Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases of Omar Khayyam. Beautiful sayings about love. Omar Khayyam

To be deprived of love is to be without friends.
The one whose heart has not clung to the drink of love,
He's a donkey, even though he doesn't wear donkey ears!

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

To be captured by love, my heart, is sweet to you,
Bow your head in the dust before your dear one in prayer.
Don't be angry at the whims of your beautiful friend.
Be grateful to fate for being loved.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

In loving you I am not afraid of reproach,
I don't argue with the ignorant.
Love cup - healing for the husband,
And not for husbands - fall and shame.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

There is no love in those who are not tormented by violence
In that twig of damp smoke
Love is a bonfire, blazing, sleepless...
The lover is wounded. He is incurable!

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

In this world, love is the adornment of people;
To be deprived of love is to be without friends.
The one whose heart has not clung to the drink of love,
He's a donkey, even though he doesn't wear donkey ears!

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

God knows: without getting drunk, I stopped drinking,
Not agreeing with the hypocrite, I stopped drinking.
He drank - he wanted to console the inconsolable soul.
Having fallen in love with all my soul, I stopped drinking.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Enamored! In the sorrows of love
Don't call Heaven for help!
It, believe my words,
In love you are more powerless than yourself.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Once again, in my old age, I am a prisoner of passion.
Would I have become addicted to wine otherwise?
I broke all my vows for my beloved
And, sobbing, I curse my recklessness.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

As soon as you went out into the garden, the scarlet poppy became embarrassed,
There is no way to calm down from envy.
Why didn’t the cypress bow to you?
I saw the wondrous figure and was seized with tetanus!

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

To the radiance of the moon, beauty of the night,
I will add the warmth given by the candle,
The sparkle of sugar, the posture of a cypress tree,
The murmur of a stream... And your appearance will come out.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

What a temptation, what a temptation, God bless!...
Your face reigns in dreams day and night.
That's why there is pain in the chest and trembling in the heart,
And dry lips, and wet eyes, and trembling hands.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Only your face makes a sad heart happy.
I don't need anything except your face.
I see my image in you, looking into your eyes,
I see you in myself, my joy.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

He dressed many women in brocade and pearls,
But I could not find an ideal among them.
I asked the sage: - What is perfection?
- The one next to you! - He told me.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Torment ages beauties. Get rid of trouble
The one whose eyelids are transparent and whose lips are firm.
Be more tender with your beloved: beauty escapes,
Leaving traces of suffering on the face.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

To the world - the haven of our few days -
For a long time I fixed the inquisitive gaze of my eyes.
So what? Your face is brighter than the bright moon;
Than a slender cypress, your wonderful figure is straighter.

Persian philosopher, mathematician, astronomer and poet. He contributed to algebra by constructing a classification of cubic equations and solving them using conic sections.

Born in the city of Nishapur, which is located in Khorasan (now the Iranian province of Khorasan Razavi). Omar was the son of a tent dweller, and he also had a younger sister named Aisha. At the age of 8 he began to study mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy deeply. At the age of 12, Omar became a student at the Nishapur madrasah. Later he studied at madrassas in Balkh, Samarkand and Bukhara. There he completed a course in Islamic law and medicine with honors, receiving the qualification of haki?ma, that is, a doctor. But medical practice was of little interest to him. He studied the works of the famous mathematician and astronomer Thabit ibn Kurra, and the works of Greek mathematicians.

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About love and the meaning of life

Poems and thoughts of Omar Khayyam about love and the meaning of life. In addition to the classical translations of I. Tkhorzhevsky and L. Nekora, rare translations of the late 19th and early 20th centuries are presented (Danilevsky-Alexandrov, A Press, A. Gavrilov, P. Porfirov, A. Yavorsky, V. Mazurkevich, V. Tardov, A. Gruzinsky, F. Korsh, A. Avchinnikov, I. Umov, T. Lebedinsky, V. Rafalsky), which are published for the first time after a hundred years. The publication is illustrated with works of Eastern and European painting.

About love

Which other poet remains relevant for more than a thousand years? Who has sung the praises of vices so much that you immediately want to throw yourself into the abyss of these vices? The quatrains of Omar Khayyam are as intoxicating as wine; they are as tender and daring as the embrace of oriental beauties.

Rubai. Book of Wisdom

Live so that every day is a holiday. Unique selection of rubai! This publication contains more than 1000 best translations rubai, including both popular and rarely published ones, little known to readers. Deep, imaginative, full of humor, sensuality and audacity, rubai have survived centuries. They allow us to enjoy the beauty of Eastern poetry and learn the worldly wisdom of the great poet and scientist.

Poems about love

“Is it really possible to imagine a person, unless he is a moral freak, in whom such a mixture and diversity of beliefs, opposing inclinations and directions, high virtues and base passions, painful doubts and hesitations could be combined and coexisted...” - to this perplexed The researcher's question has a short, comprehensive answer: it is possible, if we are talking about Omar Khayyam.

Quotes and aphorisms

You like even the shortcomings in a loved one, and even the advantages in an unloved person irritate you.

Why do you expect benefit from your wisdom? You will get milk from the goat sooner. Pretend to be a fool - and you will be more useful, And wisdom these days is cheaper than leeks.

Those who have been beaten by life will achieve more,
He who has eaten a pound of salt appreciates honey more.
He who shed tears laughs sincerely,
He who has died knows that he lives.

Don't forget that you are not alone:
And in the most difficult moments, God is next to you.

Never go back. There is no point in going back anymore. Even if there are the same eyes in which thoughts were drowning. Even if you are drawn to where everything was so nice, don’t ever go there, forget forever what happened. The same people live in the past that they always promised to love. If you remember this, forget it, don’t ever go there. Don't trust them, they are strangers. After all, they once left you. They killed faith in their souls, in love, in people and in themselves. Just live what you live and even though life looks like hell, look only forward, never go back.

A pensive soul tends towards loneliness.

I have never been repulsed by a person’s poverty; it’s another matter if his soul and thoughts are poor.

You can seduce a man who has a wife. You can seduce a man who has a mistress. But you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman.

Live at least a hundred years, at least ten hundred years,
You still have to leave this world.
Be a padishah or a beggar at the market,
There is only one price for you: there are no dignities for death.

Love can do without reciprocity, but friendship never can.

When you go away for five minutes,
Don't forget to keep your palms warm.
In the palms of those who are waiting for you,
In the palms of those who remember you...

No matter how great your wisdom is, it gives you as much milk as a goat’s milk! Isn't it wiser to just play the fool? “You’ll be better off for sure.”

You can't look into tomorrow today,
Just the thought of him makes my chest feel painful.
Who knows how many days you have left to live?
Don't waste them, be prudent.

Only those who are worse than us think badly of us, and those who are better than us... They simply have no time for us...

I asked the wisest: “What have you learned?
From your manuscripts? The wisest one said:
“Happy is he who is in the arms of a tender beauty
At night I’m far from the wisdom of books!”

Be happy in this moment. This moment is your life.

The lower a person's soul,
The higher the nose lifts!
He reaches his nose there,
Where the soul has not grown...

Don't say the man is a womanizer. If he had been monogamous, it wouldn’t have been your turn.

I think it's better to be alone
How to give the heat of the soul to “someone”
Giving a priceless gift to just anyone
Once you meet your loved one, you will not be able to fall in love.

Those who lose heart die before their time.

Don’t trust someone who speaks beautifully, there is always a game in his words.
Trust the one who silently does beautiful things.

Don't be afraid to give warming words,
And do good deeds.
The more wood you put on the fire,
The more heat will return.

Passion cannot be friends with deep love,
If he can, then they won’t be together for long.

Don't look at how someone else is smarter than everyone else,
And see if he is true to his word.
If he doesn’t throw his words to the wind -
There is no price for him, as you yourself understand.

Instead of looking for the truth, we would milk a goat!

Everything is bought and sold,
And life openly laughs at us.
We are indignant, we are indignant,
But we buy and sell.

Above all the teachings and rules on how to live correctly, I chose to affirm two foundations of dignity: It is better not to eat anything at all than to eat whatever is horrible; It's better to be alone than to be friends with just anyone.

Life is ashamed of those who sit and mourn,
He who does not remember joys does not forgive insults...

One of those who writes the most best aphorisms- Omar Khayyam. This Persian mathematician is known throughout the world primarily as a philosopher and poet. Omar Khayyam's quotes are filled to the brim with meaning, which is sometimes so lacking.

If you expect gratitude for kindness -
You don't give good, you sell it.
Omar Khayyam

I enter the mosque. the hour is late and dull.
I am not thirsty for a miracle and not with a prayer:
Once upon a time I pulled a rug from here,
And he was worn out; I would need another one.
Omar Khayyam

Good and evil are at enmity - the world is on fire.
What about the sky? The sky is to the side.
Curses and joyful hymns
They don’t reach the blue heights.
Omar Khayyam

You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman.
Omar Khayyam

To be beautiful does not mean to be born so,
After all, we can learn beauty.
When a man is beautiful in soul -
What appearance can compare with her?
Omar Khayyam

How often, when we make mistakes in life, we lose those we value.
Trying to please others, sometimes we run away from our neighbors.
We exalt those who are not worthy of us, and betray the most faithful.
Those who love us so much, we offend, and we ourselves expect an apology.
Omar Khayyam

You repay good with good - well done
If you respond to evil with good, you are a sage.
Omar Khayyam

Eyes can speak. Scream with happiness or cry.
With your eyes you can encourage, drive you crazy, make you cry.
You can deceive with words, but with your eyes it is impossible.
You can drown in your gaze if you look carelessly...
Omar Khayyam

O fool, I see you have fallen into a trap,
In this fleeting life, equal to a day.
Why are you rushing about, mortal? Why are you fussing?
Give me some wine - and then keep running!
Omar Khayyam

Death is not scary.
Life can be scary
Random, imposed life...
In the dark they handed me an empty one.
And without a fight I will give this life.
Omar Khayyam

We must live, we are told, in fasting and labor.
As you live, so you will rise again!
I am inseparable from my friend and a cup of wine -
So that you can wake up at the Last Judgment.
Omar Khayyam

Lord, I'm tired of my poverty,
Tired of futile hopes and desires.
Give me new life, if you are omnipotent!
Maybe this one will be better than this one.
Omar Khayyam

Life is either sherbet on ice or wine sucks.
Mortal flesh in brocade, or dressed in rags -
Believe me, the sage doesn’t care about all this,
But it is bitter to realize that life is doomed.
Omar Khayyam

If you spend your whole life looking for pleasure:
Drink wine, listen to chang and caress beauties -
You'll have to give it up anyway.
Life is like a dream. But you can’t sleep forever!
Omar Khayyam

Conscientious and smart
Respect and visit -
And away, without looking back
Run away from the ignoramus!
Omar Khayyam

Keep your words safer than coins.
Listen to the end - then give advice.
With two ears you got one tongue.
To listen to two and give one piece of advice.
Omar Khayyam

Of those admitted to heaven and cast into hell
No one ever came back.
Are you sinful or holy, poor or rich -
When you leave, don’t expect to return either.
Omar Khayyam

Don't share your secret with people.
After all, you don’t know which of them is mean.
What do you do with God's creation?
Expect the same from yourself and from people.
Omar Khayyam

While you are alive, do not offend anyone.
Do not burn anyone with the flame of anger.
If you want to taste peace and quiet,
Suffer forever, but do not oppress anyone.
Omar Khayyam

We don’t know if life will last until the morning...
So hurry up and sow the seeds of goodness!
And take care of love in this perishable world for your friends
Every moment is more than gold and silver.
Omar Khayyam

We hope you found the sayings about the life of Omar Khayyam useful.

The biography of Omar Khayyam is full of secrets and mysteries, and his image is covered in legends. On Ancient East he was revered as a scientist. To us, he is better known as a poet, philosopher, keeper of wisdom - aphorisms full of humor and slyness. Omar Khayyam is a humanist, for him the spiritual world of a person is above all. He appreciates the joy of life and enjoyment from every minute. And his style of presentation made it possible to express what could not be said out loud in open text.

A plucked flower must be given as a gift, a poem that has been started must be completed, and the woman you love must be happy, otherwise you shouldn’t have taken on something you can’t do.

You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman!

Don't be afraid to lose those who weren't afraid to lose you. The brighter the bridges behind you burn, the brighter the road ahead...

In this unfaithful world, don’t be a fool: Don’t you dare rely on those around you. Look with a steady eye at your closest friend - A friend may turn out to be your worst enemy.

Be easier on people. If you want to be wiser, don’t hurt with your wisdom.

A true friend is a person who will tell you everything he thinks about you and tell everyone that you are a wonderful person.

You must be good with both friend and enemy! He who is good by nature will not find malice in him. If you offend a friend, you will make an enemy; if you hug an enemy, you will gain a friend.

I think it's better to be alone
How to give the heat of the soul to “someone”
Giving a priceless gift to just anyone
Once you meet your loved one, you will not be able to fall in love.

Have smaller friends, don't expand their circle. Rather, better than close ones, a friend living far away. Take a calm look at everyone who is sitting around. In whom you saw support, you will suddenly see your enemy.

We change rivers, countries, cities. Other doors. New Years. But we can’t escape ourselves anywhere, and if we escape, we will only go nowhere.

You got out of rags to riches, but quickly becoming a prince... Don’t forget, so as not to jinx it..., princes are not eternal - dirt is eternal.

I have never been repulsed by a person’s poverty; it’s another matter if his soul and thoughts are poor.

Good does not put on the mask of evil, but often evil, under the mask of good, does its crazy things.

A pensive soul tends towards loneliness.

When you leave for five minutes, do not forget to leave warmth in your palms. In the palms of those who are waiting for you, In the palms of those who remember you...

He who has been beaten by life will achieve more; he who has eaten a pound of salt values ​​honey more highly. He who shed tears laughs sincerely, He who died knows that he lives.

Love can do without reciprocity, but friendship never can.

Just the essence, how worthy of men, speak,
Only when answering - the words sir - speak.
There are two ears, but one tongue is not given by chance -
Listen twice and speak only once!

Be happy in this moment. This moment is your life.

Don’t trust someone who speaks beautifully, there is always a game in his words. Trust the one who silently does beautiful things.

What is the use of interpreting for someone who is clueless!

Don’t forget that you are not alone: ​​in the most difficult moments, God is next to you.

There will be no forgiveness for anyone who has not sinned.

You are a mine, since you go in search of a ruby, You are loved, since you live in the hope of a date. Delve into the essence of these words - both simple and wise: Everything you are looking for, you will certainly find in yourself!

Passion cannot be friends with deep love; if it can, then they will not be together for long.

Don't look at how someone else is smarter than everyone else,
And see if he is true to his word.
If he doesn't throw his words to the wind -
There is no price for him, as you yourself understand.

Like the wind in the steppe, like water in a river,
The day has passed and will never come back.
Let us live, oh my friend, in the present!
Regretting the past is not worth the effort.

When people gossip about you, it means that you have enough attention not only for yourself, but also for others. They fill themselves with you.

I would compare the world to a chessboard -
sometimes it’s day, sometimes it’s night, and you and I are pawns.
Moved quietly and beaten
and put it in a dark box to rest!

The ocean, made of drops, is large.
The continent is made up of dust particles.
Your coming and going doesn't matter.
Just a fly flew into the window for a moment...

We will leave without a trace - no names, no signs. This world will last for thousands of years. We weren’t here before, and we won’t be here after. There is no harm or benefit from this.

Don't frown at the blows of fate,
Those who lose heart die before their time.
Neither you nor I have control over fate.
It is wiser to come to terms with it. More use!

You should never explain anything to anyone. The one who does not want to listen will not hear or believe, but the one who believes and understands does not need explanations.

There is no point in locking the door in front of the future,
There is no point in choosing between evil and good.
The sky throws blindly dice -
Everything that falls out must be lost in time!

Don't punish yourself for what didn't come. Don't curse yourself because of what has passed away. Get rid of the vile life - and don’t scold yourself. Until the sword raises doom - live and protect yourself.

Life is ashamed of those who sit and mourn, who do not remember joys, who do not forgive insults...

Happiness is given to the brave, it does not like the quiet ones,
For happiness, go into the water and into the fire.
Both the rebel and the submissive are equal before God,
Don't yawn - don't waste your happiness.

The time of quiet love is more of a concern... You can catch it in your eyes, you can understand it at a glance. After all, love, oddly enough, is a big job if you value it and don’t want to lose it.

Appreciate even the bitter days of life, because they too are gone forever.

Nobility and meanness, courage and fear - everything is inherent in our bodies from birth. Until death we will become neither better nor worse; we are the way Allah created us.

It is known that everything in the world is just vanity of vanities:
Be cheerful, don't worry, that's the light.
What has happened is past, what will happen is unknown,
So don’t worry about what doesn’t exist today.

Noble people, loving each other,
They see the grief of others and forget themselves.
If you want honor and the shine of mirrors, -
Don't envy others, and they will love you.

I would like to mold my life from the smartest things
I didn’t think of it there, but I didn’t manage to do it here.
But Time is our efficient teacher!
As soon as you give me a slap on the head, you have become a little wiser.

Don't say the man is a womanizer! If he were monogamous, then your turn would not have come.

We come sinless - and we sin,
We come cheerful - and mourn.
We burn our hearts with bitter tears
And we will fall into dust, scattering life like smoke.

Don't share your secret with people,
After all, you don’t know which of them is mean.
What do you do with God's creation?
Expect the same from yourself and from people.

Love in the beginning is always tender.
In my memories, she is always affectionate.
And if you love, it’s pain! And with greed for each other
We torment and torment - always.

I came to the sage and asked him:
"What is love?".
He said, "Nothing."
But, I know, many books have been written.
“Eternity” - some write, while others write that it’s “a moment”.
Either it will scorch with fire, or it will melt like snow,
What is love? - “It’s all a person!”
And then I looked him straight in the face:
“How can I understand you? Nothing or everything?
He said, smiling: “You yourself gave the answer!” -
“Nothing or everything! There is no middle ground here!

How I want to say good words...
Let the snow fall, and with it renewal.
What a beautiful and kind life!
Appreciate all these sweet moments!
After all, our life is made up of moments like these.
And if we believe in such a miracle...
The soul sings and the heart rushes upward...
And we are not afraid of the evil blizzard!
Envy and lies do not exist.
But only peace, warmth and inspiration.
We are on earth for happiness and love!
So let this moment of glow last!

Can only be shown to sighted people. Sing the song only to those who hear. Give yourself to someone who will be grateful, who understands, loves and appreciates.

Never go back. There is no point in going back anymore. Even if there are the same eyes in which thoughts were drowning. Even if you are drawn to where everything was so nice, don’t ever go there, forget forever what happened. The same people live in the past that they always promised to love. If you remember this, forget it, don’t ever go there. Don't trust them, they are strangers. After all, they once left you. They killed faith in their souls, in love, in people and in themselves. Just live what you live and even though life looks like hell, look only forward, never go back.

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