Terrazit plaster history of origin v. How to apply special plasters: terrazit and stone-like. Solutions for terrazitic plaster

Any owner of the house wants the walls of his home to meet all the standards and requirements, both from the facade and indoors. An excellent option for the realization of your wishes for high quality finishing is considered , which in most cases is used for outdoor work, however, the material can be quite successfully used for internal repairs.

This mixture belongs to the category of coarse decorative plaster mixes, and it is increasingly used in the repair of walls, as it has an affordable cost, does not create problems in operation, and the process of its application can be done by hand.

The main advantages of terrazite plaster

  1. Significant service life
  2. resistance to adverse weather conditions,
  3. Graceful appearance

Terrazit mixture consists of lime, 30-35% cement and filler, which can be used as marble flour, quartz sand, mica, textured stones and other components. In the process of applying the material, it is possible to give it the necessary texture due to the peculiarities of grinding, which allows terrazite plaster to successfully fit into landscape style at home or in its internal interior view. The material is applied to an already prepared surface, in most cases it is lime plaster without grinding, that is, simply applied and leveled material.

Application technology

In general, the technology for applying the material is somewhat similar to the process for applying decorative bark beetle plaster, but it has its own differences, since the compositions of the mixtures vary. The terrasite material is applied with a metal half-trowel in several layers, depending on the desired thickness of the layer for grinding, since different texture requires different material thicknesses. lime plaster before starting work, it is abundantly wetted for better adhesion of material layers.

After the application is completed, the terrazitic plaster must dry for 12-24 hours, after which it is ground or sanded. For this, special embossed graters are used, including those with sharp spikes, which help to achieve the desired surface texture. When applying the material, the maximum area should be captured, otherwise the joints of the layers will be visible (an analogy with the application of Bark beetle).

Terrazit plasters are intended mainly for decorative finishes building facades. Their device begins even at the moment of preparing the solution for priming: since its composition and consistency on the entire surface must be the same, it is necessary to strictly observe the ratio of ingredients during mixing. The uniformity of the coating layer and the quality of the plastered walls or ceiling depend on this.

The soil solution applied to the surface is leveled and scratched on it at a distance of 3 cm from each other horizontal undulating grooves, the depth of which is 3 mm. Such their location is due to the fact that terrazite plasters are quite heavy, and getting into the grooves, they are held on the surface and do not slip.

The laid soil is kept for 7-12 days. After that, they begin to apply a decorative covering layer. 2 hours before the start of work, the primed surface is abundantly moistened with water. After the moisture is absorbed, proceed to the device terrazitovy plaster.

decorative layer applied in two steps: first spray decorative mortar, and after about 15-25 minutes, when the mixture begins to set, the main layer of decorative coating is applied.

If a coarse-grained mortar mixture is used for plastering, its thickness should be 12-15 mm, the thickness of the medium-grained mortar - 10-12 mm, fine-grained - 8-10 mm.

Each layer of covering is leveled and compacted, and the top one is rubbed with a grater.

If defects appear on a section of a wall or ceiling plastered with terrazitic plaster, it is cut down to the ground layer and treated with fresh mortar.

The moment when the processing of terrazite plasters begins depends on what solution was used for covering, what texture must be obtained, what tools the work will be performed on and on atmospheric conditions.

When using cyclers, work can be started 30 minutes after leveling the surface and grouting. By this time, the solution becomes friable, since hydrated lime, having absorbed moisture, dehydrates it.

Getting started, you need to check whether the surface is ready for scraping, for which they press the cover layer with a finger - if the solution is not pressed through, then the surface is ready for subsequent verification. After this cycle, a shallow groove is made on the plastered wall or ceiling.

The surface is considered ready for further processing if the solution crumbles easily and does not stick to the tool. When the surface is kept for more than 1 hour, the solution hardens, which greatly complicates cycling, and the quality suffers from this.

During operation, the blade of the scraper must be at an angle 45-60° to the surface. All movements are performed smoothly, with the same pressure and in the same direction, otherwise darker or lighter spots may appear on the surface, which stand out in bright light.

Depending on atmospheric conditions cycling of terrasite plasters can be performed in dry or windy weather for 2-3 hours; at normal humidity, calm and air temperature plus 20-25 ° C - for 3-4 hours, in cool and damp weather - 6 hours.

When processing a freshly plastered surface with a nail comb or a toothed cycle, a grooved texture with irregularities from 2 to 5 mm is obtained. It is best to use a fine-grained mortar mixture for such a texture.

The location of the grooves can be arbitrary: in a straight line (the cycle or comb is pulled along the rule), shifted strokes (the pattern is applied in one direction free movements). In the process of scraping, 1 mm of solution is removed from the coating layer in order to expose the grains of the aggregate and reveal their shine.

A bumpy texture with irregularities up to 5 mm is obtained by processing a fine-grained semi-hardened surface (in the range from 10 to 20 hours after applying the solution to the surface) with a toothed scraper or a wire brush.

Application on the surface of the butt strokes with a nail brush allows you to create a uniformly bumpy texture.

With such processing of the coating from the mortar mixture with coarse or medium-grained aggregates, a bumpy surface with irregularities of more than 5 mm is obtained. This texture does not reveal the brilliance of the aggregate grains, but requires large physical and temporary costs, so it is created very rarely.

After scraping, the surface treated with terrazitic plaster is swept over with a brush and kept wet for 3-5 days (3-5 times a day it is plentifully moistened with water from a broom or brush).

Finishing by hardened solution requires the application of great physical strength. It is performed with a bush hammer, a chisel and its varieties, as well as a sandblaster and abrasive tools. Before starting work, the surface is kept wet for 8 days, plus another 2 days to dry.

By hitting the walls or ceiling with a bush hammer, they determine whether they are ready for further processing.

If a dull sound is heard and the plaster is crushed by impact, then it is too early to start work. If the sound is sonorous and the plaster is chipped, you can safely get down to business.

As a result of processing a layer from a mixture with coarse-grained aggregates with a bush hammer or sandblasting machine, it turns out uniformly rough surface with sparkling brilliance. A bush hammer strikes the same force, the direction of which is perpendicular to the surface to be trimmed. Bush hammer teeth thus destroy the upper film of the mortar covering the aggregate grains. From impacts, grains of marble chips also split, the chipping of which gives the surface a sparkling sheen. Bush hammer blows are applied until the top film of the solution is removed on the entire surface of the plaster.

When processing sandblasting machine the upper mortar film is also removed from the plastered surface. In this case, medium and large aggregate grains are exposed, and small ones are partially removed, which creates a rough surface. Under the action of a sand jet, the grains are polished and acquire a characteristic sheen.

Use of building sand in the apparatus rocks, whose grains of sand have an acute-angled shape, will speed up processing and give the texture a more refined and decorative look.

To ensure that the edges of the rods and dihedral angles do not suffer during power processing, they or covered with slats, or do not reach them by 20-30 mm. The film from the untreated areas is removed with a trojan or gear.

Texture "chipped stone" obtained in the process of processing with a chisel, scarpel and tongue of the hardened top layer of the coating, consisting of a mixture of mortar with medium and coarse-grained aggregates. To a depth equal to 1/3 of the coating thickness, at an angle of 45 °, the blades of these tools are hammered into the plaster. During this operation, pieces of plaster fall out and a rough surface is obtained. The use of a tongue and groove gives the walls and ceiling a uniform-grained texture; when working with a scarpel or a chisel, a “rock-like” texture is created.

Finishing fine-grained terrasite coating with grinding emery or corundum wheels and bars leads to the appearance smooth polished surface with its characteristic sparkling brilliance.

There is also such a method of applying terrazitic plasters: the coating is arranged on freshly applied soil and does not need further processing. The order of plastering in this case has its own characteristics. A layer of spray is applied to the prepared surface, and after it has set, a primer, the last layer of which must match the color of the coating. Then the beacons are removed, and the empty spaces formed in their place are filled with a colored solution.

The last step is applying terrasite coating. This procedure is performed by spraying the solution from a broom in 1-2 steps. In this case, the thickness of the covering layer will be equal to 5 mm. The filler grains, pressed into the primer layer, hold the entire coating on the surface. The plaster must dry, after which it is leveled with a trowel edge. Performing this operation allows you to remove the protruding aggregate grains and obtain a terrazitic surface similar to a scraped one.

Terrazit is delivered to the construction site in the form of a ready-made dry colored mixture, which is mixed with water at the work site. The color and texture of terrasite is usually the same as that of sandstone or tuff, but with a sheen due to the addition of mica. The binder in terrazitic plasters is fluff lime with the addition of 20-30% cement. As a filler, marble chips and quartz sand are used. The coloring of terrasite is achieved by introducing pigments into it, and sometimes only colored mineral flour.

Produced terrazit mixtures are divided by numbers indicating the fineness of the aggregate. The number has a letter designation: K - large texture, C - medium and M - small.

The surface of the plaster is processed in a semi-hardened, semi-plastic state by scraping, cleaning with nail brushes, etc. The texture of terrasite depends on the size of the marble chips, which falls out during surface treatment, leaving larger or smaller nests. When scraping terrasite, the waste reaches 25% of the laid material.

It is somewhat more difficult to apply terrasite mortars than lime-sand mortars, since the former are made in most cases with large crumbs. Sometimes the terrasite mortar is made liquid and applied to the surface in 3-4 layers with a plaster spatula from a falcon with sides. Terrasite with fine aggregates is used for pulling rods.

The recipe for terrazite mixtures is given in table. 10.

Table 10 The composition of mixtures for terrazite plasters
(number of materials in liters required to prepare a portion of the mixture)
Name of materials The color of the plaster and the size of the texture: large K, medium C and small M
light yellow
light gray
dark grey
portland cement
Fluffy lime
Sand quartz
Crumb marble
Powder marble
Paint (in % of the weight of cement and fluffy lime)

Ocher 2%


Ocher 2%


Umber 0.5%


Soot 0.3%

Note. For solution K, a large crumb is taken (4-b bodice for solution C - medium (2-4 mm), for solution M-small (1-2 mm).

Application of terrazite mortars. A spray is first applied to the surface to be plastered, and after it has set (after 1-1.5 hours), primer is applied in 2-3 layers, depending on the size of the terrasite and the thickness of the plaster layer. The soil is well leveled and compacted with a trowel or a rule. If shells appear on the surface of the soil, then they are covered.

If there are many small shells on the ground, they make a cover and level it well.

After setting the applied layer of terrazitic plaster, it is sometimes overwritten. Grouting is in most cases necessary when the surface is plastered with fine terrasite, and the processing will be carried out with fine-toothed scrapers. Grouting must be done carefully and quickly.

Terrazite scraping. After setting the solution, which will take 3-6 hours or more, they begin scraping. It should be started when, with a slight pressure on the cycle, the surface of the terrasite plaster begins to crumble, i.e. marble chips and sand fall out of the total mass of the plaster layer, forming a rough surface. If the scraping is started earlier, the solution will crumple and stick to the cycle. Such scraping will only worsen the appearance of the treated surface. If the plaster is overexposed (dry), then it is difficult to scrape.

When scraping terrazite, the resulting texture depends on the size of the scraper teeth and brush nails, as well as on the fineness of the aggregates.

When scraping terrasite, the plasterer holds the scraper, depending on its size, with one or two hands and drives it along the surface of the plaster (Fig. 193). It is not recommended to press hard on the cycle; it should move smoothly, without jerks.

Rice. 193. Terrasite scraping

The cycle with teeth cuts into the surface and removes the worn film, exposing mica or. You need to cycle in one direction, otherwise, spots will remain on the surface, spoiling the appearance of the plaster (this is especially noticeable on sunny days). It is best to scrape according to the rule; in this case, even stripes are obtained, and the scraped surface resembles the texture “under a fur coat”. To obtain the texture “under hewn sandstone”, a chisel is chipped from the surface of a thick layer of terrazite upper layer plasters.

To obtain the texture “under a torn stone”, a chisel, bracket or tongue is driven into the plaster and pieces of plaster are pulled out with them; while the tools need to be hammered in different directions. In order to save materials, the texture for a torn stone can be obtained by laying gravel in plaster in different directions and throwing it with terrazite mortar, which is then processed with cycles.

After processing, the surface is swept with a broom or a stiff hair brush.

Plastering with terrasite without sanding. There is a more economical, faster and simplified method for applying and processing terrasite, proposed by engineer A. M. Shepelev. It is as follows. A dry mixture of terrasite is prepared in the usual way. But for the soil, in addition to the usual mixture, they also prepare a dry mixture of the same color as terrasite.

After spraying, a primer is applied from an ordinary solution of such a thickness that it does not reach the beacons by 5-7 mm, and then a colored primer is applied to this fresh primer to the plane of the beacons. Colored soil is leveled with a rule or a trowel.

After the colored primer, a spray is applied with a broom - a creamy coating with a thickness of 5-7 mm. The spray is applied carefully, in even layers, without gaps, so that thickening and bumps do not appear on the surface. After the coating has dried, the surface is leveled with the edge of a trowel or rule, repelling protruding and weakly adhering crumb particles. Then the surface is swept with a broom, exposing the mica and getting, as it were, a scraped surface.

To carry out work with such a finish, the team is divided into links, each of which is entrusted with a certain process: one link applies spray and simple soil, the second - colored soil, the third - coating, the fourth - cuts down the beacons and seals them with terrazite, the fifth - processes the coating.

Lighthouses must be cut down after applying the coating, since even with its thickest layer, they will protrude from the main plane. If, however, a thin layer of soil is applied over the beacons, then the crumb particles will weakly adhere to the solution of the beacons and will easily fall off when carrying out a rule or sweeping with a broom.

The need for terrazite during plastering in this way is reduced by 25%, i.e., by the amount of waste that is generated during scraping. At the same time, labor productivity increases.

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Special plasters can be applied to walls in the same way as regular plasters. But most often these types of plasters are applied to lined surfaces that already have ordinary plaster. Therefore, you need to prepare the wall: apply two layers of mortar (spray and primer). After that, you can start applying decorative plaster.

Laying terrazite plaster

This material consists of a dry mixture of cement, quartz sand, fluffy lime, decorative components with coloring pigments. The filler is often crushed natural stone with particle sizes of 2-6 mm.


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Terrazitic plasters. Terrazit is delivered to the construction site in the form of a ready-made dry colored mixture, which is mixed with water at the work site. The color and texture of terrasite is the same as that of sandstone or tuff, but with a luster that is achieved by the introduction of mica. The binder in terrazitic plasters is fluff lime with the addition of 20-30% cement. As a filler, marble chips and quartz sand are used. For coloring terrazite, pigments are introduced, and sometimes only colored mineral flour (marble, stone, granite).
Produced terrazite mixtures are divided by numbers or by letter designations: No. 1 or M(fine-grained) with filler grains of 1-2 mm, No. 2 or FROM(medium-grained) with aggregate grains 2-4 mm and No. 3 or TO(coarse-grained) with aggregate grains 4-6 mm. Thus, when using mixture No. 1, a fine texture is obtained, No. 2 - medium and No. 3 - large.
The mica used for decoration is sieved on the same sieves as the filler.
The compositions of mixtures for terrazitic plasters are given in Table. 8.

Table 8

Composition of terrazite plasters (in parts by volume)


Plaster color and texture size

White K

yellow C

yellow C

out M

Gray M

Gray M

Portland cement
Fluffy lime
Sand quartz
Crumb marble
Powder marble
Mica (in parts of the volume of cement)
Paint (in % of the mass of the entire dry mix)







Note. For solution K, a large crumb is taken (4-6 mm), for solution C - medium (2-4 mm), for solution M - fine (1-2 mm).
It is somewhat more difficult to apply terrasite mortars than lime-sand mortars, since the former are prepared in most cases with large crumbs. Sometimes the terrasite mortar is made liquid and applied to the surface in 3-4 layers with a plaster spatula from a falcon with sides. Terrasite with fine aggregate is used to pull the rods.
When plastering the surface with terrasite mortars, first a spray is applied to the prepared soil from a liquid terrasite mortar and after it has set (after 1-5 h), apply primer in 2-3 layers, depending on the size of the terrazite and the thickness of the plaster layer. The soil is well leveled, compacted with blows of a trowel or an edge of the rule. If shells appear on the surface of the soil, they are corrected with a solution; then apply a covering and level it well.
After setting the applied layer of terrazitic plaster, it is sometimes overwritten. In most cases, grouting is needed if the surface is plastered with fine terrazzo, and it will be processed with fine-toothed scrapers. You have to rub carefully and at the same time quickly.
After the mortar has set (usually after 3-6 h) start cycling. With a light pressure on the scraper, marble chips and sand begin to crumble, leaving larger or smaller nests and thereby forming a rough surface. When scraping terrasite, the waste reaches 25% of the consumed material.
The surface of the plaster is treated in a semi-hardened state. If you start cycling earlier, then the solution will stick to the cycle. Such scraping will only worsen the appearance of the treated surface. If the plaster is excessively hardened, then it is more difficult to scrape.
The texture when scraping terrazitic plaster depends on the size of the scraper teeth or brush nails, as well as on the fineness of the aggregates.
In the process of scraping (Fig. 145), the plasterer holds the scraper, depending on its size, with one or two hands and scrapes it over the surface of the plaster. It is not recommended to press hard on the cycle, it should move smoothly, without jerking. The cycle with teeth cuts into the surface and removes the worn film; at the same time, mica and crumb are exposed.

You need to cycle in one direction, otherwise stains will remain on the surface, spoiling the appearance of the plaster (this is especially noticeable on sunny days).
Scraping is recommended according to the rule, in this case even stripes are obtained, and the scraped surface resembles the texture “under a fur coat”. The invoice "under a fur coat" can be obtained and more in a simple way- mechanized application of color coating directly on the surface to be plastered.
To obtain the texture “under hewn sandstone”, the top layer of plaster is chipped from the surface of a thick layer of terrasite with a chisel.
To get the texture “under a torn stone”, crushed stone is embedded in a freshly applied layer of soil in various places and thrown with a terrazite mortar, which is then treated with a cycle or brush.
After processing, the surface is swept with a broom or a stiff hair brush.
Plastering with terrasite without scraping is as follows. After spraying the surface, a primer is applied to it from an ordinary solution of such a thickness that it does not reach the lighthouses by 5-7 mm, and then colored soil is applied to this fresh soil to the plane of the beacons, which is leveled with a rule or a trowel.
Following the colored soil with a broom, a creamy coating with a thickness of 5-7 mm. The coating is applied in uniform layers, without gaps, so that thickening and bumps do not appear on the surface. After the coating has dried, the surface is leveled with the edge of a trowel or rule, repelling protruding and weakly adhering particles. Then the surface is swept with a broom, exposing the mica, and a kind of scraped surface is obtained.
After applying the coating, it is necessary to cut down the beacons, since even with its thickest layer they will protrude from the main plane. If, however, a thin layer of soil is applied over the beacons, then the crumb particles will weakly adhere to the solution of the beacons and will easily peel off at the time of the rule or when sweeping with a broom.
The need for terrazite during plastering in this way is reduced by 25%, i.e., by the amount of waste that is generated during scraping. At the same time, labor productivity increases.
To perform terrasite finishing, the team is divided into sections, each of which is entrusted with a certain process: one section applies spray and simple primer, the second - colored primer, the third - coating, the fourth - cuts down beacons and closes them with terrasite, the fifth - processes the coating.
During the cycling of surfaces, dust is released on the hardened plaster, so you need to work with safety glasses.