Map of Poland in Russian. Detailed map of Poland in Russian with cities, road map. Where is Poland

The Republic of Poland is a state in Central Europe. Borders with , . From the north, Poland is washed by the Baltic Sea. Area - 312,679 sq. km, population - about 39 million people, capital - Warsaw.

The relief of Poland is varied - low-lying in the north and in the center. On the Baltic coast there are wide sandy beaches. In the west and north, in forested and hilly areas, there are thousands of lakes, the area of ​​the largest of which (Snyardwy) is 113 square meters. km. In the south of Poland there are mountains and hills. Mount Śnieżka, with a height of 1,603 m, is the highest point of the Sudetenland, and in the Tatras, the highest peak in Poland is Mount Ryś (2,499 m). Forest areas and numerous rivers are also typical for Poland, among which the two largest stand out - the Vistula and Odra.

The fauna of Poland is diverse. The forests are inhabited by lynxes, elk, wild boars, wild cats, deer, and bison. In the mountains you can meet wolves and bears.

The climate is mild, formed under the influence of sea air masses. In summer westerly winds bring coolness and rain to Poland, and snowfall in winter. Heat comes from the east in summer and frost in winter. In July the average is +18 °C, in January −4 °C. The amount of precipitation depends on the altitude of the area above sea level. Minimal amounts (up to 500 mm) fall in the Gulf of Gdańsk, the Lesser Poland Lowland, and parts of the Vistula Valley. In the south, in mountainous areas, maximum precipitation falls - up to 1,800 mm. The Polish climate is characterized by frosts in May, late autumn and early spring.

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We present to your attention several maps of Poland. They will help you prepare for the exam - this way you will better understand the material about territorial division Poland, the number of voivodeships and their centers, powiats, its position in the world (who are its neighbors, who does it border with). And also see the borders before 1939 - to search for your roots and determine in which voivodeship your ancestors lived, in order to know how to search correctly. For those who are looking for a road map, it is also there. Maps are usually in good resolution - in order to look at it in more detail, you need to click on it - it will open in a new window - select the zoom and see everything in great detail.

Administrative map of Poland (voivodeship) the whole country is divided into 16 voivodeships:

Warmia-Masuria - Olsztyn (Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Olsztyn)
Wielkopolskie - Poznań
West Pomeranian - Szczecin (Zachodniopomorskie, Szczecin)
Kuyavian-Pomeranian - Bydgoszcz | Toruń (Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Bydgoszcz, Toruń)
Lodz - Lodz (Łódzkie, Łódź)
Lublin - Lublin (Lubelskie, Lublin)
Lubuskie - Gorzow Wielkopolski | Zielona Gora (Lubuskie, Gorzów Wielkopolski, Zielona Gora)
Mazowieckie - Warsaw (Mazowieckie, Warszawa)
Lesser Poland - Krakow (Małopolskie, Kraków)
Lower Silesian - Wroclaw (Dolnośląskie, Wrocław)
Opole - Opole (Opolskie, Opole)
Podkarpackie - Rzeszow (Podkarpackie, Rzeszów)
Podlaskie - Białystok
Pomeranian - Gdansk (Pomorskie, Gdańsk)
Świętokrzyskie - Kielce
Silesian - Katowice (Śląskie, Katowice)

In turn, voivodeships are divided into powiats (similar to districts). There are 314 powiats in Poland (and they consist of 2479 gminas).

The most detailed map of Poland in Russian looks a little unclear - click and look.

Map of Poland from satellite. Explore the satellite map of Poland online in real time. Detailed map Poland was created on the basis of high-resolution satellite images. As close as possible, the satellite map of Poland allows you to study in detail the streets, individual houses and attractions of Poland. The map of Poland from the satellite easily switches to regular card(scheme).

Poland- one of the largest countries in Europe. In terms of area, it is the 9th European country. In the north, Poland is washed by the Baltic Sea. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. The official language is Polish.

Thanks to oceanic air masses, the climate in Poland is very mild. Therefore, winters in Poland are cold and frosty, and summers are hot and sometimes cool. The average temperature in winter is -4C...-6C, with frequent snowfalls. average temperature in summer - +17...+19С. Features of the Polish climate are frosts in May, the arrival of early spring and the late onset of autumn.

Poland is a country with an amazing atmosphere, many of whose cities preserve not only the architectural buildings of past times, but also the spirit of that time. Despite the fact that during the Great Patriotic War Warsaw was completely destroyed; today this city in its architecture resembles a medieval capital.

But the most visited and most beautiful Polish city is Krakow, which was practically not damaged during the war. In Krakow, literally everything breathes history. In this city you can see green parks, old churches, castles covered with ivy. Another interesting Polish city is Gdansk, where you can see the City Hall, the Golden Gate, built in the 17th century, and the largest Gothic church in all of Poland.

Tourism in Poland is quite developed. There are many wonderful places in this country for beach holiday on the Baltic coast, where tourists from all over Poland and nearby countries come in summer. Ski resorts are also very popular. The most famous winter recreation centers are the Beskids, Krkonosze Mountains and Zakopane.

Youth recreation centers are resorts on lakes, of which there are also a huge number in Poland. Agritourism, which involves outdoor recreation in ancient estates, is also popular in this country.

Poland is located in the very geographical center of Europe, but is more often referred to as the region of Eastern Europe. It is the 9th largest state in this part of the world and 69th in the world. In recent centuries, its borders have constantly changed; today the country stretches 720 km from south to north and the same distance from west to east. A detailed map of Poland shows that from the north it is washed by the waters of the Baltic Sea, but has no large island territories, with the exception of the islands of Wolin and Karsibur, located at the mouth of the Odra.

Poland on the world map: geography, nature and climate

The length of Poland's borders is relatively small - 3528 km, but the country's key location in the region places Poland on the world map between seven neighbors. In the northeast, Poland borders Russia (via the Kaliningrad region) and Lithuania on a small section of the border. The country's neighbor from the east is Belarus, from the southeast - Ukraine and Slovakia. Due to the significant irregularity of the borders, Poland has the longest border section with the Czech Republic - 796 km. From the west the country borders on Germany. The country's coastline is quite flat and stretches for 770 km.

Geographical position

Despite the relatively small area(312685 km 2), the country's territory is quite diverse. The northern and central part of Poland is located on the so-called Polish Lowland, which is a continuation of the North German Plain. The relief in this region was formed by glaciers during the last glaciation. To the south, low hills and plateaus begin (up to 60 meters).

The country's southern borders run along two large mountain ranges. Located on the Czech border Sudetes, whose highest point reaches 1603 meters. And the regions bordering Slovakia and Ukraine lie at the northern tip of the Carpathian Mountains. Here is the most high point countries - northern top of Mount Rysy(2499 m). It is worth noting that the main peak of the mountain is 4 meters higher and is already in Slovakia. Overall, only about 9% of the country's territory is located above 300 meters above sea level.

Poland is one of the most forested regions in Europe. About a quarter of the country's area is occupied by forests. The soils of the Polish lowlands are mostly infertile, but up to 40% of the land is used for agriculture.

The region's water basin is abundant. The largest rivers in Poland - Vistula And Audra. Most of the country's rivers are their tributaries. The region also abounds in small lakes, the largest of which belong to the Masurian Lakes. On the map of Poland in Russian you can find the largest of them - Sniardwy. But it does not exceed 113 km 2 in area.

Animal and plant life

The flora and fauna of the country is typical of northern Europe and cannot boast big amount endemic species. The forests of Poland are represented by mixed forests. The main plant species are pine, birch, beech, oak, spruce, poplar and maple.

The country's fauna is quite poor for the European region. Deer, elk, bears and wild boars are found in local forests. Chamois live in mountainous areas. In the lands bordering Belarus, one can observe a resurgent population of European bison. The most common bird species are wood grouse, black grouse and partridge. The country's coastal waters are rich in commercial fish species, such as herring and cod.


Most of the country is in a temperate climate zone - from maritime in the north to continental in the south. Average winter temperatures range from -2 to -6°C. Summer is also not hot - 17-20°C.

In mountainous regions, temperatures are on average 5 degrees lower. The amount of precipitation in the lowland regions is 500-600 mm per year. In the mountainous south this figure is higher - more than 1000 mm. The High Tatras mountain range receives up to 2000 mm of precipitation per year.

Map of Poland with cities. Administrative division of the country

Poland has its own unit administrative structure - voivodeship. In total the country is divided into 16 voivodeships. A map of Poland with cities in Russian allows you to see that the population density in the south of the country is slightly higher than in the north, but on average it is 123 people per km 2.


Warsaw is the capital and The largest city states. Located in the eastern part of the country. A major cultural and economic center of the region. Most prestigious educational establishments countries are concentrated here - approximately a third of the city's population are students.


Krakow is the historical center and the second largest and most important city in Poland. Located in the south of the country. It is the most popular tourist destination in the region. Thanks to the abundance architectural monuments, Krakow is listed world heritage UNESCO.


Katowice is located 70 km west of Krakow. The city is the center of the Silesian agglomeration. It is the most economically active city in the country, a center of trade and heavy industry.