Why do I live? Who am I? Fundamentals of personality. Practical methods of karmic purification. How do I know who I am and what I want from life? Changes in consciousness

Good day, dear friends!

Among abundance life circumstances, a constant cycle of problems, as well as tasks, we lose ourselves and turn into robots. Do you know the complete lack of understanding of what kind of person you are? What are they capable of? And what do you live for? How to understand who you are is the main question of today's article.

The search for oneself and one's true destiny is the most important task of every sane person. Some manage to immediately get on the right path, while others need half a lifetime to find their place and cell in the universe.

How do we understand the correctness of our choice and development vector? Of course, this internal sense of harmony and peace of mind. But it happens that when we hardly open our eyes in the morning, we clearly and concretely understand that we are living not your life, but someone else's set of dry rules.

You graduated from high school, went to higher education educational institution, getting a profession. And then, a series of responsibilities and the words “should”: must find, highly paid and sometimes not loved, must marry or get married, be sure to start a family and become like everyone else.

And just then, a red phrase appears on the forehead: “ I can't find my life! And everything is here!". Familiar, right?

Changes in consciousness

I personally know people who, having given up on the next rules, have chosen road of another traffic. They boldly packed their bags in one hour and bought a one-way ticket, escaping from the annoying moralizing of local omniscient personalities. Having left far from his native places, a person rediscovers the facets of his soul. Whether it's a life alone with nature or a secret bunker in the suburbs, it's all driven by the desire to live independently and the way you want.

Here we again come close to the question, who am I really? Often, deceiving ourselves and keeping silent, we step on the same rake: betray dreams and take the path of least resistance.

Dreams of becoming famous singers, astronauts or artists were interrupted by the real prospects of the city or country in which we happened to be born.

Examples of personal defeats of relatives or parents, instilled already comfort zone, which later became a fortress, leaving which meant betraying the paradigms of ancestors.

Awareness and unpleasant cell sensation, into which we have driven ourselves on our own, begins to put pressure gradually. First, we are not comfortable with people, then with the environment, and then with ourselves. Why so?

The answer is simple, historically, the more in our lives material the happier we should feel.

A ghostly race for wealth, power and obsession desire to possess, burns down our real, not consumer perception. As a result, we, surrounded by iPhones and branded items, sit in the corner of our concrete boxes and dream of real freedom. But do we need such a present and future is the million dollar question!

Skill- a wonderful skill, having mastered which, life is much easier. Any decision you make will be yours alone.

You are free from blaming other people for this or that fate and the result of what happened. Being yourself both a whip and a carrot, you can model a picture of the world, which is ideal for a specific stage of your formation and evolution.

Methods for finding yourself

A huge stumbling block is lack of purpose, as such. Every day he lives out of inertia, out of habit and a certain alignment. Where did you lose yourself in all this?

To more clearly demonstrate the situation, I will give an example. Imagine yourself as the captain of a ship that plows the vastness of the oceans without a compass and clear coordinates.

Three questions arise: “Where to? What for? And for what reason? ". Equivalent to these three questions, many live their days. The reason is banal confusion and and own strength.

Some people collect opinions, others collect idols in order to somehow help their reflection in the mirror to find themselves real. Most of them do not understand what they want, what they strive for, but they know one hundred percent what they would not want.

In solving this problem, the following points work fine. Stock up on the desire to pull yourself out of a state of stupor in front of the future and work through the exercises.

On these reflections, I will put an end to it. In such matters right advice no, and each of you is able to serve as a healer. Subscribe to update my blog and recommend it to your friends for reading.

In the comments, tell us about how you managed to find your place in life and understand who you are?

See you on the blog! Bye Bye!

I often asked myself: "Who am I?". How many days and nights spent on this question! I can't even begin to count them. My intellect gave me answers, using what I heard somewhere; all decisions were a consequence of my early conditionings. All the words were borrowed, lifeless, and they did not satisfy me at all. All of them touched only the surface, and then disappeared. But none of them touched my inner essence. None of them was heard in the depths of my being. They didn't affect me at all. They did not even correspond to the importance of the issue.

Then I realized that the question concerned the center of my being, and the answers concerned only the periphery. The question was mine, and the answers came from outside. But the very fact that I was asking awakened something inside me. I tried to impose on myself the answers that came from outside. This idea was revolutionary, but at the same time a completely new direction opened up for me. I saw that all the answers that the mind gives are completely useless. They had nothing to do with the problem, whatever it was. And the illusion was shattered. What a relief!

It was as if a door had been yanked open, as if a sudden burst of light had dispelled the darkness. My mistake was that I didn't see that it was the mind that gave all the answers. And because of these pseudo answers, the real ones couldn't come to the surface. I knew that the truth was struggling to come into the light, that in the depths of my mind some seed was searching its way through the soil to reach the light. My intellect was a hindrance to this. As I realized this, the answers became less and less frequent, and the borrowed knowledge began to evaporate. The question went deeper and deeper. I didn't do anything, I just watched. I felt there was some kind of self-expression going on. I was in it. What to do? I just watched. The periphery was discarded, dying, disappearing. And the center became more and more active.

"Who am I?". My whole body throbbed with that one thirst. It was such a storm! The body trembled and fluttered with every breath.

"Who am I?". Like an arrow, the question pierced through all the obstacles within me.

Again came the feeling of acute thirst. All my energy turned into thirst. All.

And like a tongue of flame, the question jumped out from within: "Who am I?"

It was amazing! The mind was silent. The unceasing flow of thoughts stopped. What happened? The periphery was calm. No thoughts, no impressions. I was there and the question was there. No, that's not accurate. I myself have been this question. And then there was an explosion. In a second, everything changed. The question is gone. The answer came from nowhere. Truth is not known gradually, it comes in an unexpected explosion. It cannot be brought, it comes. The answer is silence, not words. When you don't answer, that's the answer.

Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going, what do I want? What are my abilities and talents? What contribution can I make (or am already making) to this world? We ask ourselves these questions when the time comes to change, to move beyond our boundaries. Often this happens during crises - age, personal, financial, spiritual. And, sometimes, our life depends on the answer to these questions. Maybe that's why both children and adults are so touched by stories about Cheburashka, Luntik, the Ugly Duckling?

One of my favorite books starts with main character wakes up in a psychiatric hospital. He's tied to the bed and can't remember his name, where he's from, or why he's here. However, he feels that he has some unusual abilities and can use them. His task is to get out of this situation and understand how he got there. "The Nine Princes of Amber" by Roger Zelazny opens an amazing series of novels about the confrontation between Order and Chaos, about parallel worlds and people able to move between them. Even at the beginning of the first book, the protagonist finds out about himself and his loved ones such things that make the hair on his head stand on end. It’s good that shortly before that, he still managed to understand who he was, what his strength, features and abilities were. And realize your purpose.

And you have had to ask yourself or Something Greater inside or outside of yourself the question: "Who am I?" putting all your strength, energy, all your inner fire into it? Have you ever received an answer and then forgot it? And they asked again, because both you and the situation have changed?

Who am I?

This question helps us understand where we are going. Do we do what we know and love? Or we “pull the strap”, “carry the cross”, “pass the test” and, along the way, ask ourselves “two eternal questions of the Russian intelligentsia”: Who is to blame and what to do? Do we feel pleasure both from the process and from the result of our activity? And do we receive signs from the Universe that we are going in the right direction: gratitude and joy of others, money, new opportunities?

In general, can I say about myself that I am in the right place, at the right time, doing my job? If my answer is no (most often it feels like an aching emptiness inside, as if something is missing) - I ask myself more and more intensely who I am and what should I do to receive a positive answer.

How it was for me

More recently, I was settling in an unfamiliar city, far from loved ones, without money, personal belongings, my tools and “attributes of power”. In addition to the passport, I had only my abilities, skills, and a great desire to answer the questions “who am I?” in a new way. and “what is my purpose?”. In theory, I knew what to do. To do what I like, to benefit the world, and for me and the people around me to be happy. I've been able to do this before. And when I got too carried away with the "routine", making money, playing "the smartest myself", and thought that I really I know who am I… something happened. This can be described as a crisis, after which Cheburashka ends up in a package with tangerines, and Korvin from Amber is in a closed ward of a madhouse. In a positive way, this crisis can be called a transformation. After all, the one who now asks "Who am I?" - this is absolutely not the "I" that was before. And in my opinion, this is great!

We are different

We can answer the question about our destiny in different ways, conquering mountain peak playing football, drawing a picture, sitting at the computer in the office, doing repairs, cooking and cleaning, communicating with children, parents, friends, partner. In each of these moments, we embody our goals and develop our abilities - and this is our answer to the question. They even say that each of us has 120 (or more!) talents from birth, and our task is to discover at least 12 of them.

Our answers may also differ when we are young, adults, or old. Our Slavic ancestors had special initiations that facilitate the transition from one age category to another and help to preserve and develop our unique skills, abilities, talents, beliefs, and ideals. We can answer this question in different ways, feeling energized and inspired, or tired and irritated. By asking others, we can also hear about ourselves. different opinions. However, people can only speculate what are we by observing our actions and words.

Who am I? - only I can answer myself when I look into my heart and ask myself: “Does my life correspond to what I really want? And what can I do to make it really happen?

Right now, I'm asking myself:

– What do I do or have done that brings me joy and true pleasure?

What activities do I usually pay the most attention to?

What do I have a taste for? Where am I interested in the details?

What did I enjoy doing as a child?

What kind of people surround me? How do they react to me? What are they teaching me? What gifts are given? What is recommended to do?

- What is my name? When was I born (born)? After all, the program of our life mission can be laid down in the name and date of birth.

- What is my body type? What diseases are typical for me?

- What tasks surround me? How, by solving them, can I see my purpose?

What am I being paid for? Why does the world give me support in the form of joy, gratitude, a state of happiness?

Every time I ask myself these questions, I deepen my awareness of my essence, goals and life tasks. And I understand what internal resources will help me to realize them. And how, with the help of my actions, I can make this world a little bit brighter and happier.

Who am I?

Every minute and second

I define who I am.

My path to nowhere from nowhere.

What matters is what is here and now.

Every minute and second

I make an order to the Universe.

I don't remember who I was and who I will be

But I want to know who I am now.

Who am I? Who am I? The wind asks

Breaking off the leaves and circling. -

Maybe I'm the only one in the world? -

Can't stop, can't stop...

Who am I? Who am I? The flame asks

Maybe the one who brought the match?

Or am I what I burn?

Or the one who remembered and asked?

Who are we? Who are we? The stars are asking

For whom do we shine in the sky?

And the answer to all these questions

Reborn in me.

Every minute and second

I accept my answer:

Our life is conceived as a miracle

This is its essence and secret.

Who are you? Who am I? Who are we to each other? -

Companions, friends, teachers?

If we're on our way, give me your hand.

If not, don't ask who I am.

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1. Socrates (470-399 BC)

The famous saying on the pediment of the temple at Delphi, which Socrates liked so much, said: "Know yourself, and you will know the gods and the universe." However, this aphorism calls not so much for individual self-knowledge as for the knowledge of human nature in a general sense: a person must distinguish what he knows from what he does not know.

2. Marcus Aurelius (121-180)

In Discourse on Myself, the emperor and Stoic Marcus Aurelius recalls the importance of a realistic view: one must be able to separate what depends on me from what does not depend on me. To make this distinction, it is necessary to understand who I am and what I want. He claims that self-knowledge begins with the ability to control oneself and one's passions.

3. Blessed Augustine (354-430)

"Confession" is one of the first works of Western culture, written in the first person. In it, Blessed Augustine reveals his sins, without embellishing or concealing anything. This is a genuine dialogue with oneself - which at the same time is completely turned to God and glorifies him. "Confession" of Blessed Augustine creates new genre: introspection, or introspection ... However, for Augustine, his "I" exists only in relation to God. We will see the appearance of a separate "I" and subjectivism only with the advent of the Renaissance and humanism.

4. Michel Montaigne (1533-1592)

"Who am I?" - this the most important question put in the "Experiences" of Montaigne. Already in the address "To the reader" the philosopher admits: "The content of my book is myself." Exploring his own "I" ("I portray exactly myself"), Montaigne tries to understand what the "destiny of man" is. Later, Pascal criticized his self-centeredness, objecting: "I" is hateful. And yet: this once again confirms that the "I" safely exists! Thus began the era of individuality and subjectivism.

5. René Descartes (1596-1650)

Recognized as the "father of rationalism", Descartes made no less contribution to subjectivism, turning philosophy towards the individual. In an effort to generalize our knowledge of the world, the philosopher proceeds from the presupposition that nothing exists. However, in order to say “I doubt everything”, there must be an “I”, the subject of doubt. This is his "cogito" - the conscious subjectivity of thought: I doubt, therefore "I think, therefore I am." Here it is, the "I" personal and concrete - the "I" of Rene Descartes. Subjective awareness of oneself becomes the first reliable knowledge and the basis of any knowledge.

6. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)

Following Blessed Augustine, he calls his autobiography "Confession". It describes the first 53 years of the Enlightenment philosopher's life. Far from religious dogmas, Rousseau strives above all for sincerity, he is preoccupied with examining and considering himself in all his uniqueness (“I dare to believe that I am absolutely unlike anyone who has ever existed”). His book is considered the first autobiography in the full sense of the word. In it, the “I” becomes the main issue of modernity, and subjectivity becomes the lens through which a person looks at the world. From this moment on, the path to psychoanalysis is open ...