Ancient civilizations: Atlanteans, Lemurians, giant people. Mysterious inhabitants of atlantis

What people lived in Atlantis during the era from 100,000 to 10,000 BC, who escaped the devastating cataclysm that destroyed their culture?

Let's analyze a little information from the chapters of the book by Shirley Andrews.

Who are the Atlanteans

They were very similar to our contemporaries. Atlanteans possessed intelligence, expressed feelings, loved, etc. Atlanteans drew rational conclusions, possessed imagination, sometimes liked to philosophize.

At the end of the working day, the inhabitants of Atlantis did not devote the rest of the day to work loads, but to communicate with relatives and friends, discussing their role. were tall and slender. Their outward beauty fought off the beauty of the soul.

Atlanteans were famous for their longevity, which could not be said about other peoples. For example, Cro-Magnons in not simple climatic frameworks Western Europe had a life expectancy of about 60 years, while another culture of Neanderthals lived at all for about 45 years.

They were distinguished by deep and unknown abilities for us and possessed developed intuitive thinking. The inhabitants of Atlantis had a subtle sense of the world around them and could act telepathically. These abilities allowed them to instantly transmit thoughts. Perhaps such developed mental abilities helped the Atlanteans to conduct dialogues with alien inhabitants, who shared valuable information and experience with them.

Well-developed skills of subtle perception of the world allowed the Atlanteans to comprehend the laws of physics, chemistry, mechanics without much difficulty. Most likely, the inhabitants of Atlantis were able to build aircrafts but not like our modern planes.

The appearance of the Atlanteans

Most of Atlantis in those days was in warm latitudes, so the Atlanteans mostly wore light robes. Men's and women's fashion were very similar. The main clothes are wide, loose blouses, similar to robes, they also wore trousers. They put on light sandals. The inhabitants of Atlantis argued that the hair on the head is the main source of spiritual energy, which is why both men and women had long, lush hairstyles.

At the final stage of the history of the Atlanteans, when they began to value more and more not the spiritual, but the material, the appearance began to gain more and more importance. Both the female and male population began to adorn themselves with elaborate rings, chains, head ornaments made of gold, orichalcum, silver and other precious metals and stones.

There are many theories about who the Atlanteans looked like. We know that their hierarchical structure divided society into two classes: slaves and wealthy citizens. Of course, they had their own rulers, councils of elders and leaders, but they all belonged to the number of "citizens" and, apparently, were very rich, largely due to the fact that there were slaves. Interestingly, the slaves were well treated and even respected for their talents - in fact, by modern standards, they should have been called “middle class,” and some were even wealthy. Atlanteans were very tolerant and nearly all of the inhabitants prospered.

The people of the lost continent lived for 800 years (like the biblical Methuselah), had a height of 2.5 to 3.5 meters (giants are mentioned in chapter 6 of Genesis). We may think that the "giants" are a figment of our imagination, but archaeologists were amazed when they found dozens of skeletons of creatures of this height in various parts of the Earth. The diaries of the Spanish conquistadors tell about fair-haired giants from 2.5 to 3.5 meters in height, whom they met in the Andes during the conquest of the Incas (these stories can be compared to meetings with snow guards guarding the path to Shambhala).

Atlanteans were distinguished by a love of arts and culture, but they also possessed high level technology, the development of which led them to death when the processes got out of control. The citizens of the perished continent were engaged in philosophy, literature, sculpture and poetry, but gradually they became more and more technocrats and merchants.

Atlanteans were a very technologically advanced civilization, so strong that this level surpasses modern views... For example, the Atlanteans used computers that not only stored data, but also made their own judgments based on induction and deduction. In addition, much of their technology was associated with various forms energy (including solar) and its processing. They studied gravity, conducted experiments with electromagnetic fields, used crystals, large and small, to concentrate energy. Unfortunately, much of their knowledge is lost to us forever.

In 1938, Edgar Cayce, in two of his lectures, suggested that the Atlanteans used atomic energy and radioactivity. You can ask yourself the question of how a person who never traveled and did not have scientific knowledge explained his ideas in words radioactivity and atomic energy more than 60 years ago ...

Many researchers believe that the Atlanteans were a colony of extraterrestrial inhabitants - some believe that they came from the constellation Lyra. This may explain why they were able to levitate. Perhaps due to the fact that they were from another planet, they knew how to use the gravitational field of the Earth.

They had flying machines, atomic-powered vehicles, machines that warmed or cooled entire cities. They knew so much about the atmosphere that they could control it with powerful ion machines. It was they who created the portal, which we today call the Bermuda Triangle.

Atlanteans could to some extent controlled the weather, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, although in those days the nature of our planet was even wilder than today. Controlling the weather markedly contributed to the development of the Atlantean economy, helping them grow crops that are incomparable to ours.

They also knew how to store food. The Atlanteans used a special alum that allowed food to last for years and retain its original flavor.

The Atlanteans had beautiful gardens and reservoirs, built as a system of canals that linked them with grief. Their houses and public buildings were unusual in appearance: many lived in pyramidal buildings. In fact, the pyramids were the main architectural form of the Atlanteans.

Most likely, some of the pyramids were healing sites as well as message centers where people could receive and transmit messages instantly. These pyramids with the help of special anti-gravity devices could be built very quickly, this technology was transferred to Egypt and other places on Earth, and then lost. The Atlanteans often used columns and arches, which were then adopted by the Romans and Greeks.

The people of the vanished continent did not bury their dead in the ground, they cremated them with laser energy focused with crystals. They built large pyramids for healing, which was again done with crystals. In such pyramids there was what we would call today massage table, where they put a sick person and concentrated on him the energy of many crystals, which could serve for therapy, operations and magnetic radiation. Healing technicians acting as doctors used various ointments and medicines as needed, as well as healing crystals.

The Atlanteans had machines for body rejuvenation, which used electromagnetic energy and crystals. This is probably why the life expectancy of the Atlanteans was usually very long. Along with them, machines were used to identify and treat mental disorders, they "read" a person's aura, acting as a kind of magnetic x-ray (but more complex than magnetic resonance imaging), giving a complete picture of the body.

If necessary, artificial organs were used for transplants, but towards the end of their development, when the Atlantean civilization became more depraved, they began to carry out strange and dangerous experiments with animals, even trying to interbreed humans and animals. Many mythological animals, such as satyrs or the minotaur, are the result of these experiments. Atlanteans started out by what creatures began to do, crossing two different kinds, but went further.

Over time, the Atlanteans began to use technology to gain more power, not just for healing or rejuvenation. As often happens, they were possessed by greed - they began to use large crystals to enhance their technology and create better and larger products. Perhaps the power of the crystals was even used to destroy groups of people who disagreed with the regime of government (in Sanskrit texts, flying machines are described that spread deadly rays and wreaked havoc and destruction, as well as killed thousands of people).

Whatever the consequences, the Atlanteans still used electromagnetic and atomic energy, had the ability to heal terrible diseases, and their scientific knowledge far surpassed our modern ones. Perhaps, in the near future, humanity will learn to understand the meaning of the myth about Pandora's box, which cannot be opened so as not to release the beast called "greed."

Video: Atlantes - who are they?


What were the Atlanteans like? Where did they come from? Where are their roots? What language did they speak? Have you survived the death of your civilization? And if so, do their descendants exist anywhere now? These are the questions that are most difficult to answer. People are a much less durable material than sunken volcanoes or stone walls. And yet, even here, one cannot speak of a complete absence of facts.

You can, for example, refer to the existence of the Guanches - the indigenous inhabitants of the Canary Islands, discovered by the Spaniards in the early 15th century. The guanches were white, with light eyes and light hair. They were tall and strong with a healthy reddish complexion. However, their population was clearly developing under the influence of close-related relationships. The skeletons preserved in the Santa Cruz Museum represent multiple physical deformations, which are most often associated with inbreeding (closely related crossing). They were clearly a genus in the stage of genetic extinction due to their geographic isolation, even before they were destroyed by the Spaniards. They built stone pyramids and concentric temples, mummified their dead, preserved the legend of the great sunken island from which their ancestors came, and worshiped Atlanta.

The Guanches were without a doubt the Atlanteans - perhaps the last surviving population of this once mighty people. The description of their national traits corresponds to the description made in other parts of the world, such as in the legends of the Winged Serpent, known to the Maya and Aztecs under the guise of a tall fair-skinned red-bearded man who crossed the Atlantic Ocean and founded the Central American civilization. In South America, he was known as Sea Foam, a poetic metaphor describing the arrival of his ship, against the bow of which ocean waves crashed. Red hair is also mentioned in the description of his appearance. In North America and the legends of almost every tribe, there was a description of the so-called "White Brother" who escaped after the Great Flood. In them, as in almost all legends about cultural carriers of civilization or surviving Atlanteans, red hair is mentioned.

Only a few images of the Atlanteans have come down to us through the millennia. The most significant can be considered the portraits of individual prisoners from among the "people of the sea", captured by Ramses III after their defeat in the Nile delta. These portraits were carved on the walls of Medinet Habu in western Thebes. Dressed in helmets with sultans, shackled in wooden slave collars, devoid of beards, the Atlanteans were proud, aquiline noses, decisive mouths, somewhat egg-shaped heads and slightly raised, slanting eyes. They were clearly taller than the Egyptians and more like Western Europeans; their curls curled, unlike the straight hair of the Egyptians, and they themselves were distinguished by a strong physique.

The same features can be found in Etruscan funerary images of husband and wife. And, although these images refer to a time 500 years later than the death of Atlantis, they perfectly convey the main features of the Atlantic race that survived in western Italy. It was here, according to Plato, that the power of the Atlanteans extended. The Etruscan civilization undoubtedly borrowed a lot from the Atlantic. Its legendary origin, which dates back to the Trojan War (or the Athenian-Atlantic War, according to Plato), the dominance of the seas that extended beyond the Pillars of Hercules to the Azores, as well as their physical correspondence to the "people of the sea" depicted on walls of Medinet-Habu, - everything suggests that the Etruscans retained their identity with the Atlanteans until the II century. n. e., when they were finally assimilated by the Romans.

Another masterpiece is of great importance - a terracotta statuette depicting an Atlantean woman known as "Lady Ilchi". This statuette was discovered in 1897 by archaeologists during excavations near Rio Vinalupo in northeastern Spain. This "lady" has facial features similar to those of the Etruscan images of a husband and wife, as well as the portraits of prisoners on the walls of Medinet Habu. It is significant that all the images of Atlanteans were found in areas that experienced the direct cultural and military influence of Atlantis. Namely: the Atlantic islands inhabited by the people of Guanches, Egypt during the time of Ramses III, Etruria, occupied by the Atlanteans, as follows from "Cretia", and the northeastern coast of Spain - a territory that, according to Plato, was a possession Atlantids, where King Eumelos ruled.


The racial traits of the Atlanteans can be determined from the surviving rare images and oral stories. Due to the strong winds blowing on the island, its inhabitants had a rather narrow section of the eyes (the eyes, according to various legends, were blue or gray). Their reddish complexion could have been caused by a humid climate and abundance sunlight... Atlanteans were pretty tall for their time. When they appeared among the stunted inhabitants of South America, they gave the impression of giants. The Spaniards quite often noted the special physique of the Guanches, the descendants of the Atlanteans, so much of an influence they made on them. There is even a story about how a female warrior from the Guanches tribe, during the battle, lifted one of the Spanish officers in her arms and fled with him from the battlefield! It should also be borne in mind that the Greeks referred to the Atlanteans as "titans."

The Atlanteans must have inherited a strong physique from their Cro-Magnon ancestors. After all, they really were a very ancient people, belonging to the proto-Aryan or even proto-Caucasian race. Atlanteans separated at the very beginning of the mass migration of ancestors modern man from Africa to Europe, as a result of the destruction of the bridge connecting the Atlantic island with the mainland.

However, much more important than appearance, the Atlantean feature was their incredible talent, expressed in technological advances. The scale of their industrial copper mining in Michigan was not surpassed until the mid-19th century. They explored the land and created maps of the world 5 thousand years before the European Renaissance. And what is perhaps most impressive is that they created a monument on the Giza plateau in Egypt that has survived to this day.

Atlanteans were sociable, friendly, energetic people who loved sports and shows. Suffice it to recall that the inner earth ring was used as a running track. They were brave and skillful seafarers. Instead of isolating the Atlanteans from the rest of the world, the ocean became an incentive for them to spread their culture around the world through economic and military influence. They were aggressive imperialists, successful warriors who enjoyed their military campaigns. Everything that is known about them falls out of the ordinary: from their physical appearance and monumental architecture to their well-developed mining industry and the creation of a transcontinental empire.

Since the Atlanteans developed in a rather closed community, they developed some of the characteristics characteristic of the islanders: suspicion of the entire outside world and a constant readiness for protection. This contributed to their sense of superiority over non-Atlanteans, reinforced by their renown as skillful seafarers and "copper barons." Together with good health, they developed paranoia: Atlantic arrogance and fear lengthened the lists of their enemies - real, potential and imaginary. This, in turn, influenced the practice of erecting massive fortifications of Atlantis and the continued activity and expansionist policy of its armed forces. Throughout most of its history, the main talents of Atlantis were aimed at mastering spiritual values, which included countless cults based on the observation and study of the laws of nature. However, during the heyday of Atlantic civilization, a reasonable attitude to the balance of natural conditions on the island was replaced by vulgar sybarism and endless self-indulgence, destroying the self-consciousness of society.

F. Joseph. Death of Atlantis. M. 2004, pp. 202-205.

Spanish Lady Ilche. Portrait of a rich lady (possibly from the royal family)

from the Atlantic colony at Gades (now Cadiz, Spain)

Funerary terracotta figurines of an Etruscan couple (7th century BC).

They have oval facesslightly slanted eyes and red hair - all those features

what characterizes their ancestors from Atlantis

Warriors of the Atlanteans captured as a result of the invasion of Egypt.

Relief on the wall of the temple dedicated to the victory of the pharaoh Ramses III in the war against the "peoples of the sea".

A naval sailor of Atlantis in profile.

Image on the wall of a temple in Medinet Habu, Egypt.

One of the many terracotta figurines related to

to the pre-Inca period (to the era of Mochica) and depicting bearded foreigners,

which, according to legends widespread among Indian peoples,

associated with the arrival in Peru of the survivors of the flood of heroes - carriers of the culture

The first race of creatures that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago were asexual and incorporeal, they are described as luminous blobs of energy and were like gods. Later, these creatures were called angels. They communicated telepathically, possessed tremendous energetic power, could communicate with a higher mind and inhabited the territory of the Far North. Perhaps in those days, before the drift, the north was modern South Pole, Antarctica is somewhat different - it was not covered with an ice shell, the climate was warmer. Over time, the first race evolved and almost completely disappeared from the face of the Earth.


The second race was more dense, these creatures were up to 40 meters tall, their body outlines resembled that of a human, but was translucent. They could also communicate using telepathy, but they already knew how to comprehend the essence of the world around them through touch. Their country is Hyperborea, the remnants of this civilization in the 40s of the last century were searched for by the employees of Ahnenerbe on the Kola Peninsula and in Greenland.


Lemurians were the third race of humanoid creatures, they inhabited the mainland, according to some sources located between Madagascar and Australia in the Indian Ocean, according to others - in Pacific... Often Lemuria is called the continent of Mu (Mother of Humanity), but Pacifida is also called the continent - the mainland, presumably located on the site of the current Pacific islands. This suggests that Pacifis and Lemuria are one and the same. The bodies of the Lemurians were so dense that they could sense the temperature of the environment. Dark-skinned giants reached 18-20 meters, possessed telepathy and telekinesis, some of them had sex separation.
Easter Island is considered to be the remains of Pacifis and Lemuria; there are giant sculptures on it - moai, this is all that remains of the mighty civilization of the Lemurians.


The cultural and political center of the fourth civilization was the island state of Atlantis, they were direct descendants of the Lemurians, they were 3-4 meters tall, had bodies similar to the bodies of modern people, the skin color was reddish with various shades. The descendants of the Atlanteans are considered the Greeks, Egyptians, Olmecs and Toltecs. It was the most technologically advanced civilization, according to some sources, many times superior to the modern one.

They built magnificent structures, moved and processed multi-ton blocks with ultra-efficient technology, and made flights and possibly travel. In ancient legends, there is information from the gods. It is not known for certain whether the Atlanteans fought among themselves or fought with representatives of the Lemurian race, but archaeologists find traces of these destructive wars in different parts of the planet: melted stones destroyed by a nuclear explosion of the city, descriptions of destructive weapons preserved in ancient Egyptian, Indian and Indian texts. After a global cataclysm - the Flood, one part of the Atlanteans moved to other planets, the other “shrunk”, lost their knowledge and superpowers and turned into modern people.

According to another version, the Atlanteans went under water or underground and still live there, occasionally making themselves felt unexplained phenomena- UFOs, geoglyphs, crop circles.


Modern mankind is the representatives of the race, the Aryans, who, after the Flood, waged an irreconcilable enmity with the Atlanteans, who were trying to seize the remaining territories. Degraded tribes eventually began to call the Atlanteans gods and worshiped them. "Gods" the ancient world possess powerful weapons, high intelligence and human vices: they know how to love, hate and suffer, they can be both cruel and merciful. According to prophecies, the fifth race will evolve into more powerful and highly spiritual beings - the indigo. They will have all the physical capabilities of modern people, but they will also open the path to ancient inherent knowledge and skills.


  • The Lemurians' revelation about the decline of the Atlantean civilization

An angel in Abrahamic religions is a being or spirit that communicates the will of God. Angels are endowed with supernatural powers. Traditionally, these anthropomorphic creatures are depicted with wings.


The very word "angel" comes from the Greek "angelos", which translates as "messenger". Followers of major religions consider angels to be messengers of God and executors of his orders. In all Abrahamic religions, it is believed that God created angels long before man. They became his assistants and servants, helped him in creating the world, inspired him and praised him.

After the creation of the world, the main function of angels was to communicate with people on behalf of God. People have always had the opportunity to address God directly, but he cannot interfere with human life if the person is not ready for this. In such situations, they come to help as intermediaries, through which God can convey to people his desires and messages. In addition, due to the power of thinking, it is much easier for people to perceive instructions through a tangible, visible, albeit completely spiritual being, who can express them in words, out loud, than directly communicate with God in prayer.

In all religions where angels are present, they are ministering spirits who must help a person on his difficult path, fulfill his desires and help with advice in difficult situations. It is not for nothing that there is an idea of ​​a guardian angel who accompanies a person throughout his life, protecting him from dangers, protecting him from harm.

According to the ideas of Jews and Christians, in addition to the angels serving God, there are also fallen angels who joined the rebellion of Satan and created their own kingdom, known to people as hell. After being cast down from heaven or falling, angels turned into demons, became spirits of evil. Demons try to drag people along with them, to destroy their souls in order to drag them to hell.

Descending to earth, the angels take the form of people with wings, usually these wings are completely white, but some artists depicted angels with wings of other colors. Most often they look like golden-haired youths or of extraordinary beauty, dressed in shining white clothes. In their natural form, angels remain invisible to human eyes, since they are, first of all, spiritual beings.

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Pontic Greeks are ethnic Greeks from the Pontus region, the northeastern region of Asia Minor adjacent to the Black Sea (Pontus Euxine). Their self-name is Romei. Ideologues national movement to distinguish them from the inhabitants of mainland Greece, they use the name - Pontians. The Turks called them Urum.

History of the Pontic Greeks

Greeks have lived in Asia Minor since time immemorial. Before the conquest of the peninsula by the Ottomans, they were one of several indigenous peoples here. The Greeks created here the cities of Smyrna, Sinop, Samsun, Trebizond. The latter in the Middle Ages became an important trading city and the capital of the Trebizond Empire.

After the conquest of the Trebizond state by the Turks, its territory became part of the Sublime Port. Greeks in Ottoman Empire constituted a national and religious minority. Some of the Pontians switched over and adopted the Turkish language.

In 1878, the Greeks were given equal rights with the Muslims. At the beginning of the 20th century, separatist sentiments began to mature among the Pontic Greeks. The population was popular with the idea of ​​creating their own Greek state on the territory of Pontus.

With the outbreak of World War I, the Turkish government began to view the Pontic Greeks as unreliable. In 1916, they, along with the Armenians and Assyrians, began to be evicted to the inner regions of the Ottoman Empire. The resettlement was accompanied by massacres and looting. This process is often referred to as the Greek genocide. Greek rebels began an armed struggle to create independent state.

After the withdrawal of Turkish troops from Pontus, the power in the region passed to the Greeks. A government was formed headed by Metropolitan Chrysanthus. After the capture of the area by the Turkish in 1918, a massive exodus of the Greeks began. Refugees were sent to the Transcaucasia (Armenia and Georgia), Greece and Russia.

The rest were resettled to Greece in 1923 as part of the Lausanne Peace Treaty, which contained an article on the Greek-Turkish population exchange. The Pontic Greeks viewed their forced departure as a national catastrophe. Muslims from the Balkan countries were settled in their place.

The language of the Pontic Greeks

During the period of their residence in the Ottoman Empire, the Pontic Greeks were bilingual. In addition to Greek, they also used Turkish. Separate groups the Greek population switched to Turkish in the 15-17 centuries.

Pontic Greek is significantly different from the language of mainland Greece. The inhabitants of Athens and other cities do not understand him. Many linguists consider Pontic to be a separate language. There is a widespread belief among the Pontians about the great antiquity of their language.

The historical name of the Pontic language is Romeika. After resettling to Greece in 1923, the Pontians were encouraged to forget their language and give up their identity. Nowadays, only representatives of the older generation, who are over 80, remember their native language.
The pure Romeika is partially preserved only in the Villa of O in Turkey. These are the descendants of the Greeks who adopted it back in the 17th century. Several thousand people speak this language here. The Pontic dialect is very similar to the language of the “Mariupol Greeks” living in Ukraine.


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  • Pontic Greeks
  • Pontic greek

Humanity is the fifth civilization on planet Earth! The great Atlanteans had four-dimensional bodies, they did not succumb to gravity. Crystals found at the bottom of the Sargasso Sea, with their radiation, are capable of destroying (dematerializing) people and even ships. The nature of these high-energy crystals has not been clarified.

A world in crimson tones - 130 centuries BC

Thanks to scientists, science fiction writers and cinematography, we are accustomed to treating easily the calculation of a huge thickness of time, millions of years long, we have lost the ability to wonder at various civilizations and types of life on Earth.

How does it relate to this? It is important to distinguish space fiction from the real, much more amazing, history of planet Earth.

Modern schools of science are convinced of the version of the short chronology of the Earth, which, 130 centuries before the advent of our era, lived the exciting great Atlanteans.

The period of time is so huge that the appearance of our planet during this time could completely change. Had we now been able to look at the Earth as it was, we would hardly have been able to recognize it. The earth was fiery, the whole world was in crimson tones. The air was heavier, the gravity of the earth was less, the water evaporated faster and the entire atmosphere was saturated with it. Even the Earth then revolved in a different orbit and terrifying reptiles roamed on its land.

The fourth ancient civilization of the Earth

According to the ancient Greek the philosopher Plato, in distant thirteenth millennium yes AD, in the area Atlantic Ocean was the greatest Atlantis, the trace of which has remained to this day in the form of a legend.

Now they speak of paleontological contacts as real facts. The Sumerian culture that existed in the 6th century BC, inhabiting the area of ​​ancient Mesopotamia and in contact with civilization on the planet Nibiru, as well as the tribe Central Africa- the Dagon, keeping as much as 6 millennia of evidence of contact with the planet of the Sirius system, speak of contacts between earthlings and aliens.

However, the most mysterious was ancient civilization Atlanteans who possessed psychic and telepathic abilities! Therefore, the Atlanteans can be called the ancestors of man only conditionally. Who were they?

The curtain on the mystery was lifted by Edward Keyes, a marine explorer who discovered in the 1930s traces of a lost civilization between the Mediterranean and the Gulf of Mexico. Also, evidence of Atlantis was found in Morocco, the Pyrenees, British Honduras, America, Yukat An. The Sargasso Sea, bordering Bermuda, the Florida Peninsula and Puerto Rico, was home to the bulk of the sunken continent of Atlantis. For the mankind of the fifth earthly civilization, according to Edward Cayce, it is difficult to imagine how the Atlanteans were higher than us.

Atlanteans have evolved in a very different way. They were able to get off the ground, regardless of gravity, communicate with each other on a telepathic level, and control the biofield. Through the effort of thought, possessing extraordinary internal energy, they were able to move plates that weighed tons.

Where did the ships disappear to? The Mystery of the Sargasso Sea

Researchers Mark Hammons and Jeffrey Keith at the University of Minnesota received additional information in 1995. The Atlanteans, in their opinion, were themselves extraterrestrial entities with four-dimensional bodies that had taken over human bodies. Their only means of locomotion was telepathy and levitation. Based on high-energy crystals, they had a highly developed technology, the fragments of which are still stored at the bottom. Bermuda Triangle... Crystals still emit dematerializing beams capable of destroying objects. Thanks to them, they find an explanation for the disappeared ships in this place. At the same time, people, freeing themselves from the material body, move to a more subtle plane. Weaker rays do not dematerialize a person, but are capable of making a change in the human psyche. People begin to suffer from hallucinations, to hear voices - a complete break with reality.

The Atlanteans, who were immortal in the etheric plane, lived in the physical body for up to a thousand years. They were also capable of controlling the weather.

The continent that rests on gas voids

In the crystals that rested at the bottom of the Bermuda Sea, the Atlanteans, dying, left coded information about themselves. The existence of the Atlanteans in the human body has not passed without a trace. Striving for entertainment, they became more and more like people, for fun for the sake of catching up a storm or storm. For their mainland, under which there were gas voids, such games with bad weather were destructive. This led to the inevitable subsidence of the continent to the seabed. The Atlanteans foresaw this, and left information about themselves in crystals, one of which is located in the underground city of Giza in Egypt. Mark Hammons, having tuned in to receive the waves emanating from him, was able to receive telepathic information about the sunken Atlantis.

Since the 1940s, the US Navy has been closely studying the manifestations of ancient Atlantean lore. Their seismographic observations confirmed that ruins of ancient cities exist in the depths of the Bermuda Triangle.

One of the most striking cases of finding evidence of the fourth ancient civilization happened in 1970. The naturopathic doctor Ray Brown was at that time on the island of Bari, which is located in the Bahamas. When immersed in water, the doctor was very amazed to find at great depths a perfectly preserved pyramid, which was equipped with an unknown technique. Between the obscure purpose of the holders and the rods, Ray discovered a crystal very similar to the one described by Mark Hammonson.

The crystal was the only object that Brown was able to "unscrew", but before raising it to the surface, he heard warning voices. Brown nevertheless raised the crystal to the surface and for 5 years protected it from the eye of the state. But at the Phoenix Psychiatrists' Congress in 1975, he did grant it.

Elizabeth Bacon, a psychiatrist from New York, just by looking at the crystal, received information about its belonging to the Egyptian Thoth - the god of death, who set up underground repositories of secret knowledge in Giza, near the three famous pyramids.

The catastrophe and its aftermath

To gradual loss psychic abilities, the manifestation of aggression, the thirst for power, the passion for the carnal pleasures of the Atlanteans led to being in a human body (by the way, the growth of the Atlanteans was almost three meters, which is quite consistent with the ancient Greek myths about Gods).

The terrible death of Atlantis was facilitated by a catastrophe that occurred in two stages. The mainland was sinking at a rapid speed through the gas voids to the seabed. Such a crushing collapse led to a change in the axis of rotation of the Earth ...

Thousands of years later, we are again approaching a similar wrong development of civilization. Global climate change has come, an inconceivable heat is shaking humanity in middle lane land, floods in other regions, endless frosts in previously warm regions. Mines, subways, underground bunkers - humanity has mercilessly dug up its planet.

With the help of the biofield they moved Egyptian pyramids and colossus from Easter Island!

The existence of the Atlanteans for humanity has not passed without a trace. The Egyptians, the inhabitants of Easter Island and other peoples inherited their abilities to some extent.

How twenty-meter colossus from the depths of the island were delivered to the coast, science still has not found an answer. Local residents answer this "they walked on their own." Colossi really walked under the influence of the biofield of people. The inhabitants of Easter have long lost this ability, but they have kept their memory for tens of thousands of years! Since the skills of the Atlanteans were partially preserved after the death of their ancient civilizations, the Egyptian pyramids could have been built in the same way!

The heirs of the great Atlantis

Vanga, Michelle Nostradamus, Miroslava and similar psychics are the heirs of Atlantis, living among us! And it is no coincidence that we fly in a dream and are transported to Parallel Worlds, guessing other people's thoughts - it's all genetic memory. Our ancestors plowed the seas on high-speed ships, flew on silent devices, polished stone slabs so that a razor blade cannot be inserted between them - all this is possible only with high technologies ...

Not knowing how to control our own biofield, directing our energy with random beams, we are like children who play with a laser gun. Hence the knocks of an incomprehensible character around the house, and the plates fly, and the clothes in the closet shake. It turns out that poltergeists are nothing more than our biofield, misdirected by us. And our surprise at the Atlantean Copperfield would be very amusing.