The main difference between ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware is the properties of both materials. What are the differences between simple tiles (tiles) and porcelain stoneware

Let's figure out what is better to choose for wall and floor cladding in the kitchen - porcelain stoneware or tiles, where and how best to use them and what exactly ceramic tile different from porcelain stoneware.

Diversity finishing materials for kitchen renovation today is so large that sometimes it is very difficult to decide and make the final choice in favor of one type of finish or another. This is especially true for porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles, especially since these materials practically do not differ from each other in their constituent components and technical specifications. But in order to make the right choice, you need to understand all the differences and nuances of using these two materials.

High strength and large size- two main advantages of porcelain stoneware over tiles

By the way, we recently published a detailed guide. In it you will find recommendations from the pros, what to look for before purchasing, a review of popular manufacturers, tips on choosing baseboards and grout, installation nuances and much more.

Differences between ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles, also known as tiles, are made by pressing and then firing a mixture of sand, clay and minerals. After applying the enamel to the surface of the tile, it is fired again. This type of tile is used exclusively for wall cladding because it is more porous and less durable.

Another type of ceramic tile is made under a more powerful press, which makes it less porous. It only goes through one firing stage with enamel at higher temperatures. The result is a denser, more reliable and wear-resistant tile, which can be used both for wall cladding and floor finishing.

Among the advantages of ceramic tiles, the following properties can be listed:

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • a wide selection of different colors, textures and patterns;
  • rigidity;
  • hygiene;
  • fire resistance and fire resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • affordable price.

There is one drawback that somewhat spoils the reputation of tiles. This is her ability to burn out over time. Also, during use, the design may be partially erased.

Porcelain tiles

The components of porcelain tiles are no different from the composition of ceramic tiles, but the production process of this material is somewhat different.

What is the key difference between porcelain stoneware and tiles? The difference is that the mixture of clay, quartz sand and minerals is tinted using coloring pigments. This allows you to achieve a uniform color throughout the entire thickness of porcelain stoneware, while tiles have a colored coating only on the surface - in the enamel layer.

It is thanks to this technology that porcelain stoneware does not require additional enamel, because its color is initially included in the mixture. Ready mix molded, dried and pressed. Then the products are re-pressed under a more powerful press. After this, the porcelain stoneware is fired at 1200-1300 degrees.

The result is porcelain tiles with low porosity. For comparison, it should be noted that the water absorption of ceramic wall tiles is 10%, and porcelain tiles have a water absorption of 0.05%.

Over time, technologies have emerged that allow the use of glazing and polishing of porcelain stoneware.

Polished porcelain tiles have a very attractive appearance, but its surface is quite slippery, so it should be used with caution on kitchen floors.

The advantages of porcelain stoneware include:

  • constancy and uniformity of color throughout the entire thickness of the tile;
  • high strength;
  • material hardness;
  • frost resistance;
  • wear resistance;
  • low water absorption;
  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • durability.

Porcelain tiles also have disadvantages. First of all, fragility during transportation (but this is also inherent in tiles), the complexity of processing and cutting the material, as well as its heavy weight. It is also worth noting that porcelain stoneware has a higher price and does not come in a wide variety of colors and patterns.

Nuances of choice

As you can see, each of these two finishing materials has characteristics unique to it, which dictate the scope of its application.

Thus, porcelain stoneware, due to its frost resistance and durability, can be used in rooms overlooking open air(terraces, verandas, balconies, loggias). Here porcelain stoneware can easily withstand low temperatures, and weather disasters. But ceramic tiles would be inappropriate in this case.

In a bathroom or hallway, it is better not to use glazed tiles as flooring, since small particles of dirt or sand can damage the surface of the tiles.

In addition, a smooth glazed surface will be too slippery. That is why it is better to use matte ceramic tiles as flooring in a hallway or bathroom. This does not mean at all that in such rooms it is better to use porcelain stoneware for the floor. In both cases, it is worth paying attention to the anti-slip indicator of the tile.

I would also like to say something about the floor covering in the kitchen. Porcelain tiles are perfect here. The specific processes in the kitchen require increased durability of the floor covering. For example, the floor covering must withstand the fall of a pan and not break. Also frequent washing flooring can lead to erasing of the pattern on inexpensive tiles, but this does not threaten porcelain tiles.

But in most cases, you can get by with high-quality ceramic floor tiles. IN standard conditions she will cope with her task quite well.

When covering walls, it is worth considering the weight of the finishing material. Therefore, tiles are usually used for these purposes, because the weight of one porcelain tile is quite large.

If the original drawing is important to you or unique design, it is worth making a choice in favor of ceramics, because its range is distinguished by a richness of colors and patterns, which cannot be said about porcelain stoneware.

How to use porcelain tiles or tiles in the kitchen

Here the scope of application of these two materials is divided as follows.


It is quite appropriate and justified to use porcelain stoneware as a floor covering. But it is not suitable for covering an apron in the kitchen, since it is heavy and more difficult to work with.


It comes in many sizes and is easy to cut and style. The coating has a large selection of colors, textures and patterns, which allows you to create an attractive and original interior kitchens.


IN Lately has become quite common. And here you can’t do without ceramic tiles. Such a tabletop will have a relatively light weight, a strong and durable surface with an interesting pattern and color. However, it is quite acceptable to use small-format porcelain tiles, for example, 10x10 cm, for cladding countertops.

We are going to lay tiles in the hallway and kitchen. Now there is laminate flooring in a terrible state. The question is, what are the main differences between tiles and porcelain stoneware? Sellers recommend putting granite in the hallway.

Mango C.

When choosing a finishing material for flooring, many are confused as to whether ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware is better. After all, both materials are very similar in their main components and performance characteristics. To make an informed choice, you need to understand the difference between ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware. Correctly assess traffic and resistance to abrasive (for an apartment this is not very important, as people move there mainly in house shoes).

Comparing manufacturing technologies

If ceramic tiles are among traditional types While finishing materials are rightfully considered “long-lived,” porcelain stoneware is a fairly young material that appeared on the construction market only about forty years ago.

Porcelain tiles on the kitchen floor

Ceramic tiles are created from clay different varieties(mostly white and red) with the addition of synthetic or natural binders. When producing the material, manufacturers use several methods:

  • Monocottura – pressing in special molds followed by single firing at temperatures above 1000°C. The tiles obtained in this way are famous for their high wear resistance and are intended for wall decoration, as well as as flooring.


  • Bicottura - pressing followed by double firing: the first to form the base, the second to fix the coating applied on top of the design. Ready-made tiles are great for tiling interior walls premises.


Comparing both methods of producing ceramic tiles, it is worth noting that monocotturas, due to the use of a more powerful press and baking at a high temperature at the outlet, acquire exceptional hardness. And the enamel fixed to the surface forms a solid and durable coating with the base.

Porcelain tiles or Gres are unenamelled ceramic tiles created from powdered light grades of clay, supplemented with fine-grained quartz sand and crushed feldspar. Manufacturers use metal oxides as coloring pigments, which give the baked mass a rich hue.

The technology for producing porcelain stoneware is somewhat complicated. The material is created through pressing, single firing and additional mechanical processing. Modern equipment allows you to create pressing pressure that reaches 500 kg/cm2.

Porcelain tiles with wood grain pattern

The firing temperature is 1200-1300°C, at which restructuring and completion occurs chemical reactions. As a result, the resulting material is a non-porous monolith, which can be used for finishing any type of surface, both indoors closed type, and in open areas.

Analysis of qualitative characteristics

Production technology also determines the quality characteristics of both materials.
Double fired ceramic tiles have minimum thickness and low strength. Due to the porosity of the material, it is highly hygroscopic, which significantly limits the possibility of using it when finishing walls in rooms with high humidity.

Monocottura tiles are distinguished by their large weight and thickness, which, in turn, contributes to increased impact resistance. The material is heat resistant and waterproof.

Production of ceramic tiles

But polished ceramic tiles are unacceptable as flooring in rooms where an anti-slip surface is required (floors in the bathroom or kitchen, porch steps). Even a small drop of water can create an “ice skating rink” effect, which can cause injury to the owners and residents of the house.

In the production of porcelain tiles, due to exposure to high temperatures, the components simply fuse. Due to this, the material acquires a number of properties, the main ones among which are:

  • Resistance to abrasion and mechanical stress. Porcelain tiles can easily withstand loads of up to half a ton.
  • Low moisture absorption. The dense structure of the material is capable of absorbing only 0.05% moisture, which makes it possible to use it for finishing rooms with high humidity.
  • Resistant to temperature changes. Porcelain stoneware perfectly withstands temperature changes from -50°C to +50°C without losing its performance qualities.
  • Impact resistance chemical substances. He's not afraid detergents based on acids and alkalis.

Attention! Porcelain tiles have a uniform shade throughout the entire thickness of the material, while tile- color coating only in the enamel layer applied to the surface.

Thanks to this, even accidentally created chips and deep scratches on porcelain stoneware slabs will be barely noticeable to a casual passerby.

Production of porcelain stoneware

If we consider the aesthetic side of the issue, then porcelain tiles, outwardly resembling natural stone, looks no worse than ceramic tiles. It can be polished or matte, embossed and glazed.

At the same time, ceramic tiles are distinguished by a wide variety of patterns and colors, which its “opponent” cannot boast of.

How to choose the right porcelain tiles: video

Porcelain tiles: photo

Porcelain tiles or ceramic tiles: which material is ideal?

The result of the repair depends not only on how many skilled craftsmen you invite, but also on what material you choose. After all, even if the construction team has golden hands, they will not be able to lay perfectly low-quality tiles. And if she continues to knock out general style interior, then all the money and efforts spent on repairs will be in vain.

On the market today building materials a huge variety of options. Therefore, if you have to tile the surface, you should find out in advance how porcelain tiles differ from ceramic tiles.

Main differences

In order to understand that would be better suited- porcelain stoneware or tiles, you should first decide on future operating conditions. Due to the fact that porcelain stoneware has increased strength, it is preferable to choose for loggias and open areas. But for bathrooms and kitchens it is better to choose ceramic tiles. You just also need to consider where you will put it - on the floor or walls, because once you understand what ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles are and what is the difference between them, you can choose perfect material. The fact is that ceramic tiles have greater aesthetic appeal, and the range of this material on the market is much larger. Because to do interior renovation with a “twist”, you need to draw up in advance not only a design project, but also think about what qualities the material should have.

Considering the difference between tiles and porcelain stoneware, it should immediately be noted that in terms of wear resistance they are almost the same. But the huge number of its variations should still be considered in favor of the tile. Moreover, both materials are resistant to fire and temperature changes, they are easy to clean even when heavily soiled, and they have an impressive service life. Moreover, due to its higher resistance to severe frosts and precipitation, porcelain stoneware is considered a modified type of ceramic tile.

Porcelain stoneware received a more advanced structure due to the production method. That is why tiles and porcelain stoneware differ in the size of the pores and have their own characteristics. Porcelain tiles are more fragile and therefore require more careful transportation conditions, unlike ceramic tiles. In addition, porcelain stoneware costs a little more than tiles due to its durability.

To understand the difference between tiles and porcelain stoneware, you need to consider their production methods. To make ceramic tiles, the mass is initially pressed, then fired, and covered with a top decorative layer. Tiles are made from clay, sand and minerals. Porcelain tiles are made under pressure and high pressure, because the pore size in it is minimal, which means that if water gets on it, it will not penetrate into the interior of the material, and when it freezes, it will not destroy it from the inside. The peculiarity of porcelain stoneware makes this material ideal for laying a “warm floor” system.

Every day the question of which is better - porcelain stoneware or floor tiles - becomes more and more relevant. And this is not without reason. Considering that the use of tiles as flooring began in the 30s of the last century, the same cannot be said about porcelain tiles, which were released in the early 70s. Nevertheless, during this time he gained his fans and began to gradually displace his direct competitors from leading positions.
Surely not all people know the difference between ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware? And which of them will serve their new owners longer. You probably already know what ceramic tiles are. What is porcelain tile? Let us tell you the difference between porcelain stoneware and ceramic floor tiles.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tile flooring option

On spoken language Ceramic tiles are commonly called tiles. It is a solid material, used in cladding not only residential, but also industrial premises. And due to the variety of colors, textures and patterns, it serves as an excellent design tool in the design of any interiors.
Ceramic tiles are produced by pressing and then firing the composite. The composition is completely natural: sand, clay, minerals. Next, it is coated with special enamel and sent back to the oven. This tile is great for laying on walls, as it is more porous and has a low weight and thickness.
The second type of tile is pressed using a more powerful machine, in this way its structure loses porosity and it becomes more elastic and thick, as a result of which its wear-resistant qualities increase. In this case, it requires only one firing stage, which is carried out immediately with the enamel and at a higher temperature. As a result, the tiles that come out of the oven are quite dense and wear-resistant; they can be used for laying on the floor without any problems.


  • Moisture resistance
  • Does not require much care
  • Keeps the look for a long time
  • Huge selection of colors
  • Inexpensive price
  • Low weight

This material has proven itself when finishing walls in the bathroom, when laying an apron in work area kitchens. Matte representatives of ceramics look gorgeous when used to decorate floors in corridors. Ceramic tiles are very easy to clean and create an aesthetically beautiful interior.

The use of ceramics is very extensive

For kitchen and bathroom floors, cladding with glossy ceramics is not very suitable. It is not as durable for this type of use. In the bathroom, as a last resort, you can consider matte varieties of tiles, since if moisture gets on its surface, you can slip. In addition, due to constant contact with abrasives in the form of sand and dust, the gloss can quickly become scratched and lose its original appearance.
A significant disadvantage of tiles is their fragility. If a heavy object is dropped on it, it will be damaged. Such cases mainly happened earlier, in the 90s. But you should not compare the quality of Russian tiles of those times with our time. Technological process stepped far in front. Taking quality with you. Of course, you should not intentionally test the quality of tiles; for this case, ceramic manufacturers conduct so-called tile test drives.


  • High fragility, in comparison with porcelain stoneware;
  • May fade in the sun over time;
  • Sometimes the drawing is partially erased.

What is porcelain stoneware

The composition of porcelain stoneware is not much different from the tile base. The production process just looks a little different. So what is the difference between porcelain stoneware and tiles? Everything is simple here. If enamel is applied to the tile after firing only on the surface, then coloring substances are added to porcelain stoneware at the mixing stage, which gives a uniform color throughout the entire thickness of the final product.
It is precisely for this reason that it is not glazed, and its color remains stable throughout its service life. A mixture of clay, minerals and quartz sand along with color is rolled out to the desired shape and put under a press of approximately 450 kilograms per 1 centimeter. Next, repeated pressing and firing at temperatures up to 1300C°.
After this process, a porcelain stoneware slab is taken out of the oven, which has very low porosity.
For example, water absorption wall tiles equals 10%, and porcelain stoneware absorbs only 0.05% moisture.


  • Has high strength;
  • Durable;
  • Increased wear resistance;
  • Not afraid of temperature changes;
  • Visually similar to natural stone;
  • Color pigment throughout the entire thickness.

Where is it used?

Most often, porcelain stoneware is used in finishing floors on verandas, balconies, loggias and external cladding houses. Since it is heat-resistant, it is excellent for covering heated floors.
Before choosing tiles for the kitchen floor, we recommend that you pay attention to fake diamond, according to its characteristics, it is wear-resistant and is not afraid of heavy dishes falling. And because it is resistant to moisture it is very convenient to keep clean.

Areas of application of porcelain stoneware

For wall cladding this type ceramics is not suitable, as its excess weight will make itself felt during installation.


  • Overweight;
  • Difficult to process;
  • Costs more than tiles;
  • Not rich in shades.

Methods for determining quality porcelain stoneware

In Italy alone there are about 300 companies that produce porcelain stoneware, but not all of them can supply high-quality products to the market. The production of such products implies strict adherence to technology, starting from mixing and ending with maintaining temperature parameters.
It is almost impossible to tell with the naked eye whether the product you have in your hands is of high quality.

Key points:

  1. If possible, check the weight of each tile in the box. Real tiles made using technology, 8 mm thick, should weigh around 19 kg. They try to write the weight on the packaging, it should also be in the catalogue.
  2. Technological advances on back side should not be deep. If their depth and shape are suspiciously large, you have a low-quality canvas in your hands.
  3. All tiles in one series will match as much as possible in color and tone. A conscientious manufacturer always correctly calibrates its products. If this parameter matches, then other parameters will also be at their best.


To sum up our review, we can confidently say which is better, porcelain stoneware or tiles for laying on the floor, and the following conclusions can be drawn:
For exterior finishing for the floor in the kitchen with the installation of a Warm floor system, the best solution will become porcelain tiles. A interior decoration will also be good when using tiles, since they are more affordable in price, and their variety will help bring any of your design desires to life.

Video instruction

When choosing a wear-resistant floor covering, the consumer hesitates between ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware. Let's look at the differences between these materials, determine their advantages and highlight their disadvantages. Only then will it become clear why porcelain tiles are so popular.

How does porcelain tile differ from ordinary tiles?

The myth that special ingredients are used to produce porcelain stoneware products has long been dispelled. The composition of the material is not much different - the same kaolin, clay, quartz sand and feldspar. The only difference is in the production conditions: porcelain stoneware is fired at higher temperatures (up to 1300 degrees), and greater press pressure is used (about 450 kilograms per centimeter).

The production technology also explains the quality characteristics of the materials: porcelain stoneware is not just sintered, its components are literally melted, and the monstrous pressure eliminates the formation of micropores, as in tiles. It is the absence of pores that explains why porcelain stoneware materials are more durable when used outdoors. No moisture gets inside and does not destroy the material from the inside when frozen. Cladding buildings with porcelain stoneware also guarantees a durable result, as does using it to produce steps.

Advantages of porcelain tiles for interior decoration

Most consumers do not care that porcelain stoneware is frost-resistant, because they choose the material for furnishing an office, store, apartment or home (where frost does not occur). But porcelain floor tiles also have a lot of other advantages:

  • Wear resistance. Despite the intensity of traffic, porcelain tiles retain an attractive appearance for many years. It is even used for finishing in some manufacturing plants.
  • The durability of porcelain stoneware is very high. It is capable of withstanding loads of several hundred kilograms per square centimeter (provided that the ceramic granite is laid by a professional).
  • The material is not susceptible to chipping and cracking How ceramic tiles differ over time.
  • There are practically no stains on the surface of the material, it is resistant to moisture (has water absorption less than 1%), exposure to aggressive environments. Even an accidentally broken bottle with something vigorous like solvent will not leave visible marks on the porcelain stoneware.
  • Porcelain tiles require no maintenance, it is enough to periodically wipe it with a damp cloth to ensure cleanliness.
  • The material has a huge range of colors and textures for the most demanding taste, which will fit perfectly into the design of the room.
  • The best porcelain tiles have absolutely clear, even edges, which allows for minimal seams when performing cladding and laying floors, achieving uniformity of the coating.

Does porcelain tile have any disadvantages?

You'll have to put up with the cold floor

The number of advantages of the material is quite large, but for the sake of objectivity it is worth pointing out its disadvantages. There are, however, few of them. Firstly, the floor made of it is quite cold, and it is impossible to insulate it (although a floor made of ceramic tiles has the same drawback). The only way out is to use heated floors.

A significant disadvantage is the slippery surface.

Secondly, the material is quite slippery if moisture gets on it. Therefore, it is not advisable to use it in the bathroom.

Prices for porcelain tiles “bite”

Thirdly, the price. The material has a cost slightly higher than that of ceramic tiles. But this is a dubious drawback, which is compensated by the advantages of porcelain stoneware.

There are quite a lot of manufacturers of the popular material; on the market you can find not only Italian (according to many experts, one of the highest quality), but also Turkish, Baltic, Greek and Belarusian porcelain stoneware, which has similar sizes and thickness. How to choose decent material that will not disappoint over time?

Methods for determining quality for the correct selection of porcelain tiles

In Italy alone there are more than three hundred manufacturers, not all of which can boast of product quality. Porcelain tiles must be produced strictly according to technology, starting from the preparation of the mixture, its coloring, maintaining temperature parameters to the use of a powerful press. It is almost impossible to determine the quality of a material by eye. We suggest using the following methods:

  • Buy by weight

Check the weight of each tile (usually indicated in the catalog and on the packaging). A “correct” tile with a thickness of 8-8.5 mm should weigh at least 18.5 kilograms.

  • Manufacturers e the quality is visible to the naked eye

Dimensions of technological recesses on the reverse side. These should be shallow squares with a side of up to 2 centimeters. Deep large squares indicate poor quality material.

  • Check color match

Color calibration. Tiles of the same series should match the color tone as much as possible. Good company ensures the high-quality caliber of its products, which means that you can also count on compliance with other parameters.

Video: advantages of porcelain stoneware and its choice