The best interpretation options: why do you dream about a dead dog? Lots of dead dogs

In general, a dog in a dream means a friend - good or bad - and is a symbol of love and devotion.

Seeing her in a dream foretells receiving news from a friend or meeting him.

Small dogs in a dream mean troubles, worries, vanity.

A black dog in a dream means your friend who has started something against you.

A white dog in a dream is your close friend.

A red dog in a dream means a very close person, husband, wife, lover.

The breed and size of a dog in a dream characterizes your friends.

A poodle, Spitz and other decorative dogs in a dream are a faithful and gentle friend.

A Great Dane in a dream is a big and smart friend. But if in a dream he bares his teeth at you, then beware of him. This is no longer a friend, but an insidious enemy.

Hounds and hunting breeds in a dream mean selfish people who will not hesitate to make money from you or deceive you for profit. But if in a dream you know that you have hunting dogs, then the dream predicts good luck or profit for you.

If dogs are chasing you in a dream, then you should be wary of traps prepared for you by insidious enemies.

Guard dogs are loyal, devoted and strong friends who are ready to protect you in difficult times.

Meeting a dog in a dream means receiving news from a loved one or friend.

A playing dog in a dream is a harbinger of a joyful or pleasant meeting.

An affectionate dog means a devoted friend. However, if in a dream an unfamiliar dog caresses you, then you should be wary of deception or betrayal.

Petting a dog yourself in a dream is a sign that you are trying to win the favor of a loved one.

A snarling, barking, growling, attacking dog in a dream predicts quarrels, scandals, and insults.

If you dream that a dog has bitten you, then you should not lend money to your friends, so as not to quarrel with them later because of this.

Sick dogs in a dream symbolize a decline in business or the loss of some property.

If in a dream you see that a small dog is sick, then sadness and disappointment await you.

A dream in which you saw that a dog is hiding from you, avoiding you, or running away from you, portends a breakdown in your relationship with a close friend and his cooling towards you.

Hearing a loud bark in a dream is a harbinger of success in business. If barking scared you in a dream, then the news will be unpleasant. Hearing several dogs barking in a dream means a big scandal or trouble.

If you dream that some big red dog had an accident, as a result of which it died, then you will soon learn about the sudden death of a loved one who will die as a result of a similar accident.

Gnawing dogs in a dream means a quarrel with a loved one.

If you dream that your dog is chained or collared, then know that your friend is not free from any obligations and you cannot count on his loyalty.

If in a dream you manage to unhook the leash and remove the dog’s collar, then success in your personal life and victory over your rivals awaits you.

A beautiful white dog in a dream foretells receiving good news from a loved one.

Dirty, wet, unkempt white dog in a dream - this is your close friend who, because of you, got into an unpleasant situation and had a lot of troubles in his family.

Angry dogs in a dream are your enemies. A mad dog in a dream is your fierce enemy. Often such a dream predicts that you will experience shame or humiliation caused by unfounded accusations.

A doghouse in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you will soon find yourself in cramped circumstances and will be forced to reckon with it.

Riding a dog in a dream means the strength of your position and good luck in business.

Dogs fighting among themselves are rivals.

Walking with a dog in a dream is a sign of a pleasant time with your loved one.

If in a dream a dog protects you from enemies, then know that you have a friend whose help you can count on. See interpretation: animals.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Which warn us about something. The main thing is to know how to correctly interpret such dreams. For example, why do you dream of a dead dog? Basically, the news is not rosy - that is, troubles await you, which, however, if you try, can be completely avoided. Forewarned is forearmed, right?


Let's turn to the main dream books:

    Miller's dream book says - if you dreamed of a dead dog, you have the opportunity to turn away trouble from a close friend, because he faces either illness or other serious troubles. The main thing is to react in time, so be vigilant.

    A dying dog in a dream means that you should try not to create a conflict with loved ones out of nowhere. In addition, it is possible that yours will fail, so try to be more calculating than emotional.

  • According to Vanga’s dream book: friends are more likely to bring you problems, and material ones at that. Think three times whether it is worth lending an amount that you are not ready to part with at all.
  • Freud compared a dog with a child, but he was also inclined to believe that a dead dog is not good. According to his interpretation, one can be afraid of physical and moral problems in children, and therefore it is worth paying more attention to the child.

    However the dream may also mean the inability to get pregnant in the near future, when it comes to women. For men, if there are no children yet, and procreation is not the immediate goal, the dream predicts an active sex life.

  • Nostradamus adds a touch of politics to the interpretation of the dream and warns of imminent troubles in the country.
  • And Tsvetkov, in turn, believes that the dream reminds that quarrels can mentally traumatize lovers, so don’t lose your soul mate. If the conflict has already matured before the appearance of your dead four-legged friend, then listen to the advice of this messenger and make every effort to preserve the relationship.

The owner dreams of a dead dog alive

Now let's look at a separate case when your faithful dog, who had fallen into eternal sleep, dreamed of being alive.

This immediately suggests that intuition will not help you in further problems - only calculation and logic. If a dog caresses you, licks you and shows affection in every possible way, then it is quite possible that you have already made a mistake in your plans or relationships, but did not notice it.

Stop and double check, just in case. It is also possible, although less likely, that long-forgotten friends, lost ones, or relatives whom you have never heard of before will come to bow to you.

The universal dream book indicates that, if a dog comes to life in a dream, you can hope for help in overcoming difficulties from old, trusted friends on their initiative, by the way.

Do not forget that each dream is individual, and in order to recognize what kind of warning is contained in it, it is worth working out the details very carefully and scrupulously. For example, whether you saw a dog in a certain place, what color it was, whether it was your dog or not, and many other nuances.

Details and description

First, a few well-known facts:

  • A dream of a similar nature on the eve of business agreements promises failure.
  • If you saw a dead dog after deciding to get married, it is most likely that the latter will not stay happy for long.
  • By the way, the dreamer’s finding a four-legged corpse in bed portends sudden divorce with the division of property.
  • Well, if you dreamed of your pet alive shortly after death, it may well be that it is - just an attempt by the subconscious to reject cruel reality. But it is possible that the guardian angel tried to protect you from major mistakes in this way.
  • Signs say that you dream of a dog that has been dead for a long time to the rains.

For interpretation, it is important to take into account not only what you dreamed about, but also to whom exactly. So, for women, a dream foreshadows the impossibility of fulfilling any desires in the near future. The danger of being betrayed by one of your friends for men, difficulties in managing financial affairs for businessmen (business women) and the unrealizability of fantasies for young girls.

It is worth knowing that such a dream during a growing period is an indicator of the beginning of problems, failures and conflicts, and during a decreasing period, accordingly, the end. People who have chosen the interpretation of dreams as their life's work often associate the latter case with the renewal of karma.

What dog?

Where was the dog?

  • If she was near the store, then any expenses should be carefully calculated, and perhaps save on something, since, often, troubles do not warn of their appearance in advance.
  • If you were walking home in a dream and met a dead dog on the road, - household affairs will soon improve noticeably, but you still shouldn’t get involved in conflicts with (between) loved ones without emergency. And seeing a dead dog near the house is a completely favorable sign, symbolizing success.
  • A dead dog in the snow warns of diseases that await your family. You should not neglect this, besides, trips, if suddenly planned, should be postponed, if not cancelled, because in this case your well-being is already at risk.
  • A dog in the water near the shore promises health problems for friends, or soon one of them will need your help, without which he will not be able to cope.
  • If in a dream you meet such a messenger on and if you realize it in time in reality, you can avoid the loss of everything you have acquired, but in general, of course, this is one of the most unpleasant cases, because you are threatened with a complete loss of property.
  • Dead dog in your house, threatens robbery, so do not talk about your place of residence to any shady individuals.

What did you do in your dream?

  • If you watched someone kill an unfortunate animal, in life you will unwittingly cause trouble for a friend, you should be more careful.
  • Kill the dog yourself- to subsequently give vent to his rage, however, by doing unforgivable things. Keep in mind that if you strangled her, it is your words that will become the reason for the condemnation of the people around her.
  • Trying to resurrect a dog means helping someone soon, and participation in the funeral is an impending disappointment, but if you tried to save, the cause of problems will be your negligence in any matters
  • Hitting a sick or old dog with a stick- according to the old ways, to expel illness from oneself. And shooting a dog means breaking family traditions, which again leads to conflict.
  • Interesting, but cry in a dream over a dead dog portends a great time with friends, but announcing that the dog has died promises illness.
  • If a dead dog bit your hand, a long-forgotten enemy will strike on the sly.
  • If you are happy to meet a dog, it is quite possible that your childhood friends are going to pay you a visit and you can enjoy this meeting without fear, but if you are frightened by barking dead dog, slanderers will try to smear your name.

Surely, you are aware that a dog is a symbol of fidelity and brave service. The same applies to small puppies, who already have these worthy qualities from birth. As for dream interpreters, you can also find in them the personification of a dog with loyal friendship, selfless help and honesty. But it’s worth considering that the interpretations will be somewhat different for males and females, so let’s first look at why this plot is dreamed of by the fair half of humanity.

For a girl, stroking, playing, finding or feeding a puppy means quick luck and the fulfillment of her plans. The dreamer will be successful in any undertaking, even the most daring and risky. The dream promises to establish inner harmony with oneself; communication with others will not only be joyful and comfortable, but will also bring useful results. If in a dream a girl received a small kitten, then dream books interpret this sign as the presence of a kind and caring person, always ready to take care of her well-being and happy personal life.

Caring for a sick puppy means that the dreamer may soon be asked for help. It's obvious that it will dear person or friend.

A puppy in a dream for a married lady may indicate that in real life she gives excessive attention and care to her children, husband or relatives. This sign can be seen as a message that it wouldn’t hurt to think about yourself, otherwise you risk remaining just a pleasant addition to someone’s full life.

If a man dreamed of puppies, then dream books interpret this plot as immediate support from friends, sudden financial aid. It is likely that you will receive financial rewards for good performance in your work or business. If you are asked for any help, do not refuse under any circumstances, as the good will be returned to you a hundredfold. In addition, after such a dream you will definitely meet your friends soon.

Why do you dream about dead puppies?

All interpreters, without exception, consider this picture to be an extremely unkind sign. In some dream books you can find an explanation as a quick serious disease, others talk about loss (not in terms of death) or betrayal of friends or even relatives; in other interpreters one can find interpretations that signify poverty or the collapse of a prosperous business. In any case, for some time after the dream, you will feel useless person living their lives in vain. It is very likely that you will dig into yourself, search for the meaning of life, which, in the end, can lead to depression. Killing a small animal with your own hands means betrayal on your part. The most will turn away from you close person, you will be very sorry later.

As you can see, seeing a puppy in a dream is quite a powerful sign, which, depending on the plot, can greatly influence our future path. We hope that in this article you have found only joyful interpretations for yourself!

Many people perceive the dream book as management to action. If a dream has impressed a person so much that he is unable to collect his thoughts, there is a strong desire to find out the interpretation of the vision.

Often pets appear in dream scenes, especially those that are almost constantly near a person, for example. They are the personification friendship and devotion. But when there are many dead animals in a vision, it does not always foreshadow positive events.

On road

When in the plot of a dream a person is walking home and his way is blocked dead dog, the dream foretells improvement of household chores, and very soon. If there are misunderstandings between relatives, which from time to time develop into minor scandals, you should not interfere in their relationship. It is better to take an observant position than to actively take part in skirmishes.

Seeing a dead four-legged friend on the road in front of a store means that for some time you should limit yourself to embezzlement and don’t buy everything you like thoughtlessly. This will help you save money for more important expenses. They will appear very soon.

A woman dreams

For the fair sex, a vision with dead dogs means that she wishes are not destined to come true. will remain a friend and you shouldn’t count on a more tender relationship.

For a married woman, such a vision foreshadows the possibility of a quick and very painful. The reason for the break in the relationship will be, which will become known completely by accident.

Seeing dead in a dream for a young girl means because of a guy. Perhaps something is brewing between them, one of the friends is trying very hard to attract attention young man. Such an action will be regarded as betrayal.

Dogs in blood

If in a dream a sleeping person sees a dead dog lying in a bed, in real life he should be prepared for quarrels with close relatives. Conflict relationships between parents and children, brothers, husband and wife are possible. In the near future you should be very careful in your statements, so as not to become the instigator of a quarrel.

On snow

Seeing a dead dog lying on a bed in a dream means that in reality the dreamer will have troubles. You need to pay attention to the health status of your loved ones, if they have problems, provide all possible assistance in solving them. A planned trip for the near future must be canceled or rescheduled, as the sleeper may be seriously injured during the trip. Moreover, his affairs will not bring the expected result and all endeavors will be unsuccessful.

Dead dogs in the water

The body of a lifeless dog floating in the water portends disease one of your close friends. There is another interpretation of this vision and it means that one of the friends the dreamer's help will soon be needed, because he will have very serious problems.

The situation will become so difficult that he will not be able to cope with the situation alone.

Many dogs

If the owner of the dream saw a lot of dead dogs, in real life he should show caution in communication with friends. An unforeseen situation may arise during which the dreamer will be left alone, without the support of those whom he trusted the most.

Over the next period, you need to carefully ponder every action and deed.

The vision can also symbolize the “dead” relationships with people from the past. If the dreamer sometimes remembered some friends, then it is time to leave this period of life and move on.


A dream in which the main characters were dead, means betrayal of a close friend. The vision also symbolizes the appearance of minor troubles that will take a lot of time, which will begin to negatively affect main job dreamer

At the cemetery

Such a vision is unfavorable and means that the dreamer may soon lose all his fortune, which he acquired with great difficulty. A night dream symbolizes sadness, depressive state And Bad mood because of future events. It should be noted that a person is able to influence his future and a dream can be perceived as a kind of hint and warning. If you are careful in making decisions, plan ahead for the next step, impending trouble can be prevented.


Dead animals symbolize a quarrel with a friend and failure in business. What was planned the day before will not come true due to mistakes made by the dreamer. Rash actions will lead to financial losses.

If the dreamer saw in his dream and the dog is dead, then in real life he has enemy, which will move on to open action. The sleeper will win the fight and be victorious in future negative events, but this will not bring him moral satisfaction, and for a long time the person will experience depressed mood.

Killing a dog with your own hands

Such a vision carries a negative information load and predicts to the dreamer about impending troubles and danger. Something's about to happen soon not good. After such events, the dreamer will take a very long time to come to his senses.

Watching a dog in agony

When a misfortune happens to a four-legged friend in a dream and he is in a state of agony, the dreamer should expect bad news.

White dog

In the plot of the vision it means that everything troubles, which the dreamer currently has, occurred through his fault.

Seeing a dead dog and hearing barking

If a dog barks in a dream, it is very important to remember the emotions that the person experienced during the dream. Fear foreshadows resistance to others who are trying to achieve their goals.

When a growl is heard before the barking, in real life you need to be attentive and not to get involved in any dubious matters. Probably one of the ill-wishers is trying to lure the sleeping person into trap through intrigue .

Why do you dream of dead Puppies in a dream according to the dream book?

I had a terrible dream today, but I don’t remember it well. I dreamed of many newborn puppies (and they immediately started running), probably because the dog is pregnant and her pregnancy is unwanted, the most unpleasant thing in the dream is that they are running at my feet, I look at my feet, and they are all in terrible, incomprehensible holes , I start to leave the room, show my legs to my aunt, she presses on one of the holes and a dead little puppy falls out of there and I smell rot. Brr.

I’m walking along a snowy road, young guys are driving past and rolling a puppy on a sled, the puppy jumps off and runs away... I run after him, run and see that a big red bear takes him in his mouth and leaves... the guys who were carrying the puppy run up... some vanity... I hear someone say that he is all already dead... and shakes his head to the side... they say how many there are, I turn and see three black and white puppies, they are dead... covered with snow. I cry, and the puppy’s owner is crying next to me, I shout at him that this is not possible with animals and I wake up.

Hello! I dreamed that a bitch gave birth to 3 puppies, their teeth were visible. Then in a dream someone distracts me, and when I turned around I saw that some woman was holding puppies in her hands and said that they strangled each other. I was very upset and sad that they died...

Hello, I don’t remember the beginning of the dream, so I’ll write from the moment I remember.
And so, I went into the bathroom, 2 white puppies were sitting in a bathtub with water, one puppy was under water, I reached out to get him and he was petrified, I pulled my hand away and started screaming, my mother came to my cry, and what happened next I don’t remember... Then I found myself in the room, they told me that a beetle was crawling and needed to be caught, the beetle looked like a rat, I caught it and when I put it in the snake’s cage, the snake almost bit me, but I managed to remove my hand. This is my strange dream.

Hello! Today I had a dream in which little pink piglets and puppies were running on the street in a pen near the toilet. Then two puppies fell into the toilet hole and I got them out, one alive and one dead.

My friend and I were coming home from school and, feeling hungry, decided to go to the store and buy food.
but when you go into the store there are a lot of dead little puppies in the window
and it looked like everyone was eating them,

In a dream, I saw an apple tree growing in my parents’ garden; it was strewn with large, very large and beautiful apples, there were apples on the ground and on the branches, it was warm and clear, the sky was blue. When I came close to the apple tree, I saw dead black puppies and an adult brown mongrel, also without signs of life. When I saw them, I changed my mind about taking apples from the branches because the puppies and the dog were lying right on the branches

In the dream there was something unknown woman who asked for help to save children of these types, children were stolen by a man, we started going down the ramps, there was blood everywhere, and when we found them it turned out that they were small puppies, they were all covered in blood, I picked them up in my arms and carried them down the ramps back up and that’s all and then awoke.

I saw a water, came closer, and there were puppies lying in it. Two dead boy puppies lay on top, and below them at the bottom lay a girl, she was still alive, but in serious condition. It seemed as if they wanted to drown them or even freeze them. In the dream it was summer, and the river near which I found the bucket was covered with ice. There was a hole cut in it.

I had a fight with a guy and when I came home I found that he was packing his things and leaving me, I went down to the street and then there was an explosion, when I entered the apartment, I found that only the left side of the apartment was burned, there I discovered the bodies of 3 puppies, I loudly cried, but the adult dogs survived and whined

I want to close the door to the apartment and something is in the way. I want to move it away, thinking it’s a rug. And I find a puppy or a small dog lying near the door. I want to move it away and see that she is dead. I'm struggling with how to remove it.

I dreamed of purebred puppies, newborns, there were 2 alive, the rest 5 were like dead, but then they all came to life, we wanted to sell them later, but I felt sorry for them and I wanted to keep them all, I revived them

Two puppies were mauled to death by an adult dog. At the same time, I was walking with a child in a stroller, I tried to drive the dog away and took one puppy to the veterinary hospital, but they said that they could not help and I burst into tears and left, leaving the puppy there.

I dreamed that somewhere in the ruins I found a half-dead kitten. Then I woke up. After a while I went back to bed. The dream began, as if it had continued, almost everything was the same, the same place, the same setting, and the same incomprehensible plot. During the dream, I again dreamed of half-dead animals. This time it was puppies, I found them in the ruins of this abandoned building (the building is a hangar or warehouse). But that's not all. In the process, the dream was still going on, and again everything was not clear, it was not clear what was happening, and I again found two half-dead dogs, one was an adult, the other was a puppy, and apparently it was the mother of the puppy lying cuddled with her. Same breed, same color. Please tell me what exactly this means.

I dreamed that I was in the water, it was not clear in what container, and around me there were many many newborn puppies of different colors, they had just been born, I didn’t see my mother in the dream, and as if I was going to pull the puppies out of the water, but I’m not worried, I think that they know how to swim, and little by little I will get everyone out. Then I see that the puppies are drowning, they are already under water but while they are alive, we need to quickly pull them out, and there are a lot of them! She began to quickly pull them out and saved many. Then I pulled one out of the water, and he was already hard, dead, I pulled out the other, he spat out the water and remained alive, I thought I would have to save some by giving them artificial respiration, but it didn’t come to that. She released the surviving puppies onto the floor, there were at least 10-20 of them, and they walked as if they were two months old, and about 4 dead puppies remained under the water.

I dreamed that I was leaving summer kitchen and drew attention to 3 lying puppies, they looked like they were alive, but when I saw in the glare, I was horrified and screamed and started screaming something. And the shenzi lay on top of each other. The bottom one was the largest, and then there were 2 smaller ones.

Hello, from Thursday to Friday the 2nd to the 3rd (date) I dreamed of a dead black puppy. He had no belly, and maggots were crawling from that place. Yes, this puppy was lying under the closet, and as if from a dream I know that I disappeared somewhere a long time ago. Please tell me what is this for?

I dreamed that my cousin saved three chicks and puppies, the puppies were very small, about 2-3 cm each, as if they were in utero and she kept them in water, I decided to change the water and accidentally knocked them over onto the floor, they died, I cried a lot my father came and started crying because I was crying, then I woke up.

My grandmother’s apartment. Dad goes out to smoke on the staircase, I take a beautiful parody puppy and say, “Dad, let’s go for a walk with him,” while I have the puppy in my left hand, and the keys in my right hand. My father answers me, “Only if he runs up to me" and enters the elevator.
The puppy runs after him and falls into elevator shaft, I I get into the elevator and start crying.

At first I saw that it seemed like a kitten or another animal was gnawing on something, I saw that it was a puppy, I thought it was alive, then other dead puppies began to appear from under the straw, a lot of them. And in some there are already earthworms. There are also a lot of earthworms. Horror

I went with my mother to buy a puppy, we bought a small and fluffy puppy. The next day I went to school with him, put him in my briefcase and went. After school, I open my briefcase and see that he is lying dead.

I dreamed of a lot of dogs, (a pack) as if they had torn apart two puppies, they were lying on the asphalt covered in blood, and the third ran into the building to save himself, and was being chased by a terrible cat, beaten up, in order to also kill the puppy. I send her away. But I want to protect the puppy, I’m thinking of taking him with me until he grows up.

Hello, I had a dream as if I had 7 dead puppies lying on the closet at home. Their eyes were bloody, their eyes were closed. And as if I couldn’t get them, I wanted to take them off, but I was scared. I wanted to tell this to my parents, but for some reason I felt coldness on their part. I went to the mirror that was in the bedroom and looked at myself in a tearful state. My eyes were very exhausted. The puppies were of the Golden Retriever breed. Help me explain. Thank you.

Hello, please interpret my dream. I dream that there are small kittens in our yard, I put them one by one in different places and they didn’t go anywhere, they were waiting. Suddenly I went into an abandoned building, squatted down and saw at my feet a dead newborn puppy with an umbilical cord and there were flies on it and a terrible corpse smell that I vomited in a dream. Next to this puppy is another white, alive one. and squeaks, but I understood that he would die too, because their mothers weren’t around. So I woke up at that moment. I’m pregnant, I’m 5 weeks pregnant. Could this dream be a bad sign? Recently I was frozen and dreamed dead fish

Hello, I am 18 years old, I grew up in Yakutia, currently I live in Moscow, I study here. So I dreamed of my home yard, in winter, I stand and see my friend who is now in the army, he walks past me to another place then returns to me, then we see strange little pink creatures lying in the snow, most of all they looked like puppies , I take one in my hands and say that we need to save them somehow, he says that it is useless, and they are already dead, then we stood with him on the porch, and the dream ended. Then the next one came, my late grandmother was sitting on a chair, and talking to me and my mother, this happened in some kind of white space, in which, besides the three of us, there was only a refrigerator and a rug, while my mother and I were doing some of our own things, and I also gave my grandmother a banana, it also needs to be said that For the last 5 years of her life, my grandmother did not walk, but only sat, just like in her dream. What could such a dream mean?

I crossed a bridge that was unfamiliar to me, and came to a mountain, it was completely covered in snow (unwanted puppies were brought to this mountain). I started climbing this mountain, it was very steep and I had to dig my hands into the snow to avoid falling. There were dead puppies in the snow (black, red, white). The top of the mountain was in the thickets, but I didn’t get to the top, in the depression I found three living puppies that were shivering from the cold and without hesitation I saved them from the cold and took them to me

I dreamed that it was my birthday and I was celebrating with some guy. but I can’t quite remember who it was. then I went home with big balls, but went to the store to get vodka and sausage. They gave me change with chewing gum like orbits.
I got out, and the area was not familiar, but somehow I found a stop. I call my mom and discuss whether to wait for the bus or take a taxi. I don’t want a taxi, because it’s expensive, but my mother doesn’t want me to wait. Then someone grabs me from behind, I can neither speak nor break free. Finally, my voice fades away, I tell my mother to wait, I look - and this is my late stepfather. silently and tightly hugs me. but then he finally let go, stands nearby, watching. somewhere in the subconscious the thought flashes that he seems to have died, and he disappears. I pick up the phone again, talk to my mother, and then the girls who were hanging around nearby, four of them, pat me on the shoulder and say: “This is the third time they’ve called you!”, I turn around, and the taxi driver waves his hand at me. OK. I came up and asked, “How long until the proletarian one?” (my metro station), and he was like: “I don’t know where it is.” I got lost. then I remembered that the station had been renamed, and said: “industrial”, he: “ah, 130”, ok. I’ll get into a taxi, the girls are with me. We communicate, our interests turned out to be similar, everything is fine. only they are taken to a completely different place, which seems to be out of the way, but oh well.
The terrain changes, we drive through a field. and then an ordinary car turns almost into a toy, and behind the wheel don’t know what to call it..have you ever seen the interweaving of a person’s veins on the internet? without everything else? this intertwining sits behind the wheel and chats... we drive very slowly, walking faster. because that weave does not reach the pedals well with your feet. I also sit on this toy “car” and sometimes speed it up by moving my feet on the ground. the girls are not visible, there is no place for them, but I know that they are nearby. I even had the idea that I could try to drive a car if they gave me instructions, but I don’t know how. but I said nothing. for a minute the interweaving turned into a dog - a golden retriever, and then we drove past two tiny (5 centimeters) puppies of the same breed. dead. I turned away so as not to see such sad things, and we drove into the park.
I’ll digress for a second, because I need to tell you that in real life my park is literally a minute away from the entrance. at a brisk pace - and even less.
The driver is again in the form of weaves. here we start walking - both he and I, girls. It dawns on me that I’m almost home, because this seems to be our park. but when we almost reached the end, we saw that on an abandoned road (we have a couple of small abandoned buildings there) there was some guy standing - all in black, his face was not visible behind the hood, he was not moving. and on the trees around there is black material, and on each one there are written different phrases like: “you are making a mistake”, “you are going to die”, in English. we decide that we need to bypass him without twitching, like a dog that you don’t want to provoke. but he still chased after us. He grabbed one girl, broke her neck, and hung her on a tree.
my company ran away, but disappeared, I was left alone. and I had a medallion in a dream, and it started to be pulled somewhere, like a big magnet, and it led me somewhere. led to the car in which we were traveling. she was already there normal sizes, everything is in place, even my huge heart-shaped balls. and the medallion keeps dragging along. I open the door on the side where the murdered woman’s purse is, and I understand that there is something in it. I open it, open the inner pocket, put my medallion in it - so that it shows what he was drawn to, and it clings to it like a magnet silver ring I took it, put it aside, and continued to look at what was there. and then it dawns on me: “the police will investigate the murder of a girl, and here I am rummaging through her bag and taking the rings!”, I put everything back, taking my balls, and go home.

I was driving a taxi and saw homeless dogs and asked to stop the car, help the dogs (since one had a damaged paw), after I got out of the car I saw a lot of puppies in the drainage ditch along the road, each on top of each other, four layer of puppies. I started crying loudly, calling for help, a neighbor I knew who helps homeless animals arrived, she put on gloves and said that they were all sick, I started screaming, how sick were they? Do at least something, they are Half of the living puppies, I took gloves and while no one was looking, I took one puppy who was showing signs of life and I left, thinking that it was too late to go to the veterinarian, went to a cafe where I met a woman veterinarian (supposedly the main veterinarian in the city). I ran to her and, with tears in my eyes, begged her to help the puppies in any way, to which she replied that she would euthanize them and I thought that she was blood-thirsty. And at the end of the dream, the puppy that I took began to walk and I was happy about this with tears in my eyes

I calmed down a little and began to wait for them. but then mom came up. I don’t remember how it came to this, whether there was some kind of introduction or it happened right away... but she began to say “what did you do?” with a tone like it was my fault. I was silent and didn’t understand what she was talking about. “Answer me, what have you done?” and she just shouted similar phrases at me. I was confused because I realized that I hadn’t done anything and mumbled something like “well, I broke the mug.” The excitement grew and I felt it. From that moment on, I felt this feeling that comes with nightmares.
I clearly knew that I did not break the mug. I didn’t understand at all what they wanted from me. and my mother screamed very loudly, as if she was doing something supernatural, this scream deafened me.
and then she was like “you want to kill him too?”
I have no idea who she was talking about, but she continued “just like ***”
instead of *** there was a name that I don’t remember. It turned out that it was a dog. Mom showed me a photo where this dog’s stomach was chewed through and only the spine was there. in the photo there was just a corpse of a puppy, a little larger than a palm, covered in blood. she blamed me for his death. I asked “why are you blaming me, I don’t even remember this”
and I heard just a hellish scream. I'm not sure if it was mom's scream or something else. but he was very loud and very scary.

I was walking with the children, it was summer, and a woman approached us and offered to go to her dacha. We agreed. Walking along a narrow path, it suddenly became cloudy and cool, the howling of dogs was ringing in my ears. The children began to roar when they heard the sounds. But the woman said a little more and muttered something under her breath. And I don’t remember, but it seems we had to go through one house,” the woman said. And then we groan and see the carcasses of dogs (most of the puppies) littered with them, the children begin to run towards them and pick them up. The sounds of dogs came from this house, I decided to go there, the woman dissuaded me, but still. I went into the yard and there were just piles of carcasses. and there stood a man with an ax holding the carcass of a puppy in his other hand. I started arguing with him, and then I woke up. My impressions of the dream were terrible, I told my sister, she said that it was associated with an illness or something bad. I have problems with my heart somewhere around + - soon I should have a support and after this dream I decided to ask you what and what this dream is for.