Minecraft forest survival tips for beginners. How to survive in minecraft, or safe exploration of the world

The tips in the article will help you learn the many nuances of the Minecraft game.

Create various tools. You never know what might come in handy.

Make traps for mobs.

Before the first night, collect as much wood as possible.

To quickly get shelter by the first night, make an indentation in the mountain.

Don't put off making a shelter.

Before visiting the cave, make sure you have enough wood.

Fence off the territory chosen for construction to protect yourself from random monsters.

Mark your path with blocks or torches to quickly find your way back.

Always keep a torch handy.

Check your ideas before putting them into practice.

Always keep coal in your inventory. It is a good fuel and material for creating torches.

If you find yourself out of cover at nightfall - hide!

Think carefully before killing animals. Once killed, they will not reappear in that location.

Always have a chest with a supply of tools in your hideout.

Think twice before killing animals. Once killed, they will not reappear in that location.

Never carry all the created things with you. Take only what you need. This way you will not lose all your property in case of death and, on the other hand, you will have more free space in your inventory.

When playing online, coordinate your actions: two heads are better than one.

If you stumble upon coal ore, be sure to collect it. There is not much coal.

Be patient!

Be sure to leave free space around the bed. In case of death, you will appear at the original spawn point, or near the bed, if there is one. If there is no free space, you will suffocate.

Arrange bookcases around the enchanting table to increase its effectiveness.

Never dig under you!

When creating torches, it's better to use charcoal, leave the usual for something more important.

Always remember which direction your house is facing.

Keep the wiki page open in your browser so you always have the information you need at hand.

When attacking a creeper, quickly run up to him, knock him back and press the block to minimize the damage from the explosion.

Always remember which direction your house is facing. You can also use a compass or write down the coordinates.

Remember that the size of cave spiders allows them to cross passages only one block wide. Be careful!

If you get attacked while your health is low, don't let go of the block and retreat.

Skeletons can shoot ahead, so beware of dark places and use cover.

Some items (e.g. bed, chests) cannot be placed on the glass block.

Monsters always appear in dark places. Therefore, try to illuminate your shelter as much as possible with glass panels and torches. Avoid creating large open spaces in your house - some mobs can still get there.

Collect all available wood and coal.

When creating a farm, make sure that the plants have enough light and water.

Replant the seedlings obtained during the extraction of wood. After a while, they will grow into new trees (with bonemeal - instantly).

Try not to climb too far from your home.

Make your shelter visible from afar, or mark the path you have traveled. If you have built a shelter near the spawn point, you can use the compass to navigate.

If you go far from home, then make staging posts so that you can wait out the night.

Build pens for animals (chickens, pigs, cows) or tie them to the fence on a leash. Later you can use them for food or breeding.

During long trips through the caves, make small shelters in them (be sure to put a stove). Also take enough wood for additional tools and torches.

When creating a farm, make sure that the plants have enough light and water. One block of water can irrigate an area within a radius of four blocks.

Provide enough free space on the mushroom farm (approximately 5x5x7 blocks) and constant access to bone meal. And no light!

When riding a horse, avoid 2x2 and 2x1 passages: you will not get through them or you will simply suffocate.

Do not go into the water while riding a horse, otherwise it will throw you off. If you absolutely must cross a water barrier, use a leash or build a bridge.

When playing online, hide your animals. Other players can kill them for food.

When riding a horse, avoid 2x2 and 2x1 passages: you will not get through them or you will simply suffocate.

If you are going to the Nether, stock up on tools and good armor.

When building in the Nether, use stone, infernal or normal brick. Other materials can be destroyed by ghast fireballs.

When faced with ifrits, try to build them up, or surround them large quantity torches spawn location (ifrits have a very low darkness requirement to spawn).

When heading to the Nether, always take flint and steel with you: in case the ghast turns off your portal, you can reactivate it. You can also capture obsidian to build a new one.

When setting off in search of a fortress, check your equipment, the availability of the necessary blocks and the presence of at least 15 Ender Eyes. The Eye of Ender doesn't always persist after use, so there's no way to predict how many will be needed to find the portal.

This article will teach you the main basics of the game, if you have just installed the game and do not understand what to do, where to go or how to walk in general, then read our instructions. The instruction is divided into short stages, each stage takes less than a minute, after each it shows what should be in your inventory. Your task is to complete all the instructions before nightfall in the game, then you can survive your first night in the game.

This article is an instruction for beginners on what to do in the first seconds, minutes and days of the game, how to manage the player, how to survive, how to develop. You may be looking for other information:

If you were looking for a tutorial on the first steps in the game, then start reading it. It is divided into several important steps, follow each of them after reading, and after completing, return to the site and see the next step.

Control keys

W - forward
A - left
S - back
D - right
Spacebar - jump
Left Shift - Sneak
Left CTRL - Run

tree search

You have just appeared in the game world, every time you create a map, the world is created randomly, you appear in a random place on the map. Take a look around, first of all you need to find a tree, which is extracted from it, which is needed for crafting and weapons. If there is a tree nearby, then go to it, if there are no trees, then go in any direction until you find it, if you appeared on the island, then swim through the water using the "Space" key.

Your inventory is currently empty

timber extraction

Get close to the tree, point the mouse pointer at the trunk and hold down the left mouse button, we are cutting the tree with our bare hands, so it will take a little longer than if we used an ax (we will have it a little later). Get 5 units of wood, it drops when a piece of wood is cut down.

Press the "E" button in the English layout to switch to the mode, now we need to make from, and from 4 boards. To make planks, simply move the wood with the mouse to one of the 4 crafting spaces next to the player's picture, pick up the planks from right side, so "turn" almost all (leave 1 unit of wood) wood into planks, then make a workbench from 4 planks.

You now have at least 1 piece of wood, 12 planks and 1 workbench. The wood and boards may be of a different color, as the trees are different, but all are used in the same way.

When you have created a workbench, move it to one of the 9 bottom cells. Items and blocks in these 9 bottom cells can be selected using the keys 1-9 or the mouse wheel, after you exit the crafting mode by pressing the "E" key again. We need a workbench for complex crafting, without a workbench we can only do simple things in 4 cells, and in a workbench in 9 cells. To use a workbench, you need to place it on the ground, to do this, select it with the mouse wheel and place it on the ground with the right mouse button.

Now right-click on the workbench and a crafting window will open in 9 cells.

In a vestak, make sticks from 2 boards, and then make sticks from 3 boards and two sticks. By the way, the arrangement of items in a certain order to get other items is called, there are a lot of recipes in the game, it’s not easy to remember them right away, so actively use the page at the link.

Your inventory should now look something like this:

Now we need to get 17 units to make a stone pickaxe, axe, sword and . Cobblestone is mined from stone. Look around for stone cliffs nearby, but it will be even easier to go underground, after 3-5 blocks you will meet stones. It is best to go down underground with a "ladder", then it is easy to get back out. Get 17 cobblestone with a wooden pick and return to your workbench.

Your inventory will now look like this:

We see that our pickaxe is a little damaged, we have collected 17 units of stone and some earth.

Tools and weapons

Return to the workbench, 4 more sticks from two boards, and from sticks and cobblestone - a stone pick, a stone ax, a stone sword.

Now our inventory looks like this:

Enter the workbench, place 8 pieces of cobblestone in the workbench, leaving only the middle cage empty, take the furnace and place it on the ground. Now we need coal to make torches. Coal can be found underground or made in a furnace. Right-click on the stove, put 1 unit of wood in the top cage, and put a wooden pickaxe in the bottom cage, which we will no longer need.

Survival lessons in Minecraft should start with elementary game basics:
Install block - RMB (right mouse button).
Destroy the block - LMB.
Movement - W, S, A, D.
Creep - Shift.

The next step is to select the game mode.

So let's get started.
First, take a look. The game features several different types biome, for example, jungle, swamp, taiga, desert… Mushroom island. There is also Hell and Heaven, but this is not so important now. The first and most important step is finding the tree. And to break it you have… Hands. For now.

So, we need a workbench. It is made from boards (you will find all the necessary recipes on our website in the right menu). And the boards, as you understand, are made of wood. So we collect the required amount and by the methods of witchcraft we get our cherished design. I advise you to immediately, “without leaving the cash register”, create a wooden one and an ax, as they will be useful to you in the near future.

Now you need a shelter, and there is not much time left to build a house. Digging a cave! As soon as you get to the stone, use that same wooden pickaxe. So. What do we have? Workbench, cave, wooden ax and a pickaxe, as well as a stone. What to do next? Keep a close eye on the sunset, that's what! And while you have time (and I hope you still have it) you can chop more trees, look for coal and preferably kill animals up close. If possible, you can try to kill 3 sheep to make yourself a bed, but this is not necessary. Do not run far from your shelter!

So, you, as a very attentive player, having managed to extract resources for yourself, carefully watched the sun all this time. And then you saw the sunset. You should immediately return back to the cave, from which you, listening to the advice, did not go far. Climb into your cave and dig in there so that no light comes to you. If you were lucky enough to find coal earlier, create a torch. It is the same with sheep: if possible, make a bed. The presence of monsters nearby can be easily checked: go to the bed and press RMB. Don't go to bed? Correctly. When all sorts of creepy creatures roam next to you, the desire to sleep peacefully in the crib somehow immediately disappears. Occasionally, you can dig out (literally for 1 second!) and check if the day has come. And when it does come... You can dig out and start building your own house. But before that, it would be great to make a sword. As the day progresses, it becomes much safer. But some monsters, for example, the notorious Creeper, do not burn in the sun. Yes, you can see spiders. And you may also meet especially gifted representatives of evil spirits who can hide in the water or behind the trees. Understand why you need a sword? ..

This initial plan of action will help you understand some of the game features and gradually begin to explore the game world of the Minecraft universe. Good luck!

In Survival Mode, at first glance, everything is the same. In fact, no: you find yourself in the middle of a hostile world in which terrible monsters crawl out of all the cracks at night, and you can only build them from those blocks that you picked up or made yourself during the game. The emphasis shifts radically: in Survival, you build not because you want to, but because without creating shelters and various items you cannot survive. Although you will also sculpt for pleasure - but only after you secure the rear, get comfortable and get comfortable in the game world.

Second, you don't need them. Whichever poultices you use is a game made for your imagination. No beautiful effects will replace your hard work of the brain. originally designed in such a way that you can disassemble into small pieces and reassemble its endless worlds - this is why the game engine and building mechanics are built around cubes; the concept and geometry of the cubes is clear even to a child (remember? - this is LEGO), and the logic of research and construction of the world, thanks to these same cubes, is completely transparent. Once you realize this and accept this forced assumption, you will immediately begin to see forests, mountains, rivers and ominous caves behind a set of strange ladders - and as soon as this happens, a brave new world will open up to you.

5. Start the game, do not get lost

Each game starts in a randomly generated world. This means that no one in the world, not even Markus Persson himself - even though he is in second place on the Time list - has no idea where your journey starts. Meanwhile, tactics and your first actions in the game depend heavily on which biome you find yourself in.

You may be lucky and find yourself in a sunny clearing next to the forest and mountains. The forest is a source of wood, which you can extract to build houses, interior items and even weapons. There are often caves in the mountains that hide vital coal and rare fossils (and monsters, of course); in addition, the mountains themselves are a lot of stone, indispensable in any construction.

Or maybe not lucky, and you will start the game in the middle of a hot desert, in which there will be no wood, no stone, no coal - nothing at all but useless cacti and endless sand. Or you start on a tiny island in the middle of the ocean, from which you can get to mainland you can only swim - and it is still unknown which way to row.

All this can be discouraging. However, wherever you start the game, do not get lost and do not panic. Remember that you can die in this game mainly for two reasons: meeting a monster or not eating in time.

Monsters live and breed in the dark: so do not try to meddle in caves and gloomy forests without armed to the teeth. Remember: it will soon begin to get dark, the night will come - and at night being outside the walls of the dwelling is completely destructive. Therefore, starting the game, immediately think about where you will spend the night. If there is a forest nearby, collect a few blocks of wood with your bare hands, then make an ax, chop more wood and build a hut, albeit a very small one, where you can sit out the first night (instead of a door, you can close the passage to it with mud or sand - the main thing is not to leave street exit). If there is no forest, and it is already getting dark, do not panic - dig a hole right in the ground, hide there and wall yourself up for the night. Or climb on tall tree(a piece of stone, an earthen slide) and wait for the morning at the top. At worst, hide in some dead end - there is always a chance to survive the night (especially the first one).

6. Get food in advance

The problem of hunger for a novice player is probably more serious than finding a place to sleep. Over time and with every action you take in the game, you will want to eat more and more - and if you delay with a meal, you will begin to lose health. Unfortunately, cows, the killing of which is necessary for the extraction of meat (only kill animals not with your bare hands, but with a sword!), Are rare and not in all biomes. When you find meat, try not to eat it raw, unless you are on the verge of death - cooked on fire, it satisfies hunger much more efficiently; it also reduces the risk of food poisoning.

Try to make a fishing rod as soon as possible: you can fish in almost every puddle, and this is a great way to refresh yourself periodically without wasting time hunting. Well, study the rules of organizing vegetable gardens and irrigation systems on the Internet: it's always nice to have home-grown bread in your backyard.

7. Learn to build

Your reference book when playing should be an iPad with an encyclopedia of “recipes” for creating certain items open in it. Study carefully the properties of things and create whatever you need. At first, you will not live without a desktop (workbench) and a furnace (furnace), but do not stop at them. It would be nice to cover the entrance to your new home with a door. Be sure to build a bed in the house: thanks to it, you will be able to sleep at night, reducing the waiting time for dawn, and in case of death, you will be reborn next to it, and not where the hell.

In no case do not forget about the torches. Monsters are known to be born in the dark; therefore, if you fence yourself off from the outside world with high walls, but forget to carefully illuminate all the corners of your home, sooner or later, at the moment of your relaxation, some kind of filth will attack you - we hope it will do without a heart attack. Very soon you will become bored and cramped in your hut, and you decide to expand it by adding new rooms and corridors, or even deepen it by starting to dig down. Hang torches on the walls at short intervals and collect all the coal you find in the mountains at the first opportunity: without it you will not get a fire.

Construction game; you can build certain objects, sculpt the most grandiose buildings in it ad infinitum. Just remember to replenish your supplies and ensure your own safety.

8. Explore!

The worlds generated by , are almost endless (at least in the PC version): you have to spend more than one year of real time to reach one of the ends of the local universe. Such a long journey is, of course, overkill, but feel free to expand your area of ​​\u200b\u200bownership and explore, explore, explore. Finding buried underground crystal vaults, or bizarre lava pools, or beautiful waterfalls in the forest, or strange abandoned buildings hiding gems is one of the key charms of the game. The further you move away from your first home, the more time you will have to trudge back; instead, build additional houses or staging posts. You can even lay railway and start riding back and forth in a wheelbarrow!

A key element of world exploration is excavation. Arm yourself with a shovel and a pickaxe and start nibbling the ground or picking a stone - and sooner or later, going deeper into some mountain or making your way down, you will stumble upon something interesting: a gold mine or a cave with spiders, for example. Don't be afraid to dig, just always keep in mind the most important rule: you can not dig directly above and below you; always work diagonally or sideways. Otherwise, you risk bringing down a ton of sand on your head or falling into a lava lake.

9. Fantasize!

As stated at the beginning of this article, this is a sandbox game where you need to entertain yourself. If you are used to such games and are ready to spend hours doing random missions in GTA, this will not bother you; if you like games to lead you by the hand, then you can get bored.

Once you get comfortable with the game world, build small house, learn how to fight monsters and get food, you will definitely ask yourself: what to do next? The answers may vary. For example, in there is a kind of "end game": you need to get into a parallel world and kill the dragon, as well as fight the three-headed skeletal monster. Of course, in order to achieve this goal, you will have to go through all the circles of hell, learn how to make the most powerful weapons and armor, collect a bunch of rare minerals (including visiting the local hell - the world of Nether, in which it is extremely difficult to survive) and defeat dozens of strong enemies .

However, you can do without it. The best incentive to keep playing and discovering new facets is to turn on your imagination. Set yourself an ambitious goal and start working. For example, build the entire building of your office - with all floors, rooms, doors and windows. Or explore every single cave you can find. Or lay several branches of the underground (ground? air?) subway. Or build glass underwater city Rapture or sky city Columbia. Or build huge calculator. Or build death star. Open, in general, YouTube and start drawing inspiration.

Unless, of course, you have a couple of years of completely free time.

10. Play with people

Sociopathy and endless loneliness is one of the beauties of exploring a hostile world, but be sure to try playing with other people. You can find a random server and join a world where people are already building their civilization - just walking around and seeing what other players have been able to achieve is very interesting. Settle right there, build your house next to the neighbors, plant a garden - and soon you will realize that showing off your architectural achievements to other living people is much more interesting than meditating on them in splendid isolation. And then you will gather in a gang and arrange a joint raid in the Nether in order to gain experience points and pick up rare sand.

And if some bastard comes to your house, ruins it or burns it to the ground - you can do the same. Go and blow up the neighbor's castle with dynamite. Fill his cellar with lava. Destroy his garden. Destroy his Rapture or devastate his Columbia. - a game about construction, but you can also destroy in it; there is no limit to human filth, except for server settings.


A game that you can spend years playing. It's not obligatory; just a few days is enough. But you must try the classics, and no excuse will work. Unless, of course, you love video games at least a little and appreciate the emotions and impressions that they can give. Just start - then everything will work out by itself.

Useful tips for newcomers to Hi everyone and today we will not have reviews. Today I want to give you some tips for minecraft. It will not be typical advice or something like that, but a little more interesting. In general, listen and pay attention.

1. If you are going to go into battle with a horde of zombies and skeletons, you have already made a bunch of damage potions ... I have to break you off sense from your potions will be like peas against a wall. The fact is that zombies and skeletons are completely immune to the damage potion, but their weakness is the healing potion. Therefore, fighting them with the help of potions is very beneficial for you, with their help you will not only deal damage to enemies, but also restore your health points. Here is such a vampirism we have.

2. If you decide to stealthily sneak up on another player, then it's better to hold Shift, because after that your steps will be quieter, and it will be almost impossible to see the nickname through the wall.

3. If you are completely lonely in your quiet corner, then you can get yourself residents.
But it's impossible to drag them here - you say. However, there is a tricky way, namely to make a simple (human) out of a zombie inhabitant.
First we need to lure our future inhabitant to a place where there is no sun (so that it does not burn out)
After poisoning him with a potion of weakness
Right-click on it while holding a golden apple (crafted from golden nuggets)
After you hear hissing sounds, isolate it from the sun and wait. After 5 minutes, the zombie will turn into a villager.

4. If you want to decorate your territory with a lawn, then you just need to make scissors and cut the grass with them with the left mouse button.

5. Did you know that after drinking a potion of night vision you will see perfectly not only in the dark, but also your vision will improve under water.

6. It is difficult to find diamonds, you have to go around lava for a long time, there is a solution. Just drink a fire resistance potion and dive into the lava, in most cases, there you will see whole tunnels filled with lava. By swimming in them, you will surely find good resources.

7. Decided to arrange a hunt for ghasts? But the loot from them often burns out or falls, don’t understand where? There is a solution. We suggest that you arrange for you to go fishing for ghasts, yes, yes, you heard right, namely fishing for ghasts. The fact is that gasts can be caught and pulled with a fishing rod, but be careful, gasts can pull you towards them. So before fishing, do not hesitate to drink a potion of fire resistance.

8. Can't catch up with the enemy? Or drag an animal into a pen? And again I have a solution for you. You will need a fishing rod again, just hook the fishing rod to our target, press RMB and you already have the target.

9. You can just create an enchanted book. Taking a simple book and enchanting it on the enchanting table.

10. And lastly, use ender pearls more often, because they are teleporters

Well, that's all, I hope these tips come in handy or you just discover something new.
Good luck everyone, bye