mode will delight every owner of a country house with its benefits and quality.

Safety rules

A gas stove of any type is considered a technique with elevated level Therefore, it is imperative to take into account all safety regulations, which include the following recommendations:

  • The walls of the room must be heat-resistant and withstand temperatures of 100 degrees;
  • The kitchen set must also be heat-resistant and capable of withstanding a temperature rise of up to 100 degrees;
  • The kitchen set should be installed no closer than 45 cm from the work surface ;;
  • If you smell gas, it is unacceptable to turn on the light. It is necessary to immediately shut off the gas and ventilate the room. It is also important to call emergency services;
  • You should choose utensils for cooking on a gas stove from aluminum, ceramic, cast iron or steel. You can also use Teflon cookware.

The gas stove in the country should always be clean and tidy, because such Appliances associated with cooking. The level of safety also depends on the cleanliness of the slab in the country, because the appearance of debris in the elements of the tile mechanism can lead to disastrous consequences.