How to make a globe out of an air. DIY vintage globe

It is most convenient to visually study the continents and bodies of water with a model the globe... However, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a ready-made globe. Then you can feel like a creator and make a miniature planet yourself. Moreover, it can be made in several ways. Consider how to make a globe with your own hands out of paper.

Preparatory stage

Cover the table on which you are going to tinker with newspapers, unnecessary papers or special oilcloth. Cook everything necessary materials, so as not to be distracted by their search in the process.

You will need:

  • pots;
  • glass containers;
  • spoon;
  • water - five glasses;
  • flour - one cup;
  • newspapers or consumer paper;
  • balloon;
  • primer;
  • brushes;
  • paints (acrylic or gouache, diluted with PVA glue);
  • scissors;
  • hot glue;
  • bushing from toilet paper;
  • plastic plate (cake stand).

A globe needs a base. Therefore, you need to figure out how to make a paper ball with your own hands. Ideally, you need a round balloon. Choose the diameter with which you want to make the globe. Inflate the balloon and tie tightly. Place it on top of a glass or any other convenient container that can serve as a stand. If you want to make the most realistic model of the planet, then try to achieve a slightly flattened shape. If you only find a standard oval balloon, just inflate it lightly.

Cook the paste

Before making a globe with your own hands out of paper, you need to prepare a binding solution - a paste. Pour four glasses of water into a saucepan and put on fire to boil. Meanwhile, in another container, knead the flour with the rest of the liquid. As soon as the water boils, gradually add the resulting mixture into it, stirring constantly.

Reduce heat to low and cook for a couple of minutes. Do not stop stirring, otherwise it will burn. The finished paste can be put in a cool place so that it cools down faster.

How to make a paper ball with your own hands

Tear the newspaper with your hands into small strips or squares. Lubricate the balloon with oil or petroleum jelly. Place a pot of binder in front of you. Dip the newspaper pieces into the paste and apply to the ball. So make some layers. Do not forget to leave a small hole through which you will later take out the ball. Cover the remaining paste with a tight lid or plastic bag... Leave the workpiece to dry for a day.

Warm up the adhesive mixture and repeat the whole process. That is, wrap the ball with pieces of paper and let dry. In principle, you can stop at this stage. But the more layers of paper there are, the stronger the ball will be.

We are already approaching how to make a globe with our own hands. We did not completely make paper out of paper closed blank, but with a small hole. Pierce a balloon through it or untie the tip and deflate. Do not let go of the tail, keep it with your fingers. Remove the balloon. The result is a hollow papier-mâché blank in the shape of a ball.

We paint and create continents

Cover the future globe with a primer and let it dry. Now paint the ball blue. This is how we simulate the oceans and seas. Freehand or using stencils, draw the continents with a pencil. Paint them in green, brown, yellow and white based on a real mockup. Optionally sign the names of continents, bodies of water, islands, and so on. Now it remains to make a stand to make a desktop globe. But first, let's look at how else you can make a map of the world.

Other options for creating continents

We paint the globe blue. We cut out the finished continents from paper and glue it to the ball. The map can be left white so that in the process of learning the child himself painted the continents and bodies of water in the colors you want... Or you can completely cover the globe with blue paper, and then apply the continents.

The easiest way is to transfer a ready-made world map. Some craftsmen process the image in a graphics editor: enlarge, stretch, and then print and paste. And you can do even easier - take as a basis a ready-made model of a globe made of paper. For example, you can use the image above and resize it to the correct size.

Globe stand

Take a toilet paper sleeve, cut one side and fold it back. Apply hot glue to these and attach to the middle of the plastic plate. You can use the bottom of a round cake box instead. Expand the hole in the globe if necessary. Insert the other side of the sleeve, previously greased with glue, into it. The desktop globe is ready. If the papier-mâché blank is quite weighty, then weight the stand with plaster of paris or use a container with sufficient weight instead of a plate.

How else to make the base for the globe

  • Simply crumple up the newspapers and wrap the paper in several layers until you get something that looks like a ball. The method is simple and quick, but not neat.
  • Buy a pre-made foam blank.
  • Use christmas balls if you want to make a small globe.

Take as a basis a volleyball, soccer, gymnastic or other ball of a suitable diameter. You can immediately draw or stick continents on them. Or you can use them as a form for papier-mâché. Only the piece of paper will have to be cut to remove the ball. But you can attach loops to the halves and turn the model of the planet into a box.

Now you know how to make a paper globe with your own hands. Try to make it with your children, they will definitely enjoy this fun process.

Do you know whether you how to do globe do it yourself at home ?! After searching the Internet for a solution to this issue, I decided to post my own instructions for making a miniature model of our planet. For manufacturing, I will use the most minimal set of available tools.

So let's start ... To make a small globe we need:

1. Ball - the ball should be the size you want to make the globe. Do not take too large, as you still need to print a card on it.
2. Silicate glue - ordinary silicate glue that children still use in schools.
3. Newspaper - a simple newspaper, 1-2 pages are enough.
4.Piece polyethylene - Polyethylene preferably not hard is needed, for such a role, polyethylene from a loaf of bread is quite suitable.
5. Printer with computer for map creation and printing.
6. Scissors.
Below you can see the guide in photos.

We take the ball, moistened with water, glue pieces of polyethylene on it around the circumference. If the diameter of the ball is about 20 cm, the pieces of polyethylene should be no more than 2x2 cm. After the ball has been covered with one layer of polyethylene, you can start gluing the newspaper.

Pieces of newspapers about 2x2 cm in size must be carefully glued with silicate (paper) glue so that folds do not form. Having completely covered the surface of the ball with one layer of newspaper, you can proceed to the next layer. How many layers from the newspaper to glue should be decided by themselves, depending on what strength you need the globe. But at the same time, the minimum number of layers from the newspaper should be at least 5 layers. When the work is finished, it takes about a day for our ball to harden and acquire some strength.
Second day. We take our future globe to make a perfect ball, do not forget to grind the surface with sandpaper (zero). Then we cut it into two even parts in half and remove the ball. You can return the ball to the owner, it will no longer be useful to us. :)

Let's give our hemispheres some additional strength by gluing stiffeners to them. Ordinary CDs or DVDs are suitable as hemispheric amplification. We glue them as shown in the figure.
After the glue has dried a little, you need to glue the hemispheres, having previously noted for yourself where the bottom will be and where the top will be. There will be an equator at the seam of the ball, the axis will pass through the holes on the CDs.
After printing the card on a printer, before cutting into slices, you need to cover it with a layer of tape. After that, carefully cutting the sweep of the globe into orange slices, glue it onto the ball. First, we glue one half of the sweep, then we take on the other.

If everything is calculated correctly, you should get a globe like this.

Master Class. Globe "Planet of Knowledge"

Making a globe with your own hands using the "Gossamer" technique. Master Class

The master class is designed for middle-aged children school age, as well as their parents and teachers.

Every year on the first Saturday in October, we celebrate such a wonderful holiday as Teacher's Day. And every year the same question arises: "What gift to present to your beloved teacher?" Every child wants to please his teacher with something special. Children love to create gifts for their teachers with their own hands. And it is right! Someone will write a verse, someone will draw a still life, and someone will make a postcard with tender wishes. And for those who have not been able to decide which gift is better to make, we present our master - class on making a globe with your own hands, using the "Web" technique. First, let's remember what a globe is?

The ball on the stand is a miracle

Colorful and beautiful.

You can't count all the colors,

What is on the ball.

There are mountains and seas there,

The ball is magic, they say

Oceans and forests

These are the miracles!

And there are many other miracles

I've seen the ball.

For example, if you want,

You can turn the ball!

On a magic ball

We all have our own home,

Each has a route.

The ball is called GLOBE.

So that you can imagine

The globe is a copy of the earth!

Well, now I propose to proceed directly to the manufacture of our miracle - a gift.

For this we will need : crepe paper (blue, green), velvet colored paper, threads (blue, blue, green), sour cream cup, ball, Crystal glue, PVA glue, skewers 6 pcs., alabaster, cotton pad 2 pcs. , button 2 pcs., synthetic winterizer.

To make the "body" of our globe, we need PVA glue, inflated balloon(medium size), needle and thread in three colors. We thread a thread into the needle (first blue, then blue and green), pierce a bottle of glue, and after stretching the threads through it, we begin to wrap our ball (previously greased with petroleum jelly or any other cream).

Then you need to let our "ball" dry thoroughly.

While it dries, we will start making a mount for our globe. To do this, we will take a wire and form it into a frame of the desired shape and size. And then we wrap it tightly woolen thread.

Our base is ready, which means it's time to make an "axis" around which everything will revolve. To do this, we need 6 skewers glued together with Crystal glue, and wrapped in woolen thread to match our fastening.

After complete drying, you can start making the "body" of our globe. The first thing we have to do is to remove the ball we don't need, for this we pierce it and carefully remove it. Next, we fill the "ball" with padding polyester, as tightly as possible. We glue the “continents” cut out of velvet colored paper with the help of “Crystal” glue.

We glue the cut-out cotton pads in place of the supposed "poles". We also use Kristall glue.

So, all the parts are almost ready, you can start assembling. We put the “body” of the globe on the “axis”, fix it at the base and fix the previously prepared buttons at both ends.

Now let's get down to making the base, in which we will subsequently fix our globe.

To do this, wrap a sour cream cup with crepe - paper and decorate it with woolen thread.

Well, our wonderful globe is ready!

You can proudly present it to your beloved teacher !!!

Thank you very much for your attention !!!

Creative successes to all!