Prayer from defilement: prayers. Rule from desecration of Basil the Great - read

Defilement in Orthodoxy is a purely male sin, implying ejaculation ("expiration") in a dream or sexual intercourse with a woman outside of marriage. The Orthodox, who had an expiration in a dream, are assigned by the confessor a prayer from defilement, which they read in accordance with certain rules and instructions.

Modern clerics define defilement as any expiration in a dream, including during copulation of spouses. But church canons, in particular, the Rules of Athanasius the Great, do not consider it sinful to expire in marital relations (with the exception of the time of strict fasts). Moreover, it is clarified that it is not the seed itself that is desecrated, but the desires that provoke its eruption.

Reasons for desecration

There are 6 causes for an outflow, of which three are not sinful:

  • from carnal thoughts and lust
  • from arrogance and pride
  • from gluttony and alcohol abuse
  • natural ejaculation (dream)
  • from weakness and sickness
  • from demonic envy

The first three causes are considered the embodiment of sin, therefore, the ejaculation caused by them is defilement. The outflow of sin is most condemned among the sacred brethren. There are even separate penitential prayers for them.

To refrain at a young age, when monks come to the service of the Lord, is difficult. One must work long and hard to subdue the human flesh and not succumb to temptations. The devil makes every effort to make young souls show weakness, and tries to get the novices to go astray from the chosen righteous path.

Confessor Appointments

Prayers from defilement are divided into prayers for parishioners and prayers for church ministers.

Men who have sinned, due to carnal thoughts, should get up and read first the prayer-worship to the King of Heaven, then read psalm No. 50 and sing troparia (tone 7). Finish by saying the words “Lord, have mercy” 40 times and making 50 deep bows, asking God for forgiveness.

Prayer to the King of Heaven

“O Heavenly King, Comforter of the Soul of Truth, who is everywhere and fills everything, the Treasury of the good and the Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save our souls Blessed”
sheep, and humble their evil hearts, and crush them like dust in the face of the wind. Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! The six-winged first Prince and Governor of the Heavenly Forces - Cherubim and Seraphim, wake us an assistant in all troubles, sorrows, sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet haven. O Lord Great Archangel Michael! Deliver us from all the charms of the devil, whenever you hear us, sinners, praying to You, calling your name Holy. Hasten to help us and overcome all who oppose us with the strength of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross Lord, prayers Holy Mother of God, by the prayers of the holy Apostles, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Andrew, for Christ's sake, the holy fool, the holy prophet Elijah and all the holy great martyrs: the holy martyrs Nikita and Eustathius, and all our venerable fathers, who have pleased God from time immemorial, and all the holy powers of heaven.

Then prayers to St. Basil (known as the Archbishop of Kessaria) are read. Saint Basil described fasting as deliverance from sins, conceivable and unimaginable. He condemned drunkenness as a product of the devil, leading to sinful deeds.

Prayer to Basil the Great

“Much-merciful, incorruptible, not defiled, sinless Lord, cleanse me, Thy indecent servant, from all filth of the flesh and soul, and from my inattention and despondency, the impurity that arrived to me, with all my other iniquities, and reveal me undefiled, Master, for the goodness of Christ thine, and sanctify
me by the invasion of Your Most Holy Spirit: as if having aroused - from the darkness of the unclean ghosts of the devil and all kinds of filth, I will be worthy of a pure conscience to open my filthy and unclean mouth, and sing your all-holy name, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and in ages of ages. Amen."

The spiritual father may also appoint a layman to read prayers, with an appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos or to John Chrysostom. In the texts, the prayer asks for patience, humility, generosity and meekness, protection from passions.

Prayer to John Chrysostom

“O Great Saint John Chrysostom! Thou hast received many and various gifts from the Lord, and, as a good and faithful servant, all the talents given to you have multiplied the good, for this truly the universal teacher was thou, as every age and every rank is learned from you. You are a lad - an image of obedience, young -
chastity shone, husband - industrious mentor, old - gentleness teacher, monk - abstinence rule, praying - leader, inspired from God, seeking wisdom - enlightener mind, good-spoken oracles - words of a living source inexhaustible, beneficent - star of mercy, commanding - the reign of a wise image , the truth is a zealot - the inspirer of boldness, the truth of the persecuted - the mentor of patience, you were all the whole, but you save every one. Over all these, you acquired love, even if there is a cous of perfection, and by that, as if by the power of the Divine, all the talents in your single face were united into one and there love, divided reconciling, in the interpretation of the words of the apostles, preached to all the faithful. But we, sinners, according to each one our own gift of property, the unity of the spirit in the union of the world are not imams, we are vanity, irritating each other, envying each other, for the sake of this gift, our divided is not into peace and salvation, but into enmity and condemnation to us are. The same to you, the saint of God, we fall, we are overwhelmed with contention, and in contrition of heart we ask: with your prayers, remove from our hearts all pride and envy that divides us, so that in many places the church body will be one, but according to your prayerful word we will love each other and with one mind we confess the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity of Consubstantial and Indivisible, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

Priests read a special prayer of repentance to the Lord God.

Prayer "For Priests"

“Lord our God, the One Good and Humane, the One Holy and rest on the saints, even to Your supreme Apostle Peter, having shown a vision, nothing bad, or unclean, from You created for food and for the enjoyment of man, and Your chosen vessel, the Apostle Paul, all pure clean
commanding: You yourself, the Most Holy Lord, by invoking the terrible and most pure Your Name, and the sign of the terrible and Life-giving Cross, bless and cleanse me of Your servant (name) defiled from every unclean spirit, from every dream and poisonous reptile, from all lawlessness and from all flattery, from every indulgence, and every ide, and from every opposite villainy of the devil. And now Thy servant (name) is unworthy of me: vouchsafe, according to Thy mercy, to serve Thy most pure Mysteries. And first, cleanse my soul and body from all filth, and leave every sin, voluntary and involuntary, if I have sinned all the days of my stomach, in deed, word and thought, in days and nights, and until this hour. And grant me, O Lord, this terrible ministry of the heavenly Orders, and the communion of Your Most Pure Mysteries, not for judgment, nor for condemnation, but for the forgiveness of sins, and for the coming of the Holy Spirit, and the belly of everlasting joy, which you have prepared for your true servant. Save me, Lord Almighty, from all sin and malice, keep the undefiled and blameless from all the leprosy of the opposite devil: and give me, Lord, to serve Thee in reverence and truth until the last day and hour and my end: Thou bless and sanctify all , Christ our God, and we send glory to You, with Your Father without beginning, and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.

The deacons and hieromonks narrate about the need to perform the sacrament of communion after the desecration has occurred:
“If a layman has been tempted by Satan, then communion is a must, so that the devil no longer seduces into weak flesh. If he was subjected to the lust of his wife, then he should not receive communion.”

In all cases, men who have experienced expiration in a dream should, after reading the obligatory common prayer, turn to their spiritual fathers for repentance and forgiveness. Do not be shy, because human weaknesses are visible and understandable to the Heavenly Father, and his love for his children is boundless.

Sometimes it happens that someone is tempted in a dream according to the action of the devil, having risen from the bed, makes bows, saying:

God, have mercy on me a sinner.

The same start as usual:

Our Father... Lord, have mercy (12). Glory, and now. Come, let's bow ... (three times). Have mercy on me, God...

And this troparia, tone 7
Good Shepherd, laying down Your soul for us, the hidden secret, done by me, O only good, save me with the mind of the erring one, and save me from the wolf, Lamb of God, and have mercy on me. I am weighed down by the sleep of despondency, I am darkened by the charm of sin: but grant me the morning of repentance, enlightening the eyes of my mind, Christ God, the enlightenment of my soul, and save me. With the mist of sin and the sweetness of life we ​​weave the mind of my accursed soul, it gives birth to various passions, and does not come to the thought of compunction. But have mercy, O Savior, my humility, and give me the thought of compunction, and let me save before the end, I will cry out to Your compassion: Lord Christ, my Savior, save me desperate and unworthy. Like falling into robbers, and wounded, so I fell into many sins, and my soul is wounded. To whom shall I resort guilty az: only to Thee, merciful soul Physician: pour out on me, O God, Thy great mercy.
Glory: Yako prodigal son I came and az, Generous: receive me, Father, returning, as one from Thy hirelings, O God, and have mercy on me.
And now: Theotokos
Deliver, O Mother of God, from the sins that hold us back: as if there were no other hope of faith, imams, except for You, and from You, the Lord who was born.
Also: Lord, have mercy (40). And prostrations 8, with a prayer: God, be merciful to me, and forgive me fornication for Your Holy Name.

First Prayer, Saint Basil the Great
Paki commemorated by the accursed mind and crafty custom, working for sin. Paki, the prince of darkness and passionate sweetness, the parent, create me captivated, and like a humble servant, he forces me to work with his desire and desire for carnal work. And what will I do, my Lord, and the Deliverer and Intercessor, who trust in Thee, if not to Thee again I will return and fast, and I will ask mercy for what I have done; but I am afraid and trembling, but not always confessing, and promising to turn back the evil ones, and sinning for every hour: and not giving up my prayer to Thee, my God, I will lift up Thy long-suffering to indignation. And who will endure Your wrath, Lord; Knowing, therefore, the multitude of Thy bounties, and the abyss of Thy philanthropy, again I turn back to Thy mercy, and I cry out to Thee: if I have sinned, forgive me. Have mercy on me fallen, give me a helping hand, immersed in the mire of sweets. Do not leave, Lord, Your creation to be corrupted by my iniquities and my sins: but by Your usual mercy and goodness we compel, deliver from feces and bodily filth and passionate thoughts that always defile my wretched soul: behold, Lord, as if you see, there is no place in it clean, but leprous all over, and the whole body is covered with a plague. Ubo himself, Lover of mankind, doctor of souls and bodies and source of mercy, cleanse that of my tears with the flow, pouring these on me abundantly: pour out Your love of mankind on me, and give me healing and cleansing, and heal my contrition, and do not turn Your face away from me Yes, not like a thing, the fire will fill me with despair: but like Thou didst say, unfalse God, like great joy happens in heaven about a single sinner who repents, do this on me a sinner, and do not close the ear of Thy goodness, in the prayer of my repentance; but open them, and as if incense, correct it before Thee: weigh the infirmity of nature to the Creator, and comfort the creep of youth, and the heaviness of the body, and despise sins, and accept repentance of those who call Thee with truth. As if blessed and glorified, Thy most honorable and magnificent name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two, Saint Basil the Great
Many-merciful, imperishable, not defiled, sinless Lord, cleanse me, Thy indecent servant, from all filth of the flesh and soul, and from my inattention and despondency, the uncleanness that has arrived to me, with all my iniquities, and reveal me undefiled, Master, for the goodness of Thy Christ , and sanctify me with the invasion of Your Most Holy Spirit: as if I had risen from the darkness of the unclean ghosts of the devil, and all kinds of filth, I will be able to open my filthy and unclean mouth with a clean conscience, and sing Your all-holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer three
Lord our God, if I have sinned in these days in word, deed and thought, forgive me as Good and Lover of mankind. Peaceful sleep and serene grant me. Send your guardian angel, covering and keeping me from all evil, as if you are the guardian of our souls and our bodies, and we send glory to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Fourth Prayer of Saint John Chrysostom
(24 prayers, according to the number of hours of the day and night)

  1. Lord, do not deprive me of Your heavenly blessings.
  2. Lord, deliver me eternal torment.
  3. Lord, whether in mind or thought, in word or deed, I have sinned, forgive me.
  4. Lord, deliver me from all ignorance and oblivion, and cowardice, and petrified insensitivity.
  5. Lord, deliver me from every temptation.
  6. Lord, enlighten my heart, darken the evil lust.
  7. Lord, if a man has sinned, You, like God, are generous, have mercy on me, seeing the weakness of my soul.
  8. Lord, send Thy grace to help me, may I glorify Thy holy name.
  9. Lord Jesus Christ, write me Thy servant in the book of animals and grant me a good end.
  10. Lord, my God, if I have done nothing good before You, but grant me, by Your grace, to lay a good beginning.
  11. Lord, sprinkle in my heart the dew of Thy grace.
  12. Lord of heaven and earth, remember me Thy sinful servant, cold and unclean, in Thy Kingdom. Amen.
  1. Lord, receive me in repentance.
  2. Lord, don't leave me.
  3. Lord, do not lead me into misfortune.
  4. Lord, give me a good thought.
  5. Lord, give me tears and the memory of death, and tenderness.
  6. Lord, give me the thought of confessing my sins.
  7. Lord, give me humility, chastity and obedience.
  8. Lord, give me patience, generosity and meekness.
  9. Lord, instill in me the root of the good, your fear in my heart.
  10. Lord, grant me to love Thee with all my soul and thoughts, and to do Thy will in everything.
  11. Lord, cover me from certain people, and demons, and passions, and from all other unsimilar things.
  12. Lord, weigh, as if you were doing, as if You will, may Your will be done even in a sinner, as if you were blessed forever. Amen.

Prayer Five, to the Most Holy Theotokos
My Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos, with Thy holy and all-powerful supplications, take away from me, Thy humble and cursed servant, despondency, oblivion, foolishness, negligence, and all filthy, crafty and blasphemous thoughts from my wretched heart and from my darkened mind; and extinguish the flame of my passions, for I am poor and cursed. And deliver me from many and fierce memories and enterprises, and from all the actions of evil free me. As if you are blessed from all generations, and Your honorable name is glorified forever and ever. Amen.

Same: Most honest Cherubim... Glory, and now. Lord, have mercy (three times). God bless.
And leave:
Lord Jesus Christ, our God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints, save me a sinner.

Prayer for defilement
Lord our God, the One Good and Human-loving, the One Holy and rest on the saints, even to Your supreme Apostle Peter, showing a vision, nothing bad, or unclean, from You created for food and enjoyment of man, and Your chosen vessel, the Apostle Paul, all is pure commanding the pure: You yourself, the Most Holy Master, by invoking the terrible and most pure Your name, and the sign of the Honest and Life-giving Cross, bless and cleanse me, Your servant (name), defiled from every hostile spirit, from every dream and poisonous reptile, from every lawlessness and from all flattery, from all indulgence, and from all fuss, and from every ailment, and all sorts of evil, and from all the evil villainy of the devil. And now, worthy of Thy servant, unworthy of me, according to Thy mercy, serve Thy most pure Mysteries. And first, cleanse my soul and body from all filth, and leave every sin, voluntary and involuntary, if I have sinned all the days of my stomach, in deed, word and thought, in days and nights, and until this hour. And give me, Lord, this terrible ministry of the heavenly Orders, and the communion of Your most pure Mysteries, not for judgment, nor for condemnation, but for the forgiveness of sins, and the coming of the Holy Spirit, and the belly of everlasting joy, which you have prepared for your true servant. Save me, Lord Almighty, from all sin and malice, keep the undefiled and blameless from all the leprosy of the opposite devil: and give me, Lord, to serve Thee in reverence and truth until the last day and hour and my end: Thou bless and sanctify all , Christ our God, and we send glory to You with Your Father without beginning and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

The life of any Christian consists not only of pleasant and pious actions: reading the Gospel and the Psalter, daily prayer, pilgrimages, learning about the lives of saints and miracles. Unfortunately, on life path all believers are waiting for not only ups, but also crushing falls.

Turning to the Heavenly Father, a Christian is sanctified, in other words, becomes more holy, since he communicates in prayer with the Holy Spirit. And He, as you know, the Holy Spirit - the third hypostasis of God. When a person makes his spirit look like the Spirit of God, he also receives divine spiritual joy, illumination, and often even acquires some of the properties God himself- gifts of healing, prophecy, prayers and so on.

And all this happens through love for one's neighbor and for God, who, as you know, is Love, the highest, ultimate Good. In other words, to be with Him - supreme happiness for every person. When the Father is near, the believer makes less mistakes that would sadden his soul and Heavenly Father, introduced disharmony to a certain extent, the harmony and relationship with God established within the Christian.

Saints become saints because their spiritual world, through exploits and resistance to multiple earthly temptations, has become similar to that of the angels. Such people in Orthodoxy are called "earthly angels and heavenly people." By the way, Basil the Great himself is glorified in the face of saints, who is the author of the prayer rule against defilement.

A person begins to feel good when his innermost world seems to be magnetized to the Creator. Then he starts to get highest good for your soul - the unchanging presence of the Spirit of God.

But then sin entered the life of a person: he decided to do something that is in unconditional conflict with God and the structure of His world. What is going on? Harmony collapses, the spiritual world of the sinner is demagnetized, and the person, despite the fact that he may have received what he wanted, begins to suffer without receiving any joy or satisfaction.

This happens because he allowed disharmony to enter not only into his spiritual world, but also into his relationship with the Heavenly Father. A person ceases to be that alloy of virtues, which was able to attract a “magnet” - the grace of God, has lost its properties. By his sinful deed, a man put himself on a par not with the Angels, where he was originally called to be, but with animals, allowing himself to be spiritually filthy.

Now, in order to regain harmony, his inner dignity and restore interaction with God, he should be cleansed.

After all, the Spirit of the Creator does not interact with any filth. In other words, he does not enter into communion with her, does not become at least in the least in common with her.

However, as every Christian knows, nothing is incorrigible with God. Of course, getting dirty in something nasty is not included in the category of pleasures. However, if this happened and the filth nevertheless touched the soul of a Christian, then they will help to rectify the situation. church rules that were established by the holy fathers a long time ago. One of these rules is called the "rule of defilement."

Its author is, as already mentioned, St. Basil the Great - one of the main teachers Churches. His advice and prescriptions are carried out by Christians and clergy to this day. And in great post often serve the Liturgy according to the order of Basil the Great. Therefore, everyone should heed the advice of this saint.

A special sequence of prayers is called the Rule against defilement. It includes the psalms of David, the Hebrew saint, and requests for cleansing and restoration to original dignity. The rule makes it possible to express to the Creator regret about the act, recognition of one's sinfulness and nature damaged by sin.

Men turn to the rule from defilement when involuntary ejaculation occurs during sleep. Moreover, it should be started if the indicated event turned out to be arbitrary, in which case the rule will be a prayer from defilement by masturbation. An outflow that occurred due to illness or due to marital relations should not be considered a desecration, respectively, and there is no need to read the rule.

As a rule, before the text of the rule, the compilers publish a note - a reminder for men in which cases it is worth turning to this prayer. In addition, it is noted that reading a prayer from desecration in a dream should with the blessing of a priest or spiritual father.

For Christian women, there is no special similar prayer service. Women are also often visited by night dreams and various nasty acts both about sleep and in reality, ending in the same way as the act with a member of the stronger sex. Yes, often carnal desires and the inability to keep them under control push people to various actions that lower their spiritual dignity.

However, if a woman is married, then her husband is her protection from filth, especially if the marriage is church, that is, when the husband and wife were married. If a woman is single, unmarried, then it is fitting for her to fight with her passions, offer prayer to God, and if there was a temptation, and even more so if she succumbed to it, then it is imperative to bring her repentance, including at confession.

If you lead your inner life competently, then pretty soon the “attacks of the flesh,” as the holy fathers call it, diminish and tempted, that is, the tested one, will be able to cope with them much faster and easier.

What can cause a position where a rule is required

The main provocateurs can be:

  • the skill of overeating (or the sin of gluttony) - in other words, intemperance in eating, both in its quality and in quantity, becomes a direct cause of the rampage of the flesh, its refusal to obey the will of man;
  • weakness for alcohol - in other words, the voluntary surrender of one's will to uncontrolled passions.

Most likely, it will be necessary to prepare a rule against defilement for everyone who voluntarily gives up their will in one way or another: drug addicts, gluttons, drunkards, since any clouding of the mind often leads to other sins.

People are not always defiled because of their personal choice, this can be influenced by:

  • any accident;
  • forced action;
  • disease;
  • absolutely natural natural process, with which even in the presence of volitional effort a person is not able to do anything.

For example, Christian men are not always able to control the flow of the seed at night. At the same time, defilement still “counts”, although it is not spiritual, but still bodily. Therefore, they should read the rule. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of here. But the purest soul can be ashamed, which understands that something is happening to it that should not happen. This is natural. This is because our current bodies are in many ways identical to those of beasts.

And it wasn't always like that. Many people, including Christians, do not know about this or do not realize it only because they are inattentive or infrequent read Holy Bible(Bible). Or little familiar with the Holy Tradition - that part. stories that are passed from mouth to mouth.

According to ancient texts, before the fall, man had a body of a completely different quality than now. It was loose, less material. It was dominated by spirit, not matter. Man was able, thanks to these properties of his material shell, to pass through solid objects, materialize at the speed of thought in the desired place, and so on. Yes, it sounds amazing. However, this is true, and the Book of Books, the Bible, also tells about this.

Let's take a look at its pages. When the first people sinned, they had a fateful conversation with God for all mankind. By asking leading questions, the Father gave them a chance to repent, admit they were wrong, and take responsibility for their actions. But people, already damaged by sin, which entered their souls along with the God-forbidden fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, refused to repent.

Instead, they only blamed each other for what happened, and in the end they came to the conclusion that God himself was to blame for everything. Adam declared to his Creator that the fruits he ate were given to him by Eve. And it, the fallen one noticed, was given to him by God. It turned out that, it turns out, the Creator is the main culprit. At the same time, Adam himself, in his personal interpretation of what happened, acted as just an unfortunate and innocent victim.

It is for this reason that the first people lost their heavenly bliss and were, as the Holy Book says, expelled from Paradise. At the same time, before people were left alone on Earth, the Lord “dressed them in leather robes.” This remark is one of the most important fragments in human history.

In other words, he condensed the bodies of people to the state of an animal, since the damaged spirit of people, which naturally subjugated the material part, could now pose a danger to a person and could bring it to no one knows where. Thus, the compaction of the bodily composition acted, on the one hand, as a burden and punishment, and on the other hand, as a stopper for Adam and Eve.

In the era of atheism, when absolutely everything that was connected with God, spiritual life, canons, sacred books, was distorted, teachers in educational institutions especially ridiculed this place in the Bible. It was interpreted by teachers in this way: as if He had caught several of His creatures - animals - killed them, pulled off the skin and put it on Adam and Eve.

Now, of course, one can only laugh at this, however, through tears. The beautiful Creator, perfect in His love for His creations, who created everything around out of love and for love, unexpectedly acts as almost the first killer in order to dress up His children in the skins of His other creatures for some reason.

Needless to say, it was absolutely not like that. Under the leather robes, it is precisely the same sealing of the spiritual bodies of Adam and Eve that is meant. Man, through new, immeasurably worse bodies, which turned out to be susceptible to illness, death, which can be damaged, which are difficult to deliver complete comfort due to sensitivity to frost and heat, etc., have also acquired opposite properties instead of immortality, infinity and eternity. To name just a few:

  • passion (disposition to various addictions);
  • temporality (susceptibility to time);
  • mortality.

These properties of imperfect flesh, which we now carry within ourselves as one of the punishments, indicate to us that without the Heavenly Father and His grace, on which He built this whole world and which is its foundation, only such a terrible life is possible. Human flesh is the bearer of sin, an instrument initially crippled by the bearer himself, allowing him to interact with the material world.

In this regard, we sin so often, and at times completely involuntarily. For this reason, defilement has been a common and ubiquitous phenomenon since the fall. Moreover, this state of affairs is not the norm for a person who is essentially an Angel with material expression and called to eternal life with the Creator in His Kingdom.

In order to regain the former flesh for oneself, it is necessary ... to die. Each person must necessarily taste death, survive the “dumping” of his body. It will be destroyed and recreated for everyone - both righteous and sinful - before Doomsday at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ our Savior. This is what every Christian confesses in the Symbol of Faith "for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come."

It is in this general resurrection that we will receive back our immortal bodies- without illness, death and sin, evil thought, etc. That's just the location of each - heaven or hell - will depend on the way of life on earth. Then there will be no need for purification. In the meantime, prayer from defilement in a dream is simply necessary for us.

Sometimes it happens to someone to be tempted in a dream by the action of the devil. And having risen from the bed, he makes obeisances, saying:

God, have mercy on me a sinner.

Same start as usual.

Come, let us worship our King God. (Bow)

Come, let us bow down and bow down to Christ, our King God. (Bow)

Come, let us worship and bow down to Christ Himself, the King and our God. (Bow)

Psalm 50

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy, and according to the multitude of Thy mercies, cleanse my iniquity. Wash me most of all from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin; for I know my iniquity, and my sin before me is taken out. I have sinned against you alone and done evil before you; as if you were justified in your words, and conquered when you judge Ty. Behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and in sins give birth to me, my mother. Behold, thou hast loved the truth; the unknown and secret wisdom of Thy revealed to me. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be cleansed; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Give joy and joy to my hearing; the bones of the humble will rejoice. Turn Your face away from my sins and cleanse all my iniquities. Create a pure heart in me, O God, and renew a right spirit in my womb. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Give me the joy of Your salvation and confirm me with the Sovereign Spirit. I will teach the wicked in Your way, and the wicked will turn to You. Deliver me from blood, O God, God of my salvation; my tongue rejoices in thy righteousness. Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will proclaim your praise. As if you would have desired sacrifices, you would have given them: you do not favor burnt offerings. Sacrifice to God the spirit is broken; a contrite and humble heart God will not despise. Please, O Lord, with Thy favor Zion, and let the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness, an offering and a burnt offering; then they will offer bullocks on your altar.

And this troparia, tone 7

Good Shepherd, laying down Your soul for us, the hidden secret, done by me, O only good, save me with the mind of the erring one, and save me from the wolf, Lamb of God, and have mercy on me.

I am weighed down by the sleep of despondency, I am darkened by the charm of sin: but grant me the morning of repentance, enlightening the eyes of my mind, Christ God, the enlightenment of my soul. and save me.

With the mist of sin and the sweetness of life we ​​weave the mind of my accursed soul, it gives birth to various passions, and does not come to the thought of compunction. But have mercy, O Savior, my humility, and give me the thought of compunction, and let me save before the end, I will cry out to Your compassion: Lord Christ, my Savior, save me desperate and unworthy.

Like falling into robbers, and wounded, so I fell into many sins, and my soul is wounded. To whom shall I resort guilty az: only to Thee, merciful soul Physician: pour out on me, O God, Thy great mercy.

Glory: Like the prodigal son came and az, Generous: receive me, Father, returning, as one from Thy hireling, God, and have mercy on me.

And now, the Theotokos:

Deliver, O Mother of God, from the sins that hold us back: as if there were no other hope of faith, imams, except for You, and from You, the Lord who was born.

Same: Lord, have mercy (40 times).

And bows 50, with a prayer:

God, be merciful to me, and forgive me the prodigal for Your Holy Name.

Therefore, a prayer, St. Basil the Great

Paki is busy with his accursed mind and crafty custom, working for sin. Paki, the prince of darkness and passionate sweetness, the parent, create me captivated, and like a humble servant, he forces me to work with his desire and desire for carnal work. And what will I do, my Lord, and the Deliverer and Intercessor, who trust in Thee, if not to Thee again I will return and fast, and I will ask mercy for what I have done; but I am afraid and trembling, but not always confessing, and promising to turn back the evil ones, and sinning for every hour: and not giving up my prayer to Thee, my God, I will lift up Thy long-suffering to indignation. And who will endure Your wrath, Lord; Knowing, therefore, the multitude of Thy bounties, and the abyss of Thy philanthropy, again I turn back to Thy mercy, and I cry out to Thee: if I have sinned, forgive me. Have mercy on me fallen, give me a helping hand. immersed in the mire of sweets. Do not leave, Lord, Your creation to be corrupted by my iniquities and my sins: but by Your usual mercy and goodness we compel, deliver from feces and bodily filth and passionate thoughts that always defile my wretched soul: behold, Lord, as if you see, there is no place in it clean, but leprous all over, and the whole body is covered with a plague. Ubo himself, Lover of mankind, doctor of souls and bodies and source of mercy, cleanse that of my tears with the flow, pouring these on me abundantly: pour out Your love of mankind on me, and give me healing and cleansing, and heal my contrition, and do not turn Your face away from me Yes, not like a thing, the fire will give me despair: but like Thou didst say, unfalse God, like great joy happens in heaven about a single sinner who repents, do this on me a sinner, and do not close the ear of Thy goodness, in the prayer of my repentance; but open them, and as if incense, correct it before Thee: weigh the infirmity of nature to the Creator, and comfort the creep of youth, and the heaviness of the body, and despise sins, and accept repentance of those who call Thee with truth. As if blessed and glorified, Thy most honorable and magnificent name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two, of the same Saint Basil

Many-merciful, imperishable, not defiled, sinless Lord, cleanse me, Thy indecent servant, from all filth of the flesh and soul, and from my inattention and despondency, the impurity that has come to me, with all my iniquities, and reveal me undefiled, Master, for the goodness of Thy Christ , and sanctify me with the invasion of Your Most Holy Spirit: as if I had risen from the darkness of the unclean ghosts of the devil, and all kinds of filth, I will be able to clean my conscience, open my filthy and unclean mouth, and sing Your all-holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and till the end of time. Amen.

Prayer three

Lord our God, if I have sinned in these days in word, deed and thought, forgive me as Good and Lover of mankind. Peaceful sleep and serene grant me. Send your guardian angel, covering and keeping me from all evil, as if you are the guardian of our souls and our bodies, and we send glory to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Fourth Prayer of Saint John Chrysostom

Lord, do not deprive me of Your heavenly blessings. God. deliver me eternal torment. Lord, whether in mind or thought, in word or deed, I have sinned, forgive me. Lord, deliver me from all ignorance and oblivion, and cowardice, and petrified insensitivity. Lord, deliver me from every temptation. Lord, enlighten my heart, darken the evil lust. Lord, as if a man had sinned, You, as God is generous, have mercy on me, seeing the weakness of my soul. Lord, eat Thy grace to help me, may I glorify Thy holy name. Lord Jesus Christ, write me, Your servant, in the book of animals and grant me a good end. Lord my God, even if I have done nothing good before You, but give me, by Your grace, to lay a good beginning. Lord, sprinkle in my heart the dew of Thy grace. Lord of heaven and earth, remember me, Thy sinful servant, cold and unclean, in Thy Kingdom. Amen.

Prayer Five, to the Most Holy Theotokos

My Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos, with Thy holy and all-powerful supplications, expel from me, Thy humble and cursed servant, despondency, oblivion, foolishness, negligence, and all filthy, crafty and blasphemous thoughts from my wretched heart and from my darkened mind; and extinguish the flame of my passions, for I am poor and cursed. And deliver me from many and fierce memories and enterprises, and from all the actions of evil free me. As if you are blessed from all generations, and Your honorable name is glorified forever and ever. Amen.

Same: The most honest Cherubim and the most glorious Seraphim without comparison, who without the corruption of God the Word gave birth to the real Mother of God, We magnify Thee.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Lord have mercy. (Three times)

Lord bless

And let go

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, and all the saints, save me a sinner.

Prayer for defilement

Lord our God, the One Good and Human-loving, the One Holy and rest on the saints, even to Your supreme Apostle Peter, showing a vision, nothing bad, or unclean, from You created for food and enjoyment of man, and Your chosen vessel, the Apostle Paul, all is pure commanding the pure: You yourself, the Most Holy Master, by invoking the terrible and most pure Your name, and the sign of the Honest and Life-giving Cross, bless and cleanse me, Your servant (name), defiled from every hostile spirit, from every dream and poisonous reptile, from every lawlessness and from all flattery, from all indulgence, and from all fuss, and from every ailment, and all sorts of evil, and from all the evil villainy of the devil. And now, worthy of Thy servant, unworthy of me, according to Thy mercy, serve Thy most pure Mysteries. And first, cleanse my soul and body from all filth, and leave every sin, voluntary and involuntary, if I have sinned all the days of my stomach, in deed, word and thought, in days and nights, and until this hour. And give me, Lord, this terrible ministry of the heavenly Orders, and the communion of Your most pure Mysteries, not for judgment, nor for condemnation, but for the forgiveness of sins, and the coming of the Holy Spirit, and the belly of everlasting joy, which you have prepared for your true servant. Save me, Lord Almighty, from all sin and malice, keep the undefiled and blameless from all the leprosy of the opposite devil: and give me, Lord, to serve Thee in reverence and truth until the last day and hour and my end: Thou bless and sanctify all , Christ our God, and we send glory to You with Your Father without beginning and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

The Christian life consists of more than just going to the temple, which actually takes up a very small percentage of the time. An important component of spiritual growth is the fight against sins. One of the grave types of temptations are carnal sins, against which it is customary to read the rule against defilement. In what cases is it necessary, how can the attacks of the unclean be reduced?

What is desecration

The Old Testament righteous adhered to the laws of ritual purity, which are described in the Pentateuch (Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy). These are very complex rules, which, however, should not be confused with hygienic ones, since they had, first of all, a sacred meaning. After the advent of the New Testament, Christians were freed from them, but still baptized people must adhere to certain restraining rules, without which it is impossible to achieve spiritual growth.

For example, how can a person who is possessed gambling or drunkenness, to call yourself saved? At the same time, he is well versed in church rites, fulfill them, confess and take communion, but still does not become righteous. After all, it is not going to the temple that creates salvation, but a change human soul which should be manifested in pious behavior.

The rule against defilement is intended mainly for men. It appeared in the monastic environment. They are known to take a vow to abstain from intimacy with women. But after all, not only the very fact of intercourse is considered a sin, but also dreams about it. This is a source of strong temptation. That is why women were previously generally forbidden to appear on the territory of male cloisters (and vice versa).

It was allowed only very rarely to visit relatives in monasteries or to come to Sunday services. Women were not even supposed to serve in the homes visited by the bishop. And the priest who served the Liturgy for the sisters had to spend the night outside the walls of the monastery.

Desecration for a man is considered such an eruption of seminal fluid, the fault of which was a dream, or watching movies, masturbation. In this case, you should read the rule from the desecration of Basil the Great. It is also necessary to tell the confessor about this, especially if everything happened on the eve of Communion. The priest himself will decide whether it is possible to proceed to the sacrament, or whether one should abstain.

What is sin

For women, there is no separate rule from defilement. But they can also have night dreams that end in a similar way to an act with a man. Of course, carnal desires are peculiar to people, but they must be satisfied with a spouse, in a legal marriage. If a woman is lonely, one should fight with passions, read prayers, repent. Over time, desires will become less, it will be easier to cope with them.

Other weaknesses can also provoke prodigal thoughts:

  • susceptibility to overeating, gluttony - immoderation in eating directly leads to inflaming the flesh;
  • drunkenness - when a person drowns his will in wine, then most likely then he will have to read the rule from defilement, because drunkenness and fornication very often happen in one place, at one time.

There are also other types of defilement. For example, staying in bad company which David warns against in Psalm 1. Although here much depends on the purpose for which a person communicates with sinners. The apostles tried to teach the faith to everyone, including the villains. But joint entertainment, cohabitation is unlikely to be useful. Communication with heretics can end up with the fact that the person himself will adopt their views.

Moses taught that the following deeds should be recognized as defiling:

  • fornication, including incest;
  • worship of idols (this number includes sorcery, reading horoscopes, turning to sorcerers, fortune-telling);
  • murder (including bullying, driving a person to suicide, leaving in danger);
  • contact with a corpse, a sick person, any other ritual unclean.

For the first three offenses, if they were proven, the Old Testament Jew was going to die. Firstly, then there was no rule against desecration, compiled by Basil the Great. Secondly, and today for the murder, for example, will have to bear heavier responsibility. By church canons guilty of this sin is subject to strict penance in the form of excommunication.

How to atone for sins

There is no such person who does not violate the commandments. All are sinners. Even the saints were sent illnesses and trials to forge their spiritual world in the crucible of suffering. Therefore, after the fall, one should never fall into despair - this is a sin against the 1st commandment, which teaches you to love God and trust Him. Would a father leave his child, who stumbled and fell, lying in the middle of the road with a broken knee? No, he will pick him up, take pity on him, carry him in his arms.

Only Christians should not be completely like children, they should read prayer rule from defilement in order to show God their readiness for change. This should be done after the usual morning prayers. Then, at the next confession, be sure to repent of sin.

The prayer rule against defilement includes the preparatory prayers, the Psalm, the troparia, bows are made, the prayer to the Mother of God, compiled by the ascetics John Chrysostom, Basil the Great. The reading itself does not take much time, only it is necessary to sincerely repent.

It is also possible to listen to the rule against defilement, but at the same time it is necessary to concentrate the mind, it is better to follow the text with your eyes. If thoughts wander at this moment, no one knows where, a person falls into pure sin - inattention to prayer offends God.

the text of the prayer of Basil the Great from defilement:

Many-merciful, imperishable, not defiled, sinless Lord, cleanse me, Thy indecent servant, from all filth of the flesh and soul, and from my inattention and despondency, the uncleanness that has arrived to me, with all my other iniquities, and reveal me undefiled, Master, for the goodness of Thy Christ , and sanctify me with the invasion of Your Most Holy Spirit: as if I were awakened from the darkness of the unclean ghosts of the devil and all kinds of filth, I will be honored with a clean conscience, open my filthy and unclean mouth, and sing Your all-holy name, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Listen to rule from desecration

Rule from the desecration of Basil the Great - read was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub