How to make Chinese lanterns. DIY Chinese lanterns. How to make an air Chinese lantern with your own hands

Chinese paper lanterns came to our culture not so long ago, but rather quickly won our love - they can be different forms, sizes, colors, for almost every taste. Traditional chinese lantern on New Year- in the form of a ball, red and gold colors.

Making Chinese paper lanterns is a snap - once you try it, you can decorate your home and surprise your friends by making them happy with this gift. Children can and should be involved in the creation process - it is interesting and informative.

So, let's try to make do-it-yourself Chinese lanterns, photos and detailed instructions help us with this!

To work you need:

  1. Sheet of red paper
  2. A pair of sheets of gold paper
  3. Ruler and pencil
  4. Scissors are ordinary and with a curly edge (if not, it's okay)
  5. Scotch
  6. Stapler

Now that we have prepared everything necessary materials, let's start creating a Chinese paper lantern!

  1. Using a pencil and a ruler, mark a sheet of red paper across, fold the edges by one and a half centimeters, then cut the paper along the marked lines with scissors, a little short of the fold.

  2. Along the edge of the paper, across the cuts, glue the tape - this is necessary so that the edges do not break. Using curly scissors, cut out strips of gold-colored paper - they should be about twice as narrow as the strips into which we cut the red paper. Grease the gold strips with glue and carefully glue them onto the red sheet. It looks like this:

  3. While the strips are drying, let's take a second sheet of gold paper. The length of this leaf should be slightly less than red. Coat the short edge with glue and twist into a tube - like this. You can use a paperclip to secure the edge until the glue dries.

  4. We do the same with a red piece of paper - making sure the glue is dry and the gold stripes stick well. We connect the edges and get the following blank:

  5. You need to be careful, since our workpiece is rather fragile, despite the adhesive tape with which we prudently glued the edges. Now the fun begins - it's time to connect the parts of our future flashlight. We carefully put the blank of red paper on the golden cylinder - very carefully so as not to accidentally break the strips. This is what the process looks like:

  6. The top edge of the red blank should be about half a centimeter below the edge of the gold one. After that, we cut out two strips a couple of centimeters wide from gold paper and glue them to the joints of the blanks - the photo clearly shows how this happens:

  7. Our Chinese paper lantern is almost ready! The final touches remain. With scissors we cut the visible part of the golden cylinder into a fringe - literally a couple of millimeters wide, so the flashlight will look much more interesting. And, of course, you need a loop - after all, the flashlight is suspended! We will cut the strip for the loop from the same gold paper with curly scissors, but we will attach it to the flashlight with a stapler - this will be more reliable.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in making a Chinese paper lantern with your own hands - you just need a little time and colored paper. But the result exceeds all expectations - especially if you involve a child in the process.

It is very easy to find all the necessary materials and photos on how to make Chinese lanterns New Year, there are also a lot of videos on this topic.

Unleash your imagination, do not be afraid to experiment - play with flowers, invent with the children! We hope that our workshop on How to Make a Chinese Paper Lantern for the New Year was helpful to you!

Floor gas boilers cast iron

Beautiful sky lanterns, they are so romantic, aren't they? It is so touching when the beloved make them together, with their own hands. But how to make a Chinese lantern at home?

To make a flying flashlight for lovers, you do not need to have special skills or learn it for a long time. This is not knitting. To create a sky lantern, you just need to study the instructions on how to make lanterns, before you are going to do your plans. You will also need special materials, you need to buy them, because even if you are fascinated by needlework for the home, you will not find the necessary parts for a flashlight. Well, in conclusion, you will need to find on the Internet or come up with some story on your own that you will tell your beloved or beloved while sky lanterns are being made.

Here's what you need to have on hand to create a glowing sky lantern.

The most the best option there will be thin rice paper, it is, however, very difficult to find and it is not cheap. But we offer you an interesting alternative - instead of rice paper, take the most ordinary garbage bags.

So, you need to purchase the following materials:
- garbage bags (colored rather than black are better, bags should also be very thin and with a volume of 120 liters);
- wide tape;
- small packing of cotton wool;
- a roll of tracing paper;
- liquid for kindling fires or rubbing alcohol.

At home, try to find a 40x40 or 30x30 square cardboard and thin wire. Surely such treasures were lying around somewhere.

Now we proceed, in fact, to the manufacture of a flashlight.

Open the garbage bag and measure its diameter, then make a continuation of the same diameter from tracing paper and connect them with wide tape. At this time, your other half cuts strips of cardboard about 30-40 cm long and 1.5-2.5 cm wide, which must be attached with tape to the outside of the tracing paper. Next, you make a frame for the lantern out of thin wire, in the middle of it you need to fix a piece of cotton wool. Cotton wool must be drunk in advance with alcohol or liquid for kindling fires. Put a bag with tracing paper on the frame and you're done!

It is advisable to launch the sky lanterns of lovers somewhere in the wasteland, away from houses and trees. There should be no wind either. This way you will avoid fires, injuries and damage to your wonder lantern. The main thing is, don't forget how to make a Chinese lantern. It can be launched on any occasion.

You can make one big flashlight and fire it up when the balloons fly into the sky for the holiday. You need to glue several large bags and take large quantity the same materials that we indicated above.

You can also make two small flashlights and write your name and the name of your soul mate on each.

Today it is fashionable to launch handmade Chinese lanterns into the sky. The lights flying into the sky are a wonderful sight, which both children and adults like to admire. So where did this popular fun come from and what rules are important to follow in order to ensure the safety of others.


For the first time, a paper Chinese lantern was mentioned in the chronicle description of Zhuge Liang's military campaigns. This legendary Chinese general mimicked divine intervention by instilling fear in his enemies. For this he used a paper bag and oil lamp... A cloud of light soaring upward convinced opponents that higher power on the side of the general.

Similar devices were also used to transmit signals between military units located far from each other. Information about this dates back to the third century BC. Some experts claim that flying lanterns were also used to perform religious rituals.

The history of the mass distribution of luminous lanterns in Europe dates back to 2005. The reason was a tragic event: the 2004 earthquake in Indian Ocean... A commemorative event for this tragedy and its victims was the massive launch of luminous lanterns in Thailand. And thanks to the photo of this event, which became the winner of the World Press Photo, the Chinese ritual has become popular among Europeans.


Chinese flying lantern consists of the following elements:

  • bamboo frame;
  • a burner made of fabric impregnated with fuel, fixed on a thin wire;
  • a dome made of non-combustible rice paper.

The shape of the product can be any - most often spherical or cylindrical.

Operating principle

Chinese sky lanterns easily soar into the sky, following the same principles as Balloons... Remember the Montgolfier brothers? Their invention is shells filled with hot smoke and capable of flying for kilometers. The fact is that due to heating, the air becomes lighter due to a decrease in density. The difference between the density of air masses inside and outside the shell and becomes the driving force.

That is why, among the tips for launching flying flashlights, you can often find the following: "in order to start the flashlight, choose a clear frosty night."

Some characteristics

A traditional Chinese flashlight has the following features:

  • approximate weight from 50 to 100 g;
  • size in height from 70 to 170 cm;
  • burning time about 20 minutes;
  • the diameter of the lower ring is from 28 to 50 cm;
  • the approximate possible lifting height is up to 500 m.

Is it possible to run Chinese lanterns in the city

Unregulated launching of flashlights often entails unpleasant consequences... Among them:

  • fires, including forest fires;
  • power plants out of order;
  • death of livestock that accidentally ate a fallen wire frame;
  • injury to animals.

Therefore, in some states, bans have appeared associated with this beautiful and exciting event. Corresponding regulations were adopted in Russia as well.

Law prohibiting the launch of Chinese lanterns in Russia

In 2014, amendments to the Fire Safety Regulations were approved. In accordance with the document, structures that rise to a height due to warming up the air inside with the help of an open fire are prohibited from being allowed in cities, other settlements, near forests. Lawyers warn: fines are prescribed for violators, for individuals these are amounts up to 1.5 thousand rubles, for legal entities - an order of magnitude higher.

By law, when planning an event with a massive launch of Chinese lanterns, prior approval from the air traffic management authorities is required.

Operational safety

But even in places where flashlights are allowed, it is important to follow the rules that ensure the safety of those around you. Chinese lanterns are allowed to run on open spaces where the fall site can be monitored. There should be no residential buildings nearby. Do not use flashlights in windy weather.

Responsible startup enthusiasts sky lanterns recommend: use a small amount of fuel, so you can control the place of the fall and you can not only make sure that it is completely burned out, but also remove debris after you.


Chinese lanterns can vary in shape and purpose. Chinese lanterns are often used simply for decoration. Similar hanging options often decorate Asian cafes and restaurants, oriental shops. Glowing hearts are often seen at wedding celebrations. And the simplest paper crafts will decorate the house for the New Year or another family holiday.

DIY Chinese lanterns made of paper

A Chinese lantern can be easily made at home. Teachers recommend: involve children in joint creativity, because they love to participate in creating a fairy tale so much.

Option for children

The simplest craft, reminiscent of a flashlight, was cut out by almost everyone in childhood. To make it, you only need one sheet of colored paper, and also scissors, glue, a ruler and a pencil as auxiliary materials.

The process consists of several short steps.

  1. It is necessary to cut off a strip two centimeters wide from the sheet.
  2. Fold the remaining piece in half.
  3. Draw out the workpiece: at a distance of 4 cm from the edge, draw a horizontal line and draw many vertical lines from the fold to it, located at the same distance from each other.
  4. Make vertical cuts and unfold the sheet.
  5. Glue the edge and attach the handle on top from the strip cut at the beginning.

For all traditions

For such hanging lantern you need a template. You can find it on the Internet or draw it yourself. For a drawing, you need to take a sheet with an aspect ratio of one to two. The long side is placed horizontally and three horizontal lines are drawn: one in the center and two at a short distance (the same) from the edges. Then the sheet is divided by vertical lines into six sectors and another line is drawn in the center of each sector. Around the intersection points of the center vertical lines with the extreme horizontal, draw circles with a diameter of approximately 2 cm. Then, with rounded lines, connect the center of the upper circle, the intersection points of the vertical lines limiting the segment with the central horizontal lines, the center of the lower circle.

As a result, the template should be six identical segments connected along the center line. On it, a blank is cut out of red cardboard. Important note: the workpiece must not be divided into segments!

Next, you need to connect the extreme segments with each other. Then combine the lower circles, sew them with red thread and decorate with a brush formed from threads. The same must be done with the upper circles, only instead of the brush, we leave the thread at the top for which the flashlight will be suspended.

sky lattern

To make a Chinese lantern, you need a frame. It can be made from foil-wrapped wooden fruit skewers. As the simplest fuel, you can use tablet candles or cotton wool dipped in alcohol. A candle or cotton wool is attached to the frame with a metal wire.

The casing can be made, as was traditionally done, from rice or tissue paper. But on the Internet, another piece of advice is often found: use a regular garbage bag for a flashlight.

Decor for products

Decorating makes sense lanterns meant for decoration, not for launch. One of the decor options can be done as follows. With a hole punch we make many, many (several dozen) holes on decorated paper. Glue the dropped circles on the already made lantern according to the husk principle. Important: it is necessary to distribute the circles evenly, making sure that the product is completely pasted over.

Today, everyone can make a Chinese paper lantern with their own hands. It doesn't matter: whether it will be a luminous object soaring into the sky or a decor to decorate the interior. The main thing is that ancient traditions are alive and do daily life full and beautiful.

- a very beautiful and exciting sight, therefore, once again, having come across an offer to buy flying chinese lanterns, somehow I suddenly remembered that it is quite easy to make them yourself. It's funny, but for some reason it didn't occur to look for instructions on the Internet. However, once I read a similar instruction, I even, I remember, tried to repeat it, but nothing came of it, because there it was necessary to make neat foil tubes for the frame ... which, of course, my impatience did not allow me to do it. In addition, they were very delicate, and did not tolerate large overloads, which was also not too pleasing. But now, I suddenly wanted to try again. And then I remembered that I have a wonderful and convenient substitute for these inconvenient tubes ...

Safety engineering

In the end I will return to her again, but for now highly recommend

Required materials

So what we need:


Using scotch tape, glue two sticks crosswise

Then we wrap the sticks in the center with foil. This must be done to protect against fire. Otherwise, your flashlight won't even have time to take off. If you want, you can do it more beautifully than in the photo, but to be honest, the flashlight is actually almost disposable. Either it will burn up in the air, or it will fly so far that you will no longer have any desire to go looking for it

We straighten the package and find extreme points neck.

We attach the frame to the edges of the neck with small pieces of tape. You don't need a lot of scotch tape, because the weight of the frame, even together with cotton wool and foil, is very small. The photo shows a piece of cotton wool wrapped in a crosshair.

Assembled flashlight

I checked - I have on making a flying flashlight it took about 4 minutes of time. Including photographing the process.


By the way, it's freezing outside now. This means that the flashlight will fly perfectly, because a big difference temperatures inside the package and outside - gives a large lifting force. However, I tested a similar flashlight with room temperature- and he flew quite well. True, I still do not advise running it in the apartment ... it briskly stuck into the ceiling of me - it immediately flared up, it's good that I kept a mug of water with me

Hmm .. I seem to be distracted. We take alcohol with us (you can use a syringe - it will be convenient to "refuel" our flashlights), a lighter, otherwise you will suffer with matches ... and besides, we need two hands for matches, and we also need ours flying flashlight Keep. However, you can take helpers with you: friends, children, parents, grandmothers, grandfathers, grandchildren ... wife (or husband). In general, I got distracted again.

Unfold the dome of the flashlight, moisten the cotton swab with alcohol (don't overdo it ... I haven't really checked it out, but like a half-cube - it should be enough). Trying not to melt the bag - set fire to the cotton wool, and hold the flashlight until you feel something starts to tear up. It will happen in a couple of seconds. Let go and admire how the flying flashlight, made with your hands, rises higher and higher.

Safety (re)

Since you are essentially launching a source of open fire in flight, do not do this near buildings, power lines, gas stations and other flammable objects .. If you are not sure that the flashlight will not ignite anything, it is better to refuse to launch.

The best thing is to fill the Chinese flashlight with a small amount of fuel (alcohol) so that it does not fly for long. Moreover, the most the right decision will - follow the flashlight until you are sure that the flame has gone out inside. In addition - there is also a question of cleanliness and order - an extinguished flashlight after it falls is an ugly piece of garbage. Therefore, all the same - less fuel - so that it does not fly far


DIY flying flashlight in five minutes- it's quite real. Yes, it will not be as beautiful as purchased. And the size is probably smaller. But it will be made with your own hands.

This article will talk about making Chinese lanterns with your own hands, which you can make yourself or involve children in the creativity. These lanterns are perfect for decorating a room, garden, decorating a Christmas tree or a corner of dreams. They can easily turn your evening into the most unusual fairy tale. Indeed, in them we very often read about the hall, which is decorated with thousands of multi-colored lights, about mysterious person, which helps to illuminate the path of the protagonist. So arm yourself with everything you need and start creating.

Option for children

In this article, we propose to view the most popular schemes for making Chinese lanterns. And here is the first of them - a children's flashlight.

In order to make such a trinket, you need to take colored paper, pencils, a ruler, scissors, glue, sparkles, satin ribbons and colored markers.

It is necessary to cut a strip from any edge of the leaf, in the future it will be a pen. Its width should be about two cm. We fold the remaining paper in half and draw a line on it, which is at a distance of four cm from the edge. It is up to this strip that we will cut the flashlight.

Then, along the entire remaining length of the paper, mark lines with a width of about one to one and a half cm. We begin to make cuts along the indicated lines with scissors. We do this from the place of the fold, and stop near the marked line.

We open the paper and see if there are traces left, then erase them with an eraser. Now we fasten the edges with glue or paper clips. On one side we attach a handle for a flashlight. Now you can decorate the flashlight with sparkles, tinsel, threads. You can also use plain paper instead of colored paper, white, in the future, you can decorate it as you wish.

For all traditions

The process of making the next Chinese lantern out of paper can be traced in a master class.

In order to perform these procedures, it is necessary to prepare red cardboard, glue, scissors, a template, a pencil, a red thread and a needle, silver or gold paint.

Find and print a template on the Internet, attach it to the cardboard and cut out the entire blank.

In no case should these parts be separated, they should be specifically similar, with a small accordion.

We glue the first and last parts together. The next step is to connect all the sides. Next, we take a thread with a needle and make a small hole at the top of our flashlight. We collect the lower part of the flashlight in the same way. Make a small brush for the bottom of the decoration. Draw a variety of patterns using silver paint. They can be pre-made on stencils. We apply such a stencil to the flashlight and spray the paint. Let it dry and the flashlight is ready.

sky lattern

On the next step by step instructions you can consider making a heavenly flying lantern.

To make this type of Chinese lanterns, you will need tissue or rice paper, straws, copper wire, candle and glue.

Place the pieces of tissue paper on top of each other and cut out the rectangles. Then we glue the edges together tightly with glue. Then we make a small pad for the straws and fold them in a square shape. We twist the wire around the candle and attach it around the edges to straws. Light a candle and let it warm up a little.

Decor for products

Well, the next point that we want to make out is one of the ways to decorate sky lanterns.

For work, we need decorated paper, a glue gun, a hole punch and simple batteries.

On decorated paper, you need to punch about seventy holes with a hole punch.

Then we unfold the already finished base ball, or we take the one that we did in the last master class. We begin to glue it with these circles according to the husk principle.