How to open a bottle with keys. How to open a beer without a bottle opener

Opening a bottle of beer - what could be easier? But what to do if the lid is not swivel, there is no opener with you, and there are no man-made solid objects with sharp corners around?

There is always a talent in the company who will show his extraordinary abilities and save improvident comrades. However, you can also become this superhero, because with some practice, literally everything can be turned into an opener.

With another bottle

As a rule, in the initial state, we have more than one bottle on hand. The beauty is that by themselves two glass containers with beer with a volume of 0.5 liters already turn into an opener.

Do not try to lock the bottles with the teeth of the corks and “pull them apart” - nothing good will come of it. Better tightly grasp one bottle by the neck so that the distance between your finger and the cork is slightly less than the diameter of the cork itself. We take the second bottle and rest the edge of its cork on the teeth of the bottle being opened. The resulting lever will allow you to easily open the bottle with a light and confident hand movement.

However, one problem remains: how to open the last bottle? :)

With a lighter

As in the previous case, we firmly take the bottle by the neck, but now the grip should be almost close to the cork. We slip the lighter under the teeth of the cork.

The knuckle of your finger will act as a fulcrum (which is why it is important to grip the bottle tightly), and the lighter turns into an excellent lever. Confidently and with effort we press on the opposite edge of the lighter body (do not worry about the finger, it will not break), after which we get the desired “puff”.

With thick paper

Any (probably, except for toilet paper) paper, when handled correctly, turns into an opener. Perhaps someone took a magazine or notebook with them? Fabulous! We sacrifice the page in the name of the foamy drink and tightly fold the sheet into a tube version, but only flatten it at the end.

Now, if you fold the resulting multilayer strip in half, then the fold will be hard and strong enough to open the bottle.

The correct grip technique for creating leverage remains unchanged.

Text instructions with pictures are certainly good, but no one has canceled the truth “it is better to see once”, and therefore we suggest that you personally familiarize yourself with the video that clearly demonstrates the methods described above.

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We hope that with this knowledge your summer refreshing gatherings will be even more fun, and now we invite you to turn the comments section of this post into an encyclopedia of "1000 and one ways to open a bottle of beer with improvised means."

Before advising how to open beer with a lighter, let's talk about beer and the types of its packaging produced in Russia. Beer is alcoholic drink with a low alcohol content. It is infused with hops, so it has a specific smell and taste.

1 Features of beer

The drink is made from grain extract and flavored with hops. Thanks to the carbon dioxide it contains, it is good to drink to quench your thirst. With reasonable consumption, beer does not harm health, on the contrary, thanks to it, vitality can increase. The majority of the drink is water, accounting for approximately 90%, with the remaining 10% being the unfermented nutrient extract. These substances are biologically active. The raw materials for beer are barley malt, yeast, hops and water.

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Three types of beer are produced - dark, light and semi-dark. Dark is made from dark malts. Also, the color of the drink depends on the degree of roasting of the malt before its use. Dark beer usually has a malty taste with a slight bitterness.

Dark beer comes in several varieties. Porter is made from young beer, old ale and strong beer. It is a strong drink compared to other varieties. El is a variety that is not made in Russia, but only in England and Belgium. It has a golden brown hue. Stout is a very dark beer. It has a strong aroma and high viscosity. Stout is sweet and bitter. March beer is made from well-roasted malt. It contains a fairly high percentage of alcohol.

Beer pasteurization

Light beer is made by alcoholic fermentation of malt, to which brewer's yeast is added. Its color is determined by the type of malt used and the degree of roasting.
Semi-dark wheat beer is made from wheat malt. In Europe, sprouted wheat is used. Wheat beer is called summer beer. Its main advantage is a pronounced thirst quencher. It lathers well and has a citrus flavor. Its subspecies are German wheat, Belgian white and sour beers. The names of countries in stamps do not say anything about the manufacturer, but only determine traditional recipes cooking.


The processing method divides beer into pasteurized, unpasteurized and deflated. Unpasteurized beer has a shelf life of a week to a month. Pasteurized - up to three months. Some varieties of the drink are produced using special stabilizers that increase its shelf life up to a year. A special 12% beer is also produced. Special beer is made by adding various flavors during the manufacturing process. The original beer contains an increased amount of hops. Along with this, non-alcoholic and low-alcohol beer is produced.

According to the method of fermentation, the drink is divided into top-fermented beer - ale, bottom-fermented - lager, spontaneous fermentation.

beer fermentation process

First, malt is prepared, grain is germinated, dried, and cleaned. The malt is then crushed and mixed with water. At the same time, starch is released to give the desired sweetness to the drink. This mass is called congestion. After that, the wort is prepared by filtering the mash. It is a clear liquid. The wort is boiled with hops. The resulting liquid is freed from the remnants of grain and hops. Cool the liquid, add brewer's yeast to it. After that, the maturation process begins. The drink is left for several months. At the end of this period, brewer's yeast is removed from the resulting mixture. Now the beer can be pasteurized. It is heated to a temperature of 70°C. Microbes die during pasteurization.

More than 150 types of beer are produced in Russia. Currently, new varieties are being developed that differ from the rest in the composition of the grain base, manufacturing technology, and the use of original additives to create a unique taste.
The suitability of beer for consumption may be impaired by the use of low-quality raw materials. In this case, the drink becomes cloudy, foams beyond measure, and begins to smell unpleasant. If lactic and acetic acid bacteria were allowed into the base during the manufacturing process, the beer can turn sour. The defect of the drink is easy to determine by taste. Such a drink may have a sour taste, too bitter or too sweet taste, bread flavor. With poor-quality water purification, the drink may have a chlorine taste.

If we consider the types of beer packaging, packaging in glass bottles is traditionally popular. It is available in 0.33 and 0.5 liter bottles. Bottles are usually dark green or Brown color. Some distilleries produce light-coloured beer bottles, but these are less common. The design of the bottles is getting some variety. At the same time, the bottle should be convenient to pick up and drink directly from the neck in the absence of other utensils.


Another popular container is aluminum cans. They first began to be used in the middle of the last century, and in 1975 they had an "ear" for easy opening. They do not need to be picked with keys or a lighter if you feel thirsty on the way, and there are no special devices for opening bottles in a beer stall. These cans retain the taste properties of the drink very well. But their hygiene is questionable.

After buying the jar, it is better to rinse under running water before drinking from it. The can has tangible advantages over the bottle. It is environmentally friendly because it can be compressed and handed over to a metal collection point. It is much lighter in weight, contributes to the rapid cooling of the drink. It can be put for 10 minutes in cold water and the drink is ready to drink. Designers don't work on the shape of the jar because the focus is on the content and the label.

Beer in aluminum cans

The next type of packaging is plastic bottles. They produce beer with a volume of 1 to 2 liters. The disadvantage is that storage in such bottles reduces the shelf life of the drink. But they weigh 10 times less than glass bottles. Plastic bottles They have a screw cap for easy use. They are cheaper in terms of the same volume of beer in glass bottles.

The last type of packaging is kegs. Keg beer appeared in Russia in the nineties of the last century. Kegs are small stainless steel kegs. They are equipped with special valves and faucets for pouring the drink into glasses. Opening beer with the help of various items is relevant if you bought beer in glass bottle. The metal cap of the bottle is equipped with a corrugated edge, which conveniently clings to a can opener.


How to open a bottle of beer? There is different ways. For example, a way to open a bottle with a magnet and a coin. Place the magnet on a horizontal surface. Place a bottle on top. Tap the coin on the narrow part of the bottle. After a few seconds, the lid will come off.

A less harmless way is to open the bottle with your teeth. This can only be done by people who are confident in the strength of their teeth. It is not recommended to use ordinary teeth for these purposes. But dental implant manufacturers in Argentina have come up with a tooth opener.

Opening beer with lighter

The fact is that rugby players very often lose their teeth in the game and then turn to prosthetists. For them, a tooth-opener was invented with a groove at the end, for which it is easy to hook the bottle cap.
An even riskier way is to open the beer with your eye. In fact, it is not opened with the eye, but with the upper bone above the eyelid. The lid is hooked on the bone above the eye and the bottle is pulled hard. It may not turn out the focus the first time.

How to open a bottle without risking your health? You can do it with a lighter. To open beer with a lighter, you need to take the lighter in your right hand, turning the lighter upside down, that is, the bottom of the lighter should stick out of your hand. In the other hand, you need to take a bottle. Bring the lighter close to the edge of the bottle so that it goes beyond the corrugated edge of the cap.

Press the lighter on the lid to force it to open up. If it didn’t work out right away from one edge, repeat the procedure around the entire circumference of the lid.
In order not to resort to the tricks described above, it is better to buy yourself a three-in-one penknife. It will also have a screwdriver and a can opener that you can use.

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One of the most curious situations looks like this: in hot weather, a person buys a bottle of sweaty cool beer and looks forward to refreshment and pleasure, but does not find how to open it. Mixed feelings can be experienced in such a situation, but all is not lost if you remember a few ways or things that can be used to easily open a beer bottle.

Those who share their advice have tried these methods in practice and made sure that each of them is effective and practical. And some even forgot about the existence of a bottle opener, because they use only these methods to open a bottle of beer.

How to open a beer bottle in an impasse?

The principle of operation of bottle openers is based on the principle of a lever. This means that with one of its edges the object with which the bottle is opened rests against the fulcrum, and with the other edge it prying off the lid.

What can be used as a practical and effective bottle opener at home or on the street? Craftsmen offer a lot of such items. The most common are:

  • Lighter or key. The lighter must be clamped in the hand so that its lower part protrudes slightly from the palm. The bottle must be grasped in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lid and slip an angle under it, and not the flat part of the lighter. The support in this case will be just the hand in which the bottle is located. By pressing the lighter and at the same time pulling the bottle down, you can see how the cap will come off with a characteristic pop. The disadvantage of this method is that the lighter can be scratched and the key bent.
  • Second bottle. The lid of the second bottle is used as an opener, which is used to pry off the cork of the first. One bottle is placed on the table, and the second is turned over and prying off with its lid, the lid on the first bottle. The disadvantage of this approach is that one bottle still remains closed.
  • Paper. Strange as it may sound, but you can open a bottle of beer with a sheet of plain paper. For this, the sheet is folded in half as many times as possible. After that, it is used like a method in which a lighter plays the role of an opener.
  • Book. A hardcover book would be suitable, the edge of the cover of which is slipped under the lid and opened with a sharp movement.
  • Lock bore hole. This option is more complicated, but also works. The cap of the beer bottle catches on the metal edge of the keyhole and jerks down sharply, causing the cap to fly off.

Non-standard methods

Although such methods often border on extreme and dangerous to health, some have even been able to master them and use them effectively when opening. Among these methods:

  • opening by hand;
  • With the use of a bicycle;
  • CD or flash drive;
  • Coin or magnet.

Having mastered any practical way how to open a bottle of beer without a bottle opener, you can get out of the impasse and enjoy your favorite drink. An opener can always be at hand and look in a variety of ways.

The work of a bottle opener is built on elementary mechanics - the principle of a lever, it is easy to make it from improvised means. Next, I will talk about safe ways open beers that are suitable for other bottles, such as soda.

1. Lighter (key). Instead of a lighter, you can use another flat solid object - a spoon, keys or a five-kopeck coin. Take an inexpensive plastic lighter in a stronger hand so that the lower part of the body protrudes slightly from the side thumb. With your other hand, grab the neck of the bottle closer to the cap. Insert the corner of the lighter under the cap, not the flat, flat part. Click on upper part lighters, using the hand that holds the bottle as a support for the lever. The cork will bounce, then pour the beer into the glass, celebrating the victory.

The disadvantage is that the lighter can be scratched, and the keys can bend.

2. Another bottle. Need to embrace right hand(if you are right-handed) the neck of the bottle you are about to open, then press it firmly with the bottom against a table or any other hard, flat surface. With the other hand, grab the neck of the second bottle and turn it over. Place the edge of the cap of the second bottle under the edge of the first. Using the second bottle as a lever, open the first one.

After several attempts, everything will take a couple of seconds. This method has only one drawback - the last bottle will remain unopened.

3. A sheet of paper. An A4 sheet, a newspaper, a page of a notebook or magazine, in extreme cases, even a banknote will do. The thicker the better. Fold the sheet in half as many times as you can. Further instructions are the same as when opening with a lighter. If the paper is thin, it may take several tries, loosen the edges of the cork with different parties.

The disadvantage is that suitable paper is not always at hand, especially in nature.

4. About the wooden ledge. You can open a beer on the edge of a bench, railing, or furniture. It is enough to hook the cap on this ledge and pull it down sharply. Do not use metal surfaces, otherwise you risk pricking the neck of the bottle.

The disadvantage is that this method borders on vandalism, after opening the bottle on wooden surface scratches remain.

Other practical ways to open a bottle of beer are shown in the video.

Try using household items. At home you can always find a lot of useful items.

  • Buckles of the correct form will do.
  • An ordinary fork can also serve as a tool for simple and quick opening. Using one of the prongs of the fork as a lever, bend the side ribs of the cover (one at a time) up and to the side.
  • Children's skates. The best bottle-opening skates are the expensive ones where the blade is not solid. Unfortunately, most people don't.
  • Automobile belt with a latch. Its use is not recommended. If an alcoholic drink is spilled in the car, you may be expected very much by the traffic police.
  • Metal nail clippers. Open them as wide as possible, slip one end under the edge of the lid and pull up. You should be able to hear the compressed air being released as the bun opens. Continue in a circle until the lid opens.
  • Use door handle on the side where the door, when pressed, will close and not open. A little pressure at an angle, and you're done, the bottle is open!
  • Potato peeler. Hold the bottle by the neck, and take the knife with the handle up. Pry off the lid with a handle from each end in turn. It will move but won't open. Then, holding the knife in the same position, hook the cover with the cutting part and pull it up. The lid should pop off.
  • Take two bottles. It is possible to open one of them by simply using the edge of the cap in a similar way to a lighter as described above, but be careful because you may accidentally open the wrong bottle.
  • You can use a can opener with a ring. To do this, simply place the protrusion on the top inside rings under the lid like a regular corkscrew.
  • The side of a conventional radiator is usually efficient enough to open a bottle, and if a little drink does spill it won't be too much of a problem. Simply place part of the cap on the sharp edge of the heatsink and pull down with a sharp motion.
  • Clothes hanger, which is used in hotels (without a hook). Simply place the bottle under the bar, insert the cap into the hanger holder (connected to the bar) and use it like a regular bottle opener.
  • Rubber can opener. Just squeeze it tightly over the lid, twist and pull.
  • The hammer is another great tool. Turn it upside down, slip the forked end under the lid, and walk around the lid. Easy and hassle-free - of course, if you know how to use a hammer.
  • You can open the bottle using folded printer paper (the thicker the better). Fold the paper in half as many times as you can, and then hold the bottle as if you were opening it with a lighter. Wedge the corner of the folded paper firmly under the edge of the lid and push as hard as you can. It may take several tries. Rotate the bottle each time to loosen the edges. This method will certainly impress the audience, although it is one of the most difficult ways open a bottle. Watch your hands, as in this case it is very easy to peel off the knuckles on the edge of the lid.