Customs regulations for the import of goods. Customs regulations

The Eurasian Economic Commission has approved new limits for duty-free importation of goods for personal use. These rules also apply to Russia. It is on them that you need to focus if you are going to order goods in foreign online stores or bring them from a trip.

The media write that the limits for orders with delivery have been reduced to 500 and even 200 euros. This is true, but it does not work yet - from January 1, 2018, duty-free limits have not changed.

This is very bad for the media, which needs to fulfill the traffic plan. It is very difficult to attract people to news that will only happen in a year or two. But it's good for buyers. Let's go through the documents.

Parcels from foreign online stores

Now the fee does not need to be paid if parcels for personal use from a foreign store weigh up to 31 kg and cost no more than 1,000 euros per person per month. The same limit will remain in 2018. There were rumors that he would be greatly reduced and even included such calculations in the budget, but so far the rules will not change.

Limits for ordering without duties will be reduced in stages:

Ekaterina Miroshkina


  • from January 1, 2019 - up to 500 euros;
  • from January 1, 2020 - up to 200 euros.

The weight limit for 2019 will not change and will be 31 kg - it is considered together with the packaging. But in 2020 there will be no monthly limit. The main thing is that one parcel should cost no more than 200 euros. So far so, but still can change.

What about the fees when the limit is exceeded?

Now for orders from foreign stores, the limit is calculated not for each parcel, but for a month. If it exceeds the upper limit for duty-free import, you will have to pay extra. Previously, it was difficult for customs to control the volume of orders for each person, now it is elementary - with the help of TIN.

If the limit is more than the norm, you need to pay a fee:

  • until 2019 - 30% of the cost of the parcel, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg of weight over the limit. That is, both weight and price are important for calculating the duty;
  • from 2020 - 15% of the cost, but not less than 2 euros per 1 kg of overweight.

If, when ordering in some online store or when making a delivery, you are asked to pay extra, allegedly due to a decrease in the duty-free limit, do not take our word for it - demand a document. And then check if it works.

Import of goods by any means of transport except aircraft

If you are traveling from a trip by car or train, you can also import goods duty-free within the value and weight limits. Now and throughout 2018, the duty does not need to be paid when importing goods worth up to 1,500 euros and weighing up to 50 kg.

Then the limits will be lowered:

  • from January 1, 2019 - 1000 euros or 50 kg;
  • from January 1, 2020 - 750 euros or 35 kg;
  • from January 1, 2021 - 500 euros or 25 kg.

Air import

For air transport, they decided not to change the limits for the coming years at all - without duties from abroad, you can import goods worth 10 thousand euros or weighing up to 50 kg.

For the delivery of goods by car or by plane, the duty is always 30% of the cost, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg of weight over the limit. So far, it has not been reduced even for 2020.

Are these limits for all products? Even for alcohol and cigarettes?

No, these are limits for goods that are brought or ordered from abroad for personal needs. You can order as many TVs, sneakers and gadgets as you like from the online store without duties, if the cost of the parcels fits into the monthly limit for price and weight. When the weight and time limit is lifted, you will need to fit into the cost limit for one parcel.

But there are items that are not considered personal use items, even if you carry or order them for yourself. For example, more than 250 g of black caviar or 5 kg of fish, more than 200 cigarettes or 5 liters of beer are no longer personal goods. It’s definitely not possible to pass off a solarium or a hairdressing chair as a thing for personal use - you will have to pay a fee, and maybe even a tax.

Who sets these standards? What else is the EEC and what do we have to do with it?

These norms are established by a special commission for members of the EAEU - the Eurasian Economic Union. We recently ratified the common customs code. The Commission decides which certificates to issue, which general rules to comply with, how to mark goods and what to collect duties on.

The Commission sets an upper limit for duty-free importation of goods, but the government of a particular country may lower these limits. Some countries take advantage of this - for example, in Belarus, although the same EEC decision is in force, the duty-free import limit is only 22 euros. Anything more expensive is taxed. In Armenia, the limit is also less than the standard one. And in Russia, such a limit, as set by the commission, is the maximum possible.

Returning from a trip abroad, Russian citizens, burdened with purchases, invariably go through customs control at the border.
To do this competently and without losses (monetary and nervous), you should know the rules for importing goods into Russia from other countries.

Duty-free import of goods to Russia

In order to import goods into Russia duty-free, the following import norms must be taken into account:

  • the purpose of the goods - only for personal use (they do not include vehicles);
  • the maximum weight of imported - 50 kg;
  • the maximum value of goods (at the current exchange rate) is 1,500 euros.

Personal use is considered everything that is not related to the implementation entrepreneurial activity.

The maximum allowance for the import of tobacco and tobacco products is 50 cigars or 200 cigarettes, as well as 250 g of tobacco per person under 18 years of age.

Without a duty, you can import cultural property declared in writing and passed a special registration.

About restrictions

Customs rates

If the established norms are exceeded from 65,000 rubles. up to 650,000 rubles, and by weight from 35 kg to 200 kg, then the excess part is paid at a rate of 30% of the customs price of goods, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg. When these norms are also exceeded, the payment of the total customs payment is required. It includes customs duty, VAT and clearance fee.

For the import of vehicles (except cars), a rate of 30% of the customs value is applied. These vehicles include, for example, motorcycles, mopeds, etc.

If an individual imports into Russia a large item heavier than 35 kg (refrigerator, pieces of furniture), then this is called an “indivisible product”. In this case, the payment of the total customs payment is required.

Mandatory Permissions

For the import of weapons and ammunition, permission from the internal affairs authorities is required.

To import permitted animals, you need a veterinary certificate from the Gosvetnadzor of the Russian Federation and a certificate from the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

To import permitted plants, you must have an act of phytosanitary control of the State Plant Quarantine Service and a certificate of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

Import prohibited raw meat, plants and flowers, wholesale goods.

Russian motorists often go to Finland for new tires and “change shoes” on the spot. But in this case, the old tire cannot be taken with you across the Russian border.

How to declare goods

Declaration of accompanied baggage

The goods may be declared by the natural person himself, as well as by another person acting under a power of attorney. Goods transported by a minor under 16 years of age may be declared by the person accompanying him.

Goods in accompanied baggage must be declared at the checkpoint. A written declaration is accompanied by the submission of a customs declaration TD-6. To confirm the declared information, together with TD-6, depending on the situation, the following documents may be required:

  • for identification (passport, birth certificate, etc.);
  • confirming the adoption, guardianship, guardianship of a minor;
  • confirming the cost and purchase of the declared goods;
  • transport (receipts, waybills, etc.);
  • about the rights to benefits (refugees, temporary importation, etc.);
  • on compliance with non-tariff restrictions (permits, licenses, etc.).

In the case of oral declaration of goods, these documents can be submitted only at the request of an official.

Declaration of unaccompanied baggage

Goods in unaccompanied baggage are declared in a simplified form at the customs office at the place of residence. Information about unaccompanied baggage is given in TD-6 when crossing the border at the checkpoint.

The application is submitted within 15 days from the date of presentation of the goods at the customs authority at the place of registration or residence of the person. It requires an indication of the person, product (name, cost, quantity, purpose), shipping documents.

Compulsory goods for declaration

In writing, it is required to declare goods for personal use (in any type of baggage):

  • exceeding 65 thousand rubles in value and 35 kg in weight;
  • currency, traveler's checks, securities worth more than $10,000;
  • temporarily imported precious stones and metals;
  • cultural values;
  • rare animals;
  • weapon;
  • alcohol over 3 liters;
  • narcotic, psychotropic, poisonous, potent substances;
  • chemicals;
  • military products;
  • vehicles.

Alcohol norms

Alcoholic drinks of any strength in the amount of 3 liters (for 1 person not younger than 18 years old) can be imported duty-free. This also includes beer.

If the number of drinks falls within the range of 3-5 liters, then a duty of 10 euros is paid. That is, when importing 4 liters - 10 euros (for 1 liter in excess of duty-free 3 liters), 5 liters - 20 euros. It is forbidden to import alcohol over 5 liters.

If the amount of alcohol is more than 3 liters per person, it must be declared, otherwise the imported alcohol may be confiscated with a fine of up to twice its value.

Importing food from Finland

Products of animal origin (fish, dairy, meat) are allowed to be imported into Russia only in their original packaging, and in finished form (not requiring further heat treatment). The weight of such products per person is not more than 5 kg. The epizootic situation at the moment in the countries of origin and export is also taken into account. The specified 5 kg does not include dairy products, flour products, vegetable oils etc.

Raw frozen or chilled meat does not qualify as a finished product, even when packaged. But raw fish can be transported only with the permission of the Russian veterinary service and with a Finnish veterinary certificate confirming the well-being of the area and the safety of the product. From Finland, you can bring duty-free sturgeon caviar in the amount of 250 g, and in the original packaging.

Raw-smoked sausage in a natural casing can be transported across the border, provided that it is purchased in a distribution network.

How to import electronics

When importing radio electronic equipment (radio telephones, radio stations, satellite communication systems, etc.), except for mobile phones, permission from the State Communications Supervision Service under the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation is required.

With regard to the import of cell phones, not so long ago the Decree of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation on the rules for the import and sale of high-frequency and radio-electronic devices was issued. Previously, it was possible to carry only one phone without permission. Now any citizen can carry no more than five cell phones across the border at a time for their own needs. A greater number of such "gifts for relatives" are recognized commercial party, for which you will have to pay a fee and present a certificate of conformity.

Lovers buy abroad inexpensive iPhones for subsequent resale in the Russian Federation, we would be happy to transport five pieces at a time, but do not forget about the maximum value of imported goods of 1500 euros! For everything that exceeds this amount, you need to pay 30% of the value of the goods.

Knowing which goods can be imported into Russia duty-free and which you have to pay for, you will be prepared to meet customs officials without unpleasant surprises.

In connection with the outbreak of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, Russia slightly modified the customs standards for the import of products and goods from various countries. In 2014-2015, with the beginning of the introduction of sanctions against Russian Federation, the Russian government has banned the import of products from the European Union and certain third countries. In this list of countries is the closest neighbor of Russia - Ukraine.
In 2019, the customs rules of the Russian Federation were not subject to changes. They were only supplemented by new rules that regulate the ban on the import of certain products of plant and animal origin. It is important to remember that the ban applies even to goods that were purchased outside Russia solely for personal use.

Many who wish to cross the Russian border do not know that this country puts forward enough big list products prohibited for import. Therefore, tourists and returning citizens of Russia need to familiarize themselves with the list of goods in order to avoid their confiscation directly at customs checkpoints.

The government of the Russian Federation established norms according to which food and goods can be imported only in a certain amount.

The building of the government of the Russian Federation

Those products that exceed the norm must be subject to mandatory declaration by entering people. In any case, it is worth preparing for the fact that customs officers will require oral declaration of the goods (if it does not exceed the norm). In cases of exceeding the norm, you will need to fill out a passenger declaration for related goods and food.

Rules for duty-free importation of goods into the territory of the state:

Personal belongings include goods and items that are used for personal purposes and do not take part in entrepreneurial activities. Regardless of nationality, an entering individual has the right to import two hundred cigarettes (10 standard packs) or fifty cigars. The main requirement for an individual is age. He must be over eighteen years of age. Also, such a person has the right to carry up to two hundred and fifty grams of tobacco per person.

If an individual intends to import food products and goods worth more than one and a half thousand euros, then such products are subject to mandatory written declaration and payment of duty to the state budget.

In this case, the ratio of weight and total cost plays an important role. The weight limit is fifty kilograms.

A sample of filling out the form of a customs declaration for the import of goods

If imported products and goods weigh between fifty and two hundred kilograms, an individual pays a duty for each extra kilogram, starting from the fifty-first. The amount of the duty is considered as a percentage of the total cost of the products and is equal to thirty percent. But at the same time, when counting, each kilogram must cost at least four euros. Such customs regulations are relevant only for individuals who carry out the importation of products for personal use.

The import of alcoholic products is allowed to citizens of all countries. But the main rule is the age of majority of an individual, that is, eighteen years of age. For such people, it is allowed to import alcoholic beverages of various strengths in the amount of three liters. You can also bring three liters of beer (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) without paying duties to the budget of the Russian Federation.
If an individual imports alcohol in the amount of four liters, then the person must pay ten euros of duty. If the amount of alcohol is five liters, then ten euros are paid for each liter (over the allowed three).

It is prohibited to import alcoholic products in the amount of more than five liters in total. If “extra” alcohol is noticed at the customs checkpoint, it may well be confiscated by employees of the authorized bodies. At the same time, customs officials have the right to even fine for non-compliance with the customs regime.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that, even after paying the duty fee to the state budget, “extra” alcohol must be declared accordingly.

Goods declaration

When importing foodstuffs and goods for personal use that exceed the norm, an individual must fill out a declaration for these products without fail.

Procedure scheme customs declaration goods

An individual who has reached the age of eighteen has the right to issue a declaration. If an individual is under eighteen years of age, then the declaration is filled out on his behalf, in his presence by an adult accompanying him.

Documents for declaring may need different depending on the situation, but the main ones are such as:

  1. A document proving the identity of an individual. For adult individuals, an internal or foreign passport is suitable, and for minors, you can submit a birth certificate.
  2. A document confirming the fact of purchase and payment for imported products and goods. For these purposes, checks from shops, supermarkets and shopping centers may be suitable.

Products from Finland

Raw dairy products from Finland

But it is worth remembering that an individual has the right to import no more than five kilograms of Finnish food products in total per person. In this case, the products must be intended solely for personal use (consumption).

If the limit of five kilograms is exceeded, then at the checkpoint, customs officers have every right to confiscate "extra products" and impose a fine on the person. Certain products without original packaging are strictly prohibited for import into the territory of the state. The list of prohibited items includes meat, fish and dairy products.

If the product is not properly sealed, it may be subject to confiscation by customs officials.

If, in the opinion of customs officials, the packaging is not sealed enough, they have the right to require permission to import this product. Permission can be obtained from Rosselkhoznadzor. Raw meat, even in sealed packaging, is one of the goods prohibited for import into Russia. But you can import fresh fish from Finland. True, subject to the provision of a certificate issued in Finland. This document is a confirmation of the safety of the product and the fact that the fish itself was grown in an environmentally friendly natural environment.

It is also allowed to carry sturgeon caviar (but only in production packaging - in a jar), but not more than two hundred and fifty grams per person. Sausage can only be imported raw smoked. But the main priority is that it should be purchased exclusively in trade organizations (supermarket, store). Also, raw smoked sausage should have a natural casing.

Prohibited Products

Over the past two years, a huge number of sanctions have been applied to the Russian Federation different countries peace. It is in connection with this that the government of the country in 2014 presented a list of prohibited products manufactured in the territory of countries that have imposed their own sanctions against the Russian state.

These countries include:

  1. All EU countries.
  2. Canada.
  3. Norway.
  4. USA.
  5. Australia.

Prohibited products:

Also, the list of prohibited products includes products based on vegetable fats (cheese, cottage cheese). Goods are prohibited regardless of who purchased them or for what purpose. If customs officers notice these products at the checkpoint, they are subject to confiscation, even if they were purchased for a person's personal use.

Regarding products, the ban does not apply to baby food and alcoholic products.

Departing or vice versa returning from a trip, many people have questions about what can be carried across the border and what cannot? And if so, how much?

Let's deal with these questions in detail.

What is prohibited to import and export from the Russian Federation?

Passengers are prohibited from importing and exporting the following goods:

1) Information on printed media, as well as audio and video, which contains:

  • calls for extremist or terrorist activities;
  • pornography transported for sale;
  • campaign materials produced in violation of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on elections and referendums;
  • materials that promote Nazi symbols and paraphernalia;
  • information that may harm the political or economic interests of the member states of the customs union, their state security and the health and morals of individual citizens.

2) Service and civilian weapons

Firearms include artillery, small arms and grenade launchers.

  • firearms, with which you can fire bursts;
  • firearms imitating other objects;
  • cold bladed weapons and knives with a blade or blade length of more than 90 mm;
  • gas weapons equipped with nerve agents, toxic agents;
  • flails, boomerangs and other items used as weapons.
  • cartridges and individual parts of weapons

3) Hazardous waste.
Hazardous waste is waste that contains any of the substances listed here.

4) Technical means and devices intended for secretly obtaining information:

  • lenses and cameras with extended pupil;
  • photo, television and video cameras camouflaged as other items;
  • technical means for listening to telephone conversations;
  • as well as other devices specified in this list.

5) Toxic substances, which are not precursors of narcotic drugs (the precursor of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances) and psychotropic substances from the list at this link.

6) Narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors (precursors). This category does not include medicines that are taken for medical reasons, upon presentation of the relevant documents.

7) Human organs and tissues, as well as blood and its components. You can check out the full list.

What is forbidden to export from Russia?

1) Waste and scrap of ferrous and non-ferrous metals;

2) Raw precious metals, their scrap and waste, ores and concentrates of precious metals and raw materials;

3) Mineral raw materials (natural raw stones);

4) Wild medicinal raw materials.

Plants and their parts, including juices and extracts, which are used in perfumery, pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh or dried, whole or crushed, crushed or ground.

5) Wild live animals and individual wild plants, restricted for movement during export (with the exception of hunting and fishing trophies), in the amount of more than 3 copies of the same species:

  • Wild animals.
  • Live fish (excluding ornamental fish).
  • Live crustaceans, with or without shell.
  • Live mollusks, in shell or without shell.
  • Live aquatic invertebrates, other than crustaceans and molluscs.
  • Fresh eggs of wild birds, in shell.

6) Precious metals and stones with a customs value of over $25,000 equivalent.

  • natural diamonds;
  • Raw gold, silver and platinum;
  • natural pearl;
  • Raw gemstones: emeralds, rubies, sapphires and alexandrites, amber formations weighing more than 1 kg.

7) Fish and seafood (except for sturgeon caviar) in the amount of more than 5 kg.

8) Sturgeon caviar weighing more than 250 grams.

9) More than 10 liters of fuel in a separate container. Those. you can take out a full tank of fuel in the car (regardless of the volume of the tank), plus a 10 liter canister.

What is forbidden to import into Russia?

1) Ozone depleting substances (full list).

2) Means used for plant protection (list).

3) Tools for the extraction and catching of aquatic biological resources:

  • fishing nets, knotted, of synthetic nylon or other polyamide and synthetic monofilaments with a thread diameter of less than 0.5 mm and a mesh size of less than 100 mm;
  • electric fishing systems and devices.

4) Ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products with a total volume of more than 5 liters per person over 18 years of age.

5) More than 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars, or 250 grams of tobacco, or these products in a set with a total weight of more than 250 grams per person over 18 years of age.

6) Live animals, except bees, leeches, silkworms.

8) Gems in any form and condition, natural diamonds, excluding jewelry.

9) Narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors (precursors), including in the form of medicines.

11 Oct 2013 Anna Lump Tags: ,