Why can't you put the bed opposite the door? Why you can’t sleep with your feet facing the door: is it possible with your head, should you put the bed opposite, signs and how to do it correctly. Why you can't sleep with your feet facing the window

Modern people Most of them are cynics. But there are also those for whom myths, fictions and omens play an important role. For example, Or say hello across the threshold? Or take out the trash after sunset? The list of these common signs includes one more: why can’t you sleep with your feet facing the door? We'll talk about it today.

The most common opinion that can be heard from representatives of the older generation in response to the question of why you can’t sleep with your feet towards the door is as follows: this is how they carry the dead out of the house. You don't want to be among them, do you? But what if the bed is facing exactly this direction? There are two options: either turn your head over, or simply ignore the remark of your household members.

But not only superstitious people are attentive to this kind of sign, but also those who build their lives according to the Feng Shui system. She says that good vacation is possible only when the body is in an optimal position, can relax and gain strength. Positioning your feet towards the door guarantees insomnia and a broken state in the morning.

The explanation for the question of why you can’t sleep with your feet facing the door also lies in many myths and beliefs. Among the ancient Slavic peoples, the door was a kind of symbol of transition to another world - the other world. Since with the advent of darkness all sensations intensify (and people often die at night), it was accepted that this position during sleep is most likely to lead to death. By the way, our ancestors believed that a person dies not just from an illness or an accident. It’s just that his soul left his body at night to “fly” and did not have time to return in time. This is precisely what the tradition is based on, according to which the dead are carried out with their feet through the door - there is no need for him to stay here if the soul has already been in the other world for a long time.

The ancient Scandinavians had another, no less interesting myth. In their understanding, the whole world consisted of several parts - upper, middle and lower. In the first there lived higher beings, gods, in the second - people, and the third, underground, was inhabited by monsters and various monsters. It was to this last world, according to the popular belief of the ancestors, that the doors in the house could have been accidentally transferred. Like, legs pointing straight at the bedroom door is an irresistible temptation for these monsters. They will still cling to them and transfer them to their underground dimension...

This myth, called the Edda, became one of many reflected in Slavic superstitions. If you analyze it, it becomes clear why you should not say hello or pass something to someone directly through the threshold. Indeed, there is absolutely no need for us to communicate so closely with a “representative of the other world.” For the same reason, you should not cross the border of the worlds again (a sign about the undesirability of returning if you forgot something at home).

From legends to modern times: many people claim that when facing the door, they do not get enough sleep, often have nightmares instead of pleasant dreams, and wake up exhausted. And after the bed is moved, the situation changes radically. Whether you believe in omens or not is up to you, but now you know the answer to the question of why you can’t sleep with your feet facing the door.

There are many beliefs regarding the correct position of the human body during sleep. One of them says that you should sleep exclusively with your head towards the door. Is it possible to place the bed with your feet facing the door or should you still listen to the old superstition? Maybe there is some truth in this. You can figure this out by studying beliefs different nations, as well as information from bioenergetics specialists.

Myths and beliefs of the Slavs

According to Slavic myths, the door represents a link with the other world. Many people believe that they carry the dead out the door feet first. This means that by going to bed with your feet towards the door, you are, as it were, programming yourself to the fate of going to other worlds.

Moreover, the ancient Slavs believed that those who go to bed with their feet to the door have a high probability of not waking up in the morning. The reason is simple: during sleep, the soul temporarily leaves the body, and it can return back to the body if it has not moved far. If she accidentally falls through the door, that is, into another dimension, it will be difficult to return back. This means nothing more than death in a dream.

Important! According to other myths, if a person stretches his legs to the door, he is defenseless against the forces of evil seeking to enter the room. Those who show such carelessness have a greater chance of becoming victims of evil forces. Whether this is true or not is difficult to say, but it is unwise to deliberately bring misfortune on yourself or your loved ones.

Why can't you place the bed with your feet facing the door? Myths of the Scandinavians

If the popular beliefs of our latitudes are not enough for you to understand whether it is possible to place a bed with your feet towards the door, let’s consider the issue more broadly.

According to Scandinavian beliefs, a person who sleeps with his head away from the door becomes vulnerable to demonic forces. If a demon occupies a person's body while the soul is hovering somewhere during sleep, this is fraught with sudden death or possession. And lost souls are doomed to constant suffering. For this reason, turn your feet towards front door also not recommended.

Feng Shui: is it possible to place a bed with your feet facing the door?

Myths about evil spirits who are hunting for human souls and at every opportunity they try to take possession of them; the eastern peoples also have them in abundance. It is believed that if the position is incorrect during sleep, the soul risks getting lost and not finding its way back to the body. But today the energy concept of Feng Shui is more relevant.

Important! Feng Shui is not just a teaching about correct distribution vital energy. It managed to turn into an independent science and philosophy. Using the recommendations of experts, you can implement them in various aspects of everyday life.

If you position your feet towards the front door while sleeping, this leads to disruption of energy flows. The consequences can be as varied as they are unpleasant. You may get problems with health, finances, or suffer defeat in your personal life. The least that awaits careless person- a feeling of tiredness and weakness in the morning

True or not?

There is no clear answer to the question of whether it is possible to place a bed with your feet facing the door. Some respect the accumulated experience of mankind over centuries, others confidently claim that this is nothing more than self-intimidation.

Self-hypnosis cannot be denied either. Sometimes people felt great when they went to bed with their feet facing the door. But as soon as they heard any of the legends described above, they immediately began to experience discomfort. Nightmares, weakness and bad feeling in the morning in this case - nothing more than increased suspiciousness and suggestibility.

How to properly arrange furniture in a room?

In accordance with generally accepted rules, you need to go to bed with your head facing north, following the lines of the earth's electromagnetic fields. The legs, accordingly, face south. If in this case you turn your feet towards the front door, change your position. The most preferable would be the eastern one.

Important! Another option is to focus on the Gua number, calculated according to the date of birth. It is necessary to take into account the position of the body relative to other objects in the room.

It is not advisable to place a bed:

  • Head to the window.
  • With your back to the entrance.
  • At the mirror.
  • Near the wall in which the doorway is located.

Important! A mirror is a necessary thing in the bedroom, but you need to place it in such a way that the bed and the person sleeping on it are not reflected in it.

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Of course, arranging furniture correctly in the bedroom is not an easy task. Especially if the area is limited. If you are afraid of troubles due to improper positioning of the body during sleep, consider all the recommendations. It is better to be confident in the stability of the situation, even at the subconscious level.

Teachers of the traditional Chinese school of Feng Shui claim that a bed facing the door resembles a coffin that is carried feet first. Agree, this is not the most attractive association. Therefore, if your bed in the bedroom is located just opposite the doors, be sure to read on and you will learn how to correct this situation using simple methods.

Why can't the bed be placed opposite the door?

From a Feng Shui point of view, when your feet are in line with the door, all the positive energy accumulated during the day leaves your body through them, thus making you weak and feeling groggy in the morning. In other words, sleeping on a bed facing the door results in an outflow of energy from your body, which is not the best in the best possible way affects your health.

In Feng Shui, doors serve as a kind of energy connectors between various areas in the house, therefore they always attract to themselves part of this or that energy located in the room (after all, in order to connect different energies with each other, they must first attract them to themselves). Therefore, if your bed is in line with your bedroom door, your energy will constantly flow through it at night.

By the way, it is worth noting that the bed should not be facing other than the entrance door to the room. It is also considered a bad location if she “looks” at the door to the bathroom, balcony door or the door leading to the wardrobe.

How to fix the situation?

The easiest way is to rearrange the bed so that your feet, when you lie on it, are not pointing towards any of the doors in your bedroom. If this is not possible for one reason or another, you should do the following:

  1. Make sure your bed has a strong and high footboard (this is especially important if the bed faces the front door of the room).
  2. Place an additional piece of furniture between the bed and the door. This can be a soft bench or a small shelving unit with a hard back. Like the first, so the second is great solution from the point of view of Feng Shui and will become a real obstacle to the flow of energy from your body.

What to do if the bed is too close to the doors?

It also happens that the bed is not facing the door at all, but is very close (or located along one wall) to the entrance to the room. This is also considered not the best in Feng Shui. the best solution and requires making some adjustments to the design of such a bedroom.

As we said above, doors are conductors of energy. And if they pass through themselves streams of too active and exciting energy, then there is nothing to be surprised that it is not possible to create a quiet, relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom. To achieve a similar effect, you should definitely “hide” the bed from the doors using simple decorative solutions. In addition to the above options (bench or shelving), it can also be a night table with a strong visual presence. This can be achieved by placing a lamp with a wide lampshade on it or complementing its design with several small objects that will carefully protect the calm energy hovering around your bed.

In addition, you can close the bed from the door in the most literal way by placing a thin screen near it. It can look quite harmonious in the interior of a room if you choose the right color and style.

In principle, any furniture blocking the bed from the door will be considered good decision according to feng shui. The main thing here is that it meets the basic requirements of Eastern science on the selection of furniture for the bedroom and harmoniously combines with all the surrounding interior items.

If you sleep poorly, have nightmares or unpleasant dreams at night, and in the morning your condition leaves much to be desired, pay attention to the location of your bed. Maybe she’s standing opposite the door, and that’s what’s preventing her from getting a good night’s rest? But Why can't you sleep opposite the door? Why is such an arrangement undesirable, and if the sleeper lies with his feet towards the door, is it completely unacceptable? There are several explanations for this superstition. You can believe it or not, but it doesn’t hurt to know about them.

Why can't you put the bed opposite the door?

The front door serves not only as a physical boundary between two spaces – your own and someone else’s, but also separates them energetically. When falling asleep, a person becomes vulnerable to outside influence, and if he sleeps opposite such a boundary, he exposes himself to the danger of an alien energy field invading his world, which can take away part of his vital energy.

A bedroom, and especially a bed, is quite intimate parts, where usually no strangers are allowed. And if sleeping area is located opposite the door, it can be seen by strangers who enter the apartment. Their excessive attention to such an intimate piece of furniture violates the aura of the space, and in the future you will no longer be able to fall asleep as sweetly and happily wake up in this place.

Many ancient peoples believed that doors represented an exit to the other world, where the soul goes after death and where it travels in dreams. And if a sleeping person lies opposite the doorway, then during such travels it may not be easy for the soul to return back to the body, and it has every chance of getting “stuck” between worlds. A Why can't you sleep with your feet facing the door?? If a person sleeps in this position, he seems to be saying that he is halfway to another world and is ready to be carried out like a dead person - feet first.

In the Chinese practice of Feng Shui, a house is an energy object, and the door as its component is the place through which energy enters or leaves. All energies in the house interact with each other, with the surrounding space and inhabitants. Sleep takes up almost a third of the day, so it is very important to arrange a place for it so that a person can fully rest and recuperate. And the position of the sleeper with his feet towards the door opens up a leak of energy from the body, and in the morning a person may feel overwhelmed and tired.

If you don’t believe in such “fairy tales”, but you feel uncomfortable sleeping opposite the door, just move the bed. After all, there is a rational explanation for the discomfort experienced by a person sleeping opposite the door: in a half-asleep person may imagine doorway something scary, and it is quite natural that after this it will be quite difficult for him to relax even on the most comfortable bed, and nightmares will begin to haunt him in his sleep. And purely psychologically, with this arrangement of the bed, a person feels defenseless, which does not at all help to have a quality and complete rest.

Those people who believe in omens are not interested in the answer to the question why you can’t sleep with your feet facing the door. That's all you can't do! Entire generations of our ancestors thought and did this, but they were not fools. But, as life shows, most signs have completely reasonable explanations, and some don’t even need them. For example, the statement that you should not sleep at sunset does not need any explanation - after such a dream you really feel not rested, but even more broken and tired. But many signs seem simply ridiculous; remember, for example, a black cat crossing the road. However, now we are talking about why you can’t sleep opposite the door. Let's try to get to the bottom of the truth.

Why can't you sleep opposite the door?

Let's start with folk rituals. As you know, the dead are placed with their feet to the door in the house, and they are carried out of the house with their feet first. Perhaps it is not recommended to sleep in this position, so as not to invite trouble on yourself, and not to become like the dead. But sleeping opposite the door does not always mean with your feet facing it. The bed can be in any direction, but according to this sign, not opposite the exit from the room. This is due to the fact that the threshold is considered an energetically negative place, separating one’s own and someone else’s, good and bad. It is through open door Energy flows flow into and out of the room, along with which they leave a person during sleep. vitality. But this is Feng Shui. According to this teaching, the bed is the cleanest place in the house, which should not be touched by strangers, much less sit or sleep in it. This is where you spend most of your life, because we sleep on average eight hours a day, and most often in our own bed. This time is allotted for rest and restoration of energy, so you need to sleep correctly so that vital forces return to you in a dream, and are not spent, flowing out the door.

Of course, not all people have ideal living conditions, allowing them to move the bed to the right place, and for some the bed is an ordinary folding sofa V one-room apartment, where many people sit throughout the day. And a huge number of people have to sleep opposite the door, whether they want it or not. However, not all of them complain of restless sleep, nightmares, feeling tired in the morning and feeling unwell. The whole point is what importance you attach to signs, superstitions and various kinds of fashionable teachings. Believe me, if you put them all together, it will eventually turn out that you can only sleep peacefully and not be afraid of anything on the ceiling. Try not to think about the bad, especially if you are not able to change something. If your belief in omens is so strong that you cannot overcome it, then at least try moving the pillow to the other side of the bed and sleeping with the door tightly closed.