Sarov desert. The sarov desert - the place of worship of the saint seraphim of sarov

Male Sarov Hermitage in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos Nizhny Novgorod diocese

The chronicles testify that the first hermit monk who chose Sarov Mountain for an ascetic life was the Penza monk Theodosius, who came to the Old Settlement in the year. The successor of his exploits two decades later was the young monk of the Arzamas Vvedensky monastery Isaac, later in the schema John. By the year, Hieromonk John managed to organize a joint life of monks who wished to stay on Sarov Mountain. The first monks settled on their own, and their settlement did not have any status. By the year John had obtained the permission of Tsar Peter Alekseevich and the blessing of the locum tenens of the patriarchal throne, Metropolitan Stephen (Yavorsky), for the construction of a monastery and for the construction of a church in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos and. In May, the construction of the church began, and already on June 16 of the same year, the first temple of the Sarov Hermitage was consecrated. This date is considered the day of the founding of the Sarov Monastery.

Fr. John's activity was not limited only to the external arrangement of the desert. Together with the first church, a monastic community brotherhood arose. With unanimous consent, John began to write the charter of the Sarov monastery according to strict ancient models. In the year the charter was approved, and subsequently became a model for many monasteries in Russia.

For several years, the territory of the monastery was surrounded by a fence. After the construction of the first church, two more churches, a refectory, cells for guests were erected in the monastery, and by the year a cave city with an underground church was ready.

The first temple of the monastery, in honor of the Life-Giving Source, was rebuilt in, and then in years. The temple was distinguished by its vastness and an abundance of light, amazed by the skillful painting of the walls, the richness of the utensils, and the precious iconostasis. The main value of the cathedral was the especially revered and richly decorated icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and Her Life-Giving Source.

The oldest building in Sarov is the caves. The emergence of an underground city with streets, cells and an underground church belongs to the most early years Sarov Monastery. The underground church in the name of the Kiev-Pechersk miracle workers Anthony and Theodosius was built in a year, and consecrated with the assistance of the princesses Mary and Theodosia, sisters of Peter I, it was they who sent the iconostasis, sacred vessels, books and donations for this temple.

The last temple of the monastery was founded in the year, for the first time it was consecrated in the year in honor of Venerable Seraphim Sarovsky.

There were 70 monks and 240 novices in the monastery a year. Sarovskaya Pustyn was a sociable freelance monastery and was under the control of the abbot.

Closing the monastery

The devastation of the monastery began in the year when an instructor first arrived in Sarov from the district town of Temnikov with the right to establish a commune here. The monks, in turn, asked to organize a labor artel in the monastery with a charter reminiscent of the charter of a monastery. However, the Temnikovsky land department considered that the monks, due to their civil immaturity, were incapable of self-government and the manifestation of initiative in running a large economy on a new socialist basis.

In September, the first task force of the OGPU arrived at the monastery with a demand to pay a contribution of 300 thousand rubles, and in November a one-time emergency tax of one million rubles was imposed on the Sarov Hermitage. Following this, a campaign began to uncover and liquidate the relics of Orthodox saints. On November 17, by the decision of the IX Congress of Soviets of the city of Temnikov, the commission opened the shrine with the relics of St. Seraphim.

The economy of the Sarov Monastery was ruined, the shrines were desecrated, the relics reverend elder taken away in an unknown direction. In March, a government decision was made to liquidate the Sarov Monastery, the remaining property and buildings were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Nizhny Novgorod NKVD Directorate.

Modern period

After the closure on the territory of the monastery, the Labor Commune of the N4 factory NKT (People's Commissariat of Labor) was created, the main task of which was labor processes"Until a year, about 3.5 thousand children lived in the commune. After a year, the commune was closed, and in its place a corrective labor colony for adolescents and adults of the NKVD system was organized.

Since November, after the liquidation of the NKVD colony, its production base is transferred to the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat of Mechanical Engineering. By his decision, the production of pressing equipment and high-explosive fragmentation shells of 152 mm caliber is organized in Sarov. The plant was reconstructed, constantly expanded, and in the year it was transferred to the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat of Ammunition and received N550.

In the period from - gg. here the production of shells for Katyusha rocket launchers was launched. Every fifth projectile fired at the enemy had a body made at the N550 factory.

In the year Sarov was elected by Yu.B. Khariton and I.V. Kurchatov to create a secret facility on its territory, the purpose of which was to create nuclear weapons. After a year, for reasons of secrecy, Sarov, or, as he was then called, " Locality KB-11 ", disappears from all maps for a long time. Its names are constantly changing: KB-11, Moscow Center-300, Kremlin, Arzamas-16. By the efforts of leading scientists, technicians and workers, headed by Yu.B. Khariton and I.V. Kurchatov, the secret object begins to function actively.

Revival of Church Life

On September 26, in Sarov, for the first time in 62 years of desolation, on the Dalnaya Pustynka, a prayer service was served to the Monk Seraphim of Sarov. An Orthodox parish in Sarov was founded in the city, although it was possible to register it only in the city, after the uncovering of the relics of St. Seraphim. On August 2 of the year, in the days when the relics of the monk were transferred to Diveyevo, the city visited His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II. His Holiness the Patriarch consecrated a cross on the site of the Hermitage, where the monk asceticised, and a monument by the sculptor Klykov.

On July 14, a church in honor of All Saints - the former monastery cemetery church - was transferred to the parish of the city of Sarov.

In the year of the diocese, the beheaded and rebuilt into Soviet time the temple of John the Baptist.

Male Sarov Hermitage in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos Nizhny Novgorod diocese

The chronicles testify that the first hermit monk who chose Sarov Mountain for an ascetic life was the Penza monk Theodosius, who came to the Old Settlement in the year. The successor of his exploits two decades later was the young monk of the Arzamas Vvedensky monastery Isaac, later in the schema John. By the year, Hieromonk John managed to organize a joint life of monks who wished to stay on Sarov Mountain. The first monks settled on their own, and their settlement did not have any status. By the year John had obtained the permission of Tsar Peter Alekseevich and the blessing of the locum tenens of the patriarchal throne, Metropolitan Stephen (Yavorsky), for the construction of a monastery and for the construction of a church in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos and. In May, the construction of the church began, and already on June 16 of the same year, the first temple of the Sarov Hermitage was consecrated. This date is considered the day of the founding of the Sarov Monastery.

Fr. John's activity was not limited only to the external arrangement of the desert. Together with the first church, a monastic community brotherhood arose. With unanimous consent, John began to write the charter of the Sarov monastery according to strict ancient models. In the year the charter was approved, and subsequently became a model for many monasteries in Russia.

For several years, the territory of the monastery was surrounded by a fence. After the construction of the first church, two more churches, a refectory, cells for guests were erected in the monastery, and by the year a cave city with an underground church was ready.

The first temple of the monastery, in honor of the Life-Giving Source, was rebuilt in, and then in years. The temple was distinguished by its vastness and an abundance of light, amazed by the skillful painting of the walls, the richness of the utensils, and the precious iconostasis. The main value of the cathedral was the especially revered and richly decorated icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and Her Life-Giving Source.

The oldest building in Sarov is the caves. The emergence of an underground city with streets, cells and an underground church dates back to the earliest years of the Sarov Monastery. The underground church in the name of the Kiev-Pechersk miracle workers Anthony and Theodosius was built in a year, and consecrated with the assistance of the princesses Mary and Theodosia, sisters of Peter I, it was they who sent the iconostasis, sacred vessels, books and donations for this temple.

The last church of the monastery was founded in the year, for the first time it was consecrated in the year in honor of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov.

There were 70 monks and 240 novices in the monastery a year. Sarovskaya Pustyn was a sociable freelance monastery and was under the control of the abbot.

Closing the monastery

The devastation of the monastery began in the year when an instructor first arrived in Sarov from the district town of Temnikov with the right to establish a commune here. The monks, in turn, asked to organize a labor artel in the monastery with a charter reminiscent of the charter of a monastery. However, the Temnikovsky land department considered that the monks, due to their civil immaturity, were incapable of self-government and the manifestation of initiative in running a large economy on a new socialist basis.

In September, the first task force of the OGPU arrived at the monastery with a demand to pay a contribution of 300 thousand rubles, and in November a one-time emergency tax of one million rubles was imposed on the Sarov Hermitage. Following this, a campaign began to uncover and liquidate the relics of Orthodox saints. On November 17, by the decision of the IX Congress of Soviets of the city of Temnikov, the commission opened the shrine with the relics of St. Seraphim.

The economy of the Sarov monastery was ruined, the shrines were desecrated, the relics of the monk elder were taken away in an unknown direction. In March, a government decision was made to liquidate the Sarov Monastery, the remaining property and buildings were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Nizhny Novgorod NKVD Directorate.

Modern period

After the closure on the territory of the monastery, the Labor Commune of the factory N4 NKT (People's Commissariat of Labor) was created, the main task of which was "to re-educate the street children through the involvement of pupils in labor processes." Until a year, about 3.5 thousand children lived in the commune. After a year, the commune was closed, and in its place a corrective labor colony for adolescents and adults of the NKVD system was organized.

Since November, after the liquidation of the NKVD colony, its production base is transferred to the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat of Mechanical Engineering. By his decision, the production of pressing equipment and high-explosive fragmentation shells of 152 mm caliber is organized in Sarov. The plant was reconstructed, constantly expanded, and in the year it was transferred to the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat of Ammunition and received N550.

In the period from - gg. here the production of shells for Katyusha rocket launchers was launched. Every fifth projectile fired at the enemy had a body made at the N550 factory.

In the year Sarov was elected by Yu.B. Khariton and I.V. Kurchatov to create a secret facility on its territory, the purpose of which was to create nuclear weapons. After a year, for reasons of secrecy, Sarov, or, as it was then called, "Settlement KB-11", disappears from all maps for a long time. Its names are constantly changing: KB-11, Moscow Center-300, Kremlin, Arzamas-16. By the efforts of leading scientists, technicians and workers, headed by Yu.B. Khariton and I.V. Kurchatov, the secret object begins to function actively.

Revival of Church Life

On September 26, in Sarov, for the first time in 62 years of desolation, on the Dalnaya Pustynka, a prayer service was served to the Monk Seraphim of Sarov. An Orthodox parish in Sarov was founded in the city, although it was possible to register it only in the city, after the uncovering of the relics of St. Seraphim. On August 2, in the days of the transfer of the saint's relics to Diveyevo, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II visited the city. His Holiness the Patriarch consecrated a cross on the site of the Hermitage, where the monk asceticised, and a monument by the sculptor Klykov.

On July 14, a church in honor of All Saints - the former monastery cemetery church - was transferred to the parish of the city of Sarov.

In the year of the diocese, the beheaded and rebuilt in Soviet times Church of St. John the Baptist was transferred to the diocese.

Holy Dormition Sarov Hermitage - male monastery, founded at the beginning of the 18th century in the city of Sarov in the north of the Tambov province in the Temnikovsky district (now Sarov is part of the Nizhny Novgorod region). It is known as the place where the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, a venerated Orthodox ascetic and saint, asceticised.

History of the monastery

The first hermit monk who settled on Sarov Mountain was the Penza monk Theodosius, who came to the “old settlement” in 1664 and set up a cell for himself here. Having lived here for about six years, Theodosius decided to retire to Penza. Around this time, monk Gerasim from Krasnoslobodsky monastery (according to other sources - Arzamassky Spassky monastery) settled in the "old settlement". For some time, both hermits lived together, but soon Theodosius "departed" to Penza, and Gerasim was left alone at the "old settlement". Having lived here for more than years, Gerasim retired to the Krasnoslobodsky monastery, apparently out of fear of thieves and robbers, who began to do him “many dirty tricks” (according to Leonid Denisov, the inhabitants begged him to become their builder), after which the “old settlement” was again desolate.

Around 1683 hieromonk Savvaty and monk Filaret came from the Sanaksar monastery founded in 1659, but soon they returned to their monastery. The "old settlement" became depopulated again.

The founder of the Sarov Monastery was Hieromonk Isaac (in the world Ionann Fyodorov, the son of a clerk of the village of Krasny Arzamas District), who, with the blessing of the abbot, left the Vvedensky Monastery and, together with the monk Philaret of the Sanaksar Monastery, settled in the “old settlement”. Soon Isaac had companions, and Father Isaac filed a petition for the establishment of a monastic monastery in Sarov.

In 1705, Prince Kugushev, the owner of the "old settlement", donated a plot of land between the Satis and Sarovka rivers to Father Isaac for the future monastery. In January 1706, Metropolitan Stefan Yavorsky of Ryazan granted Fr. Isaac's petition to build a church on the “old settlement”. On April 28, 1706, Father Isaac laid the foundation stone for a wooden church in honor of the icon Mother of God"Life-giving source". On June 16, 1706, the consecration of the new and first temple of the Sarov monastery took place; this day (June 29, according to the new style) is considered the day of the foundation of the Sarov desert.

In 1731, in view of the weakening of his forces, the first abbot of the monastery, Father Isaac (who by that time had become Hieroschemamonk John), renounced the abbot and chose his disciple Dorotheus as his successor.

Of the subsequent rectors, Father Ephraim (Korotkov) was especially revered, innocently accused of high treason and spent 16 years in exile in the Orsk fortress. Justified and returned to the Sarov desert in 1755. During the famine of 1775, Father Ephraim, being the abbot of the monastery, ordered the opening of the monastery granaries in order to help the needy laity.

During his lifetime, Elder Ephraim chose his successor, hieromonk Father Pachomius. It was during the reign of Father Pachomius that Prokhor Moshnin, the future father of Seraphim of Sarov, arrived in Sarov.

In 1897, construction began on the church over the cell of Seraphim of Sarov. The architect A. Kaminsky became the author of the project. After the glorification of the venerable elder in 1903, the temple was consecrated by Metropolitan Anthony of St. Petersburg and Ladoga.

In 1906, the Sarov Monastery celebrated the 200th anniversary of its existence. Many guests came to celebrate the anniversary. The Sarov Hermitage has become a generally recognized shrine in Russia.

After the revolution of 1917, the economy of the Sarov monastery was ruined, the shrines were desecrated. By the end of 1925, a decision was made to close the monastery, and in March 1927, a government decision was made to liquidate the Sarov monastery. The property of the monastery, along with the buildings, was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Nizhny Novgorod department of the NKVD.

On the basis of the Sarov Monastery in 1927, a children's labor commune was created. In November 1931, the labor commune was closed. After her, a correctional labor colony for teenagers and adult prisoners was organized in the village. This colony was also closed in November 1938.

Spiritual revival of Sarov

On September 26, 1989, the Archbishop of Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas Nikolay (Kutepov) visited Sarov for the first time, who served a prayer service with an akathist to the Monk Seraphim of Sarov in a remote wilderness.

In 1990 an Orthodox parish was organized in Sarov.

In the summer of 1991, the parish organized a year earlier was registered.

In November 1990, the second uncovering of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov took place at the Museum of Atheism and Religion in St. Petersburg. On January 11, 1991, the official transfer of the relics of the Russian Orthodox Church... On July 30, the holy relics of Father Seraphim were transferred to Diveyevo.

In March 1992, the first priest, priest Vladimir Alyasov, arrived in the city. On April 25, 1992, on Easter night, the first Divine Liturgy took place.

In February 1993, Metropolitan Nicholas consecrated the Church of All Saints, a year earlier transferred from the jurisdiction of the Nuclear Center to the parish, repaired and restored; a Sunday school and Orthodox courses for adults started working at the Temple.

In 1992 and 1993, Patriarch Alexy II visited Sarov on the days of the feast of Seraphim of Sarov.

On May 17, 1997, bells were installed on the bell tower, made according to the calculations of one of the VNIIEF laboratories.

In 1998, the Federal Nuclear Center decided to transfer the building of the Church of St. John the Baptist to the parish. In the summer of 1999, such a transfer took place.

In July - August 2003, celebrations were held in Sarov to mark the 100th anniversary of the canonization of Seraphim of Sarov, which was preceded by significant preparation. On July 13, 2003, a cross was installed on the bell tower. On July 30, 2003, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II re-consecrated the church of St. St. Seraphim of Sarov. On the same days, Sarov was visited by the President of Russia V.V. Putin.

In 2005, the possibility of restoring the monastery was expressed.

On July 17, 2006, the Holy Synod decided to open the monastery. On July 30, His Holiness Patriarch Alexei II performed the rite of Great Consecration of the restored church in the name of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist. The restored temple became the seventh functioning temple in Sarov.

On July 27, 2009, Archimandrite Kirill (Pokrovsky), Dean of Varnavinsky and Urensky districts, was appointed governor. By this time, seven monks and three novices lived in the monastery.

On September 7, the monastery received the building of the northern cell building, in which in recent times was the Children's Art School. It is planned to house a spiritual and educational center in this building, and several rooms will be allocated for the Rodnichok children's studio at the Orthodox creative association Mir.

On September 9, 2009, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia visited the Far and Near Hermitage, the Church of John the Baptist, the underground Temple of Anthony and Theodosius of the Caves, the burial place of St. Seraphim of Sarov and the Temple of Seraphim of Sarov. Patriarch Kirill presented the Cathedral of Seraphim of Sarov with an icon of the Savior with a commemorative inscription, and handed out icons depicting the holy blessed prince Alexander Nevsky to those who met him.

On December 22, Archbishop George held a meeting at which he summed up the results for the year on the reconstruction of the church in honor of Saints Zosima and Savvaty: more than a year it took to vacate the premises and demolish the building erected on the site of the temple, the development of design documentation. On the night of December 23, Archbishop Georgy of Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas celebrated a liturgy in the Sarov cave church in honor of Saints Anthony and Theodosius of the Caves.

On June 29, 2010, Archbishop George consecrated five icons for the church in honor of the Holy Spirit, built on the site where the conversation between the Monk Seraphim of Sarov and Nikolai Motovilov about the acquisition of the Holy Spirit took place. The next day, Archbishop George performed the rite of laying the foundation stone of a church in honor of the Monks Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky.

On November 12, Archbishop George performed the first prayer service in a church under construction in honor of the Monks Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky. By this time, the walls and vault of the temple were erected. The consecration of the cross and the dome took place on July 28, 2011, the next day the dome with the cross was installed. The height of the temple under construction has reached 47.5 meters. On May 26, 2012, Metropolitan George performed the rite of great consecration of the church in honor of Zosima and Savvaty.

From July 17, 2012, TV broadcasts began to be conducted from a new tower, built with federal funds, and on July 18, the dismantling of old television and radio transmission equipment from the bell tower of the Holy Dormition Monastery began.

On December 21, Metropolitan George, on the second floor of the church, performed the Great consecration of the chapel in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

The Nizhny Novgorod region is proud of its history. There are many unique and even mystical places, one of which is the city of Sarov. Long years it was forbidden even to mention this place. The location of the city was strictly kept secret. Today, crowds of pilgrims strive to visit such a blessed place and touch the local shrines.

History of the Sarov desert

The Sarov Hermitage was founded by John of the Vvedensky Monastery. From his generous godfather he received as a gift three dozen acres of land in the city of Sarov (in the past - the Sarov settlement). He immediately sent a letter to Moscow asking for permission to build a church on this land. It is difficult to find a better place for such a building. It would seem that nature itself in these places was filled with peace and holiness. Moreover, the good location made it easy to get to Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow and Vladimir.

Soon, the Holy Dormition Sarov Hermitage was formed on this land. A special decree of Peter I allowed the construction of the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos and her Life-giving source where there used to be a Mordovian settlement. The construction of the church took only 50 days. June 29, 1706 is considered the official date of the foundation of such a monument as the Holy Dormition Sarov Hermitage.

Sarov caves

The construction of the monastery was accompanied by the construction of an underground city, which was also built thanks to Hieroschemamonk John. At that time he lived in one of the mountain caves. Then the caves grew, and cells were arranged in them for solitude and immersion in prayer. In 1711, the Church of St. Anthony and Theodosius was erected underground.

The Sarov desert was filled with life. Novices and monks came here from all cities. All were given work. Someone conducted services, someone was engaged in the construction of new cells, someone picked berries and mushrooms. So gradually, around the church was formed whole city, which served as a prototype of the monastery.

At that time, John drew up the rules of the monastery, following strict rules. Sarov was known as the Academy of Monasticism. After staying at the Monastery, the ascetic monks moved on, spreading the Sarov charter. Almost all of them were subsequently assigned by abbots or treasurers in various monasteries.

The life of Seraphim of Sarov

The Sarov Desert was glorified by the greatest Seraphim of Sarov. His father was engaged in the construction of the temple, but his sudden death did not allow him to reach the final goal. After the death of his father, Seraphim (by birth Prokhor) and his mother Agafya continued the construction of the cathedral. Once a miracle happened at a construction site. Mother overlooked little Prokhor, and he fell from great height but survived. WITH early childhood Prokhor sincerely believed in the Lord and honored him. During a serious illness in a dream he saw Holy Mother of God who promised to heal him. Soon it happened.

Since then, Prokhor has firmly decided to devote his whole life to the Lord. In 1776 he came to the Sarov Monastery. Eight years after being tonsured a monk, Prokhor was given the name Seraphim, which meant "fiery."


Several years later, Seraphim moved to live in the forest near the monastery. He simply dressed, ate what he found in the forest, and fasted more often. He spent every day in endless prayer and reading the Gospel. Not far from his cell, Seraphim built a small vegetable garden and an apiary.

Several years later, Seraphim Sarovsky imposed on himself austerity in the form of a three-year silence. After he briefly returned to the monastery, but after 10 years he left it again.

This way of life endowed Seraphim of Sarov with an extraordinary gift of perspicacity and the ability to heal people. Thanks to him, several convents... The icon "Affection" was the last image that Seraphim saw in his life.

The saint was buried near the Assumption Cathedral.

In 1903, Seraphim of Sarov was ranked among the Since then, the place where the saint lived is sometimes called the desert of Seraphim of Sarov.

Holy Dormition Monastery

The Sarov Hermitage is famous for the Holy Dormition. The construction of the temple was laid in 1897, when Seraphim of Sarov was not yet canonized. Initially, the construction of the cathedral was glorified. Since the temple was erected over the elder's cell, it was called that. After the canonization of Seraphim of Sarov, the temple was immediately consecrated. This is the first cathedral in Russia

Inside the church, the saint's cell was located, as the most expensive shrine. The iconostasis looked pretty simple. It was possible to make a detour around the cell and even go inside. Later, the cell was painted and a small dome was placed on it. It took the form of a chapel.

In 1927 the cathedral was closed. It was turned into a theater. In 2002, restoration work began, and already in August 2003, divine services began to be held in the church again.

How to get there?

From Nizhny Novgorod, buses leave for Diveyevo from the Shcherbinka bus station. There is also a stop for minibuses at Moskovsky railway station, which also travel in this direction. Getting there by car, you can also visit the ancient city of Arzamas.

Sightseeing bus tours are regularly carried out from Nizhny Novgorod to Diveyevo. You can book a tour and find out more about this amazing place.

Today the Sarovskaya desert is a museum. Anyone who wants to visit a truly holy place can visit it.

Sarov monastery


Sarov monastery

Sarov Monastery. General form to the Assumption Cathedral. G.
Country Russia
Town Sarov
Coordinates 54.926111 , 43.325 54 ° 55'34 ″ s. NS. 43 ° 19'30 ″ in. etc. /  54.926111 ° N NS. 43.325 ° E etc.(G)
Denomination Orthodoxy
Diocese Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas
Type of Male
Date of foundation early 18th century
Famous inhabitants Seraphim Sarovsky

Sarov Monastery (Sarov Dormition Empty)- a former men's monastery, founded at the beginning of the 18th century in the city of Sarov, Tambov province (now Sarov is part of the Nizhny Novgorod region). It is known as the place where the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, a venerated Orthodox ascetic and saint, asceticised.

History of the monastery

The first hermit monk who settled on Sarov Mountain was the Penza monk Theodosius, who came to the “old settlement” in 1664 and set up a cell for himself here. Having lived here for about six years, Theodosius decided to retire to Penza. Around this time, monk Gerasim from the Krasnoslobodsky monastery settled in the "old settlement". For some time, both hermits lived together, but soon Theodosius "departed" to Penza, and Gerasim was left alone at the "old settlement". After living here for some time, Gerasim retired to the Krasnoslobodsky monastery, apparently out of fear of thieves and robbers, who began to do him "many dirty tricks."

Soon after Father Gerasim, hieromonk Isaac settled in the "old settlement", who became the founder of the Sarov desert. Soon Isaac had companions, and Father Isaac filed a petition for the establishment of a monastic monastery in Sarov.

In 1705, Prince Kugushev, the owner of the "old settlement", donated a plot of land between the Satis and Sarovka rivers to Father Isaac for the future monastery. In January 1706, Metropolitan Stefan Yavorsky of Ryazan granted Fr. Isaac's petition to build a church on the “old settlement”. On April 28, 1706, Father Isaac laid the foundation stone of a wooden church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source". On June 16, 1706, the consecration of the new and first temple of the Sarov monastery took place.

In 1731, due to the weakening of his forces, the first abbot of the monastery, Father Isaac (who by that time had accepted the rank of hieroschemonship and became hieroschemamonk John), renounced the abbot and chose his disciple Dorotheus as his successor.

Of the subsequent rectors, Father Ephraim was especially revered, innocently accused of high treason and spent 16 years in exile in the Orenburg fortress. During the famine of 1775, Father Ephraim, being the abbot of the monastery, ordered the opening of the monastery granaries in order to help the needy laity.

During his lifetime, Elder Ephraim chose his successor, hieromonk Father Pachomius. It was during the reign of Father Pakhomiy that Prokhor Moshnin, the future father of Seraphim of Sarov, arrived in Sarov.

In 1906, the Sarov Monastery celebrated the 200th anniversary of its existence. Many guests came to celebrate the anniversary. The Sarov Hermitage has become a generally recognized shrine in Russia.

After the revolution of 1917, the economy of the Sarov monastery was ruined, the shrines were desecrated. By the end of 1925, a decision was made to close the monastery, and in March 1927, a government decision was made to liquidate the Sarov monastery. The property of the monastery, along with the buildings, was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Nizhny Novgorod department of the NKVD.

On the basis of the Sarov Monastery in 1927, a children's labor commune was created. In November 1931, the labor commune was closed. After her, a correctional labor colony for teenagers and adult prisoners was organized in the village. This colony was also closed in November 1938.

Spiritual revival of Sarov

The possibility of restoring the monastery was expressed

Notes (edit)


  • Monastery before the revolution // from the book of S.V. Bulgakov "Handbook of a clergyman", Moscow, 1993, pp. 1539-1541
  • Centenary of the canonization of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov. Sarov today. Photo galleries

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.