When you can step on the tiles after laying. How long does it take to walk on tiles after laying them on the floor? How long does it take for the glue to dry under standard conditions?

Even when the screed is not yet completely dry, it is already possible to walk on it, but you should not carry out any finishing works. How long the self-leveling floor dries depends on factors such as room temperature, humidity level, coating layer thickness, type of rough screed.

For the drying process of the screed or self-leveling floor, it is recommended to maintain a temperature in the region of 22 degrees Celsius, the humidity level should be approximately 65 percent. There should be a complete absence of drafts and direct sunlight. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of a drop temperature regime. Only under these conditions can the normal drying time of the coating be guaranteed. A decrease in temperature or an increase in humidity levels will prolong this process, but this does not mean that it is necessary to increase the temperature.

You need to know that setting time and full solidification time are two different things. The grip makes it possible to walk on the pavement without the risk of causing any damage to it. Complete solidification is achieved when the solution loses moisture completely.

How much the self-leveling floor of a particular brand dries should look at the packaging. When calculating the duration, it is worth considering the thickness of the coating layer and the conditions in the room. Some floor finishing work can be done before the coating completely hardens, but there are those for which it is necessary to wait for complete solidification. These include re-filling the self-leveling floor, the device of which is made on top of the screed. This usually takes up to 28 days. Until the screed hardens, you can not use floor heating.

Floor leveling materials can be made on the basis of cement or gypsum. It depends on this how long the self-leveling floor will dry.

After what time can you walk on a self-leveling floor or screed?

The setting of the floor screed occurs after 3-4 hours, if it is made on plaster base. Cement screeds, in turn, set within 12-24 hours. During this time, you can not walk on the screed.

Laying tiles on a gypsum screed can be done after three days. Laminate or parquet boards, as well as parquet and carpet, can only be laid after 7 days.

On the cement screed the listed coverings can keep within only two weeks later. If the screed layer is thicker than usual, then this period can be up to six weeks.

If you need a thick screed, then it is advisable to use light mixtures, which will greatly reduce the load from floors and other load-bearing structures. However, the drying process of such a screed will be much longer. This is due to its specific composition. If necessary, a thick screed can be laid in layers.

The duration and quality of the repair when tiling the surface often depends on the drying speed of the adhesive. Manufacturers indicate the freezing time on the packaging, but this indicator is rather relative, as some factors can affect it. This is especially important in cases where repair work needs to be completed within a short period of time. For a rational distribution of time, you need to figure out how much tile adhesive dries.

Before deciding how long the tile dries, it is important to understand the existing stages of the curing of the adhesive solution. In this case, 3 stages of solidification of the glue are distinguished:

  • mounting condition (solution life span);
  • primary setting (partial drying);
  • final freezing.

Having understood this issue, you can clearly determine the amount of the mixture to be kneaded at 1 time and when you can walk on the tile after laying.

Mounting condition

After the master has diluted the mixture in the right proportions, there is a limited period of time to work and adjust the position of the tile. This takes into account characteristics such as:

  1. period of use after breeding;
  2. work time after applying glue to the wall;
  3. adjustment period.

At the same time, it must be understood that the adhesive solution dries longer in the bucket than on the surface. The solution can be in the container for about 5 hours, and after laying on the wall, it begins to set after 30 minutes. No more than 15 minutes are given to adjust the tiles.

Primary setting

The initial hardening stage implies a period when the tile is in a static state, and the mortar has already hardened. However, the tile still cannot withstand a large load. The drying time of tile adhesive on the floor is about a day. At this stage, you can do the grouting and cleaning the tiles. At this stage, you can already walk on the tile, but you need to do this carefully.

Final solidification

The third stage is the final hardening. The coating reaches the required hardness only after a week and the tiles can be fully used: put heavy objects and subject them to the necessary impact. The drying time of tile adhesive may vary: some solutions harden longer, so it is necessary to study their composition.

Influencing factors

The freezing period depends on many factors, which include both exposure external environment, so the choice adhesive mixture. The packages indicate the recommended conditions for laying tiles: humidity and temperature in the room. In particular, for rooms with active movement, quick-drying mixtures are chosen to speed up the repair process.

Ambient humidity

Humidity is a factor that allows you to find out how much glue dries. Depending on the humidity of the room, the drying time may vary. In a bathroom where there is high humidity, the hardening time can be 3-4 days, even if the manufacturer indicated shorter periods on the packaging.


An important factor impact on the repair process is temperature. The tile will dry faster in a room with a high rate. In this case, it must be taken into account that the temperature of the base will always be lower than the temperature of the room. The average temperature is +20…+22°С, however, its performance can vary within +5…+30°С. If the floor temperature is below 5°C, tiles cannot be laid on it. It is required to wait until the room warms up to the desired indicators, and only then start work.

Layer thickness

The curing time of the adhesive directly depends on the thickness of the applied layer. The thicker the layer, the longer it will harden. If applied unevenly, then the drying time will be different.

Main surface material

The quality of the substrate also affects the rate of drying of the surface. The solution will dry faster on a wall with a high degree moisture absorption.

Composition brand

Manufacturers of different brands divide mixtures into several groups:

  • Standard. These include mixtures, the solidification time of which is about 1 day. However, if the temperature of the substrate on which the adhesive is applied is less than 5°C, then it is better to leave the solution to cure for 3 days.
  • Reinforced. Such solutions significantly save repair time, average term their drying time is 12-14 hours.
  • Super glues. Such mixtures dry quickly: after their use, grouting can be carried out after 4 hours. They are suitable for almost any type of surface, they can be used for lining pools and rooms with high humidity. A significant disadvantage of such solutions is their high cost.

The most common brands of mixtures used in tiling surfaces include: Ceresit, Eunice and Plitonite. If the repair time allows not to speed up the process, then it is better to choose standard mixtures. They will dry longer, but cost much less.

Immediately after the work on laying the tiles on the floor is completed, the question naturally arises: after what period of time is it allowed to walk on the tiles?

Adhesive tile mortar requires a certain time for complete drying and gaining strength. In case of violation of the technological terms of hardening, the adhesion of the coating is violated, which leads to its rapid peeling.

If you think logically, then the answer to the question: “When can I walk on the tile after laying?” Is contained on the packaging from under the adhesive mixture. Packaging always provides answers to the main questions that arise in this area. Although, of course, there is no universal framework for the time period of drying. Each mortar and consumable tile material requires its own approach.

When will it be possible to walk on tiles? Important factors affecting the drying rate.

The adhesive composition can set and dry for a different period of time, depending on the following factors:

The most adhesive composition for laying tiles;

Thickness and variety of tile material;

The humidity level of the room where the tiles were laid;

temperature conditions of the room.

All of the above points should be studied, then it will be easier to determine the length of time after which you can step on a new floor. To start using the installed floor tiles as soon as possible, it will be useful to create optimal climatic conditions for drying.

How to speed up the drying of tiles laid on the floor.

The drying of the adhesive solution is directly dependent on the characteristics of its application. If we take as a basis the climatic conditions of the room, where the constant air temperature ranges from 22 to 26 degrees, and no more than 50-60% humidity, then the glue dries faster. In any case, not longer than the average period indicated on the package in the instructions for use. It should also be noted that drafts and sudden changes in temperature significantly change the settlement periods, both larger and smaller. However, subject to all beneficial requirements, the tile will be ready for use after about 1-1.5 days.

Manufacturers of modern adhesive mixtures have made every effort to ensure that the compositions dry in as soon as possible. There are even extra quick-drying adhesive compositions, which allow you to walk on the laid tiles in just 6 hours. Such tile adhesives naturally come out more expensive.

When you can walk on the tile after laying, you will determine if you read the instructions for preparing and using the adhesive mixture. Manufacturers are required to specify this in the parameters. Drying time depends on some points: air humidity, ambient temperature, composition of the mixture, its variety. The usual conditions are - "room" temperature range of 20-25 degrees Celsius, with a humidity of not more than 60%. Non-standard conditions - temperature changes, drafts, respectively, can increase the time for drying, or reduce (direct sunlight). When the requirements of the manufacturers are not violated, you can safely walk a day later. There is an adhesive that dries in 6-7 hours after application, and for a guarantee you should add a couple of hours, and then rub the seams. A special case, the use of the mixture at a temperature of +5 degrees Celsius and below, even one and a half days will not be enough, and the tile may crack. Optimally, for heating in this case, use a heat gun. The floor should be heated, not the air.

To which the old tiler will most likely answer: "In a week, or better in a month, it will be more reliable."

This may seem strange to you, because another master, a couple of years ago, gluing tiles in the kitchen, claimed that the tiles can be walked on the next day. However, there is nothing strange here, just as there is no unequivocal answer to the question of when you can walk on freshly laid tiles. The exact answer to this question will depend on the following factors:

1. Adhesive used when laying tiles

Now, as a rule, when laying tiles, ready-made dry adhesive mixtures are used, which are enough to close with water. Nevertheless, no one forbids laying tiles on an ordinary cement-sand mortar, as was done before. Moreover, the basis of all tile adhesives is the same cement-sand mortar, only saturated with mineral additives that increase adhesion and reduce the adhesive's water loss, which greatly simplifies the process of laying tiles and allows you to do it much better.

On the packages of tile adhesive, you can find information that you can walk on freshly laid tiles or grout the seams after 48 hours, i.e. after 2 days. However, one should not forget that this information will be more or less correct only at a temperature of about 20 ° C, a humidity of about 60% and with an adhesive layer thickness of 3-5 mm, so let's move on.

2. The thickness of the adhesive layer

If the base of the floor is not even enough, then a screed is made before laying the tiles or a special blend, self-leveling after pouring - the so-called self-leveling floors. So it is easier to lay tiles and the quality of laying is higher, and the consumption of glue is much less.

Here are just a screed - all the same cement-sand mortar - in turn, it also takes time to gain strength. Therefore, some masters, if the irregularities of the base are relatively small and do not exceed 1-1.5 cm, and sometimes 2 cm, lay the tiles immediately on an uneven base. Accordingly, the thickness of the adhesive layer in some places reaches 1.5-2 cm.

There is an opinion among tilers, partly incorrect, that the thicker the adhesive layer, the longer it takes to gain strength. This opinion was formed from the fact that tilers confuse the concepts of plasticity and mortar strength.

The fact is that any freshly prepared solution has some plasticity, the more plastic the solution, the more convenient it is to lay it. For example, concrete mixtures according to this indicator are divided into mobile, rigid and super-rigid, in turn, mobile mixtures are divided into 5 groups depending on the amount of precipitation and cone flow. In general, than less water was used when mixing the solution, the greater its rigidity.

Accordingly, after applying glue to the base, part of the water from the glue is absorbed by the base (and if the base is not primed, then this can be a very large part). And the thinner the layer of glue, the faster the water absorption and the glue becomes harder. Therefore, tilers say that the thinner the layer of glue, the earlier you can walk on the tiles laid on this layer.

However, the increased water absorption of the base does not mean at all that the rigid adhesive already has some strength, and even vice versa, if there is not enough water in the adhesive mixture, then as a result, the compressive and tensile strength of the adhesive may ultimately be less than stated.

3. Foundation preparation

If the base is well primed, then this simplifies the process of laying tiles, as the time of mobility of the adhesive increases. Accordingly, in this case, one should not count on increasing the rigidity of the adhesive, but only on mixing the binder - in other words - cement, which is part of the adhesive. Thus, the curing time can be delayed up to 3-5 days and even more.

4. Temperature

Curing in cement-sand mortar used for screed or tile laying, and in tile adhesive, which is based on a cement-sand mortar, occurs as a result of a rather complex chemical reaction after mixing the cement with water. And the rate of a chemical reaction depends on the temperature in the place where the tile was laid. The relationship between temperature and curing time of cement-sand mortar reflects the following table:

5. Humidity

The higher the humidity in the room, the more likely it is that the adhesive will gain strength faster.

6. Brand of mortar

Since now ready-made dry mixes mixed with water are increasingly used for laying tiles, the grade of mortar comes out to be approximately the same and is about M100. However, if you set a goal and make cement-sand mixture for laying the tiles yourself, you can make a more durable solution. Accordingly, it will be possible to walk on tiles laid on such a solution earlier.

7. The magnitude and location of the applied load

When laying a tile, a load immediately acts on it - the own weight of the tile. Of course, this weight is much less than the weight of a person moving on a tile. However, if you walk carefully on the freshly laid tile and step as close to the middle of the tile as possible (to distribute the load on the tile as evenly as possible), you can start doing this as early as a couple of days after laying the tile, or even the next day ( though I wouldn't risk it).

8. Tile dimensions

Formally, the size of the tile does not directly affect the strength of the adhesive. However, the size of the tile will affect the area of ​​adhesive in contact with both the tile and the substrate. How larger size tiles, the greater the likelihood of voids, which means that the load on the glue will be greater, respectively, you can walk on such tiles later than on smaller ones.

When the tile is completely laid out on the floor, the question immediately arises - how long can you walk on the tile after laying?

After all, if you do not endure certain terms and do not let the tile adhesive take its strength, the tile may eventually fall off altogether.

After how much you can walk on the tile after laying, in fact, the question is not very complicated. To find the answer to it, just look at the pack with the adhesive composition.

It is on the packaging of the adhesive that the manufacturer must indicate the time for which it must dry. Of course, depending on the specific operating conditions of this material.

The time it takes for a tile adhesive to take its strength depends on many factors. It primarily affects:

  1. The temperature and humidity of the air in the room where the tiles are laid.
  2. From chemical composition, and the main components that tile adhesive contains.
  3. From the type of adhesive composition.

Having studied all the characteristics of the tile adhesive described above, it is possible to determine with great accuracy how long it takes to walk on the tile after installation.

Below we will consider the so-called "optimal conditions" under which most tile adhesives gain their strength over a certain period of time. After this time, you can safely walk on ceramic tiles laid on the floor.

When wondering how long tile adhesive dries, you should know the features of its use. So, for example, provided that in the room where the tiles are laid, the air temperature will be maintained within 23-25 ​​degrees, and the humidity will be no more than 55%, then the drying of the glue will depend on the components from which it is made, but not longer than the time indicated in the instructions for the adhesive composition.

Also, the drying time of tile adhesive depends primarily on:

  1. The presence of drafts in the room where the tiles are laid on the floor.
  2. A sharp temperature drop during the laying of ceramic tiles.
  3. From hit for example on a tiled surface of direct sunshine.

If all of the above requirements regarding temperature and humidity in the room are met, and there are no drafts, etc., then it will be possible to walk on the laid tiles on the floor in about 1 full day.

Modern tile adhesives actually dry very quickly. There are generally such tile adhesives that reach their strength within 5 hours after laying the tiles on the floor.

Therefore, the question of how long you can walk on the tiles after laying should be decided individually, depending not only on a specific tile adhesive, but also on other important factors, such as the air temperature in the room and its relative humidity.