Why did the lawn turn yellow? The lawn is turning yellow - what to do? Why does the lawn turn yellow? Insufficient lawn aeration

Among the common reasons why the lawn dries out, one can also name cutting it too low, not collecting the mown grass at the right time, freezing of the lawn grass in a snowless winter, a long-lasting layer of crust under which the grass does not receive enough oxygen, incorrect doses of fertilizers, damping off, diseases and etc.

To the question , Why does the lawn dry out? There can be many answers. Here are the most likely reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Insufficient watering. In hot weather, lawn grass needs to be watered quite often, depending on the specific climate zone. Moreover, it is important to water either early in the morning or already at evening time. Bright daytime sun rays, refracting through water droplets, burn tender grass stems, i.e. the “lens effect” will work.
  2. Small yellow spots on the lawn may be the result of your or your neighbors' intrusion. cats/dogs. Chemical composition waste products are detrimental to any plants. The problem can be solved by purchasing an ultrasonic animal repeller that is safe for humans.
  3. Lack of iron and nitrogen in the soil. The situation can be corrected by applying nitrogen fertilizers. For preventive purposes, the same urea or ammonium nitrate in appropriate doses is used to fertilize the soil 3-4 times a season.

Yellow spots on the lawn

So, if yellow spots appear on the lawn, and watering and fertilizers do not bring tangible results, the lawn needs to be restored. First of all, the lawn should be raked lengthwise and crosswise. If the soil is too dense, aeration is necessary. The process consists of piercing the soil with a fork or, if the lawn is occupied large area, special aerators. There are several types of aerators, but in the end, they all give good results.

If yellowed bald spots appear on the lawn, they need to be carefully loosened and the same grass with which it was sown is sown. To treat lawn diseases, and they are most often fungal in nature, fungicides are used - chemical medications, affecting fungal spores.

Or replant the lawn

However, if the yellow spots on the lawn are too extensive or, for example, are due to poor-quality seeds or improper planting, then it is advisable to create a new green lawn. And do everything to avoid the mistakes made so far.

The optimal time for planting lawn grass or laying turf is from mid-April to early October. Moreover average temperature soil should be below 10 degrees. The optimal seed consumption is at least 30 grams per square meter.

  1. The soil must be prepared before sowing grass, because then nothing can be corrected. To do this, the area is dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet. Too oily, chernozem soil requires adding a layer of sand (up to 5 cm) before digging. Sand will prevent the soil from cracking when it dries.
  2. The dug up soil is leveled with a hand roller.
  3. Make grooves with a rake and plant the seeds to a depth of 0.5 cm.
  4. After planting, the soil is rolled again.
  5. The first month after planting, water the soil very often - up to three times a day.
  6. After the plants reach a height of 7-8 cm, the first cutting is carried out. This will help tillering. In general, the lawn should not be cut below 4-5 cm.
  7. Fertilizers are applied in a timely manner and in the required dosages.
  8. If necessary, produce

We have to solve the problem of what to do if the lawn turns yellow quite often. In such a situation, it is important to establish the exact cause of the negative phenomenon in order to take immediate action.

Lawn Care Mistakes That Cause Yellowing

Analyzing the main causes of yellowing of grass, it can be noted that this phenomenon is most often provoked by mistakes made in caring for the lawn:

Unbalanced watering. A lack of moisture causes the grass to dry out. Excessive amounts of water, which stagnate and cause rotting of the root system, also have an adverse effect.

Illiterate organization of fertilizing. Lack of fertilizer weakens plants, causing them to turn yellow prematurely. There is a danger of grass drying out if more nutrients are added than normal or if this procedure is carried out more often than recommended.

Non-compliance with haircut rules. A lawn, especially in hot weather, that is mowed lower than required does not restore growth and dries out. Yellowing of the grass also occurs with infrequent cutting, since overgrown plants lose more than half their length.

Other causes of yellowing

Even with correctly chosen and timely maintenance methods, yellow spots can form on the lawn. The following reasons cause this phenomenon:

Failure to comply with sowing standards. If seeds are placed in the soil too thickly, developing seedlings do not receive required quantity moisture and nutrients. As a result, the lawn gradually dries out.

Trampling. If the lawn was not created for holding sports games and picnics, and for decorative purposes, it may become covered with yellow bald spots as a result of frequent walking on the grass.

Freezing. The danger in the winter season is an insufficient layer of snow on the grass cover, leading to the death of the roots due to severe frosts. Plants are capable of rotting due to the formation of an ice crust if the snowdrifts are massive.

Fungal diseases. The grass on the lawn turns yellow and dries, witch rings form, and damage occurs. dangerous infections. It could be fusarium or powdery mildew. Leaf rust, crust disease, and ophiobolus have a negative effect.

Mechanical damage. The lawn dries out if the grass cover or its root system injured by moles, mice or insects.

Waterlogged soil. The location of the lawn in lowlands where melt and rainwater collects, as well as in areas with high aquifers, leads to rotting of the roots, expressed in the appearance of yellowness.

The lawn becomes covered with yellow spots if cats or dogs choose it as a toilet. In these places, the grass gets burned, after which it does not recover.

Sometimes the cause of yellowing of the lawn is the use of construction waste as a lower drainage layer, which can release elements toxic to plants.

How to solve a problem

Having determined the reason why the lawn turns yellow, you can develop a list of measures to save it.

Selecting a grass mixture that is resistant to yellowing

At the initial stage of laying a lawn, it will be possible to avoid the loss of its decorative value in the future if you select seeds of grass mixtures that are resistant to premature wilting. Drought-tolerant grasses can be sown separately, but properly mixed ready-made mixtures are considered more reliable. Among them the following varieties can be distinguished:

  1. The Russian company MosAgroGroup presents the “Dachnik” mixture, which includes two types of fescue - tall fescue (50%) and red (30%), as well as perennial ryegrass with meadow grass (10% each).
  2. In the catalog of the German company Blooming Life, they select a variety of drought-resistant lawn from two types of red fescue - “service” and “reverent” (35% each). It also contains perennial ryegrass (20%) and meadow bluegrass (10%).
  3. The lawn will always delight with its green decor if you use the Canada Supergreen mixture for sowing, consisting of red fescue (80%), as well as perennial ryegrass and meadow bluegrass (10% each).

Organizing proper watering

A lawn watering system is selected taking into account a number of factors. These include weather, type of soil, type of grass grown. The criterion for the need for watering is the elasticity of the grass. If it does not straighten after pressing, the soil should be moistened.

Do not spray water on the grass during the daytime. Drops that refract the sun's rays can cause burns and yellowing of grass blades. Therefore, this procedure is performed early in the morning or in the evening.

Avoid excessive watering, after which long time puddles stagnate. To ensure uniform moistening, sprinklers are installed - retractable (rotor, fan), non-retractable (oscillating, pulse, circular). Unlike the flow of water from a hose, drops from such devices do not kill the grass or compact the soil.

Organizing the right haircut

Before you start mowing your lawn, you need to study the information on what the minimum length of the remaining part of the grass should be. This indicator depends on the type of coating being created. In any case, cut off no more than one third of the part. To prevent the lawn from turning yellow after mowing, it is important to observe the required frequency of mowing. It is usually recommended to perform the procedure at least once every two weeks. During hot periods, mow the grass in the morning or evening. This event is not permitted in rainy weather. Use lawn mowers equipped sharp knives, as well as trimmers or special scissors.

Organization of competent feeding

Considering that the lawn is often mowed, it is necessary to regularly replenish the loss of nutrients. On average, fertilizers are applied three to five times during the growing season. In spring and summer, nitrogen should predominate in the complex, promoting the rapid restoration of green mass.

For these purposes, it is convenient to use special balanced granules of the Fertika Lawn Spring-Summer nutritional complex. Sprinkle them according to the instructions before watering. Starting preparations for winter, in the autumn season the dose of potassium and phosphorus is increased. For example, they use special complex fertilizers “Fertika Lawn Autumn”.

Protecting grass from pests

Caring for a lawn laid out on a plot near the house includes measures to protect plants from harmful insects. You can tell that they have appeared by the unevenly distributed yellow spots.

Particularly noticeable damage is caused by the larvae of the May beetle, wireworms, and mole crickets. These pests damage the roots, causing the grass to dry out. The drug Nemabact is used against most of them. High-frequency repellers and special traps are also installed against mole crickets.

Preventing yellowing of the lawn

A number of preventive measures can be used to avoid the appearance of yellow bald spots on the lawn, including the rolled type:

Scarification. The procedure consists of combing out the grass using a rake. The result is the removal of unnecessary debris and loosening of the soil. If it is necessary to cut through the turf, increase the pressure on the rake.

Aeration. Dense turf becomes an obstacle to the air needed for grass growth to reach the roots. To eliminate this problem, pierce the surface layer special devices. You can buy boots equipped with long spikes and walk on the lawn.

Mulching. In order to preserve moisture in the soil and prevent its strong compaction, the surface is mulched. For this purpose, they use the grass remaining after cutting with lawn mowers equipped with devices for grinding it. It is important to develop a set of measures, including not only preventive procedures, but also timely regular care. This will prevent possible yellowing and wilting of the lawn.

This year I created a luxurious lawn on the front lawn. For the first month, the fresh grass delighted the whole family with its softness and pleasant emerald color. But in last weeks something happened. Some of the grass has changed green color to yellow. Moreover, after each haircut the effect gets worse. Please help save the lawn! Tell me why the lawn turns yellow after mowing?

A lawn that turns yellow in the middle of summer is the bane of many newbies and even experienced property owners. A week ago, the lawn pleased the owner with thick, pleasant greenery. And today yellow spots appear and are growing rapidly.

If appropriate measures are not taken, these spots will soon turn into real bald spots. The result can be the death of the entire lawn. Unfortunately, it is impossible to definitively answer the question of why the lawn turns yellow after mowing. But we can list a few of the most probable causes. By eliminating them one by one, the lawn owner can very well solve the problem and do everything to ensure that it does not occur again.

Neat haircut

First of all, make sure that you mow your lawn fairly carefully and regularly. Some owners, saving their time, prefer to trim their hair once every 3-4 weeks. As a result. Half the length of the blades of grass or even more is removed. People rarely think that mowing the lawn is a serious stress. And cutting, during which the length of the grass changes so much, is a real danger.

Try to mow the lawn as needed, but at least once every two weeks. If you don’t come to your dacha every week, it’s better to divide the mowing into two parts, cutting off a few centimeters each time - modern lawn mowers allow you to set the height of the grass.

Don't forget - a careless attitude towards the lawn may well result in the appearance of bald spots and even death.

Choose when to water

Many regions of our country have hot summers. This should be taken into account when cutting. And if you are used to mowing your lawn at noon, during the hottest time of the day, take this fact into account. After all, cutting always involves damage to the outer protective layer of the grass. Evaporation from freshly cut grass increases sharply. If the haircut is carried out on a hot day, it is large losses of moisture that cause the appearance of yellowness.

To prevent this from happening, reschedule your haircut early in the morning, or better yet, in the evening. At this time, the sun does not shine so intensely, and during the night the grass will be able to partially recover. And you can forget about yellowness. By the way, exactly wrong time haircuts are the most common cause yellowing of lawns.

Don't forget about fertilizers

Throughout the warm season, lawn grass is mowed and then removed. The nutrients needed to create new cells are taken from the soil, severely depleting it.

Therefore, fertilizers should be applied regularly. It is best to choose special fertilizers for the lawn. They contain carefully balanced potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus - substances necessary for strengthening the root system, rapid growth of grass mass and giving a healthy, green color.

Moreover, depending on the time of year, you should choose appropriate fertilizers. They can be easily purchased at any store.

This year I created a luxurious lawn on the front lawn. For the first month, the fresh grass delighted the whole family with its softness and pleasant emerald color. But in recent weeks something has happened. Some of the grass changed from green to yellow. Moreover, after each haircut the effect gets worse. Please help save the lawn! Tell me why the lawn turns yellow after mowing?

A lawn that turns yellow in the middle of summer is the bane of many newbies and even experienced property owners. A week ago, the lawn pleased the owner with thick, pleasant greenery. And today yellow spots appear and are growing rapidly.

If appropriate measures are not taken, these spots will soon turn into real bald spots. The result can be the death of the entire lawn. Unfortunately, it is impossible to definitively answer the question of why the lawn turns yellow after mowing. But we can list several of the most likely reasons. By eliminating them one by one, the lawn owner can very well solve the problem and do everything to ensure that it does not occur again.

Neat haircut

First of all, make sure that you mow your lawn fairly carefully and regularly. Some owners, saving their time, prefer to trim their hair once every 3-4 weeks. As a result. Half the length of the blades of grass or even more is removed. People rarely think that mowing the lawn is a serious stress. And cutting, during which the length of the grass changes so much, is a real danger.

Try to mow the lawn as needed, but at least once every two weeks. If you don’t come to your dacha every week, it’s better to divide the mowing into two parts, cutting off a few centimeters each time - modern lawn mowers allow you to set the height of the grass.

Don't forget - a careless attitude towards the lawn may well result in the appearance of bald spots and even death.

Choose when to water

Many regions of our country have hot summers. This should be taken into account when cutting. And if you are used to mowing your lawn at noon, during the hottest time of the day, take this fact into account. After all, cutting always involves damage to the outer protective layer of the grass. Evaporation from freshly cut grass increases sharply. If the haircut is carried out on a hot day, it is large losses of moisture that cause the appearance of yellowness.

To prevent this from happening, reschedule your haircut early in the morning, or better yet, in the evening. At this time, the sun does not shine so intensely, and during the night the grass will be able to partially recover. And you can forget about yellowness. By the way, it is the wrong time of mowing that is the most common cause of yellowing of lawns.

Don't forget about fertilizers

Throughout the warm season, lawn grass is mowed and then removed. The nutrients needed to create new cells are taken from the soil, severely depleting it.

Therefore, fertilizers should be applied regularly. It is best to choose special fertilizers for the lawn. They contain carefully balanced potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus - substances necessary for strengthening the root system, rapid growth of grass mass and giving a healthy, green color.

Moreover, depending on the time of year, you should choose appropriate fertilizers. They can be easily purchased at any store.

They differ in the proportions of phosphorus and potassium. Spring-summer ones are aimed at maintaining green mass, and summer-autumn ones prepare the grass for wintering, especially effectively feeding the root system.

You can learn more about the rules of lawn care from the video

Yellowing of lawn grass is usually associated with improper care. We will talk about the main reasons for this problem and methods to combat it.

Irregularities during sowing

How exactly you follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for seed consumption when sowing depends on how your plot will look. People often think that the more seeds you add, the thicker your lawn will be. However, this is not true. Lawn grass gains density by the second season; if you sow the seeds in a layer that is too thick, the root turf will become too dense and the plants will begin to suffocate. If you make such a mistake, it is recommended to carry out the aeration procedure. To get a thick grass cover in summer, you can sow the lawn in early autumn.

Accumulation of water

This problem is common in clay and loamy soils, as well as in areas where there are lowlands. Water accumulates on the surface, forming puddles, oxygen does not reach the roots and the plants begin to turn yellow and die. In this case, you can also do aeration; it is important to organize proper watering, if possible, level and drain the area.

Improper watering

Too much water is just as bad as too little. If there is a lack of moisture, the grass will begin to dry out and turn yellow. If there is an excess, the roots will begin to rot, and you will end up with an area with bald spots. It is not recommended to water the lawn during the day in sunny weather. Drops of water in the sun act like lenses, and the sun's rays passing through them will leave damage on the leaves of the grass. The best time to water your lawn is in the morning or evening.

Improper use of fertilizers

Here, as in the third point, the lack of microelements negatively affects appearance plot, and an overabundance is dangerous because the grass can “burn.” Read labels carefully and follow all manufacturer's recommendations. Special complex mineral fertilizers are best suited.


Don't let animals relieve themselves on your lawn. The discharge of pets provokes the appearance of yellow or red spots with jagged edges. Small rodents are also dangerous for your lawn. They can gnaw through plant roots and make unsightly bumps on the surface. It is quite difficult to control their appearance, but you can, for example, install ultrasonic repellers.


Lawn grass diseases are enough big topic, we will write a separate article for it. Here we list the most common problems:

  • Red threadiness

Appears in cool weather. After the snow has melted, you may find that the lawn is shrouded in white wool. Carbendazim works well against this fungal disease. It can be prevented by treating with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in the fall, and of course, combing the turf and aerating it.

  • Powdery mildew

It usually develops in rainy weather. It looks like the grass has been sprinkled with flour. Treatment is carried out with fungicides. Prevention, as in the first case, consists of combing and aeration, but nitrogen fertilizers must be limited, and watering must also be reduced.

  • Snow mold

Appears in places where moisture accumulates, usually in autumn and during heavy fogs, as well as when there is a lack of nitrogen. The grass first turns yellow and then becomes straw-colored. The leaves seem to be entangled in a red thread, hence the name of the disease. Treatment is with chlorothalonil. For prevention, you need to aerate, comb the lawn, and apply nitrogen fertilizers.

A lot depends on the lawnmower. Knives must be sharp. You should not cut the grass too short; even parterre lawns are not recommended to be mowed below three centimeters because Young shoots can be damaged. It’s also not a good idea to take too long breaks between mowings. The grass may become spiked, this will lead to the appearance of hard sticks; walking, especially barefoot, on such a lawn will be uncomfortable. It is best to trim once every 2-3 weeks and at a height of 3-4 cm from the ground.

Lack of winter care

During this cold season, it is important to provide the lawn with an even snow cover. You should not make snowdrifts on the site. If there are empty spaces, it is better to cover them with snow. When temperatures change, an ice crust forms - crust; it must be pierced so that oxygen reaches the grass.

As you can see, the reasons for the appearance of yellow spots on lawn grass quite a lot, but if you pay close attention to your lawn, carry out prevention and proper care, then these problems can be avoided.