The most expensive sofa in the world. Beautiful kitchens (100 photos)

The interior of a modern living room is hard to imagine without a sofa. It is a key piece of furniture that is present in the reception room. It is in almost any home, but not everyone knows which country is its homeland and why it is called a sofa. We decided to find out and compiled our own list of interesting facts.

1. Home of the sofa

Despite the fact that today the Italians are the best in the production of sofas, this furniture did not originate in Italy. The so-called "birth" of an upholstered piece of furniture occurred around the 16-17th centuries in Turkey and Persia.

2. History of the name

In fact, initially the word "sofa" did not mean what we are used to. It has Persian roots, in the 16th century it was the name of lists drawn up on paper. After some time, the name spread to the designation of office supplies, as well as furniture.

3. How many varieties of sofas are there?

Specialists furniture production trying to create as much as possible comfortable furniture. Today, 17 different combinations are known, each of which is aimed at creating comfort in the house. The most common in Russia: recliner, accordion, dolphin, roll-out sofa, American folding bed, French folding bed, click-clack, Eurobook, book.

4. Sofa and children

It's no secret that babies love to jump on beds and sofas. On average, a standard sofa can withstand up to 587 children's jumps.

5. Furniture for the Grand Vizier

At times Ottoman Empire the sofa was intended only for the Grand Vizier, who was right hand Sultan. Then it was an object similar to a bench, but covered with soft fabric and decorated with pillows.

The most paradoxical thing is that the most expensive sofa is not upholstered! It is made of steel and is not very convenient for its intended use. To a greater extent, it was created as a work of modern art. Its author is designer Ron Arad. And such a piece of furniture costs more than $ 300,000.

7. The longest sofa in the world
The longest sofa in the world was made in Russia. It entered the Guinness Book of Records in 2014. Its length is one kilometer, and 2.5 thousand people can be accommodated on it at the same time. They set such a record in the city of Saratov, the so-called piece of furniture weighed about 50 tons.

This means that he can afford many things.

However, this does not mean that all these things are beneficial.

Against the backdrop of starving children in poor countries, take a look at a $1.5 million box of chocolates, a $1.3 million phone, and more unnecessary expensive things.

unnecessary things

Expensive pizza

Cost: $125 per piece

One of the most expensive pizza was sold at Nino's Bellissima Pizza in New York. Pizza topping with fish, onion, four types of caviar, thinly sliced ​​lobster tail, Atlantic salmon caviar and wasabi. The pizza was for 8 people.

golden cards

Cost: $5,160

For playing poker there are even such gold cards.

dog dress

Cost: $6,000

The most expensive dress for your beloved pet.

On this unusual clothes posted 4,000 Swarovski crystals.

Dear watermelon

Cost: $6,500

Yes, yes, you correctly saw the price from above - this is the cost of a watermelon Densuke(Densuke), which grows on the island of Hokkaido.

The skin color of this berry, its rarity and, of course, its great taste are valued so dearly. Densuke is said to be very sweet, and has velvety, juicy flesh.

iPhone case

Cost: $10,000

Most Expensive iPhone 4 Case made of pure gold.

Trapped in unnecessary things

wooden toilet

Cost: $11,300

Wooden toilet throne Herbeau Dagobert made from solid ash. Completing unusual toilet original accessories.

Tea bag

Cost: $15,000

PG Tips is a company that specializes in the production of tea. Jewelry company Boodles created this diamond tea bag to celebrate the 75th anniversary of PG Tips. This is handmade, decorated 280 diamonds. Everyone knows the fact that the British are serious about their favorite drink.

expensive chair

Cost: $21,000

This is the most expensive chair in the world.

shoe sculpture

Cost: $24,000

most expensive shoe sculpture on a heel. It's a giant glossy red shoe tall 183 cm owned by sculptor Bruce Gray. The sculpture was handcrafted from steel and painted with high quality automotive paint.

Dear mouse

Cost: $25,600

most expensive computer mouse encrusted with diamonds.

Expensive things

Dear toy

Cost: $41,468

Japanese jeweler Ginza Tanaka and toy company Bandai Co. introduced the world to a tiny version of the beloved Japanese robot - gundam(Gandam). Gundam is the hero of a popular animated series in Japan. The figurine has a mass of 1.4 kg and a height of 13 cm. It is made of pure platinum.

Expensive bath

Cost: $47,000

For big fans water procedures Italian acrylic bath

Tent for children

Cost: $50,000

The most expensive children's hanging tent.

Expensive sneakers

Cost: $60,000

The most expensive sneakers are called Air Jordan Silver.

Dear ball

Cost: $68,500

Diamond-studded cricket balls were awarded to the best players in the 2007 Cricket World Cup. Each ball is decorated 5,728 diamonds.

Dearest things in the world

Barbie doll

Cost: $85,000

The most expensive diamond Barbie doll.

straw hat

Cost: $100,000

Designer Brent Black has released an exclusive hat Montecristi Panama. The creator of the unusual headdress himself said that this is the highest quality hat in the world.

It was created from straw of special quality in the Republic of Ecuador within five months. Moreover, the final size and color of the hat will be performed at the request of the future owner.

Dear mask

Cost: $100,000

The most expensive mask with patterns "Red Warrior"

This unique wall decoration is made of clay and yarn.

expensive bike

Cost: $114,500

Bicycles Crystal Edition made in only 10 copies by the Swedish company Aurumania. The frame of this wheeled jewelry is made of gold and inlaid with 600 Swarovski crystals.

The seat and handles are upholstered in the finest leather. However, they are not in a hurry to buy such a two-wheeled friend: so far only 3 pieces have been sold.

most expensive TV

Cost: $130,000

Instead of buying new house or a great car some people buy this TV. LCD TV Yalos Diamond it is very expensive, and all because it is covered with white gold with 20 carat inset diamonds.

hello kitty

Cost: $163,000

It is the symbol of the Japanese cartoon Hello Kitty. Now rich fans have the opportunity to treat themselves to a kitten platinum 3.8 cm wide x 5.6 cm high and weighing 590 g. The tiny Hello Kitty figure is decorated with bows from precious stones: diamonds, rubies, sapphires, pink amethysts and blue topazes.

The only copy of the toy was sold in 2006 in mall Mitsukoshi in Tokyo.

Dear tequila

Cost: $225,000

On July 20, 2006, Tequila Ley.925 sold a bottle of tequila made from platinum and white gold. The drink was made from 100% blue agave juice, and this tequila was aged for 6 years.

The company got into the Guinness Book of Records thanks to the manufacture of the most expensive bottles with alcohol in the world.

But don't be discouraged if you can't afford a platinum bottle, you may have enough money for a $150,000 gold bottle or at least a $25,000 silver/gold tequila bottle.

The most expensive things

Lunch box

Cost: $229,000

This is most expensive lunch box in the world. The kitchen accessory has a size of 20 cm by 20 cm. The box is made entirely of gold.

Total will be done 3 such boxes weighing 3.3 kg each. The entire surface of the golden boxes will be decorated with patterns of leaves and grapes. These patterns are handmade by a famous Japanese sculptor.

Dear dove

Cost: $328,000

The most expensive carrier pigeon in the world.

Dear pot

Cost: $600,000

The German cookware company "Fissler" decided to stand out and created a saucepan, the handles of which are made of pure gold(24 carats) plus saucepan decorated 13 diamonds. The total weight of the pot is 738

Buyer of the most expensive kitchen utensils as a bonus, an invitation to dinner at a well-known restaurant is provided. Also, the manufacturer undertakes to bring the packed pan to the owner in a luxurious Rolls-Royce.

What furniture will always please the eye and never get bored? There are special interior items that good sense surprise and delight. You can admire them for hours - these are real works of art. How is such furniture created, how does it differ from ordinary furniture and in what style does it look perfect? Today we decided to look into these issues.

The classic style is considered one of the most elegant and beautiful in the interior. It remains popular to this day due to the fact that it is able to transform any space and create a solid atmosphere in it. In many ways, this can be achieved thanks to luxury furniture made from natural wood. Often it is decorated with hand-painted, finely carved and even encrusted semi-precious stones. Of course, such items will be relevant only in classic styles- baroque, rococo, neoclassical and empire.

Loyalty to tradition

To create real works of art, furniture makers use techniques that are passed down from father to son. Some factories have existed for more than one century. The leaders in the production of luxury furniture today are the Italians, who have a refined artistic taste. In addition, they are sensitive to the traditions of their ancestors and try to convey them in all their glory. And, of course, we must not miss the fact that each piece of luxury furniture is made only by hand.

ancient technique

Often, in order to create the necessary patterns, in the production of luxury furniture, an old woodworking technique is used - intarsia. This is wood-on-wood inlay, which is created exclusively by hand, like many centuries ago. This technique is an invariable attribute of luxury furniture. It is worth seeing how the mysterious birth of luxurious masterpieces with curls, waves, garlands of flowers takes place.

Louis XVI style

Baroque style is very popular among luxury furniture masters. His hallmarks are sinuous forms, rich carvings, rich decor and floral motifs. First of all, it is created for spacious solemn interiors.

main feature baroque art, that content and form are combined in it. Luxurious pieces of furniture become the main characters in the interior, and not its background. The main principle of this style is in the theatrical presentation, to amaze the audience with a unique spectacle.

Exceptional luxury furniture is designed not only to create beautiful environment in home. The owner of the premises should feel like a person of royal blood. During the creation of luxurious items, the craftsmen are inspired by the era and furniture of the era of Louis XVI.

Noble finishes and attention to detail

Precious metals are often used in the decoration of luxury furniture. Masters manually apply the thinnest leaves of gold leaf (silver) and gently press down. This allows you to make luxurious accents. The furniture becomes outwardly attractive and incredibly stylish.

No less impressive look interior items, inlaid natural stone. Most often, lapis lazuli, malachite, quartz, agate and rock crystal are used for the production of such furniture.

Details also make perfect furniture. All elements (braid, fringe, embroidery) are sewn on by hand. Sofas, armchairs, banquettes are created using expensive fabrics. Among them, velvet, damask, satin and silk stand out especially.

One of the most popular decorative elements elite furniture is quilted capitonné upholstery, when decorative buttons seem to be recessed into upholstered furniture at the same distance from each other. It allows you to emphasize the relief and splendor of the finish.

Rich textures, picturesque gold leaf inserts, intricate carvings and Special attention to the details - this is what distinguishes luxury furniture from the other. Such items truly deserve the title of works of art. Especially if .

It's no secret that solid wood furniture is a guarantee of quality. It will faithfully serve you for decades without losing its presentable appearance. appearance. Custom-made solid wood furniture is increasingly popular among buyers in all corners the globe. Of course, the cost of such furniture is quite high, but the result is worth it.

The most expensive furniture of the world are the results of the work of the best and most talented craftsmen. Today we present to your attention the top 10 most expensive furniture in the world. All this furniture has common features. For example, all things were created more than fifty years ago. All of them were made in the best workshops. It should also be noted that each object is absolutely unique. Even with the help modern technologies no master can make an exact copy.

Seat number 10

It is occupied by a dressing table made by William Savery. In January 2009, the auction price for it was set at 4.48 million US dollars. This is one of the finest examples of eighteenth century American furniture art.

Place number 9

In this place was a secretary of the era of Louis XV. To create it, the master used the Japanese technique of drawing a pattern on a wooden surface. Also, authentic materials were used to make such a secretary. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that such a secretary was valued at 5.1 million US dollars.

Place number 8

But such a stool was sold for 5.2 million US dollars. It was created in 1750 from walnut by the hands of a talented craftsman Reginald Lewis.

Place number 7

In seventh place was an English chest of drawers of the era of George III, created by the famous master cabinetmaker Thomas Chippendale. In December 2010, the famous eighteenth century chest of drawers was sold at auction for £3.8 million.

Place number 6

The mahogany wardrobe was carved in the second half of the seventeenth century. Its author is the famous french master Domenico Cucci. This cabinet is decorated with granite columns, gilded bronze and Florentine mosaics. It was sold for 7.33 million US dollars.

Place number 5

But such a tea table was sold for 8.416 million US dollars. Its author is John Goddard. There are all two such tea tables in the world - one of them was sold at auction in January 2005, and the second is on display at the Winterthur Museum.

Place number 4

In fourth place was the throne of the Chinese Emperor Qianlong, which was valued at 11.07 million US dollars. The back of the throne is decorated with filigree carvings that resemble a dragon soaring above the waves.

Place number 3

Our top bronze winner was a mahogany dining table made by John Goddard. It was sold at auction for US$12.1 million. The master carved this table for his daughter Katherine back in 1760. Centuries later, with high technology no craftsman has been able to recreate such a dining table.

Place number 2

Eileen Gray's dragon chair was the silver medalist. At auction in Paris in 2009, this masterpiece was priced at 28.24 million US dollars. Long years this piece of furniture was in the private collection of the famous fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent.

Place #1

In the first place of our top was the office bureau "Badminton". It was valued at 36.8 million US dollars. This monumental work was created in the eighteenth century. It consists of ten chests of solid cedar, which are decorated with panels of quartz, amethyst, flower garlands, foliage, birds and flowers. Its height is 3.8 m and its width is 2.28 m.

The most expensive furniture in the world is the result of the work of the most talented craftsmen. Only the hands of the true Creator could create such beauty. Interestingly, the Top 10 most expensive furniture in the world is antique furniture, which has the following common features:

  • - all things were created more than 50 years ago;
  • - they were produced in the best workshops, and their authors are gifted cabinetmakers;
  • - each object is unique - even with the help of modern technologies, it is almost impossible to make an exact copy;
  • - they are recognized as the most valuable works of art, and this is precisely what determines their high cost.

Naturally, the maximum price for such things was offered by people who understand, and all transactions were made with the direct participation of the auction houses Sotheby's and Cristie's.

So, we bring to your attention 10 items created in the best furniture workshops, the cost of which is fabulous.

Tenth Place – Dressing Table by William Savery – $4.48 million

Dressing table- $4.48 million

The dressing table by William Savery is one of the finest examples of 18th century American furniture art. It was sold in January 2009 at Sotheby's for $4.48 million.

The ideal condition of the thing is explained by the fact that the table was kept for more than a century and a half by members of the same family, descendants of the first owner of the item: John Jackson. For the first time this lot was put up for sale only during the difficult times of the Great Depression in 1930.

9th Place - Louis XV Era Secretary - £3.2m (US$5.1m)

Secretary of the era of Louis XV - 5.1 million USD

The name of the Dutch-born French furniture maker Bernard II Van Risambourg always causes a stir at auctions. His creations are the pearls of many museums and private collections.

When creating this secretaire in 1756-1757, the master applied the Japanese technique of drawing a picture on wooden surface. At that time, this technology was labor intensive and expensive. But most importantly, authentic materials were used in the production, in particular, Japanese lacquer, which was almost impossible to get due to the closed nature of the Land of the Rising Sun at that time. The inlay is made of gilded bronze.

Most likely, the secretaire was delivered to Madame de Pompadour in 1757 by Mr. Lazare Duvaux. Item dimensions - 130 x 105.5 x 45 cm.

The lot sold for 3.2 million pounds in December 2012 at the London auction of the auction house Cristie's.

Eighth Place - Reginald Lewis Stool - $5.2 million

The value of Reginald Lewis's walnut stool around 1750 is due to its:

  • - a rarity - there are less than five such copies left, created in the 18th century in New England (Pennsylvania, USA);
  • - similarity with a similar exhibit exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art;
  • - good condition - the object, most likely, was not subjected to restoration work.

Sotheby's auction took place in New York in September 2008. Price - 5.2 million US dollars. The last time such a stool was put up for sale was only in the middle of the 20th century. Then only 10 thousand US dollars were offered for him.

7th Place - English George III Chest of Drawers - £3.8m ($5.98m)

English chest of drawers - £3.8 million

Thomas Chippendale (1718 - 1779) - the famous master cabinetmaker of the rococo and early classicism. Each of his works is an outstanding achievement of the furniture art of the UK of the 18th century. Any item created by the hands of this master is the dream of all collectors of antique furniture.

In December 2010, an English chest of drawers by T. Chippendale (circa 1770) sold at Sotheby's in London for £3.8 million, which is understandable given its cultural value.

The chest of drawers is decorated with elements made of gilded brass. Item dimensions - 89 x 140 x 65 cm.

6th Place – Mahogany Wardrobe by Domenico Cucci – $7.33 million

The wardrobe cabinet was carved from solid mahogany in the second half of the 17th century. Its author is the famous French furniture maker Domenico Cucci (1635-1704). It was he who created several architectural cabinets commissioned by Louis XIV.

A closet that belonged to Queen Hedwig Eleonore of Holstein-Gottorp of Sweden was sold for $7.33 million. This item is decorated with:

  • - granite columns;
  • - Florentine mosaic;
  • - gilded bronze.

Only three such cabinets, created by the hands of Domenico Cucci, have survived.

Fifth Place - John Goddard Tea Table - $8.416 million

There are only two tea tables in the world, supposedly created by John Goddard. One of them is on display at the Winterthur Museum (Delaware, USA), and the second was sold in New York at Sotheby's in January 2005 for $8.416 million.

This tea table has been carefully kept in the same family for over 250 years. With reverse side on the table there is a label indicating that this item once belonged to John Goddard himself (the inscription reads: "Property of RHI Goddard").

Fourth place - The Throne of the Chinese Emperor Qianlong (Qing Dynasty) - 85.78 million Hong Kong dollars (11.07 million US dollars)

The throne belonged to the Chinese emperor Canlong (years of life - 1711 - 1799) from the Qing dynasty.

The artifact passed into private ownership, presumably after the Xinhai Revolution that rocked China in 1911. Despite everything, the throne has been preserved and is in excellent condition.

The wide seat is made up of six planks mounted on a panel. The back is decorated with a filigree carving depicting a dragon soaring above the waves. The monster's body wraps around the pearl.

Third Place - John Goddard Mahogany Dining Table - $12.1 million

In 1760, the English cabinetmaker John Goddard - as evidenced by the existing engraving - carved a dining table as a gift for his daughter Catherine, an exact copy of which could not be recreated by the masters of the 21st century, even with the help of high technology.

More than two centuries later - June 3, 1989 - for this thing, which is in perfect condition, a bidder at Cristie's in New York, paid $12.1 million.

Runner-up - Eileen Gray Dragon Chair - $28.24 million

Eileen Gray Dragon Chair – $28.24 million

The finest piece of furniture art, Cristie's jewel, Eileen Gray's crowning achievement: the dragon chair. The price of the masterpiece is fabulous - 28.24 million US dollars. It was this price that was paid for the work of the Irish designer in February 2009 at auction in Paris.

For many years, this piece of furniture was in the private collection of fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent. The fashion genius worked on his the best collections sitting comfortably in an Eileen Gray chair.

This extraordinary woman, known for her eccentric behavior, became a classic during her lifetime. Collectors of her work were waiting for them was a real hunt.

Eileen Gray spent two years creating the dragon chair. She worked on it in 1917-1919. The seat and back of the chair are made in the form of dark brown leather petals, surrounded by the bodies of dragons, hovering among stylized clouds. The eyes of the monsters are especially striking - bright white on a black background - they are incredible.

In Chinese mythology, dragons are identified with strength and power, their purpose is to drive away evil spirits. Often they were depicted playing with a pearl, which in turn symbolizes the power of the moon and thunder. Based on these images, the chair - and most likely the person sitting in it - can be seen as a pearl in its natural safe environment. wooden elements covered with varnish according to ancient Japanese technology.

First Place – Badminton Cabinet Office – £19.045 million (approximately $36.8 million)

A monumental work - the office bureau "Badminton" - was created in the 18th century. Its cost in December 2004 was 19 million 45 thousand and 250 US dollars.

The bureau owes its name to the residence of the Dukes of Beaufort: the Badminton estate in Gloucestershire, Great Britain. It was ordered by the then 19-year-old youth, but already possessing excellent taste, the third Duke of Beaufort, making "the Grand Tour" in Italy and France.

For the first time this work of art was put up for auction in 1990 at the Cristie's auction. It was a sensation. Then it was purchased for the Barbara Piaseka Johnson collection for $15,178,020. Even then it was a record.

Later, in December 2004, Johann Kreftner, who manages the collection of the Liechtenstein Museum (Vienna, Austria), won the painful auction by telephone. He suggests that in the final for the right to own the creation of the greatest masters, the struggle was with the Metropolitan Museum (New York, USA). For "Badminton" was paid from the personal funds of Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein.

It represents perfect combination architectural elements, sculptural compositions and elements of painting, made in the technique of "pietra dura". The masterpiece impresses with its organicity and luxury.

Cabinet office "Badminton" was created by the hands of masters working for the Duke of Tuscany in Florence in Galeria dei Lavori. The work was completed in 1732.

This object is made of ebony with elements of gilded bronze. The bureau crown is the coat of arms of the Beaufor family. It is surrounded by four figures symbolizing the seasons. They are located in the upper corners of the "Badminton".

The bureau contains 10 drawers (solid cedar) decorated with:

  • - images of birds, foliage and flowers;
  • — panels of quartz and amethyst;
  • - relief stripes of red and green Sicilian jasper, lapis lazuli;
  • — flower garlands (gilded bronze);
  • - chalcedony lion mask.

Dimensions of this item:

  • - height - 3.8 m;
  • - width - 2, 28 m.

You can appreciate the monumentality of the work of Italian masters in the Liechtenstein Museum, where this bureau has been on public display since the spring of 2005.

To date, the office bureau "Badminton" is the most expensive piece of furniture in the history of mankind.