How to make a Chinese paper lantern. DIY Chinese lanterns: get to know the history of creation and learn how to make at home

Today it is fashionable to launch handmade Chinese lanterns into the sky. The lights flying into the sky are a wonderful sight, which both children and adults like to admire. So where did this popular fun come from and what rules are important to follow in order to ensure the safety of others.


For the first time, a paper Chinese lantern was mentioned in the chronicle description of Zhuge Liang's military campaigns. This legendary Chinese general mimicked divine intervention by instilling fear in his enemies. For this he used a paper bag and oil lamp... A cloud of light soaring upward convinced opponents that higher power on the side of the general.

Similar devices were also used to transmit signals between military units located far from each other. Information about this dates back to the third century BC. Some experts claim that flying lanterns were also used to perform religious rituals.

The history of the mass distribution of luminous lanterns in Europe dates back to 2005. The reason was a tragic event: the 2004 earthquake in Indian Ocean... A commemorative event for this tragedy and its victims was the massive launch of luminous lanterns in Thailand. And thanks to the photo of this event, which became the winner of the World Press Photo, the Chinese ritual has become popular among Europeans.


Chinese flying lantern consists of the following elements:

  • bamboo frame;
  • a burner made of fabric impregnated with fuel, fixed on a thin wire;
  • a dome made of non-combustible rice paper.

The shape of the product can be any - most often spherical or cylindrical.

Operating principle

Chinese sky lanterns easily soar into the sky, following the same principles as balloons. Remember the Montgolfier brothers? Their invention is shells filled with hot smoke and capable of flying for kilometers. The fact is that due to heating, the air becomes lighter due to a decrease in density. The difference between the density of air masses inside and outside the shell and becomes the driving force.

That is why, among the tips for launching flying flashlights, you can often find the following: "in order to start the flashlight, choose a clear frosty night."

Some characteristics

A traditional Chinese flashlight has the following features:

  • approximate weight from 50 to 100 g;
  • size in height from 70 to 170 cm;
  • burning time about 20 minutes;
  • the diameter of the lower ring is from 28 to 50 cm;
  • the approximate possible lifting height is up to 500 m.

Is it possible to run Chinese lanterns in the city

Unregulated launching of flashlights often entails unpleasant consequences... Among them:

  • fires, including forest fires;
  • power plants out of order;
  • death of livestock that accidentally ate a fallen wire frame;
  • injury to animals.

Therefore, in some states, bans have appeared associated with this beautiful and exciting event. Corresponding regulations were adopted in Russia as well.

Law prohibiting the launch of Chinese lanterns in Russia

In 2014, amendments to the Fire Safety Regulations were approved. In accordance with the document, structures that rise to a height due to warming up the air inside with the help of an open fire are prohibited from being allowed in cities, other settlements, near forests. Lawyers warn: fines are prescribed for violators, for individuals these are amounts up to 1.5 thousand rubles, for legal entities - an order of magnitude higher.

By law, when planning an event with a massive launch of Chinese lanterns, prior approval from the air traffic management authorities is required.

Operational safety

But even in places where flashlights are allowed, it is important to follow the rules that ensure the safety of those around you. Chinese lanterns are allowed to run on open spaces where the fall site can be monitored. There should be no residential buildings nearby. Do not use flashlights in windy weather.

Responsible fans of sky lantern launches recommend: use a small amount of fuel, so you can control the place of the fall and you can not only make sure that it is completely burned out, but also remove debris after you.


Chinese lanterns can vary in shape and purpose. Chinese lanterns are often used simply for decoration. Similar hanging options often decorate Asian cafes and restaurants, oriental shops. Glowing hearts are often seen at wedding celebrations. And the simplest paper crafts will decorate the house for the New Year or another family holiday.

DIY Chinese lanterns made of paper

A Chinese lantern can be easily made at home. Teachers recommend: involve children in joint creativity, because they love to participate in creating a fairy tale so much.

Option for children

The simplest craft, reminiscent of a flashlight, was cut out by almost everyone in childhood. To make it, you only need one sheet of colored paper, and also scissors, glue, a ruler and a pencil as auxiliary materials.

The process consists of several short steps.

  1. It is necessary to cut off a strip two centimeters wide from the sheet.
  2. Fold the remaining piece in half.
  3. Draw out the workpiece: at a distance of 4 cm from the edge, draw a horizontal line and draw many vertical lines from the fold to it, located at the same distance from each other.
  4. Make vertical cuts and unfold the sheet.
  5. Glue the edge and attach the handle on top from the strip cut at the beginning.

For all traditions

For such hanging lantern you need a template. You can find it on the Internet or draw it yourself. For a drawing, you need to take a sheet with an aspect ratio of one to two. The long side is placed horizontally and three horizontal lines are drawn: one in the center and two at a short distance (the same) from the edges. Then the sheet is divided by vertical lines into six sectors and another line is drawn in the center of each sector. Around the intersection points of the center vertical lines with the extreme horizontal, draw circles with a diameter of approximately 2 cm. Then, with rounded lines, connect the center of the upper circle, the intersection points of the vertical lines limiting the segment with the central horizontal lines, the center of the lower circle.

As a result, the template should be six identical segments connected along the center line. On it, a blank is cut out of red cardboard. Important note: the workpiece must not be divided into segments!

Next, you need to connect the extreme segments with each other. Then combine the lower circles, sew them with red thread and decorate with a brush formed from threads. The same must be done with the upper circles, only instead of the brush, we leave the thread at the top for which the flashlight will be suspended.

sky lattern

To make a Chinese lantern, you need a frame. It can be made from foil-wrapped wooden fruit skewers. As the simplest fuel, you can use tablet candles or cotton wool dipped in alcohol. A candle or cotton wool is attached to the frame with a metal wire.

The casing can be made, as was traditionally done, from rice or tissue paper. But on the Internet, another piece of advice is often found: use a regular garbage bag for a flashlight.

Decor for products

Decorating makes sense lanterns meant for decoration, not for launch. One of the decor options can be done as follows. With a hole punch we make many, many (several dozen) holes on decorated paper. Glue the dropped circles on the already made lantern according to the husk principle. Important: it is necessary to distribute the circles evenly, making sure that the product is completely pasted over.

Today, everyone can make a Chinese paper lantern with their own hands. It doesn't matter: whether it will be a luminous object soaring into the sky or a decor to decorate the interior. The main thing is that ancient traditions are alive and do daily life full and beautiful.

Remember, in one Disney cartoon, a girl asked her stepmother to take her to look at the lights, Chinese paper lanterns that were launched into the air every year? Even in the drawn version, this spectacle is breathtaking, but there is nothing to say about reality - it is very beautiful. And, probably, many will want to know how you can make a paper Chinese lantern with your own hands. It would seem that the easiest way to figure out how to make classic Chinese lanterns, and then repeat everything with your own hands technological stages... It turns out that things are not so simple. Only Chinese masters know how to make Chinese lanterns with their own hands and know how to make them in the traditional way. Because it uses rice paper impregnated with a special solution so as not to catch fire, bamboo hoop, combustible material and strong wire. And if there should be no problems with wire and combustible material, then a bamboo hoop, and rice paper with special impregnation is not particularly convenient to look for. Therefore, for those who want to make Chinese lanterns with their own hands, a replacement has been invented, both for rice paper and a bamboo hoop. Of course, ours will differ from the classic flashlight, but not much, we will leave the scheme of the Chinese flashlight the same. So, how to make a sky flying flashlight, whatever it takes.

How to make an air Chinese lantern with your own hands?

What you need to make a Chinese lantern:

  • garbage bags, thin, colored, volume 120 l - 1 pack;
  • wide scotch tape - 1 pc .;
  • liquid for kindling a fire (medical alcohol) - 1 bottle;
  • tracing paper - 1 roll;
  • packing of cotton wool - 1 pc.
  • thin wire;
  • cardboard square 40 * 40 or 30 * 30 cm - 1 pc.

Stocked up with all necessary materials you can start assembling the flashlight. The scheme of a Chinese lantern is quite simple - an outer shell and a wick are fixed on a wire frame.

  1. First, take a trash bag, open it and measure the diameter.
  2. From tracing paper we make a continuation of the package and attach the tracing paper to the package with tape.
  3. Cut strips 1.5-2.5 centimeters wide from a piece of cardboard.
  4. We attach the strips from the outside to the tracing paper using the same adhesive tape.
  5. We make a frame for a flashlight from wire. To do this, just twist a circle out of the wire. In the circle, it is necessary to attach 2 more pieces of wire crosswise, this will add rigidity to the structure, and the wick will be where to attach.
  6. In the middle of the frame, on a wire, we fix a ball of cotton wool. We soak the cotton wool in advance with medical alcohol or liquid for kindling fires. It is better to prepare several wicks at once and check how they ignite, the size of the flame. This will help you find the perfect wick for your flashlight.
  7. We put the bag with tracing paper on the frame and start the flashlight.

If such a flashlight seems small to you, then you can make it bigger, just glue a few garbage bags and take large quantity tracing paper, cardboard, etc.

Several rules for launching Chinese lanterns

Flashlights can only be launched in open areas, away from tall buildings, parking lots, dry meadows and forests. And most importantly, if the wind is strong, gusty, we postpone the launch of the flashlights for another time - otherwise, instead of romance, we will get an accident. We light the wick and, with the help of a friend (girlfriend), we spread the dome so that it does not come into contact with the flame. We carefully lower the flashlight to the ground, holding it by the frame. This is necessary so that the air inside the flashlight heats up faster. After about a minute, the flashlight must be raised to chest level, as soon as the sky flashlight begins to reach up, it must be released. We do this slowly, slightly holding the rim. Well, then all that remains is to enjoy the beautiful flight of the Chinese air flashlight in the night sky.

Flying Chinese lanterns are less spectacular than crackling fireworks. They are silent, gentle and romantic, like a candlelit dinner. This is probably why lovers love to launch them - at weddings and just like that, from the fullness of feelings. A tiny but persistent light flickers for a long, long time in the night sky - as if a piece of the soul rises into eternity, struggling with darkness and loneliness.

In general, it is not difficult and inexpensive to buy a flashlight (it costs from 50 to 600 rubles). But, as in valentines, homemade products are more appreciated. DIY Chinese lanterns are simple and affordable even for those who made money on school lessons labor is a stable threefold.

A bit of history

Wonderful sky lantern that looks so small balloon, although without passengers, was invented long before the Montgolfier brothers - two thousand years ago, in China. It was invented by a commander named Zhuge Liang. Using paper " heavenly candles”, Made in the form of a commander's hat, units of his army exchanged messages on the battlefield.

Later, in peacetime, the Chinese forgot about the military purpose of Zhuge Liang's invention, but appreciated its beauty and began to use it like we do now - on holidays. And they also believed that rice paper lanterns were able to make wishes come true. They even hung out outside the houses unlit, but inscribed with hieroglyphs about the conceived and cherished.

What are flashlights

Chinese lanterns really resemble a balloon. Structurally, they are very simple: oiled rice paper is almost spherical in shape, at the bottom is a bamboo frame, to which a paper burner soaked in wax is attached. The fuel cell burns, heat is generated, and a lifting force is created, thanks to which the lanterns soar into the sky.

There are "diamonds" in shape (more like a tooth; this is probably the classic Chinese military hat of a military leader), ovals, hearts and top hats. Dimensions - within a meter and a half. The colors are bright, cheerful or gentle pastels. Meet non-standard options design - for a smiley, for example; with congratulatory and advertising slogans.

The height of the rise is from 200 meters to a kilometer. The fire "lives" on average from a quarter to half an hour. Having gone out, the structure returns to the ground.

They are used at any celebration, from a private birthday, corporate party or company presentation to the City Day. They are very popular at weddings and as an original declaration of love. They are in demand as a spectacular ending to a flash mob. Children are especially delighted.

Why do it yourself?

Firstly, to experience a sense of deep satisfaction about their hawkishness and "crazy". Secondly, to give your product a personality. (What if what you want is not written on the purchased item? Or nothing is written at all, but you want to somehow express your feelings). Thirdly, many flashlights are much more spectacular than one. In the case of "wholesale" production, there will be significant savings.

How to make a romantic flashlight?

Manufacturers insist on the harmlessness of their products for environment... We offer a not very eco-friendly option. Therefore, be sure to track the landing place of your homemade surprise after the flight and carefully clean it up after you. In order not to increase the already immense and ever-growing presence of garbage bags in urban nature.

Yes, yes, we will need such unpresentable material: it is unlikely that we will be able to get rice paper.

  • fuel: dry or medical alcohol, liquid fuel or dry tablet, liquid for making a fire;
  • tracing paper;
  • for the frame - wire (again, bamboo is not sold on every corner);
  • foil or a cup from a candle-tablet;
  • wax or paraffin;
  • cotton wool;
  • scotch tape or glue;
  • fire retardant.

How to create Chinese lanterns with your own hands, the photo will tell you more clearly. The process takes place in three stages.


If you want your flashlight to fly longer, look for cheaper plastic bags. Not for reasons of economy - they are the thinnest, therefore, will rise higher. But they will tear instantly when you try to apply a drawing or inscription with felt-tip pens or markers. So, in this case, it is better to prefer denser bags. Or, be extremely careful to paint.

The color black, of course, should not be chosen. There are tones on sale and more fun - all shades of the rainbow. The volume should be maximum (80-120 liters).

For a stronger dome and saving from fire and rain, you can duplicate it on tracing paper pre-impregnated with a fire retardant. (It will not let the paper catch fire, even if the flame licks it. And it has water-repellent properties).

Measure the diameter of the trash bag and cut out a piece of tracing paper of the same size. Glue both dome pieces together.


We also take the wire thinner (half or millimeter). We fold it into a ring of arbitrary diameter, approximately about 10-15 centimeters. But let's say a larger one - almost the size of the neck of the bag. Not prohibited rectangular shape frame.

We fasten two pieces of wire inward with a cross. You can take the straws for juice: insert one into the other or wrap with tape.


Any foil is suitable - for baking or for chocolate. We make a cup out of it and fix it on the cross. Attach with tape or glue to the bottom edge of the dome. In the middle we attach a piece of cotton wool soaked in alcohol or other flammable substance. You can enhance the effect of the fuel with paraffin or wax.

It is convenient to use a metal base for a flat "tablet" candle instead of foil. And instead of cotton wool, take a strip thick fabric half a meter long and 4 centimeters wide, folded several times with a square.

Better to make two or three burners. Light the first one, check how and how much it burns. If the fire is very high, cut the spare; if it burned out too quickly, on the contrary, add fabric. So you guarantee yourself a sufficient height and duration of the flight of your "heavenly candle".

Launch rules

It will take a large area without tall buildings and trees. Firstly, I would not like to start a fire; secondly, it is desirable that the flashlight does not get stuck anywhere at the very beginning of the flight.

Wind, rain and snow are not encouraged. The sun is always good, but it will overshadow the flame of your lantern. So night or at least twilight is preferable.

Better to launch together. As much as the children are eager to help, keep them away from the fire.

Shake your hand-made wonder by the frame to spread the dome and draw in the air. The flashlight must be positioned strictly vertically. One holds, the other sets fire to cotton wool or a rag. Place on the ground, but support from below with your hand. When the air inside the dome warms up, let go: the fruit of your labors will take off by itself.

And if it didn't take off?

You may have literally overloaded your homemade construction... Try to lighten the burner. You may even have to completely remove the frame by fixing the crosspiece with the burner directly to the bottom of the dome.

Sooner or later, you will certainly achieve that the Chinese lantern rises into the night sky. To thunderous applause from that one or those for whom you worked.

Yes, don't forget to make a wish! They say it comes true. And in general, a flying flashlight brings happiness!

The Celestial Lantern Festival has been held in China since ancient times. A huge number of people gather and everyone is launching homemade lanterns into the night sky. Such events have a certain meaning - they strengthen the connection of people with nature and space.

Such a show was invented by a Chinese commander many centuries ago, Zhuge Liang. He made the first lantern in the likeness of his hat out of rice. The frame of the lantern was metal and there was a burner inside. As you know, in those days there were many wars, so the commander of such flashlights served as signal transmission on the battlefield.

Some types of lanterns quickly transmitted glowing messages to other friendly military units about the approach of the enemy. Some were even afraid of only one kind of flying lantern and the enemies thought that they were killer demons.

When the time of wars passed, flying lanterns became symbols of good luck or decoration. The classic shape of the flashlight is a cylinder . Paint in different colors, and also made in the form of dragons and flying saucers.

In such lamps, the burner plays the role of helium. If you use a candle, it will be blown out by the wind and the flying flashlight will not take off. The form can be absolutely any.

How to make a Chinese lantern

The lantern consists of three main parts:

  • Frame;
  • Dome;
  • Burner.

The frame is made of wire. Make a ring out of the wire. We attach two more wires to it crosswise, as shown in the picture above.

At the ends of each wire you need to make hooks for which the dome will be attached.

Next, we make a dome. The dome should be made of thin material so that the flashlight can float easily in the air. Take 2 waste bags with a volume of 30 liters. Cut off the bottom at one and drain with tape from so that you get a cylinder.

Use a dry fuel pellet as a burner.

Our flying flashlight is ready. Such a lantern is capable of flying up to 500 meters.

DIY Chinese lanterns photo

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This is not the first time we have encountered luminous counterfeits with our own hands. You already know how to do,. Today we will learn how to make airy "fireflies".

Sky lanterns are a traditional attribute of the holiday that came to us from Japanese culture. With the help of this simple object, you can decorate and diversify almost any celebration, from a fun corporate party to a wedding.

You can buy such a festive accessory for $ 5-10, depending on the quality and size.

But, you must admit, it is much more pleasant to launch your own mini-balloon made with your own hands. So if you want to make Chinese sky lanterns with your own hands, then please be patient, free time, and also some materials.

You will need:

Size and shape

First, estimate the approximate height of your finished flashlight. As a rule, one meter is sufficient. A flashlight of this size takes off well and does not get lost at altitude. After that, think about what shape it will be (eg heart, cylinder, etc.).

Type and color

After that, we turn to the technical side of the choice - the definition of the type and color of paper. It must be not only strong, but also soft, light and thin so that the flashlight soars freely into the heavenly heights.

Consider one important point: if the weight of the paper is more than 25 grams per square meter then the mini balloon just won't take off.

So choose your paper carefully - this is one of the most important things.

Preparing paper

First, saturate your chosen material with a flame retardant. This is necessary in order to prevent the possibility of ignition of the ball, as well as to protect it from getting wet.

If you want to make a meter-high Chinese lantern, then cut the prepared paper into four pieces, 100 by 80 cm in size, which will lengthen towards the bottom, and will be flattened at the top. We glue them together using ordinary PVA glue.

Burner manufacturing

In order to make a paper lantern that will subsequently take off safely, we will definitely need a torch. In order to make it, melt the wax, and dip a piece of lint-free cloth into it, soaking it with it.

Let the wax cool down, and the process of making the burner can be considered complete.

Frame fabrication

We wind two foil tubes on the knitting needle. After that, we put these same tubes with a cross, and we attach our burner to the center. We wrap it all copper wire so that the structure does not fall apart.