Be careful with them! Homewrecker women: dangerous zodiac signs. The most dangerous homewreckers by zodiac sign

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The reasons for male infidelity can be very different. But no love triangle can exist without the other woman being your rival.


Have you found yourself in a similar situation? You shouldn’t immediately throw a scandal at your man or, conversely, give up without a fight. Try to find out which zodiac sign the supposed homewrecker belongs to. And then, knowing the psychotype of your opponent, you can develop the right strategy of action.

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By calling astrology to help, you can easily get rid of your rival! We invite you to study short description homewreckers of all zodiac signs.



Homewreckers of the Water element


These are the most dangerous homewreckers in the entire horoscope. And all because they are very romantic and emotional, mysterious and sexy.

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Scorpio is the most dangerous homewrecker among all Water signs!


This is truly a femme fatale, sexy and smart at the same time. It is very difficult to defeat such a rival: the man almost instantly becomes her victim. The Scorpio woman is a born psychologist and manipulator. She sees right away weak sides and hits them. Main disadvantage Such a homewrecker is her commercialism. Prove to a man who is stunned by emotions that what she values ​​most of all is his money, and the “Scorpio” will immediately fail.

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Pisces is a real mermaid!


Her strengths are mind, intuition and sensuality. But this homewrecker also has weak spots- falling in love and inconstancy. She absolutely does not know how to love one man for a long time. Even from a distance and platonically. Therefore, you only need to open a man’s eyes to her infidelity. And their romance will end before it even begins.



Cancer skillfully wears the mask of an angel in the flesh


In the eyes of men, she looks like an eternal girl, modest and defenseless. Next to her, any man, even the weakest, feels at least like Hercules. Such a rival needs to be provoked - when the mask comes off, her true nature will appear. The Cancer homewrecker, in her fight for a man, behaves too cold-bloodedly and knows no shame at all. Seeing her true face, the man himself will run away.

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Homewreckers of the element of Fire


These women strive for independence at any cost. And although they are sure that this is their strength, the love of freedom often turns against them reverse side medals. As a result, there are many single and divorced women among fire ladies, which makes them potential participants in a love triangle.

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Sagittarius is the most calculating homewrecker of the fire signs of the Zodiac


She catches men on mutual understanding and sympathy. The Sagittarius woman is always ready to listen to all his complaints and never hangs herself around his neck. Such a rival can only be defeated by independence and wit. Her biggest weakness is an irresistible desire to control a man. Do you want to defeat your opponent? Don’t be like her, asking your husband a bunch of awkward questions - where, when and with whom were you? Be calm and a little cool. Such a contrast will only benefit you.

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Aries is a self-confident and rude homewrecker


This hunter and Amazon always behaves very actively, skillfully lassoing your man like an unbroken mustang. How to deal with it? Just piss her off - in anger and a fit of aggression, she stops being shy in her expressions, which looks simply disgusting. Such tactics will quickly open a man’s eyes to the true nature of your rival.

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Lioness - envies luck and charm, success and security


If she has her eye on someone else's man, it means she is unlucky in her personal life. With any failure, all the gloss very quickly falls off from her, and she turns into a vulgar woman from the market. And one more thing: if your husband covets such a lady, it means that he lacks brightness and greatness in you. Change your image at least for a while!

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Homewreckers of the Earth element


Such women are very stubborn. They are moving towards their intended target, like a tank division. They are cautious and tactically strong. If necessary, they can wait indefinitely and sit in ambush, calculating every step.

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Taurus is Woman with a capital letter


But behind her outward femininity, grooming and neatness there is always a carefully thought-out strategy hidden. She knows how to retreat in time, waiting for a more convenient moment to attack. But with her imagination big problems, therefore the most best weapon against such a rival is time. In addition, the Taurus woman is too persistent in her demands for stability, and this can scare away any man.



Capricorn - extremely rarely finds himself in the role of a homewrecker


Capricorns are unlikely to fight for a man - they have completely different life values, which from early youth are clearly painted and arranged on shelves. A Capricorn woman would rather agree to a marriage proposed by her parents than to a war for someone else’s man.

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Virgo is also a rare option in adultery


This woman is too good to be a lover. It is unlikely that your husband will be seriously interested in such a special one. But if this has already happened, there is no use in fighting her - that means they have true love!

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Homewreckers of the Air element


Representatives of the Air element become homewreckers due to personal failures. Their the main problem is that in any man they first see Superman, but upon closer examination they experience great disappointment. Someone else's husband is a real mystery for such women, so most often they are driven by acute curiosity.



Libra - this homewrecker is dangerous with her diplomacy and intuition


Such a person skillfully weaves intrigues, but never takes the first initiative. Most of all, such a rival is afraid of direct claims and attacks, as well as frank conversations on the topic “What do you need from my husband?” She is not a fighter, so she will immediately step aside. In search of someone more free...

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Gemini - not a serious rival


She won’t fight you for long, because a new object has already appeared on her horizon! Such a homewrecker has big problems with consistency. If your husband is attracted to such a woman, consider that she simply bewitched him... She won’t last long anyway!

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Aquarius is the rarest type among lovebirds


Such a woman is very democratic. She needs male friendship more than she needs to fight off someone else's husband at any cost. Aquarius will not deliberately break up relationships - this is too troublesome. Besides, she always has enough fans!



Now you know how to deal with any homewrecker, knowing who she is according to her horoscope. But still try to start with yourself! Build a relationship with your man that is initially based on harmony and understanding. And then you will never have to study the horoscopes of your rivals!

Homewreckers of the Water element

These are the most dangerous homewreckers in the entire horoscope. And all because they are very romantic and emotional, mysterious and sexy.

Scorpio is the most dangerous homewrecker among all Water signs!

This is truly a femme fatale, sexy and smart at the same time. It is very difficult to defeat such a rival: the man almost instantly becomes her victim. The Scorpio woman is a born psychologist and manipulator. She immediately sees weaknesses and hits them. The main disadvantage of such a homewrecker is her commercialism. Prove to a man who is stunned by emotions that what she values ​​most of all is his money, and the “Scorpio” will immediately fail.

Pisces is a real mermaid!

Her strengths are intelligence, intuition and sensuality. But this homewrecker also has weak points - amorousness and inconstancy. She absolutely does not know how to love one man for a long time. Even from a distance and platonically. Therefore, you only need to open a man’s eyes to her infidelity. And their romance will end before it even begins.

Cancer skillfully wears the mask of an angel in the flesh.

In the eyes of men, she looks like an eternal girl, modest and defenseless. Next to her, any man, even the weakest, feels at least like Hercules. Such a rival needs to be provoked - when the mask comes off, her true nature will appear. The Cancer homewrecker, in her fight for a man, behaves too cold-bloodedly and knows no shame at all. Seeing her true face, the man himself will run away.

Homewreckers of the element of Fire

These women strive for independence at any cost. And although they are sure that this is their strength, their love of freedom often turns the other side of the coin towards them. As a result, there are many single and divorced women among fire ladies, which makes them potential participants in a love triangle.

Sagittarius is the most calculating homewrecker of the fire signs of the Zodiac.

She catches men on mutual understanding and sympathy. The Sagittarius woman is always ready to listen to all his complaints and never hangs herself around his neck. Such a rival can only be defeated by independence and wit. Her biggest weakness is an irresistible desire to control a man. Do you want to defeat your opponent? Don’t be like her, asking your husband a bunch of awkward questions - where, when and with whom were you? Be calm and a little cool. Such a contrast will only benefit you.

Aries is a self-confident and rude homewrecker.

This hunter and Amazon always behaves very actively, skillfully lassoing your man like an unbroken mustang. How to deal with it? Just piss her off - in anger and a fit of aggression, she stops being shy in her expressions, which looks simply disgusting. Such tactics will quickly open a man’s eyes to the true nature of your rival.

Lioness - envies luck and charm, success and security.

If she has her eye on someone else's man, it means she is unlucky in her personal life. With any failure, all the gloss very quickly falls off from her, and she turns into a vulgar woman from the market. And one more thing: if your husband covets such a lady, it means that he lacks brightness and greatness in you. Change your image at least for a while!

Homewreckers of the Earth element

Such women are very stubborn. They are moving towards their intended target, like a tank division. They are cautious and tactically strong. If necessary, they can wait indefinitely and sit in ambush, calculating every step.

Taurus is a Woman with a capital letter.

But behind her outward femininity, grooming and neatness there is always a carefully thought-out strategy hidden. She knows how to retreat in time, waiting for a more convenient moment to attack. But she has big problems with imagination, so the best weapon against such a rival is time. In addition, the Taurus woman is too persistent in her demands for stability, and this can scare off any man.

Capricorn - it is extremely rare to find yourself in the role of a homewrecker.

Capricorns are unlikely to fight for a man - they have completely different life values, which from early youth are clearly outlined and sorted into shelves. A Capricorn woman would rather agree to a marriage proposed by her parents than to a war for someone else’s man.

Virgo is also a rare option in adultery.

This woman is too good to be a lover. It is unlikely that your husband will be seriously interested in such a special one. But if this has already happened, there is no use in fighting her - that means they have true love!

Homewreckers of the Air element

Representatives of the Air element become homewreckers due to personal failures. Their main problem is that in any man they first see Superman, but upon closer examination they experience great disappointment. Someone else's husband is a real mystery for such women, so most often they are driven by acute curiosity.

Libra - this homewrecker is dangerous with her diplomacy and intuition.

Such a person skillfully weaves intrigues, but never takes the first initiative. Most of all, such a rival is afraid of direct claims and attacks, as well as frank conversations on the topic “What do you need from my husband?” She is not a fighter, so she will immediately step aside. In search of someone more free...

Gemini is not a serious rival.

She won’t fight you for long, because a new object has already appeared on her horizon! Such a homewrecker has big problems with consistency. If your husband is attracted to such a woman, consider that she simply bewitched him... She won’t last long anyway!

Aquarius is the rarest type among lovebirds.

Such a woman is very democratic. She needs male friendship more than she needs to fight off someone else's husband at any cost. Aquarius will not deliberately break up relationships - this is too troublesome. Besides, she always has enough fans!

Well, hand on heart, we must admit: every woman is potentially someone’s rival. Therefore, if you want to keep your man with you, keep him away from your friends, advisers, neighbors, colleagues and just well-wishers. After all, trouble comes from where you least expect it.

This is an example of exactly that “adviser” who will easily fool you if she likes your lover. She is a recognized psychoanalyst who just wants to cry into her vest. Avoid being frank with her, do not trust her and do not tell her anything about her personal life, although she is considered an incomparable “healer of souls.”

As a rule, such a person is lost in front of compliments: they darken her eyes and confuse her intentions, which is why the person ceases to understand what you really want. Therefore, flatter more often, praising your outfit, figure, makeup - and then she will have no time to turn the arrows on your lover. In addition, she is rude and self-confident.

They can absolutely be classified as real collectors. Moreover, they don’t care what they collect into an elegant box of their space: furniture, paintings, books, badges, stamps, men... Everything that catches the eye and then sinks into the soul over time can turn out to be pinned with a hundred thin pins somewhere under glass her soul. And she knows how to wait - so that she can attack for sure.

Therefore, you need to be careful with such a girlfriend. Always! After all, a potential rival craves stability and what longer man will stay close to you, the more she will want to get him. And it’s a piece of cake for her to do this, because the beautiful and well-groomed woman a lot of naive “moths” flock together.

A nature that does not recognize authority, challenging even its own taste. As a result, it can, in spite of everyone, lure the one who has his eye on her. She speaks, lures like a Siren. But there is no need to worry: she does not have enough strength and pressure to act further - she will simply be attracted and that’s all. Such passivity will quickly make any man switch back.

For such a bitch, there is only one god - herself. And such a woman will never agree with any other opinion. In addition, her inconstancy will quickly force you to look for a new contender for your hand and heart, and yours will return to you again. If you accept it, of course.


This is a real angel, not a woman. She is defenseless, sweet, gentle, modest, so every representative of the opposite sex feels like a strong, persistent, courageous macho next to her. It is precisely because of its weakness that such a homewrecker is strong. But she doesn’t attract men to her side on purpose - they themselves are drawn to her.

To get rid of such a rival, you need to provoke her, so that she shows her other side - a cold-blooded person who will go over her head for the sake of the goal. Such unscrupulousness will push your lover away, returning you to a warm embrace.

a lion

They begin the hunt for other people's loved ones in a pompous manner: with royal panache and royal gait. Moreover, they are not going to waste time on trifles - they immediately set snares on the successful, advanced, smart, beautiful, rich, talented, and promising. That is, at the very best. Therefore, if you want to prevent such a person from stealing your husband away from you, do not show him to her, do not praise him and do not mention him often in conversations. This way he will remain invisible to her and will live quietly behind your back.

As for the rest, the socialite “lioness” prefers to be surrounded by weak, gray fools, in order to be guaranteed to be on top and stand out brightly against the “small” background. Therefore, before making friends with her, think a hundred times: do you need it? Moreover, in a society of successful and beautiful people, such a nature instantly turns into a tattered cat with a terrible character.


They become homewreckers extremely rarely, because they are incredibly correct people. But if you tease them, they start raking in the heat, despite the fact that they don’t need it. They can skillfully manipulate others, easily subordinating them to their desires.

At the same time, they are incredibly principled and follow moral points, so if your lover is carried away by such a nature, then only own initiative, and not at the suggestion of a rival. However, once a Virgo falls in love, she will never return the man she got.

She's dangerous. Firstly, because it's not bad developed intuition, secondly, because of external diplomacy. That is, her deceit is covered up, so it is difficult to discern right away. Such a person weaves intrigues, avoiding one-on-one conversations, because she does not like external attacks and claims.

But her strengths are also a weakness, taking advantage of which you will be able to get rid of the homewrecker in no time. Just put psychological pressure on her, provoking an open showdown, shaming her in front of her friends, and so on. This is enough for her to evaporate on her own in search of a more accessible passion. She is not at all afraid of other rivals.

She is a calculating person, enterprising, fatal, decisive, greedy, so she will get her hands on all the good things that are bad. She quickly gains the trust of the person she intends to steal, because she is not devoid of romanticism and sexuality. She tames her so quickly that the man does not have time to come to his senses before he becomes her husband. Therefore, always be on guard with her.

But her habits and natural intelligence can be overcome by keeping her lover with her. What do we have to do? Demonstrate non-mercantilism. This is how a man will understand who your rival really is, because she really, really loves money and knows how to extract it from the opposite sex. And here you are - so kind, non-greedy, selfless.

An intuitive and prudent woman who does not hang around her neck, does not lure her away or force her to leave her - men do this voluntarily. It is enough for such a homewrecker to show sympathy, listen to complaints, understand the “sufferer,” which works flawlessly, adding not only another plus to her karma, but also one more admirer who can become a potential spouse.

The disadvantage of such a person is also considerable: she prefers to control everything, everyone, everywhere and always. Hit her weak point, showing your loved one how difficult it is to maintain “friendship” with this woman, because he will be under her hood and turn into a weak-willed puppet.

She will never beat off or appropriate someone else's man. And all because he pursues completely different values ​​in life and puts his fate in order even at a young age.

She loves freedom and if she finds someone, she becomes attached only to him. Until, of course, she feels the urge to be alone again. And then everything repeats itself in a circle: tired of living alone, the woman will again go in search of a suitable candidate and, having found him, will calm down for a long time.

Like all representatives of the air element, she prefers freedom, so she does not intend to deliberately separate couples. Friendships are the limit for her. At the same time, she enjoys considerable popularity among representatives of the opposite sex, since she is a “high-flying bird.” These are the ones that men go to on their own.

To prevent this from happening, never bring home a friend like this, don’t tell your lover about her, and don’t introduce him to her.

Hypnotic people, sensual and intelligent, are incredibly amorous. This does not at all prevent them from being frivolous, unnecessary, impractical - not only in everyday life, but in life in general. However, men like them: in their eyes, such women are truly irresistible.

It is beneficial for you that the homewrecker is not able to stay close to one contender for her heart for a long time. She just gets tired of him and drives him away, switching to others. Consequently, its variability and frivolity play into your hands - in the end, victory will still be yours!

The reasons for male infidelity can be very different. But no love triangle can exist without the other woman being your rival.

Have you found yourself in a similar situation? You shouldn’t immediately throw a scandal at your man or, conversely, give up without a fight.

Try to find out which zodiac sign the supposed homewrecker belongs to.

And then, knowing the psychotype of your opponent, you can develop the right strategy of action.

By calling astrology to help, you can easily get rid of your rival!

We invite you to study a brief description of homewreckers of all zodiac signs.

Homewreckers of the Water element

These are the most dangerous homewreckers in the entire horoscope. And all because they are very romantic and emotional, mysterious and sexy.

Scorpio is the most dangerous homewrecker among all Water signs!

This is truly a femme fatale, sexy and smart at the same time. It is very difficult to defeat such a rival: the man almost instantly becomes her victim. The Scorpio woman is a born psychologist and manipulator. She immediately sees weaknesses and hits them. The main disadvantage of such a homewrecker is her commercialism. Prove to a man who is stunned by emotions that what she values ​​most of all is his money, and the “Scorpio” will immediately fail.

Pisces is a real mermaid!

Her strengths are intelligence, intuition and sensuality. But this homewrecker also has weaknesses - amorousness and inconstancy. She absolutely does not know how to love one man for a long time. Even from a distance and platonically. Therefore, you only need to open a man’s eyes to her infidelity. And their romance will end before it even begins.

Cancer skillfully wears the mask of an angel in the flesh.

In the eyes of men, she looks like an eternal girl, modest and defenseless. Next to her, any man, even the weakest, feels at least like Hercules. Such a rival needs to be provoked - when the mask comes off, her true nature will appear. The Cancer homewrecker, in her fight for a man, behaves too cold-bloodedly and knows no shame at all. Seeing her true face, the man himself will run away.

Homewreckers of the element of Fire

These women strive for independence at any cost. And although they are sure that this is their strength, their love of freedom often turns the other side of the coin towards them. As a result, there are many single and divorced women among fire ladies, which makes them potential participants in a love triangle.

Sagittarius is the most calculating homewrecker of the fire signs of the Zodiac.

She catches men on mutual understanding and sympathy. The Sagittarius woman is always ready to listen to all his complaints and never hangs herself around his neck. Such a rival can only be defeated by independence and wit. Her biggest weakness is an irresistible desire to control a man. Do you want to defeat your opponent? Don’t be like her, asking your husband a bunch of awkward questions - where, when and with whom were you? Be calm and a little cool. Such a contrast will only benefit you.

Aries is a self-confident and rude homewrecker.

This hunter and Amazon always behaves very actively, skillfully lassoing your man like an unbroken mustang. How to deal with it? Just piss her off - in anger and a fit of aggression, she stops being shy in her expressions, which looks simply disgusting. Such tactics will quickly open a man’s eyes to the true nature of your rival.

Lioness - envies luck and charm, success and security.

If she has her eye on someone else's man, it means she is unlucky in her personal life. With any failure, all the gloss very quickly falls off from her, and she turns into a vulgar woman from the market. And one more thing: if your husband covets such a lady, it means that he lacks brightness and greatness in you. Change your image at least for a while!

Homewreckers of the Earth element

Such women are very stubborn. They are moving towards their intended target, like a tank division. They are cautious and tactically strong. If necessary, they can wait indefinitely and sit in ambush, calculating every step.

Taurus is Woman with a capital letter.

But behind her outward femininity, grooming and neatness there is always a carefully thought-out strategy hidden. She knows how to retreat in time, waiting for a more convenient moment to attack. But she has big problems with imagination, so the best weapon against such a rival is time. In addition, the Taurus woman is too persistent in her demands for stability, and this can scare off any man.

Capricorn - it is extremely rare to find yourself in the role of a homewrecker.

Capricorns are unlikely to fight for a man - they have completely different life values, which from early youth are clearly outlined and sorted into shelves. A Capricorn woman would rather agree to a marriage proposed by her parents than to a war for someone else’s man.

Virgo is also a rare option in adultery.

This woman is too good to be a lover. It is unlikely that your husband will be seriously interested in such a special one. But if this has already happened, there is no use in fighting her - that means they have true love!

Homewreckers of the Air element

Representatives of the Air element become homewreckers due to personal failures. Their main problem is that in any man they first see Superman, but upon closer examination they experience great disappointment. Someone else's husband is a real mystery for such women, so most often they are driven by acute curiosity.

Libra - this homewrecker is dangerous with her diplomacy and intuition.

Such a person skillfully weaves intrigues, but never takes the first initiative. Most of all, such a rival is afraid of direct claims and attacks, as well as frank conversations on the topic “What do you need from my husband?” She is not a fighter, so she will immediately step aside. In search of someone more free...

Gemini is not a serious rival.

She won’t fight you for long, because a new object has already appeared on her horizon! Such a homewrecker has big problems with consistency. If your husband is attracted to such a woman, consider that she simply bewitched him... She won’t last long anyway!

Aquarius is the rarest type among lovebirds.

Such a woman is very democratic. She needs male friendship more than she needs to fight off someone else's husband at any cost. Aquarius will not deliberately break up relationships - this is too troublesome. Besides, she always has enough fans!

Who are they - the most fatal lovebirds according to the horoscope? Who hides the real she-wolf under the mask of a “stupid sheep”?

Unfortunately, nothing is permanent in life. And your man, for now, is your beloved and loves you - but no one knows exactly what will happen in a year, two, three... And if a homewrecker intervenes in your life, whose only goal is to take your husband away from you? It's sad, yes, but in life you have to be prepared for anything. That’s why today we’re specifically talking about the most insidious homewreckers by zodiac sign - check it out. Are there any such people in your environment and in your man’s environment?

In fifth place are crayfish

Yes, yes, quiet, modest crayfish... and in still waters, as you know, there are devils 😉 . Cancers are the ones who conquer and take you away quietly and unnoticed - at first it’s just sympathy, then friendly conversations, then she quietly invites your man to tea, then to borscht - and then it’s not far from bed. The tactics of crayfish are simple - it is patience and tenderness, charm and the ability to draw you into your abyss.

In fourth place are the twins.

At first glance, the twins are all cuteness and charm! She will give you advice on how to improve your relationship with your loved one, try to help you in every possible way in life, or, on the contrary, ask you to help her. But it’s difficult to understand what a Gemini girl really wants—if she really is like that good friend, I've got my eye on your man. There is only one way to understand this 100% - if the twin already has his own husband or loved one. Otherwise, take a closer look at your friendship with your Gemini girl: is she friends with you?

In third place are scales

If a Libra girl has set a goal to take away your man, she will actively be friends with you, his woman. She will accidentally come to visit when your husband is at home: she is all so smart, and you are in home clothes. He will ask your husband for help, and in front of you. Suddenly it turns out that she urgently needs to rearrange a closet or nail a shelf in her home. And in your absence, they will “accidentally” let slip about your mistakes and shortcomings, give away your secrets and hint to your man that you don’t really love him, but only use him.

In second place are Scorpios

Oh, these are real wolves in sheep's clothing. They are cunning and insidious, at the same time charming, understanding, and also very attractive to the opposite sex. Scorpios are never gray mice, and a Scorpio girl who decides to get a man is simply charming! She’ll marry anyone you want and let her sleep next to you 😉 So if your man is surrounded by an unmarried Scorpio without a partner, you need to be careful, keep an eye on your loved one. Scorpios do not crowd into your girlfriends - they can be great friends only with your husband, without you... And often alone.

Aries comes first

An Aries girl in search of a man is a rocket flying towards the goal. And as you understand, there is a very high probability that this rocket will fly. Aries don’t need to pretend or pretend to be something - they will make eyes at your man in front of you, and then it will turn out that it’s “you just misunderstood something.” Aries immediately takes the bull by the horns. The day before yesterday your man had a cup of coffee with an Aries colleague at lunch, yesterday he dropped her off at home (well, it’s almost on the way), and today... Today, I’m sorry, but this is no longer your man.