Rest in Asia is where the best. Where to go in Southeast Asia

Where is the best place to relax in September

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Russian tourists associate September with the “velvet season”. Many resorts in Asia can offer interesting and profitable ideas. Holidays in September will be cheaper, hotels are dropping prices, but the quality of service, despite everything, remains at the proper level. There are not so many people anymore, it will be possible to avoid crowding. Here are the main reasons why you should choose a vacation in Asia in September.

Kashmir, India

September is the period when it rains in the southern and central parts of India. Nevertheless, in general, the weather is conducive to rest, because the showers are not strong, and the air temperature is from 25 to 30 degrees. But it is best to go to during this period, the rest in which can become a real adventure.

Those who wish can take leisurely educational excursions, visit old Hindu temples and pagodas. Adventure lovers can go to a corner cut off from the whole world in the Himalayas - the mysterious Zanskar.

In addition, there are two ski resorts in Kashmir. The Himalayan mountains offer excellent conditions for mountaineering.

Best India Tours

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

The beach season in the resorts of the UAE, including, lasts all year round... In September, the summer heat begins to subside. The conditions for swimming and sunbathing are very comfortable, the water temperature is +27 degrees.

Tourists can arrange incredible shopping, visit grandiose attractions, famous all over the world. Lovers of modern architecture will especially like this amazing city, because here you will hardly be able to stumble upon a building that is more than 30 years old.

Among the attractions of Abu Dhabi, you should definitely visit the Corniche, Al Husn Palace and Sheikh Zayed Mosque. In addition, the city has a huge number of restaurants, cafes, bars, entertainment complexes. Water activities are also popular - surfing and diving.

The best tours in the UAE

Hainan, China

You can relax at the resorts throughout the year. However, September is a low season, so there are few holidaymakers here, and prices are quite low, although the level of service does not suffer from this.

Daytime temperature reaches +29 .. + 30 degrees, at night the thermometer drops to +21 .. + 24 degrees.

They come to the island during this period not only for the sake of treatment, but also attracts calm beach activities, visits to thermal springs, and interesting sights. In addition, unusual cultural events take place in Hainan during this period. The most striking of them is the International Arts Festival.

Best tours to China

Antalya, Turkey

Holidays in Antalya in September are especially suitable for active tourists. The period of the velvet season in this part of Asia is characterized by a decrease in the number of people on the beach, an increase in the level of service. However, you can swim and sunbathe. Daytime temperature is up to +34 degrees, the sea warms up to +29 degrees.

September is a great time to explore the local attractions. The heat has receded and you can go on excursions with maximum comfort. Moreover, there are enough various antiquities and unique monuments here, you can admire them to your heart's content and take wonderful pictures.

The abundance of discos and clubs will add noise and fun to lovers of active pastime.

The best tours to Turkey

Bali, Indonesia

Indonesia has one of the best resorts in the world - Bali. The island is not suitable for a beach holiday, but this place is the dream of surfers, kiters and lovers of exotic culture. September is the period of low tide - it's time to catch the wave. Amazing nature, incredibly beautiful and unlike anything else temples, interesting excursions - this is why you should visit the friendly island.

Weather conditions in Bali in September are quite favorable. The air temperature during the day is from +27 to +32 degrees, the water temperature is comfortable, +27 degrees. Humidity rises, but it is still quite dry, as the rainy season begins a little later, in November. Some showers are possible, but they will not bring much inconvenience, as they quickly end.

Best tours to Indonesia

An autumn September vacation spent at one of the described resorts will leave a vivid and lasting impression on even the most sophisticated travelers. A lot of emotions will give you a boost of energy for a long time.

For a European person, Asia is a fabulous and mysterious side of the World. People come here for impressions, for new knowledge, for answers to unsolvable riddles. And also to the warm sea or ocean, for exotic entertainment and culinary delights.

Asia begins just behind the Bosphorus. Turkey is a well-known country for the mass tourist. Unfortunately, few people perceive the countries of Central Asia as a vacation option. From distant countries Thailand is best known, but Cambodia or Vietnam are rarely considered as the final destination of a flight to the sea.

One of the most important attractions of traveling to Asia is food and accommodation prices. They are extremely attractive and able to inspire tourists with the most modest budgets. Despite the long and expensive flight. In return, traveling to Asia gives the tourist the opportunity to save on housing and food so much that the high cost of the flight will not look so hopeless.

How to make your visit to Asian country informal, exclusive and inexpensive? Which countries give a chance to tourists with a small wallet? What can you see, where to visit? We have dedicated this article to the answers to these important questions.

Turkey: an all-inclusive country

Tourists love the resorts of Turkey for the low cost of living, inexpensive food and fun entertainment... The abundance of ancient ruins, the secular nature of the state (all Muslim attractions are available for tourists), sandy beaches and the opportunity to relax on an all-inclusive basis are the main attractions for the mass tourist. One cannot but add the command of the hotel and restaurant staff in Russian, which makes resort life easier for our travelers.

The Hagia Sophia Museum - a symbol of the "golden age" of Byzantium, is located in the historical center of Istanbul.

Independent travel to the resorts of Turkey is associated with many troubles. But as a result, the tourist pays more than the average tour offered by tour operators - 200 euros / week. So much is the trip alone, meals - breakfast only, accommodation in a 3 * hotel, out of season.

An independent flight to Antalya and back will cost the same two hundred euros (the cheapest in the PEGASUS company). Accommodation in a modest hotel - from 13 euros / day (91 euros / week) for a double room with breakfast.

Lunch in a modest restaurant will not cost more than 6-7 euros per person. If you eat on your own (many hotels have kitchens), then the daily consumption of food will not exceed 5-6 euros. In this case, it is better to make purchases in bazaars, and in supermarkets to buy only dairy products and semi-finished products.

Excursions to any place interesting for tourists can be bought at tourist kiosks (by no means from street vendors!). A one-day tour to Ephesus or Didim with lunch included will cost about fifty euros per person.

Uzbekistan: the star of the East

A well-known country from Soviet times, today it is perhaps the most developed and pleasant country for tourists in the Central Asian region. If the capital - Tashkent - is not very interesting for travelers, then Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand are able to satisfy the taste of the most sophisticated traveler, not to mention the novice tourist. Ancient mosques, mausoleums, palaces of emirs, endless bazaars, delicious cuisine and a warm climate - what else does a traveler need?

Registan Square in Samarkand.

If you eat in numerous national street restaurants or coffee houses, then lunch will cost you no more than 4-5 euros. The fees for visiting attractions and museums are so low that you can hardly spend more than 5 euros in a week, visiting two or three places daily.

There is a very strict police in Uzbekistan, tourists here feel protected and protected. It should also be added that all the stories about the incredible hospitality of the Uzbeks are true! You will certainly have a lot of friends.

The climate is hot here, especially in summer. Therefore, for a visit, it is better to choose spring or autumn, when the temperature does not break records and you can not only sunbathe well, but also admire mosques, medieval quarters, abundant bazaars and green gardens with pleasure.

Flight from Moscow to Samarkand and back - 400 euros (UTair is the cheapest). Accommodation - from 21 euros / day (for two people in a guest house near the historic center), breakfast - 3 euros.

India: home of Buddha

One of the most exotic and rich in cultural monuments countries in the world. Here it is interesting how in big cities, and in small villages. People often come here just to live and observe the life of people who neglect earthly blessings. On the other hand, many tourists are shocked by a visit to this country, the worldview of Indians and Europeans is so different.

Bengal tiger in one of the national parks of India.

The sights of India are so numerous and varied that it is difficult to choose the top ten or twenty of the most outstanding. Hindu temples, Buddhist monasteries, ancient palaces and fortresses, the sacred Ganges and National parks with rhinos and tigers - it's hard to list everything.

India will be interesting for lovers of antiquity, admirers of natural beauty, seekers of the meaning of life and those who prefer a serene pastime on the beach. To save on transport, it is best to rent a scooter during the visit, it costs 50 euros / week. The vast majority of attractions are free. But to museums and cultural centers, entrance fees can cost up to 10 euros.

You can eat at street stalls (if your stomach is healthy and you can tolerate spices easily) - a huge portion of a vegetarian dish of rice and vegetables - less than 1 euro. If you prefer moderately spicy European cuisine, then lunch at a restaurant will cost from 7 euros per person.

Visa to India for tourists costs 60 US dollars. You can arrange it on the Internet.

Flight from Moscow to Mumbai and back outside the season (April-September) - 415 euros (Turkish Airlines).

Housing in India is very cheap, but if you want to live in a room without beetles, but with air conditioning, you will have to pay from 10 euros per day (double room in city hotels of 2-3 * level).

Vietnam: a small country with great opportunities

Vietnam is not often seen as a holiday destination by budget travelers. Completely in vain! Holidays in this picturesque and hospitable country are cheaper than in vaunted Thailand.

Russians can spend two weeks in Vietnam annually without a visa. The country offers tourists not only perfectly clean beaches and a warm, transparent sea, but also many of the most unexpected cultural and historical monuments, a kind of cuisine, a good-natured and smiling local population. And also in Vietnam, unusually low prices for food and accommodation in a hotel or guest house.

Flight from Moscow to Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh and back - from 424 euros (offer from Emirates).

Double room in a modest but clean and modern hotel - from 8 euros / day.

Halong Bay, Hoi An, Mui Ne, Nha Trang - the names of the most attractive resort places in Vietnam say little to the budget tourist. Behind them are unusually beautiful places, cozy restaurants, comfortable hotels, distinctive festivals, green parks and Buddhist pagodas.

Long Son Pagoda (Nha Trang).

Eating in street cafes and eateries, you can easily meet 6-8 euros per day. Lunch at an expensive restaurant - 12-15 euros. Fruit in the land of victorious socialism is so cheap that many tourists switch to a fruit diet and spend no more than three or four euros per day on food. Transportation costs can be easily kept to a minimum by renting a bike at € 30 / week.

Visiting attractions in organized groups, accompanied by a guide - from 35 euros for a day trip, including meals. Country tour (5 days) - 180-220 euros.

There is virtually no street crime in Vietnam. The security level here is very high and the police work very efficiently.

Entrance to a beach party or a nightclub - from 2 euros.

Similar prices, entertainment and attractions in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos. But air tickets to these countries will cost no less than 500 euros. In Sri Lanka, Nepal, and even in China, a budget tourist will also feel confident and carefree.

Each of these countries has a variety of exotic entertainment, affordable accommodation and delicious food. The main thing is to visit these countries not during the high tourist season, but to book tickets and hotels no later than six months in advance.

Where is the best place to relax in August

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Asian destination among Russians in recent times enjoys wide popularity. Heading here in August is a fabulous holiday filled with the emotions of sightseeing, diverse culture, religion and natural beauty.

In August, good weather pleases at the junction of two oceans. Therefore, it is best to go to Indonesia this season. You can visit China and Vietnam.

Sri Lanka island

A real paradise for tourists! A riot of colors, sandy beaches, magnificent tropical landscapes, beautiful reefs - all this is breathtaking. There are ample opportunities for outdoor activities. You can go underwater fishing, surfing, jet skiing or elephant trekking.

The Russians know this place better as the island of Ceylon - the birthplace of the famous tea. When planning a trip in August, it is best to choose resorts in the northeastern part of the coast, since the southwest at this time is dominated by the rains.

Sri Lanka is located in the tropics, so it is always hot here. Nevertheless, on the coast, due to the refreshing breeze, the heat is not felt and the heat is easily tolerated.

The best tours in Sri Lanka


In Indonesia, the dry season lasts from March to October. Going here on vacation in August, you can count on an interesting pastime.

Indonesia is formed by five large islands and dozens of smaller ones. Each island is unique, has its own image, traditions, unique culture and incredibly diverse fauna and flora.

It is worth visiting the island of Java for the sake of the world famous temple complex... Komodo Island is famous for its national park, and Bali is a great place for a comfortable beach holiday.

Impenetrable thickets of virgin jungle, gentle warm sea, magnificent sandy beaches, friendly local population - all this attracts tourists from all over the world.

Best tours to Indonesia

Koh Samui

In August, it makes sense to go to relax on. At this time, the exhausting heat subsides, which is very difficult for Europeans to endure. The weather is comfortable, you can pleasantly relax and start expanding your horizons. Although from June to October on Koh Samui it is considered a period of rains, precipitation, in fact, begins to fall actively only in October.

Amazing natural beauty, gorgeous Buddhist temples, sightseeing excursions, unique infrastructure - for tourists there is no need to wish for the best. Koh Samui is an island of heavenly delight.

The best tours to Thailand


Best tours to China

In August, the extreme sports season is open on many coasts of China.

Having made a trip to the unique and amazing Asia in August, you can fully enjoy an unforgettable journey and comfortable rest, which will be remembered for a long time.

In some countries, September is the end of the beach season, in others beach vacation at it's peak. Somewhere already autumn comes into its own, and not far away the summer holidays continue.
The Free Travelers Club offers you an overview of holiday ideas in different countries at the beginning of autumn, which will help you make the right decision!

Want to go to the sea? In September, the seas cool down. But each sea cools down in its turn - read the section Beach vacation and choose a place where you will feel comfortable in September.

Are you more into discovering the sights than lounging on the warm beach? All of Europe is open for you in September. An exception is Scandinavia, where it is already rainy autumn weather. In chapter Excursion rest You will find interesting events in September and you will be able to choose your idea for an autumn holiday!

But first, let's list the countries where not to rest in September:
In Bulgaria, the beach season closes by September 10 (but you can choose a balneological resort for recovery).
While in the south of Croatia you can still swim until mid-September, in the north it is no longer comfortable. It is better to go to Southeast Asia from the end of October, earlier it is not worth it - there is now the rainy season.

Beach vacation at the sea

Those who cannot stand the heat can breathe a sigh of relief - hurray, velvet season! In general, everything looks like August, but the hot air was replaced by a warm autumn sun. Temperature rarely rises above 30 ° C. Until September 20, all resorts in Europe are open to you. And this is the best time to relax with preschool children.

Features of a beach holiday in September:
- in countries where the beach season ends, prices for accommodation, food and entertainment are falling;
- there are fewer people on the beaches, there is no need to push in the sea between heaps of people;
- you can spend more time in the sun without fear of unpleasant consequences.

Weather to consider when planning a beach holiday in September.
The Black Sea cools down faster, somewhere after September 15 - and at the end of the month it will be cold in the resorts of Bulgaria and Romania.
The Mediterranean Sea will still be warm enough until the end of September ( average temperature+ 26 ° C).
In the south of Europe - in Spain, Italy, Greece, it is quite possible to swim even in cloudy weather... And you will certainly have at least a couple of cloudy days, at the end of September it starts raining.
It is even cooler on the northern coast of Italy and in Croatia. For a trip with children, it is better to choose more southern resorts.

If you want warmth that turns into October - Israel, Terife, Jordan, Morocco are waiting for you.

The beach season in September ends in Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Tunisia, Bali.


If you have a choice, it is better to come to Greece with children in September, when it subsides summer heat... And it is better to go to Crete - small islands are blown by winds more, and therefore it is cooler there.

September in Greece is a wonderful time when you can taste both beach holidays, excursion and gastronomic tourism at once.
On September 8, Greece also celebrates the Nativity of the Virgin (revered as an important Orthodox holiday), and the Day of the Battle of Spetz between the Greek rebels and the Ottoman Empire (1822). In the bay of Spetses - a reenactment of a battle, fireworks, and then you can take part in a festive feast.

Of the interesting events in September, the most significant are the Corfu Arts Festival - (exhibitions, performances, concerts) and Thessaloniki International Fair (advances in modern technology).


In September, there are fewer vacationers, prices are lower, and the entertainment is the same: diving, windsurfing, clubs, discos, attractions, restaurants, a huge water park. Cyprus is a resort both for youth parties and for families with children.

We sunbathe until September 15 - the sandy beaches of Cyprus are very clean, many are marked with the EU Blue Good. The air temperature is 28-31 ° C, the water temperature is 26 ° C and the probability of precipitation is minimal.

And then you can devote time to excursions - you will have time for everything. There are not so many historical monuments, mostly Orthodox churches of the Middle Ages. But there are enough picturesque corners (although there is not much greenery on the island): for example, the legendary bay where Aphrodite emerged from the sea foam.

And, of course, the holidays!
In early September, you will also find the most interesting Grape Festival - a wine festival in Limassol: you can taste the best Cypriot wines (including homemade ones), take part in their production yourself (yes, trample grapes in a vat).

And also:
- Ice Cream Festival in Nicosia;
- The Arts Festival takes place in Ayia Napa (3 days of exhibitions, artisan shops and goodies);
- Cypriot stage of the World Rally Championship;
- International Arts Festival in Nicosia (painters, sculptors and graphic designers).


At the beginning of September, there is still a full summer here with a guarantee of sunburn, but without the heat and stuffiness.
But by the end of the month, the water becomes colder and only northerners will be able to swim.
Recall that there are several resort areas in Spain:
· Continental (Barcelona, ​​Costa Blanca, Costa del Sol, Costa de la Luz, Costa Brava, Costa Dorada) - here it often gets colder in the second half of September, it starts raining.
Insular (Tenerife (northern part of the island), Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote, located in the Canary Islands in the Atlantic, as well as Ibiza and Mallorca in the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean) - a cold current comes here at the end of September.

Conclusion: if you need a beach holiday - be in time before September 15. Then you can turn your attention to excursions - those who have studied the course of the Free Travelers Club "To Europe by Train" inexpensively and easily get from anywhere in Europe to Barcelona or find other attractions in Catalonia and Valencia.


Many seek to get on Cote d'Azur it is in September, to get a bronze-golden tan under the soft rays of the already cool sun.

Fashionable Nice hid behind the Alps from the autumn winds, and it's still summer there. The air temperature in September is from + 21 to + 26 ° C, the temperature is up to + 26 ° C.

Read about interesting things happening in France in September in the section "Sightseeing holidays".

African countries: Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt


Weather in September: air temperature + 30 ° C, water temperature + 24 ° C.
The closer to the end of the month, the more often it rains. And in this weather, no sunburn, no excursions.
Excursion programs - traditional exotic: trips to the desert and camel riding.

But independent travelers can find a lot of interesting things. For example, here's extraordinary architecture: old houses in the Moorish style, underground dwellings up to 10 meters deep in Matmata.
Children will be interested: the Casa Delgelata Ice Cream House (more than 100 varieties of this dessert) has its own Disney Land - Carthage Land in Sousse, and ostriches are bred in the Sidi Bu Ali Nature Reserve.
Please note - Islam is practiced here.
The level of service is lower than in European resorts. But the merchants are less intrusive than in Egypt.

In September, it is worth visiting the Dates festival in the Erfoud area on the border with the desert. It lasts 3 days: tasting, Berber tents, folk dances and music, huge dromedary camels.
Few know English - grab a French phrasebook.
The country is Muslim, consider the traditions of the owners.


In September, a mild pleasant warmth reigns here, the summer heat has finally subsided, and the water remains warm (+ 28 ° C).
Autumn is the most successful season for recreation here, so prices are quite high - but lower than in neighboring Israel.
People come here to SPA centers on the coast Dead sea... And in the resorts of the Red Sea you can go diving and spearfishing on the coral reefs of the Gulf of Aqaba.
Of the sights - of course, ancient city Peter (in 2007 it was included in the list of the new 7 wonders of the world).
A Muslim country, there are many already familiar rules: not to appear with alcoholic bottles in public places, to walk with open hands and knees is possible only on the territory of the hotel.

Popular places of mass recreation: visa-free Turkey and Egypt.


September is the most beachy, most ideal month.
The heat gradually subsides. During the day, comfortable warmth up to + 34 ° C, water up to + 29 ° C, at night a pleasant coolness not lower than + 18 ° C.
Best time to visit: late September - early October.
But ... Let us remind you that the Russian Foreign Ministry recommended refraining from traveling to Egyptian resorts.
We also do not recommend taking the risk of going there - there have been cases of kidnapping of tourists and there is a real threat of terrorist attacks. After all, the world is big, and there are still so many places to stay!

It is very warm - the air temperature is up to + 34ºС, by the end of September it drops to 28-29 ºС, the water is up to +29 ºС.
But still put warm things in your suitcase - in September evenings are cool, up to 23-21 ° C.
And the closer to October, the more likely it will rain. So don't plan on coming back with a bronze tan.
Keep in mind that in September, hotels already require minor repairs, the staff is tired, and part of the entertainment infrastructure is already being phased out.
But the weather allows you to leave the air conditioning area and go on excursions.

Holidays and festivals in September in Turkey:
- The International Istanbul Biennale (exhibition of contemporary art) is held in a year, in 2013 it will be held from September 14 to October 20 under the slogan "Mom, am I a barbarian?"
- International fair in the business center of the country Izmir (the cultural program includes film screenings, sports competitions, concerts and performances).
- Trojan Festival in Canakkale (acquaintance with ancient Troy);
- Festival of watermelons in the city of Diyarbakir (north-east of the country);
- Festival of grapes in Manisa
- Festival of pottery in Avanos (Cappadocia region).


The beginning of September is considered a "low" season here - the school year begins, parents take their children to school. But traditionally there are a lot of tourists, because this is the best time for a good rest: it is warm, but there is no sweltering heat. Already occasionally there are short-term rains, but not serious - it is easy to do without an umbrella.

But it is still not recommended to do without protective equipment.
On the coast of the Red Sea during the day + 37 ° C, at night 25 ° C, water 25 ° C.
The Dead Sea is more comfortable: about 33 ° C during the day, 25 ° C at night, and 28 ° C water.
The most low temperature on the Mediterranean - in Tel Aviv and Haifa during the day 28 ° C, at night 23 at night 25 ° C, water 28 ° C + 28 ° C.

Cultural events of September in Israel:
- Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival;
- the beginning of the season of art exhibitions in Tel Aviv (on the opening day - everything is free).

Fans of ecological tourism should definitely go to Agmon Ha-Hula Park: it's time for bird flights.
But the most important thing: in September, Israel celebrates Rosh Hashanah - New Year! And many Jews strive to celebrate the holiday in the Holy Land (there may not be vacant rooms in hotels). The rituals associated with the holiday are also observed by many secular residents, therefore September 6 will be a "holiday for cyclists" - public transport does not work.

September 14 - Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement or Judgment Day... Public transport does not work, planes do not fly, TV and radio stations do not broadcast. And not only this! It is forbidden to work, eat, wash, wear cosmetics and ... leather shoes.
Remember this when planning your trip!

Beach holidays in Asia: China, Bali


The most popular beach holiday on the island of Hainan, which managed to get the title of "Chinese Hawaii". Trips for this purpose are possible to Baidaihe, Dalian and Qingdao.

According to statistics, August-September in Hainan is the rainy season, and the golden season begins in November. Air temperature + 30 ° C, water + 29 ° C.
The region is traditionally considered a "typhoon corridor", which is why the island was chosen by fans of windsurfing. Both rains and typhoons usually do not overshadow the rest, except that the divers' equipment dries longer.

In September you can see one of the most beloved holidays in China - moon and harvest festival... The weekend lasts three days. In 2013, this Mid-Autumn Festival will fall on September 19, when the Moon is considered to be the brightest and roundest.

The symbol of the holiday is moon cakes (round cakes made from ground lotus seeds and crushed sesame seeds with sweet fillings); houses are decorated with colored animal figures and paper lanterns. Children are allowed to stay up late: in the light of the moon they read poetry, light lanterns in parks and fields. And the lovers ask the gods to unite them.

Excursion rest

Europe is especially popular in the velvet season. But the Europeans themselves prefer to take a vacation in September, so they won't be able to save money. There are also summer cafes, people are happy to wear summer clothes - and the arrival of autumn is marked only by the calendar.
Think in advance about a Schengen visa.

The weather in Europe in September is comfortable for travel: it is not too rainy in the UK, and it is not too hot in Italy. The excursion season is in full swing. As mentioned in the review, you can choose any country other than the Scandinavian ones.
We offer an overview interesting events in September, and the choice depends only on your individual preferences!


You can visit castles and beautiful corners of nature - at the beginning of September you can still swim in the lakes, rent a catamaran, enjoy the national cuisine (especially meat and poultry dishes).

But at the same time, be sure to remember: Slovakia is a country of viticulture, therefore, it is worth including a visit to wine-making holidays in the plan of sightseeing historical and architectural sights in September.

The largest one is "Vinobranie" in Pezinka: festivities with music, songs, dances, competitions of Slovak wines, a beautiful rite of "hammering a mountain" (a plot of land for a vineyard).

In early September, one of the most spectacular events will take place - Coronation Day: a carnival procession, theatrical performance repeats in detail the real rite of enthronement.


The weather in September invites you to take walks and enjoy the warmth of the outgoing summer. We would like to draw your attention to the interesting holidays of the beginning of autumn.
In 2013, due to summer floods, the date of the Night of Museums in Prague was postponed - it will take place on September 14th.

Historical and ethnographic festivals:
- from 13 to 15 September "Taborit meetings" (dedicated to the commander Jan Zizka): concerts, theatrical performances, costumed torchlight processions. And you can taste medieval dishes!
- on the same weekend the ethnographic festival of East Moravia (Moravské Slovácko) in Uherske Hradiste: also a procession in national clothes, wine festivals, folklore performances
- on the last weekend of September "Goose festivities" in Boskovice, Moravia: a fair, goose feather products and delicious goose dishes.
Wine festivals are a long line of "wine" holidays for which the Czech Republic is famous:
- "Palavskoe Vinobrani" in Mikulov: a lot of wine and folklore;
- Grape harvest festival in Znojmo: historical performance, torchlight procession through the city, night fireworks;
- Festival of young wine in Melnik: Renaissance castle, wine cellars of the 14th century and young wine "burchak";
- Prague Wine Festival, where you can compare the best wines of Europe and vote for the winner.
- Beer Festival in Pilsen, which attracts brewers from the cities of the Czech Republic, Germany and Scotland.
- Beer Festival on Černá Hora (this is the name of the Moravian brewery near Brno), it is called the “Beer Pilgrimage”.
- The Karlštejn Wine Festival completes this whole series: knightly fights, medieval musicians, lessons in ancient dances.

But the Czech Republic cannot be judged only by wine and beer festivals - check out the art festivals too.
For example, from 5 to 19 September 2013 the International Festival of Organ Music in Olomouc (Moravska Filharmonie Olomouc) will take place: renowned virtuoso performers and organ connoisseurs from all over the world.


Beach season in Montenegro ends on August 30 bright holiday"Petrovachka Night".
But you can take a road trip, enjoy the nature, the weather and plan your route in order to attend the autumn events and holidays.
- Days of Shiruna in Budva: a fishing holiday in the picturesque Budva Riviera
- Tennis tournament in Budva: young participants from European countries;
- Cup of the Adriatic in parachuting in Herceg Novi);
- the regional hip-hop festival is interesting for young people. "Asfaltiranje": from 6 to 8 September in Podgorica.


Germany in September - of course, this is the famous Oktoberfurst in Munich, one of the most famous beer festivals. Beer for the holiday is brewed only by Munich breweries!

Oktoberfest has been celebrated since 1810, and in 2013 is celebrated from 21 September to 06 October.
The lesser-known Wine Festivals in September are held almost everywhere in Germany - such is the month of September.
Choose: Stuttgarter Weindorf (Swabia region), cities in the Ahr region (Ahrweiler - region in Germany), Baden (south-west Germany) and Wiesbaden, Boppard, Weier (Palatinate), Mainz, Rüdesheim, Freiburg, Heilbronn, Deidesheim (region Kernen-Stetten), Nordheim, Bernkastel-Kues, Bensheim (Bergstrasse district) and others.

Holidays of art:
- The Beethoven Festival in 2013 will be held from September 6 to October 5: for a whole month, his works are performed in front of the Beethoven House in Bonn.
- Berlin Art Week from 17 to 22 September: in 2013 we will have two trade fairs - as well as numerous cultural events.
And just interesting holidays and exhibitions:
- Pyronale Fireworks Championship September 6-7;
- Exhibition of consumer electronics IFA Berlin September 6-11: new products from all leading manufacturers.
- Open Monuments Day 7-8 September in Berlin.
- Frankfurt Motor Show 12-22 September: one of the largest European motor shows in Europe. In even years - trucks in Hanover, in odd years - cars and motorcycles in Frankfurt.
- "Lights of the Rhine": a festival of fireworks and historical festivals on the water. It starts in May in Bonn, and in September you will have time to see the holidays in Oberwesel on September 14, as well as in the cities of San Goar and San Goarhausen on September 21.


France in September is, first of all, the provinces: the grape harvest ends and the holidays begin. Please note: hotels are overcrowded, tourists rush to taste new vintage wine.

The most popular wine festivals in September:
- Celebration of the grape harvest in Champagne: the most massive and most gourmet,
- Festival Clarette in Dieu: named after the variety of sparkling wine for which this town at the foot of the Alps is famous;
- Arbois Grape Harvest Festival: a beautiful sight when grapes are brought to the city center;
- Medoc Marathon in Bordeaux: a race through the vineyards, walks, fireworks;
- Festival of Chassel in Moissac: by the name of the grape variety, which is considered the best for winemaking;
- Festival of wine presses in Chenow: the old town celebrates the day of the installation of the first presses brought by the Dukes of Burgundy;
- Wine and folklore festivals in Dijon take place simultaneously at the beginning of September.

Did you know that French gastronomy is inscribed on the UNESCO Intangible Heritage List? In 2013, the Gastronomy Festival is held from September 20 to 22: tasting, special menus in restaurants, street performances, excursions to farms.

Holidays of art:
- International Festival of Puppet Theaters Charleville, last third of September: there is no competition and strict selection, but there are puppets from different times and countries. The language of the festival changes every year, and the puppeteers create new performances on purpose!
- Festival of piano music Piano aux Jacobins in the Jacobin monastery of Toulouse;
- The Autumn Festival (“Festival de l’Automne”) has been held in Paris since 1972: novelties of cinema, theater, painting, music;
- “Days of National Heritage”: a unique day of open doors, when you can get into usually closed for access historic buildings and private mansions;
- Biennale of Antiquaries and at the same time the festival d'Ile de France: 30 in the historic sites of Paris.

Interesting events in September in France:
- The annual flea market in Lille (Braderie de Lille) from 7 to 8 September: the streets of the city turn into a real colorful bazaar;
- and also an international triathlon, an international festival of pleasure yachts, an international festival of military music.
All at once and not list: France knows how to relax!

Exotic destinations.

Spring is just beginning in the Southern Hemisphere. The weather is fine in South America and Africa.
Kenya, Madagascar, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal, Peru, Tanzania, Sri Lanka are waiting for you.


Coast Indian Ocean, southeast Africa, just south of the equator.
Air temperature in September 25-30 ° C
Tanzania has a lot of the very best: the highest mountain in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro, the largest lake in Africa, the longest in the world and one of the deepest (together with Baikal) freshwater lake Tanganyika.
Island of Zanzibar, trips to indigenous villages, safaris - and just a beach holiday.


The air temperature in September is about 30 ° C, the temperature of the waters Caribbean 24-26 ° C. In September there is a dry season, although it is unusually humid for us: almost 80%. However, tropical showers are not excluded.

There are no festivals, holidays and carnivals in Cuba in September, but this holiday country is good even without that. You can just wander around the coastal towns, parks and reserves, fish in the ocean, water skiing, yachting and in general on everything that swims.
You will surely like the open and cheerful Cubans, and you will remember their songs and dances for a long time.

Ski vacation

The season hasn't started yet. Year-round resorts in recent years prefer not to provoke the melting of glaciers and refuse summer skiing. But some are still open in September:
- Austrian Sölden in the Ötztal valley;
- French Tignes;
- Swiss Zermatt and Saas-Fee with the highest mountain lifts.
And there is the opportunity to ski in Finland - there are two year-round underground tunnels for cross-country skiing.

We wish all independent travelers a rich holiday in September, interesting routes - and we look forward to your feedback!
Your stories about travel during the velvet season will help other travelers to have an unforgettable fall vacation.

24 July 2016, 14:33

Hello everyone!

This is my first post on Gossip, and I decided to write it because I really love travel and Asia and it seems to me that the site lacks posts about tourism, beautiful places in the world, etc.

Traditionally, I ask you not to judge strictly, as well as to understand and forgive))

So, a variation on the theme "10 best places in Asia that are worth seeing. "You can this summer, you can anytime.

10. Taitung, Taiwan

He's Taitung, Taidong, 台 東 in Chinese.

The coastal town of Taitung has a modest charm that takes days to unfold. Pacific Ocean, mountains, traditions, temples, cultural diversity and the strong influence of local folk color create a very special atmosphere here. The streets of Taitung smell of the sea and incense, life flows slowly here. The relaxed atmosphere attracts Taiwanese bohemians, some of whom have settled here and set up small cafes or do art. There is always something to do here, be it a concert by a local pop group or the most significant event of the year - the festival paper lanterns which has been held since 1954 around the time of the Lunar New Year. In the summer, the Taiwan International Festival is held here. balloons... In the surrounding area you can find activities such as whale watching, surfing or visiting the hot springs.

9. Meghalaya, India

The mountainous state of Meghalaya, also referred to as the "Cloud Abode", separates the Assam Valley and the plains of Bangladesh. It is a cool area with fir trees growing on rocky mountains. The townships of Cherrapunji and Mosinram are statistically some of the wettest places on the planet; most of the rainfall falls here from June to September, creating spectacular waterfalls as well as carving caves that are some of the longest in Asia. The population of the state is mainly composed of the Jainthia, Hasi and Garo tribes, who live in the eastern, central and western parts of the state, respectively. Autumn, when the four-day Wangala Festival takes place in the Garo Mountains, is good time to visit Meghalaya.

8. Islands of Trang province, Thailand

South of Krabi in the Andaman Sea lies Trang province, which includes several magnificent islands. For those who love adventure, rich nature - dozens of waterfalls and limestone caves. Transport links are improving from year to year. In high season, you can easily get to Malaysia by moving from one island to another.

7. Pemuteran, Indonesia

This is a popular oasis in the northwest part of Bali, there are several resorts that are located on the shores of a small bay. Most of the tourists who come here go for scuba diving and snorkeling off Menjangan Island. Singaraja-Gilimanuk Street is the main artery of the town. Here you can find many shops and travel agencies that are geared towards visitors.

6. Ipoh, Malaysia

Ipoh is undergoing a quiet revival. This pretty town has become a convenient stopover for tourists on the way from Kuala Lumpur to Penang. A resurgent enthusiasm for Ipoh's heritage is now allowing old shops to be rebuilt, and new cafes are opening in historic buildings. The hotel chain is also growing - from humble hostels to luxury hotels.

5. Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong welcomes its guests with signature skyscrapers and legendary cuisine, but has also prepared a surprise - rich nature, which is strictly protected by law, and rare birds. The quays of Victoria Bay, in the waters of which you can often see a junk with red sails, seem to be made for filming. Walking the streets of Kowloon Island, you will see a lot of banks and shops of the most famous brands... It is worth visiting the island of Lantau, where you can get there by cable car. Here on a hill stands a huge statue of Buddha and offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding islets. In the hours before sunset, do not forget to climb Victoria Peak and enjoy the view of the bay, on the banks of which the lights of the skyscrapers are lit up. And kids will surely appreciate Disneyland and Ocean Park.

4. Con Dao Islands, Vietnam

These islands can be called the jewels of Vietnam. The place where political prisoners used to be exiled is now gaining more and more popularity among tourists due to its magnificent nature. Kon Son, the largest of the 15 islands, has beautiful beaches, Coral reefs, beautiful bays and dense forests. In addition to hiking, scuba diving, coastal roads and deserted beaches, rare wildlife can be observed here. Almost 80% of the island's territory is occupied by a national park.

3. Jeonju, South Korea

The city is known as the birthplace of the Korean Joseon Dynasty, as well as one of the country's most famous dishes, bibimbap (boiled rice and meat, fresh vegetables, fried egg and hot sauce). In the central part of the city, there are ancient hanok buildings, where museums, teahouses and workshops are now located.

2. Shanghai, China

If you are looking for the center of the world, this is the place for you) It seems that the city's 24 million inhabitants have made it their goal to have a good time. Ballroom dancing in the park, tasting rare teas in tea houses, lunch of Chinese dumplings in vinegar sauce - scenes from Everyday life of this metropolis. Great cocktails and craft beers can be found in the rooftop bars. And it shows how international the city has become. But old Shanghai is always close by. Life flows between the lines of old chicoumen houses in the French Concession area, while the Art Deco buildings still stand on the Bund. The first Disneyland in mainland China opens here this year.

1. Hokkaido, Japan

The magnificent "powder" in the Hokkaido mountains has provided the island with a place on the tourist map of the world. Wild mountain landscapes ask to be explored on foot or by bike. You will also find alpine villages and seafood freshly caught from the sea and served to your table. Thanks to high-speed trains from Tokyo, Hokkaido has become much more accessible in recent years.

Updated 24/07/16 16:01:

Based on materials from Lonely Planet