Comparison of the names of the adjectives of the exercise. Comparison of adjectives in English

Comparative adjectives


A. Write the Comparative forms of the adjectives:

tall taller ____________





6.light ____________

7.rear ____________

8. common____________

9.bad ____________


B. Correct the sentences

1. Cats are popularer than snakes as pets. X

2. Pigs are more intelligent as other animals. X


3. Turtles are slow than crocodiles. X


4. Elephants are heavyer than pigs. X


5. Bears are more rare than snakes. X


Comparative adjectives

1. I am ___________ (tall) my sister.

2. My mum thinks that cats are ___________ (good) pets than dogs.

3. Cycling is one of ___________ (dangerous) sports.

4. I want to have ___________ (big) car.

5. A blue whale is ___________ (heavy) twenty-five elephants.

6. You look ___________ (thin) last month. Have you lost weight?

7. Bicycles are ___________ (slow) cars.

8. She is ___________ (nice) person I know.

9. What is ___________ (good) film you´ve seen?

10. Computers are ___________ (cheap) mobile phones.

11. Is your brother ___________ (tall) you?

12. I think Spanish is ___________ (easy) Japanese.

13. Our dog is ___________ (nice) your dog.

14. Glass bottles are ___________ (good) plastic bottles.

15. I think Rafael Nadal is ___________ (good) tennis player in Spain.

16. Sharks are ___________ (dangerous) other fish.

17. This situation is ___________ (serious) the last one.

18. He is ___________ (smart) his brother.

19. My brother wanted ___________ (expensive) trainers in the shop.

20. Today is ___________ (good) day of the year.

21.Daniela is ___________ (funny) me.

22. My house is ___________ (larger).

23. Mount Everest is ___________ (high) mountain in the world.

24. The sea is ___________ (large) a lake.

25. My job is ___________ (easy) yours.

26. London is ___________ (big) city in England.

27. This car is ___________ (comfortable) yours.

28. He is ___________ (rich) man in town.

29. I am ___________ (strong) you.

30. A baby blue whale gets ___________ (big) a great white shark.

Comparative adjectives

1. A Mercedes is ________ (expensive) a Fiat.

3. A swordfish is ________ (fast) a jellyfish.

5. Irene is ________ (clever) Silvia.

6. Comedies are ________ (funny) police dramas.

7. Pablo is ________ (big) Juanma.

8. Max is ________ (old) John.

9. Adriano is ________ (fast) Ronaldo.

10. My hair is ________ (long) yours.

11. A dolphin is ________ (intelligent) a shark.

12. Elaine is ________ (wise) her sister.

13. Tony is ________ (happy) Max.

14. Sandra is ________ (busy) Sam.

15. Skiing is ________ (dangerous) football.

16. This is ________ (narrow) of all roads in Málaga.

17. Health is ________ (important) money.

18. Those cakes are ________ (bad) I´ve ever tasted.

19.My dog ​​is ________ (good) dog in the world.

20. Patricia's house is ________ (small) Linda's.

21. A car is ________ (fast) a bike.

22. My laptop is ________ (fast) yours.

23. The ant is ________ (small) insect.

24. This lamp is ________ (bright) one in the room.

25. My house is ________ (clean) her house.

26. Jack is ________ (tall) boy in his class.

27. Steven Spielberg is ________ (good) film director in the world.

28. This dress is ________ (old) that one.

29. A sea lion is ________ (heavy) a lobster.

30. A sports car is ________ (fast) a motorbike.

Comparative and superlative adjectives





12. happy

14. narrow





20. little

23. much

24. many

Hello everyone! From the previous article, English adjectives with translation, you know that an adjective is a sign of an object or phenomenon, answers the question What? They are relative (relative) and qualitative (qualitative). And that only qualitative ones form comparative degrees, because in relation to the relative, we cannot say more glassy or glassier. But first things first.

So, only qualitative adjectives have degrees of comparison (Degrees of comparison) of which there are only three in English: positive, comparative and excellent. Just like any other language, English also has its own exceptions, which we'll talk about a little later. And now we will analyze each degree of comparison and their education separately.

Positive degree

By by and large there is nothing to say here. This is a simple, initial form that denotes the quality of a person, phenomenon or object beyond comparison with similar ones with the same qualities. Typically, this is the form given in the dictionary. For example: dark (dark), cold (cold), yellow (yellow), polite (polite).

Comparative degree

This degree is used when it is necessary to compare several objects, phenomena or persons. Comparative degree demonstrates a lesser or greater degree of a feature. Often used with union than (than)... In order to form a comparative degree you need:

  • Add an ending to the positive degree (initial form) of disyllabic and monosyllabic adjectives "-Er": d arker (darker), colder (colder), yellower (yellower)
  • If the word ends in "-E", then the additional letter "E" goes down: polite - politer (polite - more polite)
  • In the case when the word ends in "-Y", then forming a comparative degree "Y" is replaced by a letter "I": heavy - heavier (heavy - heavier), lucky - luckier (successful - more successful)
  • When the adjective in a simple form ends with a consonant letter preceded by a short vowel sound, then the consonant at the end is doubled on the basis of the comparative degree: hot - hotter
  • Polysyllabic adjectives form a comparative degree analytically using special additional words - l ess (less) / more (more): less comfortable - comfortable - more comfortable

Superlative degree

This degree determines the lowest or highest degree of a feature among several compared persons, objects or phenomena. For a superlative degree education, you must:

  • Add the ending to the initial form of disyllabic and monosyllabic adjectives "-Est", and before the word itself, you must insert the article "The": the darkest (the darkest), the thinnest (the thinnest)
  • On adjectives on "-E", "y" and a consonant with a short vowel, the same rules apply as for the basis of a comparative degree: the simplest (the simplest)
  • Polysyllabic adjectives create a superlative degree using special words "Least / most": interesting - the most interesting (interesting - the most / most interesting), talented - the least talented (talented - the least talented)


It's time to talk about exceptions as well.

The following two-syllable adjectives form degrees of comparison simultaneously with special words least / most, less / more, and with the endings "-Er", "-est": sour, simple, serious, quiet, polite, pleasant, narrow, handsome, gentle, friendly, cruel, common, clever, angry, able.

Some adjectives acquire special forms during the formation of degrees of comparison. There are no rules here. These words and their declensions must be remembered:




Good Good better better the best The best
Bad Bad worse worse the worst The worst
Little Small worse smaller the least Least
Many / much Numerous more more the most The greatest

You will also have to learn a few adjectives that have various forms superlative and comparative:
Main degrees of comparison English adjectives These are the main degrees of comparison of English adjectives and the rules for their formation. I hope the material was very useful to you.


The best way to remember something is through constant practice. Therefore, if you want to learn Degrees of comparison of English adjectives faster and easier, then do some practice exercises that you can download on our website.

Here you will also find the correct answers. Just mind, when completing assignments, do not peep at the answers! If you notice several errors of the same type in yourself, then this means that the corresponding material must be repeated again, and then the same type of task must be performed again.

Expand your knowledge, learn English with pleasure and good mood. See you later! Keep for updates. Comments and constructive criticism are welcome!

Exercise 2. Insert the appropriate adjective to the desired degree.

  1. A train is ___________ than a bus.
  2. This text is the ___________ of all.
  3. I was ill last week but today I am________
  4. Park Street is _______ than Market Street.
  5. This jacket is small for me. Show me a ________ one.
  6. What is the __________ thing in life?
  7. A crocodile is _________ than a water snake.
  8. Helen is the ________ girl in our class.

Exercise 3. Exercise Expand the parentheses by putting the suggested adjective to the appropriate degree.

  1. Jill's a far________ (intelligent) person than my brother.
  2. Kate was the_________ (practical) of the family.
  3. Greg felt __________ (bad) yesterday than the day before.
  4. This wine is the ____________ (good) I’ve ever tasted.
  5. Jack was the________ (tall) of the two.
  6. Jack is the__________ (clever) of the three brothers.
  7. If you need any ___________ (far) information, please contact our head office.
  8. The sinking of Titanic is one of _____________ (famous) shipwreck stories of all time.
  9. Please, send the books back without_________ (far) delay.
  10. The deposits of oil in Russia are by far the __________ (rich) in the world.
  11. Could you come a bit _______ (early) tomorrow?
  12. I like this song _________ (well) than the previous one.
  13. Which of these two performances did you enjoy ________ (much)?
  14. The fire was put out _________ (quickly) than we expected.

Exercise 4. Insert more or less.

  1. People are______ intelligent than monkeys.
  2. Summer holidays are ____ splendid than winter holidays.
  3. Maths is _____ important than English.
  4. Books are ______ interesting than films.
  5. Writing in English is_____ difficult than speaking.
  6. Parents are_______ helpful than teachers.
  7. Reading is_______ useful than watching TV.
  8. Food is _____ expensive than clothes.

Exercise 5. Compare by pattern.

Maths and English. (difficult)

Maths is as difficult as English.

History and Russian, (difficult)

History is not so difficult as Russian.

  1. Weather in autumn and weather in summer. (pleasant)
  2. A bike and a motor-bike, (comfortable)
  3. A snake and a crocodile, (dangerous)
  4. Shoes and coats, (expensive)
  5. Holidays and week-ends, (wonderful)
  6. Ann and Nell, (beautiful)

Exercise 6. Read the sentences. Choose one of the suggested answer options.

1. Mike found himself a _______ job somewhere out of town.

2. We prefer the Palm Beach though it is _______ from the center.

3. This detailed map is ________ the atlas.

a) more useful as

b) more useful like

c) more useful than

4. Safari parks are ________ places of all to keep animals.

5. This computer is ________ advanced than the old model.

6. They talked about ____________ developments in agriculture.

7. The situation is_____________ now and there isn "t an easy solution.

a) less more complicated

b) many more complicate

c) much more complicated

d) farther more complicated

8. People stay indoors during the _________ part of the day.

Exercise 7. Underline the correct use of the degree of adjectives old, near, far, late.

  1. Let’s take a later / latest train.
  2. Computers are one of the latest / last discoveries of the 20th century.
  3. Sorry I'm late - am I the last / latest?
  4. That’s a further / farther reason to do it.
  5. This poem belongs to his latter / later works.
  6. Jane is 2 years older / elder than Jack.
  7. Jane is older / elder than Jack by two years.
  8. My older / elder brother is 5 years older / elder than me.
  9. Where is the nearest / nex t post office?
  10. The teacher told us about the latest / last elections in this country.
  11. The nearest / next house to ours is 2 miles away.

1. Select the correct degree of the adjective in brackets:

Nick is (happier, the happiest) boy that I know. - Nick is the happiest boy I know. Of the six cars, I like the silver one (better, best). - Of the six cars, I like the silver one the most. Jane's notebook is (cheaper, the cheapest) than mine. “Jane’s laptop is cheaper than mine. This is (more delicious, the most delicious) cheese-cake I have ever had! - This is the most delicious cheesecake I have ever tasted! This bookcase is (more beautiful, the most beautiful) than that one. “This bookcase is prettier than that. Do you feel (better, the best) today than yesterday? - Do you feel better today than yesterday? I think my cat is (prettier, the prettiest) of all the cats in the world. - I think my cat is the most beautiful cat in the world. Steve Jobs is (more famous, famouser) than Stephen Wozniak. - Steve Jobs is better known than Steven Wozniak. This week the weather is (hotter, more hot) than last week. - This week the weather is hotter than last week. Our new house is (more expensive, expensiver) than the old one. - Our new house more expensive than the old one. Girls are usually (cleaner, more clean) than boys. - Girls are usually cleaner than boys. Chemistry was (harder, the hardest) subject at school. - Chemistry was the most difficult subject at school.

2. Give the degree of comparison of adjectives.

E.g. wet - wetter - the wettest

Expensive - more expensive - the most expensive

1. big 2. clever 3. good 4. pleasant 5. poor 6. bad 7. funny 8. important 9. sunny 10. far 11. comfortable 12. wise

3. Make sentences from the given words and translate them.

Most - the Mona Lisa - in - is - painting - the - famous - the - world. Longer - the Don - is - the Volga - than. More - Spain - Germany - than - beautiful - is. London - city - in - biggest - the - England - is. The - team - Adam - is - worst - the - player - in.


1. the happiest 2. best 3. cheaper 4. the most delicious 5. more beautiful 6. better 7. the prettiest 8. more famous 9. hotter 10. more expensive 11. cleaner 12. the hardest

Big - bigger - the biggest Clever - cleverer - the cleverest Good - better - the best (excl.) Pleasant - more pleasant - the most pleasant Poor - poorer - the poorest Bad - worse - the worst (excl.) Funny - funnier - the funniest Important - more important - the most important Sunny - sunnier - the sunniest Far - farther - the farthest (excl.) Comfortable - more comfortable - the most comfortable Wise - wiser - the wisest

The Mona Lisa is the most famous painting in the world. - “Mona Lisa” is the most famous painting in the world. The Volga is longer than the Don. - The Volga is longer than the Don. Spain is more beautiful than Germany. - Spain is more beautiful than Germany. London is the biggest city in England. - London - The largest city in England. Adam is the worst player in the team. - Adam is the worst player on the team.

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Training exercises

1. Select the correct degree of the adjective in brackets:

  1. Nick is (happier, the happiest) boy that I know. - Nick is the happiest boy I know.
  2. Of the six cars, I like the silver one (better, best). - Of the six cars, I like the silver one the most.
  3. Jane's notebook is (cheaper, the cheapest) than mine. “Jane’s laptop is cheaper than mine.
  4. This is (more delicious, the most delicious) cheese-cake I have ever had! - This is the most delicious cheesecake I have ever tasted!
  5. This bookcase is (more beautiful, the most beautiful) than that one. “This bookcase is prettier than that.
  6. Do you feel (better, the best) today than yesterday? - Do you feel better today than yesterday?
  7. I think my cat is (prettier, the prettiest) of all the cats in the world. - I think my cat is the most beautiful cat in the world.
  8. Steve Jobs is (more famous, famouser) than Stephen Wozniak. - Steve Jobs is better known than Steven Wozniak.
  9. This week the weather is (hotter, more hot) than last week. - This week the weather is hotter than last week.
  10. Our new house is (more expensive, expensiver) than the old one. - Our new house is more expensive than the old one.
  11. Girls are usually (cleaner, more clean) than boys. - Girls are usually cleaner than boys.
  12. Chemistry was (harder, the hardest) subject at school. - Chemistry was the most difficult subject at school.

2. Give the degree of comparison of adjectives.

E.g. wet - wetter - the wettest

Expensive - more expensive - the most expensive

1. big 2. clever 3. good 4. pleasant 5. poor 6. bad 7. funny 8. important 9. sunny 10. far 11. comfortable 12. wise

3. Make sentences from the given words and translate them.

  1. most - the Mona Lisa - in - is - painting - the - famous - the - world.
  2. longer - the Don - is - the Volga - than.
  3. more - Spain - Germany - than - beautiful - is.
  4. London - city - in - biggest - the - England - is.
  5. the - team - Adam - is - worst - the - player - in.

Exercise 4. Tell me which of the following sentences is correct, correct any mistakes. Say which of these sentences are right and correct the wrong ones.

1 I hope that next time you’ll speak to your uncle more politely. 2. Peter usually comes to his classes most late of his classmates. 3. Who can solve this problem most quickly? 4. This time he listened to his little sister patienter than usual. 5. Could you speak a little slower, please? 6. When I was a very young child I thought that to sing best meant to sing loudest. 7. I think that now I see the whole problem much more clearly. 8. Who lives more near to the school - you or your friend? 9. Alice goes to the theater frequentest of us all. 10. Will you raise your hands a bit higher, please? I can "t see them. 11. In December it snows oftener than in November. 12. He knows three languages ​​but he speaks English easiest. 13. Last night I slept peacefullier than before. 14, Could you come to school more early and water the plants tomorrow? 15. This new computer works most fast and can solve problems in no time.

Exercise 5. Translate.

  1. Could you drive faster?
  2. The train arrived earlier than usual.
  3. My sister helps my mother more often than other members of our family.
  4. Vasya jumped the highest of the five athletes.
  5. Mrs. Finch speaks to nurses more patiently than any other doctor.
  6. Our dog barks louder than the neighbor's.
  7. My brother writes to my grandmother more often than I do.
  8. Anna speaks English better than Vasya.
  9. Vasya lives closest to school.


1. the happiest 2. best 3. cheaper 4. the most delicious 5. more beautiful 6. better 7. the prettiest 8. more famous 9. hotter 10. more expensive 11. cleaner 12. the hardest

  1. big - bigger - the biggest
  2. clever - cleverer - the cleverest
  3. good - better - the best (excl.)
  4. pleasant - more pleasant - the most pleasant
  5. poor - poorer - the poorest
  6. bad - worse - the worst (excl.)
  7. funny - funnier - the funniest
  8. important - more important - the most important
  9. sunny - sunnier - the sunniest
  10. far - farther - the farthest (excl.)
  11. comfortable - more comfortable - the most comfortable
  12. wise - wiser - the wisest
  1. The Mona Lisa is the most famous painting in the world. - "Mona Lisa" is the most famous painting in the world.
  2. The Volga is longer than the Don. - The Volga is longer than the Don.
  3. Spain is more beautiful than Germany. - Spain is more beautiful than Germany.
  4. London is the biggest city in England. - London is the largest city in England.
  5. Adam is the worst player in the team. - Adam is the worst player on the team.

Exercise 4.

1 -> correct;

2 most late -> latest;

3-> correct;

4 patienter -> more patiently;

5-> correct;

6-> correct;

7-> correct;

8 more near -> nearer

9 frequentest -> most frequent;

10 -> correct;

11-> correct;

12-> correct;

13 peacefullier -> more peacefully;

14 more early -> earlier;

15 most fast - fastest;

Exercise 5.

  1. Can "t you drive faster?
  2. The train arrived earlier than usual.
  3. My sister helps my mother more often than other members of our family.
  4. Of the five athletes Bob jumped highest.
  5. Mrs. Finch talks to the nurses most patiently of all the other doctors.
  6. Our dog barks louder than our neighbor "s.
  7. My brother writes to our grandma more often than I do.
  8. Anna speaks English better than Vasya.
  9. Bob lives closest / nearest to the school.