Aphorisms about flowers. Short sayings and beautiful phrases about flowers for no reason Sayings about flowers gifts

People give flowers because flowers contain the real meaning of Love. Anyone who tries to take possession of a flower will see how its beauty fades. But the one who will simply look at the flower in his field will always be with him. Because it will merge with the evening, with the sunset, with the smell of damp earth and clouds on the horizon.

I like it when flowers grow, but when plucked, they lose their charm for me. I see how they are doomed to perdition, and I feel sad at this resemblance to life. I never give flowers to those I love, and I do not want to accept them from someone who is dear to me.

Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live.

Flowers cut for a bouquet - barbarism in the name of beauty...

Of course, I could do without flowers, but they help me maintain respect for myself, because they prove that I am not shackled hand and foot by everyday worries. They are evidence of my freedom.

Don't send me flowers when I die. If you like me, give them to me now.

In rapidly withering flower petals more life than in heavy thousand-year-old blocks of granite.

Roses smell professional.

How to tell what kind of Edelweiss flowers? In general, they look like small stars, wrapped up to the neck in white fur, so as not to freeze from the touch of ice.

Only flowers really live. The days counted by him live so desperately blooming, as if they understand better people the speed of life.

Flowers must be loved, it is true, but one should not stand on ceremony with them.

Flowers are not considered a bribe!

Dark clouds turn into heavenly flowers when light kisses them.

Roses instill love for nature, and thorns - respect.

It is said that short-lived flowers dance when they are blown away by the wind.

She passed through life with a huge bouquet of flowers, casually scattering them to the right and left. Everyone who received such a flower considered himself the future owner of the entire bouquet, and on this basis many misunderstandings arose.

Smell is the soul of a flower.

For other women, a bouquet of roses is not enough: they also demand that a man change the water in a vase.

A weed is a flower that no one likes.

You can lie not only with words, but also with a bouquet.

When the flowers are cut, I associate this operation with an execution, and when they put it in a vase, with resuscitation.

Never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent.

Most flowers a person receives when he can no longer enjoy their beauty and smell.

Flowers may lean towards us, but they speak to heaven and god.

Women remember ungifted roses for too long.

If you want to enjoy the fruits, do not pick the flowers.

A cynic is a person who, smelling flowers, looks around in search of a coffin.

Flowers on the grave of the enemy smell intoxicating.

Sometimes flowers are just flowers.

The flowers of forgetfulness grow best on graves.

You are the only cactus in the flower garden of my life.

Where there is a lot of love, flowers are always few.

She carried yellow flowers! Bad color.

In life, as in the theater: flowers are received only after leaving the stage.

Is it possible to tell a flower that it is ugly?

Enemies I throw flowers - in a coffin.

The flower blooms in warmth and in winter.

The snowy forest is a mesmerizing sight - as if you find yourself in an almond orchard during the flowering period.

Flowers given to a wife by a husband for no reason are a good reason to think that the missing reason may well be animated.

These were the first flowers that were given to her without a reason. The feeling was indescribable - as if the treasures of the whole world were hidden in these flowers.

– You can buy professional roses from us. What is their main profession?

Reading in the next novel “she stepped on a carpet of roses”, I thought - and for whom do they write “do not walk on the lawns”?

“Even flowers are worn to graves more often than you do to me!” “Honey, this is not the best way out!

Flowers are not given to a wife without a reason. One day, this reason may call you and tell you the whole truth about the giver.

What do Edelweiss flowers look like? “Little yellow stars that live in the mountains and protect themselves from the cold by wrapping themselves in white fur coats.

Give me 15 chrysanthemums... no, better than roses. How many?! I said chrysanthemums.

Flowers live real bright but short life like the best of people.

Read the continuation of the famous aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

If ordinary flowers are planted in ordinary pots, then what are night flowers planted in?

Flowers are the painted whores of the plant world! – M-f ‘The Simpsons’

Dark clouds turn into heavenly flowers when light kisses them - Rabindranath Tagore

I didn't tell him that I liked purple roses. It's too personal for me.

The flower child opens its cup and exclaims: Oh, dear world, please don't fade! – Rabindranath Tagore

The flower blooms in warmth and in winter. – Silovan Ramishvili

A weed is a flower that no one likes. – Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Pistil, stamen, something else… Plus something else and it seems like a flower came out! – M-f ‘Kids from class 402’

Flowers are fragrant for the soul, and therefore insanely good. – Valery Kazanzhants

When the rose falls, the thorns guard themselves. – Viktor Konyakhin

White flowers, red thorns... White flowers, red thorns... It would be easier if I wasn't colorblind. – Mf ‘Shrek’

You are the only cactus in the flower garden of my life.

Where there is a lot of love, flowers are always few. – Leonid S. Sukhorukov Leonid S. Sukhorukov

I hate flowers!!! But this is only when they are given so as not to bother with an exquisite gift.

Musk is that which has a fragrance, not that which the Muscovite says is musk. – M. Saadi

I will give you flowers ... you will die from allergies !!!

Flowers cut for a bouquet - barbarism in the name of beauty ... - Igor Krasnovsky

Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

They were non-committal flowers. - Valery Afonchenko

She carried yellow flowers! Bad color.

I'm bringing you a bouquet of flowers... Go to hell, whore. – K-f ‘500 Days of Summer’

I throw flowers at my enemies - in a coffin - Salvador Dali

Do you want to know what to do if you did something wrong? The answer is, baby, never ask for forgiveness. Do not say anything. Send flowers. No letters. Only flowers. They cover everything. Even graves.

There is more life in the rapidly withering petals of a flower than in the overweight thousand-year-old blocks of granite - Ludwig Feuerbach

Flowers on the grave of the enemy smell intoxicating. – Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Flowers of inspiration are watered afterwards. – Leonid Krainev-Rytov

Usually, when women are given flowers, they want to say without words: I love you!, but in my case, I only whisper in my mind: I really, really want you! – Vladimir Borisov

The beauty of a flower is in one flower - Japanese proverb

Never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent.

She carried yellow flowers! Bad color. – K-f ‘The Master and Margarita’

For others, nature is firewood, coal, ore, or a dacha, or just a landscape. For me, nature is the environment from which, like flowers, all our human talents have grown - Mikhail Prishvin

A bouquet of flowers is not enough for all women, some will still require a man to replace the water in a vase. – Janusz Gaudyn

I like flowers, I wish I could add them to my life - K-f 'Exchange Vacation' / LIFE

A bouquet of roses - when one breaks, two are thrown away. – Igor Karpov

The flowers of forgetfulness grow best on graves. — George Sand

Enfleurage is when the flowers die slowly, as in a dream. – K-f ‘Perfumer: The Story of a Murderer’

If at home it is not known where the flowers came from, it means that the wife had a birthday.

In life, as in the theater: flowers are received only after leaving the stage. – Yana Dzhangirova

The tenderness and delight that we experience from the contemplation of nature is a memory of the time when we were animals, trees, flowers, earth. More precisely: it is the consciousness of unity with everything, hidden from us by time - Tolstoy

Dark clouds turn into heavenly flowers when light kisses them.

Either quietly, then war, sights. Flowers don't help at all.

I went to take out the bucket, I open the garbage chute - and from there the flowers are white. In general, no one gave me flowers except the garbage chute.

When I see how flowers are cut, a chopping block involuntarily pops up in my head, the moment when they are put in a vase is like a pitiful attempt at resuscitation

Never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe their fragrance - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

When a woman gratefully accepts flowers, she evaluates what berries she can count on.

Smell is the soul of a flower.

Do you want to know what to do if you did something wrong? The answer is, baby, never ask for forgiveness. Do not say anything. Send flowers. No letters. Only flowers. They cover everything. Even graves - Erich Maria Remarque

And I just looked at the flowers. Some broke down, while others raised their heads again. This is cool!

Roses instill love for nature, and thorns instill respect - Anton Ligov

And if a flower smells us with its scent? – Vitaly Vlasenko

Sunflowers are unfortunate creatures in God's perfect world. – K-f ‘Sin Eater’

Say it with flowers! — Patrick O'Keeffe

In the dark, all colors are the same. — Francis Bacon

Women remember ungifted roses for too long.

Beautiful flowers are embarrassed when they are stuck in the hair of older women

A poster on one of the stores: Scientists have not yet figured out what is more dangerous to smoke or forget about the wife's birthday.

Marriage is when a young man stops buying flowers and starts buying vegetables

A cynic is a person who, having smelled flowers, looks around in search of a coffin - Henry Mencken

Sometimes flowers are just flowers.

The higher the flowers rise to the sun, the deeper their roots go into the ground on which they grow. — GRIMM Friedrik

The perfection of cherry blossoms on a spring day is short-lived. - Stepan Balakin

It is possible to lie without words, only with a bouquet. – Mikhail Horomansky

Don't send me flowers when I die. If you like me, give them to me now.

Desires are the flowers of love, and pleasures are its fruits - Claude Adrian Helvetius

Flowers must be loved, that's true, but one should not stand on ceremony with them - Erich Maria Remarque

It seems to me that we owe our faith in divine providence to flowers. Everything else - our abilities, our desires, our food - is necessary for us first of all for existence. But the rose is given to us beyond that. The smell and color of a rose adorn life, and are not a condition for its existence. Only divine providence can be the source of beauty. That's why I say: as long as there are flowers, a person can hope.

Of course, I could do without flowers, but they help me maintain respect for myself, because they prove that I am not shackled hand and foot by everyday worries. They are evidence of my freedom - Rabindranath Tagore

The most precious gift to a woman is attention. And such a gift is much cheaper than flowers or perfume.

You are the only cactus in the flower garden of my life. – K-f ‘The Addams Family’

Roses smell professional - Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Which beautiful flowers. Can they be smoked? – K-f ‘Taxi’ HUMOR

Even the most beautiful flowers will become garbage tomorrow. - Stepan Balakin

Cold is when bird cherry blossoms on the street, and buttercups wither in the soul. And we just don't have flying weather. – Irina Vyazovtseva

When I was little, I loved to run in the rain. It drove my mom crazy.

Dandelion flowers have a short life, even the fluff does not leave a trace. Wherever possible, they flourish, but they do not attract anyone. – Neuah

You are the only cactus in the flower garden of my life.

Women remember ungifted roses for too long.

She carried yellow flowers! Bad color.

When the flowers are cut, I associate this operation with an execution, and when they put it in a vase, with resuscitation.

Sometimes flowers are just flowers.

Smell is the soul of a flower.

Never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent.

Dark clouds turn into heavenly flowers when light kisses them.

Don't send me flowers when I die. If you like me, give them to me now.

Roses smell professional.

I didn't tell him that I liked purple roses. It's too personal for me.

She had never been given flowers for no reason before. She felt at that moment as if she had been given the whole world.

She: Damn, they bring flowers to the grave more often than you do to me ... He: and what do you offer me?

I will give you flowers... You will die from allergies!!!

I went to take out the bucket, I open the garbage chute - and from there the flowers are white.
In general, no one, except for the garbage chute, gave me flowers!

MARRIAGE is when a young man stops
buy flowers and start buying vegetables.

"There is more life in the rapidly withering petals of a flower,
than in heavy thousand-year-old blocks of granite"

"Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live"

"Desires are the flowers of love, and pleasures are its fruits"

"The beauty of a flower: - in one flower"

“Never listen to what the flowers say.
You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent.”

“For other women, a bouquet of roses is not enough: they still require a man to change the water in a vase”

"Roses instill love for nature, and thorns instill respect"

“If a husband gives his wife flowers for no reason,
so he just saw this reason"

“Having barely glanced at the bouquet, he determined: “It smells like fifty””

Of course, I understand that flowers are a waste of money, they will quickly wither and that's it ...,
but damn it, it's so nice when they give!

Zh: Zay, well, will you at least give me flowers? Valentine's Day though...
M: Baby, why do you need flowers? They'll get stuck.
J: What the hell do I need you for? You will die!

Every woman likes to be given flowers as long as
until she finds out that diamonds are given to others.)

Happiness is not in the number of roses given, happiness is in the person who gives them ...

Men distinguish two types of flowers: - roses and "what are these called?"

Agree, because a girl with a bouquet of flowers is much more beautiful than with a bottle in her hands ...

There is never too much: TOYS for CHILDREN and FLOWERS for WOMEN!!

Calling a woman a flower, do not forget to choose the right fertilizer!

Love... is like a rose flower. Just as beautiful and just as unpredictable.
You can prick yourself a thousand times, but still, you always wait for this particular gift for yourself.

Women are like flowers ... Someone is allowed to bloom a short time, and someone passes from age to age, preserving the beauty and aroma for long years from the moment of blooming and flowering until the saddest hour of falling petals.

Sometimes a bouquet of chic red roses can fade next to a small bouquet of bright red - yellow leaves ... WHY?
Because the bouquet maple leaves for the first time in their lives, small, beloved hands were carefully collected and he was presented with all his heart with the words: “SUPRISE for MOM”!

I prefer a man to be good in bed! I will buy flowers for him...

That's why I love daisies more than roses
That they are so childishly beautiful
And replacing millions of words...
A million daisies - also cool!

Artificial flowers do not smell. So artificial relationships do not bloom

Miserly men!… Attention!…
Promotion in May!… Lilac for FREE!!! :)

Let the book of life open only the most beautiful pages for you,
the river of hope flows joyfully - the flowers of love bloom along the banks !!!

If you find the keys to a woman's soul, take care of her, be for her like a flower gardener!!!

Like the foam of the surf - lilac along the houses
My breath fills with a magical aroma,
Flowers of all shades from fabulous dreams ...
And that means that spring is already meeting summer!

I want a small bouquet... I think 101 roses are enough!

Still, it’s nice to receive flowers, it’s so simple, unexpected, when you think that this is a simple day, and not a holiday at all, and then in the morning you receive a bouquet of flowers, immediately your mood rises, you shine like that all day ... thank you ...

Better one modest flower and many feelings.

Flowers as a gift… A trifle, but what a nice one!

It's nice when a loved one gives you a huge bouquet just like that, because it's nice, damn it!

Give women flowers!
To looking for perfection
And having experienced bliss of happiness,
You bowed over beauty.

One rose given by a poor student expresses more
than a huge bouquet given by a millionaire

I got a lot of flowers for my last birthday!
True, everything is in Odnoklassniki ...

Don’t say anything, but it’s very nice to receive a flower on March 8,
from a passerby with the words "You are beautiful."

Instead of complaining about the thorns of the rose,
I rejoice that a rose grows among the thorns.

God created flowers to decorate our lives and our deaths:
- We are born - give for a birthday!
- We die - put on the grave!

Beloved girls are given flowers, not tears!

Flowers bring the greatest joy when they are not presented on a birthday.
and not a messed up husband, but ... just like that!))))))

I do not believe women who say they are indifferent to flowers.
They just didn’t get them from the men they loved…

A simple chamomile donated just like that will say much more
than a scarlet rose given for my birthday!

You rarely give me flowers ...
- You don't give me beer at all!

Favorite flower is first of all,
rejection of all other flowers.

I often gave her flowers, and you know what I understood: - in a relationship, a man is just an intermediary.
Some women sell flowers to other women through you.

On a date, tell your girlfriend she's pretty
and then f * thread a bouquet in the face.
Girls love flowers, warm words and strong men.

Mushchshchinki buying two flowers a year:
- on February 14 and March 8, you are beautiful! ...:))))))

opened the door. He. tired. pale. obedient. with flowers and champagne. he came too late ... while he was walking, he managed to become unnecessary ...

Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live. Hegel G.F.
Of course, I could do without flowers, but they help me maintain respect for myself, because they prove that I am not shackled hand and foot by everyday worries. They are evidence of my freedom. Rabindranath Tagore
Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach

"How to tell what kind of Edelweiss flowers? In general, they look like small stars wrapped up to the neck in white fur so as not to freeze from the touch of ice." Paustovsky K. G.
Flowers must be loved, it is true, but one should not stand on ceremony with them.
Erich Maria Remarque
"Flowers are not considered a bribe! .."
Vladimir Zhirinovsky
In life, as in the theater: flowers are received only after leaving the stage.
Yana Dzhangirova
Enemies I throw flowers - in a coffin.
Salvador Dali
There is more life in the rapidly withering petals of a flower than in the overweight thousand-year-old blocks of granite. Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach
Roses instill love for nature, and thorns - respect.
Anton Ligov
For other women, a bouquet of roses is not enough: they also require a man to change the water in a vase.
Janusz Gaudyn
You can lie not only with words, but also with a bouquet.
Mikhail Khoromansky
Flowers on the grave of the enemy smell intoxicating.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec
The flowers of forgetfulness grow best on graves.
George Sand
A weed is a flower that no one likes.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Where there is a lot of love, flowers are always few.
Leonid S. Sukhorukov
The flower blooms in warmth and in winter.
Silovan Ramishvili

Flowers cut for a bouquet - barbarism in the name of beauty...
Igor Krasnovsky
People give flowers because flowers contain the true meaning of Love. Anyone who tries to take possession of a flower will see how its beauty fades. But the one who will simply look at the flower in his field will always be with him. Because it will merge with the evening, with the sunset, with the smell of damp earth and clouds on the horizon.
Paulo Coelho
Only flowers really live. The days counted by him live so desperately blooming, as if they understand better than people the transience of life.
When a man sends flowers, it's obvious a sign of,
that he already admired others.
Somerset Maugham
Oh, how many of them are in the fields! But everyone blooms in their own way -
this is the supreme feat of a flower!
Matsuo Basho
I like it when flowers grow, but when plucked, they lose their charm for me. I see how they are doomed to perdition, and I feel sad at this resemblance to life. I never give flowers to those I love, and I do not want to accept them from someone who is dear to me.
Charlotte Bronte
It is said that short-lived flowers dance when they are blown away by the wind.
Code Geass
Smell is the soul of a flower.
Jules Verne
She passed through life with a huge bouquet of flowers, casually scattering them to the right and left. Everyone who received such a flower considered himself the future owner of the entire bouquet, and on this basis many misunderstandings arose.
Fazil Iskander
A cynic is a person who, smelling flowers,
looks around for a coffin.

Quote from Triinochka Be like flowers!

Be like flowers!

Good afternoon everyone! We women all our lives compare ourselves with a cat, with soft toy, with a tigress, or a lioness, with an asterisk or a cherry ... But, most of all, we compare with a flower ... I will not speak for all women, but, for example, I compare myself with different colors. I can be a daisy, reach for the sun and wear spring freckles with pleasure, I can be a proud iris in a blue strict dress and take it ... Or be a purple rose with prickly thorns ... But, most of all I want to be a lily ... with long stamens -eyelashes... And today I feel like a fluffy dandelion... Oh, be careful, otherwise I'll fly away!)))....

All women, be flowers! Let them remember you and you when they see blue forget-me-nots and cornflowers, or touchy, a cold camellia, a pink water lily trembling on the water, or tender dew on a morning flower, a cobweb sparkling at sunset, or the scent of blooming lilacs brought by a naughty wind... Be flowers in life and in your soul!

Compare a woman with flowers:
She is beautiful like a bud
Breathe all the charm of youth -
The whole image is miraculously surrounded.

Then, blooming over the years,
And blooming like a flower
She lives, fragrant,
Letting out a little sprout.

Filling inflorescences with juice
Petals wither without moisture.
Water like healing
Love and affection are close to her.

But the years are rushing mercilessly
And flowers don't last long.
And it's annoying to lose the petals ...
What a pity that a man is mortal.

Elena Vasilets

Oh, the woman is a beautiful creation!
A flower that opens in love!
Let life give wonderful moments -
Dates with loved ones!
And let them fill life to the brim!
And let love confessions sound!

Each flower has its own time, flowering and fragrance,
Weave a wreath on your head, give your charm.
Weave daisies, cornflowers, see your blooming image,
Going through the stems, sheets of interlaced threads.

A flower and a woman in one, and how they are sometimes similar,
There is a rose-woman, a flower, with thorns, it can prick you.
Tender, beautiful and white, hiding her face from the sun,
But like a lily is pale, vulnerable to resentment, crying.

Chamomile-woman flower, wonders if she loves, does not love,
Putting a wreath on his head, he will forget his sorrows.
And proud, like a tulip, strict, a little arrogant,
The flower image is transferred, it blooms for a long time.

And forget-me-not, if you meet her, you won't forget anymore,
And you will only love, you will be stronger and happy with forget-me-not.
Will not lose petals, will not fade much earlier,
New sprouts will break through, the further, it will only be more beautiful.

Each desires nectar, love, like moisture for watering,
A priceless gift was given to a woman, a flower, like the woman is beautiful,
Extend flowering flight, because there is great power in beauty,
And the color will not fall off longer and the woman will be loved.

Copyright: Nelli Vakhrusheva, 2013
Publication Certificate No. 113072302468

Flowers and women are beautiful
Covered in the mysteries of love.
But the eyes of the ladies are sometimes dangerous.
Deceit is in their blood.

They captivate with a gentle look.
It has everything: both charm and witchcraft.
What kind of poison do they have?
One hint - nature!

The garden has bloomed, playing with petals
Spring wind, nightingale in the bushes,
Suddenly, sang sweetly over the gardens,
A woman drowned in flowers.
You can only see how they glow playfully
Blue deep eyes
And blooms around her beautifully
Lush green vine.
And she shimmers with light
And herself, like a flower,
Blossomed among the mists of May,
Bowing to the sun to the east.
Drowned in white
Cherry spicy, thin branches
And showing off in the sunny dawn,
The garden confessed his love tenderly to her.

A. Snegina

Nice to see a woman with flowers

Men! Everything depends on you and me
To see everything and we could see it like that.

When the eyes shine with a gentle smile,
And on the soul of a beloved woman spring,
So that life does not seem like a mistake to her,
It was only happiness, full of joys.

Nice to see a woman with flowers
When eyes shine with gentle kindness,
Let the angels soar, everyone sees her with their eyes,
And her flexible camp flutters above the ground.

From wild herbs seasoned with lilac,
And white lilies of tender-spicy beauty,
So in the old from generation to generation,
Men always give women flowers!

Copyright: Sergey Sintsov, 2010
Publication Certificate No. 110072604196

How a woman rejoices in flowers,
Just look, look!

And you? Will you give her a bouquet?
Any flowers, even field ones -
Inconspicuous, but give her from the heart.
And you won't recognize her at some point -
She can't look at them!
How happy a woman is with flowers!
From her to write portraits at this moment.
Delight, excitement, sensuality and charm -
All this magic in love is sung.
But still, do not be afraid to repeat something,
In it, awakening the feelings of blooming gamut.
Just try to sincerely love -
She is happy when she is desired by her soul!
I read admiration in the eyes.
And I advise you: repeat that moment.
How happy a woman is with flowers ...
Give her flowers, give love!

I am a woman.
And my tender heart
in tune with all wildlife,
And my quiet word
ringing like an eternal hymn to freedom.
Freedom of spirit and ideas,
Freedom of conscience and honor,
Freedom from earthly chains,
Freedom from malice and revenge.
I am a woman.
I will teach you to love the world,
forgetting about wars and strife,
I will give you a thread of life,
The one that will open all the spaces.
expanses of heaven and earth,
The expanses of eternity and share,
Spaces of happiness and love,
Expanses of beauty and will.

A woman cannot live without spring
Without the magical holidays of nature,
Without a drop, without blueness,
Without fantasies of indefatigable fashion.
Women cannot live without dreams!
And people often say:
Give them free rein - flowers will grow
Everywhere, in every weather!

Women can't live without love
Without her fire and illumination.
Let nightingales for women in the groves
Looking for and finding inspiration!

A woman cannot live without a family.
Give her the strength not to lose luck!
The happiness of every woman on earth
Will live forever in the eyes of children.

You are a woman, a flower, a source and a star,
Mysterious, tender, beautiful and proud;
You are the flame of the hearth, the warmth of the family and home;
You are the light that never goes out on Earth!