When can peonies be transplanted. General principles and rules. Amulet from evil spirits

Who among us does not know what peonies look like? These bright, fragrant flowers have graced our flower beds and front gardens long enough to become a familiar part of the landscape. And although these flowers are quite unpretentious, they still do not tolerate negligence in care. This is especially true for such an important operation as pion transplantation. Our article will be devoted to how many years you can not transplant peonies and at what time it is better to transplant them.

When should peonies be transplanted?

Properly planted and regularly cared for, a peony bush can safely grow and bloom in the same place for 10-15 years. But if the bush is planted incorrectly, for example, excessively or not deep enough, then it will need to be transplanted in the near future. A signal about the need for a transplant to the grower will be appearance bush - an incorrectly planted bush will wither, hurt, grow poorly and, most importantly, flowers will not come from it.

When should peonies be transplanted?

The long-term practice of growing peonies in domestic conditions shows that the most better time for their transplantation - the end of summer. In the last decade of August, peonies already accumulate enough nutrients to lay flower buds and growth buds for the next season, and direct forces to the growth of the root system. It is at this time that transplanted peonies have the maximum chance of successfully taking root and getting stronger before the onset of cold weather.

Is it possible to transplant peonies in other summer months, for example, in July? Experienced flower growers sure - without special need, peonies should not be disturbed during this period. The fact is that the processes that take place in peonies in the first two thirds of summer are quite commensurate with pregnancy - peonies accumulate nutrients and form buds. Therefore, they no longer have the strength to acclimatize in a new place.

It is possible to transplant peonies growing in open ground in June and July only if emergency, for example, when their roots fell prey to moles or rodents. At the same time, it is likely that the bush will not survive such an untimely resettlement. But, let's make a reservation right away that the above applies to bushesgrowing in open ground. Peonies bought in flower shops growing in pots can be transplanted into open ground immediately after the end of flowering. At the same time, they need to be planted together with an earthen clod in which they are in a pot.

It is also possible the option of a spring transplant of peonies, but at the same time the bush remains long time weakened, which means that it needs more careful care and attention. In addition, peonies transplanted in spring do not bloom in summer.

Peony is one of the most beautiful garden flowers. Its bright buds, among the dense greenery carved leaves delight hosts and their guests. How to breed peonies cultivated plant began over two thousand years ago in China. In modern gardens, mainly grassy peony is grown, which is loved by summer residents for its rather big buds and bright varied colors. And even when the flowers wither, the foliage of the bushes retains its attractiveness. How to transplant peonies to bloom on next year? We invite you to find out the answer in this article.

How to transplant peonies to bloom next year?

Best time for transplantation the second half of August - September. By this period, the rhizome is already actively producing processes that appear during transplantation. good collateral survival in a new place.

Location. Prepare a hole in advance, as the flower does not like if the soil is not settled. The well is prepared two weeks before transplantation. Small pebbles are poured at its bottom, as a drainage layer. A mixture consisting of earth, sand and humus, taken in equal quantities, is poured from above. Additionally, a glass of ash is added to the bucket of the mixture. The mixture should be prepared in the spring to ripen by the time of planting. Then you need to pour a bucket of water into the hole, and leave for a week.

Pruning. In autumn, the peony bush is tied into a bundle and the leaves and stems are cut off, leaving about 20 centimeters from the rhizome. Around the bush you need to dig the soil and pour it well with water. Digging is done the next day.

The soil. The root system of an adult plant goes to a depth of 90 centimeters, so when digging a rhizome for transplanting, you need to be very careful. In order to dig it out, they use a pitchfork, since a peony root can be crushed with a shovel and it will hurt for a long time. If the transplant is done in the fall, then the root is cleaned from the ground, and if the soil is acidic, then it is also washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. During spring transplantation, the earth is not removed, on the contrary, the more it is, the better.

Watering. In the prepared hole, the rhizome is placed in the middle so that the young roots can straighten well and feed the entire root in the future. The flower is watered, and then sprinkled with earth, so that a hole is formed in which water will accumulate.

The buds of the plant should not be underground, more than 3-5 centimeters, otherwise they may rot. If the peony takes root, after a deep planting, then there is a high probability that it will grow one large bush without buds. It depends on the presence of buds and their quality whether the peony will bloom next year. When dividing a bush, it is important that there are at least three buds on each planting root. The more buds, the better the flowering on next year. You can plant a tuber without buds, but then flowering will come only after three years.

Peony bloom next year - what not to forget?

In the first month after planting, the peony is sick and needs constant loosening of the soil. After the leaves begin to gain strength, the peonies spud. In the first year after transplantation, peonies do not bloom, but they grow and develop especially actively in well-lit areas. Flowers are afraid of drafts and planting in a lowland, as the roots can rot due to excess moisture.

Especially violent peonies bloom if planted in alkaline soil. It is necessary to fertilize the soil annually, as an adult bush consumes a large amount of nutrients. So, now you know how to transplant peonies, to bloom next year? By planting peonies correctly, regularly fertilizing and caring for them, you can achieve abundant flowering and large buds.

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The need to transplant peonies arises in case of excessive growth of the bush, depletion of the fertile soil layer, or changes in the landscape of the site. The best time to transplant plants is the beginning of autumn. Before the onset of cold weather, the flower takes root in a new place, successfully survives the winter and manages to gain strength for flowering in the following seasons. It is allowed to transplant peonies in summer or spring, but this requires more effort and skills.

Peony transplant timing

The flower reacts sensitively to moving to a new place. The root system recovers over a long period, resulting in a later and less abundant flowering. In some cases, the peony may stop blooming after the procedure. The condition of the perennial and the timing in which the movement is carried out directly affect the renewal decorative look. It is best to schedule pion transplants at the time when they are preparing for a dormant period.

Benefits of spring planting

In early spring you can change the place of growth of the flower only by transshipment. Planting bushes by dividing the rhizome is not recommended. Compact plants when transplanted in the spring, as a rule, bloom later than usual or do not release buds at all. It depends on compliance with the planting technology and the general condition of the root system. It is desirable for a weakened plant to remove emerging buds so that it spends energy on rooting and prepares for lush bloom for next season. The timing of planting peonies depends on the region. The main requirement is soil warmed up to 7-10 ° C, saturated with moisture.

Summer landing

For early varieties peonies are transplanted in August. By this month, the perennial stops the growing season, accumulates in the roots required amount nutrients for future flowering. Landing takes place before the onset of the rainy season, which facilitates the adaptation process. Peonies at the age of 4-5 years are distinguished by a powerful rhizome, which must be divided during transplantation. The procedure helps to rejuvenate the old bush, allows you to get new seedlings.

blooming peonies do not transplant, this leads to the death of the perennial. In case of urgent need, you should wait until the end of flowering, after which you can start transplanting.

Plus autumn transplant

Transplantation of peonies in autumn to another place is carried out in September or early October, when the suction roots begin to grow. At this time, little passes on the site preparatory work, so you can without haste prepare the plant and the future place for successful rooting.

In autumn, a flower is transplanted along with an earthy clod and by dividing the roots. The rainy period contributes to the development of fungal diseases, so the places where the rhizome is separated are carefully treated with an antiseptic.

Terms of seating peony bushes

Travel time flowering perennial determined based on climatic features region, which does not always reflect calendar method. Transplantation of peonies in the spring to another place is carried out as soon as the snow cover melts and the soil temperature reaches a positive mark. The appearance of the bush will tell optimal time: young red sprouts should not exceed 5 cm in height.

In autumn, the perennial is moved as early as possible. Low temperature air combined with high humidity complicate the survival of a capricious flower. Plays an important role in transplantation proper preparation landing area.

There are varieties that must be transplanted to another site every 10 years. Otherwise, they stop blooming, often get sick.

Preparatory stage

The reason why gardeners appreciate the peony is its lush, fragrant blooms in early summer. If you plant a plant in an unprepared place, the decorative properties of the perennial are reduced, a small number of buds form on the bush. Peony transplantation requires compliance with several rules for choosing a place and cooking planting material.

Cooking the place

Not later than 2 weeks, a hole for the plant is prepared. The distance to the nearest neighbor in the flower bed is a meter. Such a planting scheme contributes to sufficient illumination of the peony, ensures the circulation of air masses, and makes it possible proper development roots. It is necessary to transplant peonies to a lighted area, away from large trees and buildings. landing pit prepared according to the following technology:

  • at least 2 weeks before transplantation, a hole is dug to a depth of half a meter;
  • the bottom layer of soil is sprinkled with a drainage layer;
  • mix ½ of the earth with compost and superphosphate;
  • spill the hole with water, leave to settle and dissolve fertilizers.

Chernozem or soil enriched in spring is not fertilized with mineral top dressings. If you have to transplant a flower into the ground with a high pH, ​​first add 1 tablespoon of ash or chalk to the soil.

Planting material preparation

Young bushes are transferred to a new hole with soil. If, during the transplantation process, the soil crumbled and opened the root system, the shoots should be inspected and dry, damaged parts should be removed with a sharp pruner. Slice sprinkle activated carbon or ash.

In August, overgrown peonies can be transplanted, having previously separated part of the rhizome. Watering is stopped a week before the procedure. Tender roots are easily separated from dry soil. When dividing, the following rules are followed:

  • the dug root is carefully freed from the remnants of the soil. It is impossible to shake and beat against the wall, this will damage the thin suction roots;
  • dry for several hours in the shade;
  • shorten shoots to 15-20 cm;
  • a sharp, clean knife divides the rhizome, on which more than 6 buds are formed;
  • 3-4 buds are left on each division;
  • the incision site is treated with an antiseptic, a solution of potassium permanganate or garden pitch is suitable.

In rainy weather, sticking to the rhizome of wet soil is possible. In order to freely assess the condition of the root system and examine the kidneys, it is recommended to carefully shed the plant from a garden watering can. It is necessary to clear the ground by placing the plant on a film or in a wide container. On weight, there is a high risk of injuring thin roots.

How to transplant peonies

It is better to transplant peony bushes to another place in evening time days. Prepared seedlings are immersed in a hole with the ground. To properly transplant peonies, it is necessary to deepen the bush 5-7 cm below the root neck. Young buds should be covered with a layer of earth. If you leave them on the surface, they will dry out quickly, deep immersion in the soil will lead to decay. The earth around the planted peony is lightly tamped - there should be no voids around the roots.

New bushes formed as a result of rhizome division are transplanted into a hole spilled with a weak solution of manganese. This will prevent the development of fungal diseases, protect against rot in rainy weather. The depth of planting depends on the size of the seedling, while the root neck is covered with soil by 5-7 cm.

Experienced gardeners a thick mixture of clay and ash is prepared, the roots of the excavated bush are smeared with paste and covered with burlap. In this form, seedlings can be stored for several weeks in a cool, dark room.

If a flower bed is planned different varieties peonies, a flower should be transplanted in accordance with the size of the plant. Tall varieties, regardless of flowering time, are placed in the background. Low perennials are planted closer to the edge. 50-70 cm are left before the passage so that the drooping stems do not obscure the path.

Care for peonies after transplantation should be more carefully. A transplanted perennial needs favorable conditions for fast rooting. Care in the spring-summer period consists of several points:

  • weekly watering at the rate of 1.5 buckets of water per 1 seedling. In hot, dry weather, the frequency of watering is increased or the soil is mulched around each bush;
  • weeding and loosening the soil to a depth of no more than 10 cm;
  • tying the stems with a wide rope as the shoots grow;
  • removal of buds during the next season.

When a flower is transplanted to another place in the fall, especially by dividing the roots, they need shelter for winter period. For this purpose, spruce branches or carton boxes. With high acidity of the soil, mulching and covering the perennial with peat should be avoided.

In the spring, the shelter is removed as soon as the active snow melts. From this point on, it is necessary to provide seedlings with access sunlight and air. Subject to all the rules, the flowering of the peony resumes for 2 years.

Transplanting a flower to another site is a painstaking task that requires accuracy. Each transplant suspends flowering for one or more seasons. However, compliance with the basic rules will allow not only to successfully move the perennial to a new place, but also to rejuvenate the plant due to the competent division of the rhizome. If you transplant a peony at the end of August, then in a season you can get a stronger bush, ready for full flowering.

When to transplant peonies - a cheat sheet for success for a grower! Transplanting peonies in the fall - terms and rules Peonies are transplanted for several reasons - the plant has stopped blooming or the color is crushed, you want to increase the number of flowers you love, or for some reason you urgently need to change the place of residence of the bush. When to transplant peonies is the gardener's choice, but it is best to move in August-October: the bush has already faded, the heat has subsided, and the autumn rains are still far away. The flower will have time to adapt to a new place of residence before winter, and by the time of growth and vegetation, the roots will get stronger, and all the energy of the large flower will be directed to growth. Why before the rainy season? So that the cut roots do not absorb a lot of moisture and simply do not rot. For different regions, the timing of transplantation is different: transplantation of peonies in the fall in the Moscow region, in the North-West and in middle lane starts from August 20, lasts until September 25 Ukraine and southern Russia - from September 1 to September 30, in dry weather, peony transplantation in the fall can be extended until October Siberia and the Urals - from August 20 to September 20 In principle, the operation for transplanting peonies after flowering, can be made at any time of the year, but better in autumn so that the plant has time to adapt for the winter after moving - this the best way. In any case, the process begins with choosing a site and digging a hole. The future location of the flower garden should not be in the shade, because flowers love light, located away from the walls that block the sun and screen the heat on the flower beds. Is it possible to transplant peonies in the spring? Peonies - flowers that can grow in one place up to 50 years, these large flowers do not like frequent transplants, especially in spring. Experienced gardeners strongly recommend making any manipulations for moving in the fall, with the exception of transplanting peonies by transshipping a bush (young) with a clod of earth. But, the circumstances are different. When transplanting peonies in the spring, the rule applies - the sooner the better. Therefore, the process should begin as soon as the snow melts. Soil flooding with melted snow can also be a good reason to change the location of the bush. Planting begins before the start of the growing season, otherwise it is easy to disrupt the root system during transplantation. Peonies transplanted from one place to another in the spring are stunted. With proper planting and proper care, the survival rate of the plant is quite high. place Bush transplant rules Grown bushes will need a lot of space, it is advisable to dig holes for planting at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. Since it is necessary to plant peonies to a depth of no more than 5-8 cm (more - the bush will sprout for a long time, less - it will freeze in winter), a large hole is not required: 15 cm in depth is enough, 40 in diameter. Fertilizer is placed at the bottom of the prepared pit - humus, manure, other organic matter. To give looseness, you can add sand, if the soil is sufficiently ventilated, this step will be superfluous. Transfer the divided and disinfected bush and dig in, forming a hill 10 cm high. Water the bush abundantly, if desired, mulch the plant with peat or humus. To transplant peonies in the fall to another place, it is necessary to cut the bushes, leaving about 20 cm of branches and dig them in a radius of 20 cm. In order not to damage the rhizomes of pions during transplantation, it is better to dig a flower with a pitchfork. Dig the bush so that root system easily came out of the ground. The roots are washed, cut broken and rotten, treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To make the root system more elastic, it is recommended to put the plant in the shade for a couple of hours. The weathered root is not so fragile. Now you can start moving. It is worth noting that the transplant does not depend on which varieties of peonies you want to move on the site, with the exception of the tree peony. If the plant is 4 years old and needs to be propagated, it is time to transplant peonies after flowering to separate the roots. After the root system has been removed and cleaned of soil, inspect it. Samples with six or more buds are suitable for separation, since at least 3 buds must be left on the separated cut part. We dry the root, cut it with a disinfected knife, treat it with a light solution of manganese and proceed to planting. By spring, large flowers will get stronger and can please with flowers. Knowledgeable gardeners recommend cutting off the first color so that the plant takes root better, and in the second year - enjoy abundant flowering. Helpful tips for transplanting large flowers Peonies are beautiful flowers that do not require special care, however proper fit will help the plant to get sick faster and begin to bloom. Experienced flower growers it is recommended to follow a few simple rules: During spring transplantation, the air temperature outside should reach +10 ° С, and the earth should warm up to +3 ° С - it is at this temperature that the growth and formation of the roots of the bush begins Flowers are unpretentious to the soil - the bush is faster in soil with sand will bloom, but will quickly lose its decorative effect, in clay soil the appearance of the peony will please longer, but flowering will come with a delay After transplantation, the plant requires careful attention to itself for a year until it gets stronger When choosing a new site, pay attention to bright, draft-protected places - shade can stop flowering Avoid abundant watering, especially after dividing the roots - the bush quickly gains moisture, it can rot. For the same reason, when choosing a place, pay attention that melt and rain water does not flow to the bushes. During transplantation, be sure to feed the plant, make drainage in the pit. In a new place, when proper care the bush blooms for 2-3 years. If there is no flowering, there may be little moisture and nutrients in the soil. To correct the situation, feed the flower. It can be caused by an incorrect planting depth or poor shelter of the bush for the winter, lack of light on the site. The situation can be corrected with an additional transplant. When to transplant peonies? The choice depends on the desire of the gardener and the circumstances. Follow these simple guidelines to get lush color of this unpretentious perennial bush.