Hybrid pink action. Magnificent action: how to properly grow an oriental beauty in your garden. Deutzia scabra rough or star-shaped

Rod Deytsia contains 50 species common in the Himalayas, Mexico, East Asia.

These are deciduous shrubs, erect or spreading, up to 4 m tall.

A flowering, deciduous shrub with abundant pink or white flowers, collected in racemose inflorescences. The action blooms on the shoots of last year. It grows on any soil and is almost unpretentious if the shoots did not freeze every year (flower buds form on them). However, action has good quality when, after freezing, the shoots grow back and bloom in the same year. In culture, in our country, the most common types:

Rough action

It grows wild in China and Japan. The shrub got its name for its rough leaves, which are covered with stellate hairs.

Rough action is a small graceful shrub. The bark of the shoots is gray or red-brown, then flaking. The foliage on both sides is dull green, yellow-brown in autumn. The flowers of the action are rough, white or pink, collected in beautiful, narrow brushes.

Rough action is used for single and group plantings. The shrub has been introduced into cultivation since 1822. Her beautiful garden forms, especially with pink and white double flowers, under their weight the shoots bend, giving the shrub a spectacular look. Not hardy, it can freeze a little. Landing in protected areas is preferred.

Decorative forms: terry - with terry outside pink flowers; pure white -with double white flowers; Vaterera - with white flowers, from the outside they are carmine; pink terry - with double pink flowers, frost-resistant form; white-point - with white small spots on the leaves.

The rough action has interesting shape- "Marmorata". With this action, the leaf surface is covered with white-yellow spots. This action does not bloom. Young growth in action "Marmorata" has ugly leaves. Leaves of ordinary shape appear only on overwintered shoots.

Deytia Candidissima("Candidissima"). Grows in culture in Yalta, Gorno-Altaysk. Shrub, height of 25 years 1.5 m. Low winter hardiness. Deytsia Candidissima is not found in landscaping.

Action rough Captivity ("Plena"). At a height of 3 m. It begins to bloom at the end of July.

Action rough Pride of Rochester ("Pride of Rochester"). Blooms in July, not for long. This action does not tie fruit. Low winter hardiness.

Deytion graceful

Grows wildly in the mountains of Japan.

Shrub 1.6 m in height, with a roundish bush shape with arched branches and lush flowering. The foliage is oblong-lanceolate, with stellate hairs above, the leaves are bare below. White flowers of graceful action are collected in upright brushes. Flowering lasts 25 days.

It grows graceful quickly, thermophilic, feels good in the city.

Looks good in foreground group planting, borders.

Landing action: The distance between plantings is 2 m. It is best to place the bushes in open or slightly shaded places. Planting depth of action 40 cm.

Action care: Fertilize with liquid manure from time to time.

For the winter, you need a small shelter with a dry leaf, hilling with earth.

Reproduction of action: shrub propagates by seeds, layering, cuttings.

Usage: undersized species of action are used as curbs; others - in the form of small groups near the tracks, for single landings... Thickened action bushes need to be thinned out. Abundant and beautiful flowering, graceful flowers give the plantings extraordinary beauty.

Deytion hybrid Mont Rose (pink)

Deytsia Hybridna Mont Rose (Rozheva)

Deutzia hybrida Mont Rose (pink)

Habit: shrub spreading.

Form: very decorative, flowering deciduous shrub of the hydrangea family, with a spreading, vertically growing crown, reaching about 1.5-2 m in height and 1-1.5 m in width. In youth, the crown is somewhat decaying, with age it is more compact, with slightly drooping side branches. It blooms early, profusely and for a long time with beautiful large bright pink flowers, collected in apical racemose inflorescences. Hybrid action Mont Rose is good because it does not cause allergies and is one of the most stable representatives of its kind.

Growth rate: the annual growth is 20-30 cm.

Leaves: opposite, broadly elliptic, 6-10 cm long, edges are sharp-toothed, dark green... In autumn, the foliage takes on a golden yellow color.

Bloom: abundant, effective, long-lasting. The flowers are large, delicately pink-lilac, collected in large inflorescences, the edges of the petals are slightly twisted.

Flowering time: Deytsia Mont Rose blooms in May - June.

Root system: superficial, with big amount thin roots, deep skeletal roots.

Attitude to light / insolation: Deytion pink Mont Rose is photophilous, but tolerates light shading. In the shade, the quality of flowering deteriorates.

Soil / soil type: Deutzia Mont Rose prefers well-hydrated, loose, fertile soil with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction. Deutzia Mont Rose does not like dry soil and stagnant water. If the soil is acidic, then it should be deoxidized with lime or wood ash. Responsive to feeding.

Planting / leaving: quite wind-resistant, but grows better in closed places. Care consists in periodic watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil. To maintain the symmetry and neat appearance of the bush, it is necessary to monitor the uniform distribution of shoots in the crown, remove incorrectly located and weak branches. After the end of flowering, faded shoots must also be removed, at this time new ones appear at the base of the crown. Strong growths are cut off at least 15-20 cm. If Deytsia is weakly bushy, it needs to be cut harder and more often, this contributes to the thickening of the crown of the plant.

All plants purchased in the PROXIMA nursery are provided with prolonged fertilizers with the latest formulas of the best European manufacturers and can be sold in your garden center without additional fertilizing for a whole year. But greatest advantage buying potted plants is that they can be planted, without buying additional fertilizers, from March to December - even on the hottest days of summer.

Pests and diseases: Action Mont Rose is resistant to diseases and many pests. The leaves of the plant can be devoured by the bumblebee proboscis, but this insect is quite rare. In hot dry weather, defeat is possible spider mite... The main thing is to determine the pest (diagnosis) in order to choose the right plant protection product. Untreated plants may be affected by Anthracnose (leaf spot), powdery mildew and aphids. To protect the plant from diseases and fungal infections, it is necessary to treat the plants with fungicides (Skor, Switch, Maxim, Ordan, Horus, Quadris, Radomil Gold, etc.). Certainly, it is better to have a “diagnosis” made by a specialist. But as a rule, a modern gardener using the Internet can independently identify the enemy and choose the right methods and means of plant protection .. It is better to carry out preventive treatments once a month than to treat when the pest multiplies and "eats up" the plant. An example is the war of gardeners and Ukrainians with Colorado beetles, which, like their human "wadded" namesakes - "Colorado", are very dangerous and gluttonous. Aktara 1gr per 1l watering at the root, 30-100 grams per plant, depending on the size.

Application: Action can be used in any tree and shrub compositions, single and group plantings. They look picturesque in non-trimmed hedges. The shrub is decorative due to its early, abundant and long-lasting pale pink flowering.

Climatic zone / frost resistance zone: 5 frost-resistant for the entire territory of Ukraine with elementary care (mulching, fertilization, watering) and shelter for the winter of young plants up to 3 years old.

You can buy Mont Rose Hybrid Action in Kiev at low prices in the PROXIMA plant nursery.
Read more about planting, watering, care, fertilization, protection - with a photo in the "Planting, Care" section.

Now in vogue the landing of various exotic plants on his backyard. Breeders breed hybrids that can grow in the most inappropriate climates. Suburban areas often look like botanical gardens, and amateur gardeners continue to look for new "pets".

The oriental beauty deytsia is a bright representative of the dacha flora.

Brief description and types

Homeland of this flowering shrub- China. Only at the beginning of the nineteenth century, action was brought to Europe by Dutch merchants. As the story tells, the expedition was sponsored by the mayor of Amsterdam, Johann van Deutz. This is how the action was later named in his honor.

Today there are many varieties of this flowering shrub. They differ in the shape of the flower, and in shades, as well as in their height.

The plant is whimsical, requiring attention, but it is becoming more and more popular from year to year. Difficulties in growing action do not stop not only experienced florists but also newbies.

The height of the action ranges from a very small (about 35 centimeters) height to a high - 4 m. The flowers of the action are usually white or yellow color, without smell. More exotic are pink and burgundy bushes. Due to its external similarity, the shrub is often confused with honeysuckle. The action lives for about 25 years.

The wild plant can be found in Japan or China. In all other countries, action is cultivated. Wild action has small white-pink inflorescences and rough foliage. The height of the wild-growing species is no more than 2 meters.

Cultivated species:

The most capricious varieties are deytion Rosova and Turbilon Rouge.

Planting and leaving

It is recommended to plant the action at the end of March, before the buds begin to bloom on the trees. When choosing a landing site, wind protection should be taken into account. Deytsia loves the sun, so it is important that a minimum of shadow falls on her. Poorly tolerates action and high humidity... The soil should be moderately moist and always loose. Loamy low alkaline soil and super sandstone are suitable.

The famous researcher of the Chinese flora E. Wilson among the aristocrats of the garden - roses, lilacs, hydrangeas named and deytion.

Planting and leaving in open ground behind a spectacular ornamental shrub Complicated by the fact that in temperate latitudes, with significant decreases in winter temperature, the plant is severely frozen over.

However, domestic gardeners in northern regions successfully grow action, choosing suitable varieties and guided by completely simple secrets of agricultural technology.

Thanks to Dutch merchants in early XIX centuries flowering shrub came to Europe from their native places of growth in Japan and the Himalayas.

Chinese actions were brought later - in the middle of the 19th century. The plant got its name in honor of the then mayor of Amsterdam I. van Deitz, who in every possible way promoted trade relations with the countries. South-East Asia.

The genus Deutzia of the family Hortensiae consists of 72 species of deciduous or evergreen shrubs with a spreading or erect crown, reaching a height of 50 cm to 4 m. The leaves are simple, arranged opposite along the pagon.

the main distinctive feature plants - lush and long flowering, which begins at the end of May and lasts almost all of June.

The flowers of the action are graceful, in some cultivars they are bell-shaped, like lily of the valley, - snow-white, pale pink or lilac-purple, grouped in a few lateral or apical inflorescences.

Unfortunately, almost devoid of flavor. Fruits are small, almost spherical capsules.

Types and varieties of action with names and photos

In the gardens of temperate latitudes, the most winter-hardy varieties are grown, which, with very little cover and care for them, are able to delight the eye with their delightful outfit.

Deytsiya Amur, or small-flowered (D. amurensis, or D. parviflora)

A large shrub almost 2 m high with a spreading crown that requires a lot of space.

It blooms in mid-June and attracts bees with the subtle aroma of snow-white flowers.

The corolla looks a little messy after wilting, so experienced gardeners advise to trim it.

The species is grown even in the northern suburbs, although in severe frosts pretty much freezes, but soon recovers.

It is especially beautiful against the background of conifers with a silvery-blue crown.

Long-leaved action (D.longifolia)

Shrub with narrowed long leaves, in comparison with other actions, and large corymbose pinkish inflorescences in a typical species.

There are varieties with snow-white flowers, but Veitchii is especially beautiful with unusual bright lilac petals.

Hybrid action, or Lemoine action (deutzia hybrida, or D. lemoinei Lemoine)

Shrubs obtained from crossing the action of long-leaved, graceful and small-leaved.

Their height ranges from 1.5-2.5 m.

Inflorescences are long - up to 10 cm, bloom earlier natural species- already in May, quite frost-resistant in temperate latitudes.

Popular varieties Boulle-de-neig with snow-white armfuls of inflorescences, as well as Mont Rose with white-raspberry petals, slightly twisted, as if corrugated, and Pink Pom-Pom with bright pink double flowers.

Deutzia hybrida Strawberry Fields

Sprawling plant about 2 m high with brown shoots covered with dark green oval-lanceolate leaves.

Bright crimson large flowers bloom in June.

Deutzia gracilis - the species really confirms its name.

Gracefully bending under the weight of white inflorescences already at the beginning of June looks like a huge snow globe.

And after flowering, it looks spectacular with slightly wrinkled pointed leaves, slightly serrate at the edges, especially the Aurea form with golden emerald foliage no higher than 80 cm - a real find for alpine slide, and Albo-marmorata with light, almost light green leaves decorated with a yellow pattern of spots.

Deytsiya graceful Nikko (D. gracilis Nikko)

Low-growing shrub no more than 70 cm tall. The foliage is dark emerald in summer, by autumn it is repainted into a festive purple-cherry outfit.

The flowers are pure white, clustered in clusters, forming on last year's shoots.

Deytion pink (D. rosea)

A hybrid of graceful action with wider foliage and pale pink inflorescences.

Rough action (deutzia scabra) - differs from its relatives by the rough surface of the leaf blades.

This species has the largest number of varieties with pink color of petals, but it has significant disadvantages - very high growth - almost 3 m, which complicates the shelter of the action for the winter and, accordingly, the winter hardiness of the shrub.

It blooms late - in July for 14-20 days, but the flowers are fragrance-free.

The best varieties rough action:

  • Candidissima Candidissima - with pure white terry corollas;
  • Action Plena Plena - double flowers outside are pink, inside are snow-white;
  • Belotochechnaya, or Punctata Punctata - corollas are simple and pale white, but the foliage is unusual - random light specks against an emerald background;
  • Marble Marmorata - with an incredibly painted pattern on the foliage, consisting of a variety of lemon and white spots.

Action rough Pride of Rochester (D. scabra Pride of Rochester)

A beautiful deciduous shrub with a spherical crown almost 2 m high.

The leaves are dark emerald in color, ovoid in shape, rough to the touch.

Flowering begins in June and lasts until July. Corollas are medium-sized, double, snow-white with a subtle pinkish tinge.

The action is great(D. magnifica) is a powerful shrub, a hybrid descendant of rough action, almost 2 m tall, with a rich green crown and wide inflorescences, in some varieties somewhat elongated in the longitudinal direction, always white.

Corollas are very diverse in shape - they are double and ordinary, bell-shaped and flat, open at the end of June.

Deyzia magnificent Tourbillon Rouge

A picturesque plant with rich green foliage, in harmony with the red-orange bark.

The flower petals are bright pink at the base, gradually turning into a light pink hue, and the edges are surrounded by white edging.

Deytion purple(D. purpurascens) is a shrub with flexible, slightly pubescent brown shoots 60 cm to 2 m high.

The leaf blades are thin, broadly lanceolate or ovoid, finely serrate along the edge and rarely pubescent on both sides. Corollas on the outside are bright pink-purple, inside - snow-white.

Deytion purple Kalmiiflora (D. purpurascens Kalmiiflora)

A small deciduous plant with spectacular arcuate bent pagons from 1.2 to 1.5 m high.

It is gaining growth relatively quickly.

The foliage is rich green, with a lighter tone on the underside.

Blooms in June with deep pink flowers outside and pale pink inside. Corolla circumference up to 2 cm, in inflorescence up to 5-12 pieces.

Reproduction methods of action

Species shrubs propagate different ways, but varietal - only vegetatively, since the collected seeds do not always retain the characteristics of the mother plant, but often exhibit the features of its predecessors.


For rooting, green or lignified cuttings are used.

Greens are cut in June from powerful and healthy shoots, their lower edge is powdered with a root stimulator, for example, a root, and buried in a peat-sand mixture, which is filled with cuttings.

Place them in a moderately lit place and maintain high humidity. the environment with the help of frequent spraying.

If all conditions are met, almost 85% of the cuttings take root.

Lignified cuttings are cut off in late autumn, tied in bunches and completely sprinkled with wet sand. Store them in a cold basement until spring.

With the arrival of heat, they are planted directly on the garden or in the month of March they are treated in the same way as when rooting green cuttings.

Dividing the bush

In late March or early April, when the soil in the garden thaws completely, the plant is completely dug up and divided into several parts: the larger they are, the better they take root.

At the same time, old shoots that thicken the crown are removed.

They are transferred to a new place immediately, without letting the roots dry out. The hole is prepared in advance, taking into account all the nuances of planting adult specimens.

Sowing seeds

The seed material of action does not need stratification. They can be sown for seedlings from February to April inclusive.

Tanks for crops are filled with a light fertile mixture consisting of peat, humus soil and coarse river sand, taken in equal volumes.

The seeds are laid out on top, deepening no more than 0.5 cm, sprinkled with a thin sandy layer.

Cover the plate plastic wrap and put on a warm windowsill. Seeds of action are sown in artificially heated greenhouses, glass or film.

It is important to maintain a constant moisture content of the soil mixture, the drying out of the soil affects the percentage of germination.

The first shoots appear after a month or a half. At the stage of several well-developed true leaves, they dive right into the open ground.

Reproduction by layering and root shoots

If the shrub has produced root suckers, they can be carefully separated and transplanted in the spring.

Gardeners consider this method the most gentle for the mother bush, but unproductive - the plants from the shoots are not so lush and bloom poorer.

A fairly common way of propagating deytions by layering. To do this, in the fall, a healthy pagon, located in the lower part of the crown of the bush, is bent to the ground itself and fixed with a wire bracket.

A mound of soil is poured on top, if the days are dry, they are watered.

By spring, the plant releases well-developed roots, and the cuttings are cut off from the mother plant and transplanted into a separately prepared hole.

When and how to transplant action

The shrub is appreciated not only for its elegant appearance, but also for its ability to resist gas pollution and smoke, to endure a lack of moisture, as well as for the ease of rooting after transplantation.

Choosing a place and a suitable time for planting action

Ideal shrub site - protected on all sides from blowing snow in winter.

Heat-loving varieties, especially adult specimens, which are already problematic to tilt to the ground and cover, seriously freeze over in temperate latitudes above the snow cover.

Deytion is not very demanding on the composition of the soil, but drainage in waterlogged areas is required.

It is made of crushed stone with sand, broken brick or expanded clay.

Best period for plant transplant - spring.

Although it is believed that action responds smoothly to transplantation, shrubs planted at the beginning of the growing season take root faster and look lush.

How to choose the right seedlings, prepare and plant them

In most regions located north of the Black Earth Region, only winter hardy species and varieties of action - Amur, rough, graceful and hybrid.

Long-leaved is not inferior to them in terms of resistance to cold, but this species is still very rare.

It is difficult to cultivate a beautiful Vilmorin action, because even under cover the plant cannot withstand winters with 20-degree frosts.

When choosing a seedling, pay attention to root system.

The plant does not take root well if the roots are too dry or the seedling is dug out with a very shortened root system, especially with a very chopped off central root.

In this case, the shrub will grow fibrous roots for a long time, and aerial part will not develop.

There should also be no damaged or rotten areas on the roots.

The presence of all these shortcomings on the root system increases the risk, along with an unhealthy plant, to bring a serious problem to your site.

Deytsii are planted at a distance of at least 1.5-2 m between adjacent bushes.

Maintaining such a distance is necessary not only for the sake of providing the recommended feeding zone for each plant, but also in order to facilitate the fastening of the shoots for the winter, tilting them to the soil.

Pits are dug at least 55 cm deep, 40 cm in diameter is enough.

One or two buckets of a mixture of river coarse-grained sand with compost in a ratio of 1: 5 are poured onto the bottom.

As a top dressing for young seedlings, some gardeners add nitrophosphate, others - a half-liter jar wood ash, and the mineral complex is applied 2-3 months after rooting.

The root collar is positioned at soil level.

Newly planted deytion bushes are watered abundantly and the soil in the near-stem circle is mulched with peat with a layer of 5 cm, sawdust or dry grass.

Caring for the action in the garden

Weeds are removed around the bushes and at the same time the soil is loosened to a depth of 10-15 cm.

Watering, feeding and mulching

In the sultry summer, plants are watered twice or thrice a month, pouring one and a half to two buckets of water under each bush.

In normal weather, watering is more rare - once a month. For each bush, it is enough to pour out 8-10 liters of water.

Humidification stops in August. If September is too rainy, the near-stem circle is covered with a film to allow the wood of the branches to ripen and get stronger.

After a dry and warm September, water recharge irrigation is carried out in early October.

Young plants are fertilized after planting after 2 months with a solution mineral fertilizers at the rate of 5 liters for each bush.

They use, for example, Kristalon, which contains readily available phosphorus.

For adult shrubs in the spring, a bucket of mullein or humus infusion is introduced into the peri-stem circle. The latter are fed again after flowering.

With the arrival of August, 200 g of wood ash will need to be added under each bush.

After pruning, fertilize with a mineral complex, for example, use Kemiru-universal at a dose of 100 g per 1 sq. m.

In areas where autumn frosts come early, the action is fertilized only until mid-July to allow the plants to finish their growing season and prepare for wintering.

Trimming the action

Overwintered bushes are straightened, all damaged shoots are removed.

Too much dense bushes thin out, cut the old ones to a stump.

After flowering, the peduncles are cut off and at the same time the faded shoots are shortened, stimulating the development of young branches, on which buds are massively formed in the next season.

Attention! All actions form peduncles only on last year's shoots.

Old branches give poor flowering, therefore, cutting after the wilting of the peduncles is especially important for future budding.

Deuts grown in hedges are rarely pruned.

Preparation for wintering

The plant is prepared for winter in two stages.

With the arrival of September, the root collar is spud with dry fallen leaves and gradually bend the branches to the soil, securing them with wire brackets.

Varietal deytsii are huddled high with earth and only after that the shoots are tilted to the ground.

In October, all shrubs are reliably covered with spruce branches.

In winter, they make sure that all the branches are under the snow, if it is not enough, they throw it from the paths being cleared.

In the spring, the shelter is removed only after the final melting of the snow.

Diseases and pests

Occasionally, the appearance of a bumblebee proboscis is observed, eating up leaf blades. The shrub is sprayed with phthalophos of 0.15% concentration.

The healthy state of action can only be threatened by flooding during heavy rainfall in the absence of proper drainage on the site.

Deits are incredibly picturesque plants, a real decoration of any garden.

Them undersized varieties they are planted in curbs and rock gardens, the rest are excellent tapeworms against the background of conifers or are grown in groups among the lawn or along garden alleys, look great in hedges.

We recommend to know:

Action. This decorative, abundantly flowering shrub, in beauty and unpretentiousness, can be compared with such popular and spectacular crops as lilac and hydrangea. Deytsia is part of the Hortensiev family. The genus of this plant, which has the same name, unites almost five dozen species that are naturally found in the regions of East Asia.

All actions are shrubs that shed their foliage every year. Their crowns are formed by erect and slightly curving, sometimes pubescent shoots. In some species, on old shoots, the bark acquires a layered, flaky structure.

In the second year, the shoots become hollow inside, which makes them brittle. This must be taken into account when leaving and sheltering for the winter.

Simple leaves with solid, serrated or serrated edges are located on the branches opposite each other (opposite arrangement).

Beautiful flowers of whitish, pink, lilac and purple shades are odorless and are collected in rather large inflorescences such as a brush or a ball. They are located at the ends of last year's shoots. They can be simple and terry.

Action grows on almost any land and is easy to care for. Even when the bushes are heavily frozen over in winter, within one season they grow back, actively growing shoots.

For gardeners, action is valuable not only for elegant, but also for long flowering (1-2 months). And also the fact that it blooms immediately after the lilac, but before the roses and mock-orange begin to bloom, and the garden is decorated with flowering shrubs almost without interruption.

Planting and caring for the action

Soil selection

In order for the action to develop steadily and bloom every year, when planting and caring, it is imperative to take into account its features and requirements for growing conditions. Of particular importance is optimal location plants on the site. It should be closed from strong air currents and winds.

You also need to ensure that groundwater located at a depth of at least 2-3 meters. The action is best suited to a permeable, loose, nutritious soil with a neutral (pH 6.5-7.0) and slightly acidic (pH 6.0-6.5) reaction. The land at the place of permanent cultivation must be cultivated to a depth of more than half a meter.

If the soil at the landing site is not suitable, then it is replaced with a mixture that consists of sand, turf and humus. Moreover, humus and earth are taken in two parts, and sand - one part. IN ready mix add mineral fertilizers with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (complex), as well as micronutrient fertilizers or ash, lime in a small amount.

Landing technology

The length, depth and width of the pit are usually from 50 to 60 cm.When replacing the soil at the landing site, the dimensions of the pit are increased by 20-40 cm.

Planting is done in spring. Before planting, seedlings are recommended to be stored at temperatures from 0 to +2 degrees.

Before planting, the roots of a seedling with an open root system must be straightened, broken, dried roots are cut off and placed for several hours (from 2 to 24) in water with a root formation stimulator.

Container actions are also inspected before planting, and if the roots are strongly melted together, the lower part of the coma is slightly torn and slightly leveled. After planting, container bushes are watered with a solution with a root formation stimulator.

Action care

This decorative culture, although it is considered drought-resistant and unpretentious, fully shows its beauty only when all agrotechnical measures are performed (feeding, weeding, watering, pruning).


It is necessary to water the action in hot and dry months from 2 to 3 times every four weeks, and when it rains, watering is carried out only when it dries up upper layer land.

15-20 liters of water are poured under each bush.

After heavy watering or precipitation, it is advisable to loosen the soil surface around the bushes to remove the dense crust. Deep loosening is not carried out so as not to damage the roots.

Top dressing

This shrub is fed 3 times per season. In this case, for the first time, fertilizing is carried out in the form of mulching. trunk circle humus (half a bucket per plant).

The second time they use liquid dressings based on mineral fertilizers with microelements. These dressings are carried out until the end of flowering.

The third (last) top dressing is carried out before pruning. For her, use a mullein solution, diluted one to ten. One bucket is consumed per plant.


One of the main measures for the care of the action is timely and correct pruning.

In May-June, shoots that have frozen over the winter are removed from the bushes.

Every year after the end of flowering, rejuvenating and formative pruning is carried out.

Spectacular flowers are formed on perennial shoots, but most of them bloom on 2-3 year old branches. Adult trunks, which are more than 4-5 years old when pruned, are cut into a ring or leave a small stump about 15 cm high. Dry and poorly developed shoots need to be removed.

It is also necessary to shorten young elongated shoots so that the crown of the bush retains a compact shape.

Preparing for winter

In order for the wood of the action to ripen well by the onset of cold weather, they stop watering it in August. And with the onset of September, it is advisable to cover the bases of the bushes from heavy and prolonged precipitation with the help of a waterproof material.

Plants are warmed for the winter in two stages. The first time the bushes are covered immediately after the onset of night frosts. At this time, the deytion branches are pressed to the ground and fixed, and then sprinkled with fallen dry leaves.

The branches of tall bushes break when bent, so such plants are covered with burlap or special non-woven material.

The second (additional) shelter is carried out at the onset of the average daily temperature below zero. Twigs of spruce branches are laid on the bases of the bushes, which helps to trap snow and thereby protects against freezing.

Such a coniferous shelter is removed after the snow has completely melted and heat is established (avoiding heating). Then the bush is freed from the remnants of the leaves.


You can get new copies from the action using:

  • layering,
  • seeds,
  • cuttings,
  • root growth and
  • dividing the bush.

Seed propagation

For sowing seeds, beds with loose, permeable soil are prepared. You need to arrange the beds in partial shade.

Seeds are sown in spring on the surface of the earth and do not sprinkle with anything. During germination, you need to ensure that neither the seeds nor the top layer of the soil dry out, you need to moisten them in time.

The first seedlings appear after 3 weeks, and when two pairs of true leaves are formed on them, they dive.

You can germinate seeds at home, in boxes or boxes, but in this case, the pick is performed already in the open ground.

Plants from seeds at good care bloom for 3 years.


Young actions can be obtained quickly and easily enough by cuttings. Green cuttings 10 to 20 cm long are harvested from June 15 to July 10. To do this, use the shoots of this year, which are not covered with bark.

Rooting is carried out in greenhouses at a temperature of 15 to 30 degrees. The cuttings are buried 0.5 cm, at an angle. The lower cut is powdered with a root stimulator.

The installation of artificial fog will help to increase the rooting percentage to 95-100%. As soon as the shoots on the cuttings begin to grow, they are transferred to open ground in the growing beds, where they will stay for one to two years.

For the winter, they must be covered with leaf litter or spruce branches.

For reproduction, you can also use lignified cuttings, which are cut in late autumn. It is convenient to do this only in warm regions, where the action is not covered for the winter. Each cutting should have 3 to 5 buds. Cuttings are tied in 10-15 pieces and sent to winter storage in a cool place with a temperature of about 0 degrees, put in boxes and covered with sand.

In the spring, cuttings are removed and rooted in the same way as the green ones.

Division of the bush and propagation by root shoots

Large old shrubs can be dug up, divided into 2-3 parts and planted. When planting, dry and thickened shoots are pruned.

New plants can also be obtained by separating root shoots from the mother bush.

Both the division of the bush and reproduction by basal offspring are carried out, like the planting of seedlings, in the spring.

Species, hybrids and varieties of action

Deytsiya graceful (D. gracilis)

Of the many types of action, it is worth highlighting those that can be grown on the territory of Russia. First of all, this is graceful action, which is a flowering shrub that has a rounded crown shape. The height of the bush can vary from 0.5 to 0.7 meters. Elongated narrow leaves with small serrated denticles, about 6 cm long and 2 cm wide, are attached to the branches with the help of small petioles opposite each other.

Snow-white flowers 1.5 cm in size are located in inflorescences of the brush type with a length of 7 to 9 cm. Lush flowering lasts almost a month and falls on June. I like this type of action for the small and compact shape of the bush, profuse flowering and drought tolerance. And also for the fact that it grows and develops well in an urban environment.

This species has variegated forms and forms with a golden tint of leaves.

Variety "Nikko (Nikko)" - low spreading shrubs up to 80 cm tall. The flowers are white, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. Blooms in May-June. In autumn, the foliage takes on a beautiful burgundy color.

Small-flowered or Amur deytsia is practically the only species that is slightly damaged by frost. Under natural conditions, it can be found in the regions of the Far East.

The crown of this low shrub, reaching a height of one meter, is formed by gently curved branches. Leaves are oval in shape with a pointed end and a finely serrated edge, about 6 cm long. Snow-white flowers that do not have aroma are collected in brush-type inflorescences and are located at the ends of the shoots. The flowering of young bushes begins at the age of three and occurs every year.

Deytion rough or stellate (D. scrabra)

Rough action grows well and develops in the middle zone of our country. Only in winters with severe frosts do bushes freeze without shelter, but with the beginning of the growing season, the shoots grow quickly.

This species reaches a height of almost one meter. Leaves with a rough surface and short pubescence are 8 cm long. The flowers, painted in a delicate pink or white shade, resemble bells in shape. They are collected in spectacular 15 cm long inflorescences at the ends of the shoots.

Rough action begins to bloom at the very end of June, much later than other species. During flowering, such a huge number of flowers bloom on the bushes that the crown sometimes falls apart under their weight. For the winter, this species must be covered. He has several interesting and beautiful varieties.

Variety "Plena (Plena)" attracts attention with dense double flowers, reminiscent of wide bells. The crown of a bush with a height of about one meter is formed in its bulk by erect shoots.

The variety "Candissima (Candissima)" stands out among other deytions with pinkish buds, which, when blooming, turn into double snow-white flowers, which are collected in large panicle-type inflorescences. Needs good winter shelter.

Variety "Pride of Rochester (Pride of Rochester)" - a shrub with a dense crown, straight, upward-directed branches up to 3 m in height and 2.5 m in width. White double flowers, bloom in June.

The variety "Codsall Pink" has a dense crown, curved branches. Shrub height up to 2.5 m, width up to 2 m.Blooms in June, double pink flowers, collected in panicle inflorescences 15 cm long.

Deytsia Vilmorina (D. vilmorinae)

Deitia Vilmorin grows up to 70 cm in the middle lane. Narrow leaves with small denticles 6 cm long are located along the entire length of the shoots.

Snow-white flowers with a diameter of 2 cm bloom in corymbose inflorescences. This species can freeze slightly in winters with severe frosts, and therefore needs good shelter.

The action is magnificent as a result of selection of actions of Vilmorin and rough. The crown of bushes of this species is a little more than a meter high. It is formed by both erect and slightly curved branches.

Ovate-elongated leaves about 6 cm long have very small denticles along the edge. The whitish flowers are collected in ball-type inflorescences with a diameter of 10 cm. Flowering lasts about three weeks and begins in mid-June.

Winter hardiness of this species is low, it requires good shelter. After frosty winters, it may not bloom at all. Flowers often appear only on the lower shoots, which are covered with snow in winter.

The "Tourbillon Rouge" variety is a spectacular shrub 1.5-1.8 m high with straight branches. It blooms in June-July, large flowers are colored in shades from dark to pale pink, collected in paniculate inflorescences. In autumn, the leaves of an elongated lanceolate shape change color from green to yellow-pink.

Deytsia Lemoine (D. x lemoinei)

Deyzia Lemoine is a hybrid obtained by crossing the graceful and Amur deytsia. Bushes of this species, about one meter high, have a slightly spreading crown shape. The diameter of the snow-white flowers is one and a half centimeters. They are collected in brush-type inflorescences 8 to 10 cm long. Flowering begins in early June and lasts almost 3 weeks.

This species has a fairly high winter hardiness. The varieties created on its basis are very popular and famous.

Variety "Mont Rose (Mont Rose)" - a shrub with a rounded shape with drooping shoots. Height up to 2 m, leaves are dark green, oval with jagged edges. Blooms in June. The flowers are large, wide open with yellow stamens.

Purple deytion (D. purpurascens)

This type is only suitable for warm climates. It is a shrub up to 2 m high. The branches are thin, light brown, the leaves are elliptical or oval-lanceolate, pointed, with a serrate edge, rarely pubescent. The flowers are lilac-pink, collected in corymbose inflorescences of several flowers.

A hybrid obtained from crossing purple and graceful deytions. Has good winter hardiness. It is a low compact shrub, up to 1.5 m tall, with ovoid pointed leaves 3-5 cm long. The flowers are bell-shaped, the color is pale pink, the inflorescence is a brush.
Variety "Campanulata (Campanulata)" - a shrub with a dense spreading crown, blooms in May, abundantly. The flowers are white with a pinkish tinge, bell-shaped.

This hybrid is obtained by crossing the Siebold action and the purple action. Bushes up to 1.5 m tall, oval leaves with a serrated edge. The flowers are pink or purple-pink, the inflorescences are brushes.

One of the most popular varieties is Perle Rose. It is an erect or spreading shrub with lush apical racemose inflorescences with pink flowers.

Suitable for southern regions only. In the middle lane it freezes very much and, most often, does not bloom.

Action in landscaping and landscape design

Most often, action is used in landscaping when decorating the background and middle plans of mixed flower beds, as a border, as well as when planting various groups of shrubs. This culture will look especially beautiful on a well-groomed emerald lawn.

The action will look original and interesting in free uncut "hedges", where plants are planted at intervals of 1.5-2 meters.

Various species, hybrids and varieties of this culture fit perfectly into landscape compositions from decorative trees and shrubs.

, Valentine, emilia,