How to describe hair in English. Description of people in English. A short description of the person's appearance in English with translation. Adjectives for describing thin and slender people

These English words will help you learn how to describe It could be a person or a creature. A conversational phrases on the topic "Appearance" will help you ask questions and keep the conversation going. So, we will learn to answer simple questions on this topic, which are divided into two groups:

Let's start learning to describe appearance on English language.

1. Appearance. Appearance (general impression)

If you want to know what does a person look like then ask the following questions:

  1. What does he / she look like? - How he / she looks?
  2. What is his / her appearance like? - What is his / her appearance?
  3. What do you like about her / his appearance? - What do you like about her / his appearance?

You need to answer these questions something like this:

  • He is a handsome young man of medium height with short hair and brown eyes.
  • This is a tall blonde with long hair with blue eyes.

So let's get familiar with the vocabulary. But first, check yourself.

Exercise 1. Remember the words on the topic Appearance. Human face.

First we need to learn the words, and then we will learn how to make up descriptions of different people. By the way, your vocabulary should increase by 30 words.

Appearance. Appearance. English words for beginners (list number 1)


  1. like about- like in
    What do you like about her?
  2. look like- to look like
    What does she look like?
  3. be like- represent yourself
    What is her appearance like?

Don't confuse expressions with a verb like:

  • like - to like
  • be like - to be
  • look like - to look

Adjectives (general impression):

  1. nice - cute
  2. pretty - pretty
  3. beautiful - beautiful (about a woman)
  4. handsome - handsome (about a man)
  5. good-looking - good-looking
  6. plain - simple, unremarkable appearance
  7. ugly - unpleasant looking, ugly

To answer, use construction with the verb BE:

I am ...
She / He is ...

I am good-looking. - I have an attractive appearance.
She is beautiful. - She's beautiful.
He is handsome. - He is beautiful.

Task 2. Describe the appearance of your relatives and friends in common features Oh.

Human appearance (detailed description)

Now let's move on to detailed description of appearance in English. First, try to describe yourself and answer the questions:

  1. What is your height? - What is your height?
  2. What is your build like? - What is your physique?
  3. What is your hair color? - What's your hair color?
  4. What is your hair like? - What is your hair?
  5. What are your eyes like? - What eyes do you have?
  6. What is your face like? - What is your face?
  7. What is your nose like? - What is your nose?

and so on ... If you do not know the words in bold, then study list English words on the topic "Appearance". These are the nouns and adjectives that you will certainly need when describing your appearance in English.

English words on the topic “Appearance. Appearance "(list No. 1)

      1. appearance - appearance
      2. height - height
        tall - high
        short - low
        middle - sized - average height
      3. build - physique
        thin - thin
        fat - fat
        slim - slim (about a girl)
      4. hair color - hair color
        fair - light
        dark - dark
        black - black
        brown - brown
        red - red
        blond - very light
      5. hair - hair
        short - short
        long - long
        straight - straight
        wavy - wavy
        curly - curly
        thick - thick
        thin - rare
      6. eyes - eyes
        big - big
        little - small
        green - green
        blue - blue
        brown (hazel) - brown
      7. face - face
        round - round
        oval - oval
      8. nose - nose
        long - long
        straight - straight
        turned up - turned up
      9. mouth - mouth
      10. lips - lips
      11. teeth - teeth
      12. ears - ears
      13. forehead - forehead
      14. neck - neck
      15. legs - legs
      16. feet - feet
      17. hands - hands (hands)

In addition to the BE verb, you need to use the HAVE verb to describe your appearance:

  • I have ...
  • She / He has ...

Example with BE: He is middle-sized. - He is of medium height.

Example with HAVE: He has medium height. - He is of average height. (He is of medium height.)

MORE EXAMPLES with have:
I have a round face.
She has long straight hair.
He has little green eyes.

The simplest description of appearance could be as follows:
This is a girl / boy / woman / man / creature.
I think she / he is….
She’s / He’s got… ..eyes.
Her / His face is….
Her / His hair is… ..
I like her / his… ..


Susan is a short girl. She is thin. She has got long dark hair and a round face. Her eyes are blue and her nose is turned up. She looks pretty.

She has a brother. His name is John. John is a tall boy. He has got short fair hair and an oval face. His eyes are big and brown. He has big ears and his face looks funny.

Exercise. Rewrite these descriptions using complex sentences.

SAMPLE. Susan is a pretty, skinny, short blonde girl with a round face, blue eyes and a snub nose.

Questions on the topic "Appearance" that you need to be able to ask:

  1. What does he / she look like?
  2. What is his / her appearance like?
  3. What do you like about his / her appearance?

Description of appearance in English (practice)

  1. Practice and describe first Shrek and then Fiona.

Greetings to everyone in our conversational American lesson! Very often, when making an appointment for the first time, we need to describe ourselves or hear a description of the person with whom we are going to meet. Therefore, in the course of today's lesson, you will learn to understand the description of the appearance of a wide variety of people and answer questions about yourself, that is, about your external parameters and characteristics. Description of a person's appearance in English

Following the logic and sequence of the training, we will start by reading, listening and studying a fragment of the conversation between radio journalist Martin Lerner and other characters in the course. Martin has another day off today, and he and his family are on the beach off the Atlantic coast. The family is discussing the girl who spoke to Alan, the son of Martin and Eileen:

Martin:Which girl is talking to Alan? - What kind of girl is talking to Alan?
Eileen:The tall one. - High.
Martin: Does she have black hair? - She has black hair?
Eileen:Yes. - Yes.
Martin:She is a girl in Alan's school. - She's a girl from Alan's school.
Eileen: She's very pretty. - She is very pretty.
Sue:She's beautiful. I want black hair. - She's beautiful. I want dark hair.
Eileen: Your hair is very pretty. - Your hair is very pretty.
Martin: Yes, your hair is nice. - Yes, your hair is good.

Carefully reread the passage from the Lerner family conversation. What exactly do they pay attention to when describing a girl (height, hair color, general characteristics of her appearance). What other categories can you use when describing your appearance? (eye color, nose shape, physique, etc.)

Remember the audio lesson I don’t like - I don’t like to be able to express your attitude to a person's appearance. Then listen to how the words and phrases you just read are pronounced correctly in English, as well as explore the rest of the lesson vocabulary: /wp-content/uploads/2014/10/russian_english_037.mp3

Put the knowledge gained from listening to the audio lesson into practice while chatting with native speakers or friends who are also learning English. Use audio recordings to learn how to correctly describe the appearance of other people or to answer questions about your appearance in English. Practice American pronunciation and listening comprehension.

Description of appearance in English

A vocabulary table for describing appearance in English and Russian will help you master faster new material lesson, learn the spelling of expressions in English, and you can also use it as a cheat sheet when answering questions about yourself. But it is still better to learn the table completely.

Appearance description
She is very pretty She's very pretty
She's beautiful She's beautiful
Boy boy boy
Girl, girl girl
education education
Colour color
eye eye
food, food, groceries food
hair hair
move, move to move
to want to want
behind, behind behind
above over
Adverb (Adverb)
later, later later
very very
Nice, sweet, nice nice
black black
blue, light blue blue
fatty fat
small little
high tall
short; short stature short
charming pretty
Brown; brown brown
blond, blonde blonde
late late
thin thin
small small

Using words from the table, describe yourself in a few words. What are the main characteristics of your appearance? Then describe your boyfriend or girlfriend.

In the second option, in a different way:

  • you can describe the character of a person
  • his habits, hobbies (collecting, playing on musical instruments, sports, circles, sections)
  • what is the person's favorite color, favorite book, movie, etc.
  • what is he wearing

For descriptions of a person in English this will require a number of adjectives:

  • kind- kind, polite- polite, friendly- friendly, unfriendly- unfriendly, cruel - cruel;
  • obedient- obedient, clever- clever, naughty- moody, shy- shy rude- rude, stupid- stupid;
  • noisy- noisy, brave- brave, athletic- sports, non-athletic- non-athletic, quiet- quiet;
  • talkative- talkative, modest- modest, easy-going- sociable, open, intelligent- smart (educated, well-read), sociable- communicative, responsible - responsible, creative- creative, loving - loving;
  • independent- independent, bright- smart, brilliant- shiny, famous- famous;
  • infamous- not famous, lucky- lucky, pleasant- pleasant, unpleasant- unpleasant, curious- curious;
  • caring- caring, tactful- tactful, impolite- impolite, smart - very smart.

For descriptions of a person's appearance in English you may also need the following words and phrases:

tall- high, short- short, handsome- handsome (about a man), slim- slim, thin- thin, plump- full, has dark (blue) eyes- have ... .. dark (blue) eyes, ... has black (dark, fair, gray, brown) hair - at…. black (dark, blonde, gray, brown) hair, elegant- elegant, beautiful- beautiful (about a woman), cute- cute, he \ she looks like ... .. - he / she looks like ... .., … .Has rosy cheeks- at…. pink cheeks, long \ short hair - long \ short hair.

Description of a person in English

Well, and, for example descriptions of a familiar person in English e with translation.

I have a friend. Her name's Susan. She's a pupil. She's in the fifth form. She isn’t tall. She is slim. She has fair hair. Her hair isn't long, but also isn't short. She has blue eyes and very lovely smile. She is very friendly and she’s got a lot of friends besides me. She is a very kind and responsible girl. She is a correspondent in our school. She's a creative pupil and she arranges a lot of interesting activities for her classmates. Our teacher says that Susan is a very bright and smart girl. She likes to read a lot. Her favorite color is green. She's wearing a blue sweater and a blue skirt. Her favorite book's "Through the Looking Glass" by Lewis Carroll. Susan likes to play the piano. She does it very well.

My friend lives in London with her family. She has a typical English family. They are close family. She gets on well with her mother, father and two younger brothers: John and Harry. John is two years younger than Susan and Harry is one year younger. Their mum is a nurse and their dad is a manager.

Susan's brothers have a good sense of humor. They are always noisy and naughty. They always play jokes on their classmates. Susan loves her brothers and takes care of them. She is very sociable. She knows how to get on well with people.

I have a girlfriend. Her name is Susan. She is a schoolgirl. She is in 5th grade. She is not tall. She is slim. She has blond hair. Her hair is neither long nor short. She has blue eyes and a charming smile. She is very friendly and has many friends besides me. She is a very kind and responsible girl. She is a correspondent at our school. She is a creative student and she organizes a lot interesting events for their classmates. Our teacher says that Susan is a very smart and intelligent girl. She likes to read a lot. Her favorite color is green. She is wearing a blue sweater and a blue skirt. Her favorite book is "Alice Through the Looking Glass" by L. Carroll. Susan loves to play the piano. She plays very well.

My friend lives in London with her family. She's a typical English family. They are close. She gets along well with Mom, Dad and her two younger brothers, John and Harry. John is 2 years younger than Susan, and Harry is a year younger. Their mom is a nurse and dad is a manager.

The Susan brothers have a good sense of humor. They are always noisy and naughty. He always makes fun of his classmates. Susan loves and cares for her brothers. She is very sociable. She knows how to get along with people.

In contact with

Appearance ... How often we are faced with the need to describe someone, compare, talk about our own merits and demerits, with envy or admiration we consider the features of others, help to find people by their external signs. That is why it is so necessary to learn how to write a description of a person in English.

Appearance is not just traits that nature has given us. The most mysterious, unusual and changeable state of our body. Writing a description of a person in English is not difficult. It is necessary to start beautifully, with a proverb. Then move on to specific details according to the principle from large to small: figure, height, hair, eyes, and so on. A lot of fixed expressions in English are associated with the description of a person's appearance, they certainly must be used (of course, not all). We will provide you with a number of words and phrases that will be useful to you.

Age - age Built - physique Height - growth
young young fat thick 1.70 m 170 cm
middle-aged middle-aged thin thin medium hight middle-height
elderly elderly slim slim average height middle-height
old old skinny skinny below overage below the average
in his / her 30's in their 30s plump full tall high
medium-build medium build short short
broad-shouldered broad-shouldered tallish tall
overweight overweight shortish smallish
stocky stocky
Hair style Hair color Face
long long black black-haired thin thin
short short dark-haired brunette long elongated
straight straight red ginger round round
wavy curly fair fair-haired oval oval
curly curly blonde light (blond) square square
neat neat gray gray-haired heart-shaped heart-shaped
untidy unkempt brown-haired brown-haired high cheekbones high cheekbones
with plaits in a braid dyed dyed high forehead high forehead
a fringe bang a brunette brunette (amer) thin / fulllips thin / full lips
bald bold a blonde blonde freckled freckled
in a bun in a bundle a redhead redhead long nose long nose
pony-tail tail mousy mouse color straight nose straight nose
dark dark turned-up nose upturned
colored painted a cleft chin split chin
a pointed chin dimpled
a double chin double chin
Eyes Complexion - complexion Dress
blue blue pale pale smart attractively
gray gray sunburned / sunburnt tanned (burnt) scruffy dirty, sloppy
brown hazel tanned sunburnt well-dressed neat
long eyelashes long eyelashes olive-skinned olive color casual everyday, ordinary
thick eyelashes thick eyelashes fair-skinned fair skin conservative old fashioned
bushy eyelashes fluffy eyelashes oriental oriental type elegant elegant
brown mulatto fashionable fashionable
black mestizo

Useful expressions

to aged well - look good by age

to be dressed spick and span - to be dressed with a needle

to be pretty / handsome - to be beautiful / handsome (attractive)

to be typical of smb - typical appearance like someone else

to be well-groomed - well-groomed, well-dressed

to be shortsighted / near-sighted - to be shortsighted

to put / gain on weight - to put on weight

to grow thinner, to recede - fall out, be rare (about hair)

to look a mess, to look scruffy - look sloppy

to look like smb - to look like

to look one’s age - to look at your age

to look one’s best - to look the most attractive

to remind smb of smb - remind someone to someone

closely resemble - very similar

to lose weight / to slim - to lose weight

to stammer - to stutter

to take after smb - to be like

to take much care over one’s appearance - takes care of appearance, take care of oneself

Appearance is deceptive - Appearance is deceptive

to go by appearance / to judge by appearance - to judge by appearance

to look every inch a (profession) - to be someone to the tips of nails

How to correctly compose a description of appearance in English, we will consider using a female example:

The way we look means much in our lives. People usually judge us by 1appearances 2. So it takes much time to look well. So there are a lot of medical services 3 which help keep beauty. The variety of cosmetics is great. And so it is important to know how you should describe appearances. I'd like to tell you some words about me.

I am 30, but everyone says that I don’t look my age 4... I take much care over my appearance 5 and I have aged quite well 6... I am of medium height and built 7... I do a lot of sport and so I look slim. My hair is wavy and blond. My nose is straight and eyes are blue. My ears are not big, the face is oval. What I don’t like in myself is freckles 8. They always come in spring. My friends sometimes call me a "typical blonde". I should admit that this style is close to me 9.

I take after 10 my granny. She looked just like me when she was young. I prefer dresses, skirts and romantic style. I try always to be well dressed 11.To tell the truth 12 I devote much time for my appearance and spend much money for it.

I'd like to add some words about my character. I am even-tempered 13, rather reserved 14, calm and moderst. Sometimes I can lose my temper 15 and become either angry or sad. At these moments I like staying alone and sometimes I retire into my shell 16. But I have a lot of friends. I am opened for everything new, appreciate people for 17 honesty and justice. I like to laugh and to joke. I have a good sense of humor.

But remember that appearances can be deceptive 18. And you mustn’t judge people by the first impression 19.


  1. judge by - to judge by
  2. appearances - appearance
  3. medical services - medical services
  4. don’t look my age - don't look any age
  5. take much care over my appearance - watch yourself
  6. have aged quite well - keep well (about appearance)
  7. medium height and built - average height and build
  8. freckles - freckles
  9. to be close to smb - to be close to someone
  10. take after - be like (family members)
  11. well dressed - well dressed
  12. To tell the truth - in truth
  13. even-tempered - balanced
  14. reserved - restrained
  15. lose my temper - lose composure / lose your temper
  16. retire into my shell - withdraw into yourself
  17. appreciate people for - appreciate people for
  18. appearances can be deceptive - appearances can be deceiving
  19. impression - impression

Describing a person's appearance in English, you can insert a few words about character (you can learn more from the topic "Character Traits"), a little, for brevity and completeness. Don't forget that the key to building a story is consistency. Do not jump from "face" to "legs", from "figure" to "nose". Try to write your own description of the person's appearance, for example, take a photo of a celebrity and exercise. Good luck!

One of the simplest, but at the same time necessary topics for any person studying English is the description of appearance.

This is what learns right after the first welcome phrases are mastered. At the same time, the description of a person's appearance in English, as in any other language, should be figurative, beautiful and understandable.

We already have adjectives that can be used to describe a person's appearance and character in a captivating and non-standard way. But, as they say, not a single adjective ... In order to convey all the nuances of appearance as accurately as possible, stable expressions are ideal. They will make the description lively, vivid and expressive.

It is best to start with a proverb or quote (several suitable expressions are waiting for you at the end of the article). But this - perfect option, so it is quite possible to get by with the usual phrase "I'd like to tell you about ...", "Now I am going to tell you about ..."... The following is a description of the most common features - height, physique, hair color. Then you can move on to specific details. Below we give a small list of words and phrases that will come in handy when describing your appearance. Remember that abuse stable expressions and proverbs makes speech somewhat artificial and too "prepared". The most important thing is the sequence of presentation: do not jump from figure to face and from leg length to hair.

So, the phrases that will definitely come in handy for you:

to be typical of smb- typical appearance
For example: He was typical of a clerk. - He had the appearance of a typical clerk.

to look like smb- look like someone, be like someone
For example: This woman looks like Rita Hayworth - This woman looks like Rita Hayworth.

to look every inch a ...- look like a typical representative of any profession or social status
For example: She looked every inch a teacher. - She looked like a teacher to the tips of her nails.

to resemble smb- remind someone
For example: My sister resembles our granny. - My sister is like our grandmother.

to be pretty / handsome- to be beautiful / beautiful
For example: She is rather pretty, but her brother is not handsome, I must say. “She's pretty pretty, although I have to admit that her brother is far from handsome.
Please note that the word "handsome" is used only for a man, and "pretty" is used for a woman. The phrase "a pretty man" indicates effeminacy and can be taken as an insult in certain circles.

to look a mess, to look scruffy- have a sloppy and sloppy look
For example: Why do you usually look a mess? - Why do you always look sloppy?

to look one’s age- look just for your age
For example: My mom looks her age but she is still a beautiful woman. - My mom looks her age, but she is still a beautiful woman.

Below we give a few proverbs and expressions that can serve as an epigraph if you want to write a description of your appearance in English.

Appearances are deceptive / Appearances are deceitful.- Appearances are deceptive.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Beauty is only skin deep; goodness goes to the bone.- Do not drink water from your face.
to go by appearance- they are greeted by clothes
to judge by appearance- judged by clothes

As you can see, describing a person's appearance in English is not a difficult task. The most important thing is the consistency of presentation and the beauty of speech. Beautiful English to you!