How to repaint a wardrobe. Paint a chipboard cabinet: a step-by-step process, preparation and painting

We will consider how to repaint a chipboard wardrobe in this article. After all, if a chipboard cabinet has become old and shabby, this is not a reason to throw it in the trash. Any wardrobe will look as good as new, for this it is enough to simply repaint it.

Old furniture should not be thrown away if the problem is only in cosmetic repair, the fact is that it is often made of better and more durable materials than modern ones. An old cabinet, with proper care, will last even longer than a new one. And at the same time, the price of the work will not be significant.

The same goes for any other piece of Soviet-made furniture. Painting is done around the perimeter of the cabinet. All instructions are set out below.

All work can be completely done by hand. You can watch it in the video in this article and in the photo. The work is done in stages, each stage is important in its own way.

Also, do not forget about the preparation of the plane. Not only will depend on the quality of this work. appearancebut also durability.

Note: It's worth noting that the material doesn't really matter. You can re-paint both wooden furniture and chipboard. The main difference between chipboard furniture is that such material absorbs moisture less, so the process of complete drying will take much longer than wood. In addition, chipboard does not require a lot of primer before painting, so it is much easier to get the desired color.


Before you start painting the cabinet, you need to remove all removable parts - handles, hinges, doors and drawers. Ultimately, only the frame should remain from the cabinet. The place where you are going to paint the cabinet should be well ventilated, if possible, it is better to work with paint outdoors.

In order to prepare the surface of the old cabinet for painting, you need:

  • Skin with varying degrees of graininess;
  • Flat brush;
  • An unnecessary rag or sponge.

Note: It is not easy to apply an even layer with a brush. Therefore, it is better to use a spray bottle. Then you can apply the paint as efficiently as possible.


  • First, using a cloth or sponge, you need to wash and / or clean the surface from accumulated dirt and dust. After cleaning the cabinet from dust, you can start removing the previous layers of varnish and paint (see). Old paint is removed with a coarse sandpaper; hand movements should be circular and sweeping. So that the new layers of paint lay evenly and without roughness, clean the surface of the cabinet well from irregularities.

Important: Rub the surface carefully so as not to accidentally erase the veneer layer together with the remaining varnish and paint. You will have to tinker with grouting irregularities resulting from careless work.

  • Some details will need to be removed. Then there may be a fringe along the edge. It will have to be removed. Otherwise, it will be difficult to fix it back.

We do edge stripping

  • When the surface of the cabinet is well finished with a coarse sandpaper, brush off the dust with a flat brush. When cleaning the cabinet from dust, you cannot use a rag, so the dust will only clog into microcracks on the surface and will not allow the paint to lie flat.
  • Sandpaper with fine grains should be used to treat those areas that were not possible to process with coarse sandpaper. Usually these are corners, edges, some kind of protruding elements. Once you've done a good job on the surface with fine sandpaper, brush over the cabinet again.

We do the processing of the plane

You cannot paint the cabinet in a dusty room, so the room should be washed well before painting. As noted earlier, dust can adversely affect the quality of the paint.

What paint is better to use

Many people think about how to paint a chipboard wardrobe. Water-based acrylic paint is the best choice for updating the cabinet, because it has a lot of advantages.

  • The paint only needs to be diluted with water to obtain the desired color saturation; in case of a mistake, it is easy to wash it off and paint the area again. Equally important when working indoors is that acrylic paint is practically odorless. It is worth remembering, however, that after drying, acrylic paint acquires stronger properties, since water evaporates from it. This must be taken into account when painting in several layers.
  • It is not at all necessary to paint the cabinet in one color, because there is a whole surface for experiments. You can, for example, make the wardrobe two-tone, taking as a basis a neutral color, beige, for example. And for painting parts, you can use contrasting colors.
  • If the required color is not available, you can add color to white paint... If the wardrobe is intended for a nursery, then you can show more imagination using stencils with images of flowers, animals, and so on.
  • To choose the right shades, you can try to paint first small area closet so you can figure out which color will look best.

How to primer

The priming process before painting cannot be ignored, without it it simply will not be possible to paint a dresser or wardrobe with high quality.

  • The surface must be primed (see). The primer will prevent moisture from absorbing into the surface of the cabinet, which will speed up the drying process of the paint. Plus, after the primer, the desired color will not be lost; after the paint dries, it will remain the same as it was during the painting.

Attention: If you paint the surface without priming, then after drying, some of the paint will be absorbed into the cabinet material, and the color may differ from what was intended.

  • If you are going to paint the cabinet with acrylic paint, then the primer should be selected on the same basis - acrylic. The paint and primer components will interact wonderfully with each other, which will make the cabinetry and other furniture better painting.
  • The acrylic primer is very easy to use. Read the instructions for use of the primer carefully before use. It is important to pay attention to the time it takes for the primer to dry, because the paint should only be applied to the surface after the primer has dried. To buy required amount material, measure the surface of the cabinet before painting.
  • Of the painting tools for the primer, a special roller is suitable, try to apply the primer as thin as possible. When you finish priming its surface, leave the cabinet to dry for the time specified in the instructions.

Which tool to choose

Thinking how old wardrobe paint from chipboard, you need to immediately worry about the tool. As a rule, the choice is between a roller and a brush.


  • In this case, it is important to take into account your own skills in working with the tool and preferences.... But, nevertheless, it is more practical to paint the cabinet with a brush. Unlike a roller, you can apply paint to it with a more even layer, moreover, it will not be possible to paint over the corners inside and other hard-to-reach areas with a roller.
  • In specialized stores, there is a huge selection of a wide variety of brushes and rollers.... The choice of the tool should be treated no less responsibly than the choice of paint.

Attention: Buy quality tools from reliable manufacturers, it is not worth saving money on this. Lint can fall out of low-quality brushes during the painting process, they will remain in the paint, and it is impossible to remove them after staining. For easier work and convenience, it is recommended to purchase a set of brushes of different sizes.

How to paint a wardrobe

Now let's look directly at how to paint a chipboard cabinet. So, before painting, you need to ventilate the room well, leave the windows open. If it is possible to paint the cabinet outside, do it there.

  • The first layer should be lighter tonewhich you have chosen. Make sure that the paint does not thicken; for this, just periodically dilute it with water when you notice that it has begun to harden.
  • The final paint color depends on the number of coats applied. If you painted the cabinet in one layer, the surface structure will show through. This is a good choice for a Provence style interior.
  • To get a thicker finish, you need several coats of paint. Apply each new layer only after the previous one has dried. Work with the brush in one direction only, so the paint will lay smoother, and when it dries, its surface will be even.
  • If you decide to use paint of two colors or more, the borders should be sealed with masking tape, so the colors will not mix with each other when painting, unless, of course, you do not need such an effect initially.
  • The cabinet will dry completely after a few days, after which all that remains is to apply clear varnish over the paint. This is to protect the painted surface. When the varnish is dry, you can put all the cabinet parts together.

As you can see, with brushes and paints you can give old furniture new life, turning it into an updated and interesting piece of furniture, only by connecting imagination and a little effort to the case.

Currently, in stores you can find an endless number of all kinds of wardrobes, dressers, shelves, hanging shelves, multifunctional boxes for clothes and personal belongings. But if you decide not to plunge into a long search, but to follow the thread of your imagination, then with the help of the following master classes you will learn how to update an old cabinet with your own hands beyond recognition.

After reading the article, you shouldn't have any questions about how to paint lacquered, chipboard or wooden cabinetwhat paint to paint and make it suit your own style, and you will also learn some of the intricacies of this work.

  1. Painting - This is the most reliable and thorough method.
  2. Wallpaper, self-adhesive film and decoupage - when choosing this method, remember that it is not durable!
  3. Cloth upholstery and carnation decor - also

Most best method for updating any chipboard or wooden cabinet, of course, painting is not as expensive as it seems at first glance and is quite simple to perform.

Painting a wooden cabinet made of chipboard

Choice of paint

  • For wood and chipboard processing, you can use alkyd or acrylic,
  • aerosol or regular paint on wood,
  • for deeper staining - varnishes, but most often preference is given acrylic paintm.

They are non-toxic, dry when room temperature, which in our case and when painting home furniture is very convenient, in stores they are presented in a wide assortment, you can colorizedb, i.e. dilute with white paint, achieving the desired color... In addition, there is a choice of acrylic paints with a mother-of-pearl effect or, for example, metallic.

Spray acrylic paint adheres better than conventional paint to the surface, creating a smooth and evenly painted texture. It is easy to work with both a professional and a beginner.

  • Varnishes are mainly used to make furniture look antique., but well-groomed, noble and rich. In this case, the surface is painted over several times after each layer has completely dried.
  • Varnishes are also needed to set the color and protect the surface from scratches and minor damage.
  • You will need varnish even if you decide to paint the chest of drawers antique or Provence style.

Choice of brushes and roller

After choosing a paint, you should special attention give to brushes and rollers. Why not save on painting supplies if you decide to update your chest of drawers with your own hands?

  • When the right technology processing old surface and good staining the cabinet will maintain its appearance for several years.
  • Using bad brushes will not protect freshly painted furniture from adhesion of hairs or pile, which is almost impossible to fix imperceptibly.

If your task is to paint a large smooth surface, then for work both roller and aerosols will do.

ATTENTION: During work, do not leave the brushes dry, it is better to put them in a jar of water, otherwise they will quickly become unusable

Technologists and painting technique

Do not forget about other important painting tools and materials, such as sandpaper or sander, primer, putty, thinner and varnish. All this is necessary to comply with the correct staining technology.


  1. Different sandpaper grit is needed for pre-rubbing the old paint layer and sanding the surface.
  2. A primer will be needed for sealing small cracks on the surface of wood or chipboard.
  3. Putty (you can take a car) and a spatula will come in handy if you have deep scratches, chips.
  4. A solvent or white spirit is needed to degrease the surface before painting for better impregnation.
  5. The varnish has a protective function and gives the furniture a shine.

In general, preparing the cabinet for painting consists of 5 short but very important steps.

  1. First, carefully remove the old paint and use a medium-grained sanding paper (or cars) align the work surface.
  2. All dust must be brushed off, but without using wet rags, sponges etc. Otherwise old paint only it will be absorbed better, and the new one will lie badly.
  3. After processing with the finest grain degrease with white spirit (with acetone) and apply a primer for better adhesion to the paint.
  4. If there are large chips, then pre-fill them with putty and rub until smooth. After that we apply one or two layers of primer.

When you know all the stages of preparation, it's time to move on to the main stage and figure out how to paint a wooden chest of drawers and chipboard.

Master - class No. 1. Painting under a stencil

Everything is mixed in this cabinet - romanticism, Chinese motives, and even something from Gzhel. Everyone sees in him something of his own. We will study the painting technique.

Materials and tools

  • Prepared cabinet;
  • white paint;
  • solvent;
  • blue spray paint;
  • gold paint;
  • stencil;
  • brushes.

Step by step guide

Step 1.

  • We remove all fittings, locks, handles, etc. from the cabinet. Using a familiar technology, we will prepare a wooden cabinet for painting.
  • We spread newspapers or a large piece of polyethylene on the work surface (on the floor) so as not to spoil other furniture.

Step 2.

  1. We take white enamel and a solvent. In a small plastic jar dilute paint and solvent according to the instructions on the paint can.
  2. The paint consumption is also written on the can, it is better to use this information and dilute the required amount at once. If you mix a little paint, you may get a different color a second time.
  3. Making the background of the picture - apply the first coat of paint... Leave it to dry completely.

Step 3.

  1. If the color is saturated and you like it, then take a stencil and put it on the cabinet... Gently glue on the front side and side walls so that there are no bubbles.
  2. Shake the spray paint well and spray it over the stencil... For an even color, one layer of blue paint will be enough, so we do everything the first time.

Step 4.

While the blue paint dries we paint the accessoriesremoved from the cabinet, in gold leaf. After the parts are dry, we screw them into place.

We remove the stencil from the cabinet and place it in the most conspicuous place in the room - because now it deserves special attention!

You can decorate the wardrobe with a stencil, for example, flowers.

Master class No. 2. Renovation of the chipboard cabinet

This cabinet looked very cheap as it was made of chipboard and was conceived. But we have updated it with a beautiful ornament for a children's room, now it can fit into the interior, even hi-tech or modern.

Materials and tools

  • Prepared cabinet;
  • white paint;
  • pencil;
  • building level;
  • sponge brush;
  • masking tape;
  • additionally: protective paint (enamel).

Decor process

Step 1.

  1. Prepare furniture by cleaning surfaces from roughness, chips, cracks with putty and primer.
  2. After use special means need to give dry the surfaces completely.
  3. We take masking tape and stick it on the front side of the chest of drawers according to your individual idea.
  4. We make combinations of triangles at the top and bottom edges, rhombuses in the middle, rectangles at the top and bottom. Cut off the strips and make shapes out of them, as shown in the photo.

  • We make a rhombus by cutting out strips of equal length and placing them perpendicular to each other.
  • To make rectangles, First stick the tape evenly, parallel to the cut of the chest of drawers, and using a building level and a pencil, mark equal intervals. Cut through one.

TIP: Pay attention to the placement of fittings (handles, locks) and gaps between the drawers - it is better to be symmetrical than even.

Step 2.

Step 5.

The final stage is the application of protective enamel. It will extend the service life of the chipboard cabinet and protect it from minor mechanical influences such as moisture and dust.

And now the stylish wardrobe is ready for active use!

Color options can also be the same as in the photo below.

Master class No. 3. Painting a polished cabinet

Someone cannot believe that such a candy can be made from an old polished cabinet in vintage style, and without loss of functionality. And here's how to do it.

Materials and tools.

  • Old polished wardrobe;
  • vintage paint (regular acrylic matte);
  • white spirit or acetone;
  • brushes;
  • sandpaper or sander;
  • gold handles for boxes.

Painting process

Step 1.

Despite the fact that we are creating a vintage effect, there is no real wear and tear on the chest of drawers. Therefore, we carefully prepare it for painting.

  1. To do this, remove all the old fittings and grinder we process the entire surface of the chest of drawers. First, we use coarse sandpaper, then fine-grained sandpaper.
  2. It is not necessary to putty and primer, except for serious chips on the surface. Degrease the surface with white spirit or acetone, let it dry.

TIP: Since the paint will be applied in several layers, it is very important that it absorbs well into the wood.

Step 2.

  1. We cover with the first layer of paint. Very subtle, you can not try too hard and leave unpainted areas.
  2. We rub the first layer with fine-grained emery paper. We remove dust, but do not use wet rags, sponges, etc. in the process. We erase only with a dry cotton lint-free cloth.
  3. Next, we apply the second layer of paint, also rubbing it in. Leave to dry and rub a little again.
  4. We repeat this until the color becomes even, but a little rough. For this we used matte paint with a vintage effect. After a few days, it is completely absorbed and dries up and begins to turn yellow (pay attention to the instructions on the can so that you do not have to repaint it all over again). To avoid this, you can try this staining method on a small and inconspicuous area. Proceed with full coloring when you are satisfied with the result.

If you bought new pens, check if they match the color and screw into place. The antique white dresser is matched with golden brass carved handles with patterns.

Check the chest of drawers for compliance with your requirements - it's still comfortable, beautiful, and here's the paradox - modern. Vintage is in fashion now!

Wallpaper or film

When using a film or any other paper covering to renew the cabinet, it should be remembered that we use the cabinet every day. And usually such a coating does not last long, but it is very simple to perform.

Cloth cover

This is the most painstaking way of updating the cabinet, when the fabric is stretched over the entire plane. The method is rather outdated. But maybe someone will like it.

Spot painting for a polished cafe

Spot painting is perfect for a polished cabinet. In this case, it is not necessary to remove the varnish and sand the surface. The technique is simple:

  • Using a marker, a drawing is applied
  • The marker is used to paint with dots. Details - here.

Cabinet renovation ideas

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How to repaint a wardrobe and give furniture a second life - practical advice and advice

Have an old Soviet locker and you don't know how to get rid of it? Do not rush to throw away old furniture, because it is easy to restore, update and make it visually attractive. Read on for how simple and without extra effort give furniture a second life.

How to prepare a cabinet for painting

It is not difficult to renew old furniture, as there is a wide range of paints and varnishes and tools for their use on the market. Nevertheless, the result of furniture restoration will depend 50% on how well it was prepared for painting.

Illustrations Instructions for preparing wooden surfaces for painting

We release from the content and disassemble... To simplify finishing work, unload the shelves of the cabinet, and then remove the doors.

Close up the cracks... To fill cracks and dents in wood, putty is used. Apply the putty with a spatula along the crack direction.

We try to ensure that the thickness of the applied layer does not exceed 2 mm at a time.

Create a rough surface... To ensure the best adhesion of wood and primer, the surface of the furniture is treated with a medium-grained emery paper.

Remove grease and dirt... Dampen a thick cloth with solvent and wipe the surface to collect any dirt and sawdust.

Padding... Cover the sanded surface with a layer of deep penetration primer.

What paint to paint the cabinet

When choosing a paint, we pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Correspondence of paint to the restored surface... If restoration is to be done wooden furniture, need paint for wood or universal optionsuitable for different materials;
  • The texture of the painted surface... Among the assortment of paints and varnishes there are coatings with glossy, semi-gloss, matte and embossed texture;
  • Consumption... The lower the consumption, the less paint will go away.
Illustrations What to choose?

Alkyd and pentaphthalic enamels... These paints are characterized by good hiding power, glossy or semi-glossy texture. The most common option is PF-115 enamel.

Beware of fakes, as there are many non-original low-quality products among inexpensive enamels.

Acrylic enamels... The service life of such a coating is at least 8 years. The disadvantage of acrylic enamels is high price in comparison with less expensive alkyd counterparts.

Oil paint... Oil paints are good affordable price... The rest of the coating has a persistent toxic odor, prolonged drying and a small resource.

Cabinet Painting Tools

Illustrations Tool and description

Brushes... When choosing a brush for painting furniture, take into account its width and bristle length. The longer the bristles, the easier it will be to spread the paint evenly over the cabinet surface.

Rollers. Paint roller allows you to overlap a larger area of \u200b\u200bthe surface in one pass than can be done with a brush. Moreover, the roller paints evenly without any relief.

Sprayers (spray guns). The advantage of a spray gun is a perfectly even coating layer plus the ability to cope with staining faster than can be done using a roller.

Wood cabinet painting process

Before starting painting work, wipe the surface of the prepared cabinet with a solvent.

When painting in two or more colors, apply masking tape, with the help of which we cover certain parts of the furniture.

When painting the cabinet with a continuous layer, we try to cover as much of the surface as possible at a time. We lead the painting tool in one direction, then it will be more likely that the coating will lie flat.

Working with oil or alkyd paints, we ventilate the room. When working with acrylic enamels, there is no special need for ventilation, since there is no toxic smell.

Painting the chipboard cabinet (preparation)

If several days have passed after applying the primer, the furniture is wiped with a cloth soaked in solvent. The paint is then sprayed evenly over the entire cabinet.

After the first layer has completely dried, the second layer is applied. As a rule, two layers of coating are sufficient for high-quality painting. After the applied layers have dried, a layer of varnish is applied, which, in addition to the decorative function, will serve as a protective reinforcing layer.

It is desirable to varnish any painted surface, no matter what texture is ultimately needed - glossy or matte. To obtain a glossy texture, there is a glossy varnish, to obtain a matte texture - matte.

Painting kitchen cabinets

Kitchen cabinets should be painted in the same way as other furniture, but there are several features:

  • For the convenience of restoration, the furniture will have to be moved to a more spacious room, since the kitchen in a typical apartment is cramped;
  • Kitchen furniture is covered with a layer of grease and soot, so you need to pay special attention to preparatory work;
  • Kitchen furniture has to be washed often, so it needs to be painted in several layers so that the coating is resistant to abrasion.

How to artistically paint a wardrobe and make color gradations

The alternation of similar or, on the contrary, contrasting shades is popular when decorating modern furniture, made in a minimalistic style.

Gradation of colors allows you to visually adjust the room. For example, changing the shade from light to dark from bottom to top will make the ceiling visually lower. Conversely, a gradation from dark to light from bottom to top will make the ceiling taller.

Dot painting for a polished cabinet

Painting on the surface of the cabinet can be detailed with an accurate drawing of the ornament. But for such decoration you need to be able to draw. If you don't have artistic skills, you can do it easier and, as shown in the photo, apply colored dots with a brush in random order, so that in the end you get an interesting combination that will look harmonious from a distance.

Cabinet renovation ideas

You can update the wardrobe by completely repainting it. But this is not the easiest solution, since all the old coating must be removed, and then a primer, paint and varnish must be applied. There are simpler options.

The photo shows examples of chests of drawers covered with fabric

If there is no desire to repaint furniture or cover it with vinyl self-adhesive, why not decorative coating do not apply fabric. Considering the variety of fabrics on sale, it would be wrong to refuse to use such a material for decoration.

The cabinet surfaces are covered with a layer of low penetrating adhesive. Then the fabric is stretched and smoothed over the entire surface.

Master class number 1: painting under a stencil

  • Choice of paint... For painting through a stencil, it is preferable to use paints with a semi-liquid and thick consistency. This will prevent spreading from under the stencil.
  • Choice of brushes and roller... I do not advise working with a stencil brush, as smudges cannot be avoided. Best result guarantees the use of a foam roller or foam pad.
  • Technologists and painting technique... The stencil is applied to the cabinet surface. The swab is dipped into the paint. Then the swab is applied with light pressure to the holes in the stencil.

Master class number 2: updating the cabinet from chipboard

Consider a simple guide to rebuilding your bedside cabinet.

Illustrations Step by step guide

Old lacquered wardrobe - condition before and after restoration

Painting process... Painting polished furniture is no more difficult than painting a regular wardrobe. The secret is that all the gloss from the surface will have to be removed, and only after that proceed to painting works... The rest of the steps are standard, namely priming and painting.

Materials and tools... To work with polished surfaces, standard painting tools and standard paints and varnishes... The exception is a sander with replaceable abrasive nozzles. You can grind the polished surface by hand, but it will take a long time, so it is better to use a power tool.

Decor process... When painting, you can not be limited to applying a single color coating. Using masking tape, you can combine several colors and shades. Using stencils, decorative ornaments can be applied using interesting color combinations.

Wallpaper or film... If there is no desire to contact painting tool and do not want to waste time sanding, cover the cabinet with vinyl self-adhesive or wallpaper. The use of wallpaper in general can be considered as an ideal opportunity to harmoniously fit the wardrobe into the interior of the room.

Let's summarize

Now you know all about how to make an old cabinet new. If you still have questions about decorating furniture, ask them in the comments to the article.

April 26, 2018

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Refreshing cabinets with paint can transform your kitchen, and will cost you a lot less than replacing an old one. Before you decide to start, in any case, check the condition of your cabinets. If they are made of chipboard that is deformed and rotted, even good painting will not be able to hide the flaws. On the other hand, durable wooden cabinets can be significantly improved with a fresh coat of paint.


Part 1

Preparing Your Cabinets

    Take out all the drawers. Remove all drawers from the cabinets and remove all hardware connecting the drawers to the outside façade.

    Remove the cabinet doors. Remove the screws from the hinges and remove the doors from the frame. When the doors are removed, go back and remove all the hardware bolted to the frame frames.

    • It is also a good opportunity to assess the condition of the hardware that holds the cabinets together. Any screws, hinges and brackets that look worn out after painting the cabinets should be replaced.
  1. Wash all cabinet surfaces. To remove dirt and stains before painting kitchen cabinets use grease stain remover and a sponge or soft cloth. Rinse the cabinets with water and let them dry completely.

    • TNP, or trisodium phosphate, is an excellent industrial grade cleaner that will surely remove grease and dirt from the surfaces of your cabinets. Since TNF can be harmful to environment, you can look for a replacement.
  2. Correct any imperfections by filling in scratches or dents in the wood with wood putty or drywall putty. A professionally painted cabinet will not look finished without a smooth surface, whether you have scratches, scuffs, gouges, or other nasty blemishes on it. Make sure the filler is dry.

    • Use a putty knife or something else with a flat surface to remove excess putty. It is better to apply more than not to add, since the putty shrinks somewhat after drying. You can always fill in the dents with another layer of putty if you applied a little the first time.
    • On this stage decide if you want new drawer handles. If new hardware requires a different hole diameter, or if the holes are closer or further apart, you must fill existing holes putty on wood and drill new ones before painting.

    Part 2

    Sanding and Primer
    1. Sand the surface of the cabinets with sandpaper. Lightly sand all areas you will be painting with 120 grit sandpaper. Painting the cabinets will help the primer and paint adhere better.

      • Sanding is very important for cabinets that have a glossy polyurethane finish. New paint applied to this shiny surface will peel off quickly.
    2. Prime sanded surfaces. A primer is a coating that is applied before painting. The paint applied directly to the wood will dry very quickly, as the wood is very porous and quickly absorbs the solvent. Therefore, the Primer helps the paint to stick to it and dry longer, making the color brighter and smoother texture.

      • Most experts stick to oil-based primers. Oil based primers can be used even when used latex paint over the primer. However, you should allow the primer to dry completely and sand afterwards with sandpaper.
      • If your cabinets are stained and have old look, you can cover them with a stain primer. These primers are specifically designed to hide unsightly stains caused by mildew, smoke and other irritants.
    3. Let the primer dry, then sand the primed surface with fine sandpaper. After the primer is completely dry, rub over it with 240 grit sandpaper. Again, this will create a surface roughness that will help the paint layer (s) adhere better to the primer.

    Part 3


      Tape off any areas that you will not be painting. Glue around the inside edge of drawers or cabinets if you don't want paint to leak inside. Make sure to tape around the edge of the ceiling or walls where it meets the cabinets.

      Paint the inner parts first. Use a short brush on all small areas of the cupboard drawers, and continue painting the inside of the cupboards with a small roller or brush.

    1. Then we paint the cabinet doors. Roll out the paint on the doors with a large roller, painting over large areas at a time. Paint the edges of doors, drawers, cabinets with a small brush. Don't forget to paint the same reverse sides doors and boxes.

      • Apply paint thinly to leave fewer visible strokes. If you have primed on it beforehand, the thin strokes should cover the surface of the cabinet well. Remember that you can apply a second coat of paint.
      • You can take the cabinet doors outside or into the garage and use a paint spray to paint them. Let one side dry, turn over and apply on the other side.

Sometimes, when decorating premises, both internal and external, OSB material, chipboard and others are used. Primarily application sheet material is aimed at leveling the surface, secondly, to provide an original coating that can be painted in accordance with design solution premises. Let's try to figure out how to paint chipboard at home.

Laminated chipboard is widely used for the manufacture of furniture. But most often in construction, ordinary sheets are used, which subsequently need to be protected by staining.

Any work requires preliminary preparation. You need to carefully consider what is needed to achieve the desired result. To do this, we determine which surface we need in a finished form:

  • gloss;
  • matte finish;
  • tinted surface;
  • decoupage.

We also decide on the replacement of fittings or individual parts if furniture repair is planned. Based on the tasks set, we select the tools and materials that will be needed to realize the goal of how to change the color of furniture.

Of the tools you may need:

  • rollers with foam and velor nozzles;

  • adhesive tape to protect surfaces when performing painting work;

  • sandpaper with varying degrees of abrasion;

  • container for paint or varnish, preferably a roller tray;

  • spatula.

Of the materials, depending on the planned work, the following may come in handy:

  • putty mixtures;

  • solvents or removers of the old coating;

  • primers to increase the adhesion properties of the surface;

  • paste with color scheme;

  • impregnation for tinting;

  • varnish or paint.

In addition, you will definitely need: gloves to protect the skin of the hands, soft rags, new fittings, if you plan to replace it.

Advice! Be sure to use a primer. This will not only increase the adhesion of the paint and varnish material to the chipboard surface, but also reduce its consumption.

Chipboard painting begins with the correct determination of the material with which it is planned to perform this process. Compositions for coloring are selected very carefully in accordance with their area of \u200b\u200bapplication and characteristics:

  • It is not recommended to use PF-115 paints. Especially from the cheap options. They contain a fairly large amount of lead. Furniture painted with this composition can lead to poisoning.
  • Can I paint furniture with oil based paint? Experts do not recommend it. It is better to repaint the wood surface with furniture varnishes or enamels.
  • As for the painting of chipboard boards with acrylic or alkyd materials, there is a fairly large selection. It is carried out at the expense of aerosol species. They are very easy to use and provide perfect coverage.

Acrylic paints are also valued for the ability to dilute them with ordinary water, as well as for the performance of the tinting process in any shade.

After you have decided on the type of paints for chipboard, you need to calculate the required amount. Correct calculation begins by measuring the dimensions of the area you want to paint. After the area is determined, it must be divided by the number that is indicated on the packaging of the material. In this way, the quantity is determined. Do not forget to multiply the consumable by the number of layers. The standard consumption is 1 m 3 for 5-6 m 2.

Chipboard preparation and staining

Any work on painting chipboard at home consists of several stages. Do not neglect them if in the end you want to get a high-quality result. Furniture for the manufacture of which chipboard was used must first be prepared for painting.

Before painting chipboard furniture, you need to decide on a few questions:

  • full and partial repainting is planned;
  • dyeing design, that is, completely in one color or combined.

We will consider all the stages using a specific example, how to repaint a chest of drawers. In principle, it doesn't matter what is being repainted, the main thing is to understand the process, and you can apply it to any furniture.

In the video: painting of chipboard products.

Surface treatment

Before painting chipboard furniture, it is important to properly process its surface and prepare it for painting. Initially, the chest of drawers should be disassembled into separate elements. Remove all drawers, disassemble them if possible and remove the fittings. It will be easier to process them and paint the chipboard furniture with your own hands with high quality.

Important! Processing begins with the use of coarse sandpaper.

Sanding is necessary until the old paint has completely disappeared. We also make sure that the surface does not remain greasy stains and other contaminants. Otherwise, high-quality painting cannot be guaranteed. When sanding, movements are performed with a swing and along the fibers.

After completing rough processing, we clean the parts of the chest of drawers from shavings and dust. You can use a flat paint brush. It is absolutely impossible to work with this rag. On the contrary, the rags will hammer the shavings into the smallest indentations of the chipboard slabs, which will negatively affect the quality of the painting.

The main thing in this process is to process difficultly permissible places. Finishing the process, we again completely clean the chips. At the final stage, we wipe the details of the chest of drawers with a damp rag, then wipe with a dry rag and let dry well.


Painting work should not be started without first priming the furniture parts. Treating them with a primer will significantly increase the quality of the staining. The primer is best used on an acrylic base.

Painting of chipboard furniture is carried out both with a brush and with a roller. The main thing is that the layer is as thin as possible. After applying the composition to the surface, we leave the parts for a while to dry completely.

Choosing a paint shade

While the primer is drying, we select the tone of the paint. If you plan to paint a single color, for example, in white color, then there will be no special nuances. If you decide to be creative and paint the old chipboard furniture in combined colors, then you should choose tones that are comparable in relation to each other. We choose the main color, and already we select related tones to it, as if shading the main palette.

By the way, achieve more light shades can be done by adding some white dye.

Before you paint the chipboard with dyes, it is necessary to apply paint to the unnecessary wooden surface to determine the natural shade. This is justified by the fact that acrylic paints change tone when dry.

Paint and varnish application

Next, we will take a closer look at how to paint the chipboard with your own hands. At the first stage, we decide on the coloring solution, or rather, with its quality. It should be of optimal consistency, not liquid or thick. Also, it should not contain dry grains.

Next, we determine the number of layers applied. It is up to the consumer to decide here, who takes into account the condition of the old chipboard furniture, personal preferences and other factors. But, experienced craftsmen advise to apply at least two layers. Be sure to apply each subsequent layer after the previous one has completely dried. For even application of the layer, paint should be done with a roller or brush, which are carried out in the same direction.

The next step is to fix the paint with varnish.

To do this, after waiting until the paint is completely dry, we apply varnish to the surface using foam rubber. To do this, we dip the foam rubber into a container with varnish and evenly apply it to the paint layer with gentle movements. For the best effect, we repeat the procedure several times, naturally after the previous layer has dried. After waiting for the last layer to dry completely, you can assemble the chest of drawers.

Additional finishing touches can be added to add originality or to achieve an antique design. Draw gold lines or artificially age. The main thing is not to leave smudges and other blots during the execution of additional strokes. You can ruin all the work done. It is better to use masking tape for insurance.

Features of laminated chipboard

The question often arises of how to repaint furniture with a laminated surface. Painting process laminated chipboard almost no different from those that are carried out when working with a painted material. It consists of three stages:

  • treatment;
  • primer;
  • painting.

The only difference is the process of initial sanding of chipboard. The lamination is not completely removed. The main thing is to bring it to a state of roughness. The primer should be applied superficially, a composition with penetrating properties is not suitable for laminated chipboard.

So, having chosen the right paint tone and having studied the technology for performing repainting, you can restore the color of the furniture, update the table or paint the floor from chipboard. A thing repainted in this way can last a long time.

Chipboard restoration (1 fideo)